UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /12 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:25] <stu> same issue still there
[00:26] <stu> going to re-install anyway so ill worry about it if I still have the issue after
[00:26] <stu> gn
[00:57] <baalsgate> is there some fix for cron to get the mythtfilldatabase to work ?>
[00:58] <baalsgate> i run it manualy and its fine grabs all the data and exits clean but run it from cron and nothing
[00:58] <iamlindoro> baalsgate: you shouldn't be running it from cron at all, it should be launched by mythbackend.
[00:59] <iamlindoro> in mythfrontend, in the general settings, there's a tickbox (off by default) to allow mythbackend to run mythfilldatabase
[01:02] <baalsgate> iamlindoro the guide data is a custom script so actualy it does need to run from cron
[01:02] <iamlindoro> baalsgate: You can pass options to mythfilldatabase from what I just told you, and schedule when it runs from there as well
[01:03] <baalsgate> <iamlindoro ok but if that were the case then why would the documentation on setting this script up to work suggest setting up the cron job ?
[01:03] <iamlindoro> because it's horribly out of date
[01:04] <iamlindoro> but I'm in no mood to argue, so do what you like, I'm sick of helping and getting nothing but arguments in return
[01:06] <baalsgate> well thanks for your input
[01:08] <baalsgate> the documentation was written February 9th, 2008 not very out of date IMO
[01:08] <ahave> hello, I am having trouble with MythDVD playing the main audio track. The menu(s) audio works fine and the background audio tracks also play fine, but the main audio does not come out
[01:11] <iamlindoro> updated != written
[01:11] <baalsgate> Anyone else maybe someone that knows what they are talking about
[01:12] <iamlindoro> and *IMO* you should do it as the myth devs intend it to be done, and if your script requires something different then you should check with the author of your script
[01:14] <baalsgate> iamlindoro look i know this may be a challange for you to get a grip on but the script works fine on fedora my other mythtv box and it runs from CRON , the only difference is this Ubuntu CRON does not seem to complete the script that runs fine manualy
[01:14] <baalsgate> from a shell
[01:15] <iamlindoro> baalsgate: Then maybe you should go back to fedora if you can't get a simple thing like a cron job working, eh? Stay in the comfort zone and all that.
[01:15] <baalsgate> I suspect there is some thing very odd with CRON on ubuntu
[01:18] <baalsgate> iamlindoro well see thats the thing cron seems to run other commands like touch /tmp/testfile and the script does not need any paths set so it realy has me stumped to why it will not run
[01:23] <foxbuntu> iamlindoro, please don't badger the other users in here, even if you are frustrated with them
[01:23] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, explain why you need a custom mythfill script to run and then I will try to help you make it work
[01:26] <baalsgate> foxbuntu because im in australia
[01:26] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, so your using XMLTV then?
[01:26] <baalsgate> using tv_grab_oztivo
[01:26] <foxbuntu> or what is your data source?
[01:26] <foxbuntu> ok
[01:27] <foxbuntu> let me look that up and get more info
[01:27] <baalsgate> documentation here http://web.aanet.com.au/~auric/?q=node/14
[01:27] <baalsgate> they receintly made changes to the data source so I had to setup new grabbers
[01:28] <baalsgate> but in all the setups ive seen with multiple sources they have it run from cron
[01:30] <baalsgate> but ubuntu cron seems to be broken , even other jobs that are cron seem to be missed updatedb for example
[01:30] <foxbuntu> well are you which way are you calling mythfill? from myth, using mythfill to call your grabber, or the grabber calling mythfill?
[01:30] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, ubuntu cron is not broken
[01:31] <baalsgate> .. /usr/bin/tv_grab_oztivo --mythfilldatabase 1 --output /home/mythtv/tmp/oztivo-1.xmltv
[01:31] <foxbuntu> ok, since this is in cron did you put this in crontab?
[01:32] <foxbuntu> or in /etc/cron.*
[01:32] <baalsgate> foxbuntu i did a crontab -e as myhtv
[01:32] <foxbuntu> ok does the user mythtv have access to /usr/bin/tv_grab_oztivo?
[01:32] <baalsgate> yes
[01:33] <foxbuntu> can you do an ls -l on that file for me?
[01:33] <baalsgate> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root mythtv 42198 2008-06-12 10:26 /usr/bin/tv_grab_oztivo
[01:34] <foxbuntu> ok
[01:34] <foxbuntu> so, if you run that exact operation as mythtv is all works without errors right?
[01:35] <baalsgate> yep it fills the database and i have guide data
[01:36] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, ok, I am just getting up to speed on your issue so bear with me here
[01:36] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, what is the output of uname -r
[01:36] <baalsgate> foxbuntu thanks
[01:37] <baalsgate> 2.6.22-14-generic
[01:37] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, you have a really old kernel
[01:37] <foxbuntu> here is mine
[01:37] <foxbuntu> 2.6.24-19-generic
[01:38] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, lets get you up-to-date and then work from there
[01:38] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, do this: sudo update-manager -d -c
[01:38] <baalsgate> yes but does that matter its a myth box ? its not accessable to the net , and I have compliled binaries for lirc that I will need to recompile
[01:39] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, there are a huge number of fixes between there and current
[01:39] <foxbuntu> it matters very much
[01:40] <baalsgate> I will update if there is good cause but its a big pain , as there are custom binaries for the lirc imon and LCD stuff that took me weeks to get working
[01:40] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, those things are all part of hardy
[01:40] <foxbuntu> (current ubuntu)
[01:42] <baalsgate> ok then
[01:42] <baalsgate> i have two identical ubuntu myth boxes so i can break one
[01:42] <foxbuntu> lcdproc and the new lirc have support for those, also then you can get mythbuntu control centre working properly and things will be easier
[01:43] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, are they seperate or connected?
[01:44] <baalsgate> they are seperate but sometimes i use them connected
[01:44] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, both will need upgraded if you are planning to use one with the other
[01:45] <foxbuntu> in any manner/combination (Frontend/Backend ect)
[01:45] <baalsgate> normaly i set up one and mirror to the other , then with the first one sometimes gets used just as a front end to the other
[01:46] <baalsgate> but i understand what your saying
[01:47] <foxbuntu> ok
[01:47] <baalsgate> can i update via ssh ?
[01:47] <foxbuntu> best not to for this
[01:47] <foxbuntu> its a big jump
[01:48] <baalsgate> ok then i will need a min to setup a console
[01:48] <foxbuntu> no prob
[01:51] <foxbuntu> baalsgate, i'll brb
[01:56] <hads> Anyone get bitten by the latest lirc update moving their lircd.conf to dpkg-old
[02:06] <hads> I'm guessing it's because it was a custom lircd.conf and now the lirc package want to control it.
[02:07] <hads> What's the best way to integrate a custom transmiter conf file (using a mceusb2 transmitter)?
[02:17] <hads> I'll just cat it onto the end of lircd.conf and hope dpkg doesn't move it out of the way again.
[02:19] <rhpot1991_laptop> hads: thats a bug, keep a backup of that stuff just incase
[02:20] <hads> rhpot1991_laptop: Thanks, is there a LP entry? I've got backups anyway so that's no drama, just means I have to log into friends boxes and fix it for them :)
[02:25] <rhpot1991_laptop> there used to be, lets have a look
[02:25] <hads> It's no major drama. I can search myself :)
[02:25] <rhpot1991_laptop> hads: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/206609
[02:25] <hads> Cheers, just found it at the same time :)
[02:25] <rhpot1991_laptop> it didn't happen to mention it to you did it?
[02:25] <rhpot1991_laptop> that the file would be replaced or anything
[02:26] <hads> Nope, this was just with a dist-upgrade there was no prompts or anything. I don't use the mythbuntu controls or anything, it's myth compiled on an Ubuntu install.
[02:28] <geraldnunn> I finally got mythbuntu fully working with my Rogers SA3250HD box, one question though. The guide is really slow with the TV preview in the right hand corner. The full guide without the preview is still pokey but useable, are there any options I should be looking at to improve performance?
[02:41] <hads> geraldnunn: That's loads. I use a E6300 and the guide is fast as. Sounds like there could be something else wrong.
[02:41] <hads> I have heard of issues with missing/broken channel icons slowing down the guide. Other than that I haven't heard of many issues.
[02:50] <geraldnunn> hads: Are you using a tuner card or firewire? I'm using firewire which I assume needs to be transcoded and might add quite a bit of CPU
[02:51] <hads> DVB-S cards which dump MPEG2, I thought fireware was a raw stream too.
[02:51] <geraldnunn> hads: It is, I wonder why I'm special then
[02:52] <geraldnunn> Anyone know what the ps switches for CPU utilization are again?
[02:57] <geraldnunn> Nevermind, found the top command. Something called xorg is taking 100% CPU
[02:58] <hads> That's X, the graphical environment.
[02:58] <hads> Are you using the restriced nvidia drivers?
[02:58] <geraldnunn> Yes I am
[02:59] <hads> Good
[02:59] <hads> How do you know? Do you see the nvidia splash screen when X start?
[03:00] <geraldnunn> No, but the restricted driver program shows it in use, is there something I am missing with that?
[03:00] <hads> That should be fine I guess (I don't know much about restricted-manager)
[03:01] <geraldnunn> Sorry, the 'Hardware Drivers' applet says 'in use'
[03:01] <geraldnunn> Is there a command I can run to verify it?
[03:03] <hads> Pass
[03:05] <hads> Try glxinfo | grep NVIDIA
[03:05] <hads> or glxinfo | grep rendering
[03:06] <hads> I don't know if they are conclusive tests but I'd guess.
[03:07] <geraldnunn> For the grep NVIDIA I get:
[03:07] <geraldnunn> server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
[03:07] <geraldnunn> client glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
[03:07] <geraldnunn> OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
[03:07] <geraldnunn> OpenGL version string: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 169.12
[03:08] <geraldnunn> For the grep rendering, I get:
[03:08] <geraldnunn> direct rendering: Yes
[03:08] <hads> Looks good. Can't blame it on that then.
[03:12] <geraldnunn> Just found some links to this issue, I'll research more. Thanks hads.
[03:12] <hads> Cool
[03:42] <geraldnunn> hads: I'm back, I found adding "RenderAccel" "1" to xorg.conf for the nvidia driver did the trick. Thanks again for the help.
[03:42] <hads> geraldnunn: Glad to hear you got it worked out.
[04:30] <troy_s> laga: To be fair, I was not and am not a big fan of Greyham.
[04:30] <troy_s> ;)
[04:30] <troy_s> laga: It was a compromise and probably a wise one given the timeframe etc.
[06:07] <baalsgate> im upgrading to 8.04 and its asking me about the ir transmiter I have one that uses DTS on the serial port that I built , but of all the options Im not sure which one is compatible with this ?
[06:09] <hads> baalsgate: If you aren't sure make a copy of your /etc/lircd.conf and then choose custom. Then you can cat your original lircd.conf onto the end of the automatically generated one.
[06:10] <baalsgate> thanks
[06:11] <hads> Bug 206609
[06:11] <hads> Hmm, no bot.
[09:19] <baalsgate> hmmm lirc is only a little better in 8.04 i would have thought they would include the patch for the PAD to act as keys which is why i had a custom compile of lirc before
[09:19] <baalsgate> talking about imon remote btw
[09:19] <Ace2016> What do you guys use to control mythtv? what remote control?
[09:20] <Ace2016> any recommended ones?
[09:20] <baalsgate> well I use imon with a VFD as in the silverstone LC16 case
[09:21] <Ace2016> works well?
[09:21] <baalsgate> I think the VFD looks great
[09:21] <hads> The Microsoft MCE remotes are good.
[09:22] <Ace2016> the silverstone cases are expensive
[09:22] <baalsgate> yea it does work great the pad can be a pain to config as the direction keys
[09:22] <Ace2016> Can you turn mythtv on and off with those remotes?
[09:22] <baalsgate> Yea they are but they are worth it
[09:22] <Ace2016> i mean is there like a hibernate or something?
[09:23] <baalsgate> yes they have a interface to the mother board for the power switch
[09:23] <Ace2016> lets just say adding one of those cases would effectively double my budget
[09:23] <hads> You can get irexec to run a script such as `DISPLAY=:0 xset dpms force off` or something
[09:23] <Ace2016> baalsgate: are you talking about the silverstone case?
[09:23] <baalsgate> I have two myth boxes both in silverstone cases
[09:23] <hads> Or suspend or whatever you need.
[09:23] <Ace2016> baalsgate: know any cheaper cases?
[09:24] <baalsgate> yea there are a few thermaltake do a few nice ones
[09:25] <baalsgate> give me a min as i am a reseller I can look quickly
[09:25] <Ace2016> oh cool thanks
[09:26] <baalsgate> i do like silverstone but yes they are expensive
[09:26] <baalsgate> how about Antec fusion
[09:27] <baalsgate> http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=15740
[09:27] <Ace2016> i'm trying to find one on ebay uk
[09:28] <baalsgate> see if you can find a foxconn HPC case , foxconn is usualy cheap
[09:29] <laga> morning
[09:30] <Ace2016> morning
[09:32] <Ace2016> baalsgate: there are a few foxconn cases, but how do i get the remote power control?
[09:33] <baalsgate> Ace2016 you can power down with software
[09:33] <Ace2016> but the powering back up?
[09:33] <Ace2016> with the remote
[09:33] <baalsgate> yea thats where you want the imon VFD that has a power up interface
[09:34] <baalsgate> there maybe another way to do it im not sure
[09:36] <baalsgate> thermaltake sell the imon remote and 5.25 VFD which is identiacal to whats in the silverstone ( i know as i have them both ) the thermaltake kit is about $200 australian
[09:37] <baalsgate> while the silverstone LC16 is around $380 but theres no PSU in that either
[09:37] <Ace2016> how can people sell cases for that much and not add a psu?
[09:38] <baalsgate> Ace2016 lol yea , its criminal but Li-an li is similar big bucks for an alloy case and no PSU
[09:39] <Ace2016> i saw one of those on ebay
[09:39] <Ace2016> what is so special about them?
[09:39] <baalsgate> I like the lian li cases they are all alloy
[09:40] <baalsgate> it is supose to be better for heat , they have dust filters on some that can be helpful
[09:41] <Ace2016> just to make sure, any imon controller will do?
[09:41] <Ace2016> its not software based or anything right?
[09:42] <Ace2016> so linux doesn't have to be compatible with the imon device?
[09:42] <Ace2016> is there a generic framework?
[09:42] <baalsgate> the vfd has a connector that connects to the power switch on the motherboard for that "on" function
[09:43] <Ace2016> ah so it goes in parallel with the power switch?
[09:44] <baalsgate> does anyone know if the new version of lirc on 8.04 has the imon Pad/key patch in lirc
[09:45] <baalsgate> narr the power switch plugs into the VFD the vfd plugs into the power on connector on the motherboard so both work
[09:46] <Ace2016> ok thanks
[09:46] <baalsgate> is there a developers channel for mythbuntu ?
[09:46] <laga> yes
[09:46] <laga> #ubuntu-mythtv-dev
[09:47] <baalsgate> great thank you
[11:12] * baalsgate strangles foxbuntu
[11:16] <baalsgate> telling me 8.04 is fixed is a complete lie imon still needs to be patched and its a f'n nightmare getting it to compile
[11:19] <baalsgate> what a useless suggestion upgrade a working system to a more problematic one
[11:28] <baalsgate> does anyone know what "DKMS support" actualy is ?
[11:42] <Ace2016> baalsgate: i found a case Advance 2610 and it has imon
[11:43] <baalsgate> how much ?
[11:43] <Ace2016> £55
[11:43] <Ace2016> but now i need a psu :(
[11:44] <baalsgate> wow that seems cheap , got a web site with details ?
[11:44] <Ace2016> it was on ebay so i grabbed it
[11:44] <Ace2016> it has ~7 days left
[11:44] <Ace2016> does the psu need anything special in order to support imon?
[11:45] <baalsgate> narr but if you can afford it get a silent one
[11:45] <baalsgate> oh that case looks sweet
[11:46] <Ace2016> yup i've been looking for a few months for a good case
[11:46] <baalsgate> http://www.pixmania-pro.co.uk/uk/uk/427988/art/advance/2610-htpc-pc-box-black.html
[11:46] <baalsgate> no VFD ?
[11:46] <Ace2016> i don't really want a VFD
[11:46] <baalsgate> oh but you wanted power control
[11:47] <Ace2016> i didn't really know how well linux would support it
[11:47] <Ace2016> yup just the power control
[11:47] <baalsgate> the VFD module has the power control on it
[11:48] <baalsgate> the VFD works fine with linux
[11:48] <Ace2016> oh
[11:48] <Ace2016> so i need a vfd now?
[11:49] <baalsgate> I dont know maybe it has a reciever that controls power
[11:51] <baalsgate> does not say , and im not sure about anything but what the VFD hooks up with
[11:54] <Ace2016> i got an microatx motherboard, all those pci slots wasted
[11:55] <Ace2016> actually i could transfer the contents of my desktop to the laptop and do a switch
[11:55] <Ace2016> to the htpc*
[11:55] <Ace2016> transfering it to the laptop would be a lot more challenging
[11:59] <Ace2016> it comes with the psu connection http://www.matbe.com/divers/zoom.php?img=000000047956.jpg
[12:01] <Ace2016> Does mythbuntu hybernate?
[12:01] <Ace2016> what if i wanted to leave the house for a few days but wanted it to record, could it hybernate or something instead of staying at full power the whole time???
[12:02] <baalsgate> lol
[12:03] <Ace2016> why lol?
[12:03] <baalsgate> well because that is funny
[12:03] <Ace2016> can it not power down the lan/graphics card/tv cards and hard disks?
[12:03] <haffe> Ace2016: check out mythbuntu acpi wake.
[12:04] <baalsgate> its not going to save much power
[12:04] <Ace2016> baalsgate: but the waking up thing will
[12:05] <Ace2016> haffe: so the package allows mythtv to wakeitself up when it needs to record?
[12:05] <baalsgate> yea i dont know how well thats going to work but hey why not
[12:06] <haffe> Ace2016: It's not a package, It's a collection of scripts.
[12:06] <Ace2016> so the scripts allow me to do that?
[12:07] <Ace2016> where can i get the mythtv theme in svg format, i want the icons for my theme
[12:07] <haffe> Ace2016: Yes they should.
[12:07] <Ace2016> sweet
[12:08] <baalsgate> your not going to be able to update your program guide while its asleep or use the web client
[12:08] <Ace2016> well modify the script to wakeup at 7am, check and shutdown
[12:09] <baalsgate> ok and web access ?
[12:09] <Ace2016> not planning to use web access
[12:09] <Ace2016> wait do i need web access for recording?
[12:10] <haffe> baalsgate: You could use wake on lan.
[12:10] <baalsgate> any pages dissusing the topic ?
[12:11] <baalsgate> seems interesting i may see how well something like that works
[12:13] <Ace2016> nice video http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6641045817693171683&hl=en
[12:13] <Ace2016> i never knew mythtv had pluggins
[12:18] <Ace2016> ext3 slow, got it
[12:19] <famicom_> goddammit
[12:19] <famicom_> http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2007-February/022776.html
[12:20] <Ace2016> famicom_: ...?
[12:22] <laga> famicom_: try latest mplayer or ffmpeg from svn
[12:24] <Ace2016> can i have a link to the uploaded file?
[12:36] <famicom_> laga nah
[12:36] <famicom_> its more related to xine etc
[12:36] <famicom_> and mythtv
[12:37] <laga> famicom_: yeah, but if it's fixed in mplayer it should be easy to fix in mythtv ;)
[12:37] <famicom_> yeah, how does the internal player work
[12:38] <famicom_> and if it does work in mplayer, how to i get mythtv to drop its own shitty player
[12:38] <laga> the internal player is based on ffmpeg (libavcodec and friends)
[12:39] <laga> for recordings, you can't drop the internal player. maybe use mythvideo..
[12:39] <laga> although i thought PAFF was supported by mythtv 0.21
[12:39] <laga> or try the coreavc patch, but that's $$ (not much, tho)
[12:40] <famicom_> yeah
[12:40] <famicom_> i allready bought it
[15:10] <jphillip> baalsgate imon pad support is already there, couple that with lcdproc and you should be good to go
[17:21] <hti_pro> i am trying to add a parameter to the mythfrontend command line in mythbuntu, anyone know where i should look.
[17:21] <hti_pro> there is no .xinitrc in my home directory
[17:26] <jphillip> hti_pro /usr/share/mythtv/mythfrontend.sh
[17:27] <hti_pro> ok cool
[22:02] <Ace2016> bye all