UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /04 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:51] <szakulec> I'd just like to give a huge thanks to the mythbuntu team- it's really, really awesome
[02:29] <r0dzilla> good evening
[02:30] <r0dzilla> is there a way to have mythtv store recordings from different tuner cards to different hard drives / mount points?
[02:57] <rhpot1991> r0dzilla: check out the storage groups
[02:57] <rhpot1991> you can have different tuners use different groups I believe
[02:59] <r0dzilla> cool, I have an HD tuner and a regular tuner
[02:59] <r0dzilla> if they are recordingg at same time, it would help out if they didn't have to write to same drive
[03:00] <r0dzilla> that would be the backend setup right?
[03:00] <rhpot1991> yep
[03:26] <szakulec> the archive module is pretty awesome, althought it fails on any non-recording video for me
[03:26] <szakulec> it will transcode it, but since mythhelper can't find anything, it just exists
[07:10] <spikemcc> need help for hauppage wintvpvrusb 2 with mythbuntu 8.04 !!!
[07:11] <spikemcc> hi someone here ?
[07:20] <spikemcc> need help for hauppage wintvpvrusb 2 with mythbuntu 8.04 !!!
[07:20] <spikemcc> need help for hauppage wintvpvrusb 2 with mythbuntu 8.04 !!!
[07:21] <spikemcc> need help for hauppage wintvpvrusb 2 with mythbuntu 8.04 !!!
[07:21] <hads> That won't help.
[07:22] <spikemcc> i can't make the drivers and how i can make an easy backup/install of this silly driver ?
[07:25] <spikemcc> damn can a french tutorial of this exist ?
[07:55] <superm1> kees, when you are around tomorrow, can you look over bug 218955?
[07:55] <superm1> kees, both at the hardy-proposed stuff as well as the intrepid stuff on the bug.
[07:55] <Schamane> moin
[07:56] <Schamane> boys im nearly crazy
[07:56] <Schamane> im trying to search channels for 2 days now and nothing works
[07:57] <Schamane> the card works fine in windows, but in mythbuntu it doesnt find channela
[07:57] <Schamane> with scan i get always tuning failed
[07:58] <Schamane> dont know why, the card is correctly found by the system
[08:29] <Schamane> nobody an idea?
=== Penfold_ is now known as Penfold
[09:17] <Bob24> hello
[09:19] <Bob24> could someone please tell me if there is in default file browser in Mythbuntu backend? I can only go through the file structure in the terminal.
=== avihayb_ is now known as avihayb
[09:58] <Bob24> hello anyone here
[09:58] <Bob24> ?
[09:58] <laga> noo
[09:58] <laga> they're gone! ALL GONE!
[09:59] * laga cries
[09:59] <Bob24> im sorry to bother u then
[10:00] <laga> there's no default file browser, unfortunately
[10:01] <Bob24> is there an addon package that supports it
[10:02] <laga> no.. why would you need a file browser for the backend? i probably don't understand what you're trying to do
[10:04] <Bob24> well im folloing the setup procedure for my second hard drive on this website (http://www.xawk.com/ubuntu-add-hard-drive.html) and when it askes to go to places on the pc and click on local disk to mount i cannt find and file browser to do it with.
[10:07] <Bob24> any suggestions?
[10:10] <Bob24> can u do it manually like this: mount /dev/sda /media/disk
[10:11] <laga> you still need to specify the partition
[10:11] <laga> eg sda1 instead of sda
[10:12] <Bob24> oh ok
[10:15] <Bob24> is this ok: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
[10:16] <laga> maybe :)
[10:16] <Bob24> i cant see it in mnt though
[10:17] <laga> well, the file system is probably empty
[10:23] <Bob24> do u have to create a directory called sda1 as well
[10:23] <Bob24> in mnt
[10:23] <laga> no.
[10:23] <laga> the contents of the file system in /dev/sda1 will show up in /mnt
[10:23] <Bob24> cos i cant see it
[10:24] <Bob24> i used this sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
[10:24] <laga> yeah
[10:24] <Bob24> and i see no sda1 in mnt
[10:24] <laga> and now, what do you expect to see?
[10:24] <laga> there wont be one :)
[10:24] <Bob24> why?
[10:24] <laga> because it's the way it is
[10:25] <Bob24> k so how can i see the drive?
[10:25] <laga> get a screwdriver, open your computer, use eyes? well, what do you want to see?
[10:25] <laga> you've mounted the disk
[10:25] <laga> there's nothing in /mnt/
[10:25] <laga> because the disk is empty
[10:26] <Bob24> the thing is how can i put stuff in it if i cant See it
[10:27] <laga> /mnt _is_ your hard disk
[10:27] <laga> sudo cp somefile.avi /mnt/
[10:27] <laga> and it'll end up on the new disk
[10:28] <Bob24> ok could you please tell me the command to see the available space on /mnt
[10:28] <laga> Bob24: df -h
[10:29] <laga> we'll try to get a nice graphical way into the next mythbuntu version :(
[10:29] <Bob24> k
[10:52] <bob25> mad
[10:52] <bob25> all is configured
[10:52] <bob25> thanks laga for your help
[10:53] <bob25> just one thing, its displaying that the 500g drive has 23gb used when their is nothing on it
[10:53] <bob25> so i only have 435gb free
[10:53] <bob25> is this normal
[11:05] <bob25> u ther laga
[11:05] <bob25> ?
[11:06] <ddgoose> normal
[11:07] <ddgoose> some space is reserved for root in addition to superblock/inode overhead
[11:25] <Bob24> k thanks
[11:26] <Bob24> ddgoose: which ftp server would you recomend for Mythbuntu
[11:26] <Bob24> is filezilla anygood
[11:26] <Bob24> ?
[11:27] <Bob24> or The FTP Client
[11:41] <Pennycook> Hey guys. Recently I edited my /etc/network/interfaces file so my mythbox would have a static IP, but since I've done so it's stopped accepting mysql connections. VNC is fine, though.
[12:16] <Bob24> what do you think about this link (http://www.ubuntugeek.com/settingup-an-ftp-server-on-ubuntu-with-proftpd.html) is this the right way to configure a ftp server on Mythbuntu?
[15:17] <laga> Pennycook: um..
[15:17] <laga> Pennycook: look in /etc/mysql/my.cnf for an ip address setting
[15:17] <laga> i think it's a "listen" directive.
[15:18] <Pennycook> The "bind-address" is set to
[15:23] <laga> is that the correct address?
[15:23] <Pennycook> Yup
[15:24] <laga> hum
[15:24] <laga> and no other bind-address statements somewhere in /etc/mysql? there's probably another config file somewhere
[15:25] <Pennycook> In /mysql/conf.d/mythtv.cnf there's a "bind-address="
[15:26] <Pennycook> But that's the same as my media centre downstairs and that's fine.
[15:27] <laga> i wonder if those entries are conflicting? maybe you can comment out one
[15:28] <Pennycook> I'll try that. Thanks.
[15:32] <a58wicked> Pennycook: from http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/can-not-connect-to-server.html look for a post by Niall Mansfield - seems if you have 'bind-address' to the local ip, that will be the only machine to get access (I think :-)
[15:32] <laga> that's silly
[15:33] <a58wicked> Probably
[15:33] <laga> yeah, only if you have "localhost" in there
[15:33] <laga> but if it's a different address like it should listen to anything from that network
[15:34] <a58wicked> Er ok, I see my misinterpretation. I'll butt out.
[15:34] <Pennycook> I seem to be able to get in from here, but whether tha's true of on the network I can't say. Will have to phone my brother.
[15:34] <Pennycook> Thanks for the help. :)
[15:37] <sabhain> has anyone ever re-ordered the startup items in mythbuntu? Specifically, moving LIRC to near the end, right before GDM starts?
[15:38] <laga> why would you want to do that?
[15:38] <laga> (mythbuntu/ubuntu totally needs to move to dependency-based startup. race conditions suck)
[15:40] <sabhain> well .. LIRC fails at boot up. Can't figure out why .. there's not much in logs.
[15:41] <sabhain> but if I do a /etc/init.d/lirc restart IMMEDIATELY after boot from a CLI .. it starts up fine
[15:41] <laga> interesting.. do you need to know how to move the boot order?
[15:42] <sabhain> but from the boot .. no functionality. I'm wondering if LIRC is starting before USB or something totally goofy like that .. I can't explain why it wouldn't start at boot, but a sudo restart of lircd would work fine
[15:42] <sabhain> is it easy?
[15:42] <laga> it should be :)
[15:42] <sabhain> btw .. using snapstream RF remote if it matters
[15:42] <laga> if you go to /etc/rc2.d/
[15:43] <laga> you should see the init scripts
[15:43] <laga> and now you should be able to sudo mv them
[15:43] <laga> the number at the beginning of the script name shows you which ones will be started first
[15:45] <sabhain> what if some have the same number?
[15:46] <laga> dunno. :) i guess they're started in alphabetical order
[15:47] <sabhain> you see any risk in moving LIRC late? Or any reason why the start script would fail, but not a CLI restart command?
[15:49] <laga> well, you can always restore the old behavior
[15:49] <sabhain> I'm also frustrated in not being able to capture the reason for the failure .. I just can't find much in the logs to be able to post a bug. I've got really unstable LIRC behavior in general .. this startup problem, and the irexec program crashes intermittently also .. it's a direct reducer of WAF.
[15:50] <laga> i feel your pain. :(
[16:14] <sabhain> laga, thanks for the input on reordering .. I'll try it tonight .. and report back. I'm thinking to move it to the very end and do a rain dance and see what happens.
[16:15] <laga> good luck on the dance
[16:35] <kees> superm1: I should be useful in about 2 or 3 hours -- got stuff to take care of this morning.
[16:36] <kees> superm1: is the fix something that should be SRU'd for hardy?
[16:36] <laga> bug 218955
[16:54] <sabhain> laga, I wonder if it's related to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lirc/+bug/150480
[16:55] <laga> probably
[16:55] <laga> sysv init is full of race conditions. and crack.
[16:55] <laga> lots of crack
[17:42] * iamlindoro__ fires up a bowl of sysv init
[19:52] <toorima> linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic these packages are being kept back when i upgrade, am I missing something or should I just do dist-upgrade do solve it?
[19:59] <foxbuntu> toorima, I suggest you do the following to make sure everything happens in the right order so you dont break the kernel: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[19:59] <foxbuntu> exactly like that*
[20:06] <toorima> ok just wanted to check if i was missing some packet, have seen it happen before
[20:06] <toorima> one can install a packet then the upgrade works but i'll do the dist-upgrade then
[20:07] <toorima> thx man
[20:51] <toorima> upgrade went fine
[23:58] <szakulec> is there any way to use a dvdauthor xml from created from outside MythTV with the MythTV archive plugin?