UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /02 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <tgm4883_laptop> pcglue, what are you coming in from?
[00:00] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, corrupted tables? I don't know though
[00:01] <superm1> the device ordering changes from from gutsy to hardy i think
[00:01] <superm1> so be mindful of that
[00:01] <superm1> and try different jacks on your 350 if need be
[00:01] <avihayb> I don't know either, but the front end and back end seem to connect
[00:02] <avihayb> but when I hit the watch tv button, it just goes back to the menu with the watch tv
[00:02] <pcglue> superm1, as far as i know, there's only have one audio in jack on pvr-350
[00:02] <pcglue> superm1, unless the audio out can become audio in?
[00:03] <superm1> hum
[00:03] <superm1> i doubt that
[00:03] <superm1> you sure the pc is still playing audio in general?
[00:03] <superm1> like no issues there?
[00:03] <tgm4883_laptop> pcglue, well there is one for the tuner too
[00:03] <pcglue> tgm4883_latop, audio coming in from a satellite set top box
[00:04] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, check the backend log, see if any errors come up
[00:04] <tgm4883_laptop> pcglue, does the satellite box have coax?
[00:04] <tgm4883_laptop> err
[00:04] <tgm4883_laptop> coax out
[00:04] <pcglue> superm1, yes, there's audio in general. old recordings still work. recordings made after upgrade to hardy has no audio.
[00:05] <superm1> oh yuck
[00:05] <superm1> to rule out coincidences, you made sure that you are getting audio in from the satellite box
[00:05] <avihayb> well, my hdd decided he dosn't like me, and stops talking to the rest of the computer :->
[00:05] <superm1> and that your audio cables are still plugged in properly and stuff like that right?
[00:05] <pcglue> superm1, yes, if i plug in the audio in to my mic in on soundcard, i hear the audio
[00:05] <avihayb> was just after I installed a fan
[00:06] <pcglue> tgm4883_laptop, yes, i believe it does have coax out and thanks for that idea. i'll test that out.
[00:06] <pcglue> if that works, i may resort to using that for the time being
[00:06] <pcglue> but this irks me
[00:08] <pcglue> can i use ivtv to change inputs while mythbackend is running? or does mythbackend have to be stopped?
[00:08] <pcglue> ivtv utils...
[00:08] <tgm4883_laptop> pcglue, you can do it while it's running
[00:09] <tgm4883_laptop> my channel change script actually changes audio inputs every time it changes channels
[00:09] <pcglue> ok, then i'm covered there. i tried that already, changing audio inputs and watching livetv to see if audio returns.
[00:10] <pcglue> tgm4883_laptop, superm1, are you guys mythbuntu devs?
[00:13] * superm1 hides
[00:14] * tgm4883_laptop whistles
[00:15] <tgm4883_laptop> look a plane
[00:15] * tgm4883_laptop runs
[00:15] <avihayb> :->
[00:16] <superm1> so in short yes pcglue
[00:16] <avihayb> well, I got my hdd to play along, but now the sound sounds like it's comeing thru an HF radio
[00:17] <pcglue> haha
[00:18] <pcglue> what capture device are you guys using?
[00:18] <avihayb> btw, I didn't see the plane
[00:19] <superm1> pcglue, i use a pvr-500, air2pc hd5000, and hdhomerun
[00:20] <pcglue> superm1, you have all that in one backend?
[00:21] <tgm4883_laptop> I have a PVR-500 and PVR-150. Used to have a HD5500, but moved and now only have directv
[00:21] <superm1> yeah
[00:21] <superm1> i used to have two backends (and more tuners)
[00:22] <superm1> but decided to consolidate
[00:22] <tgm4883_laptop> My PVR-150 is in a slave backend
[00:23] <tgm4883_laptop> and a secondary slave backend has no tuners for comm flagging only
[00:23] * tgm4883_laptop has too many computers
[00:23] <pcglue> I guess not many people use the PVR-350 so I'm in uncharted territory here
[00:24] <tgm4883_laptop> pcglue, try the coax, see if you get audio that way
[00:24] <superm1> well it's the same functionality as a 250 or 150
[00:24] <superm1> i mean i do have a 350 sitting around somewhere
[00:24] <superm1> i just dont use it
[00:24] <defendguin> how is mythbuntu 8.04?? i was considering redoing my box and i was wondering if it was worth the trouble
[00:24] <avihayb> yep, a little reset fixed the HF voice
[00:25] <pcglue> tgm4883_laptop, yes, I plan to try that when I get home.
[00:25] <javatexan> okay...i am back...anyideas why I can connect to mysql with squirrelsql client but not a new FE running mythbuntu 8.04
[00:26] <avihayb> defendguin: I tryed the liveCD but it dosn't workfor some reason, after picking run from cd or install, it throws me to the ash shell. please notify me if it dosn't happen to you
[00:27] <defendguin> whats the difference between the desktop download and the alternate download
[00:28] <tgm4883_laptop> live cd vs alt cd
[00:29] <defendguin> does the mythbuntu CD have the remote desktop stuff on it?
[00:30] <defendguin> vinagre and what not
[00:31] <javatexan> wow..thats cool and curious. Came back after 2 hours...just for the heck of it tried again...it works....LOL
[00:31] <javatexan> go figure why or what changed
[00:34] <defendguin> and will dvd playback work out of the box
[00:35] <avihayb> any chanse I can be greedy and ask for an online walkthru for instaling mythTV via apt-get on xubuntu8.04?
[00:36] <avihayb> tomorrow could also be good
[00:36] <defendguin> avihayb: what help do you need?
[00:37] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, sure http://www.mythbuntu.org/existing-ubuntu
[00:37] <avihayb> well, lest time I tryed to install, it didn't go so smoothly. I reboted for some reason, and when the system was back, mysqld_safe was hoging all the cpu
[00:38] <avihayb> I don't know how I did it, but I sorta managed somehow to make the front end and backend to talk to each other
[00:39] <avihayb> and then I tryed to watch tv via "the thing", but when I try to click the watch tv button, it just returns to the menu with the watch tv
[00:40] <avihayb> tgm4883_laptop: will that work on xubuntu?
[00:40] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, yes is should
[00:41] <avihayb> arm, your should gave me a small cram in the side...
[00:42] <pcglue> superm1, the hd5000 and hdhomerun, they only receive over the air HD signals? it's not for cable or to get like discovery channel?
[00:42] <superm1> i use QAM256
[00:42] <superm1> so anything not encrypted i can grab
[00:42] <superm1> which ends up being blah
[00:42] <superm1> just the OTA stations broadcast on the cable
[00:43] <superm1> i prefer to record them on the cable though because more reliable signal
[00:43] <pcglue> i see, thanks
[00:43] <superm1> and w/ cable compression, after snipping out commercials they fit on DVDs just barely
[00:43] <superm1> OTA has lower compression (so looks better in high motion)
[00:43] <superm1> but sucks to archive
[00:43] <superm1> it ends up being like .2 GB too big often
[00:45] <avihayb> so, I should install the mythbuntu-desktop package?
[00:46] <avihayb> tgm4883_laptop: FF dosn't support the apt protocall
[00:46] <avihayb> so the get link dosn't work...
[00:47] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, what are you running?
[00:47] <avihayb> that's a very general question
[00:47] <tgm4883_laptop> heh, yes
[00:47] <tgm4883_laptop> what ver of FF
[00:47] <avihayb> ff-firefox
[00:47] <avihayb> 2
[00:47] <tgm4883_laptop> and what version of Ubuntu
[00:48] <avihayb> xubuntu 8.04
[00:48] <tgm4883_laptop> interesting
[00:48] <tgm4883_laptop> it doesn't pop up a little box that says you want to install it?
[00:48] <avihayb> nope. I took a looksee in the php file... :->
[00:49] <tgm4883_laptop> interesting, seems to be a xubuntu bug then
[00:49] <avihayb> apt:mythbuntu-desktop
[00:49] <tgm4883_laptop> i'd install mythbuntu-control-centre from apt
[00:49] <tgm4883_laptop> then configure from there
[00:49] <avihayb> sooooo, not the desktop thing
[00:49] <tgm4883_laptop> forget about the mythbuntu-desktop package for now
[00:49] <avihayb> mkey
[00:49] <tgm4883_laptop> unless you already started it
[00:50] <avihayb> time to mention that this will be the beck end, and posibley the only frontend
[00:51] <avihayb> *back
[00:51] <avihayb> possibly
[00:51] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, does FF 2 come standard on Xubuntu 8.04 or did you install that yourself?
[00:52] <avihayb> standard
[00:52] <tgm4883_laptop> ok
[00:52] <avihayb> well, it's a 7.10 upgrade to 8.04
[00:52] <avihayb> and all the file associasions seem to be missing
[00:53] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm
[00:54] <tgm4883_laptop> that might actually be a Xubuntu bug, i remember reading upgrade bugs regarding xubuntu
[00:54] <tgm4883_laptop> i'll check into it
[00:54] <superm1> avihayb, check and see apturl is installed
[00:54] <avihayb> mkey. ok, I'v got the controll panle
[00:54] <superm1> dpkg -l | grep apturl
[00:54] <avihayb> sec
[00:54] <superm1> it looks like it should be on 7.10
[00:55] <superm1> er 8.04
[00:55] <superm1> its a reverse dependency for xubuntu-desktop
[00:55] <superm1> wow i can't talk
[00:55] <superm1> xubuntu-desktop has it listed as a dependency
[00:55] <avihayb> that dpkg parameter shows the help.
[00:56] <superm1> use a l as in lemon
[00:56] <superm1> not I as in Intrepid
[00:56] <avihayb> I did bouth i and l
[00:56] <superm1> and that's a pipe next to the -l
[00:57] <joecurlee> hi all... i am running mythbuntu 8.04 (actually in the middle of reinstalling for various reasons). I am wanting to control my cable box via ir blaster and I have a cable that came with my old tivo... it's mono 1/8 with two transmitters on the other end... what port would this need to be hooked up to on my mythtv box?
[00:57] <avihayb> but the package is installed
[00:58] <avihayb> I knew it was a pipe
[00:58] <joecurlee> i'm guessing I don't have the correct port... have been doing research but can't get any clear answers so I thought I'd check here
[00:58] <tgm4883_laptop> superm1, i'm thinking I know his issue
[00:58] * tgm4883_laptop smacks head
[00:58] <avihayb> when I sudo apt-get remove apturl, it asks me if i'm sure
[00:58] <tgm4883_laptop> superm1, Ubuntu (or in this case Xubuntu) needs to know what to do with the apt-url right?
[00:59] <tgm4883_laptop> <avihayb> well, it's a 7.10 upgrade to 8.04
[00:59] <tgm4883_laptop> <avihayb> and all the file associasions seem to be missing
[00:59] <avihayb> it says that bouth the apturl and ubufox will be removed if i hit y
[00:59] <tgm4883_laptop> if he lost all file associations, that would break it no?
[00:59] <tgm4883_laptop> i'm thinking xubuntu doesn't know that it needs to use apt to install what comes from the apt-url
[01:00] <tgm4883_laptop> I could be completely wrong though
[01:00] <avihayb> btw, about hthe control pannle, should I just mess around with it untill it works?
[01:00] <avihayb> *panel
[01:00] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, no
[01:00] <avihayb> :-<
[01:00] <tgm4883_laptop> but you have that installed now
[01:00] <avihayb> yes
[01:00] <tgm4883_laptop> ok, is this going to be used as a desktop or just a frontend/backend (or something else)
[01:03] <avihayb> well, it's hocked up to the 27" LCD via a VGA cable, but I'd guess that the ocasional browsing, watching divx movies torrrenting for divx movies and burning them to cds/dvd's is also
[01:03] <avihayb> something
[01:03] <avihayb> that we'd like to do
[01:04] <tgm4883_laptop> ok
[01:04] <tgm4883_laptop> is it the primary backend?
[01:04] <avihayb> I understand that mythTV has plugins for some of that "functionality"
[01:04] <avihayb> yes
[01:04] <tgm4883_laptop> perfect
[01:04] <avihayb> yey!
[01:04] <tgm4883_laptop> i'd use MCC to enable the frontend and primary backend, then let it install the necessary packages
[01:05] <tgm4883_laptop> that should setup most things you need I would think
[01:05] <avihayb> do I need a step by step guyd, or is the MCC self explanatory enough?
[01:05] <avihayb> *guid
[01:05] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, MCC is pretty easy to use
[01:06] <tgm4883_laptop> pop it up
[01:06] <avihayb> e
[01:06] <tgm4883_laptop> if anything is unclear ask here
[01:06] <tgm4883_laptop> you can also check the installation guide
[01:06] <tgm4883_laptop> which is available on the mythbuntu.org site
[01:07] <avihayb> so I picked primery backend, and frontend
[01:07] <avihayb> and xubuntu desktop
[01:07] <tgm4883_laptop> xubuntu-desktop should already be checked
[01:07] <tgm4883_laptop> since you already have it installed
[01:07] <tgm4883_laptop> that may be why your xubuntu isn't working as designed
[01:07] <avihayb> yes, sory for takeing credit for that...
[01:08] <tgm4883_laptop> ah ok
[01:08] <tgm4883_laptop> looks good
[01:08] <avihayb> now, should I set some other settings, or hit apply?
[01:09] <tgm4883_laptop> hit apply, let it install and configure the base mythtv packages
[01:10] <tgm4883_laptop> then we can install extra functionality
[01:10] <sardiskan> help
[01:10] <sardiskan> I'm getting this error which I choose "Burn DVD"
[01:11] <sardiskan> Cannot burn a DVD. The last run failed to create a DVD.
[01:12] <avihayb> ok, packages are happily downloading
[01:13] <sardiskan> ddgoose...R U around?
[01:18] <avihayb> humm, ther's a nice movie on perl harbor
[01:19] <avihayb> took me long enough to figure out that there's a huge delay between the feed and the image on the screen...
[01:30] <avihayb> tgm4883_laptop: ok, downloading is finished
[01:32] <avihayb> tgm4883_laptop: and now mysqld_safe is hogging all my CPU
[01:39] <tgm4883_laptop> superm1, any idea why mysqld_safe would do that?
[01:48] <avihayb> well, whats next doc?
[01:49] <avihayb> I haven't touched anything this time in fear of awakening the wraff of mythTV
[01:50] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, sec
[01:50] <avihayb> tgm4883_laptop: and I'm already useing the card via VLC, I guess I should shut it down now...
[01:52] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, is there anything in /var/log/mysql.log or /var/log/mysql/
[01:52] <avihayb> the cpu hogging by the MySql deamon is affecting playback by minor, yet iretating hickups once in a while
[01:53] <avihayb> mysql is clean
[01:54] <avihayb> no mysql.log directory
[01:54] <tgm4883_laptop> no mysql.log directory, just /var/log/mysql/
[01:56] <superm1> i've seen it happen
[01:57] <avihayb> empty
[01:57] <superm1> but it cleaned itself up
[01:57] <tgm4883_laptop> is there a way to see what it is doing?
[01:57] <avihayb> but /var/log/mythtv/backend something is huge and growing
[01:57] <avihayb> repeating the same sequence
[01:57] <tgm4883_laptop> ruh roh
[01:57] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm
[01:57] <avihayb> the welcome log is empty
[01:58] <tgm4883_laptop> look in /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log and see what it says
[01:58] <tgm4883_laptop> or rather
[01:58] <tgm4883_laptop> tail /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log
[01:58] <avihayb> tails is a command/utility program?
[01:58] <avihayb> *tail
[01:58] <tgm4883_laptop> yes
[01:58] <tgm4883_laptop> command line
[01:59] <tgm4883_laptop> pastebin the output
[02:01] <avihayb> it's on another system
[02:03] <avihayb_tv> ok,here we go
[02:03] <avihayb_tv> tv@tv:~$ tail /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log
[02:03] <avihayb_tv> 2008-06-02 03:26:13.284 SG(LiveTV) Error: Group 'LiveTV' wants to use directory '/home/tv/Desktop/', but this directory is not writeable.
[02:03] <avihayb_tv> QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range
[02:03] <avihayb_tv> 2008-06-02 03:27:22.383 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
[02:03] <avihayb_tv> 2008-06-02 03:27:22.389 adding: tv as a client (events: 0)
[02:04] <avihayb_tv> ok, note to self- mass pasteing=disconection...
[02:04] <tgm4883_laptop> yea don't do that
[02:04] <tgm4883_laptop> use pastebin
[02:05] <avihayb_tv> a hubawa?
[02:05] <avihayb_tv> !8ball
[02:05] <tgm4883_laptop> google pastebin
[02:05] <tgm4883_laptop> also
[02:05] <tgm4883_laptop> did you run mythtv-setup?
[02:05] <avihayb_tv> not after reinstalation, no
[02:05] <tgm4883_laptop> cause this right here
[02:05] <tgm4883_laptop> 2008-06-02 03:26:13.284 SG(LiveTV) Error: Group 'LiveTV' wants to use directory '/home/tv/Desktop/', but this directory is not writeable.
[02:05] <tgm4883_laptop> is a problem
[02:07] <avihayb_tv> ok
[02:07] <avihayb_tv> time to run mythTV-setup? or have another look at that fancy MCC?
[02:08] <tgm4883_laptop> mythtv-setup
[02:08] <avihayb_tv> mkey
[02:08] <tgm4883_laptop> find out where you want your recordings to go first though
[02:08] <avihayb_tv> dedicated computer more or less, where would you put it?
[02:09] <tgm4883_laptop> how many hard drives do you have in there?
[02:09] <avihayb_tv> erm a tiny 20Gb but thta might changw when the proof of concept actualy works
[02:09] <tgm4883_laptop> ok
[02:09] <tgm4883_laptop> is the 20GB partitioned?
[02:10] <avihayb_tv> only swap
[02:10] <tgm4883_laptop> ok
[02:10] <tgm4883_laptop> this is how I would do it then
[02:10] <tgm4883_laptop> so you have a swap partition
[02:10] <tgm4883_laptop> and a / partition
[02:10] <tgm4883_laptop> This is how mine is setup
[02:10] <avihayb_tv> in the futer I'd probebly mount home on the bigger hdd yet to come
[02:10] <tgm4883_laptop> my recordings go into
[02:10] <tgm4883_laptop> /mythtv/recordings/ovit500/
[02:10] <tgm4883_laptop> ovit is the name of my backend
[02:11] <tgm4883_laptop> 500 is the size of the drive
[02:11] <tgm4883_laptop> that way if I add another hard drive
[02:11] <tgm4883_laptop> I will mount that drive at
[02:11] <tgm4883_laptop> /mythtv/recordings/ovit1000/
[02:11] <tgm4883_laptop> ^^ if I added a terabyte drive
[02:12] <tgm4883_laptop> but i always keep the /mythtv/recordings/hostnamesize/ scheme
[02:12] <tgm4883_laptop> so for you
[02:12] <tgm4883_laptop> I would do
[02:12] <avihayb_tv> mkey, I'm game
[02:12] <tgm4883_laptop> /mythtv/recordings/hostname20/
[02:12] <avihayb_tv> I need to create that folder beforehand?
[02:12] <tgm4883_laptop> yes
[02:12] <tgm4883_laptop> you need to create /mythtv
[02:13] <tgm4883_laptop> i'm not sure you can create it all in one command, but after you get them all created you need to set permissions
[02:13] <tgm4883_laptop> chmod 775 /mythtv/recordings/hostname20/
[02:13] <tgm4883_laptop> then
[02:13] <tgm4883_laptop> chown mythtv:mythtv /mythtv/recordings/hostname20/
[02:14] <tgm4883_laptop> then bust open mythtv-setup, make that your recording directory
[02:15] <avihayb_tv> no -r option?
[02:16] <tgm4883_laptop> well you only need the actual directory that is the recording dir to have mythtv ownership
[02:16] <tgm4883_laptop> but I suppose you could do that
[02:18] <avihayb_tv> ok, it's set, more or less
[02:20] <avihayb_tv> tgm4883_laptop: is it mythtv-setup time?
[02:20] <tgm4883_laptop> yes
[02:21] <tgm4883_laptop> go into mythtv-setup and go through each step
[02:21] <avihayb_tv> killing the backend
[02:22] <avihayb_tv> oww, preaty gui!
[02:22] <avihayb_tv> 1.general
[02:23] <avihayb_tv> local settings are set
[02:23] <defendguin> wow i gotta admit 8.04 is awesome
[02:24] <avihayb_tv> misc settings: master backend override marked folow symbolic links marked, slow delete marked
[02:24] <defendguin> easiest setup i've had in forever maybe its because i've done it before 8 or so times but its still great stuff
[02:25] <avihayb_tv> tgm4883_laptop: change what I know, don't touch what I don't understand?
[02:25] <avihayb_tv> so, I'm guessing that it didn't throw you to ash like it did me?
[02:27] <avihayb_tv> on card type, I chose MPEG-2 encoder card (pvrx50... right?
[02:29] <avihayb_tv> tgm4883_laptop: I'm lost in the connect sourc to input part
[02:30] <avihayb_tv> source
[02:33] <avihayb_tv> yelp
[02:34] <avihayb_tv> defendguin: still there?
[02:34] <defendguin> yeah
[02:34] <avihayb_tv> mind helping me out?
[02:36] <avihayb_tv> single computer runing xubuntu 8.04 connected via a vga cable to LCD screen, being, hopefully, bouth front and back end
[02:36] <tgm4883_laptop> sorry, was writing a paper
[02:36] <avihayb_tv> defendguin: you can say no
[02:37] <defendguin> better say my name when you want to ask something i'm frequently away from this pc
[02:37] <tgm4883_laptop> yea that the right setting for the pvr cards
[02:38] <avihayb_tv> ok, the video source, I'me setting on no gruber
[02:38] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, where do you live?
[02:38] <avihayb_tv> in Israel
[02:38] <tgm4883_laptop> ah
[02:38] <avihayb_tv> yeh
[02:38] <tgm4883_laptop> no grabber it is then
[02:38] <avihayb_tv> I found someone who wrote a graber program to that xml program thingy
[02:39] <avihayb_tv> *err format
[02:41] <avihayb_tv> ok, I was "scaning" for channles, and the setup program crashed
[02:41] <tgm4883_laptop> where do you get your channels from? OTA, cable, satellite, something else?
[02:41] <avihayb_tv> on another matter, I selected israel-cable-matav
[02:42] <avihayb_tv> I intend to use a digital reciver conected to the composit, and an IR blaster
[02:42] <avihayb_tv> time to say I have the "full" MCE package with the card
[02:43] <avihayb_tv> as in the media center remote ir reciver and "blaster"
[02:43] <tgm4883_laptop> ok, but how is the cable hooked up to the mythtv box right now?
[02:43] <avihayb_tv> thru the composit
[02:43] <tgm4883_laptop> ok
[02:44] <tgm4883_laptop> your not going to be able to scan for channels then
[02:44] <tgm4883_laptop> and unfortunatly this is probably where my help will have to end
[02:44] <avihayb_tv> oh, well, no magic
[02:44] <avihayb_tv> time issues?
[02:44] <tgm4883_laptop> as I'm not sure exactly how you would get your channels into the databse
[02:45] <tgm4883_laptop> probably from that grabber program you talked about
[02:45] <tgm4883_laptop> but i'm not entirely sure myself
[02:45] <avihayb_tv> well, I'll burn that brige when I get there, I'd settel for one channle for the moment
[02:46] <avihayb_tv> it's so late, that it's early here in israel
[02:46] <tgm4883_laptop> eh, it's not even 7pm here
[02:46] <avihayb_tv> look at the local timestamp:
[02:46] <avihayb_tv> (04:46:01) avihayb_tv: it's so late, that it's early here in israel
[02:46] <tgm4883_laptop> lucky me ;)
[02:46] <tgm4883_laptop> yea that is early
[02:47] <avihayb_tv> well, I'm guessing I'm runing the setup program again
[02:47] <tgm4883_laptop> yea
[02:47] <tgm4883_laptop> most of it should have already saved
[02:47] <tgm4883_laptop> go back into the step you were just in
[02:47] <tgm4883_laptop> but dont scan this time
[02:49] <avihayb_tv> well, shuld I put stuff in "external channle changer command, and preset tuner to channle?
[02:49] <avihayb_tv> *channel
[02:49] <tgm4883_laptop> do you have an external channel change script?
[02:49] <avihayb_tv> not yet... so I'm guessing that that's my answer
[02:50] <avihayb_tv> do I need to create an input group?
[02:50] <tgm4883_laptop> an input group?
[02:50] <rhh> I've got some problems with the mythweb .asx links - specifically, I can't skip around in the file. Has this problem been fixed?
[02:51] <avihayb_tv> in Interaction between inputs
[02:51] <tgm4883_laptop> umm
[02:51] <tgm4883_laptop> I don't think so
[02:51] <avihayb_tv> oh, ok, only for more then one recorder device
[02:51] <tgm4883_laptop> rhh, isn't it that way by design?
[02:52] <rhh> tgm4883_laptop: well, I'd sure like to be able to "fast forward" through commercials and such
[02:52] <avihayb_tv> I think I should skip the channle editor for now, right?
[02:52] <rhh> and I used to be able to with the "myth://" links
[02:52] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb_tv, yes
[02:53] <tgm4883_laptop> then make the default storage group the directory we setup earlier
[02:54] <avihayb_tv> yhe, that was "aimed" at the desktop, I changed that... do I need a "DB Backups" group?
[02:55] <tgm4883_laptop> really making my brain work today ;)
[02:55] <tgm4883_laptop> not right now
[02:55] <avihayb_tv> :->
[02:55] <avihayb_tv> ok, I'm escaping out of the setup program
[02:58] <avihayb_tv> tgm4883_laptop: the damn thing says:
[02:58] <avihayb_tv> /mythtv/recordings/tv20//.test - directory is not writeable ...
[02:59] <tgm4883_laptop> ok
[02:59] <tgm4883_laptop> go to a terminal
[02:59] <tgm4883_laptop> and post the output of
[02:59] <tgm4883_laptop> ls -l /mythtv/recordings/tv20
[03:00] <avihayb_tv> total 0
[03:00] <avihayb_tv> I forgot to chmod 775 recordings/
[03:00] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm
[03:00] <tgm4883_laptop> sec
[03:00] <avihayb_tv> and tv20... :-<
[03:01] <tgm4883_laptop> do
[03:01] <avihayb_tv> done
[03:01] <tgm4883_laptop> ls -l /mythtv/recordings
[03:02] <avihayb_tv> drwxrwxr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 4096 2008-06-02 05:01 tv20
[03:02] <tgm4883_laptop> ok that looks right
[03:02] <tgm4883_laptop> try exiting mythtv-setup again
[03:02] <avihayb_tv> ok, he now complains about not setting a deafult channle
[03:02] <avihayb_tv> I' telling him to ignore
[03:02] <tgm4883_laptop> ok
[03:03] <tgm4883_laptop> yea that might cause an issue, we'll find out
[03:03] <tgm4883_laptop> did you set up the tuner to use composite?
[03:03] <avihayb_tv> yes
[03:03] <tgm4883_laptop> k
[03:03] <avihayb_tv> ok, mythfilldatabase did it's thing
[03:04] <avihayb_tv> now, is it time to cross fingers and run the frontend?
[03:04] <tgm4883_laptop> yea
[03:05] <avihayb_tv> btw, I belive that mysqld_safe either stops hogging, or terminates while in setup, if it's of any segnifigence to you
[03:06] <avihayb_tv> ok, it did it
[03:07] <tgm4883_laptop> it works?
[03:08] <avihayb_tv> yes! I'm reciveing a 1 min delayed feed
[03:08] <tgm4883_laptop> 1 minute?
[03:08] <tgm4883_laptop> Thats way too long
[03:08] <avihayb_tv> I think what I did wrong last time, was failing to link the composit input with mythtv
[03:09] <tgm4883_laptop> is mysqld_safe still hogging?
[03:09] <avihayb_tv> remember that my CPU is loaded by that deamon, and my computer is probebly using the full lenght of the ringbuffer
[03:10] <avihayb_tv> yhe, the damn thing is still there
[03:10] <tgm4883_laptop> i'd let it sit for awhile and catch some sleep
[03:10] <tgm4883_laptop> perhaps its runnin and trying to do something important
[03:10] <tgm4883_laptop> what is your cpu and ram like?
[03:10] <tgm4883_laptop> ie, how much and how fast
[03:12] <avihayb_tv> it's a p4 1.6, I have two SDRAm chips, I think one is 100MHZ and the other 133MHZ, but then again, by the age of the motherboard, they are probebly bouth limited by a 100MHZ bus
[03:12] <avihayb_tv> 1.6->1.gGHZ
[03:13] <avihayb_tv> chips->sticks
[03:13] <tgm4883_laptop> how much ram?
[03:13] <avihayb_tv> well, now that i'm thinking bout it, it has two DDR slots on it
[03:14] <avihayb_tv> 256MB
[03:14] <tgm4883_laptop> hmm ok
[03:14] <tgm4883_laptop> might be enough
[03:14] <tgm4883_laptop> rams kinda low
[03:14] <avihayb_tv> It's supposed to be overspec for a card with mpeg-2 decoder/encoder
[03:14] <tgm4883_laptop> let mysql do it's think for awhile
[03:14] <tgm4883_laptop> yea i'm just wondering if mysql is doing a lot of swapimg
[03:15] <avihayb_tv> well, my swap file has half a G empty
[03:15] <tgm4883_laptop> right
[03:15] <tgm4883_laptop> but your ram
[03:15] <tgm4883_laptop> it's swaping to disk
[03:15] <tgm4883_laptop> from ram
[03:16] <avihayb_tv> mem has 4M free, and there is the ocasional blinking red light from the HDD...
[03:16] <avihayb_tv> time to kill FF...
[03:18] <avihayb_tv> got some memory, and then lost it again
[03:19] <avihayb_tv> but mythfrontend is an even bigger res hog then the deamon
[03:19] <tgm4883_laptop> yea mythfrontend takes some resources
[03:19] <tgm4883_laptop> what video card do you have?
[03:19] <avihayb_tv> 14958 tv 20 0 203m 67m 35m S 43.1 27.2 5:39.15 mythfrontend.re
[03:19] <avihayb_tv> 7529 root 20 0 1772 464 440 R 26.2 0.2 71:15.69 mysqld_safe
[03:19] <avihayb_tv> 5297 root 20 0 98128 53m 24m S 19.2 21.5 19:43.81 Xorg
[03:20] <avihayb_tv> tgm4883_laptop: oh, well, it's an ol'e ATI rage LT. don't ask me where I dug it up from, cuz I ai'nt telling
[03:21] <avihayb_tv> it has a TV out
[03:23] <tgm4883_laptop> its probably a combination of a few things
[03:23] <tgm4883_laptop> which theme are you using?
[03:23] <tgm4883_laptop> I think gant is lighter on resoures
[03:24] <avihayb_tv> I'll check
[03:24] <avihayb_tv> vlc doing the same stuff only cost me 30%cpu vlc + 10 xorg
[03:24] <avihayb_tv> 10-10%
[03:27] <avihayb_tv> oh, what do you know, the UI has hebrew translation
[03:28] <avihayb_tv> it's useing qt and not openGL, is that ok?
[03:29] <avihayb_tv> well, I timed the delay at 10 sec
[03:30] <tgm4883_laptop> 10 seconds is a little long, but it's ok
[03:32] <avihayb_tv> yhe, but the frontend is taking way to much for something that ain't doing nothing
[03:35] <avihayb_tv> tgm4883_laptop: do you have any Idea as to how to debug this?
[03:37] <tgm4883_laptop> not really
[03:37] <tgm4883_laptop> there might be a lighter theme you can use
[03:39] <avihayb_tv> I don't think it's the theam, beacuse I don't see any gui while watching, unless you mean that the extra room the gui is takeing is too much, or in other words, I just need more ram?
[03:40] <avihayb_tv> I can do with VLC what I can do with mythTV rightnow, and still have half a cpu to myself
[03:41] <tgm4883_laptop> i do think it's a ram issue
[03:41] <avihayb_tv> I also have some hickups
[03:41] <avihayb_tv> looks like they are caused by video compression
[03:42] <avihayb_tv> well, I'll see what I can do about ram
[03:43] <avihayb_tv> bahh, bad timeing, my more computer oriented freinds left for a three month trip to mexico
[03:43] <avihayb_tv> nowhere to borrow ram... have to take it out of my PC
[03:44] <avihayb_tv> oh, rhiana is out with a new cd?
[03:46] <avihayb_tv> think that there's any chance that installing xubuntu from a new 8.04 disk insted of a 7.10 disk will help in any twisted unforseen way?
[03:46] <avihayb_tv> oh, helo pcglue
[03:48] <tgm4883_laptop> it might, there is a slight change that the uprade hurt us
[03:50] <avihayb> btw, how do I stop the backend?
[03:50] <avihayb> now point chewing up my HDD
[03:53] <tgm4883_laptop> /etc/init.d/mythbackend stop
[03:55] <avihayb> tgm4883_laptop: holy cow, the damn thing has been recorfing ever since I started it
[03:55] <avihayb> *recording
[03:55] <tgm4883_laptop> interesting
[03:55] <tgm4883_laptop> were you in live tv?
[03:56] <Xenocide> hey guys quick question, my mythbox is sitting in my condo all summer while im away, i still need it for server stuff, but how can i force mythtv to not record? disable the service or something
[03:56] <sardiskan> force it to not record?
[03:57] <Xenocide> how?
[03:57] <sardiskan> just delete all recordings
[03:57] <Xenocide> recordings...it would still record new ones
[03:57] <Xenocide> i want to leave my schedules intact and such
[03:57] <sardiskan> hmm
[03:57] <avihayb> yes, I have 23 min of MTV recordings
[03:58] <sardiskan> if you are using the box for "server stuff", then just kill the backend and frontend
[03:58] * avihayb is stealing copyrighted music...
[03:58] <sardiskan> haha
[03:58] <Xenocide> it could get rebooted
[03:58] <Xenocide> i could just remove it from the rc.d right?
[03:58] <sardiskan> remove the services from the startup config
[03:59] <avihayb> I wish I could tell when the thing is recording
[03:59] <sardiskan> you can...from mythweb
[03:59] <sardiskan> or from the recordings manager
[03:59] <Xenocide> well shit i only have ssh access
[03:59] <Xenocide> lol
[03:59] <sardiskan> open port 80 on your firewall
[04:00] <avihayb_tv> well, mysql is only taking 26% CPU
[04:00] <avihayb_tv> that's good news
[04:00] <Xenocide> i only have ssh access
[04:00] <Xenocide> im not there.
[04:00] <sardiskan> I need to know how to burn things I've recorded to DVD
[04:00] <sardiskan> hmm
[04:00] <avihayb_tv> and I have only 60% cpu usage
[04:00] <sardiskan> hang on
[04:05] <pcglue> tgm4883_laptop, audio is OK when I changed to using the coax input on my pvr-350!
[04:06] <sardiskan> I know
[04:06] <avihayb_tv> ok, have to split
[04:06] <sardiskan> do you have a linux box?
[04:07] <sardiskan> Xenocide?
[04:08] <Xenocide> yes i do
[04:08] <sardiskan> great...you can easily pull up the mythweb with just SSH access
[04:08] <sardiskan> ssh into the box with the -X option
[04:08] <sardiskan> like so
[04:08] <sardiskan> ssh -X server.domain.com
[04:09] <superm1> update-rc.d can be used to remove services like myth
[04:09] <sardiskan> or ssh -X username@server.
[04:09] <Xenocide> yea i was just gonna use update rc
[04:09] <Xenocide> lol
[04:09] <Xenocide> i found that a few min ago
[04:09] <superm1> update-rc.d -f mythtv-backend remove
[04:09] <superm1> that would do the trick
[04:09] <Xenocide> how you doing super, haven' tseen you on aim lately ;)
[04:10] <sardiskan> anyway...once you are SSH'd into the server with the xserver option, you can actually push the firefox web browser running on the mythbox to your xwindows session. Then you could browse to the IP of the local machine...or probably just localhost.
[04:10] <avihayb> killing the backend dosn't stop the mysql deamon...
[04:10] <sardiskan> http://localhost/mythweb/
[04:10] <Xenocide> yea i don't have enough bandwidth for that shit haha
[04:11] <Xenocide> don't matter if mysql runs
[04:11] <Xenocide> i just don't want it recording
[04:11] <defendguin> i'm having a bit of an issue with dvd playback on my new 8.04 box
[04:11] <Xenocide> i already have a month of blank stuff sitting there
[04:11] <sardiskan> anyone know the trick to burning DVD's of shows? mine just doesn't do anything
[04:12] <defendguin> tried to play one with mplayer from the normal desktop and i just got a lot of crappy audio and a message about pulse not working
[04:12] <sardiskan> that's usually a problem with your xorg config
[04:13] <sardiskan> had a similar problem
[04:13] <sardiskan> had to add the xorg options specific to my video card.
[04:16] <superm1> Xenocide, eh i been busy
[04:16] <superm1> i dont get on aim gtalk or skype much of lately
[04:16] <defendguin> hmmm
[04:16] <defendguin> its a nvidia card
[04:17] <defendguin> this one has been around long enough not to have config issues
[04:18] <defendguin> hmmm says too many video packets in the buffer
[04:21] <defendguin> heh when i updated it disabled the nvidia driver for my card so i was using the nv driver instead
[04:26] <sardiskan> nice
[04:26] <sardiskan> anyone have clues on burning a DVD.
[04:26] <sardiskan> Mine doesns't appear to do anything when I try to burn a video
[04:26] <defendguin> hmmmm got that fixed but there is still something wrong with the video
[04:32] <defendguin> i have tried all the video output modes in mplayer
[08:25] <defendguin> anyone know when when i press volume down and the little volume indicator goes down but the volume doesn't change ?
[08:25] <defendguin> while in mythtv that is
[08:41] <defendguin> freaking annoying
[08:45] <Daviey> defendguin: hmm
[08:46] <Daviey> not come across that myself... but using "sudo alsamixer", does that work to adjust the volume
[08:46] <Daviey> (not a solution, but to test)
[08:47] <defendguin> one moment
[08:49] <defendguin> it seems to be up around 80 when in mythtv i probably have the volume set to about 60
[08:50] <Daviey> i don't think there is fixed correlation between mythfrontend volume % and the real thing
[08:50] <defendguin> heh
[08:50] <Daviey> there might be.. tho
[08:50] <defendguin> so i'm in to the mythtv front end watching tv and i have a ssh terminal open with alsamixer
[08:51] <defendguin> what do you want me to do
[08:54] <defendguin> Daviey: ok here is something i lowered the volume inside of mythtv to about 14%
[08:54] <defendguin> went out of watch tv mode then went back in and it was up to 100%
[08:55] <defendguin> obviously when i lowered to to 14% originally it made no audible difference
[08:56] <Daviey> !
[08:56] <defendguin> adjusting the alsa mixer does work
[08:57] <Daviey> defendguin: i'd be inclined to hit the mythtv-users mailing list tbh
[08:57] <defendguin> i'm more inclined to hit my bed at the moment
[08:57] <Daviey> if mythfrontend IS making changes to the correct device, but it's not working
[08:57] <Daviey> defendguin: it's 9AM - wake up time
[08:57] <defendguin> Daviey: i doubt its making changes to the correct device
[08:58] <defendguin> certainly the device it not changing and those changes are not being made
[08:58] <defendguin> is there even a way to adjust the audio output method?
[08:59] <defendguin> esd pulse alsa etc .....
[08:59] <Daviey> yeah
[08:59] <defendguin> where?
[08:59] <Daviey> i knew you'd ask that..
[08:59] <Daviey> one mo
[08:59] <defendguin> i was looking for one but i couldn't find it
[09:00] <defendguin> i figured it had to be a frontend setting
[09:00] <Daviey> settings -> General -> a few pages in
[09:01] <defendguin> in the front end settings right?
[09:03] <defendguin> ahhh much better
[09:04] <defendguin> for whatever reason it was set to /dev/mixer not alsa
[09:04] <defendguin> dunno how that happened
[09:05] <defendguin> i wonder why dev mixer is even an option
[09:06] <laga> it should be set to the correct mixer by default
[09:06] <laga> odd
[09:06] <defendguin> well i set it to the master channel in alsa
[09:09] <defendguin> anyone know how totem on my normal hardy desktop is supposed to find the recordings on the mythtv box?
[09:10] <defendguin> it doesn't seem to be able to find anything and i don't know of any way to configure the plugin
=== Penfold_ is now known as Penfold
[10:18] <tsj> Hey :)
=== avihayb_ is now known as avihayb
[13:57] <avihayb> tgm4883_laptop: after a reboot, the mysqld_safe dosn't run anymore, insted, now I have mysqld runing, and it dosn't overload the system
[13:58] <avihayb> however, mythTV is always recording
[14:03] <avihayb> other effect I now have is mythTV streching the 4:3 image to be 16:9
[14:03] <avihayb> and I can't seem to find anything to control that
[15:05] <kirkland> superm1: thanks for the powerpc fixes; i'm traveling this week, but will test them as soon as I'm back home (a week from today)
[15:06] <superm1> kirkland, no prob. those binaries are for intrepid, so i'll have to file a formal backport for hardy yet
[15:06] <superm1> or you'll have to pass them on to your own sbuild/pbuilder for now
[15:06] <kirkland> superm1: sure, that's what I was going to do
[15:07] <superm1> there are a lot of other nagging issues in the current hardy build, so would like to have the backport sooner rather than later too :)
[15:09] <laga> superm1: what about 8.04.1? these wont be built from -backports?
[15:16] <superm1> bah.
[15:16] <superm1> we'll make it happen
[15:16] <superm1> i dont want to fight making an SRU just for building that disk
[15:20] <laga> superm1: enabling -backports will cause bitching when 0.22 is pushed to hardy
[15:26] <superm1> yeah i'm saying turning it on "just" during build time
[15:34] <sardiskan> anyone know what the trick is to burning a show to DVD?
[15:34] <sardiskan> because mine just doesn't work.
[15:34] <sardiskan> I go in to create the DVD...and the log viewer shows NOTHING.
[16:23] <avihayb> tgm4883:
[16:23] <avihayb> after a reboot, the mysqld_safe dosn't run anymore, insted, now I have mysqld runing, and it dosn't overload the system
[16:23] <avihayb> [15:58] <avihayb> however, mythTV is always recording
[16:23] <avihayb> [16:03] <avihayb> other effect I now have is mythTV streching the 4:3 image to be 16:9
[16:23] <avihayb> [16:03] <avihayb> and I can't seem to find anything to control that
[16:35] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, you can set your screen aspect ratio in the frontend appearance settings (where you select your theme)
[16:37] <tgm4883_laptop> avihayb, You can also set the resolution your recordings are in in recordings profiles. You will want to set this to whatever you are grabbing from your satellite box
[16:38] <sardiskan> is there a problem with mytharchive?
[16:38] <sardiskan> mine doesn't work at all
[16:38] <tgm4883_laptop> gotta run now, but check those two things out
[17:05] <frank23> running mythtv 0.21 in gutsy from backports. I can't import DVDs.
[17:06] <frank23> It says that the mythtranscode daemon is not started and I can't start it.
[17:07] <frank23> Is ripping DVDs supposed to work in gutsy with mythtv 0.21?
[17:11] <Daviey> yes, do you have libdvdcss installed?
[17:11] <Daviey> (option in the control centre)
[17:13] <avihayb> tgm4883: tgm4883_laptop: thanks
[17:14] <frank23> Daviey: yeah libdvdcss is installed
[17:15] <Daviey> hmm
[17:16] * sardiskan sobs
[17:16] <sardiskan> I can't get my stupid mytharchive working...someone help
[17:16] <sardiskan> the "log viewer" doesn't show any information
[17:17] <frank23> I can play dvds fine in myth
[17:23] <sabhain> frank23 have you pressed "0" to try starting the transcode daemon
[17:28] <jphillip> frank23 some dvd's are hard to rip
[17:28] <jphillip> use dd_rescue on them, works like a charm
[17:45] <frank23> sabhain: jphillip: I had to specify the right path for temporary files
[17:48] <sabhain> glad to hear you got it working
[17:55] <jphillip> frank23 ah ya, still if you hit any AArcOS discs, or any problem ones check out dd_rescue
[17:59] <avihayb> tgm4883: tgm4883_laptop: well, I did it, sorta, now I see my 4:3 input on a 4:3 input while the gui is still fullscreen, however, I get the fealing that I'll have to change that setting every time I try to watch a non-4:3 movie
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[18:21] <avihayb> tgm4883: tgm4883_laptop: my tv has a neat solution for that problem(when not forced into 16:9 by a computer display adapter. it has a button that switches between auto detect, full screen (strech), 4:3, 14:9 (clips albit from the top but dosn't hurt the aspect ratio),cinema (clips from the top and butom, dose a purfect job when the station is playing a 16:9 movie on a 4:3 display), and subtitles mode (same as cinema, only more
[18:21] <avihayb> clipping from the top and less from the buttom).
[18:22] <avihayb> tgm4883: tgm4883_laptop: I think that that should be a feature in mythTV. I can make a detaild presentation if you like
[19:20] <ixion> hi, i just bought a media centre remote+USB dongle (Aim - IR603 is the receiver) - when I plugged it in it showed up in lsusb as Formosa Industrial Computing, Inc. - when looking at the c code for mceusb2 driver the vendor id exists and Formosa is the vendor, so I presume this device is supported by the mceusb2 driver
[19:21] <ixion> I installed lirc and selected mceusb2 from the list
[19:21] <ixion> what I dont know is how to make sure its actually working
[19:21] <ixion> within mythtv it does do anything
[19:23] <ixion> doesn't
[19:31] <jphillip> ixion see anything if you run irw and press buttons?
[19:31] <ixion> jphillip, if I run irw it just spits me back to terminal - if I try again I get can't connect - then I have to start lircd again
[19:31] <ixion> so irw is crashing lircd
[20:04] <sardiskan> ddgoose...r u around?
[21:09] <killaz> hi which Video driver is the best option to choose for my EN8500GT card during the installation?
[21:11] <iamlindoro__> killaz, NVidia proprietary
[21:13] <jphillip> nvidia-new I do thing
[21:13] <jphillip> think
[21:14] <killaz> I don't have a DVI to HDMI converter yet. SO
[21:14] <killaz> does it mater if I installed the card no wusing the VGA output and then afterwards try to use the DVI output?
[22:40] <meatball> Hello there, sorry for the dumb question, I just bought a philips SRM 7500 remote, and i was wondering if there were any good guides to getting it set up, or if it works at all with Mythbuntu?