UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /07 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
[02:03] <ffm> Is it realistic to make a mythbuntu machine out of an old 98 beige box?
[02:04] <ffm> (windows 98, shipped in 00
[02:09] <iamlindoro> ffm: You'll probably have to be more specific about what's in that beige box, but I will predict "no"
[02:10] <ffm> iamlindoro: welll... 256mb ram... /me looks up...
[02:10] <ffm> iamlindoro: Pentium III (Katmai)
[02:10] * ffm moves to #mythtv-users
[02:12] <foxbuntu> ffm, the strait answer is no
[02:13] <foxbuntu> ffm, video encoding/decoding is a very CPU/GPU/Memory intensive process that your old machine has no guts to handle...
[02:13] <ffm> foxbuntu: even sd?
[02:14] <foxbuntu> ffm, even sd, I do mostly SD and my amd 3400+ with commflagging and everything else is maxed out
[02:21] <rhpot1991> I'd argue it depends on what roll the box has
[02:21] <rhpot1991> but as a whole you won't be too happy with performance on it
[02:39] <foxbuntu> rhpot1991, comn...you always disagree with me just cuz you can
=== ffm is now known as ffm|away
[02:51] <rhpot1991> foxbuntu: apparently we are destine to argue, 3rd time today
[02:52] <foxbuntu> lol
[02:52] <foxbuntu> its my 1337ness vs your hippiness
[02:52] <foxbuntu> lol
[02:52] <rhpot1991> now I just need to go through these 120 or so unnamed channels here
[02:52] <rhpot1991> gonna be a pain
[02:52] <rhpot1991> most are prob garbage
[02:52] <foxbuntu> yup
[02:53] <foxbuntu> I need to recover a hdd with a broken partition
[02:53] <rhpot1991> dd it?
[02:53] <foxbuntu> ddrescue
[02:53] <rhpot1991> ya
[02:53] <foxbuntu> yea
[02:53] <foxbuntu> its running now
[02:53] <rhpot1991> I'd do that then see what you can read
[02:53] <rhpot1991> I need to ddrescue another dvd
[02:53] <rhpot1991> freaking sony
[02:54] <foxbuntu> problem is that the partition I have to rescue to is smaller than the amount of data on the other drive so I am hoping to grab the part info from the image and restore the partition
[02:54] <foxbuntu> rather than recover and rebuild it
[02:55] <rhpot1991> ouch
[02:55] <rhpot1991> go buy a mybook to recover with and take it back
[02:55] <rhpot1991> gonna go watch a movie, cya
[02:55] <foxbuntu> later
=== ffm|away is now known as ffm
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[04:11] <MythbuntuGuest79> hello, need help setting up usb tv tuner card with mythbuntu
[04:11] <MythbuntuGuest79> anybody?
[04:57] <Raspberry> is there a problem with the latest 24-18 kernel and the lirc drivers?
[04:57] <Raspberry> I can't load the lirc_mceusb2 module (even after recompiling it) since loading -18
[04:58] <Raspberry> FATAL: Error inserting lirc_mceusb2 (/lib/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/updates/dkms/lirc_mceusb2.ko): Invalid module format
[09:36] <zenum> Hello, I just finished installing mythbuntu-desktop from ubuntu-server 8.04
[09:36] <zenum> I can manage to log in to the main desktop, but i can't seem to connect to the backend which is the same server
[09:37] <zenum> Looking at mysql there doesn't seem to be any mythtv databases created... is there a step which creates this?
[09:59] <MythbuntuGuest52> name pobski
[09:59] <MythbuntuGuest52> o dear =(
=== MythbuntuGuest52 is now known as pobski
[10:00] <pobski> any nightowls available to help a noob out with a quick question?
[10:01] <pobski> i guess not. I'll just write it here and check back periodically. I installed mythbuntu following the instruction manual, and got most of the features working well.
[10:02] <pobski> The problem I'm currently having is that my tuner (PVR-150) is only tuning in static to all of the channels i'm tuning in.
[10:04] <pobski> I've searched it quite a bit, but all of the solutions I find aren't pertinent to 8.04. A lot of them refer to an older(I'm guessing) file structure and I'm unable to get it to work well.
=== ffm|sleep is now known as ffm
[14:45] <crazy_bus> > how can I easily remove mythbuntu, mythtv and mysql?
[15:03] <crazy_bus> how can I easily remove mythbuntu-desktop and everything it installed
[15:05] <MoLE_> I've wondered this myself. I suspect the answer is the same for other metapackages.
[15:05] <MoLE_> Not that I know the answer though.
[16:11] <szakulec_> hi, has anyone been able to successfully burn a DVD from a video file imported into the Myth video manager? I've been unsuccessful here
[16:43] <AL-G78> hi :) total linux/ubuntu noob here and can't get myth tv to run in a window, i've checked the box in the settings, can anyone help
[17:16] <AL-G78> hi :) total linux/ubuntu noob here and can't get myth tv to run in a window, i've checked the box in the settings, can anyone help??
[17:20] <AL-G78> i've also found an Alternative lirc.conf for Nebula DigiTV IR Receiver here "http://mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Nebula_DigiTV_Remote" but i have no idea what to do with it can anyone give me a clue :)
[17:58] <AL-G78> total noob here and can't get myth tv to run in a window, i've checked the box in the settings, can anyone help
[18:13] <AL-G78> total noob here and can't get myth tv to run in a window, i've checked the box in the settings, can anyone help
[18:26] <darthanubis> !patience | AL-G78
[18:31] <AL-G78> lol yes i know sorry, i didn;t think anyone was here, i've been here for 3 hours lol :)
[19:11] <AL-G78> Is anybody hereeeeeeee lol :-)
[19:12] <MythbuntuGuest55> Hi, quick one: Got myth onto a IBM thinkpad T30, all is fine except DVD/Video play from VGA (LCD SONY 32 TV) out. I see all the control panes and the normal system /firefox etc, but no video playback. Video is playing fine on the laptops internal screen. Any ideas?
[19:17] <MythbuntuGuest55> Add info: Lappie in docking bay, lid closed. Recall having ATI problems with video in XP, but did fix it then. 6months Linux user, so no expert.
[19:19] <Sypher|NL> i'd say you've got an overlay problem.. don't know for sure though ;)
[19:23] <AL-G78> anyone give me any help setting up the lirc?? :-)
[19:28] <Sypher|NL> what kind of remote do you use?
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[19:34] <AL-G78> it's a nebula electronics
[19:34] <AL-G78> i;m just not sure where to put the files
[19:35] <AL-G78> i've got it working and recognised i'm just not sure where to put this file http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Nebula_DigiTV_Remote
[19:37] <Sypher|NL> in ~/.mythtv/lircrc
[19:37] <AL-G78> saved as what lol sorry i'm a total noob to ubuntu
[19:38] <Sypher|NL> in your homedir
[19:38] <Sypher|NL> you have a hidden folder named .mythtv
[19:39] <AL-G78> yep found it
[19:39] <AL-G78> so save the file as lircrc do i not need to put an extension on it
[19:41] <Sypher|NL> correct
[19:43] <AL-G78> cool i'll try it :-) cheers
[19:44] <Sypher|NL> np glad i could help
[19:54] <AL-G78> seems to work fine :-) thanks for that
[19:54] <AL-G78> do you have any idea how i can get it to run in a window, i've checked the option in settings but it still runs full screen
[20:01] <raslac> I'm having trouble with 6channel audio on spdif on my mythbuntu frontend :) Attempting a passthrough to my receiver, but whenver I check the passthrough boxes in mythtv, I get no output at all, instead of the 2channel pcm I get to the receiver.
[20:02] <raslac> I can send 5.1 and dts from mplayer using -channels 6 -ac hwac3 or hwdts -channels 6 as options, but I've tried just about every permutation of choices in mythtv's audio config page.
[20:04] <raslac> any ideas on something I might be missing?
[20:32] <pobski> so i was looking around until pretty late last night, and i couldn't find the solution to my problem
[20:32] <pobski> i go in to the backend setup and configure my capture card, video source, and input
[20:33] <pobski> then I can scan channels and it comes up with the channels my tv normally finds, so i assume it's all good
[20:33] <pobski> after that i go to the frontend, select watch tv, and all i get is static
[20:34] <pobski> my tuner is a PVR-150 (low profile if it matters) and i'm running 8.04
[20:35] <pobski> has anyone else had a similar problem? i think i double checked the cable plugin about 10 times lol
[20:42] <tgm4883_laptop> pobski, did you scan for channels or get channels from schedules direct?
[20:43] <pobski> i got them from schedules direct
[20:44] <pobski> i tried the different varieties of cable as well hrc irc, i don't really know what they mean though >.<
[20:44] <pobski> there was a post on a forum from about a year ago that said you had to set "option mode = 50" in modprobe.conf
[20:45] <pobski> but being the mythbuntu scrub i am, i don't know where that file is located for me to edit
[20:50] <MythbuntuGuest17> hello, I am new to mythbuntu. Can somebody please help me config my tv tuner?
[21:40] <Pasteurized> hi all
[21:42] <Pasteurized> I'm looking for help to set up my hauppauge HVR1300, for DVB channels
=== ffm is now known as ffm|remote
=== ffm|remote is now known as ffm
[23:51] <Berethend_> Hey I'm having a minor problem with my MythTV running in Ubunut 8.04, anyone around to help? I read the sound problems FAQ with no success. I am getting a sound echo on video playback and the only way to correct it is to mute the master audio. Whenever I exit mythtv, the sound "resets" and becomes unmuted again so it's quite a pain to have to mute the master audio every time I want to watch...
[23:51] <Berethend_> ...media. Any fixes?