UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /13 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:05] <ompaul> can someone keep an eye on #u I have to head and it seems a little rocky
[00:13] <mneptok> Pici: FYI, the distro team has made it pretty clear they'd prefer CLI users use apt-get and not aptitiude.
[00:14] <Pici> mneptok: Because it installs less?
[00:14] <mneptok> Pici: "installs less?"
[00:15] * mneptok is confused
[00:15] <Pici> mneptok: I mean it doesnt pull recomends
[00:15] <mneptok> Pici: i think it's mpre because the apt-get toolchain gets more developer attention
[00:15] <mneptok> *more
[00:15] <Pici> Ah, I see.
[00:16] <mneptok> file all of this under "if you care" :)
[00:16] <Pici> sure, I always suggest apt-get in channel anyway, aptitude is only my preference
[00:46] <nickrud> Pici, and ibex apt is going to do recommends anyway
[00:46] <Pici> yeo
[00:46] <Pici> yep
[00:46] <nickrud> *apt-get
[01:24] <IndyGunFreak> what is with all these spam PM's for male bra's?
[01:24] <Pici> IndyGunFreak: Please report them in #freenode
[01:24] <IndyGunFreak> i've gotten 3 in like 10 sec.
[01:24] <IndyGunFreak> ok
[01:34] <nickrud> !aptitude
[01:34] <ubottu> aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide
[03:35] <ubottu> FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[03:35] <ubottu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)
[03:36] <Pici> what an idiot
[03:37] <mneptok> !staff | please deal with Taggard
[03:37] <ubottu> please deal with Taggard: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could use a bit of your time :)
[03:37] <Pici> mneptok: he did it in #freenode a few minutes ago too...
[03:37] <Pici> fyi ;)
[03:37] <mneptok> smart
[03:38] <mneptok> he has ops in ##sporks. if it's his channel, perhaps taking it away may teach the lesson. >:)
[03:42] <Twintop> Hi there. I believe I've fixed the DCC Exploit on my IRC Client. Could an Op please test me when they have a free second? Thanks!
[03:43] <stdin> didn't the floodbots test you?
[03:43] <Twintop> It kicked me and sent me off to #ubuntu-read-the-topic, but I can't get back in to #ubuntu.
[03:44] <stdin> did you read the topic of that channel?
[03:44] <Pici> ugh, none of the bots have voice/ops in there
[03:44] <Pici> and its +m
[03:44] <mneptok> Twintop: /join #ubuntu-read-topic and type "test me" (no quotes)
[03:44] * stdin sighs
[03:44] <Twintop> Yes I did, and have changed the port on XChat.
[03:44] <Pici> mneptok: wont work
[03:44] <Pici> The bots cant see it
[03:44] <mneptok> aye
[03:45] <Twintop> mnptok, Pici: Thanks, and that explains why. ;\
[03:45] <Twintop> Can anyone in here test me/unblock me, please? :)
[03:45] <Pici> Twintop: hold still
[03:45] * mneptok will deal with Twintop
[03:45] <mneptok> Twintop: you'll see an odd /msg from me. ignore it.
[03:45] <stdin> now they have +o
[03:46] * Twintop nods.
[03:46] <Twintop> Thanks Pici and mneptok.
[03:46] <mneptok> Twintop: you pass
[03:47] <Twintop> mneptok: Thanks for testing me. :)
[03:47] <mneptok> np. sorry for the confusion.
[03:48] <Twintop> It's alright. :) Have a good night!
[03:48] <mneptok> i'd say "enjoy your time in #ubuntu!" but "may your eyes not bleed," may be more apropos.
[03:49] <Twintop> Haha, very true. :-D
[04:14] <elky_work> Pici: keep an eye on them in there. they were probably -o for a reason
[04:24] <mneptok> the channel should not be +m, though
[04:24] * mneptok has no ops there, so cannot /mode
[04:25] <elky_work> mneptok: why shouldnt it be? is it somewhere for people who cant read instructions to sit and beg for questions?
[04:25] <elky_work> err, beg for answers
[04:26] <mneptok> "test me"
[04:27] <mneptok> we ask them to go there to be tested. they have to ask to be tested. the channel is +m. :O
[04:27] <elky_work> if the bots are opped, they see that, but the users dont see each other
[04:28] <elky_work> we caught people plotting in there once believe it or not
[04:28] <mneptok> i'm not so sure about that
[04:28] <mneptok> unless Freenode has changed how +m works
[04:29] <elky_work> dont believe me if you dont want. i dont have time to argue
[04:30] <mneptok> it's not about believing you. i've just never seen +m work that way. but i'm willing to accept that it does.
[04:53] <nickrud> ubottu is really lagging in #ubuntu
[04:53] <ubottu> nickrud: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[04:53] <nickrud> I know
[04:57] <Alan_M> Where can i report a typo I found in ubottu?
[04:59] <Alan_M> Well, not really a typo per se...."Some things are inappropriate for ubottu."..wouldnt it be better to have it as "Some things are inappropriate for this room."?
[05:06] <nickrud> !o4o
[05:06] <ubottu> Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)
[05:06] <nickrud> Alan_M what room?
[05:06] <nickrud> #channel erm
[05:07] <Alan_M> if i tried it in a pm
[05:07] <Alan_M> it would say that some things are inappropriate for ubottu
[05:07] <Alan_M> i was just messing with ubottu in a private message....
[05:08] <nickrud> Alan_M then you were in the ubottu pm channel, it uses a variable to fill that in
[05:11] * Alan_M just thinks that it would be better without the variable, or at least a wording change.
[06:44] <DrDerek> I had a question about ubottu
[06:45] <DrDerek> what's the source running for it?
[06:45] <DrDerek> actually, nvm
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Guest41677
=== Myrtti is now known as Guest30237
[07:38] <Myrtti_> WTH
[07:41] <bazhang> that was weird guest3400587
[07:41] <Myrtti_> thanks.
[07:41] <Myrtti_> it was me
[07:41] <bazhang> oops I mean Myrtti_ :)
[07:41] <Myrtti_> I'll better check my configs
[07:41] <nickrud> are you sure it's _our_ Myrtti_ ?
[07:42] <bazhang> uh oh
[07:42] <bazhang> there is that extra _
[07:42] <nickrud> ok, it's the right on
[07:42] <bazhang> !test
[07:42] <ubottu> Failed!
[07:42] <bazhang> phew
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
[07:43] <Myrtti> WTH
[07:43] <Myrtti> ARGH
[07:51] <Myrtti> aaaaaaaaanyway
[07:51] <Myrtti> I just had about 12h's of sleep
[07:51] <nickrud> me looks at clock
[07:52] <nickrud> @btlogin
[07:54] <nickrud> we really need floodbots back :(
[07:54] <nickrud> or at least faster
[07:56] <Myrtti> has SOMEONE mailed LjL?
[07:56] <Myrtti> or should I?
[07:56] <nickrud> no one that I've heard say. I'd assume so, but you know what that does ...
[08:01] <Myrtti> .__.
[08:11] <jussi01> morning all
[08:34] <Myrtti> moin
[08:36] <bazhang> hi!
[09:04] * Hobbsee raises an eyebrow at xcell
[09:05] <PriceChild> Hobbsee: where?
[09:06] <Hobbsee> PriceChild: here, earlier
[09:06] <PriceChild> ah
[09:06] <bazhang> kelvin911> why u make useless comment?
[09:06] <Myrtti> oxymoron
[09:07] <Myrtti> at it's best
[09:08] <bazhang> why was he unbanned?
[09:38] <bazhang> tore> try their mailinglist for help :)
[09:39] <bazhang> in answer to a grub question
[09:49] <bazhang> <shave999> install each os's boot loader on their own partition and use acronis os selector
[09:49] <bazhang> what is that?
[10:11] <Myrtti> meeeeeeeeep
[10:11] <bazhang> he PM'ed me and now knows the !grub command :)
[10:16] <Dave2> \allserv back
[10:17] <Dave2> ugh. just_having_woken_up--
[10:18] <Myrtti> you've done too much LaTeX
[10:20] <Dave2> nah, not done any latex for a year or so. just have the compose key bound to menu which is right underneath /, and compose + / / is \. for some unknown reason.
[10:38] * jussi01 hugs stdin
[10:38] <stdin> :)
[10:45] <jussi01> How do people feel about this? - its not so stern feeling, and the current guidelines is aliased to behaviour as (as well as !attitude) !guidelines is <reply> The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[10:46] <jussi01> Its nicer for those people just asking
[10:46] <jussi01> !guidelines
[10:46] <ubottu> The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[10:48] <Myrtti> say what
[10:48] <Myrtti> hold on, I'll get my brains from the cupboard I left them in
[10:48] <Myrtti> *blink*
[10:49] <Myrtti> yeah. That's better
[10:49] <jussi01> :)
[10:49] <jussi01> !no, guidelines is <reply> The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[10:49] <ubottu> I'll remember that jussi01
[10:49] <jussi01> !no, guidelines is <reply> The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[10:49] <jussi01> grr
[10:49] <jussi01> now then
[11:00] <jussi01> stdin: Im going back to work...
[11:01] <stdin> all people are insane, I'm sure of this
[11:01] <jussi01> yeah...
[11:01] <jussi01> and whats with him always asking where I live?
[11:02] <Myrtti> who, what, where
[11:02] <jussi01> flaccid_ #k-ot
[11:02] <Myrtti> oh
[11:03] <Hobbsee> jussi01: he wants you to make him an op, so wants to get your address to give you some donations.
[11:03] <jussi01> Hobbsee: LOL
[11:03] * stdin gets ready to end the "discussion"
[11:04] <jussi01> if anyones interested: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19844/
[11:04] * Myrtti considers crashing in with a pink vespa
[11:10] <Hobbsee> jussi01: interesting.
[11:11] <jussi01> Hobbsee: best line was: [13:00:41] <flaccid_> FoxII: when was the last time you went to bogan australia
[11:12] <Hobbsee> jussi01: hehe, yeah
[11:12] <Hobbsee> jussi01: oh, i have no doubt that the bogans swear and curse.
[11:12] <Hobbsee> but that is there, and it is not here.
[11:12] <jussi01> Hobbsee: care to explain the term bogan to everyone?
[11:12] <Hobbsee> jussi01: urbandictionary.com
[11:14] <jussi01> :D http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bogan
[11:22] <jussi01> stdin: all yours
[11:23] * stdin sighs, again
[11:24] <Myrtti> miow.
[11:26] <ikonia> good morning all
[11:29] <Dave2> mornings are never good!
[11:31] <ikonia> oh they seem ok today
[11:31] <ikonia> friday 13th too
[11:31] <stdin> oh, that explains it
[11:35] <Dave2> The perfect day to put a deposit on a house.
[11:35] * Dave2 disappears
[11:36] * jussi01 sighs... i signed a contract today..... good thing I dont beleive in superstition
[11:37] <Myrtti> and I got my credit card number
[11:37] <Myrtti> ::rolleyes
[11:44] <flaccid_> the controversial has arrived
[11:50] <stdin> can we help you with anything?
[11:52] <flaccid_> not at the moment thanks
[11:52] <stdin> there is a no idling policy here, if you don't need anything then you should part
[11:54] <flaccid_> can i read about that policy somewhere?
[11:54] <stdin> look in the topic
[11:54] <stdin> and
[11:54] <stdin> !idle
[11:54] <ubottu> Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.
[11:54] <flaccid_> true
[11:54] <flaccid_> but that doesn't apply to ops?
[11:55] <flaccid_> i'll leave you be
[11:55] <stdin> no, it does not, as we are the ones that answer the questions
[11:55] <flaccid_> i was preparing some factual information to present but sounds like i should let you cool off
[11:56] <flaccid_> i'll come back when you have cooled off and more rational
[11:56] <jrib> flaccid_: you should return when you are done preparing I suppose
[11:56] <ikonia> more rational
[11:56] <bazhang> heh
[11:56] <Hobbsee> flaccid_: if the ops weren't supposed to idle in here, wh's supposed to answer the op/abuse questions....
[11:56] <Hobbsee> bah.
[11:56] <ikonia> thats quite insulting
[11:56] <ikonia> this is another long term troll plan
[11:57] <ikonia> "hi, hows the weather", "thats not for this channel" "abuse, you guys just rant at me and pick on me"
[11:57] <bazhang> sounds like someone wants a #norules channel
[11:57] <ikonia> just start making random acusations
[11:58] <Hobbsee> ikonia: i'm sure that people can start being more watchful in #kubuntu.
[11:58] <ikonia> bazhang: that channel exists, #club-ubuntu is a premium support channels with no restrictions, so what's the problem
[11:58] <ikonia> Hobbsee: I'd hope so
[11:58] <ikonia> ##club-ubuntu - sorry
[11:58] <ikonia> didn't want to miss-represent
[11:58] <Hobbsee> bad ikonia. you can't publish that.
[11:58] <bazhang> premium support
[11:58] <Hobbsee> and i'd *hate* to see them all teaming up together.
[11:58] <ikonia> hey, thats what the topic says
[11:59] <ikonia> Hobbsee: I would to, I concur,
[11:59] <ikonia> but the channel exists, and meets their requiurments
[11:59] * Hobbsee can just imagine she who cannot be named, her cronies who she won't admit to, and flaccid trying to put their agenda to the CC.
[11:59] <ikonia> I agree it's a bad thing, but that fact that the channel exists, suggests that it's not what they really want (as in #norules) but they actually just wnat to fight
[12:00] <ikonia> Hobbsee: exactly
[12:00] <ikonia> "I want no rules", well, there is a channel, "I want no rules in here"
[12:01] * Hobbsee can implement a forward, where the "here" changes.
[12:01] <Hobbsee> does that work? :P
[12:02] <bazhang> haha
[12:04] <Hobbsee> for bonus poitns, i won't make the redirect ##windows or something. just to be nice.
[12:05] <bazhang> how about #bash :)
[12:06] <Hobbsee> hmmm. no, i had a couple of other places in mind.
[12:06] <bazhang> wow that sounds scary.
[12:06] <Myrtti> #gent^C^C^C^C
[12:07] <Hobbsee> now i hadn't thought of tha tone
[12:07] <Myrtti> solution to all lifes problems: "INSTALL GENTOO"
[12:09] <jrib> I have too much productive time on my computer, what can I do?
[12:09] <Hobbsee> jrib: FIX BUGS!
[12:09] <Myrtti> but all your problems would be fixed!
[12:09] <jrib> nah, INSTALL GENTOO
[12:09] <Myrtti> install gentoo, you heretic
[12:09] <Myrtti> -____-
[12:14] <jussi01> will someone help that troy_thetechguy in #ubuntu-read-topic?
[12:17] <jussi01> right... so he isnt even in there - why is the flood bot doing that then?
[12:17] <jrib> bug I guess
[12:18] <jussi01> seems like that
[12:18] * Myrtti gets LjL's email addy and mails.
[12:18] <Myrtti> damnit.
[12:38] * Myrtti pokes PriceChild
[12:54] <jussi01> someone hiligt me please?
[12:54] <Hobbsee> jussi01: POING!
[12:54] <jussi01> thanks...
[12:54] <jpds> jussi01: afternoon!
[13:13] <Myrtti> errrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[13:14] <Myrtti> 15:13 < liassist> will, anyone fund me for my traning
[13:14] <Myrtti> 15:13 < liassist> iam only 14 and doing ubuntu and opensuse
[13:14] <Myrtti> okies.
[13:14] <Myrtti> I'll get me coat
[13:14] <Pici> gwhere?
[13:14] <Pici> oh -ot
[13:15] <jpds> Myrtti: point him to #ubunut-youth
[13:15] <jpds> err, better not
[13:15] <Pici> youts
[13:32] <jpds> Pici: please keep an eye on -ot
[13:35] <Pici> jpds: right-o
[14:07] <ikonia> "I'm only 14" that sort of defeats his argument of "I've been doing linux in ubuntu for 2 years" argument
[14:08] <jpds> ikonia: I wonder who's done that.
[14:09] <ikonia> not many 12 year olds using and contributing to linux
[14:09] * ikonia smells a not pleasant smell
[14:10] <Hobbsee> ikonia: whoever he said he had to contribute?
[14:10] <ikonia> he did
[14:10] <ikonia> he said he'd contributed
[14:10] <Hobbsee> ikonia: besides, we had a MOTU who was 14. still do.
[14:10] <Hobbsee> jpds: when did you start doing ubuntu stuff?
[14:10] <Pici> I was learning linux when I was 13, but *shrug*
[14:10] <ikonia> no no, it can happen, not disputeing that
[14:10] <jpds> Hobbsee: 14.
[14:10] <Hobbsee> jpds: quick motuship, then.
[14:11] <Hobbsee> ikonia: asked for his launchpad page then yet?
[14:11] <ikonia> I've seen it
[14:11] <jpds> Hobbsee: I had Riddell poking me on a bit.
[14:11] <ikonia> nothing on there
[14:11] <ikonia> (but that doesn't mean he's done nothing
[14:11] <ikonia> )
[14:12] <Pici> This is the same person who came asking for ops here... who I had never seen before...
[14:12] <ikonia> exactlyu
[14:12] <ikonia> exactly even
[14:12] <Pici> Anyway, I have no doubt that we have some very talented young people..
[14:13] <ikonia> but in his case it seems unlikley (personal opinion)
[14:15] * jpds wonders who the youngest motu right now is.
[14:16] <ikonia> jpds: there are guys out there
[14:17] <jpds> ikonia: I know. I try and help them out the best I can.
[14:17] <ikonia> I love some of the stuff you've done
[14:18] <Hobbsee> jpds: i'd think you still hold that record, no?
[14:18] <Hobbsee> i don't recall any particularly young ones
[14:18] <Hobbsee> wgrant's older, i'm older.
[14:19] <Hobbsee> unless it's someone newish...
[14:19] * wgrant appears.
[14:19] <wgrant> How old are you, jpds?
[14:19] <Hobbsee> wgrant!
[14:19] <jpds> Hobbsee: I might have been the first one. But they certainly are newer younger people around.
[14:19] <wgrant> RainCT is similar.
[14:19] <wgrant> (to me)
[14:19] <jpds> wgrant: right now, 17.
[14:19] <wgrant> jpds: I turned 17 a bit under 2 months ago.
[14:20] <Myrtti> :-o
[14:20] <jpds> wgrant: I turned 17 last month.
[14:20] <Myrtti> I feel old.
[14:20] <Myrtti> ;___;
[14:20] <wgrant> jpds: Bah, so I'm not youngest any more :(
[14:20] * wgrant notes he was using Linux at 9 - so using it at 12 is quite plausible.
[14:20] <Myrtti> I need a hug
[14:21] <Myrtti> 17????!!!!!!?!?!?!
[14:21] <ikonia> wgrant: plausable and realistic based on the users commaent and behaviour are different
[14:21] <wgrant> ikonia: This is also true.
[14:21] <Myrtti> I didn't even have mobile phone the
[14:21] * jpds hugs Myrtti
[14:21] <ikonia> Myrtti: your clearly older
[14:21] <ikonia> different generation
[14:21] <Myrtti> yeah.
[14:21] <Myrtti> I remember the purple N-logo on netscape
[14:22] <ikonia> ok, so your my generation
[14:22] <ikonia> and the netscape lighthouse logo
[14:22] <Myrtti> oh, that was later
[14:22] <ikonia> yup
[14:22] <Myrtti> pretty though
[14:23] * wgrant curses evil uni maths exams.
[14:23] <jpds> wgrant: blah, I know one 14 year old member.
[14:24] <wgrant> jpds: Not a MOTU, though.
[14:24] <jpds> wgrant: hmm, yeah.
[14:26] <Myrtti> ikonia: how old were you again?
[14:26] <PriceChild> Myrtti: ?
[14:26] <ikonia> on my last legs of my 20's
[14:26] <Myrtti> if you don't mind me asking
[14:26] <Myrtti> yep, same generation
[14:26] <Pici> !-bot
[14:26] <ubottu> bot is <alias> ubotu - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 00:41:01 - last edited by jussi01 on 2008-06-11 23:33:53
[14:30] <Myrtti> meow
[14:31] <PriceChild> Myrtti: still need me?
[14:32] <Myrtti> would you mind accepting that one email to the irc team mailing list?
[14:32] <PriceChild> aha, i have mail
[14:33] <PriceChild> Myrtti: that addy is fine to send from, from now on
[14:33] <Myrtti> ♥
[14:33] * Myrtti huggles PriceChild
[14:33] <Myrtti> I'll bring you cookies
[14:33] <PriceChild> Myrtti: not ginger ones! :)
[14:34] <Hobbsee> sans poison?
[14:34] <Myrtti> sans poison
[14:34] * Pici likes cookies
[14:35] <wgrant> Pici: Even with poison?
[14:36] <Myrtti> cookies are a great way of bribery
[14:36] <Myrtti> that and an adorable puppy stare
[14:36] <Pici> wgrant: Depends on how good the cookies are
[14:36] <Myrtti> oatmeal snaps
[14:38] <Pici> Heres a big oreo http://nullcortex.com/upload/photos/new.jpg
[14:41] * wgrant disappears to bed.
[14:42] * jpds wishes wgrant a good night
[14:46] <bogey-> OHH NOES! My router is buggy
[14:46] <Myrtti> oh noes
[14:47] <bogey-> I can haz a test?
[14:47] <Myrtti> you haz tryed test at #ubuntu-read-topic?
[14:48] <bogey-> At first I lulz'd, then i feelz bad :(
[14:48] <bogey-> Anyways the bot says it is experiencing technical difficulties
[14:48] <bogey-> bogey-: Sorry, you'll have to wait a little longer, we are experiencing problems... hold tight! Contact the operators if you can't join in some minutes.
[14:49] <Myrtti> ok, let's try if this works
[14:50] <bogey-> file rejected
[14:50] <bogey-> [09:49] DCC Send from Myrtti rejected (0, file type ignored)
[14:50] <Pici> I have an alias to test with...
[14:50] <Pici> may I?
[14:50] <Myrtti> sure
[14:50] <Myrtti> you'll have to share it of cource
[14:50] <Myrtti> ;-)
[14:51] <bogey-> I iz being haxxored :(
[14:51] <Pici> bogey-: all set, one moment
[14:51] <bogey-> i could just turn off dcc
[14:51] <bogey-> not like i will use it
[14:52] <Pici> bogey-: You can rejoin #ubuntu now
[14:52] <bogey-> Your bots are still experiencing technical difficulties
[14:52] <bogey-> i just join ubuntu to help others
[14:52] <Pici> just part that channel and join #ubuntu manually
[14:53] <bogey-> Ok thanks for all your help
[14:53] <bogey-> muchos appreciandos
[14:54] <bogey-> ohh btw
[14:54] <bogey-> I use a netopia router not a linksys or netgear
[14:54] <Myrtti> Pici: would you be a doll and share that alias?
[14:54] <bogey-> and I connect on port 8001
[14:54] <Pici> Myrtti: sure, msg
[14:54] <bogey-> so perhaps something else is wrong
[14:55] <Pici> how odd
[15:14] <Myrtti> meaow.
[15:18] <ubottu> huie called the ops in #kubuntu ()
[15:19] <jpds> sorted
[15:25] <nalioth> i hope the flood bots will work now
[15:27] <Pici> Hope so too
[15:28] * Myrtti considers a test flood
[15:29] * Myrtti drops the idea
[15:29] <Pici> well, the exploit test is working
[15:30] <nalioth> not sure what you're doing, i just engaged another instance on another remote server
[15:30] <nalioth> i've not got two running instead of ell jay ell
[15:30] <nalioth> i've now got two running BLEH
[15:30] <Pici> I'm not doing anything
[15:30] <nalioth> 'exploit test' ?
[15:30] <Pici> I had it mark me as a victim yesterday and it wouldnt test and remove me, now it did.
[15:31] <nalioth> ah, right
[15:31] <nalioth> we're back to business as usual
[15:31] <nalioth> i hope we stay this way, as i'm out of remote servers :|
[15:31] <nalioth> er, "trusted" remote servers, that is
[15:35] <Hobbsee> surely not.
[15:41] * jpds eyes http://paste.ubuntu.com/19895/
[15:42] <Myrtti> "who did you buy it from?"
[15:51] <jpds> 16:50:10 < ~][steve][> type rm -rf / in #u - fail
[15:54] <Myrtti> jpds: no ban?
[15:54] <jpds> Myrtti: I explain why it was bad in channel.
[15:55] <Myrtti> did you !danger ?
[15:55] <Pici> !danger
[15:55] <ubottu> DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!
[15:55] <Pici> hehe
[15:55] <jpds> no, it was too late
[15:55] <Pici> forgot about that one
[15:58] * Hobbsee notes https://edge.launchpad.net/clubuntu
[15:59] * Myrtti shrugs
[16:01] <Hobbsee> guess the other is out of the namespace, so the rules are differeint.
[16:14] <Myrtti> I feel like I should help at #ubuntu, but right now...
[16:14] <Pici> Are we supporting remix?
[16:14] <Myrtti> bwah.
[16:14] * Myrtti goes to bed
[16:14] <Myrtti> !mint
[16:14] <ubottu> The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate
[16:14] <Myrtti> I don't know
[16:14] <Pici> Myrtti: Its canonical though
[16:14] <jussi01> Myrtti: its 6 pm...
[16:15] <Myrtti> jussi01: I know, but I've been staying awake till 3am on most nights
[16:16] <Myrtti> I'm definitely getting old.
[16:16] <Myrtti> and no, I'm not going to tell why I've been staying up.
[16:17] <Hobbsee> Pici: i don't think we should support remixes, no.
[16:17] <Myrtti> meh, otoh, I should go buying groceries
[16:19] <Myrtti> I'll just be there for a few minutes...
[16:21] <PriceChild> Is it me or is ubuntuclub's website both broken and meh?
[16:42] <Myrtti> no.
[16:45] <Myrtti> MEH
[16:45] <Pici> :|
[16:46] * Myrtti goes insane, makes a popping sound.
[16:46] * Pici cleans up pieces of Myrtti that were scattered all around the room
[17:07] <jussi01> , bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
[17:08] <jussi01> oh sorry, that was tuhina...
[17:09] <jussi01> he i runnin all over my desk
[17:14] <Jack_Sparrow> !server
[17:14] <ubottu> Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support
[17:15] <Jack_Sparrow> I thought 8.04 was current?
[17:15] <Pici> !ubuntu-server =~ s/6.06/8.04/
[17:15] <ubottu> Nothing changed there
[17:15] <Pici> !ubuntu-server =~ s/6\.06/8\.04/
[17:16] <Pici> !server
[17:16] <ubottu> Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support
[17:16] <Jack_Sparrow> Thanks pici
[17:16] <Pici> anytime
[17:16] <Jack_Sparrow> Just wanted to double check
[17:33] <Myrtti> jussi01: :-)
[17:34] <Myrtti> cccuuuuute
[17:37] <Myrtti> !search 6.06
[17:38] <ubottu> Found: dma, dapper, lfs, 6.06
[17:38] <Myrtti> !dma
[17:38] <ubottu> dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hardware transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA
[17:38] <Myrtti> !lfs
[17:38] <ubottu> LFS is linux from scratch www.linuxfromscratch.org; not to be confused with LTS which is the long term support version of ubuntu (6.06 and 8.04)
[17:38] <Myrtti> !6.06
[17:38] <ubottu> Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.
[17:38] <Myrtti> !lts
[17:38] <ubottu> LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.
[17:39] <Myrtti> !dapper
[17:39] <Myrtti> great.
[17:42] <Myrtti> !dapper
[17:42] <ubottu> Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.
[17:52] <Dave2> exclamation mark botabuse
[17:52] * Dave2 hides in his corner.
[17:52] * Myrtti pokes Dave2 with a pink fluffy pointy pen
[17:53] <Dave2> \me jumps, and looks down at the pink fluffy mark left by it
[17:53] * Dave2 jumps, and looks down at the pink fluffy mark left by it, even.
[17:53] * Dave2 stabs the compose key's position on his laptop.
[17:53] * Dave2 then realizes that said stabbing has left it permanently enabled, and so goes back to hiding again.
[17:53] <Myrtti> lol
[18:23] <jussi01> !yay
[18:23] <ubottu> Glad you made it! :-)
[18:24] <jussi01> Myrtti: weird, a restart fixed it...
[18:24] <Myrtti> yay!
[18:25] <Pici> bleh
[18:25] <Myrtti> I was already searching for your email address to send you the ppp scripts for gprs :-P
[18:25] <jussi01> Myrtti: please send them anyway
[18:25] * jussi01 would love to have them
[18:26] <Myrtti> what carrier do you got, elisa or saunalahti?
[18:26] <jussi01> elisa
[18:26] <Myrtti> do you prefer bluetooth or cable?
[18:26] <jussi01> cable
[18:27] <Myrtti> http://wiki.ubuntu-fi.org/Matkapuhelin_modeemina_elisa <--
[18:28] <Myrtti> just uncomment #/dev/ttyACM0 # Data cable device file
[18:28] <Myrtti> and comment /dev/rfcomm0 # Bluetooth device file
[18:28] <jussi01> :)
[18:39] <Myrtti> GRUMBLEGRUMBLE
[18:40] <Myrtti> I've got two normal wine glasses and now the other is cracked
[18:40] <Myrtti> grumblegrumblel
[19:11] <Dave2> A housemate managed to crack pretty much all of another housemate's wine glasses over the course of a year. I'm not entirely sure how.
[19:14] <Pici> I broke two glasses when washing the dishes
[19:18] <Myrtti> just don't get me started on glasses, OMG.
[19:19] <Pici> I mean drinking glasses, not eyeglasses.
[19:19] <Myrtti> Alvar Aalto is prolly the best known Finnish interior designer / architecht. His wife also designed stuff.
[19:20] <Myrtti> so I bought these Aino glasses (named after designer, Aino Aalto) and being foolish enough, washed them right after I bought them with hot water and put one glass inside other while they were hot.
[19:20] <Myrtti> BAD mistake.
[19:20] <Dave2> oops.
[19:20] <Myrtti> story goes on.
[19:21] <Myrtti> year later, my sister gives me a hyacinth as a christmas gift.
[19:21] <Myrtti> ok, they're bulb plants, so I wash the soil off the bulb, and put water in one Aino glass and put the bulb in the water. Looks nice, right?
[19:22] <Myrtti> goes Christmys, my now ex decides to clean up the Christmas paraphenilia...
[19:22] <Myrtti> and tosses the Aino glass away with the hyacinth
[19:22] <Pici> ohno
[19:23] <Myrtti> now, one would imagine he would've learnt from this
[19:23] <Myrtti> but no
[19:23] <Myrtti> I got a fairly big ficus that I moved from pot to pot as it grew.
[19:24] <Myrtti> I searched for a bucket or a pot large enough to put it in and finally found one that looked nice enough and planted it in it.
[19:25] <Myrtti> When we broke up, I left my living creatures, including guinea pigs and plants to him until I'd get a place of my own. The edjot kills the ficus and tosses the expensive bucket away, including the saucer I put under it.
[19:25] <Pici> :(
[19:25] <Myrtti> tosser.
[19:26] <Dave2> "Great"
[19:26] <Dave2> I think the most I've broken is an Ikea plate. Which I dropped a bowl on ('twas slippery and slipped out of my hands.) I'm amazed this is all, given my lack of coordination.
[19:27] <Myrtti> I have to admit I've broken two plates on purpose
[19:28] <Myrtti> but better to break china than to hurt someone
[19:29] <Dave2> Indeed.
[19:30] <Myrtti> the good thing about breaking china is that it really breaks and gives the breaker the outcome or result that they psychologically were after
[19:30] <Dave2> Our next door neighbours came round to ours once with a glass bottle when we had a party here, at just 11PM on a bank holiday Saturday. I'm quite glad they didn't break that then. I'm sure that was the mental link they were intending for.
[19:31] <Myrtti> might've been
[19:31] <Dave2> Well, you don't tend to take an empty glass bottle when going to complain at people otherwise.
[19:31] <Myrtti> hehe
[19:31] <Myrtti> perhaps they were planning to give it to you to put a candle standing on it X-D
[19:32] <Dave2> Nah, we're students, we have enough already...
[19:32] * Myrtti looks at her collection >___<
[19:33] <Myrtti> I need to by more bamboo stalks and candles X-D
[19:33] <Dave2> I'm going to have to restart my empty beer bottle collection when I move :(. Currently have 20 different types on the shelf above me.
[19:34] <Myrtti> I've got five different kinds of wine bottles and etiquettes
[19:34] <Dave2> etiquettes?
[19:34] <Myrtti> labels
[19:34] <Myrtti> whatever
[19:34] <Dave2> ah, right
[19:35] * Myrtti gets more white wine
[19:35] <Seeker`> eww, gone off grape juice
[19:36] * Dave2 hands Seeker` a bottle of White Lightning mixed with Special Brew.
[19:36] <Myrtti> Seeker`: there are wines and there are Wines. You've obviously had the first ones.
[19:37] * Dave2 pats his wine-1.0-rc5
[19:37] <Dave2> ...sorry, that was bad. I'm clearly far too tired. *disappears and tries to sleep for a bit*
[19:38] <Myrtti> I'm trying to decide whether I should grill some cheese or not
[19:38] <Myrtti> prolly not.
[19:43] <Myrtti> this wine tastes too good. And it was too cheap.
[19:47] <Seeker`> Myrtti: do you just shove some cheese under the grill until it goes gooey?
[19:48] <Myrtti> Seeker`: no. not raclette. It's sorta ... unripened cheese that doesn't go gooey
[19:56] <Dave2> mmm, unripened cheese that doesn't go gooey. sounds so lovely.
[19:57] <Myrtti> sorta like.... cottage cheese?
[19:57] <Myrtti> "home cheese" called here in Finland
[20:00] <Dave2> Ugh, cottage cheese. Noooooo.
[20:00] <Dave2> I'd forgotten that existed.
[20:09] <nickrud> @btlogin
[20:23] <Myrtti> I dunno what cottage cheese is like in UK / other parts of the world
[20:27] <Seeker`> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cottage_cheese
[20:28] <Myrtti> mm cottage cheese
[20:28] <Myrtti> yeah, that's the kind we have too
[20:36] <Dave2> "cottage cheese" and "mm" don't go together, except possibly as "I would rather eat a hammer than cottage cheese". (OK, that was a bit of a stretch.)
[20:36] <Myrtti> then you've had the wrong kind of cottage cheese
[20:37] <Dave2> There is no right kind.
[20:37] <Myrtti> I do remember the one sold in US was horrible
[20:37] * Dave2 is in the UK
[20:37] <Myrtti> the one they sell in Finland is wonderful
[20:38] <Myrtti> unripened cheese would be the best to describe the one that I've got
[20:38] <Myrtti> quite close to ... /me tries to come up with the... right. quite close to mozzarella
[20:39] <Dave2> Mozzarella is nice
[21:05] <jussi01> Myrtti: what are you talking about? (finnish name?)
[21:08] <Myrtti> kotijuusto
[21:25] <Myrtti> jussi01: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtG2oidI0dA
[21:50] <unavailable> yay
[21:51] <unavailable> anychance on an unmute for #ubuntu
[21:51] <unavailable> ?
[21:51] <Seeker`> unavailable: when were you muted?
[21:52] <unavailable> today sometime around 2-3 est
[21:52] <Seeker`> by who?
[21:52] <unavailable> Jack_Sparrow
[21:53] <unavailable> i was being belligerent, and i have learned my lesson
[21:55] <Seeker`> unavailable: it is policy that bans are only normally removed by the person that set then
[21:56] <Seeker`> *them
[21:56] <unavailable> ok.. do you know if jack has a reset interval??
[21:56] <Seeker`> what do you mean?
[21:56] <unavailable> like he resets bans periodicly??
[21:57] <unavailable> or would i have to directly ask him when i see him?
[21:57] <Seeker`> you will probably have to talk to him to get the ban lifted
[21:57] <unavailable> any word on where he is??
[21:57] <unavailable> cus i sure would like to fix my sound issue.. :)
[21:58] <Seeker`> He quit about 40 mins ago
[21:58] <Myrtti> wasn't jack PST?
[21:58] <Seeker`> he isn't usually away for more than a couple of hours at a time
[21:58] <Myrtti> @now pst
[21:58] <ubottu> Myrtti: Error: Unknown timezone: pst - Full list: http://jussi01.com/web/timezones.html
[21:58] <Myrtti> pacific standard, anyway
[21:58] <unavailable> lol
[21:58] <unavailable> well thank you ...
[21:59] <Seeker`> try coming back in an hour
[21:59] * Myrtti heads off to sleep, too late to be awake
[21:59] <Nafallo> meeh
[21:59] <unavailable> too late, its like 5 est
[21:59] <Myrtti> 2008-06-13 23:59:56
[22:00] <Myrtti> you're welcome
[22:00] <Myrtti> -->
[22:00] <Seeker`> unavailable: why is that too late?
[22:01] <unavailable> I was saying basically the same thing
[22:01] <unavailable> should have had a ? instead of a .
[22:02] <Nafallo> you didn't have a .
[22:02] <unavailable> ,
[22:02] <unavailable> kik
[22:02] <unavailable> lol
[22:02] <unavailable> maybe it is too late for me...
[22:02] <Nafallo> it's never too late to fail
[22:02] <Seeker`> thats the best we can do really
[22:02] <Nafallo> :-)
[22:04] <Seeker`> unavailable: please come back later
[22:28] <PriceChild> nalioth: have you caught up on things like irseek's request for using backdated logs?
[22:32] <nalioth> PriceChild: i have suggested that the owner of irseek have an audience with the CC
[22:32] <PriceChild> ah i must have missed that sorry
[22:33] <PriceChild> will poke them about that next time i see it, thanks
[22:43] <jrib> fwiw, unless I set a comment on the ban tracker to the contrary, feel free to use your own judgement in removing any of my bans
[22:44] <Jack_Sparrow> :)
[22:44] <nickrud> likewise
[22:44] <jrib> Jack_Sparrow: "unavailable" was just looking for you by the way
[22:45] <Jack_Sparrow> Ah, I msg'd him and he never responded... 30 - 40 minutes...
[22:45] <jussi01> How do we tell op levels now?
[22:49] <Jack_Sparrow> jrib unavailable is all fixed up...
[22:50] <jrib> Jack_Sparrow: expedient :)
[22:50] <Jack_Sparrow> It wasnt a big deal.. hes a decent guy
[22:51] <PriceChild> jussi01: hmm?
[22:51] <jrib> hmm, expedient has connotations I was not aware of
[22:51] <Jack_Sparrow> expedient = quickly.. etc from my understanding
[22:52] <jrib> but implies that it is at the expense of ethics or consistency according to m-w
[22:52] <jussi01> PriceChild: you used to be able to see people had levels like 10, 30 49 etc
[22:52] <PriceChild> jussi01: /msg chanserv help flags
[22:53] <Jack_Sparrow> jrib really I didnt know that
[22:53] <jussi01> PriceChild: yeah, reading right nw :) thanks
[22:54] <Jack_Sparrow> jrib Do you feel lifting the ban was not warranted?
[22:55] <jrib> Jack_Sparrow: no, I wasn't aware of the connotations :) I have no idea who unavailable is or what he did, just saw the scrollback
[22:55] <Jack_Sparrow> Ah.. ok...
[22:56] <Jack_Sparrow> thanks for letting me know..
[23:33] <nalioth> why are larts enabled ?
[23:37] <ubottu> Flannel called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Baron1984)
[23:38] <Gary> trying to talk him down
[23:39] <nalioth> too late