UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /29 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
[01:03] <xephos> hi there, anyone out there?
[01:09] <zoredache> maybe...
[01:09] <zoredache> !ask
[01:09] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[01:10] <xephos> !ask
[01:10] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[01:10] <xephos> i see that's a bot
[01:12] <xephos> well, to anyone out there: I just installed Xubuntu, I have a second internal hard drive that Xubuntu knows is there when i ran fdisk -l but when i tried to mount it, i could only see this single document with a name that looked like a small matrix (like 2x2 matrix). any ideas?
[01:14] <xephos> it's a FAT32 btw
[01:36] <Vencabot> Hey, Xubuntu. For some reason, after applying settings with the nvidia-settings tool, Xfce's Display Settings offers 1680x1510@88 resolution. If I restart X server, though, this option is gone and I'm back at 1680x1510@51 resolution. Any advice?
[01:39] <cody-somerville> Vencabot, try "default"?
[01:39] <Vencabot> I let nvidia-settings change my xorg.conf, and it added some nice HorizSync and VertRefresh lines that I didn't have before, but even with this new xorg.conf I can only get 1680x1510@88 if I go through the nvidia-settings tool first.
[01:40] <Vencabot> I'm not sure what rates Default uses, but before I go through nvidia-settings, 1680x1050@88 isn't even an option.
[01:41] <Vencabot> (I didn't mean 1510 before, I meant 1050.)
[01:43] <Vencabot> I'm just curious where Xcfe's settings manager is getting all of these values from, and why applying changes through nvidia-settings would only change my list of possible values temporarily.
[01:47] <xephos> Hey there, maybe one of you has an idea about this. I just installed Xubuntu, I have a second internal hard drive that Xubuntu knows is there when i ran fdisk -l but when i tried to mount it, i could only see this single (i guess txt) document with a name that looked like a small matrix (like 2x2 matrix). any ideas?
=== thomas__ is now known as The-Kernel
[06:32] <slimjimflim> anybody know what packages correspond to these libraries? * xlib (pkg-config xlib) - Standard Xlib library
[06:32] <slimjimflim> * xtst (pkg-config xtest) - XTEST library
[08:53] <zorglu_> q. im planning to install xubuntu on a EEEpc, how large is the install on disk ?
[10:02] <nacre> It seems to use 3,5G atm
[10:04] <nacre> pretty strange.. I updated xfce4 to 4.4.2 and now global shortcuts don't work untill I open/close keyboard settings..
[13:08] <KOJV> The programs require the kernel module i8k.o which can be compiled from the package sources or found in Linux kernel 2.4.14 and later versions.
[13:09] <KOJV> Where can I get that kernel module? Thanks!
[13:09] <Myrtti> type "uname -a"
[13:10] <KOJV> Linux ellenor-laptop 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
[13:10] <Myrtti> 2.6.24 > 2.4.14; but you don't have that?
[13:11] <Myrtti> I've got it in my laptop
[13:11] <Myrtti> are you trying to compile something?
[13:11] <KOJV> Myrtti: trying to install i8kfans.
[13:11] <KOJV> Or, well, it's installed but it won't run.
[13:11] <KOJV> I'm just fishing in the dark here.
[13:12] <Myrtti> where did you download from?
[13:12] <KOJV> debian.org or something.. .also tried downloading it from the main respitory.
[13:13] <Myrtti> ahem, ok.
[13:16] <KOJ1> Sorry, the machine hung.
=== KOJ1 is now known as KOJV
[13:18] <KOJV> As I said, I'm trying to run i8kfans, fishing in the dark here...
[13:24] <KOJV> Nobody knows how to make i8kfans work?
[13:28] <Stroganoff> KOJV have you loaded ther kernel module? i8k.ko
[13:29] <Stroganoff> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-216652.html
[13:29] <Stroganoff> this thread also suggests to update your BIOS
[13:46] <The_ManU_212> hi
[13:46] <The_ManU_212> i installed hardy on a machine with ati radeon 9200 graphicscard
[13:46] <The_ManU_212> it doesnt detect the card and uses vesa
[13:47] <The_ManU_212> the hardware manager also doesnt show any propitary driver
[13:47] <The_ManU_212> the new fglrx doesnt supportr this card anymore
[13:47] <The_ManU_212> so i wanted to install the 8.28 driver manually, but it didnt worked, to many errors also because /bin/sh is dash ...
[13:47] <The_ManU_212> how can i get 3d acceleration?
[13:48] <cody-somerville> Install envy-ng
[13:48] <The_ManU_212> cody-somerville: do you have any howto?
[13:48] <The_ManU_212> and then my card is running?
[13:48] <Myrtti> !envy
[13:48] <ubottu> envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.
[13:48] <deniz_ogut> Hello. xubuntu 8.04 /turkish locale here. After my recent updates,I coudn't sign as my default user,which was an old one (3 distro upgrade) . I managed to solve it in some ways.I want to open a bug report but I don't knowhowto create the same conditions. Someone who had floating_ aced the same issue?
[13:49] <Myrtti> !info envy-ng
[13:49] <ubottu> Package envy-ng does not exist in hardy
[13:49] <cody-somerville> http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html
[13:49] <deniz_ogut> ... or should we burrysuch things to the history?
[13:49] <Myrtti> do'h
[13:50] <The_ManU_212> cody-somerville: i have an ATI card
[13:50] <cody-somerville> The_ManU_212, It works for nvidia and ATI
[13:50] <The_ManU_212> Myrtti: hm thats bad :(
[13:50] <Myrtti> it should be there...
[13:51] <The_ManU_212> cody-somerville: but as it seems hardy has no envy source?
[13:51] <cody-somerville> !info envy-gtk
[13:51] <Myrtti> !info envyng-gtk
[13:51] <ubottu> Package envy-gtk does not exist in hardy
[13:51] <ubottu> envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB
[13:51] <cody-somerville> there you go
[13:52] <The_ManU_212> which package shall i install?
[13:52] <The_ManU_212> envyng-gtk?
[13:54] <nacre> Can anyone help.. I updated xfce4 to 4.4.2 and now global shortcuts won't work until I open&close keyboard settings?
[13:55] <Myrtti> The_ManU_212: yes
[13:56] <The_ManU_212> Myrtti: ok i'll try xubuntu currently is reinstalling, because i destroyed my system beacause of changes with bash and das
[13:56] <The_ManU_212> h
[14:23] <Tobias78> Hi, I'm KOJV, the official dumbnut IRCing on the machine that keeps hanging from overheating... please repeat any messages to me for the past five minutes. Thanks a lot!
[14:25] <Tobias78> Can someone please help me get i8kfans running? It's a Debian project that I try to run on Xubuntu. Dell Inspiron 8200 with new, 2-wire fans (no yellow wire to control them). I need i8kfans to make the fans run. Works fine in Windows. Please help!
[14:27] <cody-somerville> Tobias78, :/
[14:28] <Tobias78> cody-somerville?
[14:38] <The_ManU_212> where is the config of xfterm4?
[14:39] <The_ManU_212> because tehre is something wrong, graphic bugs i cant see all i type etc
[14:39] <The_ManU_212> i installed xubuntu new
[14:39] <The_ManU_212> so it has to be in /home ehich i only mounted
[14:45] <The_ManU_212> some one can help?
[14:55] <ron_o> egads.. I gotta a serious issue with, apparently, gnome-power-prefernces.... my computer keeps suspending after only a few minutes...
[14:56] <ron_o> however, I changes something in my power preferences to keep going (maybe)..
[14:56] <The_ManU_212> where is the xfterm4 config situated?
[14:56] <The_ManU_212> i have graphical issues, cant read the text (it is nooo font problem)
[14:57] <TheSheep> The_ManU_212: in ~/.config/terminal/terminalrc
[14:58] <ron_o> under >> preferences >> actions
[14:59] <ron_o> dying here
[15:02] <Tobias78> Can someone please help me get i8kfans running? It's a Debian project that I try to run on Xubuntu. Dell Inspiron 8200 with new, 2-wire fans (no yellow wire to control them). I need i8kfans to make the fans run. Works fine in Windows. Please help!
[15:13] <ron_o> my computer keeps trying to suspend without my authorization.
[15:13] <ron_o> I just logged out and back in and it's doing OK this second, but who knows in a few minutes..
[15:14] <ron_o> I changed my gnome-power-preferences to ask me what to do when the power button is clicked and then all of a sudden the shutdown/suspend sequence started..
[15:15] <ron_o> otherwise it would suspend automatically.
[15:16] <Tobias78> Running Xubuntu, this Inspiron 8200 suddenly hangs, with CapsLock and ScrollLock lights flashing. Anybody dare guess why?
[15:24] <TheSheep> Tobias78: kernel panic
[15:25] <AlexCONRAD> hi, I just install hardy
[15:25] <AlexCONRAD> and i'm new to xubuntu
[15:25] <AlexCONRAD> (or ubuntu in general)
[15:25] <AlexCONRAD> i can't find the patch command
[15:25] <AlexCONRAD> sudo patch doesn't work neiether
[15:25] <AlexCONRAD> neither
[15:26] <TheSheep> AlexCONRAD: what are you trying to do?
[15:26] <AlexCONRAD> TheSheep: hi, i'm trying to patch a file to compile a module
[15:26] <AlexCONRAD> TheSheep: and patch doesn't seem to be installed
[15:26] <TheSheep> AlexCONRAD: install the 'build-essential' package
[15:27] <AlexCONRAD> aah
[15:27] <TheSheep> it will install the compiler and most tools
[15:27] <AlexCONRAD> ok, now, I have no network on my computer
[15:27] <AlexCONRAD> as I'm trying to patch the network card module
[15:27] <AlexCONRAD> is build-essential on the xubuntu CD ?
[15:28] <AlexCONRAD> and i've never played with .debs before... i'm comming from fedora (rpms)
[15:28] <AlexCONRAD> so i'm still a little unconfortable with all that
[15:34] <Tobias78> TheSheep, how come?
[15:34] <AlexCONRAD> I have found the build-essentials package in the cdrom under main/b/build-essentials
[15:34] <Myrtti> uh-oh
[15:34] <Myrtti> just enable the cd as a repository in the package manager
[15:34] <AlexCONRAD> (or something like that, the pc is in the other room)
[15:35] <AlexCONRAD> package manager ... right. I'll look for that. Its in the menus ?
[15:35] <Myrtti> applications - system - software sources
[15:35] <Myrtti> tick cd on
[15:35] <AlexCONRAD> (because double clicking the .deb complains about dependencies)
[15:35] <AlexCONRAD> thanks Myrtti
[15:35] <AlexCONRAD> ill go try that, brb
[15:36] <Myrtti> then you can install the bugger with synaptic
[15:36] <AlexCONRAD> what's the bugger for ?
[15:36] <Myrtti> and it'll pull the dependencies too
[15:36] <Myrtti> the bugger = build-synaptics
[15:36] <AlexCONRAD> synaptics ?
[15:36] <AlexCONRAD> :p
[15:36] <Myrtti> sorry
[15:36] <Myrtti> need coffee
[15:36] <Myrtti> brain fart
[15:41] <Tobias78> Anyone know how to put i8k in the systray?
=== Eric78 is now known as KOJV
[16:08] <platyhelminth> How to use 32 bit binaries on 64 bit Ubuntu (or Xubuntu)
[16:34] <The_ManU_212> envy-ng detects my ati radeon 9200 correctly, but says that the legacy driver which works with this card not available is for hardy, what to do for 3d acceleration?
[16:36] <deniz_ogut> Sorry just asking for info: Is the default viewer for image files gimp and the default reader/viewer for plain text files OpenOfice in Xubuntu? I use xubuntu and was upgrading via Web for the last 3 distro and nowI added a newuser and its the case. Am I missing something?
[16:36] <suRs> hello everyone
[16:36] <deniz_ogut> hi
[16:36] <suRs> i neeed help :D
[16:37] <deniz_ogut> sak
[16:37] <deniz_ogut> ask
[16:37] <Myrtti> deniz_ogut: nope, in xubuntu there isn't even openoffice installed by default
[16:37] <deniz_ogut> interesting.
[16:37] <suRs> hay myrtti
[16:37] <Myrtti> hi suRs
[16:37] <suRs> so myrtti
[16:37] <suRs> im going to send you a link
[16:38] <suRs> on my laptop configurations .. and you are going to give me an advice for best linux to my computer
[16:38] <Myrtti> uh-oh :-)
[16:38] <deniz_ogut> ok, i installed OperOffice bymyself once a time but why its the default fon text files? should I enter a bug?
[16:38] <Myrtti> I'm not such a good hardware expert
[16:38] <Myrtti> deniz_ogut: you can change that yourself
[16:39] <deniz_ogut> of course I can and I di I am asking for the benefit of the humanity. maybe there's a bug.
[16:39] <Myrtti> click a text file with the right mouse button, select Open with other application
[16:39] <deniz_ogut> i kknowdear friend.
[16:39] <Myrtti> you've probably changed it yourself by accident
[16:40] <deniz_ogut> maybe. but you knowits hard. I'm a good linuxuser.
[16:42] <deniz_ogut> is there any developer here who wishes to know more about the situation?
[16:43] <The_Kernel> wrong channel deniz_ogut
[16:43] <The_Kernel> :/
[16:43] <deniz_ogut> which one?
[16:45] <deniz_ogut> @The_Kernel: problem is this:i am not a member of developers or so and I dan't want to enter a bug if its nonsense.
[16:46] <The_Kernel> Its nonsense :/
[16:47] <deniz_ogut> so... ok... but my machine does so. anyway ok. ı just warnted to warn if its a bug. i see that it is not.
[16:48] <suRs> http://www.laptopsdirect.co.uk/HP_Compaq_Business_Notebook_nc6400_RM106AW-UUZ/version.asp
[16:48] <suRs> annyone can tell witch Op system for me is best if i use this computer!
[16:49] <y4ndexx> Linux.
[16:49] <deniz_ogut> @suRs: what is the problem?
[16:49] <suRs> yes but witch linux?
[16:49] <suRs> well the problem is i dont know what ubuntu i should use becose i can run compiz on this laptop
[16:50] <suRs> and my laptop is pretty good one it costed 2.300 usd! in the beggning -.-
[16:50] <deniz_ogut> what is your RAM?
[16:50] <y4ndexx> Why can't you try the Live CD versions?
[16:50] <suRs> 1024 mb 667 mhz i think
[16:50] <suRs> i just installed ubuntu from my windows
=== effie is now known as effie_jayx
[16:51] <deniz_ogut> not procesessor but ram i ask like 128 256 1 GB etc...
[16:51] <suRs> 1 Gb
[16:51] <y4ndexx> deniz: he told ya already.
[16:51] <deniz_ogut> ubuntu is just for you.
[16:51] <suRs> the orginal one?
[16:51] <deniz_ogut> if you like to use xubuntu;its a matter of taste.
[16:52] <deniz_ogut> if you want one answer: ubuntu
[16:52] <y4ndexx> *buntu
[16:52] <deniz_ogut> ....my opinion for sure.
[16:52] <Myrtti> suRs: you're not going to get unbiased answers here ;-)
[16:52] <suRs> what verison on ubuntu should i use then?
[16:52] <deniz_ogut> what can i do.you see the q...
[16:52] <y4ndexx> 8.04 LTS
[16:52] <suRs> what does lts mean?
[16:53] <y4ndexx> 8 means 2008, .04 means April, LTS means Long Term Support.
[16:53] <deniz_ogut> means its hard to answer distro questions...
[16:53] <y4ndexx> Use Ubuntu.
[16:53] <deniz_ogut> but i believe that ubuntu is right for you.
[16:53] <y4ndexx> Try the live version.
[16:53] <suRs> i dont have the cd
[16:53] <y4ndexx> Burn one.
[16:53] <suRs> i have it on the map
[16:54] <y4ndexx> map?
[16:54] <suRs> on my windows im not good at burnign stuff i might ask my boyfriend but hes no home
[16:54] <suRs> yeah i downloaded it and extraced it and installed it
[16:54] <y4ndexx> umm...
[16:54] <deniz_ogut> ???
[16:55] <Myrtti> wubi
[16:55] <suRs> well
[16:55] <suRs> i guess i just ahve to reinstall it again
[16:55] <y4ndexx> well, if it's installed, what's the problem?
[16:55] <deniz_ogut> @suRs: do you have a install CD at han? a linuxone maybe an ubuntu?
[16:55] <deniz_ogut> *hand
[16:55] <suRs> no i dont have a cd
[16:56] <deniz_ogut> howdid you install it?
[16:56] <suRs> I have all files on A map in my windows op witch i used to install my xubuntu
[16:56] <y4ndexx> The best way to know if Ubuntu will work, is to run it from live CD.
[16:56] <suRs> well i just doubble klicked O_o on the exe
[16:56] <suRs> xd
[16:56] <deniz_ogut> oh ok, you downloaded but doesnt have CD . rigt?
[16:56] <suRs> yeah
[16:56] <suRs> i havnt burned it :p
[16:56] <suRs> he
[16:57] <deniz_ogut> would you please wait a minute.
[16:57] <deniz_ogut> i wiml supply you with the info how you have the cd.
[16:59] <deniz_ogut> @suRs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto
[17:00] <deniz_ogut> @suRs: is it what you need?
[17:01] <deniz_ogut> @suRs: I mean: first you have an installCD at had and you can install ubuntu with that CD.
[17:02] <deniz_ogut> so you have to create this as an ISO CD image.
[17:21] <slaine_> Hey guys, just installed Xubuntu (Hardy) on an old Vaio laptop I have. Performs really well. However, I'm having a cosmetic issue with Terminal, for some reason, the window decorations aren't rendering properly. All other windows seem to render correctly
[17:22] <slaine_> anyone any suggestions ?
[17:30] <suRs> im back now
[17:31] <suRs> sorry if i took a while :D
[17:33] <suRs> i dont have any cd to burn on :S
[17:36] <suRs> deniz
[17:36] <zoredache> suRs: he left
[17:36] <suRs> are you saying there is somting wrong with my xubuntu couse i isntalled if from windows?
[17:38] <suRs> im sick of trying to fix my linux on my computer im not doing any progress at all
[17:38] <suRs> :/
[17:38] <zoredache> there is nothing wrong with it, but linux would be a bit faster if you created a new partition and installed from the cd...
[17:39] <suRs> well
[17:39] <zoredache> suRs: you are going to need to be more specific... 'not doing any progress' doesn't mean anything to me
[17:39] <suRs> first i would like to know how to use it before i do so
[17:41] <suRs> and i dont know if that willl work on my laptop
[17:41] <suRs> i dont have ati or nvidia card
[17:44] <suRs> how do i install themes on my xubuntu ? :D
[17:46] <Odd-rationale> !xfce-themes | suRs
[17:46] <ubottu> suRs: Themes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/ To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites
[17:47] <suRs> how do i unpack stuff ? and install
[17:47] <Odd-rationale> suRs: use xarchiver
[17:49] <suRs> okej thanks boys i will try to get somting nice =) and really good replay time!
[17:49] <suRs> question
[17:50] <suRs> when i look for themes GTK 1.x and GTK 2.x and Xfce witch one shoild i look for?
[17:50] <Odd-rationale> xfce or gtk2
[17:51] <suRs> thanks!
[18:10] <suRs> how do i get a 3d desktop on my xubuntu?
[18:15] <Odd-rationale> suRs: you will need compiz and a good grphics card that suports compositing and stuff
[18:15] <suRs> meh
[18:15] <suRs> i have intel graphic card
[18:16] <suRs> i can playe 3d games on windows with it
[18:16] <Odd-rationale> can you run glxgears ?
[18:17] <suRs> whats that?
[18:17] <Odd-rationale> suRs: run glxgears from a terminal and see if it runs smoothly...
[18:18] <suRs> i hvae to install it
[18:18] <suRs> shall i install it?
[18:18] <Odd-rationale> suRs: yeah
[18:19] <suRs> yeah
[18:19] <suRs> it runs perfekt
[18:19] <suRs> for me
[18:19] <suRs> no laggs or anything
[18:19] <suRs> and i have like alot stuff upp
[18:19] <Odd-rationale> suRs: ok. then compiz may work for you...
[18:20] <suRs> yeah
[18:20] <suRs> but when i did a compiz check before
[18:20] <suRs> i got 3 fails
[18:20] <suRs> and i dont know why
[18:20] <suRs> omg
[18:20] <suRs> i dont now
[18:20] <suRs> i good all green
[18:20] <suRs> it says [ok] on all
[18:21] <suRs> rationale i love you thanks ! :D
[18:21] <suRs> brb
[18:22] <Odd-rationale> :?
[18:25] <suRs> back
[18:25] <suRs> rationale were can i find a guide to install compiz?
[18:26] <Odd-rationale> suRs: it is very easy. just do "sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager"
[18:28] <suRs> thanks :D
[18:28] <suRs> your pro at linux?
[18:28] <Odd-rationale> ...
[18:29] <Odd-rationale> i like to think i am... :?
[18:29] <suRs> hehe well i just started like 1 week ago
[18:29] <suRs> but i havnt improved anything
[18:29] <suRs> anyway i downloade the stuff what should i do now?
[18:29] <Odd-rationale> suRs: is it installed?
[18:29] <suRs> i have no idea how do i know?
[18:30] <Odd-rationale> well, if you ran the command i gave you, it should download and install those packages...
[18:30] <suRs> well
[18:30] <suRs> i did do that command and alot of stuff happend
[18:30] <suRs> do i have to active it or restart somting?
[18:30] <Odd-rationale> try going to applications --> settings --> advance desktop effects
[18:31] <suRs> okej im in at desktop effects
[18:31] <Odd-rationale> in gerneral options, go to the desktop size tab
[18:31] <Odd-rationale> then set hor. = 4, ver. = 1, and no. of desktops = 1
[18:32] <suRs> done
[18:32] <Odd-rationale> back in the main screen, enable these plugins: desktop cube, rotate cube
[18:32] <Odd-rationale> wobbly windows
[18:33] <suRs> effectsp
[18:33] <suRs> i can see alot of 3d stuff and so on icons
[18:33] <Odd-rationale> cube caps
[18:34] <suRs> i have cube reflection
[18:34] <suRs> and 3d windows
[18:34] <Odd-rationale> i think those will be good enough for now.
[18:34] <suRs> and alot of other stuff
[18:34] <Odd-rationale> you can play with the others later.
[18:34] <Odd-rationale> just make sure you have the ones i mentioned above ^
[18:34] <suRs> should i disabel desktop wall?
[18:34] <Odd-rationale> suRs: yes
[18:35] <suRs> witch one
[18:35] <suRs> did you mentioned?
[18:35] <suRs> i didnt se
[18:35] <Odd-rationale> desktop cube, rotate cube, wobbly windows, cube caps
[18:36] <Odd-rationale> suRs: got those?
[18:36] <suRs> wait
[18:36] <suRs> im looking for them
[18:37] <y4ndexx> Will Compiz work on GeForce 2?
[18:38] <suRs> i have dsk cube rot cube wobbly and i have cube gears cube reflection 3d windows trailfocus fading windows
[18:38] <Odd-rationale> y4ndexx: probably...
[18:39] <Odd-rationale> suRs: oh, go back to general options. and in the opacity tab, change the opcatiy during rotation to somthin like 40 %
[18:40] <suRs> im in general now were can i find opacity?
[18:40] <Odd-rationale> or maybe it is called the appearence tab, i don't remember...
[18:40] <suRs> ah
[18:40] <suRs> i see it
[18:40] <suRs> opacity settings
[18:40] <Odd-rationale> but there should be an option for opcatiy during rotation
[18:41] <suRs> i cant se that
[18:41] <suRs> only opactiy step
[18:41] <Odd-rationale> suRs: then that is the wrong tab...\
[18:41] <suRs> hm
[18:42] <Odd-rationale> wait. actually, i think it is in the desktop cube settings... sorry
[18:42] <Odd-rationale> suRs: click on the desktop cube plugin...
[18:42] <suRs> yeah
[18:42] <suRs> found it
[18:42] <suRs> its at 100.0000 atm
[18:42] <suRs> should i go down to 40?
[18:42] <Odd-rationale> set it to like between 40 -60
[18:42] <Odd-rationale> hey brb.
[18:43] <Odd-rationale> real quick..
[18:43] <suRs> done
[18:43] <suRs> 54.2079
[18:44] <suRs> now what? :D
[18:45] <Odd-rationale> ok back
[18:46] <Odd-rationale> close the advance settings and lets see if it works
[18:46] <Odd-rationale> ready?
[18:46] <suRs> yeah
[18:46] <suRs> how do i do?
[18:46] <Odd-rationale> do alt+f2
[18:46] <suRs> yeah done
[18:47] <Odd-rationale> and type in "compiz --replace" without the quotes and press enter
[18:47] <suRs> okej done
[18:47] <Odd-rationale> try rotateing the cube with ctrl+alt+left/right
[18:48] <Odd-rationale> or better yet. ctrl+alt+leftmouse_button_press_and_hold_and_move_mouse_around
[18:49] <suRs> okej somting just happend
[18:49] <suRs> my linux just turned down
[18:49] <Odd-rationale> what happened?
[18:49] <suRs> maybe
[18:49] <suRs> its the rotate?
[18:50] <suRs> couse everything els works
[18:50] <suRs> omg!
[18:50] <suRs> it worked when i turned
[18:50] <suRs> the thing over
[18:50] <Odd-rationale> try ctrl+alt+leftmouse_button_press_and_hold_and_move_mouse_around
[18:51] <Odd-rationale> uh,oh...
[18:51] <suRs> well
[18:51] <suRs> my computer shouts down
[18:51] <suRs> or it comes some black text
[18:51] <suRs> and i have to logg in again
[18:52] <suRs> but i can turn the window
[18:52] <Odd-rationale> suRs: i guess, your computer doesn't like compiz...
[18:52] <suRs> by klicking on my bar .. down you know
[18:52] <suRs> maybe
[18:52] <suRs> its the rotate thingy?
[18:53] <Odd-rationale> to turn off compiz, do alt+f2 and type in "xfwm4 --replace"
[18:53] <suRs> done
[18:54] <suRs> well
[18:54] <suRs> it didnt work i still have compiz on i think
[18:54] <Odd-rationale> suRs: what didn't work? xfwm4 --replace ?
[18:54] <suRs> yea
[18:55] <Odd-rationale> you mean you still have compiz running?
[18:55] <suRs> yeah
[18:55] <Odd-rationale> suRs: what version of xubuntu you running?
[18:55] <suRs> the newest one
[18:55] <Odd-rationale> 8.04?
[18:55] <suRs> hm
[18:55] <suRs> i uppdated
[18:56] <Odd-rationale> lsb_release -a
[18:56] <Odd-rationale> for version ifo
[18:56] <suRs> yeah
[18:56] <suRs> 8.04 hardy ubuntu
[18:57] <Odd-rationale> suRs: try "xfwm4 --replace" again
[18:58] <suRs> nothing happend
[18:58] <suRs> hmm
[18:59] <suRs> odd you said cube caps should be on right?
[18:59] <Odd-rationale> yeah... makes it look better..
[18:59] <suRs> i didnt have it on
[18:59] <Odd-rationale> should make it crash though...
[19:00] <suRs> aaa
[19:00] <Odd-rationale> suRs: you can get more expert help in the #compiz channel
[19:00] <suRs> it works now
[19:00] <suRs> to rotate it
[19:00] <suRs> it works
[19:00] <Odd-rationale> i need to go eat lunch...
[19:00] <suRs> when will you be back?
[19:00] <Odd-rationale> sorry, i could help more...
[19:00] <Odd-rationale> couln't
[19:01] <suRs> but when will you be back then?
[19:01] <Odd-rationale> i'll be back when i'm done...
[19:01] <Odd-rationale> depends how hungry i am...
[19:01] <Odd-rationale> but there are plenty of more knowledgeable people around. here and in the #compiz channel...
[19:01] <suRs> alright ill wait for you i got more questions :p
[19:12] <suRs> anyone here?
[19:15] <cody-somerville> yup
[19:24] <suRs> hmm
[19:25] <Odd-rationale> i'm back...
[19:25] <Odd-rationale> hello, cody-somerville :)
[19:25] <cody-somerville> :)
[19:25] <cody-somerville> \o_
[19:25] <suRs> ahha :p okej odd
[19:26] <Odd-rationale> cody-somerville: i usually answer that question in the negative... ;)
[19:26] <Odd-rationale> suRs: wasup?
[19:26] <suRs> well
[19:26] <suRs> iv been mixing and
[19:26] <suRs> when i start the 3d Windows
[19:27] <suRs> and have compiz on thats why crashes my linux
[19:27] <Odd-rationale> hmm. well, 3d windows was part of the unstbale plugins not too long ago. i guess it still has some bugs...
[19:28] <Odd-rationale> suRs: so if you disable 3d windows, does everything else work? rotation, opacity, ect?
[19:28] <suRs> yeah
[19:28] <suRs> everything
[19:29] <suRs> works fine
[19:29] <suRs> i think its some settings
[19:29] <suRs> in 3d that crashes my linux
[19:29] <suRs> so i have to find the right onces.. but i know the 3d work so thats not the problem
[19:29] <Odd-rationale> and if you log off, restart X, and log back in, is compiz still running? or do you have to start it again with alt+f2 "compiz --replace" ?
[19:30] <suRs> i have to start it
[19:30] <suRs> with alt f2 allways when i logg off
[19:30] <Odd-rationale> suRs: well do you prefer it that way? or would you like to have it autostart?
[19:32] <suRs> i would like to ahve it on start
[19:32] <suRs> so i dont have to press alt alt f2 allways :p
[19:32] <suRs> might be annyoing
[19:33] <Odd-rationale> suRs: go to Applications --> settings --> autostarted applications
[19:33] <Odd-rationale> click add
[19:34] <Odd-rationale> for Name: Compiz Fusion, Descrption: Desktop Effects, Command: compiz --replace
[19:34] <suRs> ice
[19:34] <suRs> nice
[19:34] <suRs> done
[19:34] <Odd-rationale> suRs: then try logging out and back in...
[19:35] <suRs> okej brb
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[19:56] <suRs> hay opp
[19:57] <Odd-rationale> me?
[19:57] <suRs> yeah
[19:57] <suRs> sorry sotming is worng
[19:57] <suRs> i coulnt restart my xubuntu
[19:57] <Odd-rationale> :?
[19:57] <suRs> well i got lucky i started it on safe mode
[19:57] <suRs> and i luckly took off the compiz on restart
[19:57] <suRs> but now i cant drag anything
[19:58] <suRs> and everything got stuck into the screen lol
[19:58] <suRs> and when i restart xubuntu all the programs start up. at the beggning
[19:58] <Odd-rationale> hmm...
[19:58] <suRs> its like this i start a screen
[19:58] <suRs> and its stuck there
[19:59] <suRs> for expample i cant move my irc screen
[19:59] <Odd-rationale> suRs: did you try to reboot?
[19:59] <suRs> yeah alot of times
[19:59] <suRs> i cant see my down bar
[19:59] <suRs> its like my screen has frozen
[20:00] <Odd-rationale> suRs: try ctrl+alt+bksp to restart the X server. NOTE you will lose all unsaved data...
[20:00] <suRs> and i cant drag them
[20:01] <suRs> samme thing dosnt work
[20:01] <Odd-rationale> suRs: do you have compiz running?
[20:01] <suRs> no
[20:01] <suRs> its off
[20:01] <suRs> probbly
[20:01] <Odd-rationale> suRs: what exaclty is not working?
[20:02] <suRs> my op its not working probber
[20:02] <suRs> and when i did alt f2 and compiz replace my computer restarted
[20:02] <suRs> or the loggin screen
[20:05] <Odd-rationale> suRs: well if compiz is off, i don't know what could be the issue...
[20:05] <suRs> well i dont know ither so iw ill try to restart it again
[20:05] <suRs> and see if it works or i might just ahve to reinstall my linux again
[20:05] <suRs> its like i cant move any of my screens
[20:05] <suRs> like thay are frozen
[20:05] <Odd-rationale> suRs: try rebooting your machine...
[20:08] <suRs> no didnt work still samme problem
[20:08] <Odd-rationale> suRs: i don't quite get the problem,,,
[20:09] <suRs> The poblem is
[20:09] <Odd-rationale> you have no window borders?
[20:09] <suRs> well i have the top one
[20:10] <suRs> i wish i could take screen shot and send you
[20:10] <suRs> okej i will try to explain i have 1 window open
[20:10] <suRs> and i cant move it
[20:10] <Odd-rationale> suRs: i mean you dont have the minimize, maximize, close button around every window?
[20:10] <suRs> then if i take another winodw for example that comes over the other window
[20:10] <suRs> i cant move it
[20:10] <suRs> the windows are frozen
[20:10] <suRs> yeah
[20:10] <Odd-rationale> suRs: can you alt+left_click on the window and move it?
[20:11] <suRs> no
[20:11] <suRs> i cant
[20:11] <Odd-rationale> suRs: try alt+f2 "xfwm4 --replace"
[20:11] <suRs> wow
[20:11] <suRs> it worked
[20:11] <suRs> nice
[20:12] <suRs> it works perfekt now
[20:12] <Odd-rationale> but now compiz is off.
[20:12] <suRs> i can see and move everything now
[20:12] <suRs> yeah well i just have to active ate it
[20:12] <suRs> on alt f2 if i whant it everytime
[20:12] <Odd-rationale> check your applications --> settings --> auto-started applications. is compiz still on there...
[20:12] <suRs> no its not i took it off
[20:13] <suRs> while i had the time after i reboted
[20:13] <suRs> couse i had like 10 secound before i rebooted it my computer rebooted auto
[20:13] <Odd-rationale> suRs: well on solution is to use emerald
[20:13] <Odd-rationale> one
[20:14] <Odd-rationale> but, i'm not a big fan of emerald...
[20:14] <suRs> what is emerald?
[20:14] <Odd-rationale> it is a window decorator...
[20:14] <Odd-rationale> for compiz
[20:14] <suRs> hmm what does it do?
[20:14] <suRs> w
[20:15] <suRs> well sec i will try run compis for a sec
[20:15] <suRs> well it worked
[20:15] <suRs> and nothing crashed
[20:15] <Odd-rationale> it draws the the things around the windows for compiz
[20:16] <suRs> when i rebot my system why does all my programs allso reboot ?
[20:16] <Odd-rationale> because you kill X
[20:17] <Odd-rationale> and most of your programs are using X
[20:17] <suRs> okej.
[20:17] <suRs> so that emerald is good for me?
[20:17] <Odd-rationale> maybe...
[20:17] <suRs> couse compiz works fine right now ..
[20:17] <suRs> i just have to press alt f2 and start it
[20:17] <Odd-rationale> if things are working fine now... i hate to mess it up again...
[20:18] <suRs> well
[20:19] <suRs> should we try or we never know :p
[20:19] <Odd-rationale> ok. well then "sudo apt-get install emerald"
[20:19] <suRs> if i mess up
[20:19] <suRs> what happens then?
[20:19] <Odd-rationale> suRs: you will have to reinstall xubuntu...
[20:19] <Odd-rationale> j/k
[20:20] <suRs> haha
[20:20] <suRs> well its finish
[20:21] <Odd-rationale> open the advance desktop effects again.
[20:21] <suRs> alright
[20:21] <Odd-rationale> find the window decoration plugin... enable it. click on it and for command, put emerald
[20:22] <Odd-rationale> close the advance desktop effects. stop compiz with alt+f2 "xfwm4 --replace"
[20:22] <Odd-rationale> and restart compiz with alt+f2 "compiz --replace"
[20:23] <suRs> trying to find the emerald
[20:23] <suRs> were can i find window decoration plugin?
[20:23] <Odd-rationale> suRs: in the advance desktop effects settings
[20:23] <Odd-rationale> suRs: there should be a search feature in the lefft column
[20:24] <suRs> a found it
[20:24] <suRs> Window decorations
[20:24] <suRs> /usr/bin/compiz-decorator
[20:24] <suRs> on my command
[20:24] <suRs> should i put emerald?
[20:24] <Odd-rationale> suRs: change it to emerald
[20:25] <suRs> done
[20:25] <Odd-rationale> ok. stop compiz and start it up again.
[20:25] <suRs> well
[20:25] <suRs> when i run the xfwm4 nothing happends
[20:25] <suRs> but i will try run compiz again couse all my screen restart kinda
[20:26] <suRs> done
[20:26] <Odd-rationale> well, how are things?
[20:26] <suRs> well
[20:26] <suRs> like before
[20:26] <suRs> i cant see any diffrence
[20:26] <Odd-rationale> can you move winodows?
[20:26] <suRs> yeah
[20:27] <Odd-rationale> are the windows borders red?
[20:27] <suRs> no
[20:27] <suRs> thay are silver
[20:27] <Odd-rationale> hmm. ok...
[20:27] <suRs> my colour has allways ben silver
[20:27] <Odd-rationale> try to put compiz back in the autostart and log off and back in
[20:28] <suRs> noo
[20:28] <suRs> if i do that i dont know how to come back
[20:28] <suRs> couse i just got lucky
[20:29] <suRs> to get in back and fix it
[20:29] <suRs> it restarted everytime
[20:29] <suRs> my screen loaded
[20:29] <suRs> after i logged in
[20:29] <suRs> i had like 5-10 secounds on me to fix it
[20:29] <suRs> i wrote in user name and password
[20:29] <suRs> the screen loads i see irc start and my top bar is comming right after
[20:30] <suRs> then some fire fox window openes and then bam all goes black and restart to login screen
[20:30] <Odd-rationale> hmm. ok nvm
[20:31] <suRs> yeah
[20:32] <suRs> im scared to try that :p
[20:32] <suRs> so i just might start it everytime i loggin :p
[20:32] <suRs> heh
[20:35] <suRs> well
[20:35] <suRs> im going to try reboot
[20:35] <suRs> again to see if it works now
[20:36] <suRs> well it worked to boot but still my irc window pops upp direct1
[20:38] <suRs> hmm i had the samme problem when i logged in that my screen was stuck so u used that xfwm4 --replace
[20:38] <suRs> and it worked
[20:38] <suRs> but when i tryed to start compiz i got back to loading screen
[20:38] <suRs> now compiz is activated
[20:39] <suRs> its wierd .. its like i cant switch betewwn compis and xfwm4 ..
[20:40] <suRs> now my bars are red.
[20:43] <suRs> there?
[20:44] <Odd-rationale> yeah, that's emerald...
[20:46] <suRs> odd
[20:46] <Odd-rationale> suRs: yeah?
[20:46] <suRs> i think i know the problem soon
[20:46] <suRs> lissen ..
[20:47] <suRs> when i try to switch from compiz to fxwm4 it dosnt work
[20:47] <suRs> and when my linux crashes it starts with some wierd config so i have to turn on fxwm4 then it works
[20:47] <suRs> and after that i can turn on compiz again
[20:48] <suRs> but i still dont know why my 3d window dosnt work
[20:49] <Odd-rationale> compiz is still very buggy...
[20:49] <Odd-rationale> i don't even use it anymore...
[20:49] <Odd-rationale> compiz works best with gnome...
[20:50] <suRs> why wont you use it ?
[20:50] <Odd-rationale> suRs: it eats up all my ram..
[20:50] <suRs> how much ram do you have?
[20:50] <Odd-rationale> 2 gb
[20:51] <Odd-rationale> btw, if you don't like the defualt emerald themes, you can more here: http://xfce-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=102&PHPSESSID=29b659cd74ab20e74b0c05547cb88edc
[20:51] <suRs> im only using 1 gig ram and im using 300 atm
[20:51] <Odd-rationale> just open the .emerald file with the emerald theme manager...
[20:51] <Odd-rationale> after you download it that is...
[20:53] <suRs> alright
[20:53] <suRs> you know how to install other themes for backround?
[20:53] <suRs> i have downloaded one but i dont know how to install it
[20:53] <jonkristian> Is it normal that an update process takes over two hours after a clean install from 8.04 ?
[20:54] <jonkristian> It's getting very embarassing, though, it's a old and slow toshiba satelite, but still, it's embarassing
[20:55] <suRs> wow
[20:55] <suRs> 2 hrs only took me like 20 minuts :p
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[20:56] <Odd-rationale> jonkristian: you could reinstall twice in that amount of time... ;)
[20:56] <Odd-rationale> suRs: you can configure the background the same as in xfce....
[20:56] <Odd-rationale> right-click background, desktop settings, etc...
[20:56] <suRs> but iv downloaded a map
[20:57] <suRs> some Aquatic_black_theme.tar.gz
[20:57] <Odd-rationale> suRs: you will have to extract the tarball.
[20:58] <suRs> how do i exakly do that
[20:59] <suRs> Themes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+
[20:59] <suRs> themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible
[20:59] <suRs> with your xfce4 desktop.
[20:59] <suRs> To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/
[20:59] <suRs> To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ -
[20:59] <suRs> Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/
[20:59] <suRs> for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop!
[20:59] <suRs> - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites
[20:59] <Odd-rationale> right-click and say extract
[20:59] <suRs> this is what i saved last time i got an advice.
[21:00] <jonkristian> Odd-rationale: I don't belive you
[21:01] <Odd-rationale> jonkristian: well, i have. literally...
[21:01] <jonkristian> Odd-rationale: well, it's a AMD K6 with 130mb ram, so i might
[21:01] <jonkristian> But still, it's way beyond my imagination that it could take so loong
[21:01] <Odd-rationale> you should just use DSL or puppy
[21:02] <suRs> odd you said extract were should i extract it to?
[21:02] <Odd-rationale> suRs: whever you want for now. you can always move it later.
[21:03] <suRs> wel okej desktop
[21:03] <suRs> then ? :D
[21:03] <Odd-rationale> ok
[21:03] <suRs> i got the map on my desktop
[21:04] <Odd-rationale> right-click the desktop, and go to desktop settings. you can configure the background there. just point it to the file you your desktop
[21:04] <jonkristian> Odd-rationale: I see, maybe i should try one of those then
[21:04] <Odd-rationale> jonkristian: i think i vaguely remember you...
[21:05] <jonkristian> Odd-rationale: your nick is kind of familiar
[21:05] <suRs> well
[21:05] <jonkristian> Odd-rationale: im using archlinux myself, but i got an old laptop here, and i was wanting to try out another distro
[21:05] <Odd-rationale> jonkristian: didn't you have some secret project going on with this dude doing some file hosting and conversion website?
[21:05] <suRs> its not justa backround odd its alot of other maps in it
[21:05] <suRs> icon theme
[21:06] <Odd-rationale> jonkristian: cool, i'm an arch user myself...
[21:06] <jonkristian> Odd-rationale: ah:)
[21:06] <suRs> nvm odd i found a install to read ..
[21:06] <suRs> im going to try
[21:06] <Odd-rationale> suRs: ok :)
[21:07] <jonkristian> I'll go for puppy linux i think, it looks more interesting than DSL
[21:07] <Odd-rationale> jonkristian: definitly. puppy > dsl
[21:07] <suRs> odd were is my theme settings?
[21:07] <suRs> you know that i dont know were it is :D
[21:07] <Odd-rationale> check applications --> settings --> setting mananger...
[21:08] <suRs> hm witch
[21:08] <suRs> one is it?
[21:08] <suRs> splash screen?
[21:09] <Odd-rationale> suRs: what are you trying to install?
[21:09] <suRs> a theme :p
[21:09] <suRs> a whole theme for my linux
[21:09] <Odd-rationale> what kind of themes? can i see the link where you got it?
[21:09] <suRs> yea
[21:09] <suRs> wait
[21:11] <suRs> http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Aquatic+Black?content=80000
[21:11] <suRs> the red stuff look awsome in the screen i whant that to :p
[21:12] <Odd-rationale> oh, no...
[21:13] <suRs> hahaha
[21:13] <suRs> what now? :p
[21:13] <Odd-rationale> suRs: did you see the "how to install" file ?
[21:14] <suRs> yeah
[21:14] <suRs> well
[21:14] <suRs> sended you on privat now how to insall xd
[21:15] <Odd-rationale> yeah, that file
[21:15] <Odd-rationale> did that work?
[21:15] <jonkristian> Odd-rationale: file hosting/conversion? Don't think so
[21:15] <suRs> well what you mean did that work?
[21:15] <suRs> i havnt tryed it
[21:15] <jonkristian> But it think i hate file hosting sites, they're damn slow:D
[21:16] <Odd-rationale> suRs: well follow those directions...
[21:16] <Odd-rationale> jonkristian: ok. must have been a different guy...
[21:17] <suRs> LEIFGR
[21:17] <Odd-rationale> ?
[21:17] <suRs> SORRY
[21:19] <suRs> were is home?
[21:20] <suRs> ok nvm
[21:20] <Odd-rationale> suRs: home is ~ or /home/<yourusername>
[21:20] <suRs> aaa
[21:20] <suRs> how do i move the map theme and icon to home?
[21:21] <Odd-rationale> suRs: copy, paste
[21:22] <suRs> i cant copy the whole map?
[21:22] <Odd-rationale> suRs: sorry, what do you mean by "map"? folder?
[21:22] <suRs> yeah folder
[21:23] <suRs> cosue i have to move theme and icon to home folder.
[21:23] <suRs> file:///home/suey/Desktop/Aquatic%20Black/Themes
[21:23] <suRs> wrong
[21:23] <Odd-rationale> suRs: yes. coopy the Icons and Theme folder. and paste them in /home/<youusername>
[21:26] <suRs> i cant
[21:26] <Odd-rationale> suRs: why not?
[21:27] <suRs> couse it wont let me copy the folder :S
[21:27] <suRs> tell me how should i do exakly couse i did this
[21:28] <suRs> i frist extraced the map from the tar.gz file to my desktop and in this folder there is icon and theme i try to copy them and pase them in Home witch i use file system file manager with
[21:30] <Odd-rationale> suRs: sounds right to me... do you get any error messages?
[21:31] <suRs> no
[21:32] <Odd-rationale> try "cp -r /home/suey/Desktop/Aquatic\ Black/Themes/ ~/.themes"
[21:32] <Odd-rationale> i mean this "cp -r ~/Desktop/Aquatic\ Black/Themes/ ~/.themes"
[21:34] <suRs> in terminal?
[21:34] <Odd-rationale> then do "cp -r ~/Desktop/Aquatic\ Black/Icons/ ~/.icons"
[21:34] <Odd-rationale> yes in terminal
=== floating_ is now known as jfjgjgh
[21:35] <suRs> cp -r ~/Desktop/Aquatic\ Black/Themes/ ~/.themes ?
[21:35] <suRs> right?
[21:35] <Odd-rationale> yeah
[21:35] <suRs> well
[21:35] <suRs> nothing append
[21:35] <suRs> happend
[21:36] <Odd-rationale> suRs: good
[21:36] <Odd-rationale> now try "cp -r ~/Desktop/Aquatic\ Black/Icons/ ~/.icons"
[21:36] <suRs> nothing happend
[21:36] <Odd-rationale> ok fine.
[21:36] <Odd-rationale> now do "cd"
[21:37] <zoredache> suRs: on the linux command line no response means the command completed successfully. You will only see something if there is an error
[21:37] <Odd-rationale> then do "ls -a"
[21:37] <Odd-rationale> do you see .themes and .icons folders?
[21:37] <suRs> yeah
[21:38] <suRs> i see theme and icons
[21:38] <Odd-rationale> suRs: good. is there a . before them? like .themes?
[21:38] <suRs> yeah'
[21:39] <Odd-rationale> suRs: ok. well then you have succsessfully done step one and two. move on to step 1 for XFCE
[21:40] <suRs> what should i do?
[21:40] <Odd-rationale> suRs: read that "how to install" file. it has the directions there...
[21:41] <suRs> i need pingin
[21:41] <Odd-rationale> you should have pidgin in applications --> internet --> pidgin
[21:41] <suRs> cool found it
[21:43] <Odd-rationale> anyways, i gtg
[21:43] <Odd-rationale> ttyl
[21:45] <suRs> thanks alot odd
[21:45] <suRs> for all the help!
[21:45] <suRs> i see you later!
[22:09] <Yoshimitsu> hello...can i get help here?
[22:11] <TheSheep> Yoshimitsu: you need to ask your question first
[22:11] <Myrtti> /me puts her crystal ball away
[22:12] <Yoshimitsu> I am fairly new to linux. I am learning basic commands, working around the gui. I want to know if there is a way to add desktop icons for apps in xubuntu hardy
[22:12] <TheSheep> Yoshimitsu: yes, right click on the desktop and select 'create launcher'
[22:13] <TheSheep> Yoshimitsu: you can also copy the launchers from /usr/share/applications -- those are the ones that make up the menu
[22:16] <Yoshimitsu> thank you....even though right clicking the desktop brings up the apps menu, It worked for the second option
[22:19] <TheSheep> Yoshimitsu: ah, then you need to click on some existing icon
[22:20] <TheSheep> Yoshimitsu: there is an option controlling that in desktop settings, it defaults to not display the apps menu
[22:20] <Yoshimitsu> oh...got it
[22:21] <Yoshimitsu> linux is beautiful
[22:22] <TheSheep> Yoshimitsu: glad you like it
[22:23] <Yoshimitsu> is there any way to autostart a particular application on startup? pidgin for example
[22:25] <suRs> i think there is
[22:26] <suRs> you can make it your own probbly
[22:26] <Yoshimitsu> I cannot seem to find anything in preferences..i hunted a lot last night
[22:27] <suRs> settings management
[22:27] <Yoshimitsu> i'm sorry to bother u guys like this
[22:27] <suRs> i think
[22:27] <cody-somerville> Yoshimitsu, if you enable session management, whatever applications are running when you quit will restart
[22:27] <suRs> applications - > settings -> settings manager
[22:28] <suRs> then should be an incon there that named is autostarted apps
[22:28] <cody-somerville> Or you can go Applications > Settings > Autostarted Apps
[22:28] <cody-somerville> Oh, right right
[22:28] <suRs> then you klick like add i think and rest i dont know :p
[22:29] <suRs> cody
[22:29] <suRs> your good on linux?
[22:29] <cody-somerville> I'm not bad
[22:29] <suRs> well
[22:29] <suRs> can you tell me what kinda theme should i use for my linux i use xubuntu 8.04
[22:33] <TheSheep> the default is nice ;)
[22:34] <suRs> well i whant somting nice
[22:36] <cody-somerville> I like the default myself
[22:38] <Myrtti> murrina rose
[22:39] <TheSheep> murrina gilouche duo
[22:39] <TheSheep> and the gilouche window theme
[22:41] <suRs> how do i get xmms?
[22:43] <cody-somerville> xmms is no longer in the repository
[22:43] <Myrtti> install audacious instead
[22:43] <Myrtti> it looks the same
[22:45] <suRs> how do i install it myrtti?
[22:46] <suRs> sudo get insatll audacious?
[22:46] <Myrtti> sudo aptitude install audacious
[22:46] <suRs> E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)
[22:46] <suRs> E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?
[22:47] <TheSheep> Myrtti: we try to not use aptitude, as it has part of the package infor databse separate from synaptic
[22:47] <TheSheep> suRs: you forgot sudo, use apt-getinstead of aptitude or just use synaptic
[22:48] <TheSheep> s/infor/info
[22:48] <suRs> thanks
[22:49] <Myrtti> TheSheep: oh well, just when I've learned to use aptitude instead of apt-get
[22:49] <Myrtti> :-<
[22:50] <TheSheep> Myrtti: there are tools for synchronizing it, but that's additional explaining
[22:50] <TheSheep> Myrtti: use aptitude your self if you want :)
[22:51] <suRs> hehe
[22:51] <suRs> apt-get its fater
[22:51] <suRs> faster to write
[22:54] <suRs> hm
[22:54] <suRs> i wonder why i cant open firefox
[22:55] <suRs> http://di-fm
[22:56] <suRs> going to restart my comp
[23:02] <suRs> i need help
[23:02] <cody-somerville> suRs, ask your question :P
[23:02] <suRs> i cant see my bars
[23:02] <suRs> my settings bars..
[23:03] <suRs> my desktop
[23:03] <suRs> all i can see its my icons
[23:03] <cody-somerville> press alt+f2
[23:03] <suRs> but not the top and below bar
[23:03] <cody-somerville> type: xfce4-panel
[23:03] <cody-somerville> and hit okay
[23:04] <suRs> on terminal? or alt f2
[23:04] <cody-somerville> alt + f2
[23:04] <suRs> alright thay are back now
[23:04] <suRs> thanks
[23:04] <suRs> dunno what happend
[23:05] <suRs> i had all my settings on right klick mouse
[23:05] <suRs> so i could enter applications and so :D
[23:05] <db-keen> Trying to install Xubuntu 8.04 from LiveCD on old (1999) computer, disk integrity check passes, memory check passes, but during install it shows the xubuntu loading screen, and the status bar gets all the way to completion, and then nothing further is shown on the screen. Any tips?
[23:06] <db-keen> Ubuntu feisty was once installed on it
[23:06] <db-keen> so I'm pretty sure it should meet the hardware requirements
[23:12] <Odd-rationale> db-keen: how much memory do you have?
[23:13] <Odd-rationale> db-keen: the alternative cd usually installs more smoothly, even if you do meet the requirements...
[23:13] <Odd-rationale> so i would reccommend trying that.
[23:14] <db-keen> Odd-rationale: thanks, I'll try that.
[23:18] <suRs> odd
[23:18] <suRs> didnt you go to sleep?
[23:21] <Odd-rationale> suRs: not yet...
[23:22] <suRs> hah but you told me :p you would go to sleep
[23:22] <Odd-rationale> suRs: i did :?
[23:22] <suRs> yeah you did
[23:22] <vanityvertigo> Hi, I'm trying to connect to my wireless router in Xubuntu 8.04. I tried using the connection manager in the panel but that didn't show any wireless routers in my area. I went on to the terminal method. I noticed my card was in "lshw -C network" but disabled so I tried "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" and instead I get SIOCSIFFLAGS: Invalid argument. I'm using a US Robotics 802.11b card and the driver is hostap.
[23:26] <suRs> odd
[23:26] <suRs> i gave upp that theme i were about to install was to hard
[23:26] <suRs> you told me to look for xfce themes?
[23:26] <suRs> are thay easier to install on xubuntu?
[23:32] <Yoshimitsu> anyone have tips for compiz
[23:32] <Yoshimitsu> in xubuntu
[23:32] <suRs> i do! :D
[23:32] <suRs> what kinda tip?
[23:32] <Yoshimitsu> is itgood
[23:32] <Yoshimitsu> or just a hardware hog
[23:32] <suRs> bug?
[23:32] <Yoshimitsu> i mean
[23:33] <Yoshimitsu> does it make ur pc slow down
[23:33] <Yoshimitsu> ?
[23:33] <suRs> well odd said it takes alot of ram
[23:33] <Yoshimitsu> :(
[23:33] <suRs> but my computer is strong i cant feel any diffrence and i only have 1 gig ram
[23:33] <vanityvertigo> Yeah, it adds fancy effects in x
[23:33] <vanityvertigo> Like wobbly windows or whatever you configure it too
[23:34] <suRs> i use 400 of 1000 ram
[23:34] <vanityvertigo> Not a good idea to use it if you're system is low on RAM
[23:34] <suRs> and i got like 1313131 programs running xD
[23:34] <Yoshimitsu> i'm running virtualbox too so thatd be S L O W
[23:34] <Yoshimitsu> 320 megs sdram only
[23:34] <suRs> oh
[23:34] <suRs> mine are ddr2 667 mhz
[23:34] <Yoshimitsu> yeh
[23:34] <suRs> im on a core duo T7700 somting
[23:35] <Yoshimitsu> wher do i get the plugins
[23:35] <Yoshimitsu> ?
[23:35] <suRs> 2.0 mhz
[23:35] <Odd-rationale> Yoshimitsu: i wouldn't run compiz in a vritual machine...
[23:35] <Yoshimitsu> suRs: what are u doing on x then?
[23:35] <Yoshimitsu> i mean
[23:35] <suRs> what you mean?
[23:35] <suRs> on x?
[23:35] <Yoshimitsu> i m running winxp on a virtual machine
[23:35] <suRs> oh
[23:35] <suRs> yea well i got windows xp allso
[23:36] <suRs> on this laptop
[23:36] <Yoshimitsu> oh ok
[23:36] <Yoshimitsu> x=xfce :P
[23:36] <suRs> but to tell you linux ownes
[23:36] <Yoshimitsu> i know
[23:36] <suRs> its alot more funnier then xp
[23:36] <suRs> and i love it
[23:36] <Yoshimitsu> it's just that i need visual studio for college stuff
[23:36] <suRs> just a bit hard to config and a bits of bug but
[23:36] <suRs> hay i dont see a blue screen xD
[23:36] <Yoshimitsu> :D
[23:37] <suRs> odd your there??
[23:39] <Odd-rationale> yes
[23:39] <suRs> were was it i could find themes for x?
[23:39] <suRs> that are nooot complicated to install
[23:39] <vanityvertigo> xfce you mean?
[23:39] <Odd-rationale> http://xfce-looks.org
[23:39] <Odd-rationale> opps
[23:39] <Odd-rationale> http://xfce-look.org
[23:40] <Odd-rationale> !xfce-themes
[23:40] <ubottu> Themes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/ To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites
[23:41] <suRs> yeah
[23:41] <suRs> but i allredy did unpaack my team and icons right?
[23:41] <suRs> nvm i just delited the map
[23:43] <vanityvertigo> Does anyone have any idea for my question? Sorry, it's just fallen back a bit.
[23:44] <vanityvertigo> I hate sounding needy on when asking questions on IRC. >_<
[23:44] <Odd-rationale> vanityvertigo: is your card working?
[23:45] <vanityvertigo> It worked just fine when I was using my box as a Ubuntu 8.04 command line install
[23:45] <vanityvertigo> I just installed Xubuntu and it doesn't seem to work.
[23:45] <Odd-rationale> what card is it?
[23:46] <vanityvertigo> It's US Robotics USR2410
[23:46] <Odd-rationale> vanityvertigo: can you pastebin the output of "iwconfig"
[23:47] <vanityvertigo> I'm on a another computer
[23:47] <Odd-rationale> oh...
[23:47] <vanityvertigo> No ethernet on that one >_<
[23:47] <Odd-rationale> vanityvertigo: well, does iwconfig show the wireless device?
[23:47] <vanityvertigo> Yes
[23:48] <Odd-rationale> does "iwlist scanning" show your wireless etwork?
[23:48] <vanityvertigo> I only get "No scan results"
[23:48] <Odd-rationale> hmm..
[23:48] <vanityvertigo> When there should be 5 access points in my area
[23:49] <Odd-rationale> does networkmanager applet show any networks?
[23:49] <suRs> odd
[23:49] <vanityvertigo> No
[23:49] <Odd-rationale> suRs: what's up?
[23:49] <suRs> really odd i cant find any other theme that i whant then that aqua black :/
[23:50] <suRs> and its hard for me to install >.< couse i dont get it
[23:50] <vanityvertigo> I tried adding my network anyways but it just won't connect
[23:50] <Odd-rationale> suRs: well, just extract the .tar file and follow the directions on the "how to install" file...
[23:51] <suRs> hmm
[23:51] <suRs> should i frist extract the tar file to my desktop?
[23:51] <Odd-rationale> vanityvertigo: well, wireless problems are one of the hardest things to troubleshoot through irc... the best i can do now is forward you to this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=684495
[23:51] <vanityvertigo> Okay, thanks anyways. ^_^
[23:51] <Odd-rationale> suRs: that is fine.
[23:52] <suRs> diddnt we have to do some wierd file thing?
[23:52] <suRs> to make the .theme and .icone go to home?
[23:52] <vanityvertigo> Yeah, since this is just being screwy I might just go back to a command line install and add fluxbox or something
[23:53] <vanityvertigo> Yeah, in your home you need to extract the theme into .theme
[23:53] <vanityvertigo> You can press Ctrl-H if you're using thunar to see it
[23:53] <Odd-rationale> suRs: just copy and paste. select the Themes folder. navigate to your home directory and paste...
[23:54] <Odd-rationale> suRs: paste it in /home/<yourusername> not in /home
[23:55] <Odd-rationale> vanityvertigo: if you like configuring stuff from the cli, you might like arch linux like myself.. ;)
[23:55] <suRs> alright done
[23:55] <Odd-rationale> then rename it to .themes
[23:55] <suRs> alright
[23:55] <Odd-rationale> suRs: just follow the directions, it is all in there...
[23:56] <suRs> it says i should go into my theme settings
[23:56] <suRs> but i dont know were it is
[23:56] <suRs> Then go to your theme settings or whatever, the UI, WM and Icons are called Aqautic Black, the mouse theme plain black <- descriptions
[23:57] <CITguy08> Can anybody help me troubleshoot a xfce4-session segfault? After a power outage, I cannot get XFCE to load.
[23:57] <Odd-rationale> suRs: try looking in apllications --> settings --> settings manager
[23:58] <suRs> well i did that dont witch i should look after
[23:59] <Odd-rationale> suRs: click on window-manager
[23:59] <suRs> i got an error