UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /04 /#ubuntu-java.txt
Initial commit
[06:53] <dummyboy> excuse me .i am identified .but why i cannot join ##java?it says :you need to be identified to join that channel
[07:02] <dummyboy> info dummyboy
[07:14] <dholbach> good morning
[07:42] <man-di> dholbach: moin
[07:43] <dholbach> hi man-di
[07:47] <man-di> dholbach: How can I help you?
[07:48] <dholbach> man-di: erm... what do you mean? :)
[07:49] <man-di> dholbach: I thought you had a question or so
[07:49] <man-di> ENOCOFFEE
[07:49] <dholbach> no, I'm fine - thanks :)
[07:49] * dholbach gets himself some more coffee too :)
[19:30] <tacosalad> anyone in here?
[19:30] <persia> tacosalad: Lots of people, just quiet people.
[19:31] <slytherin> tacosalad: depends on next question. :-p
[19:31] <tacosalad> i registered my name.. still cant join ##java.. does it take some time for it to set-in or something?
[19:34] <tacosalad> :( ok maybe someone could help me with the thing i am trying to get in ##java to ask about... can i make a variable in a loop- i'll have name1, name2, name3 etc and i'm not sure how many i'll need, so can i do like a for loop String name+i?
[19:36] <persia> (nobody is here)
[19:37] <tacosalad> you can't help persia?
[19:37] <tacosalad> with either getting in ##java or telling me if creating variables like that is possible
[19:37] <persia> tacosalad: I'd have to write test code, and was planning to go to bed. I can't help with getting into ##java
[19:38] <slytherin> tacosalad: Do you really need ny variables or is arraylist fine for you?
[19:39] <tacosalad> variables
[19:39] <tacosalad> well, unless i can have an array or arrays?
[19:39] <tacosalad> or make class instances on the fly like that..
[19:39] <tacosalad> array of arrays**
[19:40] <slytherin> tacosalad: since this is really off-topic here I suggest you paste your problem on pastebin so that I can try to provide a better solution.
[19:43] <tacosalad> im lody
[19:43] <tacosalad> lost*