UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /13 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[01:17] <RyanPrior> Is Intrepid bootable yet?
[01:21] <RussellGee> Ryan: Its not in too bad a state
[01:21] <RussellGee> You should be able to get it to boot ok
[02:14] <DanaG> Hmm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz-fusion-bcop/+bug/174931
[02:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 174931 in compiz-fusion-bcop "package compiz-fusion-bcop None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/compiz-fusion-bcop.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/bcop', which is also in package compiz-bcop" [Undecided,New]
[02:16] <DanaG> wtf? I went from git compiz to packaged compiz, and a bunch of settings got trampled on.
[02:17] <DanaG> Dang, no atlantis2 packaged. Well, back to git one I go.
[02:20] <DanaG> s/one //
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[03:14] <tnnc> does anyone know if the alpha 1 is out yet
[03:15] <RAOF> I don't believe so. There's still work being done to make it installable.
[03:16] <tnnc> ok thanks
[03:16] <gluer> waiting waiting
[03:16] <gluer> is the gui any different?
[03:21] <RAOF> No, not really.
[07:26] <travken> where can i test intrepid ibex? today is 13 june, but in release schedule said that it will be released in 12 june
[10:05] <djouallah> hi did the first alpha feature wubi ?
[11:40] <Laney> travken: The alpha didn't happen
[11:41] <Laney> Someone should put this in the topic
[11:42] <travken> hujova
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[13:06] <wd4lko> any word on alpha1 yet ?
[13:07] <Pici> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-June/000431.html
[13:08] <wd4lko> Pici. Thanks
[13:09] <wd4lko> i have 1 still working good and 2 broke !
[14:38] <WelshDragon> Is there any link avaiable yet which lists what's new?
[14:45] <Laney> WelshDragon: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/intrepid-changes/ ;)
[14:45] <WelshDragon> ah, Thank you :0
[14:45] <WelshDragon> Don't suppose anyone knows if the 25 kernel with be included in the first alpha either do they?
[14:45] <Laney> But no user friendly release-notes style list
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[18:03] <jonnymind> Hello; How can I upgrade from hardy to devel intrepid?
[18:08] <DoYouKnow> hi. Intrepid Ibex Alpha 1: Where is the download site?
[18:10] <Pici> DoYouKnow: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-June/000431.html
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[18:13] <DoYouKnow> ah, I am curious about the desktop redesign especially, but I guess that probably won't be implemented at this early stage
[18:32] <BUGabundo> trying to do an update-managre -d
[18:32] <BUGabundo> getting:
[18:32] <BUGabundo> "Can't install 'ubuntu-desktop'
[18:32] <BUGabundo> It was impossible to install a required package. Please report this as a bug. "
[18:33] <mvo> BUGabundo: from dapper? or from gutsy?
[18:34] <BUGabundo> hardy -> intrepid
[18:34] <mvo> BUGabundo: oh, that is quite likely, there is a lot of flux in the system currently
[18:34] <mvo> it just means that updat-emanager is unable to calculate a upgrade that would preserve ubuntu-desktop
[18:34] <BUGabundo> humm can it be due to having a line for interpid reps on apt sources?
[18:35] <mvo> let me check
[18:35] <BUGabundo> so to upgrade should I do a apt-get dist-upgrade ??
[18:36] <mvo> yes, I would recommend a vm at this stage though
[18:37] <mvo> apt-get idst-upgrade will work, but will remove some stuff
[18:37] <BUGabundo> update-manage -d with out intrepid line doesn't upgrade
[18:37] <BUGabundo> I've been upgradging a few packages by hand
[18:37] <BUGabundo> since I have some packages from KDE3
[18:38] <BUGabundo> and synaptics wants to upgrade to KDE4...
[18:38] <BUGabundo> I can't be without my email client, KMail
[18:38] <BUGabundo> lol
[18:38] <BUGabundo> already done a disk mirror last night just to be safe
[18:38] <BUGabundo> I was expecting alpha1 yesterday
[18:38] <BUGabundo> but only at night I read the anounce email
[18:38] <Pici> Well, its not available.
[18:39] <Pici> And breakage is to be expected in an alpha.
[18:39] <jonnymind> mvo: apt-get didst-upgrade seems not to work.
[18:39] <jonnymind> (alone)
[18:39] <BUGabundo> mvo seem to have gone way
[18:39] <BUGabundo> lol
[18:40] <jonnymind> Ops
[18:40] <jonnymind> hehe, watched late.
[18:40] <BUGabundo> (2008-06-13 18:39:10) mvo left the room (quit: "Ex-Chat").
[18:40] <jonnymind> should I also set some different sources in the /etc files?
[18:40] <BUGabundo> dist-upgrade should work, if there are lines to intrepid
[18:40] <BUGabundo> let me tests with a simulate option on apt-get
[18:41] <jonnymind> BUGabundo: that's the point; where I get the lines to intrepid?
[18:42] <BUGabundo> The following packages will be REMOVED:
[18:42] <BUGabundo> apt-transport-debtorrent apturl digikam flowscan frozen-bubble gnome-app-install gtkhtml3.14 kdebase-bin kdebase-bin-kde3 kdebase-kio-plugins kdesktop kdevelop kmail kmailcvt konq-kim konq-plugins konqueror libchromexvmc1 libchromexvmcpro1 libffi4 libft-perl libk3b2 libk3b2-extracodecs libperl5.8 librrds-perl libversion-perl python-launchpad-integration r-cran-rcompgen ubufox ubuntu-desktop
[18:42] <BUGabundo> they are the same as for hardy
[18:42] <BUGabundo> just set repositoires to main
[18:42] <BUGabundo> and replace with intrepid
[18:42] <BUGabundo> but be aware
[18:42] <BUGabundo> most certanly your system WILL break
[18:44] <BUGabundo> jonnymind: $ head /etc/apt/sources.list
[18:44] <BUGabundo> deb ftp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted universe multiverse
[18:44] <shanepardue> What's the word on the Alpha?
[18:44] <BUGabundo> do a: $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -s
[18:44] <jonnymind> Thanks.
[18:44] <jonnymind> also this:
[18:44] <BUGabundo> just to be safe, BEFORE
[18:45] <jonnymind> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#How_to_upgrade_from_Hardy_Heron_to_Intrepid_Ibex_.28for_developers_and_bug_reports_only.29
[18:46] <BUGabundo> anyone knows that bug, on intrepid that removes the minimize/close/maxize from nautilus/metacity ?
[18:48] <jonnymind> thanks all! bye :-)
[18:48] <jonnymind> I am on my way
[18:48] <shanepardue> Intrepid Alpha? Couple days maybe?
[18:49] <BUGabundo> devs are to busy with hardy point release
[18:50] <BUGabundo> and there is a bug on the sheadule sites
[18:50] <shanepardue> Ahh, so is there a new date for the alpha release?
[18:50] <BUGabundo> on the hardy one, it says a date, and on intrepid there is a mention of hardys .1 on another date
[18:50] <BUGabundo> no new date at this point
[18:50] <BUGabundo> at least, not one that I know
[18:51] <BUGabundo> and not one the wiki
[18:51] <shanepardue> Thanks! I was wondering if I'd see it..and from what I've heard dist-upgrading to it right now will break?
[18:51] <BUGabundo> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule
[18:51] <BUGabundo> nooooo
[18:51] <BUGabundo> hardy IS SAFE
[18:52] <shanepardue> hardy to intrepid is?
[18:52] <BUGabundo> only intrepid is a two face coin game
[18:52] <BUGabundo> most certanly
[18:52] <BUGabundo> if you need your system, be ware..
[18:52] <BUGabundo> a dist upgrade is not for you
[18:52] <BUGabundo> dought it should be safe to try on a vmware or virtualbox machine
[18:52] <shanepardue> well, this would be a separate partition, but you think I'll end up bricking the partition?
[18:53] <BUGabundo> can't say
[18:53] <BUGabundo> didn't try that
[18:53] <BUGabundo> there was a time where bug on grub left testers with now bootbal system
[18:53] <shanepardue> I'll stick with the VB setup then :)
[18:54] <shanepardue> Thanks for your help!
[18:54] <BUGabundo> who is responsible for ubuntuguide.org?
[18:54] <BUGabundo> that page is full of errors
[18:56] <DanaG> I recently had foomatic-filters break printing on my system. Luckily, I had the old deb in my apt cache.
[18:58] <BUGabundo> really DanaG?
[18:58] <BUGabundo> I've just seletecd that package for upgrade
[18:58] <BUGabundo> humm
[18:58] <BUGabundo> should I remove it?
[18:58] <DanaG> Just make sure you can find the old .deb somewhere.
[18:58] <BUGabundo> hardy CD?
[18:58] <BUGabundo> lol
[18:58] <DanaG> If the new one breaks it, you can manually 'sudo dpkg -i the_old_deb.deb"
[18:59] <DanaG> CD won't have it, but the mirrors should.
[18:59] <BUGabundo> naa
[18:59] <BUGabundo> I just cancled the donwload
[18:59] <BUGabundo> will try it another day
[18:59] <BUGabundo> let me look at another package to see if it is broken
[19:00] <DanaG> I was getting "foomatic-rip" failing.
[19:00] <BUGabundo> strange
[19:00] <BUGabundo> synaptic will not let me unmark it
[19:00] <DoYouKnow> BUGabundo: what architecture did you do a dist-upgrade on?
[19:00] <BUGabundo> 64 bits
[19:00] <DoYouKnow> ok
[19:00] <BUGabundo> didn't do a dist upgrade
[19:01] <BUGabundo> been doing a few packages upgrade from hardy
[19:01] <BUGabundo> nothing BIG or vital
[19:01] <BUGabundo> found out that metacity is a bit cranky
[19:01] <BUGabundo> but don't see a bug for it
[19:01] <BUGabundo> need to colect more data and report it
[19:01] <BUGabundo> lots of dependicies failing on KDE packages... :(
[19:02] <BUGabundo> can't try the new dolphin
[19:03] <BUGabundo> the bummer, is that I reported a bug against encfs
[19:03] <BUGabundo> and it was marked as invalid
[19:03] <BUGabundo> when it should be a real bug, and warn ppl, while upgrading
[19:03] <BUGabundo> many ppl will lose their stuff that is encripted...
[19:23] <BUGabundo> found that metacity bug: #238049
[19:38] <crdlb> BUGabundo: gtk-window-decorator needed an update for the latest version of metacity
[21:14] <DoYouKnow> what is the probability that dist-upgrade will fail entirely at this point?
[21:14] <DoYouKnow> does it have redundancy
[21:14] <DoYouKnow> ?
[21:15] <DoYouKnow> I'm in virtualbox
[22:01] <allenon> can anyone tell me of a place to find what's included in the 3.64gb dvd version of Ubuntu64?
[22:01] <allenon> i'm just not sure why it's so big in size
[22:07] <allenon> err..test?
[22:12] <WelshDragon> Boo
[22:13] <DoYouKnow> DoYouKnow: 0 Apt-get "god": 1
[22:16] <mphill> is it too much bad ju ju to release alpha1 on friday the 13th?
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[22:28] <Ekushey> mphill, good question ;)
[23:16] <ryancr> is there any daily isos of intrepid yet? if so where can I find them
[23:25] <WelshDragon> Nope ryancr
[23:26] <ryancr> WelshDragon: thanks, ill wait for alpha 1 then