UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /08 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== ScottK-laptop is now known as ScottK2
[03:32] <DaskreecH> nixternal: read the Suse blogs?
=== scott__ is now known as ScottK-laptop
[05:31] <nixternal> DaskreecH: I read them every now and then..is there something I am missing?
[05:34] <DaskreecH> nixternal: 'http://www.suseblog.com/?p=342'
[05:34] <DaskreecH> No wait
[05:34] <DaskreecH> 'http://www.suseblog.com/?p=340'
[05:35] <nixternal> am I looking for something?
[05:37] <DaskreecH> Lotsa migrations
[05:37] <DaskreecH> Add jamaica to the list
[05:37] <nixternal> ahh, hehe
[06:26] <manchicken> w00t! dadchicken and son http://manchicken.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=lastup&cat=0&pos=2
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx
[07:42] <Serega> hey hey hey!
[07:48] <Daskreech> hey heyhey
[07:49] <coreymon77> hi everybody!
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
=== kblizzzek is now known as blizzzek
[11:56] <\sh> moins
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
[15:04] <txwikinger> apachelogger: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/238322
[15:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 238322 in amarok "amarok crashes in BlockAnalyzer::analyze" [Low,Triaged]
[15:07] <\sh> txwikinger: he's CnC ;)
[15:21] * Serega is returned from a picnic
[15:27] <Hobbsee> \o/
[15:28] <\sh> Hobbsee: good morning ;)
[15:28] <Hobbsee> heya \sh!
[15:28] <gnomefreak> too hot for picnic
[15:29] <Serega> gnomefreak: true :)
[15:29] <\sh> Hobbsee: 00:28?
[15:29] <Hobbsee> \sh: sorry?
[15:29] <Hobbsee> \sh: oh, yes.
[15:29] <\sh> Hobbsee: gotcha
[15:29] <Nightrose> yay - heavy rain just as i have to get rady to go out to watch football with friends \o/
[15:29] <\sh> Nightrose: bah..
[15:29] <Nightrose> exactly ;-)
[15:30] * \sh already drank all beer from the fridge
[15:30] <Nightrose> hope it gets better until i have to leave
[15:30] <Hobbsee> \sh: i just wrote up http://community.livejournal.com/customers_suck/25416211.html for posterity.
[15:31] <Nightrose> Hobbsee: rofl...
[15:31] <Nightrose> you have some great costumers there ;-)
[15:31] <Hobbsee> Nightrose: yes.... :)
[15:31] <\sh> Hobbsee: hmmmmm....sounds a bit like sru
[15:32] <Hobbsee> Nightrose: that has been the most outlandish thing i've seen, so far.
[15:32] <Hobbsee> \sh: sru?
[15:32] <\sh> Hobbsee: the discussion right now of upgrading motu-sru team...
[15:32] <\sh> everything is going tooooo fast
[15:33] <Hobbsee> \sh: ahhh. i've not been watching it
[15:33] <\sh> anyways.../me is watching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W9diAwzixg and thinking: hopefully noone ever will know about it
[15:34] <Nightrose> \sh: and the best way to acchieve that is to post it here? :P
[15:34] <Serega> how extragear software must be packaged for intrepid? with no -kde4? to /usr ?
[15:35] <\sh> Serega: 1. extragear needs to be stable
[15:35] <\sh> Serega: 2. yes somehow
[15:35] <Serega> \sh: hm... Riddell told me to package it from here: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/4.0.80/src/extragear/
[15:35] <\sh> Nightrose: I meant "noone german will know...."
[15:36] <Serega> ok
[15:36] <\sh> Serega: that's not stable..it's beta...and mostly doesn't work..you should check trunk
[15:38] * Serega wants just to adapt current hardy package for intrepid, to figure out what is it at all
[15:39] * Serega is a bit confused
[15:40] <Serega> should it be a new version of kcoloredit and kcoloredit-kde4 must be buried?
[15:40] <\sh> Serega: /me is on crack^Wtrunk ;)
[15:40] <Serega> :)
[15:40] * Serega is on beeeeer
[15:41] <Serega> will we supply KDE3 versions of that stuff? and how it must be packaged if yes? I guess as -kde3 to /usr/kde3
[15:41] <Serega> doh...
[15:42] <Nightrose> Serega: kde 3 stuff should be replaced by kde 4 where possible
[15:42] <Nightrose> so kde 4 programms install as updates for kde 3 ones
[15:42] <Serega> Nightrose: oh, good, thank you
[15:42] <vorian> speaking of which ...
[15:43] * vorian needs to update ktorrent
[16:50] <nixternal> mornin'
[16:52] <txwikinger> hi nixternal
[16:53] <RameTux> evening :D
[17:00] <yuriy> morning
[17:08] <etretyak> hi everyone
[17:24] <ryanakca> Should I delete debian's kmplayer-common from our package (since we use kmplayer-base), or do I leave it?
[17:35] <Sarisel> This the right channel for KDevelop?
[18:36] <nixternal> why do fonts for Konsole/Yakuake suck?
[18:36] <nixternal> I can't find that perfect font
[18:43] <etretyak> nixternal: what do you mean? are they look blurry?
[18:44] <etretyak> nixternal: or Full Hint style ?
[18:46] <nixternal> some are blurry...I have messed with sizes, hinting, and smoothing
[18:46] <nixternal> Consolas is about the best I can find for my setup thus far
[18:46] <nosrednaekim> nixternal: do we have the kde4 bindings yet? I need to prepare for the tutorial day :P
[18:46] <nixternal> nosrednaekim: they don't build
[18:47] <nosrednaekim> bleh
[18:47] <nixternal> issue with Smoke and DOM::Element iirc
[18:47] <nixternal> I will look at that now
[18:49] <Sarisel> How to compile for 64-bit with g++ ?
[18:50] <nixternal> like you would with 32-bit
[18:51] <Sarisel> Have Kdevelop and 64-bit Kubuntu Hardy installed
[18:52] <nosrednaekim> nixternal: can't you just do one set of bindings at a time?
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
[19:35] * Serega waves to etretyak
[19:41] * etretyak waves Serega too
[19:43] <Serega> nixternal: ping
[19:50] * Serega want to get intrepid already...
[21:41] <ryanakca> Could a Kubuntu devel review bug #230830 please?
[21:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 230830 in kmplayer "Please merge kmplayer 0.10.0c-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/230830
[22:01] * apachelogger got a new graphics card
[22:01] <apachelogger> hm
[22:01] <apachelogger> jeez
[22:01] * apachelogger gives mhb a whole bag filled with cookies
[22:01] <apachelogger> jockey is tha usefullest
[22:02] <apachelogger> *x restart*
[22:04] <apachelogger> even works
[22:09] <ryanakca> hurra :)