UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /02 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
[00:59] <persia> good morning
[01:09] <davidm> good morning
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[02:50] <emgent> morning
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[06:37] <dholbach> good morning
[06:38] <emgent> morning dholbach :)
[06:39] <dholbach> hi emgent
[07:57] <asac> bah, moblin admins dont like my new ssh keys :(
=== persia_ is now known as persia
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[14:45] <persia> mterry: On the other hand, having an update so cheese didn't crash in hardy for the PPA would be great :)
[14:45] <mterry> persia: The UME PPA?
[14:46] <persia> mterry: I believe so, unless someone says that it's frozen for release.
[14:46] <persia> My understanding is that it's still collecting fixes for the Ubuntu-Mobile Hardy release.
[14:46] <persia> So, for Ubuntu-Desktop, there's no need to push an update, as it's hard to break.
[14:46] <persia> For Ubuntu-Mobile it always crashes, which isn't ideal.
[14:47] <persia> Of course, I may be mistaken, and would welcome correction in that case :)
[14:48] <lool> persia: He can probably push via hardy-updates anyway
[14:48] <lool> Which would benefit everybody, not just UME
[14:48] <persia> lool: Do you think the SRU team will approve? I'm good if you do, I just think it might be harder.
[14:48] <lool> Just like that libsdl-mixer1.2 dep fix I prepared
[14:48] <lool> persia: I know SRU requirements have been relaxed for GNOME 2.22.2
[14:48] <lool> And it's part of GNOME 2.22.2
[14:48] <persia> lool: OK.
[14:49] <lool> So the additional patch to fix the crash seems fine to push at the same time, even if it's not in 2.22.2
[14:50] <persia> mterry: My apologies. lool is very likely more correct.
[14:50] <mterry> lool, persia: OK, so I provided a debdiff against hardy. Do I now add the appropriate ubuntu-main-sponsor?
[14:51] <lool> persia: BTW I discussed relaxed SRU rules for mobile stuff too, and the conclusion was that we're welcome to push UME stuff via SRUs of hardy packages /if/ there's already a regular SRU in the pipe for them: this ensures that we get double testing for such updates
[14:51] * mterry reads https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates
[14:51] <lool> mterry: Yes; did you also prepare 2.22.2 at the same time, or just added the patch?
[14:52] <persia> mterry: You'll also need to provide a Test Case in the bug description for verification. Personally, I'd suggest subscribing ubuntu-sru first to get an ack before you seek a sponsor.
[14:52] <mterry> lool: I just added the patch
[14:52] <persia> mterry: You might want to batch it up with other stuff if we're trying to mask it under the general 2.22.2 update :)
[14:52] <lool> mterry: I think it's safest to ask seb128 for guidance; he has been doing the GNOME 2.22.2 uploads, and is likely to ultimately tell you how to best proceed
[14:52] <lool> He'll probably push cheese back at me as I sponsored the latest uploads
[14:53] <mterry> persia: :)
[14:53] <lool> mterry: Would be best to prepare a 2.22.2 + patch SRU instead of preparing two SRUs
[14:53] <mterry> lool: k
[14:53] <lool> A SRU just for the about dialog in hildon is a bit much perhaps
[14:53] <lool> Oh like persia just said; ignore me
[14:53] <persia> That was why I was thinking it was a PPA candidate fix :)
[14:53] <lool> Indeed
[15:09] <ogra> yay, another channel :)
[15:15] <asac> welcome ogra :)
[15:16] <ogra> :)
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[16:55] <lool> GrueMaster: Could you enable hardy-proposed on a target device and verify you're happy with the libsdl-mixer1.2 update which adds the libvorvisfile3 dep?
[16:55] <lool> GrueMaster: If you're happy, comment on the bug as to allow the proposed update to enter official updates
[16:56] <GrueMaster> Ok. How should I do this? I have RC1 installed, should I do an update?
[16:56] <GrueMaster> Or build a new image?
[16:56] <lool> mterry: Concerning LP #223697: this is technically a bug in UME; your proposed fix to add a package to a fset is not the way we usually add packages to UME: instead we prefer listing them in so called seeds
[16:57] <mterry> lool: seeds, ok. How is that controlled?
[16:57] <lool> mterry: At this point of the release cycle, I'm not sure we should take the risk to add too much to the seed, but if you're confident with the fix, we could do it
[16:57] <mterry> lool: I'm confident
[16:58] <lool> mterry: The seed we used is in bzr, lp:~ubunt-mobile/ubuntu-seeds/mobile.hardy; you technically have write access there if you're in the u-m team, but you might want to touch base with StevenK if this might end up pulling many packages
[16:58] <lool> mterry: I'm confident that this will fix the bug too, what I'm less confortable with is: by how much will the images increase? and is yelp nice enough to run in UME?
[16:59] <lool> GrueMaster: You may simply enable the repo, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade
[16:59] <mterry> lool: apt-get said 15M more
[16:59] <lool> GrueMaster: or use update-manager
[16:59] <GrueMaster> ok
[17:00] <lool> mterry: 15 MB is significant, it might be a problem for your customer as well
[17:00] <mterry> lool: Regarding if yelp is nice enough to run in UME, anything is arguably better than Help->Contents silently failing or giving an error message
[17:00] <mterry> I suppose we could take out the Help buttons :)
[17:00] <lool> Well we could remove the help link too :)
[17:00] <lool> Yes :)
[17:02] <GrueMaster> lool: where's the update manager? I don't think it was in the RC.
[17:03] <lool> GrueMaster: It might have been added just after RC indeed; you should get it by updating too then
[17:06] <GrueMaster> hmmm. No results from apt-get update;apt-get upgrade on RC1.
[17:06] <GrueMaster> Let me clean install.
[17:07] <lool> Oh hold on, RC1 is against snapshots, not snapshots+ppa
[17:07] <lool> GrueMaster: Add the hardy-proposed repo to your sources.list from ports.ubuntu.com and you should get the libsdl-mixer1.2 update
[17:07] <lool> For update-manager, add the ppa to your sources.list
[17:08] <mterry> kyleN: Do we have a plan for translating application help files for acton?
[17:08] <kyleN> mterry: no
[17:09] <mterry> kyleN: Is it something we need to do, or did we want to disable Help buttons in the UI?
[17:09] <GrueMaster> ok. hold a sec. Refreshing base image (reformatting sda2).
[17:11] <kyleN> mterry: shall we discuss acton elsewhere?
[17:11] <mterry> kyleN: OK :)
[17:11] <StevenK> GrueMaster: You don't need to clean install
[17:12] <StevenK> GrueMaster: RC1 is built against the snapshot, so it won't see new packages. Change the sources.list and related files, and upgrade
[17:12] <GrueMaster> Actually, I do, as I had other stuff (including libvorbisfile) installed.
[17:12] <GrueMaster> Doing that now.
[17:12] <StevenK> Well, okay
[17:12] <StevenK> In any case, I really need sleep.
[17:24] <lool> StevenK: 'night
[17:25] <GrueMaster> night, StevenK. Thanks.
[17:41] <asac> anyone can test that mobile-basic flash still works with latest hardy-proposed packages? need that to verify the libnss update bug
[17:41] <asac> (i doubt that its broken, but mobile-basic-flash is rdepends of libxul0d which is rdepends of libnss3-1d
[17:41] <asac> )
[17:41] <asac> thanks!
[18:08] <GrueMaster> lool: ping - not sure how best to test the sdl-mixer fix. I've tried replacing the /etc/apt/sources.list* files with a daily ppa build set and running apt-get update;apt-get upgrade, but nothing shows up. I also added hardy-proposed, and now I get libsdl-mixer1.2 is held back.
[18:09] <lool> GrueMaster: apt-cache policy libsdl-mixer1.2?
[18:09] <lool> (paste.ubuntu.com)
[18:10] <lool> GrueMaster: What you want is adding something like this somewhere in your sources.list:
[18:10] <lool> # hardy-proposed
[18:10] <lool> Then apt-get update
[18:10] <lool> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-proposed main restricted
[18:10] <lool> apt-cache policy libsdl-mixer1.2 should then list a 1.2.8-1ubuntu0.1 version
[18:10] <GrueMaster> yes, I have that.
[18:11] <lool> Ok "apt-get install libsdl-mixer1.2"
[18:11] <lool> Should install this new package and only that
[18:11] <lool> (well and it should pull libvorbisfile)
[18:12] <GrueMaster> http://paste.ubuntu.com/16435
[18:13] <lool> What happens with the apt-get install libsdl-mixer1.2?
[18:13] <GrueMaster> yes, that works.
[18:13] <GrueMaster> It pulls libvorbisfile3.
[18:14] <lool> GrueMaster: So I think this should be enough to consider your bug fixed; do you agree? Could you comment that the package in -proposed fixed the bug for you?
[18:14] <GrueMaster> Question: Is there a way to find out what else depends on libvorbisfile3? It is installed on my Hardy desktop system.
[18:15] <lool> GrueMaster: apt-cache rdepends libvorbisfile3
[18:15] <GrueMaster> ok
[18:17] <GrueMaster> I think I'm starting to understand. We're just adding another dependency listing.
[18:21] <GrueMaster> Launchpad updated. Thanks.
[18:22] <lool> GrueMaster: Will migrade from -proposed to -updates after 10 days in -proposed now that you confirmed it
[18:23] <GrueMaster> ok. That will miss the RC2 target, though (I think).
[18:25] <lool> Yes
[18:25] <lool> But will appear as a stable update
[18:25] <GrueMaster> ok
[18:55] <mterry> tremolux: What do you use to edit the gtkbuilder files in cheese? some version of glade-3?
[19:07] <lool> asac: I see you uploaded a lanpack to the ppa; how do these work? I only see one of them, but I guess we need one per language?
[19:21] <tremolux> mterry: I didn't need to edit the gtkbuilder files actually
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[20:42] <asac> lool: that was a urgency langpack
[20:43] <asac> lool: we should integrate it in langpack-o-matic so every locale available gets shipped in -gnome
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[21:25] <mterry> asac: I have a change for midbrowser I'd like you to look at. Can you check out LP #223891?
[22:10] <emgent> heya
[22:41] <GrueMaster> Just out of curiosity, is googleearth available in any of the ubuntu repositories?