UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /12 /#ubuntu-kernel.txt
Initial commit
=== Ben1 is now known as BenC
[09:50] <BenC> I'm trying to think of a good reason why we have a linux-source-2.6.x.deb package, but I'm having a hard time justifying it
[09:52] <torkel> because people are used to it?
[10:07] <BenC> used to it doesn't mean it's worth having :)
[10:07] <BenC> most people assume they can use it to build the same packages we do, and that's just incorrect
[10:08] <BenC> what most people want is "apt-get source linux" not "sudo apt-get install linux-source"
[12:03] * BenC fires off the 2.6.26-1.1 upload
[12:05] <BenC> rtg: what was that you talk me last night, that adam said would pull in the last version?
[12:05] <rtg> hang on...
[12:05] <BenC> *told
[12:06] <rtg> an option to dpkg-buildpkg, e.g., '-v2.6.24-18.36'
[12:07] <BenC> Oh, I already knew about that
[12:08] <BenC> rtg: that just sets the .changes file to include all changelog entries later than that version
[12:09] <BenC> as opposed to just the current upload
[12:31] <fabbione> BenC: are you killing linux-ubuntu-modules?
[12:32] <fabbione> BenC: (for intrepid i mean)
[13:00] <BenC> fabbione: yeah
[13:00] <fabbione> ok
[13:01] <fabbione> so all external modules are back into main tree?
[13:06] <BenC> fabbione: yeah, pretty much
[13:13] <fabbione> BenC: it's kind of astonishing that no matter what, everything always collapse again.
[13:13] <fabbione> BenC: specially when we discussed that in regards of API/ABI breakage from lum
[13:13] <fabbione> and i suggested to go back
[13:29] <BenC> I never said going back wasn't possible
[13:29] <BenC> just that we couldn't do it in hardy
[13:29] <fabbione> nah there was time for hardy...
=== dashua_ is now known as dashua
[13:29] <BenC> nah, there wasn't :)
[13:30] <BenC> time to do it, sure, but some one with that time, that's a different story
[13:30] <fabbione> there was.. you are just too slow :P
[13:30] <fabbione> that's why you have 24h/day and weekends
[13:30] <fabbione> weekends are boring without hacking :)
[13:31] <BenC> lol, my weekends aren't boring, but I definitely don't spend them hacking
[13:31] <BenC> you're married, your don't have time either :P
[13:33] <fabbione> ahhaha
[13:34] <torkel> BenC: married and with small kids you have nights to hack on :-)
[13:35] <fabbione> torkel: no you don't.. kids keep you busy
[13:40] <tjaalton> especially at night..
=== mkrufky is now known as mkrufky-away
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== mkrufky-away is now known as mkrufky
=== smb_tp is now known as smb_away
=== smb_away is now known as smb_tp
=== mdomsch is now known as mdomsch_ord
[21:57] <mnem0> what is the difference between linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-18-386 and linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-18-generic ??
=== mnem0 is now known as mnemo
[22:06] <amitk> mnemo: the flavour. -386 is for older machines, -generic for 686+ machines
[22:07] <mnemo> so I really want the latter then, for a modern machine??
[22:10] <amitk> mnemo: depends on what kernel you have installed. 'apt-get install linux-image-generic' ought to take care of all dependencies, really
[22:11] <mnemo> but how do I choose kernel between -i386 and -generic?
[22:11] <amitk> mnemo: what is the output of 'cat /proc/version_signature'?
[22:12] <mnemo> it's currently Ubuntu 2.6.24-18.32-386
[22:13] <mnemo> but I think I got both installed in grub for some reason
[22:13] <mnemo> and i'm more interested in general what is the difference between -i386 and -generic so I know which one to use in the future etc
[22:14] <amitk> mnemo: if your processor is something released in the last 2-3 years, it is a safe bet to go with -generic.
[22:15] <mnemo> yea I know -generic boots and works fine when I select it from grub
[22:15] <mnemo> but is -generic faster because it's optimized for 686 or something like that?
[22:18] <amitk> mnemo: yes. It will use optimizations, new instructions, etc. for newer processors.
[22:18] <mnemo> okay cool
[22:18] <mnemo> thanks for explaining it to me
[22:19] <amitk> np
=== mkrufky is now known as mkrufky-away
=== mkrufky-away is now known as mkrufky
[23:21] <bmm> Hi everybody. For starters, thanks for your work on the kernel. I'm desperately waiting for 2.6.25+ because of lan driver fixes, so I was looking around at the launchpad pages and wanted to mention two things:
[23:22] <bmm> 2.6.26 ia64 for intrepid has run and failed to build because of a missing: debian/rules.d/ia64.mk
[23:22] <bmm> (which seems like a small mistake?)
[23:23] <bmm> The kernel-team contact information link to the wiki doesn't work, see https://launchpad.net/~kernel-team on the right lower side.
[23:23] <bmm> So, that's all I wanted to mention. Keep up the good work and looking forward to the new versions.
[23:24] <bmm> Thanks for reading!
[23:30] <mrec__> hi anyone awake?
[23:30] <mrec__> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/204578
[23:31] <mrec__> it would be great if someone could integrate the driver from mcentral.de into ubuntu