UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /08 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[01:05] <hubuntu> is this right? meisok@bender:~/Rec-LoCos-es$ bzr push lp:~meisok/loco+/Rec-LoCos-es
[01:06] <hubuntu> get this error: bzr: ERROR: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()
[01:09] <hubuntu> olive doesnæt heklp either
[01:40] <wgrant> hubuntu: You need to run bzr launchpad-login, otherwise it will assume you don't have a username, so can't write to the branch.
[01:47] <emgent> https://edge.launchpad.net/~rapache-devel/+editemail
[01:47] <emgent> argh, dont work..
[01:47] <emgent> launchpad problem ?
[02:01] <wgrant> emgent: Add an 's' to the end.
[02:01] <wgrant> I thought that link was fixed.
[02:02] <emgent> oh true, thanks wgrant
[08:24] <domas> heeee, wanted to ask how to access launchpad branches without using https xml-rpc (as bzr doesn't support proxies for that), but realized that most intuitive way should work :-)
[09:08] <Duesentrieb> hi all. I seem to be unable to log into launchpad using firefox.
[09:08] <Duesentrieb> this happens on two separate installs / different versions of firefox.
[09:08] <Duesentrieb> is this a known problem?
[09:16] <wgrant> Duesentrieb: I'm sure at least 99% of Launchpad users use Firefox. Are you sure you don't have cookies from launchpad.net blocked?
[09:17] <Duesentrieb> yes. hm. maybe an isse with sub-domain cookie stuff?
[09:17] <Duesentrieb> let me check again...
[09:17] <domas> remaining 1% uses safari?
[09:18] <wgrant> domas: More likely Epiphany, Konqueror or IE, I would guess.
[09:20] <Duesentrieb> hey domas
[09:20] <domas> hi!
[09:21] <Duesentrieb> uh, login did work now on this install. wtf? let me get back to you after rebooting into the other install :P
[09:23] <domas> hehe, if I branch huge someone else's tree, then publish on LP myself on my own account
[09:23] <domas> I guess storage efficiency isn't done by detecting the source of my tree, is it?
[09:24] <lifeless> that is being worked on as it happens
[09:24] <wgrant> lifeless: Repos shared even between users?
[09:24] <lifeless> no, branches with external references
[09:24] <wgrant> Ah, right.
[09:24] <lifeless> repos are great for single users
[09:24] <lifeless> but not hot for extremely highly concurrent use
[09:25] <lifeless> lp sees quite a lot of writes :)
[09:25] <domas> I branched probably one of biggest trees living in lp
[09:25] <lifeless> (though, I know repos scale well in terms of bulk data :P)
[09:25] <lifeless> openoffice?
[09:25] <domas> if it becomes standard practice.. :)
[09:25] <domas> mysql
[09:25] <lifeless> yeah
[09:25] <lifeless> stacking is slated for bzr 1.6
[09:26] <wgrant> Oh, that soon? Not bad.
[09:27] <domas> well, I guess it matters for bzr farms :)
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
[11:08] <w-h-s> hello, I cannot bzr branch from lp:~anuchit/clubuntu/clubuntu-anoochit. it ask my key's passphrase and then don't output anything else
[11:11] <lifeless> w-h-s: possibly it is busy, is there anything in ~/.bzr.log ?
[11:12] <w-h-s> http://pastebin.com/d501d95a3
[11:19] <w-h-s> ok, seeems launchpad just slow.
[11:19] <w-h-s> branched 18 rev
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
[13:08] <lifeless> w-h-s: we've recently found a bug that causes the server to be slow from time to time, a fix is being worked on
[15:30] <mpt> Goooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!
[15:30] <Hobbsee> er, good midnight mpt!
[15:33] <\sh> mpt: afternoon is just 4 hours in the past ;)
[15:53] <fredreichbier> hi :)
[16:28] <MvG> Does bazaar on launchpad somehow automatically use shared repos for projects, or should I set the mup myself? Becaus tyring to set them up always fails for me, and the sftp interface seems stripped down a lot, so I can't have a look at the actual file system.
[16:55] <afflux> I wonder why the last commits a svn repo were not imported on the last import run: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/gajim/main. See also the log of the last run which mentions those revision numbers but it looks rather cryptic.
[16:56] <afflux> err, "bzr pull lp:gajim" has those revisions, but the page doesn't show it yet.
=== bureflux is now known as afflux
[18:44] <keir> will there ever be a wiki component for launchpad, like trac?
[19:13] * mpt blinks at bug 238370
[19:13] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 238370 in soyuz "create a compiler network for soyuz" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/238370
[19:13] <mpt> Don't we already have that?
[19:55] <pwnguin> Is it planned to have LP follow upstream bug dup marking?
[19:57] <pwnguin> like if a bug in LP is linked to GNOME bugzilla, and GNOME marks it a dup of another bug, might it change the link to the new bug automatically?
[21:48] <gmb> pwnguin: Yes, that's planned: bug 56644
[21:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 56644 in malone "Remote bugs that are duplicates are shown as "Invalid"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56644
[22:23] <pwnguin> gmb, thanks
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[22:40] <johan> mwhudson: ping?
=== Spads_ is now known as Spads
[22:57] <mwhudson> johan: hi
[22:57] <mwhudson> i'm told you're looking for me?
[22:57] <kiko> heh
[22:57] <mwhudson> (feel free to send abuse to ihug, btw)
[22:57] <johan> hi mwhudson
[22:57] <johan> The vcs-imports is failing for a couple of my projects (kiwi,stoqlib,stoq and stoqdrivers) For instance; https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/stoqlib/trunk
[22:58] <johan> it looks like some state is not cleaned up in launchpad-cscvs
[22:58] <mwhudson> ah yes
[22:58] <mwhudson> i think i'd noticed this
[22:58] <mwhudson> grr
[22:58] <johan> I was just about to migrate the main repositories to bzr, but this problem turned up a week ago!
[22:59] <mwhudson> :(
[22:59] <mwhudson> let me have a look
[23:00] <johan> cheers!
[23:05] <fta> are the +junk branches ever scanned ?
[23:07] <johan> mwhudson: if you want a smaller testcase, try the stoqdrivers import which should be tiny (456 revisions)
[23:07] <mwhudson> johan: is that failing in the same way?
[23:08] <mwhudson> so it is
[23:08] <mwhudson> BIZARRE
[23:08] <johan> mwhudson: common/ is an svn:externals directory
[23:08] <johan> but it used to work
[23:08] <johan> yes, all four modules are failing in the same way
[23:08] <mwhudson> oh oh oh
[23:09] <mwhudson> ah ah ah
[23:09] * johan likes the sound of that
[23:09] <mwhudson> i think we are missing an --ignore-externals somewhere
[23:12] <johan> oh, sounds like a possibility
[23:13] <mwhudson> i wonder how this ever worked
[23:13] <thumper> fta: yes they are
[23:14] <thumper> fta: there is a problem with the machine that runs the scanner right now
[23:14] <thumper> fta: it got wedged about 8 hours ago
[23:14] <fta> thumper, ah ok. thanks
[23:51] <brog45> Hello. I have accidentally created an open poll with no options. Can someone delete this poll for me? https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dallas/+poll/meetings-20080621