UbuntuIRC / 2008 /06 /02 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[01:14] <hobo666> first timer
[01:14] <hobo666> created a nick yesterday, wanted to verify (got the auto email) and it said to login
[01:15] <hobo666> not sure how to login
[01:15] <hobo666> is it just slash login?
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[02:13] <Ashfire908> What do I install to get LTSP clients to have a GUI?
[02:14] <Ashfire908> Do I just install the GUI I want?
[02:15] <dan63043> do you have clients booting into a terminal session?
[02:17] <Ashfire908> They boot to ldm but logons result in an error saying it can't start the X session.
[02:18] <Ashfire908> It says it can't find any .xsession file, a window manager, session manager, or a terminal emulator.
[02:19] <dan63043> did you google on any of the messages?
[02:19] <Ashfire908> This isn't actually going to be a real edubuntu install, but I assume this is the best place to ask about LTSP.
[02:19] <dan63043> a .xsession file is usually in a user's home directory
[02:19] <Ashfire908> dan63043: Well, I know what the errors are...
[02:20] <dan63043> there's a chroot command that occurs as ltsp starts up
[02:20] <dan63043> you might not have anything setup
[02:20] <dan63043> do you have directory named /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/X11 ?
[02:21] <Ashfire908> Yes, but I have no actual GUI.
[02:22] <Ashfire908> So i'm asking what do I do to install one.
[02:23] <Ashfire908> Do I just install the normal package for the GUI?
[02:23] <Ashfire908> Or do I do something special?
[02:24] <dan63043> ahh, i've read something just lately (i'm pretty new at this too)
[02:25] <dan63043> to get the same packages on your clients, I think I have a link you can read
[02:25] <Ashfire908> Ok.
[02:26] <dan63043> Updating your LTSP chroot
[02:27] <dan63043> http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/handbook/C/ltsp-updates.html
[02:29] <dan63043> I know that this is specifically for updates, but I think you need to do something similar to add packages for the clients
[02:29] <dan63043> but remember that i'm a noob (to ltsp)
[02:31] <Ashfire908> I bet there is a better way...
[02:32] <Ashfire908> Acutally, nvm.
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[06:34] <enigmaentity> hello all
[06:45] <enigmaentity> \join #ubuntu-meeting
[06:45] <enigmaentity> oops
[07:12] <enigmaentity> So are most of you devs or users?
[11:31] <juliux> hey ogra
[11:32] <ogra> hey
[11:32] <juliux> where have you been saturday?
[11:32] <juliux> we missed you at linuxtag
[11:32] <ogra> yeah, stuck in kassel
[11:33] <ogra> no trains
[11:33] <juliux> tsts
[11:33] <juliux> i talked with hans-peter merkel at linuxtag, liunux4afrika will switch to x2go
[11:33] <juliux> and they are not sure if they will use ubuntu longer
[11:51] <highvoltage> juli what is linux4africa?
[12:04] <ogra> juliux, why is that ?
[13:45] <ogra> stgraber, hmm, did x11vnc change ? italc seems to break on it
[13:46] * ogra just got a bunch of FTBFS mails
[15:16] <stgraber> ogra: oh ?
[15:17] <stgraber> ogra: I don't think it synced the x11vnc code ... can you forward the ftbfs mail ?
[15:18] <ogra> are you not getting the edubuntu-italc-team mails ?
[15:18] <ogra> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14902204/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.italc_1%3A1.0.8-0ubuntu1%7Eppa5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[15:35] <juliux> ogra: he doesn't like ltps any more an no ubuntu because he needs ldap support
[15:36] <juliux> ogra: but i only get this via a very short notice at the last day, so let's see what realy happen
[15:37] <juliux> ogra: and i think they are a little bit frustrated that they didn't get any support from canonical
[15:39] <ogra> did they ask ?
[15:59] <stgraber> ogra: I'm giving 1.0.9 a try in a pbuilder
[16:06] <stgraber> ogra: 1.0.9 fails too, so it's something in Intrepid that goes wrong ... /me wonders what
[16:06] <ogra> vnc being out of sync with X ? do we use any extrenal vnc builddep ?
[16:06] <stgraber> nope
[16:07] <stgraber> x11vnc is entirely integrated in iTalc's code (slightly modified IIRC)
[16:07] <ogra> hmm
[16:10] <stgraber> ogra: do you know if x11vnc built fine ?
[16:10] <ogra> no idea
[16:11] <stgraber> according to Tobias it should show the exact same problem
[16:13] <stgraber> I'm trying a rebuild of x11vnc here, if it fails it's either a bug we introduced in some build deps or an upstream bug (new gcc ?)
[16:19] <stgraber> ogra: x11vnc 0.9.3 built fine but iTalc's based on 0.9.4 so the bug might have been introduced in 0.9.4 beta
[16:19] <ogra> ah
[16:27] <stgraber> it's now building a 0.9.4 package of x11vnc (I just took the beta from upstream, no packaging changes were needed)
[16:27] <stgraber> if it fails it'll likely be an upstream bug
[16:28] <ogra> yeah
[16:42] <cwaters> Good morning.
[16:43] <cwaters> If I have an Ubuntu install already, to get edubuntu, is it just a matter of selecting the edubuntu-desktop packages?
[16:44] <cwaters> I have an old laptop that would be great for my son to use but there is no optical drive so I have to pxe boot etc....to do an install so I am hoping for a shortcut.
[16:44] <johnny> yes..
[16:44] <cwaters> Excellent.
[16:44] <johnny> it's just an addon cd in hardy
[16:44] <cwaters> That's what I thought but I just wanted to be sure before I started.
[16:45] <cwaters> #ubuntu
[16:45] <cwaters> whoops sorry
[18:01] <juliux> ogra: they mailed more then onetime somebody from canonical
[18:01] <juliux> ogra: for example jono about the linuxtag but there was no response
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