UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /31 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:31] <suRs> anyone know how to run windows on xubuntu samme time ?
[00:32] <thinkmassive> I use vmware server to run windows in a virtual machine
[00:32] <thinkmassive> it's free
[00:33] <suRs> btw if i downloaded a theme for my splash screen were should i extract it?
=== thomas__ is now known as The-Kernel
[04:41] <narothepharoh> problem with firefox just updated
[04:41] <narothepharoh> ASSERT: *** Search: _installLocation: engine has no file!
[04:41] <narothepharoh> Stack Trace:
[04:41] <narothepharoh> 0:ENSURE_WARN(false,_installLocation: engine has no file!,2147500037)
[04:41] <narothepharoh> 1:()
[04:41] <narothepharoh> 2:()
[04:41] <narothepharoh> 3:()
[04:41] <narothepharoh> 4:epsGetAttr([object Object],hidden)
[04:41] <narothepharoh> 5:()
[04:41] <narothepharoh> 6:()
[04:41] <narothepharoh> 7:currentEngine()
[04:41] <narothepharoh> 8:get_currentEngine()
[04:41] <narothepharoh> 9:updateDisplay()
[04:41] <narothepharoh> 10:init()
[04:41] <narothepharoh> 11:([object XULElement],13)
[04:44] <narothepharoh> ???
[04:44] <narothepharoh> just updated firefox and its not working now? firefox 3 beta 5
[05:54] <[RICE]> Does anybody know how to change the pager from miniature desktop view to where it only show's the desktop name (like openbox and fluxbox do)?
[06:42] <Qkall> hi i'm having a problem with getting desktop drapes working
[06:43] <Qkall> it just simply doesn't work... i assume the problem could be coming from me usings the typical ubuntu install and switching to xubuntu
[09:03] <Valsum> Morning
[09:38] <eustas> Hello there. I have the following sound problem: sound plays well in, for example, last.fm, but there is no sound in fish fillets ng. Any suggestions what is wrong?
[09:39] <Myrtti> you've installed the sound-package?
[09:39] <graxaim> fish fillets x_X
[09:41] <eustas> aptitude can't find "sound-package"
[09:42] <Myrtti> I guess you've got it installed since fillets is dependant on it
[09:42] <Myrtti> Depends: fillets-ng-data
[09:45] <eustas> i tried to install libsdl1.2debian-all instead of -alsa - didn't help
[09:46] <Myrtti> eustas: have you checked the bugs database if it's a bug?
[09:46] <Myrtti> /me checks
[09:47] <Myrtti> no bugs.
[09:48] <Myrtti> eustas: perhaps you'd find more fillets-players at #ubuntu?
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[10:15] <suRs> how do i change my splash screen?
[10:39] <suRs> no one here?
[11:06] <suRs> how do i get to desktop settings?
[11:20] <FreeFull> Hello. Today I started my computer, and the top panel suddenly looks all wrong. When I press the exit button it just exits the panel. I opened a terminal and when I start the panel I get this error:
[11:20] <FreeFull> ** (xfce4-panel:6445): CRITICAL **: Unable to close file handle for /home/freefull/.config/xfce4/panel/panels.xml.tmp: No space left on device
[11:20] <FreeFull> I also get this error: (xfce4-menu-plugin:6475): libxfce4util-CRITICAL **: Unable to write to file /home/freefull/.cache/xfce4/desktop/menu-cache--home-freefull-.config-xfce4-desktop-menu.xml.rc.6475.tmp: Unexpected internal error
[11:20] <FreeFull> Can anyone help please?
[11:26] <FreeFull> I got help in #xfce . Thank you anyway.
[12:57] <freefull> I had my partition full, and now it seems I lost my xfce4 preferences. Is there anything I can do?
[12:59] <freefull> Please, anybody help?
[13:17] <NameTaken> Perhaps a blonde moment but my file manager has huge text and I can't seem to find how to change that
[13:17] <NameTaken> everything else has normal text
[13:17] <NameTaken> It's on normal zoom and everything
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[16:18] <vecciora> How can I change wallpaper in WMaker?
[16:19] <TheSheep> vecciora: I can tell you how to change wallpaper in xubuntu
[16:22] <freefull> vecciora, go to #windowmaker .
[16:24] <Stroganoff> vecciora either with console: man xsetroot
[16:24] <Stroganoff> or just install the graphical wallpaper changer: sudo apt-get install gsetroot
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[17:01] <Qkall> hi i'm having a problem with getting desktop drapes working
[17:01] <TheSheep> desktop drapes?
[17:02] <Qkall> yes, it switches the background to a determined time
[17:02] <Qkall> it worked with regular ubuntu, i think the problem lies in switching
[17:03] <Qkall> i just downloaded the repo for xubuntu... i'm assuming its working "underneath"
[17:03] <TheSheep> well, xubuntu uses a different program to display the background
[17:03] <TheSheep> it's xfdesktop
[17:03] <Qkall> yeah, i assumed that.. how do i disable and/or get drapes to work on top?
[17:04] <TheSheep> if you just want to change wallpapers periodically, you can set a list of wallpapers in desktop settings and make some script that will send the USR1 signal to xfdesktop periodically
[17:04] <Qkall> wanna help a brotha out with that... because you slightly blew my mind...
[17:04] <TheSheep> for example with 'killall -USR1 xfdesktop'
[17:05] <Qkall> however, wouldn't it be easier to just disable xfdesktop?
[17:05] <TheSheep> then you don't get the icons on the desktop
[17:05] <Qkall> yeah i'm fine with that...i don't use em anyway
[17:05] <TheSheep> and no menus either
[17:05] <Qkall> herm, not so fine with that...
[17:05] <Qkall> lol
[17:06] <TheSheep> figures
[17:06] <Qkall> but i saw on my hunt for a solution on google, that there are xubuntu users using drapes
[17:06] <Qkall> but none of them seemed to have problems
[17:07] <TheSheep> no idea
[17:08] <Qkall> blast.
[17:17] <Qkall> herm i just thought, what if i somehow made the xfewm-desktop invisible?
[17:17] <Qkall> just the background?
[17:45] <joedoc55> One of the things that's always annoyed me about the *buntus is how to turn off the automatic screen blannking. I have Xubuntu 8.04 and the screen is configured to toss up a random saver, but the screen always blanks first. I cannot find a place to configure this in the setup tools. In Slackware, this was always easy. Any tips here?
[17:45] <Qkall> TheSheep: i figured out that script method... works great, thanks for pointing me into the direction!
[17:48] <aanderse> wait you can use a xubuntu 64bit alternate install cd to install a command line system, right?
[18:31] <anabelle> Hello
[18:31] <anabelle> Im trying to install xubuntu in an old Compaq presario....
[18:32] <anabelle> with 57MB of ram
[18:32] <anabelle> and AMD 500MHz processor
[18:33] <joedoc55> anabelle: might not work
[18:33] <TheSheep> good luck, with this amount of ram it will be horribly slow
[18:33] <anabelle> I'm using the alternate CD and after it asked me the machine name, it went to "Detecting Hardware" And began looping
[18:33] <joedoc55> not enough ram
[18:33] <anabelle> to a black screen, and back to detecting hardware
[18:33] <anabelle> is it RAM?
[18:33] <joedoc55> you might want to try damn small linux
[18:33] <anabelle> :(
[18:33] <joedoc55> DSL
[18:34] <anabelle> is it easy to use as ubuntu?
[18:34] <joedoc55> allegedly...
[18:34] <joedoc55> I've never used it myself
[18:34] <joedoc55> there's also Puppy Linux
[18:34] <anabelle> hmm I'm downloading it already
[18:34] <joedoc55> both are designed for low-resource systems
[18:34] <anabelle> Puppy?
[18:34] <joedoc55> yep
[18:34] <anabelle> thank you
[18:34] <joedoc55> yw
[18:35] <anabelle> wich one do you think it's better for some children in a rural school?
[18:35] <anabelle> ¿?
[18:35] <joedoc55> i'm not sure on how they're specifically configures
[18:35] <joedoc55> configured
[18:35] <joedoc55> have you looked on www.distrowatch.com
[18:35] <anabelle> it is the only PC in the whole school
[18:35] <anabelle> can you believe it?
[18:35] <joedoc55> lots if distro info there...
[18:35] <anabelle> it ran windows 98
[18:36] <Stroganoff> anabelle seriously, i would use this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=741631
[18:36] <anabelle> only paint and word installed and that was "education"
[18:36] <Stroganoff> only problems is, currently hardy is not able to install on 64mb or less due to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/202959
[18:37] <anabelle> thanks Stroganoff
[18:37] <joedoc55> annabelle, any chance of adding more ram?
[18:37] <Stroganoff> so you have to get the gutsy alternate cd, install it, upgrade to hardy and THEN run the minimal-ubuntu script
[18:37] <anabelle> so i should go with feisty?
[18:38] <anabelle> LOL ok
[18:38] <anabelle> I understand
[18:38] <anabelle> I dn't know if i can do it in one day woth a 100Ks connection dough
[18:39] <anabelle> I will try DSL or Puppy, and if I can't do it il take the PC home and bring it back later
[18:39] <anabelle> thanks, youl be hearing from me
[18:39] <joedoc55> what kind of apps do you need to run for the kids?
[18:39] <anabelle> edu-games
[18:39] <anabelle> mainly
[18:39] <anabelle> planets, atomix...
[18:40] <joedoc55> ok, you should be able to do that with the "smaller" distros.
[18:40] <anabelle> webrowsing...
[18:40] <anabelle> office
[18:40] <anabelle> drawing...
[18:40] <joedoc55> OpenOffice might be slow with that little ram
[18:40] <anabelle> abiword?
[18:41] <anabelle> what about firefox3?
[18:41] <joedoc55> yeah, should be okay
[18:41] <Myrtti> epiphany ♥
[18:41] <anabelle> i guess it can be used since is so resource friendly
[18:41] <joedoc55> i's stick with FF2
[18:41] <Stroganoff> problem is DSL is really inconveniant for beginners
[18:41] <Stroganoff> and puppy is quite ugly
[18:41] <joedoc55> gotta run it's raining and I'm outside....
[18:41] <joedoc55> yikes...
[18:42] <anabelle> do you know the debian netinstall?
[18:42] <anabelle> how about that?
[18:43] <anabelle> it maybe small...
[18:51] <Stroganoff> yes debian with icewm is an option. i should modify my script to support debian
=== new is now known as UC
[18:59] <UC> does version 8.04 work on AMD machines
[18:59] <ablomen> UC, sure
[19:05] <UC> Ablomen: thanks
[19:14] <aanderse> wait you can use a xubuntu 64bit alternate install cd to install a command line system, right?
[19:15] <ablomen> aanderse, yep
[19:23] <aanderse> ok, thanks
[20:34] <slow-motion> hi
[20:37] <slow-motion> i cant do the bash update. can someone help me?
[20:37] <siggjen> bash update?
[20:39] <slow-motion> the new bash paket that sits in the update-tool and wont come out
[20:39] <siggjen> is it on hold?
[20:40] <slow-motion> no it wont install
[20:42] <slow-motion> i use aptitude and deleted already download old pakets and try again. maybe it works now
[20:43] <siggjen> i like much better to use apt-get, but if you started with aptitude it might be a bad idea to change
[20:45] <slow-motion> i like aptitude because it "remembers" what pakets are installed and removes unused stuff when i remove some program connected to the paket
[20:55] <slow-motion> http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/200 < siggjen here is my problem with the paket
[20:56] <siggjen> try to install strace first
[20:56] <slow-motion> http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/201 < sorry forgot a line
[20:58] <siggjen> probably an idea to update as well
[20:58] <slow-motion> it wont install anything
[21:01] <slow-motion> siggjen strace is already installed
[21:04] <siggjen> did you try to update the package list?
[21:04] <slow-motion> yes
[21:05] <slow-motion> i tried nearly everything. this includes selling my soul to bill gates
[21:05] <siggjen> ever tired apt-get ?
[21:06] <slow-motion> yes
[21:06] <slow-motion> the same error
[21:07] <siggjen> probably an idea to wait for tomorrow and try again
[21:07] <slow-motion> i whait for nearly two weeks
[21:08] <siggjen> or for someone around here to do the painful return from idling
[21:16] <Sklivvz> helo
[21:17] <siggjen> ehlo
[21:17] <DaveKong> Have you tried posting on the ubuntu forums?
[21:19] <slow-motion> no
[21:21] <DaveKong> I suggest you try that.
[21:21] <DaveKong> Or at least search them for an answer
[21:22] <slow-motion> later. now i need to play tmw
[21:22] <DaveKong> http://ubuntuforums.org/
[21:22] <DaveKong> goodbye
[21:54] <Xbert> Hi
[21:59] <clementis> quit
[22:04] <cal> anyone have the package name for WINE?
[22:05] <narcan> wine
[22:05] <narcan> :)
[22:06] <cal> narcan: I'm trying to help a noob, he says its not working
[22:06] <narcan> maybe his sources.list don't complete
[22:06] <cal> possibly..
[22:07] <narcan> it is on universe repositories
[22:09] <Ben_Cs> hello
[22:09] <narcan> hi
[22:11] <Ben_Cs> i'm trying to config my usb audio. the device is /dev/dsp1. but can't make xfce4-mixer control it. vlc, audacious play sound in constant volume that i can't change. please help
[22:21] <clementis> Could gnome apps be started in xubuntu?
[22:22] <cal> clementis: probably
[22:58] <aanderse> my mouse is a little bit laggy sometimes... anyone ever experience that?
[23:05] <DaveKong> I am just testing something DaveKong
[23:06] <DaveKong> Can you say a line with my name in it? I am trying out different irc programs and want to see what the notification looks like
[23:07] <aanderse> hi DaveKong
[23:07] <DaveKong> thanks
[23:07] <aanderse> np DaveKong
[23:08] <DaveKong> sorry I don't know how to help you with your mouse aanderse :(
[23:09] <aanderse> well, i'm not really giving much to go off
[23:09] <aanderse> i just can't help but to notice since i got my new monitor
[23:09] <aanderse> the mouse is a little sluggish
[23:10] <DaveKong> I would make sure you have all the drivers up to date for the monitor and mouse
[23:10] <aanderse> heh, yeah
[23:15] <suRs> hello everyone
[23:16] <suRs> i have some questions anyone out there pro ?
[23:17] <aanderse> ask and you'll find out
[23:17] <aanderse> heh
[23:17] <suRs> well i be back i need to get some coca cola and settle down before :p
[23:17] <suRs> i start wokring more on my xubuntu :p
[23:17] <suRs> heh
[23:17] <suRs> so stay put aanderse
[23:21] <Tipper__> xunbuntu messes up when I start it
[23:21] <Tipper__> it says like type "help" for comannds and doesn proceed to login screen
[23:22] <aanderse> do you get the graphical login screen, or a text based login screen?
[23:22] <Tipper__> text
[23:22] <aanderse> so when you type your username and password it just doesn't log you in?
[23:24] <Tipper__> no it starts up but never proceeds to login screen
[23:24] <Tipper__> it proceeds to a text based screen
[23:24] <Tipper__> somthing about icebox or somthing
[23:24] <suRs> alright
[23:24] <suRs> lets get started aanderse you there?
[23:25] <aanderse> whats your issue?
[23:25] <suRs> well its not an issue its more likey how to make it done..
[23:25] <aanderse> k
[23:25] <suRs> iv been configuring my xubuntu
[23:25] <suRs> with a nice theme and icons .. and allso compiz-fusion emerald
[23:26] <Tipper__> aanderse: help?
[23:26] <aanderse> one sec brb
[23:27] <suRs> everything works fine right now and i really like my desktop the thing i cant understand or do its how to change splash screen and how to change mouse icons iv downloaded Ecliz-Full.tar.bz2 and 31140-kill.tar.gz but i dont know were to extarct them or how to load them. to work
[23:28] <suRs> one of them is icons for the mouse only you can chek them upp in xfce-look.org search the names but there is no istructions how to do it well thats what i need help with right now
[23:28] <aanderse> ok sorry Tipper__, so what exactly does the screen say?
[23:29] <aanderse> suRs: so you're issue is you want to install a cursor theme? you're using xubuntu, right?
[23:30] <Tipper__> I'll tell you 1 sec
[23:30] <suRs> yeah :P
[23:30] <aanderse> ok, link me to the cursor theme 1 sec
[23:31] <suRs> okej 1 sec
[23:31] <Tipper__> BusyBox V1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built-inshell (ash)
[23:32] <aanderse> busy box... that sounds like you aren't even booting into your xubuntu system, you're getting held up ...
[23:32] <aanderse> Tipper__: when did this start?
[23:32] <aanderse> did you just install or something?
[23:32] <Tipper__> when I try'ed to get wireless
[23:32] <Tipper__> I have a inspiron1501 and I was following some article on the forums
[23:33] <Tipper__> it said to reboot
[23:33] <Tipper__> so I did
[23:33] <suRs> http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Ecliz+(port)?content=76605
[23:33] <aanderse> could you link me?
[23:35] <Tipper__> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092
[23:35] <suRs> i might know what the problem is happends to me to when i tryed to isntall compiz
[23:35] <aanderse> so suRs, what you want to do
[23:35] <aanderse> is open thunar
[23:35] <suRs> did you logg in and everything runned ? well and after 3 secounds ur xubuntu failed?
[23:35] <Tipper__> aanderse: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092
[23:35] <aanderse> and go "view->show hidden files"
[23:36] <suRs> ah aanderse i whant to install that mouse point thing but i dont know how to :p
[23:36] <aanderse> so suRs, what you want to do
[23:36] <aanderse> is open thunar
[23:36] <aanderse> and go "view->show hidden files"
[23:36] <suRs> i whant to install this http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Ecliz+(port)?content=76605
[23:36] <aanderse> then create a folder called ".icons" if it doesn't already exist
[23:36] <aanderse> so Tipper__
[23:37] <aanderse> do you know what "grub" is?
[23:37] <suRs> aanderse i did have that .icons but i removed it and you know what happend when i tryed to make a new one? it said it alredy exist but i cant see it
[23:37] <suRs> what should i do?
[23:37] <aanderse> suRs: then extract the .tar.gz you got from that link into the .icons folder
[23:38] <Tipper__> aanderse: no
[23:38] <suRs> how shouldi extract it im new im not quiet good yet with the terminal comands
[23:43] <suRs> hm
[23:43] <suRs> somting wrong with irc
[23:44] <aanderse> and go "view->show hidden files"
[23:44] <aanderse> it's there, it's just hidden
[23:44] <aanderse> all folders and files that start with a dot (.) are hidden
[23:45] <suRs> nice
[23:45] <suRs> okej i see icons
[23:45] <MrGneissGuy> hey, is there any way to install xubuntu through lan WITHOUT the use of an optical disk?
[23:45] <Tipper__> aanderse: what do you need?
[23:45] <XiXaQ> MrGneissGuy, hehe, that was just the question I was going to ask. :)
[23:46] <suRs> i should just extract them to .icons?
[23:46] <MrGneissGuy> lol, hope our chances of getting an answer are doubled
[23:46] <suRs> it worked nice
[23:47] <XiXaQ> MrGneissGuy, it's possible if your computer can boot from the network, but you'll have to configure a few services on the server side. I've never done that myself.
[23:47] <MrGneissGuy> My lappy's optical drive is broken and my desktop runs xp and ubuntu
[23:47] <Tipper__> aanderse: what is grub
[23:48] <cal> Tipper__: a boot loader
[23:48] <aanderse> Tipper__: your problem isn't a xubuntu specific problem
[23:48] <aanderse> you seem to have borked your kernel
[23:48] <MrGneissGuy> right now, lappy runs xp. is it possible to do this with my current config?
[23:48] <aanderse> in the future, don't do crazy things like compiling kernel modules if you don't know what it means (unless someone is gonna walk you through it step by step)
[23:49] <aanderse> suRs: ok so you're up and running?
[23:49] <aanderse> Tipper__: reading your thread
[23:49] <Tipper__> aanderse: what is grub
[23:50] <aanderse> <cal> Tipper__: a boot loader
[23:50] <aanderse> Tipper__: when you turn on your computer, at one point does it give you an option on which kernel to choose OR does it say "press esc for more options"
[23:50] <aanderse> ?
[23:50] <Tipper__> it says do you want xp or xunbuntu
[23:50] <Tipper__> xubuntu*
[23:50] <aanderse> ok, that is what grub is
[23:51] <aanderse> so does it give you a couple options for xubuntu?
[23:51] <aanderse> or just one?
[23:51] <Tipper__> just one
[23:51] <Tipper__> to for xp though
[23:52] <suRs> yeah
[23:52] <suRs> i got it
[23:52] <suRs> hum
[23:52] <Tipper__> 2*
[23:52] <suRs> were should i extract splash screen ?
[23:52] <suRs> in icons or theme?
[23:52] <aanderse> is it a xfce splash screen?
[23:52] <suRs> yeah let me link it
[23:53] <Tipper__> what aanderse ?
[23:53] <MrGneissGuy> XiXaQ --- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28948
[23:53] <suRs> http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Kill+Xfce+Balou+Theme?content=31140
[23:53] <suRs> this one.
[23:53] <suRs> and allso while wer at it can you see the text he has besdide?
[23:54] <suRs> on the cpu netwrok everything how do i fix that thing?
[23:54] <suRs> i whant it allso like that on my desktop
[23:54] <aanderse> Tipper__: hmmm ... i'm not entirely sure, thinking
[23:55] <Tipper__> ok thanks
[23:55] <Tipper__> I deinstalled it btw
[23:55] <Tipper__> a while ago
[23:55] <Tipper__> the reinstalled and it didn't work
[23:56] <Tipper__> and now it is currently destalled
[23:56] <aanderse> suRs: brb...
[23:56] <Tipper__> deinstalled*
[23:56] <suRs> alright