UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /04 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== mib_bb6fw3hi is now known as edvard
[01:33] <alnokta> why when i do sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop it doesn't install xubuntu? it just installs a package called xubuntu-desktop and exits
[01:35] <alnokta> any idea?
[01:36] <Lynet> alnokta: Perhaps you already have all the packages. xubuntu-desktop is an 'empty' package with a list of other packages to install.
[02:00] <lc2> silence-breaker
[02:03] <ub511> hi, how i can autoligin to the consol at startup ?
[02:07] <ub511> is ~/.bash_profile the same as ~/.bashrc ?
[02:07] <lc2> nope
[02:08] <lc2> .bash_profile is executed when you log in, .bashrc is executed whenever the shell is executed
[02:09] <ub511> lc2 : i need to autologin to a consol at startup i can do this by editing /etc/event.d/tty1 ?
[02:09] <lc2> ub511: i haven't a clue
[02:09] * lc2 has just come from bsd, doesn't really know how linux/ubuntu does that sort of thing
[02:09] <ub511> thanks lc2
[03:57] <Maxwell6643> Hello
[03:58] <Maxwell6643> Can anyone help me? I MUST be able to switch between keyboard layouts using a two key command (e.g. alt-shift) for xubuntu to work for me (which I would like to do, as it is awesome.
[04:01] <Maxwell6643> ?
[04:01] <lc2> IDK LOL
[04:01] <lc2> let's see
[04:04] <lc2> http://ubuntu.sabza.org/2006/10/13/xubuntu-easily-switch-keyboard-layout/
[04:04] <lc2> THAR U GO
[04:06] <lc2> slightly convoluted but whatever
[04:06] <lc2> also i don't see why you need to have a shell script to do that (i.e. /usr/bin/fixkeyboard )
[04:07] <lc2> what languages do you want to switch between?
[04:07] <lc2> layouts*
[04:12] <lc2> well, shit
[04:29] <Maxwell6643> H€llo
[04:29] <Maxwell6643> Grrr
[04:29] <Maxwell6643> Is anyon€ in h€r€
[04:30] <Maxwell6643> My k€yboard is fucking up
[04:30] <Maxwell6643> BRB˙
[04:36] <Maxwell6643> Hello again.
[04:39] <lc2> hia gain!
[04:39] <lc2> hi again!
[04:39] <Maxwell6643> Any id€as
[04:39] <lc2> haha
[04:40] <lc2> how on earth
[04:40] <Maxwell6643> ?
[04:40] <Maxwell6643> ??
[04:40] <lc2> Maxwell6643: whatever you did to make it do that? stop doing that
[04:41] <lc2> anyway, you had a question earlier, you did get an answer but you got disconnected
[04:41] <Maxwell6643> I didn't do anything.
[04:41] <Maxwell6643> Oh.
[04:41] <Maxwell6643> Well what was the answer?
[04:41] <Maxwell6643> Could someone please paste it in here for me?
[04:41] <lc2> i had a counter-question, which layouts do you want to switch between?
[04:42] <Maxwell6643> Russian Winkeys and USA (former USA Intl')
[04:42] <lc2> okay hold on
[04:42] <Maxwell6643> And I do not consider counter questions to be answers ;)
[04:42] <lc2> Maxwell6643: you did get an answer as well, but the counter-question would have made it even better
[04:42] <lc2> which two keys do you want to use to switch?
[04:43] <Maxwell6643> I want to be able to hit alt-shift and thus switch between the two layouts.
[04:43] <Maxwell6643> Those are the only two I want to use.
[04:43] <lc2> okay
[04:43] <lc2> go to your settings manager, autostarted apps
[04:43] <lc2> and put something like
[04:44] <lc2> (click "add", obviously)
[04:44] <Maxwell6643> How do I get to my settings manager?
[04:44] <Maxwell6643> I just switched to Xubuntu today from Ubuntu.
[04:44] <lc2> applications -> settings -> settings manager
[04:44] <lc2> (that's okay, i don't find this too easy, i just came from freebsd)
[04:45] <lc2> anyway, go to the autostarted apps therein, click "add"
[04:45] <lc2> setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle us,ru
[04:46] <Maxwell6643> What do I put as the name and description?
[04:46] <lc2> enter that into a terminal first to make sure it works, because i really have nfi if it will
[04:46] <lc2> put whatever you like
[04:46] <lc2> string of profanities if you so choose
[04:46] <lc2> oh and
[04:47] <Maxwell6643> I don't think it did anything.
[04:47] <Maxwell6643> asdlfkd
[04:47] <Maxwell6643> дофыва
[04:47] <lc2> .
[04:47] <Maxwell6643> Oh, shit.
[04:47] <Maxwell6643> I LOVE YOU!
[04:47] <Maxwell6643> *HUGZ*
[04:47] <lc2> i love me too
[04:47] <lc2> Maxwell6643: one more thing.
[04:47] <Maxwell6643> lol, yes?
[04:47] <Maxwell6643> Haha, I always reply that.
[04:47] <lc2> in the settings manager, keyboard, layouts tab
[04:47] <Maxwell6643> Yes?
[04:47] <lc2> you must check "use X configuration"
[04:48] <Maxwell6643> Why?
[04:48] <lc2> because otherwise you trigger "send email to the linux kernel mailing list telling them you're planning to fork the kernel" mode
[04:48] <lc2> that, or switching might not work
[04:49] <Maxwell6643> Ohhhh.
[04:49] <Maxwell6643> Mmmmmk.
[04:49] <Maxwell6643> Thank you ^-^
[04:49] <lc2> most welcome
[04:49] <Maxwell6643> I shall now restart and try this out.
[04:49] <lc2> go for it
[04:49] <lc2> let us know how it went
[04:49] <Maxwell6643> If I am back in five minutes, it didn't work ^-^.
[04:50] <Maxwell6643> Okay, I guess I shall come back one and tell you how it went.
[04:50] <Maxwell6643> BRB!
[04:50] <lc2> hb!
[04:51] <lc2> wb
[04:53] <Maxwell6644> Thank you!
[04:53] <Maxwell6644> Спасибо большое!
[04:53] <lc2> haha, awesome
[04:53] <lc2> you're welcome
[04:54] <Maxwell6644> I shall now go study the most lovely language in the world ^-^ (except maybe Latin? But Russian girls>Roman ones)
[04:54] <Maxwell6644> Ciao!
[10:17] <ath_gr> i have already installed xubuntu 6.06 in an older notebook celeron@600+64mb ram. the system is going well, but as i want my little son to play with it i need some games on it. unfortunately 6.06 has no games by default. any idea or hepl hou can i install the games i saw in newer versions?
[10:21] <ablomen> ath_gr, fire up synaptic and select the games and amusement catagory
[10:22] <ablomen> 100s of games in there
[10:22] <TheSheep> ath_gr: you can also check the getdeb.net for more games
[10:23] <TheSheep> the quality varies greatly though
[10:23] <ath_gr> i searched already in that catalogue and i just found a package needed for gnome games. actually i n this category there only 3 packages and the 2 of them they 're already installed
[10:25] <TheSheep> !repositories
[10:25] <ubottu> The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[10:26] <TheSheep> ath_gr: enable additional repositories
[10:31] <ath_gr> where can i enable that? the pc is not connected to the net. where from can i downloaded additional repositories?
[10:36] <TheSheep> ath_gr: all packages form ubuntu repositories are available at http://packages.ubuntu.com
[10:39] <ath_gr> thanks. in that link : http://www.getdeb.net/category.php?id=3 i found many games. can i run them under xfce?
[10:57] <mnemoc> hi, i
[10:57] <mnemoc> err
[10:58] <mnemoc> hi, i'm running 8.04 quite happily but today suddenly the "places" menu diapeared, and also the icons at the desktop (at the same time) ... I revered the icons by alt-f2 -> xfdesktop.... but how can i get the "Places" menu back?
[10:59] <TheSheep> alt+f2 and then 'xfce4-panel'
[11:02] <mnemoc> thanks :)
[11:49] <john__> hey i need help
[11:49] <john__> how do i upgrade
[11:49] <john__> i mean directly from dapper to .. 6,.10 or whatever
[11:54] <john__> i remember doing system updates
[11:54] <seanw> Hello all.
[11:54] <john__> and there was an optio nto upgrade but now there isnt.. from dapper to 6.10
[11:54] <seanw> How can I connect to an ssh/sftp server as a file manager window in xubuntu?
[11:54] <seanw> It's easy in ubuntu but I can't find it here.
[11:56] <john__> uh oh
[11:59] <john__> anyone answer my questio nwhile i left? sorry
[11:59] <john__> :p
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
[13:12] <skream__> hey, anyone around?
=== skream__ is now known as skream
[13:40] <Ben_Cs> hello
[14:04] <skream> my install keeps freezing after i click 'yes' to partition the drives
[14:05] <Stroganoff> !alternate | skream
[14:05] <ubottu> skream: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent
[14:06] <skream> Stroganoff: thatts he version im trying to install
[14:07] <Stroganoff> oh
[14:07] <Stroganoff> are you able to switch to ctrl+alt+f2?
[14:07] <skream> what does that do?
[14:08] <Stroganoff> switches to tty2, containing verbose output
[14:08] <skream> i'll try ttha
[14:08] <skream> if i hit ctrl+c it closes whatever is running i guess and goes t the nexxt screen
[14:08] <Stroganoff> or is it completely frozen.. i.e. numlock doesnt respond
[14:08] <Stroganoff> ok
[14:08] <skream> says "prepring partitioner..."
[14:09] <skream> and gets to 47% and stops everytime
[14:09] <Stroganoff> have a look at /var/log/partman
[14:10] <skream> how do i go bout doing that?
[14:10] <Stroganoff> go to ctrl+alt+f3
[14:10] <skream> particularly in the middle of the installation
[14:10] <Stroganoff> run this:
[14:10] <Stroganoff> less /var/log/partman
[14:10] <skream> ok, sec
[14:11] <skream> ctrl+alt+f3 just goes to a shell i guess?
[14:11] <Stroganoff> yep
[14:11] <skream> cool, did notknow that
[14:13] <skream> less not found
[14:13] <skream> vi not found
[14:13] <Stroganoff> cat
[14:13] <Stroganoff> or nano
[14:14] <skream> cat spit out lot of stuff
[14:14] <Stroganoff> anything suspicious at the bottom?
[14:15] <skream> error handler: exception with type
[14:15] <skream> error handler: reading message
[14:15] <skream> error handler: reading options
[14:15] <skream> and then it goes on to some other stuff...
[14:16] <skream> lib/partman/automatically_partition/20some_device/choices:********************************
[14:16] <skream> lib/partman/automatically_partition/50biggest_free/choices:********************************
[14:17] <skream> thats it
[14:23] <skream> nothing eh
[14:25] <skream> by the way
[14:26] <skream> dunno if this is hepful but my cd drive wont open when i get to this point
[14:35] <Stroganoff> i think that is normal
[14:36] <Stroganoff> anyway you should manage to upload your partman log to pastebin and present it to the guys in #ubuntu
[14:37] <Stroganoff> either use ftp to upload it or manually mount a usb stick and copy it
[14:38] <Stroganoff> or completely different approach: low level format your hard disk with vendor tools and try again :D
[14:40] <skream> wow tths pretty involved
[14:44] <skream> yeesh cant even get DSL to work hah
=== Riot777 is now known as Riotta
=== Riotta is now known as riotta
=== maxamillion is now known as notMax
=== yandexx is now known as y4ndexx
[17:08] <gromozekin> hi there. i ve already installed xubuntu-restricted-extras but mp3 still doesnt play
[17:08] <gromozekin> ?
[17:08] <gromozekin> whats wrobng
[17:09] <zoredache> what media player are you trying to use? I generally just install and use vlc for everything
[17:10] <gromozekin> )]
[17:10] <gromozekin> exaile
[17:10] <gromozekin> xmms
[17:10] <gromozekin> audacious
[17:10] <gromozekin> nothing)
[17:10] <Myrtti> do you have medibuntu repository enabled?
[17:10] <zoredache> do you hear any sounds at all?
[17:10] <gromozekin> at all ye
[17:11] <gromozekin> yes i enabled
[17:11] <gromozekin> but
[17:11] <gromozekin> they havent got verification key(
[17:11] <y4ndexx> \o/ Russia!
[17:11] <gromozekin> не позорь гопник
[17:14] <N1ghtCrawler> Why can't i find Opera in the repo? I have searched uding both apt and synaptic.
[17:14] <gromozekin> add some repos
[17:14] <gromozekin> 3d party software
[17:14] <gromozekin> and little advise - in repos opera flash doesnt work
[17:15] <gromozekin> download deb file from opera.com (opera 9.5)
[17:15] <N1ghtCrawler> ah, tanks for the tip. I do that instead theb
[17:15] <N1ghtCrawler> *then
=== effie is now known as effie_jayx
[17:18] <gromozekin> so
[17:18] <gromozekin> anyone can help me with mp3 support?)
[17:22] <y4ndexx> I booted the live CD, installed Audacious (I hope that's correct) and it could play MP3 just fine.
[17:22] <gromozekin> дада
[17:22] <gromozekin> но сука не получается
[17:22] <gromozekin> yes
[17:22] <gromozekin> i typed that i did the same\
[17:22] <gromozekin> but nothing works
[17:23] <Stroganoff> !medibuntu | gromozekin
[17:23] <ubottu> gromozekin: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[17:23] <gromozekin> shit
[17:23] <gromozekin> i tried!!
[17:24] <Stroganoff> oops
[17:24] <zoredache> and you are sure you sound card is working?
[17:24] <gromozekin> yes
[17:25] <Stroganoff> open audacious in a terminal, play a mp3 file and giev output
[17:25] <zoredache> when you try to play a mp3 does it seem to play and you get silence or do you get an error?
[17:25] <gromozekin> error
[17:26] <zoredache> have you tried searching on the exact error message on google and the ubuntu forums?
[17:30] <Stroganoff> make sure your player uses xine instead of gstreamer backend
[17:30] <gromozekin> ok
[17:30] <gromozekin> i will add again mediabuntu
[17:30] <Stroganoff> O.o
[17:30] <gromozekin> че?
[17:30] <Stroganoff> que?
[17:30] <gromozekin> what?
[17:31] <Stroganoff> wat?
[17:31] <y4ndexx> wut wut wut
=== notMax is now known as maxamillion
[17:32] <maxamillion> heh ... i still have ops here, i'll be darned
[17:32] <maxamillion> deop maxamillion
[17:32] <maxamillion> bah!
[17:32] <Jack_Sparrow> gromozekin sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)
[17:37] <gromozekin> http://paste.stgraber.org/5320
[17:38] <Myrtti> wel,l, it's not there
[17:38] <gromozekin> (
[17:38] <Jack_Sparrow> Myrtti thanks.. I was lagging
=== effie is now known as effie-jayx
[17:39] <gromozekin> orly?
[17:39] <gromozekin> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu
[17:39] <Myrtti> Jack_Sparrow: so am I, doewnloading alternate cd with bittorrent
[17:39] <gromozekin> i did as typed there
[17:39] <Myrtti> hence typos
[17:39] <Jack_Sparrow> gromozekin Are you using hardy or gutsy or ?
[17:39] <gromozekin> 7 10
[17:39] <gromozekin> eeexubuntu\
=== effie-jayx is now known as effie_jayx
[17:40] <Myrtti> gromozekin: so you did "sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list"
[17:40] <Jack_Sparrow> Myrtti I dint know we were supporting eeex
[17:40] <Myrtti> Jack_Sparrow: I don't either
[17:40] <Myrtti> tbh
[17:41] <Myrtti> I hate this lag
[17:41] <gromozekin> which>
[17:48] <N1ghtCrawler> how do i control the volume on my laptop in Xubuntu, the buttons on the computer does not wórk
[17:48] <zoredache> right click on a panel and add the volume control
[17:48] <Jack_Sparrow> !keys
[17:48] <ubottu> Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts
[17:49] <gromozekin> !hands
[17:49] <ubottu> Factoid hands not found
[17:49] <gromozekin> lol
[17:49] <gromozekin> it seems to be true]
[17:50] <y4ndexx> !help
[17:50] <ubottu> I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)
[17:50] <N1ghtCrawler> The buttons worked by default in Ubuntu, so it can't be a imposibility to get them working in Xubuntu
[17:50] <Jack_Sparrow> gromozekin It may be better if you try to find a channel that supports your derivative eeexubuntu
[17:52] <gromozekin> lolkun
[17:52] <gromozekin> eeexubuntu - its just xubuntu with asus acpi and some crap for asus eee
[17:52] <gromozekin> so its similar to xubuntu
[17:52] <Jack_Sparrow> !mint
[17:52] <ubottu> The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate
[17:53] <Jack_Sparrow> Similar is not ubuntu
[17:53] <gromozekin> ?
[17:53] <gromozekin> wtf
[17:53] <Jack_Sparrow> That is not allowed in here either
[17:54] <zoredache> gromozekin: nobody that is active seems to know the answer. we are trying to encourage you to find someone who does
[18:01] <Jack_Sparrow> gromozekin Did you try the command suggested earlier to install the medi..repos?
=== michaelramm is now known as michael_at_lunch
[19:19] <deniz_ogut> Hello. Xubuntu 8.04 here. I experience that ubuntuforums.org takes about lets say 10 minutes to load with Firefox3.0b5. Ok, Firefoxis a litle bit slowon my machine but not that much for sure. Do you have any idea if its something related with some settings or not?
[19:20] <lc2> loads almost instantly here
[19:21] <lc2> three questions: 1) have you changed anything? 2) is anything else slow? 3) how fast is your machine?
[19:22] <deniz_ogut> I didn't intendly change anything.I mean: I have installed Fluxbox lately. Nothing else is slow. 256 RAM.
[19:22] <deniz_ogut> Firefox operates slowon my machine but not that much. This is something else.
[19:23] <lc2> so no other sites load slow like that?
[19:23] <deniz_ogut> 10 minutes I say,maybe more. Other pages load in some seconds.
[19:23] <deniz_ogut> no , not that slow.
[19:23] <lc2> okay
[19:23] <lc2> have you tried doing it like, right now?
[19:24] <deniz_ogut> yes,it is loaded now. but if I attempt to reload it,i am sure...
[19:24] <deniz_ogut> i will give a tryif you like.
[19:24] <lc2> give it a shot, make sure it wasn't a temporary problem
[19:25] <deniz_ogut> no its the same. I click an internal link from the main page and it began to "try" again.
[19:25] <lc2> okay, what does it say in the status bar while it's loading?
[19:25] <lc2> "Looking up.." or "Connecting to.."?
[19:25] <deniz_ogut> transferinng data from ubuntuforums.org
[19:26] <lc2> okay, i have no idea what that could be, other than either something wrong in their site or some routing issues with your ISP
[19:26] <deniz_ogut> I can connenct with Dillo uin seconds.
[19:26] <lc2> you might want to try another browser, just to be certain
[19:27] <lc2> try epiphany
[19:27] <deniz_ogut> can it be something remlated with some kind of flash thing?
[19:27] <deniz_ogut> epiphany is similar to firefox.
[19:27] <lc2> it is, that's why i suggested trying it
[19:27] <deniz_ogut> it is... in which way?
[19:28] <lc2> it uses the same rendering engine, the reason you should try using it is because then you can see if it's an issue with some firefox setting or other
[19:28] <deniz_ogut> but not such a problem for other flash sites.
[19:28] <deniz_ogut> epiphany is the same.
[19:29] <deniz_ogut> their site should be OK because you can connect easily.
[19:29] <lc2> except if you use epiphany, you can find out if it's a bug with a plugin/extension/setting/whatever
[19:29] <lc2> just do it, plox
[19:29] <deniz_ogut> anyway. thanks a lot. I took your time.
[19:30] <deniz_ogut> plugins,extensions.... ok,i will check. thanks again.
[19:30] <lc2> kay
=== michael_at_lunch is now known as michaelramm
[20:18] <spasticteapot> Any Xubuntu devs here?
[20:19] <spasticteapot> I just tried Xubuntu 8.04 - it looks terrific!
[20:19] <lc2> it is awesome.
[20:19] <spasticteapot> I am having a few hiccups, though.
[20:19] * lc2 isn't a dev.
[20:19] <lc2> but i might be able to help
[20:20] <spasticteapot> I just wanted to let the devs know they did a good job.
[20:20] <spasticteapot> lc2: I'm connnected to a wifi network with decent signal strength, but the speed is astronomically slow.
[20:20] <lc2> ohnoes.
[20:21] <spasticteapot> ...and now it works.
[20:21] <lc2> define "astronomically slow
[20:21] <lc2> +"
[20:21] <spasticteapot> That's odd.
[20:21] <lc2> wait what
[20:21] <spasticteapot> lc2: Google took nearly a minute to load.
[20:21] <spasticteapot> Google!
[20:21] <lc2> well, wtf
[20:21] <spasticteapot> Huh.
[20:21] <spasticteapot> That said, the system instantly recognized TWO wifi cards the old one would not - and they required no configuration.
[20:21] <spasticteapot> Just plug & play!
[20:21] <spasticteapot> And the wifi manager actually works.
[20:22] <lc2> !
[20:22] <lc2> ftw
[20:22] <spasticteapot> And it seems to be faster than the old version - it's quite usable on a P3-550.
[20:22] <lc2> except firefox ;(
[20:22] <lc2> but even firefox is faster
[20:22] <spasticteapot> IMO, Xubuntu has always been a bit rough around the edges...until now.
[20:22] <spasticteapot> lc2: Firefox runs A-OK.
[20:22] <spasticteapot> ...of course, I'm only using one tab.
[20:22] <spasticteapot> Any recommendations on a replacement driver?
[20:23] <lc2> i haven't a clue
[20:23] <spasticteapot> I'm also going to try the miscellaneous speed tweaks - most of which, IIRC, involve disabling GNOME bits that run in the background.
[20:23] <spasticteapot> Ack...brain fart.
[20:23] * lc2 knows nothing about wireless, and has just come from freebsd so knows only marginally more than nothing about the linux kernel
[20:23] <spasticteapot> Replacement browser.
[20:23] <lc2> oh!
[20:23] <lc2> sorry
[20:23] <lc2> umm, try epiphany
[20:24] <zoredache> you might also look at midori. it is a webkit based browser
[20:24] <spasticteapot> Ah..wait.
[20:24] <spasticteapot> Kahehakaze.
[20:24] <spasticteapot> I like that one.
[20:24] <spasticteapot> The spelling...not so much.
[20:25] <lc2> kazahekase?
[20:25] <spasticteapot> Kazehakase?
[20:25] <lc2> some shit like that
[20:25] <spasticteapot> Yah.
[20:25] <spasticteapot> Japanese names are not so easy to spell without the kanji.
[20:25] <spasticteapot> That said, I'm astounded that there aren't any Japanese-specific linux distros.
[20:26] <lc2> there may well be
[20:26] <spasticteapot> Japan has 1/2 the population of the U.S...and a far larger number of technophiles.
[20:26] <spasticteapot> lc2: I'm a linux n00b, but I did not see any on Distrowatch.
[20:27] <lc2> spasticteapot: i can't imagine that there is not one
[20:27] <spasticteapot> lc2: I'm guessing that the japanese translation of Ubuntu is spot-on.
[20:28] <lc2> quite possibly
[20:28] <spasticteapot> Wow...9 kB/second.
[20:28] <lc2> !
[20:28] <spasticteapot> Somethings fishy with my wifi connection
[20:28] <lc2> haha
[20:28] <lc2> yeah there is
[20:29] <spasticteapot> 964 bytes/second.
[20:29] <spasticteapot> WTF?
[20:29] <spasticteapot> At least now it's back up to 25 kilobytes/second.
[20:29] <spasticteapot> I never thought I'd be happy about that.
[20:30] <spasticteapot> ...aaand it stopped.
[20:30] <lc2> spasticteapot: ! :\
[20:31] <spasticteapot> Hmm.
[20:31] <spasticteapot> Gimme a sec...need to go fiddle with something.
[20:32] <lc2> hokay
[20:32] <lc2> hb
[20:39] <spastic_teapot> lc2: Hola!
[20:40] <spastic_teapot> Well, the good news is that I no longer have a problem with connection speed.
[20:40] <lc2> spastic_teapot: ahoy
[20:40] <lc2> spastic_teapot: good!
[20:40] <lc2> what did you do?
[20:40] <spastic_teapot> The bad news is that this is because I no longer have a @#$@#$ connection.
[20:40] <spastic_teapot> :P
[20:40] <lc2> oh shi-
[20:40] <spastic_teapot> Ha. Ha.
[20:41] <spastic_teapot> It's just the Xubuntu box.
[20:41] <lc2> what did you do to break it?
[20:41] <spastic_teapot> Tried to connect to a different wifi network.
[20:41] <lc2> oh.
[20:41] <spastic_teapot> I managed to download half of package lists....and now it's stopped again.
[20:42] <lc2> .. :(
[20:42] <spastic_teapot> That's odd.....
[20:42] <spastic_teapot> Firefox still works.
[20:43] <zoredache> are you sure it isn't being slow on the server-side?
[20:43] <spastic_teapot> Nope.
[20:43] <spastic_teapot> Every time I try to download, the internet craps out.
[20:43] <spastic_teapot> @#$@$##@$!
[20:43] <lc2> :(
[20:44] <spastic_teapot> It's like demonic clockwork.
[20:44] <spastic_teapot> Or, for BSD, daemonic clockwork.
[20:44] <spastic_teapot> :P
[20:44] <lc2> don't mention that name in my presence again
[20:44] <spastic_teapot> ??
[20:44] * lc2 seriously hates BSD, and the horse it rode in on.
[20:45] <spastic_teapot> Really?
[20:45] <spastic_teapot> Explain.
[20:46] <lc2> i got tired of how horribly buggy it was
[20:46] * lc2 was using freebsd before xubuntu
[20:46] <spastic_teapot> That's why I asked.
[20:46] <spastic_teapot> I do note that Linux has greater compatibility, and many more versions.
[20:47] <lc2> my favourite bug: try to unmount a USB mass storage device in freebsd after you have unplugged it
[20:47] <spastic_teapot> There's Linux for cheap old rubbish PCs, Linux for multichannel audio recording, Linux for firewalls, Linux for christian fundies....
[20:47] <spastic_teapot> lc2: Oh dear.
[20:47] <lc2> spastic_teapot: sometimes it refused to, sometimes it meant instant death and a kernel panic
[20:47] <spastic_teapot> Of course, any PROFICIENT BSD user would have his own shell script to do that. For each of his flash drives.
[20:47] <spastic_teapot> Oh my.
[20:48] <zoredache> lc2: just don't disconnect drives before they are unmounted...
[20:48] <lc2> zoredache: that means that there is *no way* to make things "just work" when you plug/unplug them
[20:48] <lc2> you have to manually unmount drives
[20:48] <lc2> hello, welcome to the late 20th century, we have this cool thing called "USB"
[20:49] <zoredache> lc2: that isn't true... you can setup autofs to automatically mount your usb devices and unmount after a few minutes
[20:49] <lc2> zoredache: what if you plugged it in for a few minutes then unplugged it before autofs unmounted it?
[20:49] <lc2> the point is you shouldn't have to do shit like that
[20:50] <spastic_teapot> lc2: Can't you do all that USB nonsense with some serial ports and a hot-swap SCSI setup?
[20:50] <spastic_teapot> :P
[20:50] <zoredache> how can you be sure the filesystem is in a clean state?
[20:50] <lc2> zoredache: somehow, microsoft have managed to do it
[20:50] <lc2> correction, microsoft managed to do it ten years ago*
[20:51] <zoredache> on microsoft you need to click the 'safely remove hardware' icon
[20:51] <spastic_teapot> lc2: He's right.
[20:51] <spastic_teapot> It's more or less the same on both.
[20:51] <zoredache> or else you can trash your filesystem
[20:52] <lc2> zoredache: the point is, it doesn't crash the operating system
=== |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo
[20:52] <lc2> "you shouldn't do that" is not the same thing as "you deserve to have your operating system crash on you"
[20:52] <zoredache> yeah, I will agree a kernel crash on a missing device is bad thing
[20:53] <zoredache> but you can get the same behavior on Linuux with mounted samba share and pulling the network cable in some conditions
[20:53] <lc2> mkay
[20:54] <zoredache> anywho...
[20:55] <spastic_teapot> Xubuntu - it is made of WIN!
[20:55] <lc2> it is.
[21:01] <Qkall> hi i thought i fixed this problem yesterday... however i didn't
[21:01] <Qkall> Odd-rationale: helped me, alas same problem
[21:01] <Qkall> xfce4-session isn't starting by default...
[22:28] <floating> is it possible to autologin to xubuntu without inserting name/pass
[22:29] <TheSheep> floating: yes, set it in settings->login window
[22:38] <greg_> where is rest of xorg.conf?
[22:38] <TheSheep> greg_: falls back to defaults
[22:39] <TheSheep> greg_: use 'sudo displayconfig-gtk' to edit it
[22:39] <greg_> so i gotta manually add modules section?
[22:39] <TheSheep> if you need any non-standard modules, yes
[22:40] <floating> thxhx
[22:41] <greg_> wat driver can i use for 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c) ?
[22:42] <TheSheep> greg_: Intel
[22:42] <greg_> there are couple intel
[22:42] <TheSheep> no, there are i810, i-something else, etc., but there is only one 'intel'
[22:43] <greg_> intel expiramental?
[22:44] <TheSheep> greg_: yup
[22:47] <greg_> TheSheep, nows theres lines on screen
[22:48] <TheSheep> :(
[22:49] <greg_> any other drivers i can try?
[22:49] <TheSheep> greg_: I have a similar card and it works for me
[22:49] <TheSheep> greg_: I never tried any others
[22:49] <greg_> want screen shot?
[22:49] <TheSheep> greg_: but I guess it won't hurt?
[23:00] <greg_> TheSheep, they all fail
[23:09] <lc2> does anyone use rhythmbox here?
[23:09] <Odd-rationale> lc2: i do sort of...
[23:10] <lc2> Odd-rationale: where the hell is the stop button? :\
[23:10] <Odd-rationale> lc2: the same as play...
[23:10] <lc2> Odd-rationale: stop = pause?
[23:10] <lc2> :\
[23:10] <Odd-rationale> yeah, pretty much...
[23:10] <lc2> okay, that fails
[23:11] <greg_> TheSheep, its all messed up now
[23:11] <Odd-rationale> i find it is ok...
[23:11] <greg_> how do i fix?
[23:11] <Odd-rationale> to play or not to play. simple as that... ;)
[23:36] <lc2> rhythmbox officiall fails
[23:36] <lc2> and now i'm going!
[23:36] <lc2> :D
[23:46] <WaxyFresh> Hi how do i search for things in xubuntu
[23:46] <zoredache> what type of things?
[23:46] <WaxyFresh> a single file
[23:47] <TheSheep> you click on the loup icon next to the clock
[23:47] <zoredache> I use the 'locate' command in a terminal...
[23:47] <WaxyFresh> whats it called ill have to add it back i think i removed it
[23:47] <TheSheep> tracker
[23:47] <WaxyFresh> locate filename?
[23:48] <TheSheep> it's in autostarted applications
[23:48] <TheSheep> ah, you can also use locate or find from the command line
[23:48] <TheSheep> see 'man locate' and 'man find' for details
[23:50] <zoredache> TheSheep: is tracker something you installed? I am not seeing anything by that name on my system and I have a fairly clean install
[23:51] <TheSheep> I'm not sure, I know it was installed by default at some stage, but it might have been alpha or beta version then
[23:51] <TheSheep> it's installed by default in ubuntu
[23:53] <WaxyFresh> i think i disabled it on mine.
[23:54] <WaxyFresh> im not finding it,and teh man pages boggle my mind. how do i use locate/find to search entire path and all its subdirectoys?
[23:55] <zoredache> WaxyFresh: it has to build the index first... (run sudo updatedb)
[23:56] <zoredache> another slow way to find things would be to use the find command e.g find / -type f -name '*.mp3'
[23:57] <WaxyFresh> zoredache: thanks the file in my case is asms so i would type find / -type f -asma ?
[23:59] <zoredache> asms? is that the exact filename? if yes then find / -type f -name 'asms'. if you are looking for files with the .asm extention it would be find / -type f -name '*.asm'