UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /03 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[00:20] <kwwii> so between the emails, the wiki and this nonsense everyone should check out the new information
=== andreasn_ is now known as andreasn
[16:25] <sportman1280> hello. i have a bug with an icon set and am trying to fix it. The firefox 3 bookmark icon (the folder) is using the gnome default icon. Not the icon set icon. I dont believe it is being set right, but how do i go about setting the firefox bookmark icons?
[16:28] <andreasn> sportman1280: the organize-bookmarks icon?
[16:28] <andreasn> screenshot?
[16:28] <sportman1280> no the actual bookmark fold icons
[16:28] <sportman1280> sure one sec
[16:30] <sportman1280> http://savage.lcsee.wvu.edu/~jderemer/Screenshot.png
[16:30] <andreasn> did you try to restart the browser?
[16:30] <sportman1280> andreasn: notice how they are grey folders?
[16:31] <sportman1280> andreasn: yes. If you notice the navigation icons are correct.
[16:31] <andreasn> well, yellow-brown rather I would say, but yet :)
[16:31] <andreasn> "but yes" I mean
[16:31] <sportman1280> they are supposed to be a blue folder...
[16:32] <sportman1280> im not sure which icon firefox 3 uses for that icon
[16:32] <andreasn> it's the stock gtk icon
[16:32] <sportman1280> ok. thanks
[16:33] <sportman1280> there is no gtk icon for the kamel icon set
[16:33] <sportman1280> so ill fix that :)
[16:35] <andreasn> the name it calls is gtk-directory
[16:35] <sportman1280> yep. i had found it
[16:35] <sportman1280> its already fix
[16:35] <sportman1280> ed
[16:35] <andreasn> should work with just a symlink to folder
[16:35] <sportman1280> thanks a lot :-D
[16:35] <andreasn> does it work now?
[16:35] <sportman1280> yes
[16:36] <andreasn> sweet
[16:36] <andreasn> np
[16:36] <sportman1280> just created a icon called gtk-directory
[16:36] <sportman1280> theres a lot of directory and folder icons, so i wasnt sure which one.... hah
[20:30] <G-H-Robson> hi