UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /03 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Hug Day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080603 | Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad | File bugs at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug
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[04:53] <PmDematagoda> hello there
[07:53] <EvanCarroll> Anyone using gnome and ssh keyauth have a second to confirm a bug for me? tell me before you try it: gnome-terminal --hide-menubar --full-screen -e "ssh host-with-passkey"
[07:56] <persia> EvanCarroll: Does it need to be a cached passkey?
[08:03] <EvanCarroll> no, in fact it can't be. ssh-ask -D to uncache it.
[08:03] <EvanCarroll> the bug is in gnome-ssh-askpass
[08:03] <EvanCarroll> you won't get the asking if you have it cached (or that's another bug for another day)
[08:04] <EvanCarroll> be prepaired to drop to a tty and kill it
[08:04] <persia> EvanCarroll: No worries. I don't cache it. I'll give it a shot then.
[08:04] <EvanCarroll> I've already submitted an unconfirmed bug report
[08:05] <persia> EvanCarroll: Works fine for me. I get a prompt, enter my passphrase, and get access.
[08:07] <persia> EvanCarroll: Maybe you need to have a password-caching tool enabled, but the password not currently cached to reproduce?
[08:08] <EvanCarroll> are you using gnome-terminal in fulls screen?
[08:08] <persia> EvanCarroll: Not typically, but I did run `gnome-terminal --hide-menubar --full-screen -e "ssh revu.ubuntuwire.com"` to test.
[08:09] <EvanCarroll> by password casching, I have a passkey caching app, (an agent), the agent caches after I enter in my password once, but this bug is in the entering mechanism.
[08:09] <EvanCarroll> Hrm, persia are you using hardy, and was gnome-terminal in full screen when you got the prompt?
[08:10] <persia> EvanCarroll: Yes, and Yes (and I don't use the GUI prompt, not having any SSH passphrase cacheing tool enabled)
[08:11] <EvanCarroll> ah that's it you're not using gui prompt, which is the package with the bug (gnome-ssh-askpass)
[08:11] <EvanCarroll> persia: how did you disable the guiprompt to go back to ssh-ask?
[08:12] <persia> EvanCarroll: I never enabled it? (This machine is continuous-upgrade from Sarge or so)
[08:13] <nicolasvw> EvanCarroll: I can confirm I didn't get the prompt when in fullscreen. Killing gnome-keyring-ask I was able to regain control of the terminal.
[08:13] <EvanCarroll> yea, but you had to drop to tty to do it right?
[08:14] <nicolasvw> EvanCarroll: yes
[08:14] <EvanCarroll> that's all i need. thanks a ton moving to confirmed
[08:15] <persia> Be sure to mention that it requires use of ssh-ask-pass to generate the bug: it's about ssh-ask-pass not exposing the prompt, rather than about gnome-terminal or ssh.
[08:15] <EvanCarroll> right, ni the title ;)
[08:16] <EvanCarroll> HARDY: gnome-ssh-askpass does *not* grab keyboard or focus if contested with other apps
[08:16] <persia> Be careful about too strong a fix. You ought at least be sure that gok is allowed to override.
[08:16] <EvanCarroll> I still want to know how to disable gnome-ssh-askpass, I guess I'll look into that tomorrow. I want the agent to run, I just want to revert to using ssh-add, I think the issueis all of this is tied to seahorse which i think is a competing agent.
[08:17] <persia> seahorse can be configured not to be a SSH agent.
[08:17] <EvanCarroll> Which is odd to because another bugg would be ssh-add -D will null the cached seahorse keys, but ssh-add -x will not lock out the access to seahorse keys
[08:18] <EvanCarroll> persia: I don't think I'm going to try to fix this, at least not right away. I don't do much with GUI and have no knowledge of gnome-apis
[08:18] <EvanCarroll> but I agree with the other guy this window show be of the same sort gksudo uses and not with typical window decorations
[08:18] <persia> EvanCarroll: Understood. It was the --full-screen that gave it away :)
[08:19] <EvanCarroll> Well, I use virtual desktops and dual monitors. So one monitor is a full console, one is a firefox or some other gui app.
[08:21] <EvanCarroll> and I use the feature show on all desktops heavily, so I can jump around with one gnome-terminal/gnome-terminal tabs/screen etc.
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[14:52] <afflux> morning
[15:04] <emgent> heya
[15:29] <afflux> ideas on bug 229185? What's the problem here and how should this be fixed?
[15:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 229185 in gdecrypt "main.py crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229185
[15:30] <afflux> gdecrypt uses the hal information to display / gather information about encrypted volumes. Do you think it's okay to just not display those volumes that are not resolvable through hal?
[16:12] <sbarjola> hi all
[16:19] <bdmurray> good day
[16:43] <afflux> morning bdmurray
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[16:57] <bdmurray> afflux: morning
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[18:58] <greg-g> bdmurray: quick idea I couldn't find a bug/blueprint for in Launchpad
[18:58] <greg-g> bdmurray: and the link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GregGrossmeier/QuickNotes/SimplifiedLink
[19:00] <bdmurray> greg-g: that sounds reasonable - you looked for malone bugs regarding this already I take it?
[19:01] <greg-g> bdmurray: I searched the "Launchpad Itself" project
[19:01] <greg-g> for both bugs and blueprints
[19:02] <greg-g> I should probably write up a blueprint huh? :)
[19:03] <bdmurray> I think a bug would be sufficient. I'd be happy to advocate for it too
[19:04] <greg-g> ok, I just figured since it was more a feature request that affected the UI they would like a blueprint, but I'll take your word for it ;)
[19:07] <bdmurray> greg-g: bug 141215 is related but not the same
[19:07] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 141215 in malone "Viewing a bug in the wrong context should allow user to jump to one of the right contexts" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141215
[19:07] <ubot3> Malone bug 141215 in malone "Viewing a bug in the wrong context should allow user to jump to one of the right contexts" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141215
[19:07] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 141215 in malone "Viewing a bug in the wrong context should allow user to jump to one of the right contexts" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141215
[19:07] <Pici> ugh, bots
[19:08] <leoquant> ?
[19:10] <greg-g> mutliple bots competing for our attention
[19:10] <thekorn> bdmurray, hi, do you know how to activate apport in hardy?
[19:11] <bdmurray> thekorn: modify /etc/default/apport to 1 instead of 0
[19:11] <greg-g> bdmurray: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/237153
[19:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 237153 in launchpad "[Request] Provide Simplified Links for Bugs" [Undecided,New]
[19:11] <ubot3> Malone bug 237153 in launchpad "[Request] Provide Simplified Links for Bugs" [Undecided,New]
[19:11] * greg-g goes to pack for the trip, be back later
[19:12] <thekorn> bdmurray, ok, thanks, but wasn't there some nessecarry gconf settings?
[19:13] <greg-g> thekorn: I think you also need to restart for it to take affect
[19:13] <nalioth> Pici: say what?
[19:13] <bdmurray> thekorn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed
[19:13] <Pici> bug 1
[19:13] <bdmurray> that has the gconf bit for enabling notifications
[19:13] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1
[19:14] <ubot3> Malone bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1
[19:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1
[19:14] <thekorn> bdmurray, greg-g , thanks
[19:14] <Pici> nalioth: thanks, that works too
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[19:43] <yuriy> !apport
[19:43] <ubottu> Factoid apport not found
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[19:58] <greg-g> where do my hardware profile reports go after I give my email address to the application and hit send?
[19:58] <greg-g> ie: I want to link to it for the -proposed subscription tracking bug
[20:00] <thekorn> greg-g, https://edge.launchpad.net/~yourlplogin/+hwdb-submissions
[20:00] <sbarjola> bdmurray, I was looking bug 226766
[20:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 226766 in linux "cannot start-up Ubuntu/Kubuntu live CD 8.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226766
[20:01] <greg-g> thekorn: cool, thanks
[20:01] <sbarjola> i think that maybe a duplicate of bug 97306
[20:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 97306 in casper "[feisty] installer reports I/O error dev fd0" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97306
[20:03] <bdmurray> sbarjola: I think the buffer i/o error on sr0 is the key bit here
[20:06] <bdmurray> ogasawara: Is there a debugging kernel boot problems page?
[20:10] <ogasawara> bdmurray: not that I know of
[20:10] <ogasawara> bdmurray: there's the general remove 'usplash' and 'quiet' options and see what the errors are (if any)
[20:11] <bdmurray> ogasawara: that seems like it might be useful, like common kernel boot parameters to try. particularly what to do if you end up at an initramfs prompt
[20:11] <ogasawara> bdmurray: right. I think that's sort of documented in misc wiki pages already, but I can try to put something more specific together
[20:12] <bdmurray> That would rock! ;)
[20:38] <sbarjola> bdmurray, then there's a problem with the CD-R ?..
[20:39] <sbarjola> anyway, should ask the reporter to see the bug
[20:40] <sbarjola> because there is a problem with fd0 too
[20:45] <sbarjola> sorry, I didn't see last comment
[20:45] <bdmurray> no problem
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[22:34] <greg-g> bdmurray: only if you have a second: I remember a situation where I had marked something as "Fix Committed" because the bug had been fixed upstream but I was told we should reserve "Fix Committed" to when there is a package in either -proposed or stable+1. Is this understanding still correct?
[22:49] <james_w> greg-g: I know the desktop team use fix committed to mean fixed upstream.
[22:50] <james_w> but generally I think the idea is to reserve it for where there is a package on its way to the archive.
[22:51] <greg-g> james_w: ah, gotcha, thanks
[23:05] <bdmurray> greg-g, james_w: the general idea is yes on its way to the archive
[23:05] <greg-g> bdmurray: cool
[23:06] <bdmurray> so if fixed in the the bzr branch or in -proposed fix committed
[23:06] <greg-g> nice looking checklist btw
[23:06] <bdmurray> greg-g: thanks! maybe your loco can give it a test run. ;)
[23:07] <greg-g> I just pointed it out to the people who I got to run it :)
[23:07] <bdmurray> sweet
[23:38] <hggdh> bdmurray, ping
[23:39] <bdmurray> hggdh: hi!
[23:39] <hggdh> the Checklist -- should we also add an option for bypass available?
[23:40] <bdmurray> By bypass do you mean workaround?
[23:40] <hggdh> yes
[23:40] <hggdh> in the description
[23:40] <bdmurray> Yeah, good catch! adding to the description and *not* changing the status makes sense to me
[23:40] <hggdh> sometimes we do have workarounds, but they are usually lost in the middle of the comments
[23:40] <bdmurray> hggdh: right absolutely
[23:41] <hggdh> bdmurray: you do it, or I? :-)
[23:41] <james_w> bdmurray: nice list, thanks for creating it.
[23:41] <bdmurray> hggdh: I'm in the middle of something else and the moment so if you could that would be great.
[23:42] <bdmurray> s/and/at/
[23:42] <hggdh> bdmurray: roger willco
[23:42] <hggdh> james_w: indeed it is a very good thing...
[23:44] <nickellery> Hi all, are people aware that Bug 176132 for today's Hug Day is marked as private?
[23:44] <ubottu> nickellery: Bug 176132 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/176132 is private
[23:44] <bdmurray> nickellery: which list was that in?
[23:45] <nickellery> bdmurray, the jpeg ones
[23:45] <bdmurray> Ah, I forget to exclude private bugs in my query then
[23:46] <bdmurray> nickellery: I made it not private
[23:47] <nickellery> bdmurray: alright, thank you
[23:48] <nailor> what exactly happens to incomplete bugs that reach their deadline? status set to invalid? mail to all subscribers? ...?
[23:48] <bdmurray> nailor: their expiration deadline?
[23:48] <nailor> yes
[23:49] <hggdh> bdmurray, done. Thank you.
[23:49] <bdmurray> nailor: for Ubuntu bug reports nothing yet. There are a couple of things blocking enabling expiration