UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /05 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Serega> apachelogger: hm, I just did a debdiff between knetfilter_0.5.3-1ubuntu3 and knetfilter_0.5.3-1.1ubuntu1
[00:03] <apachelogger> Serega: so either you didn't change anything, debdiff is buggy or the paste ate it
[00:03] <Serega> apachelogger: paste is intact to debdiff
[00:04] <Serega> I have really changed nothing except changelog
[00:04] <apachelogger> well
[00:04] <Serega> and sync config.* from debian
[00:04] <apachelogger> so maybe everything was applied in debian?
[00:04] <apachelogger> well
[00:04] * apachelogger checks
[00:04] <Serega> only qt3-compat dependecy removing wars applied in debian
[00:05] <Serega> s/wars/was
[00:07] <Serega> s/dependecy/dependency
[00:08] <apachelogger> ah
[00:08] <apachelogger> indeed
[00:08] <apachelogger> Serega: you didn't merge quite some stuff
[00:09] <apachelogger> Serega: you get the debdiff from the dscs, right?
[00:09] <Serega> aha
[00:09] <Serega> apachelogger: isn't it right?
[00:11] <apachelogger> Serega: yeah, but that means your merge is super incomplete ;-)
[00:11] <Serega> doh! :)
[00:11] <apachelogger> though
[00:11] <apachelogger> hold on
[00:11] <apachelogger> maybe Iam confusing something here
[00:11] <apachelogger> it's later
[00:12] <Serega> apachelogger: so what is the product of a merge?
[00:13] <apachelogger> oh
[00:13] <apachelogger> kay
[00:13] <apachelogger> Serega: me being stupid is the product ;-)
[00:13] <apachelogger> though
[00:14] <apachelogger> nah
[00:14] <apachelogger> all good :)
[00:14] <Serega> apachelogger: :)))
[00:14] <Serega> rly?
[00:14] <apachelogger> Serega: yeah, but I hope you don't mind if I upload in ~12 hours
[00:14] <apachelogger> I don't trust myself at this time
[00:15] <Serega> apachelogger: oh, you even will upload it for me?! I would appreciate this
[00:16] <apachelogger> Serega: sure, just keep on merging ;-)
[00:16] <Serega> apachelogger: please poke me if you find something tomorrow, I must know if fail
[00:16] <apachelogger> sure
[00:16] <Serega> apachelogger: thank you for helping
[00:17] * Serega honks "Yeeeehaaaa!" and goes to dear MoM
[00:17] <apachelogger> thank you for contributing :)
[00:18] <Serega> thank you all for great OS :)
[00:18] * Serega hugs all
[00:19] <nosrednaekim> all hugs Serega
[00:20] * Serega blushes and feels the power
[00:20] <Serega> how can I get that nobody does merging for e.g. kpowersave?
[00:20] <Serega> *can I know
[00:21] * Serega is half-sleeping
[00:21] <Serega> **nodoby IS merging
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[00:22] <a|wen> Serega: at least allways check if there is a merging bug for the package
[00:24] <Serega> a|wen: how can I check this?
[00:25] <a|wen> Serega: go to the bug reports for the package in LP ... check that no bug exists that says "please merge..." (or something like that) with a debdiff attached
[00:25] <Serega> ouch: kdeutils-kde4: Depends: kdf-kde4 (>= 4:4.0.80-1ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa1) but 4:4.0.4-0ubuntu1~hardy1 is installed
[00:26] <Serega> dist-upgrade fails
[00:27] * mhb is back for a while
[00:28] <mhb> still not very happy, though
[00:28] * Serega runs across his apartment in panic
[00:29] <apachelogger> hm
[00:29] <apachelogger> Serega: get a cup o tea
[00:30] <mhb> In fact, several of the events in the recent past (jockey-kde4 porting not mentioned in the release notes, my name not coming up at the UDS session) indicate that my contributions arent really appreciated much.
[00:30] <ScottK> mhb: IIRC your name did come up during the UDS session, but failed to get written down by accident.
[00:31] <ScottK> mhb: I certainly appreciate your contributions very much.
[00:31] <a|wen> mhb: keep up the great work
[00:32] <mhb> I may just be burnt out or something, but I really keep wondering if I should do something else this summer or not.
[00:32] <mhb> Do something noticable, perhaps outside the scope of the software engineering, I dont know.
[00:32] <mhb> a|wen: you dont even know me :o)
[00:33] <ScottK> mhb: I think it's clear to everyone who spends time here that your contributions are quite worthwhile and a big boost for Kubuntu.
[00:33] <ScottK> mhb: Everyone needs a break sometimes. There's nothing wrong with that. Just please send me that klamav patch before you take it.
[00:34] * a|wen often skims his irc-logs of this channel ... and has seen mhb mentioned/talking some time
[00:34] <mhb> ScottK: right, I have to redo that.
[00:35] <ScottK> mhb: No trouble as long as I get it in the next couple of weeks. Debian is starting to freeze up for Lenny and I want to make sure it gets in.
[00:35] <a|wen> mhb: i've been mostly focused on kde3 for hardy... so that's why your work hasn't really been that visible; but it's a good leap for kde4 in intrepid
[00:41] <mhb> I really don't know. I'll see how I feel about all this in the morning.
=== a|wen changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSPragueSpecs | Back to merging! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Teams
[00:42] <Riddell> mhb: you contributed a lot at UDS, I'm very glad you came
[00:42] <a|wen> Riddell: it worked :)
[00:43] <Riddell> mhb: alas jockey isn't that exciting to users compared to restricted-manager currently (was it mentioned in the ubuntu desktop release announcement? I don't remember)
[00:43] <mhb> right, it wasn't
[00:44] <mhb> still, I'd be quiet if I got paid for that work, like pitti did at the Ubuntu side... but doing it for free, appreciation is the only reward I get, or do not get
[00:45] <Riddell> on the kubuntu council we already have three packagers/coders which is why I tended towards people in other areas
[00:46] <mhb> no problem. You had to pick someone.
[00:46] <mhb> I
[00:47] <mhb> I am happy with the folks, but then again, you can't make it not personal, at least not from my point of view :o)
[00:47] <Riddell> appreciation is certainly important, if some work gets missed out from acknowledgements it's never intentional and nobody should be afraid to ask for it when that happens
[00:48] <mhb> that's no appreciation if you are the one who thanks yourself
[00:49] <ScottK> mhb: I can see that, but mistakes also happen.
[00:50] <mhb> being missed out is exactly what discourages me
[00:50] <mhb> one way of solving that is telling you my opinion, like I do now
[00:50] <Riddell> it's another reason why the monthly reports are handy
[00:50] <a|wen> g'night people ... getting much to late here
[00:51] <mhb> right, good night a|wen
[00:51] <nixternal> mhb: I have given you cookies in release notes before :) you are the coding hero around here with stuff like jockey, gdebi, and I am sure there is something I missed :)
[00:51] <mhb> the other way is switching to stuff that actually gets noticed
[00:51] <a|wen> Riddell: you better book a 2-hour spot for the next meeting too ;)
[00:51] <nixternal> mhb: please do not become a stripper!
[00:51] <santiago-ve> Riddell, i gotta leave for a while... remember im up for helping on the website!~
[00:52] <santiago-ve> nixternal, cya!
[00:52] <Riddell> ryanakca: ^^
[00:52] <nixternal> later
[00:52] <santiago-ve> ryanakca, ye nixternal toldme to contact him/her~
[00:52] <santiago-ve> baba
[00:53] <Serega> yuppi, I'm on KDE4.devel! thanks for packages! =)
[00:54] <Riddell> Nightrose: added you to ~kubuntu-members, your <lpid>@ubuntu.com and <lpid>@kubuntu.org e-mails should start working in a couple of days. you can add yourself to planet ubuntu whenever you like https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PlanetUbuntu
[00:54] <Nightrose> Riddell: thx :) will do
[00:54] <ryanakca> Riddell: Hi, could you poke the sysadmins again tomorrow please? (probably won't help, but it's worth a try?) It has been over a month...
[00:54] <Riddell> ryanakca: yes, I will
[00:54] <ryanakca> Riddell: thanks :)
[00:55] <Nightrose> mhb: is there anything you would like to work on during the summer?
[00:55] <mhb> Nightrose: I had some ideas, but not at this point
[00:55] <Nightrose> i see
[00:56] <Nightrose> mhb: if you need someone to bounce of some ideas feel free to do so :)
[00:57] <mhb> it was stuff like porting some guidance modules to KDE4, which is the same thing I did for jockey, with little aprreciation
[00:57] <Nightrose> which could be easily changed by stuff like the team reports
[00:57] <mhb> right, the equivalent of thanking myself
[00:58] * Nightrose doesn't see it that way...
[00:58] <Nightrose> and there are release notes and the planet for example
[00:58] <Nightrose> one just has to be more vocal about stuff like this
[00:59] <Nightrose> and you have done good work with jokey and co - no need to hide that
[00:59] <mhb> Nightrose: you sound like I haven't blogged about the jockey kde4 port
[00:59] <mhb> I have
[00:59] <apachelogger> yes he did
[00:59] <Nightrose> hmm must have missed that then - sorry
[00:59] <mhb> which is more or less my point
[00:59] <Nightrose> probably got lost in one of my "mark all as read" sprees ;-)
[01:00] <mhb> people missed the stuff I did
[01:00] <mhb> and if you have no appreication, and you don't do the stuff for yourself, why do you do it?
[01:00] <mhb> I can't seem to find an answer to that.
[01:01] <nosrednaekim> becuase its fun to do just for the sake of doing it?
[01:01] <Nightrose> as I said the "no appreciation" part can be changed
[01:01] <apachelogger> Nightrose: how?
[01:01] <apachelogger> cookies are certainly not enough
[01:01] <apachelogger> still
[01:01] <yuriy> mhb: thank you for your work
[01:02] * apachelogger hands mhb a cookie and a glass of milk
[01:02] <mhb> Nightrose: I could tell you that I don't feel appreciated, but then your answers aren't really sincere, you know
[01:02] <yuriy> mhb: working display config tools will be greatly appreciated by all
[01:02] <Nightrose> apachelogger: for one thing the release notes in which he feels under represented I think
[01:02] <Nightrose> mhb: sorry? does not parse :/
[01:03] <mhb> you're telling me that you appreciate it because I want to hear it, not because you actually appreciate it
[01:03] <mhb> that's one way to fix this
[01:03] <mhb> but it's more like lying to yourself about it
[01:03] * Nightrose <- isn't important anyway ;-)
[01:03] <Nightrose> but really
[01:03] <Nightrose> there are _a lot_ of people who appreciate jokey
[01:04] <mhb> none of them ever told me that
[01:04] <Nightrose> and might not even realicse how much work went into it
[01:04] <mhb> right.
[01:04] <Nightrose> and still appreciate having a tool like that
[01:04] <mhb> so I better find a hobby that makes people appreciate what I do.
[01:04] <Riddell> my girlfriend does, means her wifi works
[01:04] <Nightrose> right
[01:05] <apachelogger> hm, my ex bf does as well
[01:05] <Nightrose> heh
[01:05] <mhb> nosrednaekim: unfortunately, porting applications is very much the opposite of fun
[01:05] <mhb> nosrednaekim: solving problems is fun
[01:05] <mhb> this is just boring office work
[01:05] <apachelogger> mhb: the thing is, people don't run around on IRC thanking people
[01:06] <mhb> apachelogger: right, and they don't write you emails, and they don't tell you that in person
[01:06] <mhb> s/you/me/
[01:07] <apachelogger> well, that doesn't mean they don't appreciate it
[01:07] <apachelogger> mhb: you have to get a different point of view on that - a lot of people have restricted hardware, usually they might want to use it
[01:07] <Riddell> the ISO testing team has the same issue, it's an important but thankless task, and people lose interest all too fast
[01:07] <apachelogger> so they use jockey
[01:08] <apachelogger> mhb: which means for example about every laptop user with boardcom chip does appreciate your work
[01:08] <apachelogger> and we all know that stupid B company has far too many chips in the market
[01:08] <mhb> yeah, well
[01:08] <nixternal> Riddell: any reason you left karm out of the kdepim package?
[01:08] <mhb> whenever I go to a local Ubuntu meeting I keep listening to people that complain about Kubuntu
[01:09] <mhb> that doesn't help much either
[01:09] <apachelogger> yeah
[01:09] <apachelogger> very true
[01:09] <apachelogger> but IMO there is only one solution, make kubuntu better
[01:09] <mhb> or just give up
[01:09] <apachelogger> well
[01:09] <apachelogger> giving up doesn't satisfy all that much
[01:09] <mhb> Hobbsee did that, no wonder
[01:10] <nixternal> ahh, Riddell nevermind, ktimetracker replaces karm
[01:10] <Riddell> nixternal: it's been replaced, don't know why it's still there
[01:12] <apachelogger> mhb: http://apachelog.blogspot.com/2008/06/something-i-always-wanted-to-blog-about.html
[01:12] <mhb> I've read that.
[01:13] <mhb> it always goes way down to personal issues
[01:13] <mhb> had I been really happy at the moment, I would actually not mind people noticing what I do here
[01:13] <mhb> people not noticing
[01:15] <mhb> but being really alone at this moment, I feel that I should impress people in order for them to like me and me not feeling alone anymore - and unfortunately, doing any Kubuntu coding is not going to make people notice me
[01:17] <apachelogger> Nightrose: what do we do about that?
[01:17] <Nightrose> apachelogger: flashhug mhb like they did Daniel at UDS ;-)
[01:18] <mhb> there's nobody among these ten million people that actually knows what I'm doing for Kubuntu
[01:18] <Nightrose> mhb: I am very sure you got a wrong impression there
[01:18] * Nightrose hugs mhb
[01:19] <mhb> in the end most of the people around me tell me phrases like "get away from the computer more often, do normal things"
[01:19] <mhb> hinting that I only waste time
[01:19] <Nightrose> which is generally a good thing (TM)
[01:19] <ryanakca> mhb: I get that too
[01:19] <Nightrose> cause once you feel more balanced and relaxed you can focus again on things you like at kubuntu
[01:20] <mhb> right, if that ever happens
[01:20] <Nightrose> it will
[01:20] <mhb> I'm not seeing that coming in the next two years.
[01:22] <Riddell> time for bed
[01:22] * Riddell hugs mhb
[01:22] <mhb> anyway, good night
[01:22] * yuriy turns on the penguins
[01:22] <Nightrose> good night Riddell
[01:22] <Nightrose> nini mhb
[01:22] <mhb> see you soon
[01:29] <yuriy> nixternal: could you help me with the 4.0.5 packaging?
[01:29] <yuriy> i'm here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16996/
[01:30] <Riddell> yuriy: those all look fine to ignore
[01:30] <yuriy> what do they mean?
[01:30] <Riddell> all_languages isn't wanted
[01:30] <Riddell> the rest are manpages which aren't too important, you can add them if you want
[01:30] <Riddell> cmake-modules-styleguide.txt is documentation, so same as the manpages
[01:31] <yuriy> isn't wanted? does that mean that warning is good?
[01:31] <Riddell> see debian/not-installed
[01:32] <yuriy> ah I see, the man pages are there too
[01:32] <Riddell> which also tells me the manpages are installed by kdelibs5-data.manpages, so no problems there
[01:32] <Riddell> so, you're sorted
[01:32] <Riddell> install the .debs
[01:32] <yuriy> so just the cmake styleguide which is not important?
[01:33] <Riddell> yep
[01:33] <Riddell> check that a KDE 4 app still works
[01:33] <Riddell> debuild -S
[01:33] <yuriy> so install the debs, test, (it should be compatible with 4.0.4) ok will do
[01:33] <yuriy> then what do i need to send and where?
[01:33] <Riddell> then add kubuntu-updates-testing to ~/.dput.cf
[01:34] <Riddell> http://paste.ubuntu.com/17044/
[01:34] <yuriy> oh is that what that team is for? is this going to be like a proposed for backports?
[01:34] <Riddell> yes
[01:34] <Riddell> I can move it to backports once it has compiled in that PPA
[01:35] <Riddell> debuild -S -sa you need
[01:35] <Riddell> that makes a foo_source.changes file with the three files that need to be uploaded
[01:35] <Riddell> dput kubuntu-updates-testing foo_source.changes
[01:35] <Riddell> and you're done
[01:35] <yuriy> what is -sa?
[01:36] <yuriy> coulnd't find it in man debuild
[01:36] <Riddell> source always, it makes it includes the .orig file in the upload
[01:36] <yuriy> ah
[01:36] <Riddell> needed for uploading new upstream versions
[01:36] <yuriy> so first i need to bunzip/rename/gzip the original source?
[01:36] <Riddell> yes
[01:37] <Riddell> make it kde4libs_4.0.80.orig.tar.gz
[01:37] <yuriy> hmm? 4.0.5
[01:37] <Riddell> oh, yes
[01:37] <Riddell> well spotted :)
[01:37] <Riddell> make sure your changelog entry says "hardy" in the distro bit
[01:38] <yuriy> not hardy-backports?
[01:38] <Riddell> check the .changes file before dput'ing it, make sure it lists all three files (.diff.gz, .orig, .dsc)
[01:38] <Riddell> no, just hardy for the ppa
[01:39] * Riddell really sleeps
[01:40] <yuriy> night Riddell
[01:42] * Nightrose snoozes
[01:44] <JontheEchidna> nosrednaekim: Do you know where to put the files for the python plasmoid example to install them?
[01:44] <ScottK> Someone tell awen I uploaded kde-guidance when you see him.
[01:45] <nosrednaekim> JontheEchidna: can't you just do "add applet" from plasma and point it to the .desktop?
[01:45] <JontheEchidna> ah, I haven't tried that
[01:45] <JontheEchidna> so I don't have to put the .py or the .desktop anywhere special?
[01:48] <JontheEchidna> So I go to the "Add Widgets" dialog and chose "Install New Widgets -> from file"
[01:48] <JontheEchidna> the desktop file doesn't show up in the file dialog
[01:49] * JontheEchidna thinks he's doing it wrong
[01:50] <nosrednaekim> hum
[01:50] <nosrednaekim> do you have the python bindings installed?
[01:51] <JontheEchidna> which package is that?
[01:52] <nosrednaekim> I don't think it was built actually:P
[01:52] <JontheEchidna> whee
[01:52] <nosrednaekim> it would be python-kde4
[01:52] <nosrednaekim> I think
[01:53] <JontheEchidna> oh, it does exist
[01:53] <JontheEchidna> will it matter if python-kde4 is only at 4.0.3?
[01:53] <nosrednaekim> yes... it will
[01:53] <JontheEchidna> frack
[01:53] <nosrednaekim> since that never got plasmoid support anyway
[01:55] <JontheEchidna> So is python-kde4 an official part of kde/ if so what module does it reside in?
[01:56] <JontheEchidna> o, it's PyKDE4
[01:56] <nosrednaekim> kdebindings
[01:56] <JontheEchidna> thanks, I suppose I'll download the source and build that
[01:59] <JontheEchidna> gah, I hate it how xarchiver always segfaults on tar.gz/bz2 files
[02:02] <JontheEchidna> now isn't that lovely, ark goes and dumps all the files into a single fscking directory
[02:03] <nosrednaekim> :P
[02:08] <yuriy> JontheEchidna: tar xzf/xjf, then fix ark
[02:11] <ScottK> Would someone please teach kdelibs5-dev to not stomp on kdelibs4-dev's files?
[02:16] <JontheEchidna> yuriy: Thanks for the tip
[02:16] <JontheEchidna> why must all these archive managers be so bullshitty? :(
[02:18] <daskreech> prefer cows?
[02:20] <JontheEchidna> :P
[02:20] <jjesse_> silly VM
[02:21] <yuriy> crap I was working off the wrong version for kdelibs
[02:24] <yuriy> ok i'm confused, I made a ~hardy3 which I thought went into backports, but apt-get source from my mirror gets me ~hardy2 and packages.ubuntu.com says it's at ~hardy1
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[02:24] <yuriy> !info kde4libs hardy-backports
[02:24] <ubottu> Package kde4libs does not exist in hardy
[02:24] <yuriy> !info kde4libs-bin hardy-backports
[02:25] <ubottu> kde4libs-bin (source: kde4libs): binaries for all the KDE 4 core applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.0.3-0ubuntu5.2 (hardy), package size 367 kB, installed size 1332 kB
[02:31] <JontheEchidna> Any way to tell cmake that I don't care to build the mono and php bindings?
[02:32] * JontheEchidna is having trouble getting cmake to detect his php installation
[02:36] <ScottK> Riddell, nixternal, and anyone else packaging KDE4 for Intrepid: I'm about to upload a fixed kde4libs. Please don't lose the change in your next uploads ...
[02:38] <JontheEchidna> ah, just remove it from the cmakelist
[02:40] <jjesse> go detroit redwings
[02:48] <jjesse> nixternal: you ender a tornado watch?
[02:49] <nixternal> not that I know of
[02:49] <nixternal> wouldn't doubt it...it is hot and muggy here
[02:49] <nixternal> thanks ScottK!
[02:49] <jjesse> southwest michigan is
[02:50] <ScottK> nixternal: It was providing a file twice and broke awen's KDE Guidance upload.
[02:50] <nixternal> which file?
[02:50] <ScottK> /usr/man/man1/makekdewidgets1.tar.gz
[02:51] <ScottK> It is in -dev and -data
[02:51] <ScottK> plus or mins a share dir in there somewhere
[02:52] <nixternal> hey, leave my man page alone!
[02:52] <nixternal> I created that a long time ago :P
[02:57] <JontheEchidna> I was thinkin', maybe we should run a few desktop screenshots through screenie for the Intrepid changelogs/release announcments
[02:58] <JontheEchidna> http://flickr.com/photos/ariyahidayat/2545790007/sizes/o/
[03:01] <jjesse> was that the one for speedcrunch?
[03:01] <JontheEchidna> yeah
[03:01] <JontheEchidna> http://ariya.blogspot.com/2008/06/creating-fancy-screenshots-with.html
[03:21] <yuriy> santiago-ve: spaces in the url? (just something I've tried that didn't work)
[03:42] <yuriy> 30 seconds left
[03:42] <yuriy> seele: aww
[03:47] * jjesse is watching the red wings (NOT LIVE)
[03:48] <yuriy> so close there at the end
[03:48] <jjesse> don't tell me anything
[03:48] <yuriy> oh
[03:48] <jjesse> i will beat you
[03:49] <yuriy> how is it not live? recorded?
[03:49] <jjesse> yes w/ my dvr
[03:49] <jjesse> i don't watch live tv
[03:49] <jjesse> i watch it all through my dvr
[03:49] <jjesse> so i can skip commercials
[03:50] <yuriy> i can't see that working well for sports
[03:50] <jjesse> it works great for sports
[03:50] <jjesse> i just pause it, let the tv get 15-20 minutes ahead and then watch and skip commericals
[03:51] <santiago-ve> yuriy, well i checked it again... and fixed my face parameter
[03:51] <santiago-ve> lets see if it works
[03:51] <jjesse> yay done
[03:51] <jjesse> red wings win
[03:51] <jjesse> holy crap that was close
[03:54] <nixternal> ScottK: do you know brandonperry at all? works on the ClamAV Live CD
[03:54] <ScottK> nixternal: No.
[03:55] <daskreech> jjesse: they only have 15 Minutes of comercials for the entire thing?
[03:55] <nixternal> k, just wondering because he is going for membership right now and I ntoiced his clamav work
[03:55] <jjesse> daskreech: no i just pause the game, and while i watch it continues to record
[03:55] <jjesse> i usually get cuaght up somewhere through the game
[04:01] <yuriy> great ending
[04:01] <yuriy> kind of sad they lost by the goalie sitting on the puck though
[04:01] <ScottK> kde4libs is uploaded.
[04:02] * ScottK first KDE4 upload
[04:02] <jjesse> yuriy: by what goolie sitting on the puck? they almost tied it by seconds
[04:03] <yuriy> jjesse: Detroit's 3rd goal, Fleury thought he had it but he didn't and sat on the puck and pushed it in
[04:03] <jjesse> yuriy: oh you mean that goal
[04:03] <jjesse> yes i agree with you on that
[04:03] <seele> yuriy: i can't feel too bad, detroit is the better team
[04:04] <yuriy> hmm is it a big deal that I forgot to do -9 for gzip for packages?
[04:04] <yuriy> seele: true
[04:13] <ScottK> nixternal: Would you please grab my kde4libs package for intrepid and see if it builds on your amd64?
[04:13] <ScottK> nixternal: Just seeing if it gets all the depends and starts building is all I need to know.
[04:14] <nixternal> will do
[04:14] <nixternal> link me to the .dsc
[04:16] <ScottK> nixternal: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/kde4libs/4:4.0.80-0ubuntu4/+files/kde4libs_4.0.80-0ubuntu4.dsc
[04:16] <yuriy> nixternal: is it a big deal that I forgot to do -9 for gzip for packages?
[04:17] <nixternal> anyone from kubuntu/ubuntu -de in here that knows hacktick at all? if so, he could use some support
[04:18] * ScottK would guess -de is sleeping
[04:20] <nixternal> ya
[04:29] <santiago-ve> heh
[04:49] <yuriy> nixternal: cp: cannot stat `debian/tmp//usr/lib/kde4/include/KDE/Plasma/GLApplet': No such file or directory
[04:49] <yuriy> when running debuild
[04:49] <yuriy> does that mean some file is not there anymore and I need to change a rule?
[04:50] <ScottK> yuriy: Yes.
[04:52] <yuriy> delete that line from debian/libplasma-dev.install?
[04:54] <ScottK> No. Figure out where GLApplet went.
[04:55] <nixternal> yuriy: do you have the libqt4-opengl-dev installed?
[04:55] <nixternal> that could be why it isn't there because the opengl headers weren't install
[04:56] <yuriy> ah, that I don't
[04:56] <yuriy> should it not be a build-dep then?
[04:58] <ScottK> nixternal: Did kde4libs work for you?
[05:03] <nixternal> still building
[05:06] <yuriy> hmm can't install libqt4-opengl-dev
[05:07] <yuriy> I think there are still some issues left over with the 4.4 upgrade
[05:07] <yuriy> though it might just be my mirror
[05:08] <yuriy> ah, yes, going to archive. gets me a bunch of updates
[05:39] * DASkreech <3 kget
[05:41] <nixternal> ScottK: built!
[05:43] * ScottK hands nixternal http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15028399/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-amd64.kde4libs_4%3A4.0.80-0ubuntu4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz and asks why?
[05:43] * nixternal looks
[05:44] <nixternal> hrmm
[05:44] <nixternal> !info libsoprano-dev intrepid
[05:44] <ubottu> libsoprano-dev (source: soprano): development files for the Soprano RDF framework. In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.98-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 102 kB, installed size 1136 kB
[05:44] <nixternal> !info libsoprano4 intrepid
[05:44] <ubottu> libsoprano4 (source: soprano): libraries for the Soprano RDF framework. In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.98-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 476 kB, installed size 1492 kB
[05:45] <nixternal> ScottK: is it just amd64?
[05:46] <ScottK> nixternal: It's all but i386 and lpia
[05:46] <ScottK> For the same reason
[05:46] <nixternal> wow, and there is no lpia soprano package built
[05:46] <nixternal> just amd64 and i386
[05:48] * ScottK needs to head to bed ...
[05:53] <yuriy> nixternal: ok it built, should I add libqt4-opengl-dev as a build-dep?
[05:53] <yuriy> nixternal: also, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17100/
[05:54] <yuriy> there is no debian/not-installed on this one
[05:57] <nixternal> ooh
[05:57] <nixternal> looks like they added a bunch to kdm
[05:57] <nixternal> add the kdm stuff to kdm-kde4.install
[05:58] <nixternal> actually
[05:58] <nixternal> check kdm-kde4.install and make sure there is no usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/kdm/* or such
[05:58] <nixternal> I think that will trip the --list-missing stuff
[06:01] <yuriy> ther isn't, but there's a #don't install, but link the oxygen version in .links - usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/kdm/pics/kdelogo.png
[06:01] <yuriy> so that explains one line
[06:03] <harolddong> dolphin crashes on right click in the 4.0.80 packages for me. If I right on an actual file I get a menu and its fine but if I right click on nothing within the file manager just to get a menu it crashes
[06:04] <harolddong> just putting it out there as it were
[06:05] <yuriy> hmm I don't see that stuff in the source
[06:06] <skreech> yuriy: crash_here()
[06:07] <yuriy> skreech: heh. but talking about packaging something ^^
[06:10] <skreech> :-)
[06:13] <skreech> nixternal: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Hurd
[06:13] <skreech> Nice release date
[06:13] <yuriy> ah, kcontrol/kdm/background/patterns/
[06:13] <skreech> seele would probably like the logo too
[06:13] <nixternal> skreech: explain?
[06:13] <skreech> nixternal: Lookit the release date for HURD
[06:14] <skreech> nixternal: bah I'm an idgit
[06:14] <nixternal> harolddong: dolphin isn't crashing for me...
[06:14] <skreech> I just saw Release: days ago
[06:14] <nixternal> haha, I saw that too
[06:14] <skreech> not realising it's two lines
[06:14] <nixternal> word wrap caught ya :)
[06:15] <nixternal> umf umf umf
[06:15] <skreech> Yeah we were trying to explain to a whippersnapper that WINE isn't an emulator
[06:15] * nixternal loves the glass theme for kde 4.1
[06:15] <skreech> since ... WINE is not an emulator
[06:15] <skreech> finally clicked that the W in WINE stood for WINE
[06:16] <skreech> didn't grasp it but it clicked
[06:16] <skreech> so we fed him that link
[06:16] <skreech> should be fun watching him sort out mutal recursion
[06:16] <yuriy> nixternal: so do i need to add those directories somewhere?
[06:16] <hads> heh
[06:16] <harolddong> am I supposed to have the new default plasma theme that's in all the new kde 4.1 beta pics if I'm using the current beta packages? Becasue I still have the old default theme
[06:17] <nixternal> yuriy: if they need to be installed, then yes
[06:17] <yuriy> if they need to be installed?
[06:17] <skreech> wth
[06:17] <skreech> okular can't open ODF?
[06:18] <nixternal> yuriy: you are talking the files in that pastebin right?
[06:19] <yuriy> nixternal: yes. turns out they are in kcontrol
[06:19] <nixternal> so they are already being installed?
[06:19] <yuriy> but they are not installed by anything and are supposed to end up in kdm..
[06:19] <yuriy> I don't think so
[06:20] <yuriy> cd debian; grep patterns * turns up nothing
[06:20] <nixternal> ya, those are all new files... apt-file searching for them shows nothing, so they more than likely need to get installed
[06:20] <nixternal> I would say kdm/programs/* goes under kdm-kde4.install
[06:21] <yuriy> and kdm/patterns*?
[06:21] <nixternal> and find out which package the includes falls under
[06:21] <nixternal> yes, patterns too
[06:21] <nixternal> sorry
[06:21] <yuriy> and do I just add the directories to the .install file?
[06:21] <yuriy> sorry for the noob questions
[06:21] <nixternal> yuriy: that isn't n00b homeskillet :)
[06:21] <nixternal> add the lines like this in kdm-kde4.install
[06:22] <nixternal> usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/kdm/patterns/flowers.png
[06:22] <nixternal> one for each
[06:25] <nixternal> Riddell: kde 4.1 beta 1 complete except for extragear...if I am up to it, I will complete those tomorrow
[06:26] <skreech> nixternal: You are owed beer
[06:26] <Jucato> nixternal: thought you already gave up on those?
[06:27] <nixternal> never!
[06:27] <nixternal> they are sweetness
[06:27] <Jucato> hehe
[06:27] <Jucato> I thought you learned your lesson :)
[06:28] <skreech> Jukato: how are you?
[06:29] <yuriy> ok building again
[06:29] <yuriy> i think that means it's time to sleep
[06:29] <Jucato> skreech: feeling nixternal
[06:29] <Jucato> er.. vista
[06:29] <Jucato> er.. bloated/full
[06:29] <skreech> Ha ha ha ha ha ha
[06:34] <manchicken> What's the KDE SIP client?
[06:38] <skreech> Kopete?
[06:38] * skreech shrugs
[06:42] <nixternal> yuriy: if you need some help tomorrow, I can lend a hand while kde 4.1 beta 1 extragear builds
[06:42] <nixternal> manchicken: Twinkle
[06:42] <nixternal> or KPhone
[06:42] <nixternal> but Twinkle is better
[06:43] <manchicken> Cool.
[06:45] <skreech> twinkle?
[06:45] <skreech> is that in KDEnetwork ?
[06:46] <nixternal> no, it isn't a KDE app, it is a 3rd party KDE/Qt app
[06:46] <nixternal> I used it for the UDS' in the past
[06:46] <skreech> Ah ok :-)
[06:46] <skreech> KDE?
[06:46] <skreech> or it has variants?
[06:47] <nixternal> sudo apt-get install twinkle
[06:47] <nixternal> !info twinkle
[06:47] <ubottu> twinkle (source: twinkle): Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) SIP Phone. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-2build2 (hardy), package size 1584 kB, installed size 4636 kB
[06:47] <nixternal> !sip
[06:47] <ubottu> Factoid sip not found
[07:21] <nixternal> rock on, 4.1 runnin' and rockin' here
[07:21] <nixternal> lovin' it
[07:26] <Jucato> indeed
[07:26] <skreech> nixternal: Pssst
[07:26] <skreech> Slip me some 4.2
[07:26] <Jucato> nixternal: don't mind the Pssst guy
[07:27] <Jucato> he should learn how to address royalty properly
[07:27] <nixternal> hahha
[07:27] <nixternal> pwnd
[07:28] <skreech> Hey
[07:28] <skreech> I didn't say kthnxbai
[07:29] <Jucato> :D
[07:29] <Jucato> uh oh...
[07:29] <Jucato> I let my gmail "unread" grow again...
[07:29] <Jucato> I wish kmail would "mark as read" :(
[07:29] * skreech is hating on Kmail a bit
[07:30] * Jucato too
[07:30] <skreech> course I have deep hate for all Mail clients
[07:30] <skreech> but .... kontact is just so sweet :(
[07:31] <Jucato> hahah! you think?
[07:31] <Jucato> nixternal: not sure if it was caught in 4.0.80... but in my latest SVN of kdepim4... the menubar goes like this: File Settings Help Edit View...
[07:32] <Jucato> in Kontact I mean
[07:33] <skreech> Jucato: bug it
[07:33] <skreech> RIght now I'm doing bug stuff for 4.1 pure
[07:33] <Jucato> skreech: I doubt that it's not already known )
[07:33] <Jucato> :)
[07:33] <skreech> Jucato: You'd be mighty surprised
[07:33] <skreech> small things fall through
[07:34] <skreech> Esp in projects like Kontact or koffice
[07:34] <Jucato> I don't think that could be considered "small" :)
[07:34] <skreech> and kopete
[07:34] <skreech> *sighs*
[07:34] <Jucato> specially when Settings -> Configure ____ doesn't work at all :)
[07:34] <skreech> they have more pressing bugs to put time into
[07:34] <skreech> Didn't get that far :)
[07:34] <skreech> I couldn't get Kmail to send any mail
[07:34] <Jucato> kopete is probably swimming in a sea of bug-like critters :)
[07:34] <skreech> so that was kinda annoying
[07:35] <Jucato> settings.. check your shettings :)
[07:35] <skreech> Yeah but I'm trying to get JJ stuff highlighted
[07:35] * Jucato just sent mail a few hours ago... smtp.google.com of course
[07:39] <skreech> ok once 4.1 is out I think I'll do one more 4.0 release then jump to Intrepid and start focusing on Kubuntu bugs instead of KDE bugs
[08:09] <\sh> nixternal, rocker...
[08:12] <nixternal> yo yo
[08:12] <nixternal> trying to figure out all of the little overwrite issues now
[08:12] <nixternal> yay that's fun
[08:12] <flaccid__> i had a few as well. can't remember which
[08:13] <\sh> nixternal, overwrite issues?
[08:13] <flaccid__> pkg conflicts i guess you can say
[08:13] <flaccid__> correct me for the right term please :)
[08:14] <nixternal> ya, there are still some minor issues with dpkg and stuff being moved around between 4.0.x and 4.1
[08:14] <nixternal> easy fixes
[08:14] <nixternal> flaccid__: I would say you are spot on :)
[08:14] <flaccid__> ah cool hehe. i don't know the terms very well in pakaging i just do whats needed to solve the issues hehe
[08:15] <flaccid__> w0a 2x hehe looks a bit ghey ^
[08:30] <Serega> hi there
[08:55] <Nightrose> nixternal: i still can't install kdf-kde4 since it wants to install /usr/lib/kde4/bin kwikdisk which is also in package kwikdisk-kde4
[08:55] <Nightrose> known problem?
[08:55] <nixternal> yes ma'am
[08:55] <Nightrose> ;-) ok great
[08:56] <nixternal> I have that jotted down on a note card and will fix it first thing in the morning
[08:56] <Nightrose> awesome
[08:56] <nixternal> you know how to dpkg --force-overwrite it right?
[08:56] <Nightrose> hmm yea I could do that...
[08:56] <Nightrose> or just wait for you to fix it properly ;-)
[08:56] <nixternal> bum :)
[09:04] <emonkey> *g*
[09:13] <nixternal> g'nite everyone!
[09:18] <Nightrose> g'night nixternal
[09:18] <Nightrose> sleep well
[09:24] * etretyak reads ubuntu-meeting logs.. Congrats Nightrose on double membership (Kubuntu member and Kubuntu council) ;-)
[09:37] <\sh> ok..now for building kde4 on an eight core machine
[09:38] <Nightrose> ;-) thank you etretyak
[10:24] <Riddell> nixternal: rock
=== pgquiles__ is now known as pgquiles
[11:02] <apachelogger> \sh: poser :P
[11:03] <apachelogger> krecipes merged
[11:03] <apachelogger> knetfilter uploaded
[11:03] <\sh> apachelogger, bah...
[11:03] <\sh> apachelogger, 8 cores + sbuild + libqt == CRASH BOOM BANG
[11:04] <apachelogger> Serega: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetfilter thanks for your contribution
[11:04] <apachelogger> \sh: hrrhrr
[11:04] <Serega> apachelogger: awoooga!!! Thank you!
[11:04] * Serega cannot believe it understand merging
[11:04] <Serega> s/it/he :)
[11:06] <Serega> apachelogger: Harald, and what "Raise Standards-Version" does mean?
[11:06] <apachelogger> Serega: debian/control includes a line: Standards-Version: x.y.z
[11:06] <apachelogger> which states the debian policy this package is compatible with
[11:07] <Serega> apachelogger: ah, okay. but how did you realized that we should raise it? by studying debian ploicy?
[11:07] <Serega> *policy
[11:08] <apachelogger> Serega: one way or another ;-)
[11:09] <apachelogger> lintian complained about it being too old, and since the package doesn't include anything which is conflicting with the current version...
[11:11] <Riddell> who was the kubuntu-de.org dude that wanted to announce 4.1 packages?
[11:11] <apachelogger> Riddell: emu probably
[11:12] <\sh> Riddell, whenever you have the time to check why libqt is not building with make -j9 ;) please tell me
[11:16] <apachelogger> hm
[11:17] <apachelogger> Riddell: what do I do if po files differ from debian and ubuntu version, without being mentioned in the changelog?
[11:17] <apachelogger> use the debian versions?
[11:17] <Riddell> apachelogger: yes (unless the ubuntu ones look better)
[11:18] <Riddell> \sh: because you only have 8 cores?
[11:18] <apachelogger> Riddell: I don't speak pl that well ;-)
[11:18] <apachelogger> ah, apparently debian has more po files
[11:19] * Serega can estimate Russian and Unkrainian translations if needed
[11:20] <\sh> Riddell, no because libqt make system just failes
[11:26] <\sh> trying with -j4
[11:29] <Riddell> nixternal: you're a genius, 4.1 beta packages seem to be working well
[11:32] <\sh> Riddell, you could have stayed much longer ,-)
[11:32] <emonkey> :)
[11:35] <apachelogger> right
[11:36] <\sh> ok -j4 is working
[11:36] <apachelogger> kpowersave merged
[11:37] <\sh> no it does not work :(
[11:38] <apachelogger> \sh: #qt
[11:39] <Riddell> apachelogger: yay!
[11:52] <\sh> NIXTERNAL
[11:53] <\sh> apachelogger, please try to compile libqt from kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa pretty please
[11:53] <apachelogger> kxgenerator merged as well
[11:56] <apachelogger> \sh: did the nixmaster break something?
[11:56] <\sh> apachelogger, even with -j1 it breaks the build
[11:56] <apachelogger> cool
[11:56] <\sh> and I can't be that stupid ... because I compiled libqt yesterday on my system (qt-copy that is ;))
[11:56] <apachelogger> \sh: why exactly does it break, btw?
[11:57] <\sh> wait...I'll pastbin the log
[11:58] <\sh> apachelogger, http://paste.ubuntu.com/17185/
[11:59] <apachelogger> that error looks familiar
[11:59] <apachelogger> \sh: tried googling for it?
[12:00] <\sh> apachelogger, how did it build on the buildds ?
[12:00] <apachelogger> *shrug*
[12:00] <apachelogger> maybe nixternal cheated
[12:01] <\sh> apachelogger, and I have a very updated sbuild on this machine for hardy...
[12:01] <flaccid__> i have an interesting question. my ghost on irc here is coming up from process flaccid 12262 0.0 3.6 228368 38140 ? Ss 01:11 1:10 /usr/lib/kde4/bin/konqueror http://factoryjoe.com/blog it seems. thats weird hmm
[12:03] <flaccid__> see check this in netstat -tap: tcp 480495 0 lister.dev.xhost.:57638 kubrick.freenode.n:8001 ESTABLISHED 12262/konqueror
[12:05] <Riddell> that makes no sense, unless you have an irc connection in your web browser
[12:05] <flaccid__> im pretty confused on that. the ghost is from konversation and this is the only konv going
[12:05] <flaccid__> yep, it totally doesn't make sense!
[12:06] <flaccid__> the ghost is not reponding to ctcp or ping however
[12:07] <flaccid__> also konqueror is always asking me to recover session at it was apparently lost
[12:07] <flaccid__> that could be quite unrelated
[12:11] <flaccid__> Riddell: see that. i just closed konqueror and thats what happened!
[12:11] <flaccid__> wtf..
[12:20] <Riddell> flaccid__: crazy
[12:20] <Riddell> yuriy, nixternal: uploading kdebase-kde4 kdebase-workspace kdepimlibs 4.0.5 to kubuntu-updates-testing
[12:25] <Hobbsee> mhb: hmm?
[12:25] <Hobbsee> mhb: what did i do?
[12:31] <Nightrose> Riddell: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.1beta1.php <- "thanks for nixternal" should probably be "thanks to nixternal"
[12:43] <apachelogger> we are certainly also thankful for nixternal
[12:43] <Hobbsee> are we? why?
[12:44] * Hobbsee thought we were *not* thankful for nixternal at all, due to his vista-loving ways, and his constant attempts to turn kubuntu into vista.
[12:44] <Hobbsee> !visternal
[12:44] <ubottu> Oh no! The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived! He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!
[12:49] <emonkey> lol
[12:50] <Riddell> Nightrose: fixed
[12:51] <\sh> apachelogger, -j1 works now...
[12:52] <\sh> bah
[12:52] <apachelogger> meh
[12:52] * apachelogger stops building
[12:52] <flaccid__> !osxternal
[12:52] <ubottu> Factoid osxternal not found
[12:52] <flaccid__> haha
[12:55] * apachelogger wobbles his suse vm
[13:00] * flaccid__ continues to wonder how konqueror and konversation made love and glued together
[13:01] <\sh> now my kde4 is totally broken
[13:01] * Hobbsee so won't answer that one...
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_dinner
[13:02] <\sh> libplasma2 not installable..because of this the whole kdebase bunch
[13:02] <\sh> not installable too
[13:02] <apachelogger> lol
[13:02] <apachelogger> good job
[13:03] <\sh> you need backports enabled to upgrade to ppa kde4 packages
[13:03] <\sh> wth
[13:04] <flaccid__> you do?
[13:04] <\sh> Get:1 http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy/main kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 4:4.0.80-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa12 [430kB]
[13:04] <\sh> Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-backports/universe libqt4-webkit 4.4.0-1ubuntu5~hardy1 [3266kB]
[13:04] <apachelogger> Oo
[13:04] <\sh> this is utterly wrong if you want my opinion
[13:04] <apachelogger> well
[13:05] <apachelogger> \sh: wouldn't it use the libqt4-webkit built in the ppa?
[13:05] <\sh> apachelogger, aehm...is there one?
[13:05] <\sh> apachelogger, if so, it doesn't work
[13:05] <apachelogger> *shrug*
[13:05] <apachelogger> should be
[13:05] <\sh> apachelogger, I used the backport packages to upgrade from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4...
[13:05] <apachelogger> how did workspace link against webkit otherwise?
[13:05] <\sh> and I commented it in afterwards
[13:06] <\sh> 4.4.0-1ubuntu5~hardy1~ppa1
[13:06] <\sh> that's why
[13:07] <\sh> 4.4.0-1ubuntu5~hardy1~ppa1 is less then 4.4.0-1ubuntu5~hardy1
[13:07] <\sh> that's why people like me with backports enabled are fcked
[13:07] <\sh> if they only use it once
[13:07] <apachelogger> ++
[13:07] <apachelogger> though
[13:08] <apachelogger> \sh: why?
[13:08] <\sh> apachelogger, again...the version in the ppa is less then the version in backports
[13:08] <\sh> 4.0.4 comes with backports, so people are adding the deb line
[13:08] <\sh> after that, they are commenting them out
[13:08] <apachelogger> yes, but where is the problem?
[13:09] <flaccid__> oh i disabled backports and such to upgrade because of this. i also removed and then reinstalled a few pkgs
[13:09] <\sh> apachelogger, i actually don't know...it should catch them from ppa..but it doesn't...
[13:09] <\sh> kde4-kate will be held back
[13:10] <\sh> kdebase foo bar...also, because libplasma2 et all and webkit
[13:10] <\sh> it's messy
[13:10] <\sh> ah
[13:10] <apachelogger> if I had a hardy at hand I would test it :|
[13:10] <\sh> all ppa packages depends on the ~ppa1 packages with Depends: libc6 (>= 2.4), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-21), libqt4-network (= 4.4.0-1ubuntu5~hardy1~ppa1), libqtcore4 (= 4.4.0-1ubuntu5~hardy1~ppa1)
[13:11] <\sh> but somehow it doesn't catch up with it really
[13:12] <\sh> hmm..
[13:12] <\sh> ok..hardy has officially libqt 4.3 something, right?
[13:12] <\sh> backports had 4.4.x
[13:12] <\sh> ppa needs 4.4.x
[13:12] <\sh> backports version is greater then ppa version
[13:12] <\sh> so it waits for the backports version...
[13:12] <\sh> and doesn't use the ppa version..which is ok
[13:13] <\sh> but where is startkde?
[13:14] <ScottK> Riddell: I uploaded a new kde4libs last night that ended up building on a depressingly few archs (i386 and lpia) for reasons that aren't clear to me. nixternal was able to build locally on AMD64 (I think using pbuilder). Would you please have a look at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15028399/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-amd64.kde4libs_4%3A4.0.80-0ubuntu4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[13:15] <flaccid__> does the livecd mount available filesystems on your local disks automatically and if so, what does that?
[13:15] <ScottK> flaccid__: No. It doesn't.
[13:16] <flaccid__> people claim it does they must be wrong
[13:16] <ScottK> You can mount them yourself in the usual ways.
[13:16] * \sh switches
[13:16] <flaccid__> i've got two people saying it does
[13:16] <flaccid__> they must be talking about hal
[13:16] <flaccid__> nw
[13:23] <meta> Hi all
[13:23] <meta> Does i remember well, that the kubuntu livecd mounts automatically every local harddrives?
[13:24] <ScottK> No.
[13:24] <\sh> ah jetzt ja...
[13:25] <\sh> hmm..does anyone know what to do to get my menu icons back? I have it again, that all menu icons in the k menu are missing, but not the application ones...and I don't know where the damn cache for those icons is
[13:28] <meta> \sh: i recommend you to ask this in #kubuntu, but i think you removed that applets... you can add applets with rightclick on kicker(the panel)
[13:28] <meta> ScottK: thanks:(
[13:28] <meta> bye all
[13:28] <\sh> meta, I don't talk about applets
[13:29] <flaccid__> he was a bit loco
[13:41] <jjesse> morning
[13:41] <bdgraue_> http://bdgraue.de/files/kubuntu-de/akregator-view-feeds.png this is what i see in current akregator, i can't see the articles, i only can see how much new articles there are, but can't read them, is this my fault, did i miss something or is it a known "feature"?
[13:41] <Nightrose> \sh: you need to install a package - see kubuntu.org announcement
[13:42] <bdgraue_> if it is a bug, do i have to report it here or at bugs.kde.org?
[13:42] <\sh> Nightrose, hmmm?
[13:42] <\sh> Nightrose, kde4beta is already running...but I told you my problem with the icons on three different desktops :)
[13:42] <ScottK> bdgraue_: What version are you running?
[13:42] <Nightrose> \sh: sorry - not kubuntu.org - it was in nixternals blog - one sec
[13:43] <Nightrose> \sh: http://blog.nixternal.com/2008.06.05/hardy-kde-41-beta-1-completed/
[13:44] <bdgraue_> ScottK: Akregator Version 1.2.50 Using KDE 4.00.80 (KDe 4.0.80 >= (KDE 4.1 Beta 1) 4:4.0.80-1ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa1
[13:45] <\sh> Nightrose, ah now I get it
[13:45] <Nightrose> ;-)
[13:47] <ScottK> \sh: Do can you replicate bdgraue_'s akregator problem?
[13:49] <\sh> ScottK, if he's missing a article list as seen on the screenshot, then no :)
[13:49] <ScottK> \sh: Thanks.
[13:49] <ScottK> bdgraue_: Please try creating a new user and see if the problem persists.
[13:49] <\sh> ScottK, but I completly deleted my .kde4/.kde/.kderc from $HOME
[13:51] <bdgraue_> ScottK: i'll try and tell you the result
[13:51] <ScottK> OK
[13:56] <\sh> relog
[13:57] <bdgraue_> ScottK: works very well with an new user
[13:58] <ScottK> bdgraue_: Then the trick is to look in .kde4 and see if you can find an akregator related difference between the two users.
[13:58] <bdgraue_> ScottK: thx, i will do that
[13:59] <dru__> hey guys... who would know a thing or two about adding the back track repositories to my kubuntu system .... i need a whole list of software to run against my hoome server here...
[14:01] * Riddell eyes up flaccid__
[14:01] <Riddell> dru__: you can't install slackware packages on kubuntu
[14:01] <dru__> that is affirmative
[14:01] <Riddell> ScottK: playing with chroots to work out that build issue
[14:01] <dru__> but if i can get the packages i can convert them to deb no?
[14:01] <dru__> or per source
[14:03] <ScottK> Riddell: Thanks.
[14:03] <dru__> mostly its to get the packages at the moment and work on installing them here in kubuntu
[14:03] <dru__> so as to beat the backtrack system :D
[14:03] <clau30> dru__: there was a program to convert between different formats
[14:03] * clau30 thinkks..
[14:04] <dru__> i think its called alien
[14:04] <dru__> or alen
[14:04] <clau30> right! :)
[14:04] <clau30> alien
[14:04] <dru__> something like that
[14:04] <dru__> thats somthing else
[14:04] <ScottK> It doesn't have a great history of producing safe and useful .deb packages.
[14:05] <dru__> i was recently in the remote exploit room and found out that most of their packages are "lpm" or msi
[14:05] <dru__> i think that there may be good source code in their repos
[14:05] <dru__> so id like to start with that
[14:06] <dru__> ...another option for the moment would be to "get" the network ubuntu repositories added to my source list
[14:06] <dru__> i cant find them for all thats in me
[14:06] <dru__> and they have no community
[14:06] <dru__> so
[14:07] <dru__> *dru will continue digging
[14:08] <ScottK> Riddell: python-kde3 needs libkonsolepart.so (current intrepid package has a dangling symlink to the kde3 one). Can in use the kde4 one or do we need the kde3 one back in Intrepid?
[14:09] <ScottK> in/it
[14:10] <Riddell> ScottK: what happened to the kde 3 one?
[14:11] <ScottK> It doesn't appear to exist in Intrepid anymore. At a guess the KDE 4.1 beta upload wiped it out.
=== flaccid__ is now known as flaccid
[14:14] <Riddell> ScottK: isn't there a patch in python-kde3 for that which can be removed?
[14:14] * ScottK looks
[14:15] <Riddell> kubuntu_03_konsole_setpty.dpatch
[14:15] <Riddell> but it may be that python-kde3 just needs the kde 3 version of kdebase
=== dru__ is now known as drurew
[14:16] <Riddell> which has now gone, so python-kde3 would need to go too
[14:16] <ScottK> Except it still has rdepends.
[14:19] <ScottK> Riddell: Looking at the python-kde3 rdepends, it ought to be able to drop to Universe for Intrepid, but I don't think it can go.
[14:26] <Riddell> ScottK: that soprano install issue is because mysql failed to build on i386
[14:26] <Riddell> but did on amd64
[14:26] <ScottK> Riddell: So we just wait for it to sort itself out then?
[14:27] <ScottK> Or does soprano need something to work with the newer mysql when it arrives?
[14:27] <Riddell> just wait until mysql libs can install again
[14:28] <ScottK> OK.
[14:28] <ScottK> Riddell: What to do about python-kde3/kdebase?
[14:29] <Riddell> ScottK: there must be a way to stop pykde3 using libkonsolepart
=== jpetso is now known as jpetso_away
[14:32] <\sh> hmm?
[14:32] <\sh> if pykde3 has some Api mappings for konsolepart it will be quite difficult
[14:33] <ScottK> And it appears to.
[14:34] <ScottK> Riddell: If there is, it'll take someone who knows more than me to figure it out.
[14:34] <\sh> well, there are ways to cripple pykde3 to not build this...but I think this would give us a really bad standing
[14:34] <\sh> and upstream is not always amused when someone is crippeling the API or is changing it, to fix bugs ,-)
[14:34] <ScottK> Riddell: I think we will need to ship some part of KDE3 kdebase.
[14:37] <\sh> ScottK, how much do we want to ship of kde3?
[14:39] <\sh> Mez, ping
[14:39] <coreymon77> herrherr
[14:39] <coreymon77> morning peoples
[14:39] <Mez> \sh ... pongish
[14:39] <\sh> Mez, why do you use CFLAGS=-g for xdebug?
[14:40] <\sh> Mez, is it something like advise from upstream? :) just asking
[14:41] <ScottK> \sh: As little as possible
[14:41] <\sh> ScottK, I meant in universe...I would like to see a fully armed kde3 desktop in universe :)
[14:41] <Mez> \sh, no, not advice from upstream.... er... I think it was from the other guys package...
[14:41] <ScottK> \sh: No you wouldn't.
[14:42] <\sh> Mez, so you could get rid of it in debian? :)
[14:42] <ScottK> \sh: Port Guidance displayconfig to use xrandr and then we'll talk.
[14:43] <Mez> \sh, I could do, but ... why?
[14:43] <\sh> ScottK, hmmm...point taken
[14:44] <\sh> Mez, well, I don't like debug symbols in a stable release ;) but I was wondering if it was something important or just a forgotten artefact :)
[14:44] <ScottK> \sh: For display management, we just barely managed to get to the finish line with Hardy in KDE3. For intrepid it'd just be worse.
[14:45] <Mez> \sh... possibly a bit of both. I'll have a word with derick though - there might be a reason for it
[14:45] <\sh> Mez, thx :)
[14:56] <nosrednaekim> ping Riddell
[14:56] <Riddell> hi nosrednaekim
[14:57] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: ok, what needs to be ported the most? guidance modules?
[14:57] <Riddell> dist upgrade tool would be lovely
[14:57] <Riddell> shouldn't be too hard either
[14:57] <nosrednaekim> ah... true :)
[14:57] <ScottK> nosrednaekim: Not displayconfig.
[14:57] <nosrednaekim> ScottK: ^_^
[14:58] <ScottK> displayconfig needs to die.
[14:58] <nosrednaekim> I was thinking mountconfig and power-manager
[14:58] <ScottK> IIRC power manager is done
[14:58] <Riddell> yes it is
[14:58] <Riddell> well
[14:58] <Riddell> it could do with having polling removed
[14:58] <nosrednaekim> oh... nice :)
[14:59] <Riddell> but I don't think it's worth it if the new c++/solid one is going to be usable soon
[14:59] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: does the upgrade manager use adept_batch?
[14:59] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: no
[14:59] <Riddell> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/update-manager top branch listed there
[14:59] <Riddell> in the DistUpgrade directory
[15:00] <nosrednaekim> ah... that should be fairly straightforward then, thanks.
[15:00] <yuriy> Riddell: ok, was almost done with kdebase-workspace
[15:00] <yuriy> hmm i guess i got 2 packages, and screwed those up a little
[15:01] <Riddell> yuriy: hmm? what did you screw up?
[15:01] <yuriy> Riddell: for kde4libs and kdebase-runtime I forgot the -9 for gzip, so is that a big deal, and how do I fix it now?
[15:01] <Riddell> it's not a big deal
[15:01] <Riddell> doubt anything will notice
[15:01] <yuriy> and for kde4libs I was working off ~hardy2 instead of ~hardy3 because my mirror is lagging and didn't notice until later
[15:01] <yuriy> ironically omitting my own patch
[15:02] <yuriy> so do i readd the patch to 4.0.5 and bump the version? or..
[15:02] <Riddell> yuriy: what patch?
[15:03] <yuriy> the one for bug 218138
[15:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 218138 in kde4libs "unable to launch atlantik in kde4" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218138
[15:04] <Riddell> aah
[15:04] <yuriy> you'd think I would have noticed since the correct version was elsewhere on my hard drive already :-\
[15:04] <Riddell> well just add the patch into debian/patches/ and update debian/patches/series, dch -i to ~hardy3, debuild -S, dput
[15:04] <yuriy> er, to ~hardy2?
[15:05] <yuriy> is it a problem that the chnagelog then would skip 4.0.4~hardy3?
[15:05] <Riddell> current one is ~hardy1 so go with ~hardy2
[15:07] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: just curious... is there any program/command to automatically port some qt3 to qt4?
[15:08] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: not for python
[15:08] <yuriy> nosrednaekim: there are scripts that will do some automatic replacements
[15:08] <yuriy> ..for c++
[15:09] <nosrednaekim> ah ok.... fair enough :)
[15:09] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: but start with opening the .ui file in designer-qt4
[15:09] <Riddell> it'll convert it to qt 4
[15:10] <Riddell> make sure there's no Q3 classes in it, python doesn't work with them
[15:12] <a|wen> ScottK: thanks for sponsoring
[15:30] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: ok.... maybe I'm stupid... but where is the main KDE-ui controlling .py?
[15:30] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: ./dist-upgrade.py --frontend DistUpgradeViewKDE
[15:35] <nosrednaekim> ah.. there we go... thanks
[15:39] <a|wen> Riddell: I'm making an SRU for kde-guidance ... what do you want me to do with it?
[15:40] <Riddell> a|wen: attach the debdiff to the bug
[15:40] <Riddell> add a test case to the bug
[15:40] <Riddell> poke me into uploading it
[15:40] <Riddell> oh and get ScottK to check it over for sanity if he hasn't already
[15:41] <a|wen> Riddell: it will cover three different bug reports
[15:42] <Riddell> a|wen: pick your favourite one to attach to
[15:43] <a|wen> Riddell: okay .. i'll do that
[15:45] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: I assume you are going to want this to be a pykde4 application? because the 4.1 beta packages do not yet have the kdebindings compiled....
[15:47] <\sh> Mez, did you ever tried to write a watch file against pecl.php.net?
[15:48] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: eventually it should be but if you don't have pykde set up currently pyqt is fine for now
[15:51] <\sh> http://pear.php.net/package/<package>/download /get/<package>-([\d.]+)\.tgz there it is
[15:54] <a|wen> Riddell: SRU req. attached to bug 82279
[15:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 82279 in kde-guidance "displayconfig resolution change bug" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82279
[15:58] <Mez> \sh nope
[15:59] <Mez> \sh, wouldnt be too hard though...
[16:00] <\sh> Mez, got it already :) see 4 lines above :)
[16:00] <Mez> ah ;)
[16:00] <Mez> That's pear, not pecl, but same thing
[16:01] <\sh> Mez, they are rewriting it to pear ... but yes
[16:01] <Mez> http://pecl.php.net/package/<package> /get/<package>-(.*)\.tgz
[16:01] <Mez> cause other wise it wont match
[16:01] <Mez> http://pecl.php.net/get/imagick-2.0.0RC1.tgz
[16:07] <\sh> Mez, btw...wanna push a new package to debian?
[16:09] <Mez> \sh, I'm not a Debian Developer yet... so it depends on what package
[16:10] <\sh> Mez, php-ssh2 , libssh2 binding for php
[16:10] <\sh> check wnpp now
[16:11] <\sh> bah
[16:11] <\sh> 28 may 2008
[16:11] <Mez> ?
[16:12] <Mez> \sh - I dont see it in wnpp
[16:12] <\sh> php5-ssh2
[16:12] <\sh> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=447487
[16:12] <ubottu> Debian bug 447487 in wnpp "RFP: php5-ssh2 -- This package provides a module for SSH2 functions in PHP" [Wishlist,Open]
[16:12] <\sh> but the package do has the wrong patch
[16:12] <\sh> for newer libssh2
[16:12] <Mez> \sh, you made a package?
[16:13] <\sh> No...one other guy...I just made it because I need it here in the company..and when I checked the last time (4 weeks ago) there wasn't any package
[16:14] <Mez> \sh, probs worth emailing him and talking bout it ?
[16:14] <Mez> and maybe co-maintaining it with him?
[16:14] <\sh> Mez, there is nothing to co-maintain about :)
[16:14] <Mez> ?
[16:15] <\sh> Mez, the guy forgot most of the stuff it needs to add it to php etc..not a nice package
[16:17] <\sh> oh btw...
[16:17] <\sh> seele, congrats
[16:17] <Mez> \sh, send me a copy of your package? and I'll poke the guy and francois
[16:18] <Mez> \sh, I'm more worried about Nightrose than about seele :)
[16:18] * Mez hides from Nightrose
[16:18] <\sh> Mez, why?
[16:18] <Mez> Nightrose is evil ;)
[16:19] <\sh> na
[16:19] <Mez> *chuckles*
[16:19] * Nightrose stabs Mez
[16:19] <Mez> see!
[16:19] <Nightrose> see how evil I am... :P
[16:19] <\sh> well, a good replacement for hobbsee ,-)
[16:19] <Hobbsee> heh
[16:19] <Nightrose> heh
[16:19] * Nightrose thinks she will not really suffice as a replacement for Hobbsee
[16:20] <Nightrose> but will try my best
[16:20] <Hobbsee> you can try, anyway
[16:20] <Mez> Remind me never ever ever ever to go into a room where Nightrose and Hobbsee both are
[16:20] <\sh> hmmm
[16:20] <Nightrose> rofl
[16:20] <Hobbsee> haha
[16:21] <nixternal> mornin'
[16:21] <Hobbsee> double trouble :)
[16:21] <Nightrose> morning nixternal
[16:21] <\sh> nixternal, har there he is
[16:21] <\sh> nixternal, would you like to make the ppa packages greater then the backport packages? ,-)
[16:21] <nixternal> \sh: such as?
[16:21] * Mez has a terrible imagination
[16:21] <nosrednaekim> good where-is-kde4-kdegraphics-morning nixternal !
[16:22] <nixternal> forgot to upload it for some reason
[16:22] * Mez can see himself lying on the floor in pool of blood with long pointy stick sticking out of him
[16:22] <nixternal> looking at that now
[16:22] <\sh> nixternal, installing backport packages 4.0.4, disabling backports again, adding ppa line, installing 4.1beta -> fails because some qt packages in backports have a higher version number then the ppa ones
[16:22] <Mez> (or even 2)
[16:22] <Nightrose> folks give the poor nixternal a break...
[16:22] <Nightrose> ;-)
[16:22] <Nightrose> he just woke up.
[16:22] <nixternal> \sh: were there recent qt updates in backports?
[16:23] <Nightrose> Mez: that sounds unhealthy
[16:23] <jjesse> wow its raining out hard
[16:23] <\sh> nixternal, yes
[16:23] <\sh> nixternal, at least they had the same version numbering but without the ~ppa1 ;)
[16:25] <\sh> nixternal, kdebase-something-foo wasn't installable, because of libplasma2 and libplasma wasn't installable because of missing libqt4-webkit-4.4.0-1ubuntufoo~hardy bla.. and that's in both repos...but backports as said is greater regarding the versioning ~hardy1 vs. ~hardy1~ppa1 so I had to readd backports to get the packages installed
[16:26] <\sh> ok..that was one foo and two blas too much -> smoking
[16:27] <nixternal> hehe
[16:27] <nixternal> that is weird, first time anybody reported that
[16:27] <\sh> nixternal, i think it happens only when you disabled backports after installing 4.0.4
[16:28] <jcastro> Nightrose: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam
[16:28] <ScottK> a|wen and Riddell: I just gave a thumbs up on the guidance SRU.
[16:28] <jcastro> Nightrose: if you want to add amarok to the upstream list that would be great
[16:28] <Riddell> ScottK: groovy
[16:29] <Nightrose> jcastro: sure :)
[16:29] <a|wen> ScottK: nice :)
[16:29] <jcastro> Nightrose: then locos can fight over you. :D
[16:29] <Nightrose> haha
[16:29] <Nightrose> sounds good
[16:29] <ScottK> Riddell: I'm a bit tied up with $WORK the rest of the day, so if you could sponsor it ....
[16:29] <Riddell> ScottK: will do
[16:30] <a|wen> :)
[16:32] <jcastro> nixternal: Just to fill you in about our UDS talk. The idea is to get upstreams interested in the Global Bug Jam, and then allowing LoCo's to link up with a specific upstream (if they want) and concentrate on those specific bugs
[16:32] <jcastro> nixternal: so if ubuntu-chicago wants to do kubuntu-specific stuff then add it to the page!
[16:33] <Nightrose> jcastro: done
[16:33] <Hobbsee> jcastro!
[16:34] <santiago-ve> ryanakca: ping
[16:34] <nixternal> jcastro: rock, I am sure our group will probably concentrate on some different stuff
[16:35] <jcastro> Hobbsee!!
[16:35] <Hobbsee> jcastro: having fun?
[16:35] <jcastro> Hobbsee: now that UDS/FOSSCamp is over I can relax (a bit). :)
[16:36] <Hobbsee> hehe
[16:36] <ScottK> jcastro: Did we have to call it "Bug Jam". It sounds like something I would get arrested for feeding to my kids.
[16:36] * yuriy knows ubuntu-mass won't want to do kubuntu specific stuff :-\
[16:36] <jcastro> ScottK: I guess that depends on your kids.
[16:37] <Nightrose> Czessi: ^ kubuntu-de could do kubuntu stuff
[16:37] <nosrednaekim> ScottK: ^_^
[16:37] <Nightrose> txwikinger: ^
[16:38] <txwikinger> Nightrose: ?
[16:38] <Nightrose> txwikinger: bugjam for kubuntu-de
[16:38] <txwikinger> When?
[16:38] <santiago-ve> yuriy: depends...
[16:39] <Nightrose> txwikinger: whenever you want i think - ask jcastro
[16:39] <santiago-ve> effie_jayx for example... wants to help on kde like me...
[16:39] <santiago-ve> anbd he's a ubuntu guy
[16:39] <\sh> ah
[16:39] <\sh> Nightrose, btw...do we get official kubuntu locos? ;)
[16:39] <santiago-ve> Btw... i am on planet.ubuntu.com at last :D
[16:39] <Riddell> santiago-ve: yay, what was the problem?
[16:40] <Nightrose> \sh: ;-)
[16:40] <jjesse> yay seaLne
[16:40] <jjesse> doh
[16:40] <jjesse> sorry
[16:40] <jjesse> yay santiago-ve
[16:40] <Nightrose> wohoo santiago-ve
[16:40] <Riddell> doods https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay/Prep
[16:41] <nixternal> hehe
[16:42] <Riddell> nixternal just laughs!
[16:42] <Riddell> that can't be a good sign
[16:43] <nixternal> I laughed at doods actually :)
[16:43] <txwikinger> Nightrose: I am not sure if we are located close enough to each other to do that in such a way
[16:44] * txwikinger can not travel to Germany for a BugJam
[16:44] * nosrednaekim is not prepared :)
[16:44] <Nightrose> txwikinger: hmm good point - maybe the guys in berlin can do it
[16:44] <\sh> Nightrose, in karlsruhe are also a lot of folks...we just need to reach them
[16:44] <txwikinger> Yes, you could do that on a more city-focused way
[16:45] <Nightrose> \sh: kubuntu folks? besides you and me?
[16:45] <txwikinger> I may be able to get some people in Bham for a bugjam together
[16:45] <\sh> Nightrose, yes and also ubuntu folks...
[16:46] <\sh> anyways...time to leave the office...
[16:46] <Nightrose> hmm time to go shopping...
[16:46] <\sh> cu later...
[16:46] <Nightrose> rain doesn't seem to stop any time soon anyway
[16:46] <Nightrose> laters
[16:46] <Riddell> ooh, yuriy volunteers!
[16:47] <santiago-ve> Riddell: a bug... with my launchpad id (wich was 469)
[16:47] <santiago-ve> http://blog.santiago.zarate.net.ve/archives/21-Hello-Planet-Ubuntu!!
[16:47] <nosrednaekim> santiago-ve: let me guess, you can't have numbers?
[16:47] <santiago-ve> nosrednaekim: i can have numbers
[16:48] <santiago-ve> but lp or bzr complains with 'em
[16:48] <santiago-ve> so only numbers in lp's ids... shoulndt be allowed
[16:48] <yuriy> bleh, i tried recompressing kde4libs and now debdiff complains about it being the wrong size
[16:48] <yuriy> though debuild -S worked
[16:49] <Riddell> yuriy: you can't change the .orig once it has been uploaded, best to just keep it as it is
[16:50] <yuriy> Riddell: when can you change it? only if the upstream version changes?
[16:50] <Riddell> yuriy: yes, or you can reversion it to say kde4libs-4.0.5build1 say but I don't think it's a problem to leave it as it is
[16:51] <Riddell> nixternal: so was I right in thinking you were volunteering to do a getting involved talk?
[16:51] <nixternal> sure
[16:51] <Riddell> any volunteers for packaging and merging howto?
[16:53] * Riddell eyes up apachelogger
[16:55] <mornfall> Hrm.
[16:55] * santiago-ve votes for Riddell LOL
[16:56] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: AH... it has a Q3Frame .... how do I get rid of that?
[16:56] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: you can try editing the .ui file by hand and chaning it to a QFrame, or make a new QFrame in designer and move the widgets into it
[16:56] <Riddell> delete the old one, rename the new one
[16:57] <nosrednaekim> ok
[17:08] <bobesponja> hi
[17:09] <bobesponja> I'm trying kde4.1 packages, works good but what's the kde3 app name that is used to modify brightness for laptops?
[17:10] <smarter> guidance-power-manager ?
[17:11] <bobesponja> smarter: thanks :)
[17:11] <bobesponja> smarter: my fn keys works again now that I launched guidance-power-manager :)
[17:17] <smarter> is there a port of knetworkmanager to kde4 hidden somewhere on the intarweb?
[17:20] <smarter> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/networkmanager/ seems to be the answer :)
[17:22] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: hehe.... seems I have a GUI..... not to get a system that it will actually try to update :)
[17:22] <nosrednaekim> *now
[17:23] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: a good start
[17:25] <bobesponja> smarter: do you know if kde4.1 packages comes with the twitter applet?
[17:25] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: you said you could only do a talk on a weekend?
[17:25] <smarter> bobesponja: it doesn't
[17:27] * santiago-ve runs away from the word twitter
[17:27] <bobesponja> smarter: ok, do you know which package I need to download?
[17:27] <smarter> to get the twitter applet?
[17:29] <bobesponja> smarter: yep, and the rest of the applets I guess
[17:30] <smarter> I don't think they're packaged
[17:30] <nosrednaekim> did the method for pushing to branches change on launchpad? they use to have some ssh://username@launchpad stuff, but now its lp:archive/location
[17:31] <smarter> lp: is a shortcut
[17:31] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: yeah... thats right, i'm going to be working (without breaks pretty much) on the weekdays
[17:31] <bobesponja> smarter: I meant the tarball from the 4.1b release so I can compile it :)
[17:32] <smarter> http://kde.org I guess ;)
[17:32] <nosrednaekim> ok... so it tells me to do a launchpad-login which subsequently fails.... and yes, my keys are perfectly fine since I just did my planet-ubuntu push a couple days ago.
[17:34] <nosrednaekim> never mind... I think I figured it out
[17:41] <Riddell> hmm, I wonder how popular sunday evening would be
[17:41] <Riddell> that would make it sunday afternoon for the US
[17:41] <Riddell> seele: got a preferred time/day for tutorials day?
[17:45] <nosrednaekim> Riddell: itd have to be after 1:30 EST for me on sunday
[17:49] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: what's that in UTC?
[17:51] <nosrednaekim> 5:30 I guess
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
[18:03] <Nightrose> jcastro: ;-) nice blog
[18:03] <Nightrose> thx
[18:05] <yuriy> is this about a particular sunday?
[18:10] <Riddell> 15th?
[18:11] <yuriy> actually, I don't think any weekend anytime soon works for me
[18:11] <nosrednaekim> two weeks? sounds good to me as long as we have python bindings to plasma by then
[18:11] <Riddell> darn well better do by then
[18:11] <Nightrose> Riddell: 15th is amarok bug day with the kde bug squad - so if you want apachelogger to do a tutorial it might get complicated...
[18:11] <Riddell> nosrednaekim: 4.1 beta 1 is enough for that?
[18:12] <Riddell> Nightrose: hmm
[18:12] <nosrednaekim> yeah, when nixternal packages the bindings
[18:12] <Nightrose> Riddell: but ask him - just wanted you to know
[18:24] <yuriy> uploading kde4libs
[18:26] <ScottK> yuriy: For which release?
[18:26] <yuriy> ScottK: 4.0.5 kubuntu-updates-testing ppa for hardy
[18:27] <ScottK> yuriy: OK. BTW, the bug I fixed in intrepid's 4.0.80 package last night applies to Hardy too.
[18:28] <DreadKnight> nixternal: hey
[18:28] <yuriy> ScottK: hardy's 4.0.80 or 4.0.4/5?
[18:29] <ScottK> yuriy: Both
[18:32] <nixternal> DreadKnight: yo
[18:34] <DreadKnight> nixternal: ktorrent-kde4 didn't got installed along with kubuntu-kde4-desktop
[18:35] <DreadKnight> (reinstalled kde4 1-2 days ago or so)
[18:36] <nixternal> I haven't packaged ktorrent-kde4
[18:36] <yuriy> ScottK: well too late for that upload, but should I do the change in 4.0.5 and reupload? how about 4.0.3 (SRU?)
[18:36] <DreadKnight> oh... installed it manually and i noticed some issues with it (search engines drop down box missing)
[18:37] <yuriy> ScottK: debdiff?
[18:44] <nixternal> ScottK: makekdewidgets.1 isn't provided by kdelibs5-dev in the .80 packages I put in hardy ppa
[18:46] <ryanakca> santiago-ve: pong
[18:47] <\sh> nixternal, where does the "Debian" comes from in the kde4-kdm?
[18:47] <santiago-ve> ryanakca: what has happened with the website? i want to help there :D
[18:49] <nixternal> \sh: it isn't patched...I can fix that though in a bit
[18:49] <nixternal> my god this one dude from Chicago is annoying the hell out of me
[18:49] <\sh> nixternal, ah...the same with the keyboard layout...what needs to be done to get it straight I'll help out :)
[18:50] <bobesponja> nixternal: I get "-- Didn't find the KDE4 automoc" when I try to cmake KDE/kdeplasmoid, any idea what path I should add to make it work (i did install kde4sdk)
[18:50] <nixternal> sudo apt-get install automoc
[18:50] <nixternal> bobesponja: just so you know, it isn't going to build on the 4.1 beta 1 packages
[18:51] * \sh has still his KDE/trunk svn ;)
[18:51] <bobesponja> nixternal: ok thanks for automoc
[18:51] <bobesponja> nixternal: is there a way to check KDE/kdeplasmoid from the day 4.1 beta 1 was frozen?
[18:52] <ScottK> nixternal: Then it should be (and not -data)
[18:53] <ScottK> yuriy: Just keep it in mind for next time.
[18:53] <nosrednaekim> bobesponja: IIRC, there is a "tags" dir in the kdeSVN repo
[18:55] <bobesponja> nosrednaekim: thanks, http://websvn.kde.org/tags/KDE/4.0.80/ kdeplasmoid doesn't seem to be there though, maybe if I check the one from two weeks ago it should be fine
[19:09] <mhb> Hobbsee: reading the log will give you the answer
[19:09] <mhb> Hobbsee: you gave up, which is what I am considering
[19:13] <ryanakca> santiago-ve: We're waiting for the sysadmins to install it
[19:14] <santiago-ve> ryanakca: keep me updated plx0r, i wanna halp with the website :p
[19:15] <ryanakca> santiago-ve: will do
[19:18] * ryanakca debates adopting knmap in Debian
[19:21] * ScottK pushes ryanakca forward.
[19:39] * yuriy declares nixternal's blog our new bugtracker
[19:39] <nosrednaekim> hehe
[20:13] <nixternal> yuriy: no doubt...
[20:20] <nixternal> hrmm, no kdepim-dev for kde4
[20:39] <yuriy> Riddell: are you currently working on any 4.0.5 packages or can I grab whatever's not built already?
[20:43] <gribelu_> shouldn't there be a gwenview-kde4 in kde 4.0.80?
[20:44] <gribelu_> actually it's kdegraphics-kde4 that wasn't updated
[20:44] <yuriy> gribelu_: it failed to build
[20:46] <gribelu_> ooh
[20:46] <gribelu_> :|
[20:46] <nixternal> gribelu_: it is building
[20:47] <nixternal> it was in dep-wait
[20:47] <nixternal> but I forced the rebuilds to start shortly
[20:47] <gribelu_> :D
[20:47] <gribelu_> great news
[20:47] <nixternal> I have gwenview-kde4 btw
[20:47] <nixternal> it may have failed on lpia only, or possibly amd64 due to a kdelibs update
[20:48] <nixternal> also, I pushed extragear-plasma up as well
[20:48] <gribelu_> i'm on 386 so i'll be fine hehe
[20:48] <nixternal> and just now pushed yakuake 2.9.3
[20:48] <gribelu_> heh.. i just got 2.9.2
[20:48] <nixternal> ya, I did that last night, and today Sho_ release 2.9.3 :)
[20:48] <gribelu_> great work though 4.1 seems be running/installing fine
[20:49] <gribelu_> been running it for a few days now
[20:49] <nixternal> groovy
[20:49] <nixternal> I am going to update to either .81, or .82 depending on when that comes out
[20:50] <gribelu_> should be easier now with all the dependencies fixed
[20:50] <nixternal> ya
[20:51] <gribelu_> should be.. hehe.. in bold
[20:56] <apachelogger> Nightrose: it's not like I have an open time slot for the talk ;-)
[20:56] <Riddell> yuriy: I'm not
[20:56] <apachelogger> Riddell: generally I am not a fan of IRC talks, but as I said yesterday - everything for the project :)
[20:58] <yuriy> Riddell: ok, working on kdegraphics
[20:58] <ryanakca> ScottK: hmmm... I think I'll take it :)
[21:09] <bobesponja> nixternal: if you could add KDE/kdeplasmoid to .81 or .82 that would be awsome :)
[21:29] <yuriy> err am I supposed to be bumping depends and build-depends versions?
[21:31] <yuriy> and soversions?
[21:32] <yuriy> Riddell ^
[21:36] <nixternal> note to all, if the package you are building requires anything from include/syndication/*, make sure you build dep on libboost-dev :)
[21:36] <nixternal> otherwise you sit around and band your head :)
[21:38] <yuriy> nixternal: actually this is your and stdin's changelogs that i'm looking at, so..
[21:40] <nixternal> I bump them just to be safe
[21:40] <nixternal> that way there if you upload kdebase and libs at the same time, you will build off of the latest
[21:41] <yuriy> nixternal: i'm working on kdegraphics and kdemultimedia, and already uploaded kdegraphics before noticing this
[21:41] <yuriy> nixternal: them == both soversions and builddepends?
[21:41] <nixternal> so versions only if they have been changed
[21:42] <nixternal> if build deps were say 4:4.0.4 and you are packaging 4:4.0.5, I will bump the old versio to the current 4:4.0.5
[21:42] <yuriy> ok
[21:43] <yuriy> so say in kdemultimedia-kio-plugins-kde4.install there is a usr/lib/kde4/lib/libaudiocdplugins.so.4.0.4
[21:43] <yuriy> how do I know if I need to change that?
[21:45] <Riddell> yuriy: no
[21:46] <yuriy> no to what?
[21:46] <Riddell> yuriy: it shouldn't need the build-depends changed, it should be bugfixes only compared to 4.0.4
[21:46] <yuriy> oh, ok. and soversions?
[21:47] <Riddell> how do you mean?
[21:47] <Riddell> abi shouldn't change either
[21:47] <Riddell> so safe to leave as 4.0.4 or whatever it is
[21:47] <yuriy> so say in kdemultimedia-kio-plugins-kde4.install there is a usr/lib/kde4/lib/libaudiocdplugins.so.4.0.4 I don't need to change that?
[21:48] <Riddell> no, that's something for upstream to do
[21:49] <Serega> apachelogger: hey
[21:50] <Serega> apachelogger: can I pick the kbibtex to merge?
[21:51] <yuriy> dpkg-source: cannot represent change to doc/kscd/index.cache.bz2: binary file contents changed
[21:52] <yuriy> and 2 similar
[21:53] <Riddell> yuriy: rm doc/kscd/index.cache.bz2
[21:53] <Riddell> something compiling in the wrong place I guess
[21:53] <yuriy> i haven't compiled anything yet, that's on debuild -S
[21:54] <apachelogger> Serega: sure
[21:54] <Riddell> something made that file, the error means it's not in the .orig tar
[21:55] <yuriy> Riddell: it is in kdemultimedia-kde4-4.0.4, and I don't think I did anything after extracting the tar that would've created anyfiles other than debian/
[21:55] <Serega> I have found an issue in pykde4 - i18n function does not support multiple arguments
[21:55] <Serega> afraid it is even the sip issue :(
[21:55] <yuriy> ooh think i got it
[21:56] <yuriy> forgot to bump the version. gotta stop doing that
[21:59] <Arby> evening all, trying to test build ktorrent and the patches seems to be failing to apply http://paste.ubuntu.com/17311/
[21:59] <Arby> any suggestions?
[22:00] <ryanakca> Riddell: I'm adopting knmap in Debian. Do you think I should include kubuntu_00_autoconf2.60.diff in the Debian package (looks like it's your patch :) )... The patch permits the package to use autoheader*2.6* and autoconf*2.6*
[22:02] <Serega> apachelogger: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kbibtex mentions intrepid but I can't really understand is merging needed or not. could you please help me with an explanation?
[22:04] <apachelogger> Serega: debian includes 2.1 we include 2.0 ... so yes merge is necessary
[22:05] <apachelogger> and intrepid is mentioned because the version for hardy was published in intrepid when intrepid development opened
[22:06] <Serega> apachelogger: aah, thank you! now it is clear for me
[22:09] <yuriy> Riddell: kdemultimedia-dbg-kde4 supposed to depend on kdelibs-dbg-kde4 and not kde4libs-dbg?
[22:10] <yuriy> i think I may have gotten this error before when trying to install it so I think that's a mistake
[22:13] <pgquiles> nixternal: ping
[22:19] <nixternal> pgquiles: pong
[22:20] <pgquiles> nixternal: are the kde 4.1 packages for hardy a port of the debian kde 4.1 packages or have you packaged them from scratch? :-?
[22:20] <Serega> apachelogger: looks like kbibtex can be just synced
[22:20] <nixternal> pgquiles: they are a mix of everything
[22:20] <Serega> apachelogger: 99% sure :)
[22:20] <nixternal> I pulled from places that had completed stuff
[22:20] <apachelogger> Serega: so will have to do a 1% check, huh? :P
[22:21] * Serega hides his eyes
[22:21] <Serega> :)
[22:21] <pgquiles> nixternal: ok. By reading your blog I got the impression you were packaging everything on your own :-)
[22:22] <Serega> apachelogger: okay, okay... 100% sure. sync it :)
[22:23] * apachelogger revus mom patches
[22:23] <nixternal> pgquiles: wouldn't make sense to package everything on my own if it is available
[22:23] <nixternal> I am one of those who do not reinvent the whell
[22:23] <nixternal> wheel
[22:23] <apachelogger> well
[22:23] <apachelogger> Serega: what about kubuntu_01_kdepot.patch ?
[22:24] <nixternal> what I did do was take a combination of stuff from both Intrepid and Debian and doctored the hell out of it to make it work on Hardy
[22:24] <apachelogger> Riddell: should we keep a merge just because of the kdepot patch?
[22:24] <pgquiles> nixternal: cool
[22:24] <nixternal> then there were packages that aren't in either intrepid or hardy that had to be packaged from scratch
[22:25] <nixternal> and I was packaging everything on my own :) everyone else here was working on different projects
[22:25] <Serega> apachelogger: where did you find that?
[22:25] <pgquiles> will you provide nightly builds of 4.1?
[22:25] <nixternal> heck no
[22:25] <nixternal> way to much work, and the nightlies aren't even working from kde's side
[22:25] <apachelogger> Serega: debdiff the current ubuntu package to the current debian package
[22:25] <apachelogger> also nice that jpatrick didn't mention it in the remaining changes from last merge -.-
[22:26] * nixternal goes and mows the lawn in this 100 degree weather
[22:26] <apachelogger> [report] kshutdown merge completed
[22:27] * nixternal watches as kdebindings build chokes his machine
[22:28] <Serega> apachelogger: even such debdiff does not contain 'kdepot'
[22:28] <apachelogger> diff -pruN 1.0.1-2/debian/patches/kubuntu_01_kdepot.patch 1.0.1-2ubuntu2/debian/patches/kubuntu_01_kdepot.patch
[22:28] <nixternal> while (grass >= inches(1.25)) nixternal->mow();
[22:28] <apachelogger> hm
[22:29] * apachelogger hands nixternal a cookie
[22:30] <apachelogger> Serega: well, I think just go ahead with another package
[22:30] <seele> Riddell: of June or July?
[22:31] <Serega> 1.0.1? but kbibtex is 0.2.1
[22:31] <apachelogger> hm
[22:31] <apachelogger> what am I looking then?
[22:31] <Serega> apachelogger: maybe we are talking about different packages?
[22:31] <Serega> :)
[22:31] <apachelogger> haha
[22:31] <apachelogger> we are
[22:31] <apachelogger> dood
[22:31] * Serega whews
[22:32] * apachelogger notes that konsole needs a better way to show when tabs exceed the window length
[22:33] <apachelogger> Serega: you're right
[22:33] <apachelogger> Riddell: please sync kbibtex
[22:33] * Serega dances and and sings "merging, merging, merging, la-la-la"
[22:34] <Serega> apachelogger: thanks for support
[22:35] <apachelogger> Serega: thanks for meging
[22:35] <Serega> kcemirror is mine?
[22:36] <Riddell> seele: June (if we're talking about tutorials day)
[22:36] <Serega> apachelogger: can I still ask you about this? do you have a time to answer?
[22:37] <seele> Riddell: week of the 15th or 22nd, but time of day would depend on which day it is
[22:39] <seele> basically any time i'm either not at a conference, in a meeting, or sleeping
[22:40] <Arby> can anybody suggest how to fix this http://paste.ubuntu.com/17319/ ?
[22:40] <apachelogger> omg
[22:40] <apachelogger> http://code.google.com/p/google-gadgets-for-linux/
[22:40] <Arby> trying to build ktorrent and the patches don't want to apply
[22:40] <apachelogger> Serega: you certainly can, but I think kcemirror is not KDEware which makes me, as kde fanboy, less qualified ;-)
[22:41] <Serega> oh... I was confused by 'k'
[22:41] <Arby> apachelogger: ooo shiny :)
[22:41] <Serega> apachelogger: what about ketm?
[22:41] <Serega> god... it is last 'k'!
[22:42] <Serega> ah... kdmtheme
[22:42] <apachelogger> kdmtheme sounds good
[22:42] <apachelogger> Arby: I would agree if there wasn't plasma :P
[22:42] * Serega attacks
[22:43] <Arby> apachelogger: meh, I don't like stuff on my desktop anyway :)
[22:43] * apachelogger tries compiling google-gadgets
[22:43] <Arby> still looks pretty
[22:43] <apachelogger> configure: error: qt4, libxml2 or spidermonkey are missing, which are required for qt host.
[22:43] <apachelogger> omg
[22:43] <apachelogger> good thing that thing provides qt4 support at all :D
[22:44] <Riddell> seele: oh aye, I remember you saying you've got a busy schedule
[22:44] <Arby> Serega: I already attempted kdmtheme, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdmtheme/+bug/227912 for my efforts
[22:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 227912 in kdmtheme "merge kdmtheme 1.2.2-1 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Incomplete]
[22:45] <Arby> Serega: feel free to take over if you like
[22:45] <Arby> not my finest moment
[22:45] <Serega> Arby: I take this
[22:46] <apachelogger> ../../../ggadget/backoff.cc:65: error: 'rand' was not declared in this scope
[22:46] <apachelogger> nice
[22:46] <seele> Riddell: 1 hour right? about general usamajility or something in particular?
[22:46] <Serega> gOOgle missed include?)
[22:46] <Riddell> seele: yes
[22:47] <Riddell> apachelogger: kbibtex synced
[22:47] <apachelogger> Riddell: thank you
[22:50] <Riddell> yuriy: that dbg depend could well be a mistake
[22:51] <Riddell> ryanakca: does it compile without that patch?
[22:51] <Riddell> Serega: pykde4 i18n is much fixed in 4.0.5 and 4.1 svn
[22:52] <ryanakca> Riddell: Haven't checked yet, if it compiles without, drop it?
[22:52] <Riddell> Arby: ignore 97_fix_target_link_libraries.diff, it's not needed
[22:52] <Riddell> ryanakca: if it compiles without it in debian and ubuntu I guess it can be dropped, but there's probably a reason it was added there
[22:52] <Arby> Riddell: ok, just delete the patch?
[22:52] <Riddell> Arby: yes
[22:52] <Riddell> and remove from series
[22:52] <Serega> Riddell: whew, cool. So in near updates I will get a working one?
[22:53] <Arby> cool
[22:53] <Arby> one step closer
[22:53] <Riddell> Serega: yes
[22:53] <Serega> thanks
[22:53] <ryanakca> Riddell: *nods*... If ever you remember why you added it, please poke me :)
[22:53] <Riddell> ryanakca: probably because it wouldn't relibtoolise
[22:54] <Riddell> try make -f admin/Makefile.common too in debian and ubuntu
[22:56] <ryanakca> Riddell: aha, *** YOU'RE USING autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.61. *** KDE requires autoconf 2.52, 2.53 or 2.54 make: *** [cvs] Error 1 :)
[22:56] <Riddell> blamo
[22:57] <ryanakca> Thanks :D
[22:58] <Riddell> seele: so what's your schedule like on sunday 15th?
[23:01] <apachelogger> ah well, I give up, google-gadgets doesn't wanna compile
[23:02] <Riddell> apachelogger: what's the licence?
[23:02] <apachelogger> Riddell: apache
[23:02] <Riddell> oh, nice
[23:02] <apachelogger> well, if it was compiling... ;-)
[23:03] <apachelogger> it probably just doesn't like intrepid
[23:04] <apachelogger> Riddell: once Serega finished kdmtheme, we are done with merging for now :D
[23:04] <Riddell> surely there's more in main?
[23:04] <Riddell> basket
[23:04] * apachelogger shudders
[23:05] <Riddell> filelight
[23:05] <seele> Riddell: looks good to me, late UTC would be best
[23:05] <Riddell> kshutdown
[23:06] <apachelogger> kshutdown is in universe
[23:06] <apachelogger> and merged
[23:06] <Riddell> noteedit
[23:06] <Riddell> qtparted
[23:07] <Riddell> screenkast
[23:07] <Riddell> showimg
[23:07] <Riddell> that's all I can see for universe
[23:08] * apachelogger jumps at filelight
[23:08] <Riddell> qtstalker
[23:08] <Riddell> I wonder what that does
[23:08] <Serega> guys, in debian/copyright of debian package was changed email of an author. I should just copy change to debian/copyright of ubuntu, right?
[23:09] <Riddell> qsynth
[23:09] <Serega> *copy the change
[23:09] <Riddell> Serega: yes
[23:09] <Serega> thanks
[23:13] <apachelogger> Riddell: please sync filelight all my changes got applied in debian
[23:13] <Riddell> groovy
[23:14] <Riddell> seele: this too early? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay/Prep
[23:14] <Riddell> yuriy: how's that timing?
[23:14] <seele> Riddell: nope, that's fine
[23:14] <Riddell> nixternal: ?
[23:14] <Serega> aargh, diff of diff destructs my brains
[23:16] <Arby> ktorrent has me beat the error is http://paste.ubuntu.com/17319/ and the patch is http://paste.ubuntu.com/17329/
[23:16] <apachelogger> Riddell: please sync basket, kontact plugin version patch got applied in debian
[23:16] <Arby> I have no idea why it won't apply
[23:16] <apachelogger> uh that is fast :D
[23:19] <apachelogger> Riddell: screenkast as well, patch applied in debian
[23:31] <apachelogger> oh
[23:31] <apachelogger> -.-
[23:31] <Serega> apachelogger: please check: http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/1039875
[23:31] <apachelogger> com'on
[23:32] <apachelogger> can't debian just create proper patch files :S
[23:32] <apachelogger> Serega: please use paste.ubuntu.com pastebin.ca is too slow for my fast working mind ;-)
[23:35] <Serega> apachelogger: okay. repast it now?
[23:37] <apachelogger> nah, for the next paste
[23:37] <apachelogger> it loaded in the meanwhile
[23:37] * apachelogger declares qtparted the awfullest merge he ever did
[23:44] <apachelogger> + * add the homepage link to the description in debian/control
[23:44] <apachelogger> Serega: that one got applied in debian
[23:44] <Serega> apachelogger: but not in description
[23:44] <Serega> so it was confused me
[23:45] <Serega> okay
[23:45] <apachelogger> oh
[23:45] <apachelogger> well
[23:45] <apachelogger> technically
[23:45] <apachelogger> if homepage is part of the source stanza
[23:45] <apachelogger> it shouldn't be in the description at all
[23:45] <Serega> ah... sec, I'll remove it now
[23:45] <apachelogger> Serega: nah
[23:45] <apachelogger> I'll do that
[23:45] <apachelogger> and upload right away
[23:46] <apachelogger> Serega: good job
[23:46] * Serega blushes and bows
[23:46] <Serega> apachelogger: thank you for you carefull teaching
[23:46] <Serega> *your
[23:47] <apachelogger> hehe, you're welcome
[23:47] <Riddell> erk, what did I miss?
[23:47] <apachelogger> nothing important
[23:49] <Serega> apachelogger: so, we continue to merge non-kde packages or it is better to return to gdebi-kde4?
[23:49] <apachelogger> Serega: Riddell listed some more above
[23:49] <apachelogger> you could continue with qtstalker
[23:49] <apachelogger> that name is just too interesting :D
[23:50] <Serega> apachelogger: haha, we competing with Riddell
[23:50] <Serega> 2 for 1 - not so fair
[23:50] <apachelogger> a) Riddell is a robot
[23:51] <apachelogger> b) he probably doesn't do merging
[23:51] <apachelogger> Riddell: do we have a race going on here?
[23:51] <Riddell> merges are best at this time in the cycle, while there's still kde/qt-ish merges to be done
[23:51] <Serega> apachelogger: no, he add unmerged!
[23:51] <Serega> *adds
[23:52] <Serega> here is the competition: all merged or drawn in merges :)
[23:52] * apachelogger is confused and continues breaking qtparted
[23:52] * Serega believes qtstalker is a qt port of S.T.A.L.K.E.R :)
[23:52] <Riddell> there's all these to be merged too ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/4.0.80/src/extragear/
[23:53] <Riddell> using the -kde4 packaging but dropping the -kde4 name
[23:53] <Riddell> don't do plasma though, that's going away
[23:53] * Riddell snoozes
[23:54] <seele> nixternal: hmm.. have you heard anyone have problems resizing windows in the 4.1 beta?
[23:54] <Serega> Riddell: nah, it's not fair! add merges one-by-one as we do merge :)
[23:59] <apachelogger> if my padawan wouldn't be lost I could make him merge all that boring stuff :|