UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /08 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[01:15] <bazhang> smallfoot-> HEEEEEEEEELP BRAINSTORM IS BROKEN
[01:16] <bazhang> spoke to him many days ago in #u; back at it now in +1
[01:18] <Seeker`> bazhang: is he causing problems?
[01:20] <bazhang> Seeker`, currently muted in #u, back to complaining about brainstorm in +1, others have reported same stuff in various channels-->what do you think
[02:14] <Seeker`> fleebailey33: how can we help you?
[02:15] <fleebailey33> o.0...it auto joined from yesturday
[02:15] <fleebailey33> didnt even notice
[02:15] <fleebailey33> my bad
[02:15] <fleebailey33> new irc client
[02:53] <ubottu> filthpig called the ops in #ubuntu (Tommy_Mango)
[03:04] <amonxz_keops> hi every one im a ubuntu user who would love being util for the comunity
[03:05] <amonxz_keops> i can be a translator...
[03:06] <amonxz_keops> anyone who can give me some info about it?
[03:06] <jrib> hi amonxz_keops
[03:06] <amonxz_keops> hi
[03:06] <amonxz_keops> did you read my post?
[03:07] <jrib> amonxz_keops: usually, you should look for the group for your language on launchap and the wiki
[03:07] <jrib> launchpad*
[03:07] <jrib> amonxz_keops: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslatingUbuntu
[03:07] <amonxz_keops> cool bro
[03:08] <jrib> amonxz_keops: #ubuntu-translators seems to be the right place to ask for more info
[03:08] <jrib> amonxz_keops: good luck!
[03:08] <jrib> night
[03:08] <amonxz_keops> thanks
[03:27] <Seeker`> amonxz_keops: is there anything else we can help you with?
[03:28] <amonxz_keops> yes
[03:28] <Seeker`> what might that be?
[03:28] <amonxz_keops> i dont really see the way i can help cuz i see a lot of help with spanish
[03:30] <Seeker`> so...?
[03:30] <amonxz_keops> so im not gonna be like really important
[03:31] <amonxz_keops> u have lots of ppl working on that
[03:31] <Seeker`> all of the important things have a lot of people working on them
[03:34] <amonxz_keops> well
[03:34] <Seeker`> amonxz_keops: if you want to help, you can try answering questions on http://answers.launchpad.net
[03:34] <amonxz_keops> ok
[03:35] <Seeker`> amonxz_keops: This isn't really the channel for discussing this sort of thing, it is meant for irc operator related issues
[03:35] <Seeker`> amonxz_keops: please take note of the /topic
[03:35] <amonxz_keops> ok
[03:35] <Seeker`> CarlosR: Anything we can do to help you?
[03:37] <amonxz_keops> seeker: im not an expert i know how to speak english and spanish but how od i give em an answer of a question i dont know
[03:37] <Seeker`> amonxz_keops: You do research
[03:37] <CarlosR> no
[03:37] <CarlosR> yo no speak ingles
[03:37] <Seeker`> amonxz_keops: and only answer questions to know the answer to
[03:37] <Seeker`> CarlosR: pardon?
[03:38] <CarlosR> ?
[03:38] <amonxz_keops> he says he doesnt speak english
[03:38] <CarlosR> no hablo ingles
[03:38] <amonxz_keops> ya le dije man
[03:38] <CarlosR> a little
[03:38] <Pici> !es
[03:38] <ubottu> Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[03:39] <CarlosR> my english is too bad!
[03:39] <amonxz_keops> i can make an efford and learn more
[03:39] <amonxz_keops> i mean u
[03:41] <CarlosR> no
[03:41] <CarlosR> i dont understand
[03:42] <Pici> amonxz_keops, CarlosR: This channel is only for reporting issues with the Ubuntu support IRC channel.
[03:42] <Pici> I think you'd be better off joining #ubuntu-es if you want to help out
[03:42] <Pici> We're not administrators of the entire Ubuntu project.
[03:43] <amonxz_keops> ok man
[03:44] <amonxz_keops> pici i dont know if u see that im speaking english so dont push me away man
[03:44] <CarlosR> i understad you said Pici but i dont speak
[03:44] <CarlosR> quit
[03:44] <CarlosR> bye
[03:44] <amonxz_keops> bye
[03:45] <Seeker`> amonxz_keops: We aren't trying to "push you away"
[03:45] <amonxz_keops> well
[03:45] <Pici> We're trying to explain that this channel has a certain purpose.
[03:45] <Seeker`> but this isn't what the channel is for
[03:45] <amonxz_keops> mine bad
[03:46] <amonxz_keops> i just wanted to know how to help linux
[03:46] <Seeker`> amonxz_keops: where are you from?
[03:46] <amonxz_keops> im dominican
[03:48] <Seeker`> you could speak to the people in #ubuntu-do (The Dominican Republic loco channel) - they may be able to suggest stuff that you cna help with
[03:48] <amonxz_keops> great idea
[03:49] <amonxz_keops> i didnt know that we had a channel
[03:49] <amonxz_keops> and know i see that we dont have one
[03:50] <Seeker`> hmm, it says that there is one on the wiki
[03:51] <amonxz_keops> is just me on the channel
[03:51] <Seeker`> http://www.republicaubuntu.org.do/foro/
[03:51] <Seeker`> you could talk to the people in #ubuntu-offtopic
[03:52] <Seeker`> its just that this sort of discussion really isn't what this channel is for
[03:52] <amonxz_keops> i understand man
[03:52] <amonxz_keops> thanks for ur help
[03:53] <Seeker`> no problem
[03:57] <Seeker`> Burgundavia: Anything I can do to help you? or are you just here to lurk?
[03:57] <Burgundavia> I am a former op
[03:57] <Burgundavia> I haven't yet edited my chan list to remove -ops
[03:57] <Seeker`> fair enough :)
[03:58] <Seeker`> I know you are on the CC, so I wasn't trying to get you to leave or anything
[03:58] <Seeker`> I was just wondering if there was anything I can do to help, as we don't often get visits from CC members here :)
[04:04] <Seeker`> if there isn't anything I can do to help, I think I will go to bed as it is 4am
[04:04] <Seeker`> night
[04:04] <Pici> goodnight
[04:17] <nickrud> lol, poking Burgundavia is funny :)
[04:19] <nalioth> it's not Burgundavia until Burgundavia identifes to services, anyway
[04:19] <Burgundavia> ah, crap, bloody changing password
[04:20] <nalioth> aw, darn.
[04:20] <nalioth> now we must behave :|
[04:20] <Burgundavia> that is what happens when you turn on a machine that last ran dapper
[04:38] <doorknob60> my brother spammed in #ubuntu on my ip, can someone unban me?
[04:50] <Jack_Sparrow> We get the "It was my brother, roomate, friend " excuse all the time... HAve a talk with your brother.... Whoever set the ban is the one that needs to review it
[04:51] <Jack_Sparrow> Guess what.. it was me...
[04:51] <nickrud> hahahahaha, just looked
[04:52] <Jack_Sparrow> It was only an hour ago..
[04:54] <Jack_Sparrow> Tommy mango .. the guy who not only spammed us but debian and used the f-bomb in pm repeatedly...
[04:55] <Jack_Sparrow> doorknob60 read the coc and come back next week
[05:15] <nickrud> !staff
[05:15] <ubottu> Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw or Gary I could use a bit of your time :)
[05:15] <nickrud> Hey, are there any Channel Ops around...? I just joined the channel, and wanted to let you know that the user "SammyFoodRun" is a spammer-bot, who auto-spammed me about "joining his cool chat channel" in an unrequested private message. Please remove this moron bot from the channel, thanks.
[05:15] <nickrud> hm, bad edit, this guy was in #ubuntu
[05:16] <nalioth> nickrud: your ban is now obsolete
[05:16] <nickrud> nalioth thanks
[05:17] <nalioth> thanks you
[05:17] <nickrud> no, thank you (reminds me of the demo love fest today)
[05:20] <amonxz_keops> i need help validating my public password
[05:20] <amonxz_keops> can someone help me with that?
[05:20] <nickrud> amonxz_keops #freenode can help you with your freenode password
[05:21] <amonxz_keops> im talking about a pgp password
[05:21] <nickrud> amonxz_keops this isn't the help channel, sorry. Maybe in #ubuntu
[05:21] <amonxz_keops> ok
[05:22] <nalioth> or #gnupg
[05:23] <nickrud> amonxz_keops is there anything else? We prefer that people don't idle here, so when someone drops in here we know they have an issue of some kind (we have some, but they're special cases)
[05:23] <nickrud> *some idlers that is
[05:23] <amonxz_keops> cool im gone then
[05:23] <nickrud> amonxz_keops thanks. See you in #ubuntu
[05:24] <nickrud> doorknob60 is there anything else?
[06:16] <bazhang> doorknob60, please read the topic
[06:22] <bazhang> doorknob60, the best way to resolve this is to depart now; idling is not allowed here (minus a few exceptions)
[06:53] <doorknob60> oh sorry i was wathincg a mnovie
[09:00] <ikonia> gonna need some help in a minute please
[09:00] <ikonia> "going to"
[09:03] <elkbuntu> where?
[09:03] <ikonia> nakedgoat is going to be an issue
[09:03] <ikonia> in #ubuntu
[09:03] <ikonia> hassled a couple of users and is now "keen" to help
[09:04] <tritium> Yes, I already banned him 3 times.
[09:04] <elkbuntu> ha. /me notes he's still banned from here...
[09:04] <tritium> He apologized, so I unbanned 1 of the 3 hostmasks.
[09:04] <tritium> The other 2 are too offensive.
[09:04] <ikonia> ahh
[09:04] <ikonia> ok, so he's known
[09:04] <ikonia> well, he's coming around again
[09:04] <elkbuntu> tritium, he's ban evading?
[09:04] <ikonia> not quite there yet but building up to it
[09:04] <tritium> But, if he's a problem, I have no problem with a re-ban.
[09:04] <tritium> elkbuntu: he was, but did apologize. I felt lenient.
[09:05] <elkbuntu> tritium, yeah... quite
[09:05] <elkbuntu> note that is only *one* of the bans he has in this channel
[09:06] <elkbuntu> anything with 'fahq' as ident or 'showmeyourteetees' is him
[09:06] <ikonia> oooh it's him
[09:06] <ikonia> he's been a pain before
[09:06] <elkbuntu> yes.
[09:06] <ikonia> showmeyourteetees
[09:06] <tritium> And another
[09:07] <tritium> See the second-to-last ban, as I don't care to type it here.
[09:07] <tritium> (in #ubuntu)
[09:08] <elkbuntu> blunt enough? :)
[09:08] <ikonia> here it comes.....
[09:08] <ikonia> in #ubuntu
[09:08] <ikonia> ompaul: where you hunting me yesterday
[09:08] <tritium> elkbuntu: yeah, no kidding
[09:10] <elkbuntu> unfortunately being a PITA without spamming or abusiveness isnt enough for me to do anything :(
[09:10] * ompaul hunts ikonia
[09:10] <ompaul> @login
[09:10] <ompaul> @btlogin
[09:10] <ubottu> ompaul: The operation succeeded.
[09:11] <ikonia> ompaul: what's up, sorry I missed you had a busy day
[09:12] <ompaul> ikonia, not a lot I was going to exchange sound waves with ya if it hadda been suitable :)
[09:12] <ikonia> ahhh
[09:12] <ompaul> then I fell into being distracted myself
[09:13] <ompaul> today I feel like a C++ function overloaded already
[09:13] <ompaul> mix my metaphors
[09:13] <ikonia> we could kernel later
[09:14] <ompaul> my day works like this atm - breakfast soon and then back here some time before lunch and afternoon the classic summer fete (argh but for a good cause)
[09:14] <ompaul> then back here
[09:14] <ompaul> and who knows
[09:14] <ompaul> we could try it
[09:14] <ikonia> I've got some patches to test, you could be an excellent guinee pig
[09:15] <liassist> hello, requesting upgrade to staffer
[09:16] <ompaul> not likely we ain't staff
[09:16] <liassist> so no staffer is currently available??
[09:16] <elkbuntu> #freenode is where you ask for staffers
[09:17] <liassist> i want to be a staffer at #ubuntu and other channels
[09:17] <elkbuntu> sorry, you do not get staff access by asking.
[09:18] <liassist> well, can you guide me to being a staffer ive been on #ubuntu for 2-years (i was a staffer in #linux-assist now closed)
[09:19] <ikonia> why not just help out
[09:19] <ikonia> in terms of support rather than worry about being "staff"
[09:20] <ikonia> the key is supporting people
[09:20] <ikonia> not gaining access
[09:20] <ikonia> that was phrased very badly on my part
[09:21] <liassist> ive been supporting people (thanx for the help on the other day now iam currently employed) (thankyou a lot)
[09:21] <ikonia> ok, so whats the problem ?
[09:22] <ikonia> your involved by supporting people, so thats great, job done
[09:22] <liassist> i want to become a staffer (not for power or anything just want to go to the nest level)
[09:23] <ompaul> !membership
[09:23] <ubottu> Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember
[09:23] <ompaul> sustained contribution
[09:23] <liassist> thanks thats great
[09:24] <liassist> well, (not being rude) i just want to know why can't i be staffer?
[09:25] <elkbuntu> considering i have no clue who you are, i wouldnt be prepared to give you the power to clear our channels.
[09:25] <ompaul> liassist, I pointed you at the next level unewmemberprocess
[09:26] <ompaul> that might get you on peoples radar
[09:26] <liassist> well, how do i prove it to you maybe talkin to you will let you get to know me
[09:26] <ikonia> why d you want it so bad ?
[09:26] <ompaul> liassist, this is your next objective: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember
[09:27] <liassist> ompaul, i just help people and distribute cd's and promote ubuntu using where ever i go (i hve no artwork and no code)
[09:27] <ompaul> liassist, please read that webpage
[09:28] <ompaul> you will understand then it is not our initial call
[09:30] <ompaul> !coc
[09:30] <ubottu> The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/
[09:31] <ompaul> liassist, when you have done reading those items please read the topic in this channel, have a nice day
[09:32] <liassist> thankyou
[09:32] <elkbuntu> -NickServ- Information on liassist (account liassist):
[09:32] <elkbuntu> -NickServ- Registered : May 27 07:55:29 2008 (1 week, 5 days, 00:36:29 ago)
[09:32] <elkbuntu> heh
[09:32] <elkbuntu> by 'two years' it seems he really meant 'two weeks'
[09:32] <tritium> Two years, eh?
[09:33] <ompaul> tritium, I took a little more offence at naked goat - he got a 5 way ban
[09:33] <tritium> ompaul: I noticed
[09:33] <ompaul> I had that with him once
[09:33] <tritium> And I agree with it.
[09:33] <tritium> I was too lenient with him earlier, thinking his apology was sincere.
[09:34] <elkbuntu> tritium, we all get fooled by trolls every now and then
[09:34] <tritium> elkbuntu: :)
[09:35] <elkbuntu> the code of conduct rather prones us to it too
[09:36] <tritium> Yeah, it was late, and I was thinking that perhaps I was too harsh or grumpy earlier. But, in retrospect, probably not. ;)
[09:40] <ompaul> I would say you see a domain name that is aiming to be offencive and I don't mean aol or comcast ;-)) then it is in contravention of the Code of Conduct and you got to weigh that into your how bad is this
[09:41] <ompaul> tritium, and if you are feeling that you is getting grumpy I strongly suggest that you research a flash video which can be found called "llama llama duck"
[09:41] <ompaul> it is just nutty
[09:42] <tritium> ompaul: hmm, ok, I'll check it out
[09:53] <bazhang> dualblader a problem?
[09:53] <ikonia> no
[09:53] <ikonia> he has some problems, but he just is hard wor
[09:53] <bazhang> okay
[09:53] <ikonia> doesn't listen and does his own thing
[09:53] <ikonia> then makes it a bit worse
[09:53] <ikonia> just "hard work" nothing more
[10:01] <tritium> ompaul: cute
[10:12] <elkbuntu> ikonia, you need to take care not to let those ones take up *all* your time
[10:59] <Seeker`> anyone seen the mailing list?
[11:00] <elkbuntu> riiiigh
[11:00] <elkbuntu> yes
[11:00] <elkbuntu> is it just me or does this guy seem like a paddy?
[11:00] <elkbuntu> with different focus though
[11:07] * Seeker` writes a reply
[11:10] <elkbuntu> did you read the -women list thread>
[11:10] <elkbuntu> ?
[11:10] <Seeker`> yes
[11:12] <Seeker`> well, I read everything up to the time when the "bug report" was posted
[11:14] <bazhang> sounds like another 'we need a #norules channel' type
[11:17] <elkbuntu> not at all
[11:17] <elkbuntu> it's just another 'you're doing it wrong because you're not doing it how i say' type
[11:17] <elkbuntu> which is not #norules but rather #myrules
[11:17] <bazhang> hehe
[11:18] <bazhang> the 'abusive ops' sounds familiar though
[11:18] <elkbuntu> um, yes... that one comes from many a troll's mouth
[11:18] <bazhang> digital abuse? :)
[11:18] <elkbuntu> he sounds like he's been trained up by a paddy though
[11:26] <wgrant> Come on everyone, into #ubuntu. Let's merge everything.
[11:26] * Seeker` doesn't think his screen can update that quickly
[11:27] <wgrant> It'll be even better once the LoCo channels are abolished.
[11:28] <elkbuntu> wgrant, i hope your brain is hurting just from contemplating all this.
[11:29] <wgrant> elkbuntu: Of course.
[11:30] <elkbuntu> good
[11:31] <Seeker`> you mustn't forget the other people that think we are DoingItWrong™, and that #ubuntu needs to be split up too
[11:31] <wgrant> We need to both split it up and merge it.
[11:32] <wgrant> elkbuntu: I see what you mean about mdious.
[11:33] <elkbuntu> wgrant, what have you had to define for him tonight?
[11:33] <elkbuntu> Seeker`, we know. the tug of war hurts after a while
[11:33] <wgrant> elkbuntu: Nothing, but look at his line after your two.
[11:34] <Seeker`> I reckon we just carry on as we are then :P
[11:34] * gnomefreak goes for smoke before reading email
[11:34] <wgrant> gnomefreak: I'm not sure you want to read any Ubuntu mail today.
[11:35] <wgrant> It's all fairly unpleasant.
[11:35] <elkbuntu> wgrant, i had to define 'acquaintance' and 'dud' yesterday for him. the fun ones are when you have to define part of the definition
[11:35] <wgrant> elkbuntu: So I saw.
[11:35] <wgrant> And yay siccness.
[11:37] <Myrtti> /me yawns
[11:37] <elkbuntu> wgrant, i gather you agree with me removing his access then :)
[11:37] <wgrant> elkbuntu: Duh.
[11:41] <Seeker`> woo! pricey's email agrees with mine!
[11:45] <elkbuntu> Seeker`, from one of the linuxchix: "I've been watching his insanity from time to time since late 2002 when I first came here"
[11:45] <Seeker`> wow
[11:47] <elkbuntu> #linuxchix here on freenode is primarily occupied by him.
[11:47] <elkbuntu> has been as long as i can remember
[11:47] <elkbuntu> heads up in -offtopic
[11:48] <elkbuntu> im off to forget this mess for $time_until_bathwater_goes_cold
[11:48] <Seeker`> have fun
[11:56] <Myrtti> oh dear.
[11:57] <Seeker`> lo Myrtti
[12:00] <Myrtti> still at my mom's...
[12:00] <Myrtti> I wonder what's so special with this screenshot http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/2555061045/
[12:01] <Myrtti> uploaded 2008-06-06... Viewed 475 times (Not including me)
[12:02] <Seeker`> possibly because you keep on pasting the link in public IRC channels?
[12:03] <Myrtti> I pasted it once to #terminator, that's it. Twice here.
[12:03] <Seeker`> :O
[12:03] <Myrtti> not on -ot, nowhere else.
[12:04] <Myrtti> see? I've got no idea how it can be that popular
[12:04] <Seeker`> :/
[12:04] <Myrtti> and, I paste piccies of my guineapigses more often, and they get max 15hits in 3 days
[12:05] <Myrtti> perhaps 30
[12:05] <Seeker`> terminator ftw
[12:05] <wgrant> Myrtti: But that one has LaTeX in it, which makes it infinitely cooler than guinea pigs.
[12:05] <Seeker`> what about the other terminator pics?
[12:05] <Seeker`> wgrant: :O
[12:05] <Seeker`> /mode #ubuntu-ops +b wgrant
[12:06] <Seeker`> :P
[12:06] * wgrant dies.
[12:06] <Myrtti> wgrant: it's on a fetish blog, true, but seeing flickr stats... only two hits from there
[12:06] <Myrtti> 40 hits from planet.emacsen.org
[12:07] <Myrtti> Direct Traffic 201 hits, 42%
[12:07] <Myrtti> so someone else has been pasting that url around
[12:07] <Seeker`> Myrtti: what about the other terminator pics?
[12:08] <Myrtti> terminator 2, 29 views, terminator 1, 34 views
[12:08] <Myrtti> see?
[12:08] <Seeker`> :/
[12:08] <Myrtti> I have *no* idea
[12:08] <Seeker`> maybe terminator 3 is more popular than the other films
[12:08] <Myrtti> LOL
[12:09] <Myrtti> ok, off to shop with mom -->
[12:11] <gnomefreak> did anyone read his comment on bug 1?
[12:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1
[12:11] <wgrant> gnomefreak: How'd you find out about it?
[12:11] <wgrant> Checked his LP account?
[12:11] <gnomefreak> wgrant: email
[12:11] <gnomefreak> wgrant: out of over 1000 emails a day something has to show up
[12:12] <gnomefreak> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/237852
[12:12] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 237852 in ubuntu "Freenode #ubuntu* Channels are Too Fragmented, Over-specialised and "on-topic"" [Undecided,Invalid]
[12:12] <gnomefreak> hes demanding 1 be closed due to that bug being closed
[12:12] <gnomefreak> and i cant open 1 its locking me up
[12:14] <wgrant> #1 is rather big nowadays. I remember when it had < 10 comments :(
[12:15] <stdin> #1 is a software bug, we need rocking software to been MS
[12:15] <wgrant> True, true.
[12:15] <wgrant> His LJ declares us to be dieing.
[12:15] <wgrant> Nice.
[12:16] <stdin> erm, s/been/beet/ ;)
[12:16] <wgrant> s/beet/beat/
[12:16] <stdin> or beat, too tired
[12:16] <elkbuntu> we shouldnt be trying to beat anyone tbh
[12:16] <wgrant> cat > /dev/bed
[12:17] <stdin> s/be.t/take market share away from/
[12:21] <gnomefreak> hes starting to piss me off now
[12:23] <gnomefreak> is anyone keeping these links by chance?
[12:24] <gnomefreak> they will come in handy once he brings this to CC
[12:25] <Seeker`> gnomefreak: afaics, its just 1 bug and a load of mailing list posts
[12:25] <Seeker`> they wont be hard t ofind
[12:26] <gnomefreak> Seeker`: that is now but since hes been bitching about Ubuntu for a long time (see livejournal posts) there will be more to come im sure
[12:27] <gnomefreak> what is his IRC name?
[12:27] <elkbuntu> rindolf
[12:27] <gnomefreak> some how i doubt that is his main nick
[12:29] <elkbuntu> thats the one he's been in #linuxchix on this network for as long as i can remember
[12:29] <gnomefreak> ok thanks
[12:43] <Hobbsee> oh yay, this git.
[12:43] <elkbuntu> yes
[12:43] <Hobbsee> *suggests shooting would be a suitable response, but in such a way as to not be a threat, or an intent*
[12:44] <gnomefreak> Daviey: are you around?
[12:44] <Seeker`> I think he is more of asquare
[12:45] <gnomefreak> anyone know the email to have meeting added to fridge?
[12:45] <Seeker`> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/about
[12:47] <elkbuntu> Hobbsee, doesnt work like that
[12:47] <gnomefreak> Seeker`: thanks
[13:02] <Hobbsee> elkbuntu: he'd probably do a hell of a lot better if he didn't keep critising the project in his first mail to them.
[13:02] <gnomefreak> Seeker`: thanks i did find out that we dont send to that email but ask in #ubuntu-news or use the -news mailing list
[13:03] <Seeker`> gnomefreak: ah, cool
[13:03] <Seeker`> gnomefreak: I'll try to remember that
[13:03] <elkbuntu> Hobbsee, that is a given. shooting will only get you chastised by mark in your absence
[13:07] <Hobbsee> heh
[13:08] <Hobbsee> depends if he found out
[13:08] <elkbuntu> im sure there's plenty of rats scuttling around.
[13:09] <Hobbsee> likely
[13:09] * Hobbsee checks the CC agenda
[13:10] <Hobbsee> oh, shame. he hasn't taken it that high yet.
[13:10] <gnomefreak> with some of his posts and nothing to back them up i would say go for it
[13:11] <gnomefreak> demanding closure of marks bug isnt great either
[13:11] * gnomefreak agrees with Hobbsee please dont feed the trolls or the wannabe trolls as they may bite the hand that feeds ;)
[13:12] <elkbuntu> there are valid arguments against that bug, but yeah. DoingItWrong™
[13:12] <Hobbsee> gnomefreak: oh, sure. but i thought i'd at least pretend to be vaguely productive on there.
[13:12] <gnomefreak> :)
[13:13] <elkbuntu> gnomefreak, he's a little bigger than a wannabe. 6+yrs bigger
[13:14] <gnomefreak> im not allowed to say what i think he is
[13:19] <gnomefreak> he commented back already Hobbsee
[13:20] <gnomefreak> oh well
[13:20] <gnomefreak> no tears here
[13:20] <elkbuntu> gnomefreak, not even happy ones? ;)
[13:20] <gnomefreak> ho hot worth it
[13:20] <gnomefreak> ho not
[13:21] <gnomefreak> damn
[13:21] <gnomefreak> no not
[13:22] * gnomefreak wouldnt have minded he make an ass of himself infront of CC
[13:22] <gnomefreak> but oh well maybe something will be on tv next meeting
[13:22] <elkbuntu> one does not troll for 6 years by jumpin in the deep end
[13:22] <Hobbsee> excellent.
[13:23] * Hobbsee wonders why a few choice words are coming to midn.
[13:27] * gnomefreak thinks about changing his freenode bug from invalid to fix released
[13:28] <Hobbsee> what, for putting the channels togehter?
[13:29] <gnomefreak> no because he left no more issues
[13:29] <gnomefreak> :)
[13:30] <Hobbsee> if you file a bug asking for the removal of his LP account, that would work
[13:31] <gnomefreak> would need something to back it and none of this would be enough IMO
[13:32] <Hobbsee> you're right, actually. i'ts not clear cut spam, so launchpad would require it to go thru ubuntu. and getting it thru the CC would be a pain, for many reasons.
[13:32] <gnomefreak> loophole == someone else wants to use that LP name
[13:33] <gnomefreak> since he left and wont return
[13:33] <stdin> that guy does like to throw his website around, doesn't he
[13:34] <gnomefreak> yep
[13:35] <Hobbsee> stdin: what, the one that says "hire me!"
[13:35] <stdin> I don't know, I've seen no reason to actually click on the link ;)
[13:35] <gnomefreak> he cant say anything on his site really other than what Ubuntu people dont help
[13:35] <gnomefreak> me neither
[13:37] <Hobbsee> stdin: it's just all the things he's willing to do
[13:38] * stdin is now scared to click it
[13:38] <Hobbsee> it's not bad - or not that i noticed.
[13:39] <Hobbsee> but they idea of "hey, i am desperate here!" comes through loud and clear
[13:40] <stdin> I could only just about be bothered to read his "Introducing Myself" post (and I skimmed most of it), I definitely don't want to read a whole website about him
[13:40] * gnomefreak thinks before hitting send
[13:40] <gnomefreak> s/thinks/thinks and eats
[13:42] <gnomefreak> nah too harsh
[13:43] <Hobbsee> stdin: i glanced at it :P
[13:43] <Hobbsee> only.
[13:46] <ompaul> gnomefreak, it is not the communities fault that a person does not know how to interact with a project as big as this
[13:46] <ompaul> it not a persons fault
[13:46] <ompaul> we have written a lot about it
[13:46] <ompaul> if you have a bug here do that
[13:47] <gnomefreak> ompaul: well its fault if you fail to handle it properly
[13:48] <ompaul> if someone comes in at a strange angle and bounces off the atmosphere of the planet in spite of the fact that you have signals that point to the correct access point then you have done what you can
[13:48] <ompaul> you can only do so much and I think people around here do not give themselves enough credit for the work they have done
[13:50] * gnomefreak missed the origin of this crap but from what i read the ops have done thier job and did it right
[13:50] <ompaul> gnomefreak, I am trying to be a bit wider in the net I am casting
[13:51] <ompaul> let me help out here with a few class observations:
[13:52] <ompaul> and before I start here is a news flash - this is not thinking about any one instance or person at all it is just some of my thoughts - put in the public domain for people to hopefully find something good to take away
[13:53] <ompaul> the function of an IRC operator in the Ubuntu space is to insure that the channels are usable
[13:53] <ompaul> they do this by being present
[13:53] <ompaul> and helping out
[13:53] <gnomefreak> right
[13:53] <ompaul> this informs their judgement about what is the norm
[13:54] <ompaul> then they add the guidelines and CoC into this mix
[13:54] <ompaul> now their judgements are more informed
[13:54] <ompaul> so a person does something out of the norm
[13:54] <ompaul> they are asked to refrain
[13:54] <ompaul> they do great
[13:55] <ompaul> they do not they can be addressed in several ways being handed the documents referenced above
[13:55] <ompaul> in a pm what is actually wrong with their behaviour
[13:55] <ompaul> or here in -ops if they feel they have been treated unfairly
[13:55] <ompaul> HOWEVER
[13:57] <ompaul> circular debates where the OP does not see your view and does not express something accurately enough for you to pin down to an understanding leaves you with a judgement call
[13:58] <ompaul> are you being trolled
[13:58] <ompaul> if so then you make another call, is the person off focus a little or a lot
[13:58] <ompaul> my use of the word focus is where the norm is a sharp picture
[14:00] <ompaul> there is a point at which you let them inform themselves and they can come back if they are willing to act within the bounds of normal behaviour as per the informing documentation and your own common sense
[14:00] <ompaul> beyond that - you can spend your life trying to adjust a persons agenda
[14:00] <ompaul> and that my friends is what I consider a waste they have to come to their own views on what they are doing
[14:01] <ompaul> but you can agree to disagree :-) that is a fantastic thing about being human
[14:01] <elkbuntu> hehe
[14:01] <ompaul> if they don't disrupt then there is no reason to keep them out - but if they do - so long see ya on the other side when you have refreshed your view point
[14:01] <ompaul> and that is the view of ompaul
[14:02] <ompaul> and guess what peeps
[14:02] <ompaul>
[14:02] <ompaul> I reserve the right as a human being to change my mind
[14:02] <ompaul>
[14:02] <ompaul> regards, Me ;-)
[14:02] <ompaul> </rant ~ random lecture ~ some comments>
[14:03] <ompaul> now I am out for a bit
[14:25] <gnomefreak> are we having ubottu join -kernel and any other channels its missing from?
[14:31] <Seeker`> Taikon: Hi, how can we help you?
[14:32] <Taikon> i'm banned in ubuntu channel :s
[14:32] <Taikon> my english is bad sorry
[14:33] <Hobbsee> gnomefreak: probably a decent idea
[14:34] <Taikon> ‹22:35› <ompaul> come back to #ubuntu-ops in an hour
[14:34] <Taikon> ‹22:35› <ompaul> and I'll let you back
[14:34] <elkbuntu> he's gone out for a bit shouldnt be too long
[14:35] <gnomefreak> Hobbsee: does council have any rights to bot?
[14:35] <Seeker`> Taikon: What was your nickname at the time?
[14:35] <Taikon> Nicolas_Sarkozy
[14:35] <Hobbsee> gnomefreak: dunno. technically, i dobut it
[14:36] <gnomefreak> i think it needs to be brought up for when jussio1 isnt around
[14:37] <Hobbsee> with a bit of luck, the council will keep liasing with elmo to get it moved.
[14:37] <gnomefreak> server moved?
[14:37] <gnomefreak> to host on ubuntu servers?
[14:41] <Hobbsee> gnomefreak: the latter
[14:41] <gnomefreak> ah ok
[15:00] <Ward1983> Jack_Sparrow, did i swear or something?
[15:00] <Ward1983> why is it i allways get banned in #ubuntu and not in other channels?
[15:00] <Jack_Sparrow> If you want to disrespect me in open or private channel
[15:01] <Ward1983> yes i dont have any respect for you
[15:01] <Ward1983> and many others in this room
[15:01] <Jack_Sparrow> then dont come back
[15:01] <Ward1983> instead of helping me you all try to make it more difficult for me
[15:01] <Ward1983> and worst of all is that you people dont even care
[15:02] <Ward1983> man if only i knew that when i started with linux....
[15:02] <Ward1983> i would have chosen another distro
[15:02] <Jack_Sparrow> YOu dont seem to even try and obey our rules.. if you want support a fee service is available
[15:03] <Ward1983> i was leacving and yet you complained :s
[15:03] <Ward1983> about multiple lines stiugff
[15:03] <Ward1983> while its not even busy in there
[15:03] <Ward1983> at least not at that time
[15:03] <Ward1983> just gimme a break man
[15:03] <Ward1983> you LIVE for fights like this
[15:03] <Ward1983> most of you do
[15:03] <elkbuntu> Ward1983, you were not being appropriate in #ubuntu and accusations are not appropriate here either.
[15:04] <gnomefreak> Ward1983: its not in your best intereast in mouthing off to ops and that includes ops that you dont know nor are involved in you conversation
[15:04] <Ward1983> elkbuntu, i was not trying to be inapropriate i was just expressing my point of view
[15:05] <Ward1983> but you people are so focussed on the screen trying to get a reaction from people so you can ban them
[15:05] <Ward1983> not even kick the first time no jsut ban
[15:05] <gnomefreak> please leave point of view topivs in an -offtopic channel
[15:05] <elkbuntu> if only i had that much time.
[15:05] <elkbuntu> wouldnt you love to have that much time, Jack_Sparrow?
[15:06] <Ward1983> now is there anything gonna change this or not?
[15:07] <gnomefreak> Ward1983: before throwing around comments like you people or any other term please make sure you people are involved in banning you
[15:07] <gnomefreak> Ward1983: i would think that is up to you now, is it going to change?
[15:07] <Ward1983> gnomefreak, i dont see anyone that agrees with me so i use "you people"
[15:07] <jrib> Ward1983: a good start would probably be if you agree to follow the rules from now on
[15:07] <gnomefreak> Ward1983: you people is a very very open hole and shouldnt be used
[15:07] <jrib> the rules are there to help users get help
[15:08] <gnomefreak> Ward1983: might i suggest you read and follow the following links:
[15:08] <Jack_Sparrow> Ward1983 You are a repeat offender, there is no need for more warnings
[15:08] <Ward1983> jrib, i will never even need #ubuntu soon, its just i want to get rid of this problem for the remaining time... i dont have time to get to learn to know another distro right now
[15:08] <gnomefreak> !guidelines
[15:08] <ubottu> The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[15:08] <gnomefreak> !coc
[15:08] <ubottu> The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/
[15:08] <jrib> Ward1983: ok, but that doesn't address what I said at all
[15:09] <Ward1983> this is tiring me
[15:09] <Ward1983> i need a smokebreak
[15:09] <Ward1983> i've been banned just yesterday btw
[15:09] <Ward1983> that probable explains a bit more why i use you people
[15:10] <Ward1983> it feels like ubuntu ops are a different race somehow
[15:10] <gnomefreak> Ward1983: you dont need ubuntu is fine with us as others dont need it either but choose to use it because of many reasons and you not following the rules takes us away from helping the ones that need it or want it to explain the rules to you or making sure you dont break them again and again
[15:10] <Ward1983> how come i never have these probs in my local channel?
[15:10] * jrib feels like he is reading a monologue for some reason
[15:10] <Ward1983> or other irc channels for instance
[15:10] <Ward1983> with similar rules
[15:11] <Ward1983> other ops perhaps?
[15:11] <Ward1983> i think i would go for other ops
[15:11] <Hobbsee> Ward1983: different numbers of people
[15:11] <Hobbsee> Ward1983: does your local channel have 1200+ people in it?
[15:11] <Ward1983> no but other channels do
[15:11] <Hobbsee> er, 1300
[15:11] <gnomefreak> Ward1983: mainly because not many if any other channel on freenode has as many users as #ubuntu and we have to keep it civil so all 1000+ users get help
[15:11] <Ward1983> where i never have trouble
[15:11] <Hobbsee> if so, then they're not on freenode.
[15:11] <Ward1983> all of themn?
[15:12] <Ward1983> well i never get any help
[15:12] <Ward1983> i gave help though
[15:12] <Ward1983> every day in my locan channel
[15:12] <Hobbsee> you don't follow the rules either, it appears.
[15:12] <Ward1983> apparantly thats of no value when you need help yourself
[15:12] <gnomefreak> Ward1983: i suggest you read the links the bot gave you than please let us know if these are rules you can follow or not
[15:12] <Ward1983> gnomefreak, like i never read that before...
[15:13] <jrib> Ward1983: the key part is the second part of what gnomefreak said
[15:13] <gnomefreak> if you can follow them im sure Jack_Sparrow would look at giving you a chance but from that comment it seems as if you are not going to follow them
[15:13] <gnomefreak> Ward1983: if you can follow them than we cant unban you
[15:13] <Ward1983> then i think its unfair that i cannot respond to an op
[15:13] <Ward1983> i did not insult anyone
[15:13] <Hobbsee> Ward1983: it's not automatic that you receive help. there are many people in there, and many asking questions at the same time. if you require help immediately, then it would be suggested that you look into a canonical support contract, where they wills tep you through what you want, when you want it.
[15:13] <jrib> you're doing that now
[15:14] <Ward1983> Hobbsee, if i have money tio spent it will never go to canonical
[15:14] <Ward1983> the one who banned me doesnt even respond
[15:14] <gnomefreak> Ward1983: thats a good thing
[15:14] <Ward1983> nah not really
[15:14] <Hobbsee> Ward1983: then you're stuck with a time of asking on irc, and possibly not getting an answer. keep in mind that there are also forums.
[15:15] <Ward1983> i dont care anymore, ill just live with my problem
[15:15] <Hobbsee> but having a sense of entitlement won't help you, in almost all cases.
[15:15] <gnomefreak> Ward1983: that prevents people from getting upset and saying and or doing something that is not becoming of an op
[15:15] <Ward1983> i've wasted so much time on this again
[15:15] <Ward1983> just like yesterday
[15:15] <Ward1983> if you dont want to give me a chance of solving this theo so be it
[15:15] <gnomefreak> Ward1983: have a nice day. there is no reason to keep this convo up since you fail to abide by the rules and coc
[15:15] <Ward1983> correct
[15:16] <jrib> Ward1983: about 3 times now, gnomefreak and I have asked you if you are willing to follow the rules. Everytime, you've ignored the question
[15:16] <elkbuntu> goodbye then.
[15:16] <gnomefreak> i suggest you read and agree to them or leave please
[15:16] <Ward1983> finally you got what you want :) be proud of it
[15:16] <Ward1983> byebye
[15:16] <Ward1983> i allready read, and i agree, but i dont agree to nazi-like ops
[15:16] <Ward1983> thats what i dont agree to
[15:16] * gnomefreak doesnt care if you stay or leave but this topic is over worked
[15:16] <Ward1983> so i guess i need to leave
[15:18] <Seeker`> ryanakca: anyting we can do to help you?
[15:19] <elkbuntu> hmm, there could well be a proportion of dynamic hostmasks in the ban list for here... too late to play with banlists for me though. g'nite
[15:19] <gnomefreak> night elkbuntu
[15:19] <Jack_Sparrow> goodnight
[15:19] <elkbuntu> Seeker`, ryanakca is a known entity :)
[15:19] <gnomefreak> yep
[15:19] <elkbuntu> there are no unknown entities here atm
[15:20] <gnomefreak> they are for me
[15:20] <Seeker`> known entities should have +v :P
[15:20] <gnomefreak> there*
[15:20] <gnomefreak> Seeker`: only ops get +v
[15:20] <gnomefreak> hes not an op but hes been around a long time that most of us know him
[15:21] <jussi01> He is Kubuntu dev IIRC
[15:21] <ryanakca> gnomefreak: well, I am in #kubuntu... I just don't really use it...
[15:21] <gnomefreak> evand is unknown entity for me
[15:21] <elkbuntu> gnomefreak, which entities are unkonwn to you?
[15:21] <stdin> generally, we don't mind @ubuntu/member/* being here so mucg
[15:21] <stdin> *much
[15:21] <gnomefreak> elkbuntu: evand
[15:21] <elkbuntu> evand is good people
[15:21] <gnomefreak> its more of the ones that hang out in here to help thier friends evade bans and such
[15:21] <Seeker`> that elky_work person is a bit odd, I dont trust them :P
[15:22] <gnomefreak> i dar eyou to ban that nick
[15:22] <gnomefreak> lol
[15:22] <gnomefreak> dare
[15:22] <gnomefreak> elkbuntu: been op all day?
[15:22] * Seeker` can only ban people in -uk
[15:22] <elkbuntu> gnomefreak, well, it's bip'd from the same server as i am currently, heh
[15:22] * gnomefreak tries not to ban anyone unless i have ot
[15:22] <gnomefreak> ah
[15:22] <elkbuntu> probably. im getting good at forgetting to deop
[15:23] <Seeker`> gnomefreak: same here. Unless its Gary.
[15:23] <gnomefreak> elkbuntu: thought there was some sort of attack
[15:23] <gnomefreak> gary i know that nick for some reason
[15:23] <Seeker`> he is more than capable of defending himself
[15:24] <gnomefreak> Seeker`: maybe that is why he made ops?
[15:24] <gnomefreak> atleast made +v in here
[15:24] <Seeker`> gnomefreak: I mean the fact that he is staff :P
[15:24] <stdin> he's also staff ;)
[15:24] <elkbuntu> gnomefreak, you need to learn to /whois people
[15:24] <gnomefreak> elkbuntu: i know it all too well
[15:24] <stdin> but he was an op before becoming staff
[15:24] <gnomefreak> hes staff?
[15:25] <elkbuntu> stdin, was he? i thought he staffed his way in
[15:25] <gnomefreak> damn i go away a few months and it takes me a few mor eto get caught up
[15:25] <Seeker`> he was ops in forums I think
[15:25] <gnomefreak> yep
[15:25] <elkbuntu> gnomefreak, you only need to go away for a week for that effect
[15:25] <stdin> elkbuntu: he was an op in -offtopic and -uk (I think) before becoming staff
[15:25] <gnomefreak> :)
[15:25] <elkbuntu> stdin, ah
[15:25] <gnomefreak> he was -offtopic op as well IIRC
[15:25] <Seeker`> yeah, he was an op in -uk too
[15:25] <elkbuntu> all i know is he couldnt ban hobbsee back
[15:25] <gnomefreak> type too slow
[15:25] <Hobbsee> heh
[15:26] <Hobbsee> elkbuntu: how's this for you? http://community.livejournal.com/customers_suck/25416211.html
[15:26] <Seeker`> anyone know how to do fast ray-sphere intersection?
[15:27] <gnomefreak> is there a time limit that you have to wait between helping people?
[15:27] <gnomefreak> help 1 person > wait a day > help next :)
[15:27] <Hobbsee> gnomefreak: no, i thought that was kill 1 person > wait a day > kill the next.
[15:28] <Hobbsee> with appropriate body hiding in between.
[15:28] <gnomefreak> :)
[15:29] <elkbuntu> Hobbsee, that almost tops the one i had when i was a checkout chick who wanted their change almost before they'd given me money. i got barked at before the till had time to open.
[15:29] <Hobbsee> elkbuntu: oh, that's a good one, too.
[15:30] <Hobbsee> havne't managed that one
[15:32] <elkbuntu> anyway. bed for real
[15:32] <Hobbsee> night
[15:32] <Seeker`> nn
[16:06] <jussi01> [18:05:20] <R_I_C_K_I_E> jussi01, R u sick and tired of being in chat rooms dat r boring, not fun, and lame? Want 2 finally join a chat room that is off da chain and 100% awesome? Well #CALEBCOOLCHAT is the place 4 u. We do nothing but have fun in da chat, hosted by me, CALEB WELLEMEYER. So if u want a fun chat, 2 have fun, or maybe even meet a new best friend, come to #CALEBCOOLCHAT today.
[16:06] <jussi01> !staff | on join message from above
[16:06] <ubottu> on join message from above: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw or Gary I could use a bit of your time :)
[16:07] <tomaw> where?
[16:07] <jussi01> tomaw: #kubuntu - I just banned him
[16:08] <stdin> they are in #ubuntu too
[16:08] <stdin> tomaw: seems to only be sent to non-identified users
[16:08] <tomaw> no onjoin spam there though
[16:08] <jussi01> no, I got it
[16:08] <Dave2> tomaw, this guy exempts staff cloaks
[16:08] <tomaw> gone anyway
[16:08] <jussi01> seem like random users
[16:08] <Dave2> my unaffiliated client gets it
[16:08] <tomaw> nice
[16:08] <jussi01> great :)
[16:09] <Dave2> At least, he appears to exclude those with staff cloaks. I've always got spam when I've joined Dave2^2, but never as myself.
[16:10] <tomaw> About time they got wise to that I guess :)
[16:20] <Jack_Sparrow> Guys I have been a script kiddie too long, thanks to chanserv.py what is the format to manually kb *!*@adsl-75-41-174-240.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net
[16:22] <Seeker`> /mode #channel +kb host
[16:22] <Seeker`> I think
[16:22] <Pici> /mode #ubuntu +b *!*@adsl-75-41-174-240.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net
[16:22] <Pici> then /kick user
[16:22] <Jack_Sparrow> Thanks pici.. still waking up here
[17:20] <PriceChild> @btlogin
[17:20] <MtJB> good morning, is it possible to find out why i am banned from #ubuntu?
[17:22] <Jack_Sparrow> You must have an idea, when did you get banned
[17:22] <MtJB> Jack_Sparrow, i haven't even been on the channel for awhile, tried to join this morning
[17:22] <MtJB> i suspect someone has set an overly wide ban on ip or isp
[17:22] <MtJB> but what do i know
[17:23] <Seeker`> no, the ban was set on your specific IP
[17:23] <MtJB> thanks, Seeker, can you tell when and why?
[17:24] <Seeker`> june 5th
[17:24] <Hobbsee> Jack_Sparrow: it's your ban.
[17:24] <Seeker`> 2008-06-05T19:45:31 <babushka> OKKL-[P=================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ZzsD
[17:24] <Jack_Sparrow> June 6 at 3:29 too
[17:24] <Seeker`> 2008-06-05T19:45:31 <babushka> QAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAccCCCV ]<
[17:24] <MtJB> oh, my wife's laptop
[17:24] <Hobbsee> the cat did it?
[17:24] <MtJB> quite possible, actually
[17:25] <Jack_Sparrow> Or a toddler
[17:25] <MtJB> no chilluns, but two cats
[17:25] * Hobbsee would go with the cat.
[17:25] <jrib> which cat?
[17:25] <Hobbsee> one of his
[17:25] <nickrud> Hobbsee sounds like you have cats
[17:25] <Hobbsee> that looks very much like cat-on-keyboard.
[17:25] <MtJB> i was testing bt3 wifi wep hacking and signed on to a busy channel to generate wifi traffic
[17:25] <Hobbsee> nickrud: i don't now, but i'm going to, when i eventually move out.
[17:26] <MtJB> it will make a cute story for linux.com
[17:26] <nickrud> I'm moving fairly soon, and thats a reason (not the main one, but a real one)
[17:26] <MtJB> "how i got banned"
[17:27] <Hobbsee> Jack_Sparrow: ?
[17:27] <Seeker`> Jack_Sparrow: I can't see that on the bantracker
[17:27] <nickrud> it's there, http://jussi01.com/web/bans.cgi?query=cpe-66-68-176-51.austin.res.rr.com&kicks=on&oldbans=on&bans=on&oldmutes=on&mutes=on&floods=on
[17:27] <MtJB> as to which cat, i would bet on Ace. He is beatiful, but incredibly stupid.
[17:28] <Seeker`> nickrud: I meant the 2nd on June 6th
[17:28] <Seeker`> nickrud: Unless Jack_Sparrow is just not using the time on the bantracker, and using whatever (silly) timezone he is in :P
[17:28] <Hobbsee> MtJB: removed, but you may want to look at locking your screens :)
[17:28] <nickrud> hahah, I've got the 5th, same timezone as jack lives in
[17:28] <Hobbsee> my friend's cat has decided to sleep on her laptop, and that's done interesting things, too
[17:29] <Hobbsee> somehow, it remapped her keyboard.
[17:30] <nickrud> cat totally fubar'd a long doc I was writing for work long ago. One of the hard experiences that taught me about regular saves/backups
[17:31] <Jack_Sparrow> Seeker` xx:29:56 by ballard... better I was using the list in xchat
[17:31] <MtJB> yes, sir, i will, and i apologize for the trouble. that would be quite annoying on any channel, let alone high volume traffic channel.
[17:31] <MtJB> thanks, all
[17:31] <Hobbsee> heh, whoops
[17:31] <Hobbsee> darn cats.
[17:32] <Jack_Sparrow> Seeker What time zone is that island you call home?
[17:32] <Seeker`> Jack_Sparrow: BST
[17:32] <Jack_Sparrow> :)
[17:33] <Jack_Sparrow> Later gang.. off to frys for hardware updates
[18:23] <Myrtti> /me sighs
[18:27] <Myrtti> *yawn*
[18:34] <Seeker`> o/
[18:35] <Myrtti> hullo
[18:37] <Seeker`> good day?
[18:37] <Myrtti> yup
[18:37] <Myrtti> Laku is now hiding under his new cottage
[18:38] <Myrtti> I'm just making a cuppa of extra strong coffee
[18:39] <Seeker`> Myrtti: back at home now?
[18:39] * Seeker` has been playing with his raytracer and watching the F1
[18:39] <Myrtti> yeah
[18:53] <SportChick> Hobbsee: you busy?
[19:17] <Myrtti> heads up
[19:17] <Myrtti> [18:16] *** Kate (www.TRsohbet.Gen.TR Script Kullan�c�s�) [n=trsohbet@]
[19:17] <Myrtti> [18:15] *** dAmLa (� Yuzuk Soft �) [n=Yzk@]
[19:17] <Myrtti> getting bad wibes
[19:26] <Ward1983> we need some help in #ubuntu-nl or so it seems :s
[19:35] <Myrtti> my memory is awfully short
[19:35] <Nafallo> Myrtti: upgrade with another stick then :-)
[19:36] <Myrtti> lol
[19:36] <Myrtti> no I just helped a guy and few seconds later he thanked me
[19:36] <Myrtti> "HUH?"
[19:36] <Nafallo> hehe
[19:55] <Myrtti> ompaul, Jack_Sparrow?
[19:56] <ompaul> Myrtti, my mute the party looked like a spammer
[19:56] <ompaul> or bot
[19:56] <Myrtti> oh
[19:56] <Jack_Sparrow> NO response
[19:56] <ompaul> no reply as yet time too go
[19:56] <ompaul> time to go that is
[19:56] <ompaul> Jack_Sparrow, care to do a kb after I unmute
[19:57] <Jack_Sparrow> sure
[19:57] <ompaul> seems they did not hang around
[19:58] <ompaul> just a full ban
[19:59] <ompaul> Myrtti, that was called share and share alike ;-)
[20:00] <Jack_Sparrow> :)
[20:00] <Myrtti> I guess I'm too tired to understand
[20:00] <Myrtti> nevermind
[20:00] <Jack_Sparrow> bbl lunch is ready
[20:00] <ompaul> Jack_Sparrow, enjoy
[20:00] * ompaul gives Myrtti a coco
[20:00] <Myrtti> /me wonders has Laku tried his new house yet
[20:02] <Myrtti> hm
[20:02] <Myrtti> he sits under it like a mushroom in rain
=== nickrud is now known as nikrud
[20:26] <Bodsda> hi, just a quick question on #ubuntu rules. offensive lanuage is a no and so is things like f*uck you so would 'kunt' com under that cataggory, if so whats the policy of a users name being offensive?
[20:27] <Seeker`> Bodsda: If a users name is offensive, then they will probably be asked to change it
[20:27] <Seeker`> Bodsda: Do you have anyone in particular in mind?
[20:27] <Bodsda> Seeker`, there is a user in #ubuntu atm called 'kunt'
[20:27] <Myrtti> Bodsda: have you asked him to change it?
[20:28] <Bodsda> in fufture i will ask myself but i wanted to makesure i would be doing the correct thing first
[20:28] <Bodsda> il ask him now
[20:28] <Myrtti> if you find it offensive, ask politely it to be changed
[20:28] <ompaul> you can ask them do they mind a pm first
[20:29] <Bodsda> ok cheers'
[20:33] <Bodsda> cheers ompaul
[20:37] <ompaul> seems I lost my autorem ability in #ubuntu channel
[20:38] <ompaul> PriceChild, ^^ nalioth ^^
[20:41] <Seeker`> autorem?
[20:42] <ompaul> Seeker`, something that is only used when the moon is red and the wolves howl
[20:43] <ompaul> it is now changed to a service called akick it is not widely available
[20:43] <ompaul> it is not nice but saved for some special cases
[20:44] <ompaul> you can clear out all bans and if the offending party still has the problem part of the id that is banned set they suddenly can't get into the channel
[20:44] <ompaul> ask chanserv help about it
[20:54] <PriceChild> ompaul: who is this for?
[20:54] <ompaul> you want to know who what I was going to autorem ?
[20:54] <ompaul> or it is for me
[20:54] <ompaul> or something else?
[20:55] <PriceChild> the first
[20:55] <ompaul> see pm
[20:57] <ompaul> and it appears that I don't have that ability in my own distros channel either :-/
[20:57] <PriceChild> which channel is that? gnewsense?
[20:57] <ompaul> aye
[20:58] <PriceChild> what a gnuisance
[20:58] <PriceChild> badom bom tsssh
[20:58] <ompaul> well we do have a bit of gnewsense space -de -es -fr
[20:58] * ompaul hands PriceChild a computer on a drum kit
[20:58] <ompaul> can't break it anymore ;-)
[20:59] <ompaul> its already in pieces, it becomes a symbol of the borked interwebz
[20:59] <ompaul> hehe
[20:59] <PriceChild> I don't like autorem, and don't see the point of it if you make it a standard ban.
[20:59] <ompaul> it is used for some *very very special cases*
[20:59] <ompaul> check the list for #ubuntu
[20:59] <PriceChild> yep
[20:59] <Seeker`> for what values of special?
[20:59] <ompaul> Seeker`, trolls that are very very special
[21:00] <Seeker`> I'm sure there is a joke that I should be making about a certain member of staff, but I will refrain for once
[21:00] <PriceChild> I just don't think this is extra special tbh... if one of the ops decides to unban cunt, then things are weirder than if they unbanned a nonoffensive nick that's on that list.
[21:01] <ompaul> PriceChild, your judgement is flawed here
[21:01] <PriceChild> I'd just rather not make a habbit of sticking things onto akick to be forgotten.
[21:01] <ompaul> they are not
[21:01] <Jordan_U> in #ubuntu <steingal> screw you all mother fuckers!!!!
[21:01] <ompaul> is there going to be a case when that word becomes regular and correct in the ubuntu space
[21:01] <nikrud> steingal is gon
[21:02] <ompaul> in more than one way
[21:02] <nikrud> heh. hope that ip doesn't move much :)
[21:03] <ompaul> PriceChild, the problem is this - lun* was on it and then was not
[21:03] <PriceChild> i don't think he left akick?
[21:03] <ompaul> PriceChild, cyxoramp is on it as are one or two
[21:03] <jussi01> Hei all
[21:04] <ompaul> PriceChild, if one is to some version of him was not covered by that
[21:04] <PriceChild> i thought the whole lun issue was a misunderstanding?
[21:04] <ompaul> wopps
[21:04] <ompaul> that broken
[21:04] <ompaul> PriceChild, sorry that is not what I wanted to mention that party for
[21:04] <PriceChild> k
[21:04] <ompaul> cyx* is on it also
[21:04] <ompaul> and he is my most special case
[21:05] <ompaul> he got on that list for months of grief
[21:05] <ompaul> and then there are a few others
[21:05] <ompaul> I could nearly list them
[21:05] <ompaul> however adding offensive words to it seems to be a good way to go forward
[21:06] <ompaul> perhaps I was over zealous with the *jesus* stuff on it but as soon as that was lifted we got back a couple of trolls (as per prediction)
[21:06] <PriceChild> I might be being silly about how akick works...
[21:06] <ompaul> however bottom line - something was there it would have been nice to be told it was being removed
[21:07] <jussi01> ompaul: do you feel like composing factoid with me?
[21:07] <PriceChild> if you add nick!*@* to it, if someone appears in #ubuntu as nick!?=user@host, it kicks and bans nick!*@* right?
[21:07] <ompaul> PriceChild, I think you are - it is not for general use or users I had it nal had it and one or two others that was all
[21:07] <PriceChild> It doesn't kick and ban *!*@host or something?
[21:07] <ompaul> it does their host
[21:07] <ompaul> but you remove the host
[21:07] <ompaul> they come back
[21:08] <ompaul> the bottom line is that it is a lesson in you can't get in dressed like that
[21:08] <PriceChild> ahhh ok
[21:08] <ompaul> you don't want that kind of thing going on I guess - the catalyse in this case is - NO it ain't happening
[21:08] <ompaul> you do actually have to draw a line in the sand
[21:09] <ompaul> if it is wrong you can move that is why it is in sand ;-)
[21:09] <ompaul> see my rant earlier today
[21:43] <ikonia> does anyone have a log that contained the user "poopuser" in #ubuntu - the guy who kept calling ubuntu "bantoo"
[21:47] <ompaul> ikonia, yeap somewhere
[21:47] <ompaul> ikonia, om me
[21:47] <ikonia> got the hostmask for him ?
[21:47] <ikonia> pm ?
[21:47] <ompaul> ahh
[21:47] <ikonia> or om you
[21:47] <ompaul> ok just a min
[21:47] <ikonia> ta
[22:13] <ikonia> who's awake, may have an issue in #ubuntu coming
[22:15] <Myrtti> ok
[22:15] <Myrtti> who?
[22:15] <ikonia> luca662
[22:15] <ikonia> asking a lot about rm -rf /
[22:16] <Myrtti> /me goes to get her toothbrush
[22:24] <Myrtti> ikonia: I wonder what he was up to
[22:25] <Myrtti> for future reference, if someone comes asking what the "recursive removal abrakadabra" does, I'd first ask "why are you asking"
[22:25] <Myrtti> (gosh I just love that recursive removal abrakadabra thing)
[22:28] <Myrtti> is anyone else of #u ops awake?
[22:28] <Myrtti> /me pokes people with a pink fluffy pen
[22:28] <Myrtti> *pokepoke
[22:29] <Myrtti> ikonia: do you think he'll stay out of trouble?
[22:31] <Myrtti> *sigh*
[22:32] <Myrtti> no one?
[22:32] <Myrtti> /me headdesks
[22:37] <Myrtti> ikonia: I'm turning in so try to take care
[22:37] <Myrtti> nini everyone
[22:41] <Seeker`> nn
[23:38] <jussi01> PriceChild: WRT -irc we had that earlier - he was klined, If you missed it