UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /04 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
[01:04] <persia> good morning
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[03:45] <persia> Right. Native packages should not be versioned as packagename_upstreamversion-placeholder-0ubuntu0
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[07:14] <dholbach> good morning
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[12:15] <lool> Hmm upon kernel upgrade to -18, I had to turn off the device as the graphics wouldn't come up on reboot
[12:15] <lool> I wonder whether it's specific to this upgrade, or whether it's after a bunch of reboots
[12:28] <ogra> which graphics exactly ? usplash ? the HW itself ? X after usplash ?
[12:29] <ogra> (note that the -intel X driver was updates as well very recently, might be related)
[12:32] <persia> lool: I had that on Tuesday, but today's image brought up graphics fine.
[12:37] <ogra> the -intel change in -proposed was uploaded on monday
[12:41] <lool> Could be the -intel update
[14:13] <rbelem> hi all, I would like write a statusbar plugin in python for ume, but python-hildondesktop is not in ubuntu repositories and ume ppa. Should I use another module or compile python-hildondesktop?
[14:16] <persia> rbelem: Up to you, really. If you find python-hildondesktop easier, that might be the way to go.
[14:17] <rbelem> persia, Is there another way to write statusbar plugins?
[14:19] <persia> rbelem: Off the top of my head, I'll say there's also bindings for C. I'm also booting my latest image to see how the current set is doing it.
[14:19] <ogra> egg.trayicon
[14:20] <rbelem> nice!
[14:21] <rbelem> will python-hildondesktop package be added do repository?
[14:22] <persia> Bah. The working mouse changed.
[14:24] <rbelem> :-)
[14:28] <persia> rbelem: It seems all the statusbar applets in my build are done in C.
[14:29] <ogra> but if you want python, have a look at that example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16874/
[14:29] <rbelem> persia, I saw that in my ume image too :-/
[14:30] <ogra> (needs egg.trayicon from python-gnome2-extras)
[14:30] * persia likes ogra's example, for less hildon and more upstream integration with GNOME
[14:30] <ogra> its quite trivial to do such icons if they are not applets
[14:30] <rbelem> ogra, cool!
[14:31] <rbelem> very simple
[14:31] <ogra> (but even applets are not that hard if you understand bonobo)
[14:31] <rbelem> I was seeking for something like that
[14:33] <suihkulokki> It's perfectly possible to make hildon run without orbit/bonobo
[14:33] <suihkulokki> That's one of the space savings nokia did
[14:33] <rbelem> this do not restrict my plugins to hildon
[14:34] <rbelem> thanks ogra persia
[14:40] <ian_brasil> ogra: [ian_brasil, hey, the trick is to end your session] ...how do i do this in ume?
[14:41] <ogra> killall x-session-manager would be the evil variant i guess
[14:41] * persia uses Ctrl-Alt-Backspace
[14:41] <ogra> or pkill better
[14:41] <ogra> persia, from a script :)
[14:41] <persia> ogra: Ah. Right. :)
[14:42] <asac> lool: so just to confirm: ~ubuntu-mobile PPA is staging, so i can just upload there (hardy) ?
[14:43] <lool> asac: ATM, it's not yet staging, but if it's release material you should upload there
[14:43] <lool> asac: It's going to be staging when we move to archive.mobile.ubuntu.com
[14:44] <asac> lool: i am asking for this xulrunner + midbrowser translations update
[14:44] <asac> i have to upload there now
[14:44] <asac> i guess i should upload midbrowser there too (while the other upload goes to -proposed) to not break things
[14:44] <asac> can you confirm?
[14:45] <lool> Yes; you can also upload to your ppa if you want to test before releaseing
[14:46] <ian_brasil> ogra: thx...this works -> pkill -9 hildon-desktop
[14:47] <ogra> well, it might skip the "save yourself" signal if the session manager sends one
[14:47] <ogra> meaning that i.e. midbrowser will start with the restore session dialog since it will think it crashed
[14:48] <ogra> not sure hildon-desktop has any external switch for that to trigger apps for doing a proper shutdown though
[14:52] <asac> lool: i dont wnat yet another step
[14:52] <asac> :)
[14:53] <asac> ill upload to mobile ... unlikely that it will break much more than the current -proposed upload
[14:54] <ogra> (in gnome your would do "gnome-session-save --kill --silent" to overcome that btw)
[14:56] <rbelem> ogra, in the nokia 770 whe the power button is pressed a menu is displayed
[14:57] <rbelem> and one of options is turn off
[14:57] <ogra> right, like the gnome-session dialog (if you omit the --silent switch in the above line)
[14:58] <rbelem> yep, something similar
[14:59] <rbelem> s/pressed/under pressure/
[14:59] <rbelem> :-)
[14:59] <ogra> heh
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[15:47] <bpsew> is there a difference between "ubuntu mobile and embedded" and "ubuntu netbook remix"?
[15:57] <persia> bpsew: Yes. They have different selections of software.
[15:57] <persia> The naming is perhaps confusing, and this is the right place to discuss both.
[15:58] <persia> "Mobile" is about 4-6" screens, and "Netbook" is about 7-9" screens (some people say 10", but I've seen too many 10" laptops to believe that)
[15:59] <bpsew> can you name some of the different software?
[16:02] <persia> bpsew: I'd have to compare the seeds to be sure: I don't have a Netbook install around. Netbook tends to have more screen area, and so more complicated apps.
[16:06] <bpsew> ok
[16:07] <bpsew> i'm asking myself...
[16:07] <bpsew> will there be three versions of each program (think of pidgin e.g.), one for ubuntu desktop, one for netbook and one for ume?
[16:10] <dantalizing> hey guys....was trying to install ubuntu-mobile, but xulrunner version is blocking the midbrowser install
[16:10] <dantalizing> xulrunner-1.9 (1.9~rc1+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~8.04.2) breaks midbrowser (<< 0.3.0rc1) and is installed
[16:10] <dantalizing> i cant find midbrowser 0.3.0rc1 anywhere
[16:38] <GrueMaster> StevenK: ping - what's this about an abi change?
[16:38] <davidm> GrueMaster, -17 -18 and -19 all have ABI changes
[16:38] <GrueMaster> Is it in any of the repositories yet?
[16:39] <GrueMaster> And what should I build the psb-kmd modules against for testing and release?
[16:40] <davidm> GrueMaster, I'm sorting this out now.
[16:40] <davidm> More soon
[16:40] <GrueMaster> ok
[16:41] <ogra> -18 should be in hardy-security already
[16:41] <ogra> -19 was just approved for building
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[17:30] <GrueMaster> davidm: I have -18, and will build for that.
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[18:06] <davidm> GrueMaster, yes, please build for the -18 release.
[18:07] <GrueMaster> Done.
[18:08] <davidm> GrueMaster, thanks
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[19:32] <persia> lool: What else does Software Update need?
[19:44] <lool> persia: ?
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[22:13] <trip0> what is ubuntu-mobile going to use as it's media player?
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