UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /03 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
[02:45] <ruiboon> hi. could the ops check if Wellemeyer at #ubuntu should be ban, upon entering the channel, he/she pm a non-family friendly msg
[02:45] <Seeker`> ruiboon: I'll look into it
[02:45] <Seeker`> ruiboon: Can you PM me a copy of the PM?
[02:45] <ruiboon> Seeker`: ok
[02:47] <ruiboon> Seeker: it was sent twice before there was " Wellemeyer has quit (Excess Flood)"
[02:47] <Seeker`> ok, thanks
[02:47] <Seeker`> the ops are aware
[02:47] <ruiboon> Seeker`: thanks
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
[11:25] <Myrtti> PriceChild: dear sweet pricey
[11:26] <Myrtti> lend me your ears
[11:29] <PriceChild> Myrtti: what's up?
[11:29] <Myrtti> I'll check that I'm ready first
[11:29] <Myrtti> !register
[11:29] <ubottu> Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.
[11:30] <PriceChild> Myrtti: we haven't added you to ubuntu-members yet
=== Myrtti is now known as Myrtti_
[11:30] <PriceChild> but yes, you are ready
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
[11:31] <Myrtti> ♥
[11:31] <PriceChild> Myrtti: when i get the email notification I'll activate your cloak.
[11:31] <Ekushey> <3
[11:31] <Myrtti> great
[13:04] <PsySine> hello
[13:04] <Ekushey> hello PsySine
[13:04] <PsySine> we in #kubuntu-se would like to make a change to our locobot's welcome notice
[13:06] <PsySine> it says "Den här kanalen är loggad...", should say "Den här kanalen loggas..."
[13:37] <Myrtti> PsySine: pft.
[13:38] <Myrtti> "tack för dig själv"
[13:39] <PsySine> kiitos
[13:39] <Myrtti> :->
[13:40] <Ekushey> PsySine, can that be done?
[13:43] <PsySine> i suppose so...
[13:44] <PsySine> btw https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat mentions "#xubuntu-se" which is not even registered
[13:44] <Ekushey> whom to talk to about that?
[13:45] <Myrtti> I guess you're in the correct channel too
[13:51] <PsySine> i'll /msg netzmeister since he set up the locobot from the beginning :)
=== dantaliz1ng is now known as dantalizing
=== Ekushey is now known as bubut
[17:30] <lavida> holas
[17:30] <lavida> im looking how to install ndisgtk package... im found this address http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/net/ndisgtk can u tell me what i need to download and how to install it with synaptic package manager?
[17:30] <bubut> hello lavida
[17:31] <bubut> sudo apt-get install ndisgtk
[17:32] <lavida> my network doesnt work u should know that maybe
[17:32] <lavida> im using right now windows
[17:33] <Myrtti> hmmm, the support is at #ubuntu
[17:33] <Myrtti> this is #ubuntu-irc
[17:35] <lavida> im there right now
[17:35] <lavida> noone give the answer, no im trying to find channel where ppl can help me
[17:35] <lavida> sorry
[17:36] <Myrtti> lavida: is that package in main, universe or what?
[17:37] <Myrtti> universe I see
[17:37] <lavida> uh oh i found help for using windows wireless dreivers... and its say...
[17:37] <bubut> lavida, "sudo apt-get install ndisgtk" doesn't help?
[17:38] <stdin> lavida: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper should guide you
[17:38] <lavida> Ubuntu supports a system known as NDISWrapper. This allows you to use a Windows device driver under Ubuntu
[17:39] <lavida> yes a was there but im noob
[17:39] <lavida> can start :(
[17:39] <lavida> cant
[17:40] <lavida> bubut i dont know how it can work because u dont give a path to the link i downloaded from the net
[17:40] <stdin> the guide tells you how to install it without a net connection
[17:41] <stdin> or use the part about installing with a net connection on another computer to download the .deb files
[17:45] <lavida> im downloaded from link i gave u above [ndisgtk_0.6.orig.tar.gz]
[17:45] <lavida> If you are running Ubuntu for AMD64, please see NdiswrapperOnAMD64 for instructions.
[17:45] <lavida> im running it from AMD64
[17:48] <stdin> you don't need to use the guide any more, just follow the "2.2. Installing Packages (With Internet access on another computer)" part to download the .deb files
[17:48] <stdin> either click on the "all" or "amd64" links and download them, then you can install them when booted into ubuntu
[17:51] <lavida> ok thanks
[18:16] <lavida> i couldnt install ndisgtk :(
[18:17] <lavida> im getting error: Dependency is not satisfiable: ndiswrapper-utils=1.9
[18:17] <lavida> and when i went into synaptic package manager i have message that i have one broken package
[18:18] <lavida> after i filter it its ndisgtk package :(
[18:19] <lavida> the file i downloaded is ndisgtk_0.8.3-1_amd64.deb
[18:20] <lavida> from http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/net/ndisgtk
[19:52] * CyberKing is away from keyboard: Gone away for now.
=== CyberKing is now known as Ekushey-AFK
[19:53] <[NikO]> afk nick and message is bad
[19:53] <nalioth> Ekushey-AFK: can you disable that away message? thx :)
[19:54] <[NikO]> ah, Konversation ...
[20:15] * Ekushey-AFK is back.
=== Ekushey-AFK is now known as CyberKing
[20:15] <CyberKing> /nick Ekushey
[20:15] <CyberKing> oops
[20:15] <CyberKing> sorry guys