UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /13 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
=== tgm4883_laptop_ is now known as tgm4883_laptop
[02:51] <baalsgate> can mythmusic do 5.1 channel rather than 2 ?
=== rhpot1992 is now known as rhpot1991
[07:15] <Ace2016> Hi all
[07:15] <Ace2016> is the repository down?
[07:15] <Ace2016> http://weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu/ubuntu/
[07:15] <Ace2016> It shows up as forbidden
[07:16] <Ace2016> i want the .orig files for the latest mythtv theme
[07:16] <Ace2016> this one workshttp://uk.weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org/mythbuntu/ubuntu
[07:16] <Ace2016>
[07:51] <superm1> Ace2016, you aren't allowed to browse the mirror
[07:51] <superm1> only use it via apt
[07:51] <superm1> on normal weeklybuilds.mythbuntu.org
[07:51] <Ace2016> why not?
[07:52] <superm1> server policy on that mirror
[07:52] <superm1> out of our control
[07:52] <superm1> Ace2016, you can apt-get source though
[07:52] <superm1> or extrapolate the URL from uk.*
[07:56] <Ace2016> yea i used the uk one
[07:57] <Ace2016> oh so the mirror can decide allow it to be viewed?
[07:58] <superm1> yeah
[08:06] <Ace2016> is the project greyham theme under GPL?
[08:06] <Ace2016> i want to use some of its watermarks in a new theme
[09:27] <Ace2016> i think my mythtv theme is looking too much like windows
[09:32] <laga> Ace2016: i'm sure there is a license file somewhere in the package
[09:33] <Ace2016> ah found it, it was in the readme
[09:33] <Ace2016> and its Creative Commons
[09:34] <Ace2016> slightly confused
[09:35] <Ace2016> ok nvm
[09:35] <Ace2016> making icons is hard
[09:36] <Ace2016> the idea part is the hardest
[09:37] <laga> for me, the making it not look bad part is the hardest ;)
[09:38] <Ace2016> my theme looks awesome
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
[13:22] <webclient> hi guys I am trying to play music through mythweb and I can see all the music as it was when it last scanned for music; is there some way I can make mythtv re-scan for music? I only have SSH and web access to the box
[18:02] <peoples> hello
[18:02] <peoples> is there some way to transcode recordings to xvid and replace the mpg with the xvid ?
[18:05] <peoples> so that everything works normaly , i.e. watch recordings ...
=== MythbuntuGuest43 is now known as pobski
[18:44] <pobski> there was an lirc update a few nights ago, did they update some of the device drivers with it?
[21:36] <aclose> would someone mind giving me a hand setting up an HDHR with MythBuntu 8.04?
[21:36] <aclose> i just installed MythBuntu
[21:36] <aclose> and i've walked through the HDHR setup steps on the help.ubuntu.org/community site
[21:37] <aclose> but i'm not seeing any 'real' data in the program guide
[21:38] <aclose> things went rather smoothly with the MythBuntu install after i figured out that i had a bad RAM stick that was causing crashes :)
[21:48] <aclose> hmm, maybe i have a bigger problem than the HDHR not working
[21:48] <aclose> i think i'm being denied access to the DB...
[22:17] <lightdarkness> Hi. I just recently installed mythbuntu... and everything's working great. But the volume is extremely low, I have my TV all the way at 100 and it's still not too loud. MythTV's volume is at 100%... is there somewhere else I can increase the volume?
[22:17] <laga> try looking in alsamixer?
[22:20] <lightdarkness> awesome
[22:20] <lightdarkness> Worked :)
[22:20] <lightdarkness> Thanks so much
[22:20] <laga> yay
[22:21] <aclose> :)
[22:23] <aclose> any idea how much space myth takes up on install?
[22:23] <aclose> just mythtv, not recordings and such
[22:23] <laga> mythtv itself, including the plugins and themes.. maybe 200M or so? or are you talking about the complete distro?
[22:24] <aclose> yeah
[22:24] <aclose> i was creating a separate partition for myth and was going to give it 5GB :)
[22:24] <aclose> guess that's a bit much
[22:25] <laga> the complete distro is probably 2-3GB
[22:25] <laga> it's good to have a bit more because log files and the mysql database will also take up some space.
[22:25] <laga> and you really don't want to run out of space on /var/ because mysql totally doesn't like that :()
[22:26] <aclose> ok, then i guess i'm ok
[22:26] <aclose> tanks
[22:26] <aclose> thanks
[23:09] <lightdarkness> For some reason... my mythtv box is just a blank screen
[23:09] <lightdarkness> when I press ctl+alt+f4 I can get to a shell
[23:10] <lightdarkness> but graphical is just a black screen
[23:10] <aclose> ctl_alt+f7
[23:10] <lightdarkness> Yea, nothing there
[23:10] <aclose> oh :)
[23:10] <lightdarkness> Anything I can do to check that things are running?
[23:10] <aclose> is the backend running?
[23:10] <lightdarkness> It should be... what's the command to restart it?
[23:10] <aclose> you can do a >ps aux | grep mythbackend
[23:11] <aclose> i think that'll tell you if it's running
[23:12] <lightdarkness> Didn't really tell me much
[23:12] <aclose> whadaya get?
[23:13] <lightdarkness> told me the log file name, gave me a process id looks like
[23:13] <aclose> you should see your grep command
[23:13] <aclose> do you also see mythbackend?
[23:14] <aclose> i'm still installing so i can't tell you exactly what it would say :)
[23:14] <lightdarkness> Yea, I think so
[23:14] <lightdarkness> is there an easy command to restart the backend?
[23:14] <aclose> if you dn't see anyting for mythbackend, you can try myth-backend
[23:14] <aclose> i'm sure there is, but i don't know it :)
[23:14] <aclose> sorry
[23:15] <aclose> tyr mythbackend start
[23:15] <aclose> try
[23:18] <lightdarkness> well... I restarted the computer... and it's back
[23:18] <lightdarkness> so I have no idea what happened
[23:18] <aclose> :)
[23:18] <aclose> that usually works
[23:20] <aclose> '/etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart'
[23:20] <aclose> i think that will do it
[23:21] <foxbuntu> aclose, 'sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart'
[23:21] <aclose> ;)
[23:21] <aclose> thx foxbuntu
[23:21] <foxbuntu> np
[23:22] <foxbuntu> dont try to run it or restart it the by using the mythbackend commands, it will not work properly
[23:23] <lightdarkness> More questions :) Where can I tell a program to transcode to avi or something simliar... I can't figure out what menu to go to
[23:24] <foxbuntu> lightdarkness, easiest way would be Mythweb
[23:24] <foxbuntu> you can just select your recordings and check the transcode option
[23:24] <lightdarkness> Ahh, found it