UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /03 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:24] <Tipper> cody-somerville: that wad the point when i click add it doesnt work
[00:45] <DaveKong> Anyone know how to get sound working in zsnes?
[00:57] <Stroganoff> DaveKong try to install the package alsa-oss
[00:58] <DaveKong> Stroganoff: ok
[01:00] <DaveKong> Stroganoff: not working... there anything else I need to do?
[01:02] <Stroganoff> try this: libsdl1.2debian-alsa
[01:06] <DaveKong> nope
[01:09] <Stroganoff> DaveKong: Do zsnes --help in a terminal, NR1224, and you'll get a list of ZSES' switches, including the various sound formats you can use. Try each one of these, and see which work; then you can set it as default by editing /.zsnes/zsnesl.cfg where it says "libAO driver to use."
[01:10] <Stroganoff> the sdl switch might work
[01:13] <DaveKong> NR1224?
[01:13] <DaveKong> I got a list of drivers
[01:13] <DaveKong> it is set to auto detect at the moment
[01:13] <Stroganoff> i pasted this from a ubuntuforums, NR1224 is a user
[01:13] <DaveKong> oh
[01:14] <Stroganoff> try to use the sdl switch instead of autodetect
[01:17] <DaveKong> how do I use the switch?
[01:18] <Stroganoff> the --help info tells you how to use it
[01:19] <Stroganoff> you may upload the output for me to read. use bash redirecting to write it to a file like this:
[01:19] <Stroganoff> zsnes --help > zsnes-help.txt
[01:22] <DaveKong> ok I put on in a file
[01:22] <DaveKong> how do I upload?
[01:23] <Stroganoff> !paste | DaveKong
[01:23] <ubottu> DaveKong: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[01:26] <DaveKong> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16508/
[01:28] <Stroganoff> zsnes -ad sdl
[01:30] <DaveKong> Stroganoff: That made the app load and the sound worked
[01:30] <DaveKong> although not very good quality
[01:31] <Stroganoff> ok in zsnes go to sound options and change the buffer size
[01:31] <Stroganoff> and/or lower the khz
[01:32] <Stroganoff> you could also try alsa and oss instead of sdl
[01:33] <DaveKong> so zsnes -ad oss
[01:34] <Stroganoff> yes
[01:37] <DaveKong_> system froze
[01:38] <Stroganoff> ok...
[01:39] <DaveKong_> Stroganoff: no idea why it did that but I rebooted loaded oss and the sound is great now. Many thanks!
[01:40] <Stroganoff> hehe
[03:32] <eater9> when I launch Pine from a panel launcher, it prompts for my password and then tells me "Trouble reaching remote configuration"
[03:32] <eater9> 9 I think it must be a problem with the "Run in terminal" option ... ?
[03:33] <zoredache> does it work if you start it in a terminal?
[03:33] <eater9> yes, perfectly
[03:35] <zoredache> you could build a launcher that does something like - xfce4-terminal -x sh -c 'pine'
[03:36] <eater9> oh, wait, just enclosing the pine command string in single quotes makes it work
[03:36] <eater9> i guess space characters break it
[03:36] <eater9> now I know!
[03:37] <zoredache> ok.
[03:53] <kattman_> Making a Install cd help
[03:53] <zoredache> and what are you having difficulty with?
[03:54] <kattman_> I trying to make a cd of x ubuntu from ubuntu bet it keeps crashing
[03:54] <kattman_> it a rw cd
[03:55] <kattman_> Do I need to do anythin first to the cd ?
[03:56] <zoredache> you should check the md5/sha some of the .iso But aside from that you shouldn't have to do anything special
[03:57] <zoredache> What program are you trying to use to make the cd?
[04:00] <kattman_> Basero
[04:00] <kattman_> The Burn tab is grey
[04:02] <zoredache> I am not familiar with Brasero
[04:04] <kattman_> Thanks, I think Im going to try xp
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[05:26] <Qkall> i tried to upgrade to 8.04, i booted and nothing loads... currently in fail safe terminal..help :(
[05:27] <Odd-rationale> Qkall: did anything in the upgrade fail?
[05:27] <Qkall> i dont think so
[05:28] <Qkall> i think the panels are just not opening... like the bars
[05:28] <Qkall> that and dbus
[05:28] <Odd-rationale> Qkall: so you got a terminal right now?
[05:28] <Qkall> yes'm
[05:29] <Odd-rationale> try to remove the .config directory "rm ~/.config"
[05:29] <Odd-rationale> then restart dbus "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart"
[05:29] <Odd-rationale> then logout "exit"
[05:29] <Odd-rationale> and try logging in normally...
[05:30] <Qkall> remove the whole directory?
[05:31] <Odd-rationale> Qkall: yes
[05:31] <Odd-rationale> try to remove the .config directory "rm -rf ~/.config"
[05:31] <Odd-rationale> sorry...
[05:52] <Qkall> Odd-rationale: didn't work
[05:52] <Qkall> but i kind of found a work around
[05:52] <Qkall> but just have to figure out how to get it do load when i log on...
[05:53] <Qkall> it seems like xfwm4 and xfpanel do not load on start up
[05:53] <Qkall> i tried adding to the autostart applications...
[05:53] <Qkall> this doesn't owkr
[05:53] <Qkall> :-\
[05:53] <Odd-rationale> Qkall: did you select xfce from the session menu?
[05:53] <Qkall> yes sir.
[05:54] <Qkall> ..or mam.
[05:55] <Odd-rationale> Qkall: do you have a .xsession file or .xinitr file in your home dir?
[05:55] <Qkall> herm maybe i should have xfce4-sessoin start i just clicked on it for giggles and my old stuff loaded up
[05:55] <Qkall> herm i have neighter..
[05:56] <Odd-rationale> what is the output of "ls -a /etc/skel"
[05:57] <Qkall> . .. .bash_logout .bashrc Examples .profile
[06:00] <Odd-rationale> try this: go to ctrl+alt+f2
[06:00] <Odd-rationale> Qkall: ^
[06:00] <Odd-rationale> you shoudl see a login prompt. so login there...
[06:00] <Odd-rationale> wait. are you chatting from another computer?
[06:06] <Qkall> Odd-rationale: lol yeah was on the same computer
[06:06] <Qkall> hehe
[06:06] <Qkall> but figured a way around
[06:07] <Qkall> forced a xfce4-session to start
[06:07] <Odd-rationale> Qkall: ok. what did you do?
[06:07] <Qkall> all is well
[06:07] <Odd-rationale> ok good!
[06:07] <Qkall> thanks for your help
[06:07] <Qkall> i probably wouldn't of thought of it
[06:12] <Odd-rationale> well i'm going to sleep. have fun guys!
[06:16] <Qkall> Odd-rationale: thanks again
[06:16] <Qkall> night
[09:02] <Xacarith> Any one know how I can get my system to open .bin files? Instead of trying to use wine
[09:04] <TheSheep> open in what?
[09:04] <Xacarith> wine is trying to open .bin files I don't know why. .bin should be a native linux file
[09:05] <TheSheep> what do you want it to be opened with?
[09:06] <Xacarith> What ever is suppose to open .bin files
[09:06] <TheSheep> .bin means raw binary data, it doesn't say anything about the contents of the file other than that's not text
[09:35] <suRs> hello all
[09:41] <suRs> anyone here?
[09:42] <ablomen> suRs, yep
[09:44] <suRs> anyone know if op magement is good?
[09:48] <Myrtti> what?
[09:50] <suRs> i wonder if op manger is good
[09:50] <suRs> for linux
[09:51] <suRs> i whanta program were i can obtain ip addres from wlan and eth
[09:55] <Myrtti> op manager, ip manager?
[09:55] <suRs> yeah
[09:56] <suRs> some kinda ip manager i need that
[09:56] <Myrtti> a-ha
[09:56] <suRs> so i can use my wlan when im in town
[09:56] <suRs> wirless :p
[10:22] <suRs> cant anyone help me?
[10:25] <TheSheep> the default one should work fine
[10:26] <suRs> i need
[10:26] <suRs> a program
[10:26] <suRs> that can obtain ip adresses
[10:27] <TheSheep> a dhcp client, it's installed and used by default
[10:27] <TheSheep> it should just work
[10:28] <TheSheep> you should have a small icon of two computers next to your clock
[10:28] <TheSheep> that's the network manager
[10:28] <suRs> well i removed that one O_o
[10:28] <suRs> from my panel
[10:28] <TheSheep> you can enable it in autostarted applications
[10:32] <suRs> hm
[10:32] <suRs> ok
[10:33] <suRs> its there
[10:33] <totalwormage> (you can! for suRes!)
[10:33] <suRs> but it dosnt show when i start :p
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[11:44] <mr_boo> hi
[11:44] <mr_boo> why does my menu bar disappear sometimes?
[11:45] * TheSheep take out his crystal ball
[11:45] <mr_boo> might sound weird but it's actually true
[11:45] <TheSheep> eh, no batteries
[11:46] <TheSheep> you will have to provide more details, a link would be a good start
[11:46] <TheSheep> ah, sorry
[11:46] <mr_boo> wondered if i accidently hit some key or did something weird w/o knowing about it
[11:46] <TheSheep> wrong channel :)
[11:46] <TheSheep> you mean the panels disappear?
[11:46] <TheSheep> or just the menu?
[11:46] <mr_boo> yup
[11:46] <mr_boo> oh
[11:47] <mr_boo> the topmost with "Application Places"
[11:47] <mr_boo> it's just gone
[11:47] <TheSheep> whole bar or just the menus?
[11:47] <mr_boo> whole bar is gone
[11:48] <TheSheep> and the bottom one is still there?
[11:48] <mr_boo> nope
[11:48] <TheSheep> so the panel crashed for some reason :/
[11:48] <TheSheep> how much ram do you have?
[11:48] <mr_boo> 225
[11:49] <TheSheep> should be plenty enough
[11:50] <mr_boo> this occured after screen saver
[11:53] <TheSheep> this is 8.04?
[11:53] <TheSheep> I guess you should report a bug
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[12:00] <mr_boo> it's 8.04 yes
[12:00] <mr_boo> haven't tried to restart
[12:00] <mr_boo> gonna do
[12:04] <TheSheep> mr_boo: you can bring the panels back by pressing alt+f2 and typing 'xfce4-panel', btw
[12:06] <mr_boo> ok
[12:07] <mr_boo> thanks
=== MatBoy is now known as blabla
[14:02] <roos> Is the XUbunta DVD image ?
[14:05] <michaelramm> roos: No, regular CD. Only 544MB if I recall correctly.
[14:05] <roos> correctly, thanks =)
[14:06] <roos> soft from other DVD images, can i use to install on XUbuntu
[14:06] <roos> (my english so so..., and it's my first steps on Linux)
[14:44] <keri> my ibm thinkpad t20 cant shutdown or restart even after adding noacpi at grub line and also tried acpi=force
[14:44] <keri> does 8.04 fix this problem yet? ive been waiting for over a year now for a bug fix
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[16:06] <roos_rus> is someone russian here ?
[16:08] <TheSheep> !ru
[16:08] <ubottu> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[16:09] <roos_rus> !ru
[16:09] <ubottu> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[16:09] <roos_rus> TheSheep thanks )
=== notMax is now known as maxamillion
[16:43] <NullNam1> HELP! I needed to reinstall SAMBA on ubuntu 8.04, so I deslected SAMBA from "marked packages" in synaptic( the dozen or so services that are easily installed by checking and clicking apply) I then noticed that /etc/samba still existed, so I removed the directory and all sub directories with "rm -r' Now when I try to reinstall SAMBA, I get an error that states it can't find the samba config file. THANks!
[16:59] <zoredache> NullNam1: why do you need to reinstall?
[17:01] <zoredache> anyway, the /etc/samba directory is part of the the package (samba-common) not samba. You probably need to delete that as well
[17:06] <lc2> HAY GUISE
[17:09] <Stroganoff> NullNam1, try dpkg --force-confnew samba-common
[17:09] <Stroganoff> dpkg --reinstall --force-confnew samba-common
[17:10] <lc2> so i have a question
[17:11] <lc2> is there anything like a ~/.xinitrc in xubuntu? (in before "yes, ~/.xinitrc", it doesn't work)
[17:11] <Stroganoff> xinitrc works only when using startx
[17:11] <lc2> kay
[17:12] <lc2> the moar you know
[17:12] * lc2 has just moved from freebsd ;(
[17:12] <Stroganoff> try XFCE Applications -> Settings -> Autostarted Applications
[17:13] <Stroganoff> some day i'll install xfce to find out where the related config file is located..
[17:13] <lc2> mm
[17:13] * lc2 just wants to xmodmap his windows key to ctrl ;\
[17:15] <Stroganoff> hehe
[17:16] * lc2 had to do that once when the ctrl key stopped working, stayed in the habit of using it long after he got a new keyboard
[17:16] <Stroganoff> you can use the windows key in the xfce shortcuts, it's "Super_L"
[17:16] <Stroganoff> oh
[17:16] <Stroganoff> DISREGARD THAT
[17:17] <lc2> indeed, the problem is every other program expecting ctrl to be ctrl ;\
[17:17] <Stroganoff> ok add the xmodmap command to autostarted applications
[17:18] <lc2> i think i will
[17:20] * lc2 just added his old .xinitrc to the autostarted apps
[17:21] <lc2> okay, another problem i've had
[17:22] <lc2> xorg doesn't seem to think that my display is capable of running 1280x960, and thinks i can only do 1280x800 at like 53hz
[17:22] <lc2> when i used to do that at like, 70
[17:23] <lc2> my xorg.conf explicitly specifies what resolutions my display is capable of, but it doesn't seem to work
[17:24] <lc2> (i.e. when i try to change my resolution from the settings manager, it only shows some really puny resolutions, as above)
[17:29] <lc2> oh, UseEDID
[17:30] <lc2> lemme try
[17:33] <lc2> sweet.
[17:33] <lc2> UseEDID and using "Default" for the resolution brought great justice
[17:38] <Stroganoff> alternative would be adding a custom modeline to section "monitor"
[17:38] <Stroganoff> http://bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/
[17:38] <Stroganoff> or google modeline generator
[17:38] <lc2> that's sorta what i did
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[20:52] <thinkmassive> wow compiz-fusion is awesome
[20:52] <thinkmassive> I never realized what I was missing
[20:53] <Odd-rationale> thinkmassive: you'll gdt tired of it.... ;)
[20:53] <thinkmassive> heh yeah, probably when my legs get burnt from the extra heat
[20:54] <thinkmassive> it's definitely going on my home media box at home though
[20:54] <Odd-rationale> thinkmassive: i only have it to "show off". otherwise, i leav it off...
[20:54] <thinkmassive> gotta impress people to the point of saying "man, I need a new operating system that doesn't suck"
[20:54] <lc2> gnahhh
[20:54] <lc2> compiz = hate
[20:54] <thinkmassive> ^^ exact words out of my roommate's mouth
[20:54] <lc2> hate hate
[20:54] <thinkmassive> and that's without seeing compiz
[20:54] <thinkmassive> lc2: why?
[20:55] <lc2> thinkmassive: i'm a speed freak
[20:55] <lc2> thinkmassive: i turned off compositing because it made switching workspaces a fraction of a second slower
[20:55] <thinkmassive> I hear ya, I always had that turned off but this just looks way too cool
[20:56] <thinkmassive> at least on a media box ;)
[20:57] <lc2> i'd rather give myself a frontal lobotomy with a rusty screwdriver than have bloat, however cool
[20:58] * lc2 notes, that's the point of installing xubuntu
[20:59] * lc2 notes, his system is now speedy liek speedycat
[20:59] <Odd-rationale> lc2: xubuntu is getting kind of bloated itself...
[20:59] <lc2> Odd-rationale: runs fine here
[20:59] <lc2> 1.4 athlon :D
[21:00] <Odd-rationale> lc2: if i want less bloat, i'd go with *box or a tiling wm like awesome
[21:00] <Odd-rationale> or lxde!
[21:01] <lc2> eh
[21:01] <Odd-rationale> http://lxde.sf.net
[21:02] <lc2> oooh
[21:02] <lc2> it looks kinda nice
[21:02] <Odd-rationale> yeah, i know... it IS nice...
[21:02] <Odd-rationale> faster than xfce....
[21:03] <Odd-rationale> also uses pcmanfm which is kind of like thunar with tabs...
[21:03] <lc2> neat
[21:04] <Odd-rationale> it uses openbox as the wm
[21:05] <thinkmassive> I use xubuntu because I don't like gnome or kde
[21:05] <thinkmassive> speed is always a concern but rarely an issue
[21:05] <Odd-rationale> i was a strong kde follower...
[21:05] <thinkmassive> and then....
[21:06] <Odd-rationale> well, right now i'm flirting with gnome...
[21:06] <Odd-rationale> i'll probably land back using awesome...
[21:06] <thinkmassive> I started with gnome but it's just so big and clumsy
[21:06] <thinkmassive> awesome?
[21:07] <Odd-rationale> yeah, awesome!
[21:07] <Odd-rationale> i don't find gnome much heavier than kde...
[21:08] <Odd-rationale> it is hard to create a minimalist system with kde/qt...
[21:08] <thinkmassive> I really like the simplicity of xfce over the speed/mass savings, although I guess mass and simplicity are directly related
[21:08] <Odd-rationale> kde works best if you go all kde. then it is really8 good!
[21:08] <thinkmassive> same with gnome
[21:09] <N1ghtCrawler> Hello, I want to decrease the taping sensitivity on my touchpad. I tried the synaptics manual but it's like greek for me. Anyone who can give me som pointers?
[21:09] <thinkmassive> but each will always have the best apps for certain tasks
[21:11] <Odd-rationale> N1ghtCrawler: there are 2 things you want to configure in your xorg.conf file: MaxTapTime and MaxTapMove
[21:12] <Odd-rationale> MaxTapTime is an integer value that defines the maximum time for detecting a tap (in milliseconds)
[21:12] <Odd-rationale> MaxTapMove is an integer value which defines the maximum movement of your finger for detecting a tap
[21:13] <Odd-rationale> so in your synaptics section of your xorg.conf file try adding these lines
[21:13] <Odd-rationale> Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
[21:13] <Odd-rationale> Option "MaxTapMove" "110"
[21:13] <Odd-rationale> you can experiment iwht the values...
[21:13] <N1ghtCrawler> well, since i want tp deecrese the taping sinsitivity setting a lower maxtime would to the reverse?
[21:14] <Odd-rationale> N1ghtCrawler: i would think so
[21:14] <Odd-rationale> also, you would have to save the file and restart X for the changes to take effect...
[21:15] <N1ghtCrawler> Like it's now i can just toutch it lightly whith my finger passing by when I type
[21:15] <N1ghtCrawler> Odd-rationale: Setting a higer maxtime doers not affect the minumumtime witch i think is the problem?
[21:16] <Odd-rationale> idk about that...
[21:17] <N1ghtCrawler> prefferebly i want it to not react on taps unless they ar rather distinct
[21:19] <N1ghtCrawler> I tried to apt-get qsynaptics but i get an errormessage that he could not find it
[21:19] <Odd-rationale> N1ghtCrawler: there are ways to disalble touchpad when typing. search the forums for that...
[21:20] <N1ghtCrawler> yeah, I read something about it.
[21:21] <N1ghtCrawler> Googeling a bit i find that some other have the same problem with a silly sensitive touchpad
[21:22] <N1ghtCrawler> it's more sensitive tan ny finger, the touchpad feels my finger before i feel the touchpad
[21:23] <N1ghtCrawler> well i laborate a bit with the settings you tiped
[21:24] <Odd-rationale> any good?
[21:24] <N1ghtCrawler> But how do i restart x? ctrl+alt+backspace stops it and I have to reebot the coputer
[21:24] <N1ghtCrawler> *computer
[21:24] <Odd-rationale> well reboot works as well... :P
[21:26] <N1ghtCrawler> yes, but if i dont want to, just restart X wint work. I get a black screen wothout any shell or anything
[21:27] <N1ghtCrawler> now ctrl+alt+backspace worked.
[21:27] <N1ghtCrawler> Strange.
[21:30] <N1ghtCrawler> actually i thing the settings you provided worked out pretty well! Thanks!
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[21:43] <DaveKong> Are the updates which you get from update manager included in the live install builds?
[21:44] <cody-somerville> DaveKong, hmm?
[21:45] <DaveKong> i.e. the new kernel builds?
[21:46] <DaveKong> I had some problems with hardy on my laptop and there have been some broadcom fixes to the kernel so I am wondering if it will help but not sure if it is part of the live distro or not
[21:47] <zoredache> so you are asking if the livecd has been updated since it was release?
[21:47] <DaveKong> yea
[21:47] <zoredache> I don't think so... But the file dates on the download page should tell you
[21:48] <cody-somerville> DaveKong, no
[21:48] <cody-somerville> DaveKong, But 8.04.1 will be released soon
[21:48] <DaveKong> ok thanks cody-somerville and zoredache
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[22:18] <TheSheep> cody-somerville: 8.04.1 ?
[22:18] <cody-somerville> TheSheep, Yes. 8.04 is an LTS and will get point releases.
[22:19] <TheSheep> ah