UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /04 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
[09:22] <popey> I need to talk to an irc op type person about changing an #*ubuntu* channel
[09:23] <Myrtti> popey: may I pm?
[09:24] <popey> please
[09:26] <Myrtti> hmmmm what changes and what channel?
[09:27] <Myrtti> no, I'm probably not that kind of person, but I might be able to find a correct one
[09:27] <Myrtti> s taff, if nothing else
[09:29] * popey pokes nalioth and/or PriceChild :)
[09:29] <popey> thanks Myrtti
[09:30] <Myrtti> np
[10:51] <PriceChild> popey: what's up?
[10:57] <popey> aha, just the man
[11:49] <Seeker`> PriceChild: ping
[11:49] <PriceChild> pong
[11:50] <Seeker`> PriceChild: glade88 is here to try and get a member cloak, he was redirected here from -ops
[11:50] <PriceChild> i don't think launchpad has been done yet, will get on it by the end of the day
[11:51] <glade88> it okay with me.. I'll wait :)
[11:52] <Seeker`> PriceChild: cool, was just leetting you know :)
[12:10] <glade88> Seeker`: thanks for reminding him :)
[12:28] <killerboy> hello
[12:28] <killerboy> i had some problems with #ubuntu-pl channel
[12:28] <killerboy> somebody banned me and said i'm troll
[12:29] <killerboy> that was because i was discussing about x86-64 architecture
[12:29] <killerboy> but
[12:29] <Myrtti> ok, have you tried to negotiate the situation with the op who banned you?
[12:29] <elky> from?
[12:30] <killerboy> i said he is ignorant (privately) and he shouldn't ban people because they discuss things he don't understand
=== elky is now known as elkbuntu
[12:30] <Myrtti> isn't that a bit nasty thing to say?
[12:30] <killerboy> but that was after he banned me
[12:30] <Myrtti> so?
[12:30] <killerboy> i can tell you exactly why he banned me
[12:30] <Myrtti> isn't that still a bit nasty thing to say?
[12:30] <killerboy> yes, it is
[12:31] <killerboy> but he wasn't respongind to me
[12:31] <Myrtti> no matter what, isn't that still a bit nasty thing to say?
[12:31] <killerboy> yes it is
[12:31] <killerboy> banning is nasty to do too
[12:31] <Myrtti> I'd apologize :-|
[12:31] <killerboy> if you didn't do anything
[12:31] <killerboy> HE WAS NASTY
[12:31] <killerboy> not me
[12:31] <Myrtti> so were you?
[12:32] <killerboy> ok
[12:32] <killerboy> he was nasty
[12:32] <killerboy> and after that
[12:32] <killerboy> i was nasty
[12:32] <Myrtti> people tend to be nice to people who are nice
[12:32] <killerboy> because he was
[12:32] <elkbuntu> i still dont know when, from where or by whom you were banned
[12:32] <Myrtti> #ubuntu-pl
[12:32] <killerboy> ok
[12:32] <killerboy> should i give you a nick?
[12:34] <killerboy> his nick is pressenter
[12:34] <killerboy> i can describe the situation
[12:35] <killerboy> and if somebody was logging it it should be in logs
[12:35] <Myrtti> well.
[12:35] <killerboy> i said to them that i didn't knew what core duo is
[12:35] <killerboy> i didn't knew who was the nanufacturer
[12:35] <killerboy> they thaught taht i was joking or something
[12:35] <killerboy> it might seem like that
[12:36] <killerboy> but i told them i'm not joking]
[12:36] <killerboy> and them i bagan to discuss things about x86-64 architecture
[12:36] <killerboy> they thought that if i know what x86-64 is
[12:36] <killerboy> i should know what core duo is
[12:36] <killerboy> and banned me
[12:36] <killerboy> but i donno brand names from intel
[12:37] <killerboy> i only read about x86-64 arch
[12:37] <killerboy> like AMD stuff
[12:37] <killerboy> didn't know intel done that too
[12:37] <killerboy> so they banned me
[12:37] <killerboy> and said i'm troll
[12:37] <elkbuntu> dude, please dont use the enter key so much
[12:37] <killerboy> ok
[12:38] <elkbuntu> it's like tennis neck for our eyes! :Þ
[12:38] <killerboy> fine, many people said that too, but i like writeing like that, donno why
[12:38] <killerboy> maybe i should use commas or something?
[12:39] <elkbuntu> or ...
[12:40] <killerboy> sould i use ... between these sentences?
[12:41] <elkbuntu> if you really feel the need to not type normally as though you were writing a letter
[12:43] <killerboy> i think it looks better on console, but maybe i'm wrong
[12:44] <Myrtti> anyway
[12:44] <Myrtti> wait a few hours and ask the banning op nicely to lift your ban
[12:44] <Myrtti> and I can't stress the word *nicely* enough
[12:47] <killerboy> hmm
[12:47] <killerboy> but it's his fault
[12:47] <killerboy> so you cannot do anything? talk to him or something?
[12:47] <killerboy> i should say sorry for him
[12:48] <killerboy> but that was he was rude to me
[12:48] <killerboy> it isn't fair
[12:48] <killerboy> i've found logs
[12:49] <killerboy> i could translate them to you if you want, or tell somebody from #ubuntu-pl to transalte them if you don't believe me
[12:54] <killerboy> Myrtti?
[12:58] <Myrtti> /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-pl list
[12:58] <Myrtti> ask some other op if they agree pressenter on the ban
[13:04] <killerboy> there are 4 ops, and one thing: *!*@freenode/staff/*
[13:05] <Myrtti> yeah, ignore that
[13:05] <killerboy> i asked Stirlitz, but he didn't respond, maybe away or something
[13:05] <Myrtti> so be patient
[13:05] <killerboy> other ops arent on
[13:05] <killerboy> *aren't on irc
[13:06] <Myrtti> so, be patient
[13:08] <killerboy> should i wait all day to get in contact with them?
[13:10] <Myrtti> it's your call
[13:11] <killerboy> ok
[13:13] <killerboy> thanks for all
[13:26] <killerboy> bye
=== emonkey-t is now known as emonkey
=== xdark is now known as xblackfire
[15:43] <xblackfire> hi i'm #ubuntu-ni op, how can i get a locobot for #ubuntu-ni channel ? and the other thing is ubotu is missing, is gone from the channel
[18:47] <Myrtti> !register > glade88
=== glade88 is now known as glade_
=== glade88 is now known as glade88_
=== glade88_ is now known as glade88
=== glade88_ is now known as glade88
=== ompaulafk is now known as ompaul
[20:53] <Myrtti> /me pokes PriceChild "Is it time yet?"
[20:54] <PriceChild> Myrtti: Seveas said he would add you to the group this evening now that he had time.
[20:57] <Myrtti> /me considers poking Seveas
[20:57] <Myrtti> fail.
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=== ompaul_ is now known as ompaul
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
[21:55] <Myrtti> /me pokes PriceChild, glade88
[21:56] <glade88> PriceChild in action!
[21:56] <Myrtti> wooo <glade88> [n=glade@ubuntu/member/glade88]
[21:56] <glade88> :D