UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /29 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:14] <zul> owh: its apart of a spec that was discussed at UDS
[00:23] <emgent> hey people
[00:23] <emgent> please take a look in planet about rapache
[00:25] <kirkland> bdmurray: ping
[00:27] <stickystyle> emgent: thats pretty intersting...does anything exist yet?
[00:27] <JanC> emgent: sounds cool ツ
[00:29] <emgent> stickystyle: pre-pre-alpha
[00:29] <bdmurray> kirkland: pong
[00:29] <emgent> i will push it
[00:29] <kirkland> bdmurray: updated http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/search.html
[00:29] <stickystyle> is the focus the actual apache2 config, or vhost config?
[00:30] <kirkland> bdmurray: added an irclogs filter, plus a few more
[00:31] <emgent> stickystyle: the goal is for all apache2 managing (VHOST, SSL, PHP and more)
[00:31] <emgent> I hope to do it for Intrepid
[00:32] <bdmurray> kirkland: cool, what about changelogs? maybe via -changes mailing lists?
[00:32] <kirkland> bdmurray: good call, i might put that under "Code"
[00:33] <stickystyle> emgent: well I'll be folowing it. Quite a undertaking, best of luck with it.
[00:33] <kirkland> bdmurray: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/
[00:34] <bdmurray> oh yeah, that'd be better ;)
[00:34] <emgent> stickystyle: thanks :)
[00:36] <kirkland> bdmurray: done!
[00:56] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #235625 in samba (main) "CIFS: broken support of symlinks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235625
[01:45] <newzen> hi all, I liked to install ubuntu 8,04 on IBM X3400 but on this page http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/200712-192/ say compatible and not certified. That means something is not working??
[01:46] <newzen> some body here :)
[01:47] <infinity> newzen: "Compatible" is fine.
[01:49] <newzen> everything works on that status??
[01:49] <infinity> Should do.
[01:49] <infinity> Most of the machines in the Canonical DC are HP Proliants, and they're all just "compatible". :)
[01:50] <newzen> ok, ty infinity. im going to install ;)
[01:52] <newzen> quit
[01:56] <PCChris> I'm trying to setup ISPConfig with Apache but when I visit certain pages on ISPConfig I get "The connection to was interrupted while the page was loading."
[01:57] <PCChris> I also get "The connection to was interrupted while the page was loading." while starting Apache
[01:58] <PCChris> *"apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName" while loading Apache
[01:58] <mathiaz> sommer: congrats for your membership :) !
[01:58] <sommer> mathiaz: thanks man
[02:00] <PCChris> ...anybody have any ideas? It would be greatly appreciated.
[02:00] <sommer> PCChris: sorry never used ISPConfig, what is it?
[02:01] <PCChris> a web based control panel to manage servers, databases, etc.
[02:01] <PCChris> idk if I have an ssl problem
[02:08] <PCChris> now I get "SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length."
[02:09] <sommer> PCChris: are you using a cert from a CA or self-signed? not sure if it makes a difference though
[02:10] <PCChris> self-signed...or trying to at least
[02:10] <sommer> are there any other errors in /var/log/apache2/error.log ?
[02:10] <sommer> at least ones that pertain
[02:11] <PCChris> checking that
[02:11] <PCChris> doesn't look like it
[02:12] <PCChris> Last thing is "[Wed May 28 21:07:24 2008] [notice] Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.1 with Suhosin-Patch mod_ruby/1.2.6 Ruby/1.8.6(2007-09-24) mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8g configured -- resuming normal operations"
[02:13] <sommer> regarding "" did you configure apache to listen to port 81?
[02:13] <PCChris> ISPConfig listens on port 81 by default after it changes some configs
[02:13] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, there is a great howto for ISPConfig on www.howtoforge.com
[02:15] <sommer> PCChris: did you install ispconfig from a ubuntu package?
[02:15] <PCChris> I see the "first steps" one but I can't even get to some of the settings pages it mentions
[02:15] <PCChris> sommer: no, manual install
[02:15] <PCChris> I don't believe there is a package for it
[02:16] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, i have followed step by step this: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts and it worked just fine
[02:17] <PCChris> I actually followed that, though it doesn't go into ISPConfig installation
[02:17] <PCChris> I can re-read through it to see if I missed anything
[02:18] <PCChris> It may be good to mention I'm using the desktop Ubuntu and not the server edition
[02:19] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, after following that howto, i followed this: http://www.ispconfig.org/manual_installation.htm as told in the howto
[02:19] <RoAkSoAx> and it worked without problems
[02:19] <PCChris> that's where I went and I got all the way through the setup w/o problem but then when I try to go to pages such as server settings in ISPConfig it gives me errors
[02:20] <RoAkSoAx> weird then.. maybe you missed something or is something related to the username you using or with the config.
[02:21] <RoAkSoAx> cuz, i followed it and had full access to everything
[02:22] <PCChris> additionally, some of the images in the ISPConfig interface are broken
[02:23] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, maybe is realted to the ISPConfig version you've installed
[02:23] <PCChris> I got the newest one
[02:23] <PCChris> stable
[02:24] <RoAkSoAx> i think i installed the unstable one
[02:24] <RoAkSoAx> maybe that's why
[02:24] <PCChris> hmm...
[02:25] <PCChris> do you know anything about the v3 one?
[02:25] <PCChris> ...or what uninstallation entails [if anything]?
[02:26] <RoAkSoAx> don't really know that... but should be an uninstall script somewhere in the source folder
[02:27] <PCChris> sure you're using the unstable one?
[02:27] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, yeah v3
[02:27] <RoAkSoAx> that's the one i used
[02:29] <PCChris> ISPConfig 3 Beta? Sorry, just don't want to crash my whole computer or anything, I've been through reinstallations before...
[02:31] <m13> i am following tutorial on internet conection sharing , but it seems i cant get it to work. it looks pretty straight forward but after i reboot i lose connection to internet. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 , any help is appriciated.
[02:33] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, yeah i used that one... in a VPS server
[02:34] <PCChris> thanks, I'm installing now (installation guide also seems more thorough)
[02:35] <PCChris> btw, what do you put for domain name if you're using a redirection service to redirect to your ip?
[02:36] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, i think that domain is used for the DNS server... so i guess you could use it aswell... i've never tried that but should be the domain that the server manages
[02:40] <RoAkSoAx> m13, you want to share your inet connection for other to connect through your wireless card?
[02:41] <m13> RoAkSoAx: think i got it runing
[02:42] <m13> RoAkSoAx: router(net)/AP----wlan2/eth0---switch for internal network
[02:43] <RoAkSoAx> m13, cause if you want to share your inet connection through a ethernet card, you only need 2 lines, 1 to enable packet forwarding and the other to introduce the iptables rule
[02:43] <m13> yes wlan2 is incoming / eth0 is outgoing
[02:43] <m13> seems i got it runing as server is updating finally :)
[02:44] <RoAkSoAx> m13, so you just need to enable packet forwarding and the iptables rule...
[02:44] <m13> RoAkSoAx: dnsmasq and ipmasq ?
[02:44] <RoAkSoAx> not really
[02:45] <m13> RoAkSoAx: problem is i want serve later PXE install server on same network over eth0 so i got dhcp server setup and since dnsmasq already got dhcp in it i thought i would need to do some tinkering on it
[02:46] <RoAkSoAx> sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 -j SNAT --to -->my iptables rule. is my internal network that the ethernet card manages (you need to put IP to the ethernet card) and eth1 is the output iface (which is wireless) and is the IP of eth1
[02:48] <m13> RoAkSoAx: u using wireless access as internal network ?
[02:49] <RoAkSoAx> m13, w. router->wlan.laptop.ethernet->ethernet.desktop
[02:50] <m13> RoAkSoAx: ah i see , same setup i want then
[02:50] <m13> RoAkSoAx: so u think i can uninstall dnsmasq and ipmasq ?
[02:50] <RoAkSoAx> i do that because i have 4 VM's on laptop and 4 o desktop and i need bridged networking, and vmware does not amange bridged networking for wireless cards
[02:51] <m13> RoAkSoAx: i use vbox for that and have usb wlan card, it is working ok
[02:51] <RoAkSoAx> m13, yeah i would do.. i only have enabled packet forwarding and use that iptables rules, and set static IP's. If you want dynamic you can install a dhcp server
[02:51] <RoAkSoAx> m13, yeah in vbox works, but i like vmware better xD
[02:52] <m13> RoAkSoAx: i need DHCP for PXE install server later on eth0
[02:52] <m13> RoAkSoAx: important is that it does the job , for VM's :)
[02:53] <RoAkSoAx> m13, tyou can follow this simple config for dhcp: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/dhcp.html
[02:53] <m13> RoAkSoAx: i check
[02:55] <m13> RoAkSoAx: i have similar config and added lines for pxelinux.0 , think it should be ok
[02:55] <RoAkSoAx> yep it should
[02:58] <m13> RoAkSoAx: many tnx for help and info m8 , server is upgrading :)
[02:58] <RoAkSoAx> haha welcom ;)
[03:02] <m13> oh nice ,ssh fix already working :)
[03:19] <PCChris> I unfortunately ran into a new problem
[03:19] <PCChris> "modprobe capability
[03:19] <PCChris> FATAL: Module capability not found."
[03:23] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, are u installing it as root?
[03:24] <PCChris> yes
[03:24] <PCChris> I did a sudo su
[03:27] <RoAkSoAx> sudo -i
[03:27] <RoAkSoAx> the correct way to enter root terminal is to use sudo -i
[03:27] <RoAkSoAx> but i doubt that that was the problem
[03:27] <PCChris> oh, I was just following the ispconfig instructions
[03:28] <PCChris> nope, didn't fix it
[03:28] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, have you verified that you have to modprobe "capability" por is it other name and maybe u using the example one
[03:29] <PCChris> it's capability
[03:30] <RoAkSoAx> weird then.. so the kernel does not has that module enabled then
[03:31] <PCChris> Is there a way to fix that then?
[03:33] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, what do you need that module for?
[03:33] <PCChris> idk, it was just in the instructions
[03:34] <PCChris> pureftpd or quota it looks like
[03:34] <RoAkSoAx> of ispconfig?
[03:34] <PCChris> yes
[03:34] <RoAkSoAx> i checked the instructions and i cant find that
[03:34] <PCChris> I'm in the installation text that comes with v3
[03:35] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, follow the one online for v2 version
[03:35] <RoAkSoAx> when i installed, i don't remember doing that
[03:35] <PCChris> ok, I think I might be able to install pureftpd through Synaptic though
[03:35] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #235646 in likewise-open (main) "Cannot Print to PDF using Likewise-Open" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235646
[03:35] <RoAkSoAx> yes you can
[03:36] <PCChris> I'll just try Synaptic first, then if I run into more problems I'll probably go to the online guide
[03:37] <RoAkSoAx> maybe it is because you haven't install pureftp
[03:58] <PCChris> RoAkSoAx: going good so far (I was stuck on some MySql stuff until I realized I kept putting in the wrong root password)
[03:58] <RoAkSoAx> lol
[03:58] <RoAkSoAx> haha it happens
[04:04] <PCChris> aggh! httpd not running is what I get now
[04:06] <phynix> does a dhcp server have to be plugged in as a "gateway"
[04:06] <RoAkSoAx> no
[04:06] <RoAkSoAx> phynix, not necessary
[04:07] <Kamping_Kaiser> PCChris, what are you trying to do?
[04:07] <PCChris> start apache
[04:07] <phynix> hmm ok. I have one set up. It assigns addresses but won't allow internet connecton to the wan
[04:07] <Kamping_Kaiser> PCChris, whats the bigger picture?
[04:08] <PCChris> I sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart then it says apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
[04:08] <PCChris> httpd (pid 9994?) not running
[04:09] <Kamping_Kaiser> the hostname error isnt fatal. its just an annoyance (most of the time).
[04:09] <Kamping_Kaiser> PCChris, check /var/log/apache/{access,error}.log and check the output
[04:11] <PCChris> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15462/
[04:11] <osmosis> anyone know what causes high IO wait times with 3ware controllers?
[04:12] <Kamping_Kaiser> crap controller?
[04:13] <Kamping_Kaiser> PCChris, and apache /is/ running or /isnt/ currently?
[04:13] <Kamping_Kaiser> unable to start piped log program '/root/ispconfig/cronolog --symlink=/var/log/httpd/ispconfig_access_log /var/log/httpd/ispconfig_access_log_%Y_%m_%d': No such file or directory
[04:13] <Kamping_Kaiser> ^^ ispconfig?
[04:13] <uvirtbot`> Kamping_Kaiser: Error: "^" is not a valid command.
[04:13] <PCChris> it is not currently
[04:13] <Kamping_Kaiser> uvirtbot`, bugger off
[04:13] <uvirtbot`> Kamping_Kaiser: Error: "bugger" is not a valid command.
[04:13] <Kamping_Kaiser> whois is the bot?
[04:14] <Kamping_Kaiser> *who's
[04:14] <Kamping_Kaiser> nijaba, is it yours?
[04:15] <Kamping_Kaiser> PCChris, i have no idea about ispconfig, so i'm not keen to try and unbreak something its touched
[04:16] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #235653 in nut (main) "ACL covering all IPv4 addresses is broken in 2.2.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235653
[04:17] <PCChris> RoAkSoAx: any ideas?
[04:18] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, what does it says when you do /etc/init.d/apache2 start
[04:19] <PCChris> apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
[04:21] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, you need to add ServerName ip-address in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf i think
[04:21] <RoAkSoAx> dont have apache installed currently
[04:21] <RoAkSoAx> but is in the config file for apache
[04:23] <PCChris> I g2g, sorry
[04:23] <PCChris> will have to look at it later
[04:23] <Kamping_Kaiser> RoAkSoAx, the correct thing would be to fix his hostname, not hack around it :)
[04:24] <RoAkSoAx> Kamping_Kaiser, i always had the same warning even if i had the correct hostname
[04:24] <Kamping_Kaiser> RoAkSoAx, then your hostname was setup wrong :)
[04:25] <RoAkSoAx> Kamping_Kaiser, don't think so... ;) :P
[04:25] <Kamping_Kaiser> the only time you should have to set it in apache is if your making the apache hostname different to the system hostname
[04:25] <Kamping_Kaiser> RoAkSoAx, i'm right, your not :P *grin*
[04:26] <RoAkSoAx> Kamping_Kaiser, if that's so, hostname, hostname -f, and uname -n commands wouldn't show the hostname correctly
[04:27] <Kamping_Kaiser> RoAkSoAx, hostname -d needs to be happy too (and hostname -a, but that should be ok if the others are)
[04:30] <RoAkSoAx> they are ;)
[04:31] <Kamping_Kaiser> :)
[04:49] <mokzu> is it best to build server from JEOS for the best performance?
[04:50] <Kamping_Kaiser> seems excessive
[05:00] <hads> And you'd end up with the same stuff, just installed slower :)
[05:00] <Kamping_Kaiser> nod :)
[05:01] <mokzu> well that's pointless then, i'll go for full server
[05:02] <mokzu> is ebox and webmin a good combo for management?
[05:02] <Kamping_Kaiser> no. i can recommend vim and screen though
[05:03] * hads giggles
[05:03] <hads> I was about to type that.
[05:03] <mokzu> lol
[05:03] <Kamping_Kaiser> lol
[05:03] <specialKevin> lol
[05:03] <mokzu> \o\
[05:04] <Kamping_Kaiser> :o hehe
[05:05] <mokzu> i like timesaving devices
[05:05] <ajmitch> hads: surely you wouldn't
[05:06] <hads> Hey ajmitch :) how goes the bug fixing?
[05:08] <ajmitch> mind rotting, need beer...
[05:08] <hads> :)
[05:09] <ajmitch> I've got at least the major ones out of the way for today
[05:14] * Surfer20 Visit http://www.FakeMagazineCover.com (upload pic make mag) - http://www.SillyWebcam.com (play with webcam online) - http://www.Is-A-Jerk.com (insulter/anon email) - http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com (fun) - http://www.BodySwitcher.com (put your face on funny body) - http://www.MedChecker.com (health) - http://www.Canuckster.com (Canada eh) - http://www.Nerdful.com (geeks)
=== Surfer20 changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: -=[ www.WHAK.com ]=- Make Free/Fun Graphics Online At http://www.ImageGenerator.org =)
[05:14] <hads> Hmmm
=== hads changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not servehir specific) support visit #ubuntu | Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved | Guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html | http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | Be patient. Don't ask to ask, just ask. | server guide: http://tinyurl.com/65jzxw | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam
[05:25] <Kamping_Kaiser> "not servehir specific"?
[05:25] <hads> heh, that was the last topic before the spam.
=== hads changed the topic of #ubuntu-server to: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | For general (not server specific) support visit #ubuntu | Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/GettingInvolved | Guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html | http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | Be patient. Don't ask to ask, just ask. | server guide: http://tinyurl.com/65jzxw | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam
[05:26] <Kamping_Kaiser> i never notice topics getting changed :/
=== thomas__ is now known as The-Kernel
=== RockHound_ is now known as RockHound
[07:47] <kraut> moin
[07:47] <RockHound> moinsen
[08:44] <liassist> hello, my quey is that i want to run ubuntu server with a gui pkakage (openbox3 or fluxbox or icewm) i also want a tftp server to share data to only 2 clients(my system is 256mb ram 1.4ghz processer and 64mb vram)
[08:45] <liassist> will it work on this config and will it be easy to install other DE or WM easily
[08:45] <soren> That is not a question.
[08:45] <soren> Yeah, sure it'll work.
[08:46] <liassist> so is install openbox or fluxbox easy and does ubuntu server has all the pakages ubuntu dektop has
[08:46] <soren> Ubuntu server and desktop share the same repositories.
[08:47] <soren> Ubuntu server just installs less packages by default.
[08:47] <soren> ..and a different kernel.
[08:47] <soren> That's it.
[08:48] <liassist> what will e the best gui ican run on ths server (iam using it because gnome and kde are very slow)(i want good graraphics and all menu's etc.. all most like gnome)
[08:48] <liassist> *e be
[08:49] <soren> xfce, probably.
[08:49] <soren> I don't see why you want a gui on your server, though.
[08:50] <liassist> iam not soo good at the CLI also the server will be my desktop (ubuntu has preloaded GUI's)
[08:51] <Kamping_Kaiser> you cant properly admin a server through a gui
[08:51] <liassist> yes that is another reason but mainly for a desktop
[08:52] <liassist> xfce gives good but i want to know if it will give me enough memory to run a 96mb application
[08:54] <liassist> its just a tftp server (it will be desktop mainly)
[08:54] <soren> What 96MB app?
[08:56] <liassist> Counter-strike server (approx 96mb )
[08:57] <Kamping_Kaiser> so your running a desktop, apache, counterstrike all on 264mb of ram?
[08:57] <Kamping_Kaiser> *254
[08:57] <liassist> *256
[08:57] <Kamping_Kaiser> :| i'll get there eventually
[08:57] <liassist> not all togteher
[08:58] <liassist> i want a desktop that will run good (not slow) on my system with anyothe gui (not xubuntu)
[08:59] * Kamping_Kaiser leaves you to it
[09:00] * soren points liassist at the topic
[09:00] <liassist> please, tell me how to install openbox3 or fluxbox or icewm
[09:00] <soren> please, ask in #ubuntu
[09:00] <liassist> on ubuntu server
[09:00] <liassist> "server"
[09:00] <soren> I just told you...
[09:00] <soren> !
[09:00] <soren> 07:46:59 < soren> Ubuntu server and desktop share the same repositories.
[09:00] <soren> 07:47:07 < soren> Ubuntu server just installs less packages by default.
[09:00] <soren> 07:47:11 < soren> ..and a different kernel.
[09:00] <soren> 07:47:14 < soren> That's it.
[09:01] <soren> "For general (not server specific) support visit #ubuntu" <--- It's in the topic
[09:01] <soren> This is not server specific.
[09:01] <soren> You're asking about installing desktops.
[09:01] <liassist> ok thanks soren (last are there any GUI pakages for TFTP)
[09:01] <soren> I very much doubt it.
[09:01] <soren> Why tftp?
[09:02] <liassist> ftp will do or vsftp
[09:02] <Kamping_Kaiser> *why* do you want ftp
[09:02] <Kamping_Kaiser> at all
[09:02] <liassist> to share data with only 2 clients
[09:03] <Kamping_Kaiser> then your not after tftp. and depending on the clients, use scp/rsync/anythingthatsnotftp
[09:04] <liassist> a way to share data (smb will do?)
[09:05] <Kamping_Kaiser> depends on the clients. ..
[09:05] <liassist> thier winxp clients
[09:06] <Kamping_Kaiser> smb probably then. (although it doesnt such a whole lot less then ftp)
[09:06] <spiekey> Hello!
[09:06] <spiekey> http://pastebin.com/m6678dfeb --> how can i only install the ssh blackilst?
[09:07] <spiekey> oh, and openssh-client openssh-server
[09:07] <spiekey> i do not want to upgrade the kernel stuff
[09:07] <liassist> security? will that will be an issue (i've installed selinux)
[09:07] <Kamping_Kaiser> spiekey, just apt-get install , it'll update them
[09:09] <spiekey> Kamping_Kaiser: very cool! thanks!
[09:09] <spiekey> this channel rocks :)
[09:09] <Kamping_Kaiser> aww :)
[09:09] <spiekey> :))
[09:12] <liassist> :)
[09:13] <Kamping_Kaiser> liassist asked in both #debian and here about that quetion, fyi
[09:13] * Kamping_Kaiser gets irate over that (it may have shown)
[09:25] <danshearer> 'morning all
[09:25] <soren> o/
[09:25] <danshearer> dag, soren
[09:26] <danshearer> Some docs on the possibility of the openldap AD proxy are here:
[09:26] <danshearer> http://www.connexitor.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=20
[09:27] <danshearer> as well as 'man slapo-translucent'
[09:29] <soren> Cool.
[09:38] <Koon> bonjour Dan
[09:45] <danshearer> Koon: salut Thierry
[09:46] <spiekey> can i use a public ubuntu generated ssh-key for putty, too?
[09:47] <InsomniaCity> you need to use puttygen to convert ssh-keygen'd keys into ppk format.
[09:51] <simplyubuntu> hello everyone.... can anyone help me with setting up a home file/print server?
[09:51] <simplyubuntu> or direct me to a good guide....
[10:14] * danshearer is away: back in an hour
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=== danshearer is now known as danshearer1
[11:32] <fohdeesha1> halpppp
[11:33] <Kamping_Kaiser> !ask | fohdeesha1
[11:33] <ubottu> fohdeesha1: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[11:33] <fohdeesha1> whats the package that gives the console fonts, so folder show up one color files another etc
[11:35] <Kamping_Kaiser> thats an ls setting
[11:36] <fohdeesha1> really? I thought it was a package
[11:36] <Kamping_Kaiser> it may be. but its an ls setting
[11:36] <Kamping_Kaiser> ls --color=auto
[11:38] <hads> Should be set by dircolors which is in coreutils which will be installed.
[11:38] <fohdeesha1> ah thanks that did the trick, although my buddy always installed some fonts package which did that automatically
[11:39] <Kamping_Kaiser> hads, whats dircolors do exactly, apart from modify an ls environment variable? :)
[11:40] <hads> That's it AFAIK
[11:40] <hads> :)
[11:40] <Kamping_Kaiser> hehe
[11:40] <hads> I'm sure someone who knows more can correct me, I don't know that much about it.
[11:41] <hads> From the manpage, "Output commands to set the LS_COLORS environment variable" - it would seem that's it.
[12:00] <nooga> hello
[12:01] <nooga> i'd like to setup ubuntu server on a single hdd next to RAID5 matrix
[12:01] <nooga> when I install it normally, the GRUB can't boot and throws error 15
[12:01] <nooga> how to fix it?
[12:12] <fohdeesha1> I HACKED THE GIBSON
[12:13] <soren> a) What's "the gibson", b) who cares?
[12:14] <fohdeesha1> http://www.google.com/search?q=hacked+the+gibson&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
[12:14] <fohdeesha1> Welcome to the internet.
[12:15] <mralphabet> welcome to 13 years ago . . . get a new catchphrase
[12:15] <fohdeesha1> protip: take a joke
[12:15] <Kamping_Kaiser> fohdeesha1, protip for you: dont piss off the people you want help from
[12:16] <Kamping_Kaiser> watch your language please
[12:16] <fohdeesha1> lol no kick? a lot more lax than the bsd guys
[12:16] <Kamping_Kaiser> no ops looking. they'll be back ;)
[12:19] <soren> kthxbye
[12:19] <Kamping_Kaiser> hes back.
[12:19] <Kamping_Kaiser> *heh*
[12:20] <soren> He's been here before?
[12:20] <Kamping_Kaiser> soren, your back.
[12:20] <soren> Oh. Heh :)*
[12:20] <nooga> well
[12:20] <nooga> got any idea?
[12:20] <Kamping_Kaiser> :)
[12:21] <soren> nooga: What do you mean by "normally"?
[12:22] <nooga> normally: insert cd, hit next, next, next, next till end of installation ;D
[12:24] <soren> ...
[12:24] <soren> Oh, then it works.
[12:25] <soren> Look, if you want help, you need to be helpful yourself.
[12:26] <nooga> okay, now i tried to manually partition disks: RAID5 (hda, hdb, hdc set to work under RAID), hdd: bootable / and swap partition
[12:27] <nooga> and it's the same
[12:27] <nooga> grub throws error 15
[12:27] <soren> You're trying to boot off of the 4th disk in the system?
[12:28] <nooga> dunno, in bios it seems to be hd0
[12:28] <nooga> but linux sees it as hdd
[12:28] <nooga> as if the matrix was first
[12:29] <soren> Yeah, that would do it..
[12:29] <soren> How soon do you get the erro 15?
[12:30] <nooga> after installation when i boot first time
[12:30] <soren> ...
[12:30] <soren> YEs, but *when*?
[12:30] <soren> How far does it get?
[12:31] <nooga> sec
[12:32] <nooga> loading stage 1.5
[12:32] <nooga> and then "GRUB loading, please wait..."
[12:32] <nooga> and then
[12:32] <nooga> boom ERROR 15
[12:33] <nooga> brb
[12:34] <nooga> (cig brake)
[12:34] <soren> Oh, good. That's easy then.
[12:36] * soren takes a break
[12:43] * danshearer is away: meeting
[12:44] <nooga> soren: what's easy? ;d
[12:46] <nooga> what do u mean?
[12:50] <soren> To fix it.
[12:51] <soren> You get a chance to hit ESC at some point. Do that.
[12:53] <nooga> when grub starts?
[12:53] <soren> Yes.
[12:54] <nooga> does not work, grub throws error immediately
[12:55] <soren> Ah.
[12:56] <soren> Hm... I completely understand the problem, but I'm not sure who to guide you through fixing it.
[12:56] <nooga> the raid controller is on motherboard and that single drive is connected to additional sata socket, maybe i could connect it elsewhere and try to make RAID1 with one disk, next to the RAID5 with 3 disks and then try to install ubuntu on that RAID1
[12:56] <soren> nooga: One thing you could do, though..
[12:57] <soren> nooga: Go through the installation again, but pass "edd=on" on the kernel command line.
[12:57] <soren> That should make grub install itself on the right disk and also know where to look for the stage1.5.
[12:58] <nooga> when exactly i should pass that arg?
[12:58] <soren> When you boot the installer.
=== Tophat_offwork is now known as Tophat
[13:01] <nooga> okay
[13:03] <nooga> ah, hit f6 in the cd menu and just add "edd=on" in the end?
[13:03] <nooga> after -- ?
[13:04] <soren> Yeah.
[13:04] <cjsstables> what is the security number to use for a ldap home directory? ie is it 644? I have the Ownership set to testuser:Domain User. I don't want others users to see a home folder that is not theirs.
[13:06] <soren> Define "see".
[13:06] <blue-frog> cjsstables: then you need 700
[13:07] <blue-frog> with 4 one could be able to read a file if he know the exact name
[13:07] <soren> No.
[13:08] <soren> With 4 you could find all the exact names of everything, but not access them. With 1, you could access them if you knew their name (and have access to the file itself), but not list the names.
[13:09] <soren> cjsstables: Define "see".
[13:10] <soren> Or don't.
[13:10] <soren> *shrug*
[13:11] <cjsstables> soren: if user xxx is logged on the domain, user xxx would not be able to view user yyy home directory with a file manager like thunar
[13:11] <soren> Define "view", then.
[13:11] <soren> cjsstables: Do you want users to be able to determine the existence of other users' home directories? Do you want other users' to be able to list the contents of the home directories? Do you want other users to be able to access things in the home directories?
[13:11] <soren> What?
[13:12] <cjsstables> soren answer is as follows. user xxx cannot determine existance of user yyy home directory
[13:13] <blue-frog> soren sorry. ty for correcting
[13:13] <cjsstables> user xxx cannot list content of user yyy home directory
[13:13] <soren> Then you need 701 on /home as well.
[13:14] <soren> ..but that seems rather pointless as ldap and nss and stuff will likely reveal their existence anyway.
[13:14] <soren> I'm just trying to point out that "see" is not a very useful term. There are several layers to be taken into account.
[13:15] <soren> I could have just given you the easy, but not fully correnct, answer: 700.
[13:15] <soren> ...but that's not really my style.
[13:15] <cjsstables> ok no problem. why do we want to give "others" execute permission with 701
[13:17] <cjsstables> soren,, your previous comment about revealing access to others when in an ldap enviro. is that a common practice
[13:17] <soren> Yes.
[13:18] <soren> Without execute permissions you can't refer to anything inside a directory.
[13:18] <soren> Like, say, your own home directory.
[13:18] <soren> ...which would be inconvenient.
[13:18] <cjsstables> ok. so in that scenario. user xxx can read only user yyy home directory but cannot wx
[13:19] <soren> There's been a lot of stuff flying around now. What is "that scenario"?
[13:19] <cjsstables> an ldap scenerio
[13:19] <soren> Whether you use ldap or not doesn't change what you have access to.
[13:19] <soren> What are ownership and permissions on /home and the user's home directory in "that scenario"?
[13:20] <nooga> still error 15 ;/
[13:20] <cjsstables> that is what I'm trying to determine .... what should I set them to... what is the common practice
[13:21] <soren> cjsstables: Common practice is to stay with the default. That's why their the defaults.
[13:21] <soren> Well, that's not entirely true.
[13:22] <soren> I guess they're common practice, because they're the defaults.
[13:26] <cjsstables> soren: when I created a user with smbldap-useradd it creates a home directory of yyy with the following permissions drwx------. Is that the corect permissions?
[13:27] <soren> They are not incorrect.
[13:28] <cjsstables> ok. but would they fall into the category of acceptable for a typical ldap environment
[13:29] <cjsstables> basically I just wouldn't want user yyy copying viewing changing anything that is in xxx home directory
[13:29] <soren> Those permission will make achieve that goal.
[13:30] <cjsstables> awesom. thanks very much soren.
[13:31] <nooga> soren: i just can't do it
[13:31] <cjsstables> so if I wanted to chmod a directory and its contents to drwx------ is that 700?
[13:31] <nooga> is setting RAID1 with one disk for system and separate RAID5 for data a good idea?
[13:32] <soren> nooga: The problem is that during boot, your bios thinks hdd is the first disk, but the grub on hdd tries to look on the 4th disk for the stage1.5 loader.
[13:32] <nooga> well
[13:32] <soren> cjsstables: I wouldn't recommend changin the permissions of the files inside the directory.
[13:33] <nooga> then i could try to setup grub from livecd
[13:33] <nooga> is it possible?
[13:33] <soren> Yes.
[13:33] <foolano> cjsstables: if you had a public_html directory within the user home directory you'd need excution permissions for others, otherwise apache couldn't access it
[13:36] <foolano> cjsstables: if you take a look at what adduser sets when a new user home is created, you'll see something like 755
[13:36] <nooga> soren: i would be grateful for a hint: how
[13:36] <cjsstables> foolano: ok . that makes more sense to me
[13:39] <soren> nooga: Boot the livecd, chroot into the installed system, change your device.map to tell it that /dev/hdd is (hd0), run grub-install.
[13:40] <nooga> kay
[13:58] <cjsstables> soren: are you pretty familiar with the smbldap tools?
[14:01] <cjsstables> I have added a machine/computer account when I used winxp join the domain. however I do not know how to add a computer account for a linux client. How would I do this with the smbldap tools
[14:13] <nooga> soren: so, if i got (hd0) hda, (hd1) hdb ... , (hd4) hdd
[14:13] <nooga> i just swap hd0 with hd4, right?
[14:20] <nooga> soren: and then grub-install hd0 ?
[14:34] <Assid> hi
[14:34] <Assid> anyone here got openvz working ?
[14:36] <soren> nooga: Sounds right.
[14:42] <nooga> soren: grub-install hd0 (aka hdd) says sth like: /dev/sdd1: Not found or not a block device
[14:42] <nooga> wtf?
[14:42] * Assid needs help with openvz
[14:43] <soren> nooga: Quit the chroot, and do: sudo mount --bind /dev /whereever/you/mounted/your/target/system/dev
[14:44] <nooga> ah
[14:53] <nooga> lol
[14:53] <nooga> the file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly
[14:54] <nealmcb> !ask | Assid
[14:54] <ubottu> Assid: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[14:55] <Assid> nealmcb: yeah thats why im waiting.. for someone to respond
[14:55] <Assid> it doesnt work with the kernel in the respository
[14:56] <nealmcb> Assid: you haven't given enough information for someone to help you - versions, what you did, what you saw etc
[14:56] <nealmcb> Guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html
[14:56] <nealmcb> remember - we're volunteers....
[14:57] <Assid> when i boot.. i get this : "This kernel require the following features not present on the CPU: 0:6" this is using the openvz kernel available in the respositor and the PPA of will nowak
[14:57] <nooga> soren: it fails ;(
[14:57] <nealmcb> hardy?
[14:57] <Assid> yes
[14:57] <nealmcb> link to the ppa?
[14:58] <Assid> using the 2.6.24-17-openvz
[14:58] <Assid> https://edge.launchpad.net/~compbrain/+archive
[14:58] <nealmcb> you may have to ask will for help - I don't know what he has up
[14:58] <Assid> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVZ -- this suggests to eithe rebuild the kernel.. OR use the PPA
[14:59] <soren> nooga: How?
[15:02] <nealmcb> Assid: interesting - thanks for the link. note that those instructions rely on stuff that isn't supported. it might help to know what your ultimate goal is and why the main Ubuntu virtualization solution, kvm, won't work for you
[15:02] <Assid> i am now trying to recompile it.. but this is being really hopeful
[15:02] <nooga> soren: dunno, i'm in chroot, /dev is binded
[15:02] <nooga> and under chroot i type: grub-install hd0
[15:03] <soren> nooga: Do you have /boot on a different partition?
[15:03] <nooga> i don't know, but it's unlikely
[15:03] <soren> Er..
[15:03] <Assid> nealmcb: i dont want to use a hardware virtualization as they FIX the resources (commit the resources), wwith openvz i can OVERSELL / OVERPROMISE more resources than i have
[15:03] <soren> hd4 is hdd? What's hd3, then?
[15:04] <Assid> and the VPS that isnt using as much resources is being shared where required
[15:05] <Assid> also.. i cant set the amount of CPU power i want a kvm resource to have.. it only lets me dedicate processors
[15:05] <Assid> so suppose i want SMP for a vps.. but i want each vps to have say 200mhz only (200+200 as dual core)
[15:06] <Assid> openvz lets me do this.. kvm only lets me set the cpu's per VM
[15:06] <InsomniaCity> Assid: you realise that if you use openvz, people will know you're overselling, and consequently be that less likely to choose your services
[15:06] <Assid> InsomniaCity: thats fine.. its all for internal usage atm
[15:06] <nooga> i guess i'll install ubuntu server again
[15:06] <nooga> and then try
[15:07] <soren> nooga: Whu... why?
[15:07] <Assid> InsomniaCity: i have certain tasks i am targetting PER vps.. and each task is generally going to be used during certain timings.. think of it as TIMESHARE per RESOURCESHARE
[15:07] <soren> What's with all the shouting?
[15:09] <stupidknight> Hi, I've just installed Ubuntu Server on my server, with MySQL. Now I can't access it form an other computer, though on the same network. Any ideas if this is there's something I should take into consideration?
[15:10] <soren> The fact that mysql only listens on the loopback interface by default, perhaps.
[15:11] <Assid> hrmm
[15:12] <stupidknight> oh
[15:12] <stupidknight> soren: sorry if my question was dumb enough, just installed it and I'm new to *nix in general.
[15:13] <soren> If you really want to expose your db server to the network, you need to change the bind-address option in /etc/mysql/my.cnf
[15:14] <nealmcb> Assid: I updated that wiki page a bit to clarify the support and point to kvm also. sorry I can't help with your underlying question since I haven't used it
[15:15] <stupidknight> soren: yea, I'm in it now, thanks.
[15:15] <nealmcb> you might get better help from an openvz channel
[15:16] <soren> Assid: It would appear the openvz kernel is compiled with pae support. It will fail on old systems.
[15:16] <Assid> right
[15:16] <Assid> how do i disable it?
[15:16] <Assid> which flag is it
[15:17] <soren> CONFIG_PAE, probably.
[15:17] <soren> Hmm... Or perhaps not.
[15:18] <Assid> i got the git distribution.. found PAE .. but in config.server
[15:19] <Assid> however, how do i know which config file is worked on?
[15:19] <nealmcb> Assid: which git distribution? I'd think you'd want to base your kernel off the standard ubuntu kernel and the one in the ppa
[15:20] <zul> soren: CONFIG_HIGHMEM_64G turns on CONFIG_PAE
[15:21] <soren> Ah, those are only on i386, of course. That's why I couldn't find them.
[15:21] <soren> Assid: You want to look for the openvz binary custom flavour thing.
[15:21] <Assid> might as well compile this for my laptop
[15:22] <soren> You wan to do hosting off of your laptop?
[15:23] <Assid> nah.. just playing with it on my laptop before i do it on a production box
[15:24] <Assid> you dont expect me to blow up a production box do you ?
[15:29] <nealmcb> Assid: thanks for your input on that bug. if you could followup with information on the PAE issue that would also help. e.g. is PAE required in the ppa kernel, but not in other ubuntu kernels?
[15:30] <Assid> im actually recompiling the kernel atm
[15:31] <Assid> i am tyring to recompile the kernel as we speak
[15:32] <Assid> its gonna take a long time.. its just a 1400 pentium m
[16:08] <ghatak> hi, I have a strange problem with syslog-ng, i want recieve remote syslog from switch and router, when I do a tcpdump i can see udp packets being sent however syslog-ng daemon does not see them. even if i do netcat on port 514, it does not see it, any help please ?
[16:11] <mathiaz> kirkland: what is the name of the virtualization packages you've created ?
[16:11] <mathiaz> kirkland: I don't find them in your ppa
[16:12] <kirkland> ubuntu-virt-server and ubuntu-virt-mgmt, should be
[16:12] <kirkland> mathiaz: I see them there
[16:12] <mathiaz> kirkland: yeah - me too :D
[16:12] <kirkland> mathiaz: oh, they're against hardy
[16:12] <kirkland> mathiaz: when i uploaded them, PPA didn't support intrepid yet
[16:12] <kirkland> mathiaz: and it only built i386, strange
[16:13] <mathiaz> kirkland: that's because they're meta-packages
[16:13] <kirkland> mathiaz: oh, that's right. i remember now.
[16:13] <mathiaz> kirkland: the deb names is _all, which is for all architecture.
[16:13] <kirkland> mathiaz: that was a conscious change, save space on the repos
[16:13] <kirkland> mathiaz: gotcha.
[16:13] <mathiaz> kirkland: they're just built for i386.
[16:13] <kirkland> mathiaz: -> #ubuntu-virt ?
[16:15] <mathiaz> kirkland: that's all I wanted to ask
[16:15] <kirkland> mathiaz: ;-)
[16:15] <kirkland> mathiaz: can you sponsor for upload to intrepid?
[16:15] <mathiaz> kirkland: I'm writing the minute then
[16:15] <mathiaz> kirkland: I'd suggest to follow the NewPackage process.
[16:15] <kirkland> mathiaz: okay, cool
[16:15] <mathiaz> kirkland: I can advocate for your package.
[16:16] <kirkland> mathiaz: i had that NewPackage todo from yesterday's meeting, i'll get right on it
[16:16] <mathiaz> kirkland: I'd rather follow the NewPackage process.
[16:16] <kirkland> mathiaz: that's fine
[16:19] <zul> mathiaz: dovecot SRU works as expected fyi
=== RockHound is now known as RockHound_
[16:32] <Assid> mathiaz: you got nything for openvz
[16:32] <sommer> zul: I was giving that a test as well, I'm running the load_test.py, is there anything I should look for?
[16:33] <zul> sommer: I bumped the login_max_proccesses_count to 1 and then rerun it
[16:33] <sommer> zul: cool will do, isn't it 128 by default?
[16:34] <zul> sommer: yeah but its easier and faster to see if you get the error message
[16:35] <sommer> zul: ah
[16:36] <PCChris> RoAkSoAx: what were you saying yesterday?
[16:37] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, about the server name on apache2.conf file?
[16:37] <PCChris> yes
[16:37] <RoAkSoAx> add ServerName <ip address of your server> in that file
[16:38] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, have you set the hostname as told in the howtoforge.com howto?
[16:38] <PCChris> I don't believe I did that actually
[16:39] <PCChris> which howto was that?
[16:39] <PCChris> perfect server setup?
[16:40] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, yeah in the 3rd page
[16:40] <RoAkSoAx> if you do that hostname setup i think that servername warning won't show up
[16:41] <PCChris> http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_server_ubuntu7.10_p3 ? I don't see anything about Apache config there
[16:41] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, i ment the hostname of the server... do the hostname thing first and see if you get that warning
[16:42] <LowWalker> Grub error 2... what are you
[16:42] <RoAkSoAx> if you do, add ServerName <> to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
[16:42] <PCChris> So right now I'm supposed to be editing Apache2.conf?
[16:43] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, if you haven't set the hostname of your machine correctly, you do
[16:45] <PCChris> httpd (pid 9994?) not running still
[16:46] <PCChris> Maybe the first ISPConfig install messed up some settings?
[16:49] <PCChris> My computer hostname for Ubuntu is chris-laptop, which it provided by default when installing Ubunut
[16:49] <PCChris> *Ubuntu
[16:49] <emgent> heya
[16:50] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, weird then... try check the apache logs and see why it ain't starting
[16:51] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, maybe try resinstalling apache
[16:52] <PCChris> That's what I was thinking I should just try at this point
[16:52] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, i would recommend you to uninstall it with sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2 (and any other packages you have installed)
[16:53] <RoAkSoAx> then sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean
[16:53] <RoAkSoAx> and then isntall it again
[16:53] <PCChris> will that remove all it's directories as well?
[16:54] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, all the config files, not the directories on /var/www
[16:54] <PCChris> should I remove those?
[16:55] <RoAkSoAx> nope
[16:55] <RoAkSoAx> that is just the DocumentRoot
[16:55] <PCChris> ok, I uninstalled-but do i need to change my computer host name or anything before trying to install anything again?
[16:56] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, what is showed when you do hostname -a and hostname -d
[16:57] <PCChris> umm...nothing?
[16:58] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, if you gonna change the hostname, thouse two commands would show the hostname...
[16:58] <RoAkSoAx> and i think that you won't have problems with the ServerName warning on apache
[16:58] <PCChris> but what should I change it to?
[16:59] <RoAkSoAx> otherwise.. just leave it as it is... and install apache... and then you add ServerName (obviously you will have to replace it with the IP of your machine) and that would be all
[17:04] * Assid watches the kernel recompile
[17:06] <juannicolas> Hi people, I would like to know if somebody here had any experience installing ubuntu in a Dell PowerEdge 1950 or similar. I want to use all disk space RAID0 but when installing the only option I did get was the PERC 5/i system. HOw can I install Ubuntu in the way to use the both 143G?
[17:09] <PCChris> RoAkSoAx: ok, when ISPConfig install asks for the fqdn, what should I put [default is chris-laptop]?
[17:09] <RoAkSoAx> yeah guess so
[17:09] <RoAkSoAx> that's why is recommendable to set a hsotname
[17:09] <PCChris> how do I remove all the old mysql tables?
[17:10] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, if you now SQL you could do that
[17:11] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #235792 in bind9 (main) "BIND 9.4.2 permission denied for custom log files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235792
[17:16] <PCChris> nm, I think I figured it out
[17:18] <juannicolas> Hi, how can I install ubuntu hardly in a PE 1950 using my 2 disk of 143Gb at full capacity not raid0
[17:18] <_ruben> juannicolas: you probably have to use sofware raid (performance is quite decent) .. i installed 2 1950's the other day, but they had hardware raid
[17:19] <_ruben> juannicolas: ow, you're only seeing one disk in the installer you mean?
[17:19] <juannicolas> yes Is telling me something about PERC 5
[17:19] <_ruben> dell default to raid1 config when shipped
[17:19] <juannicolas> so, how can i change or undo that in order to use both disk
[17:19] <_ruben> perc5 is the sata/sas/scsi (raid) controller
[17:20] <brewmaster_> anyone have any advice on setting up a simple failover web server?
[17:20] <_ruben> you need to reboot and enter the perc 5 configuration manager .. and create a raid0 vdisk (its raid1 by default)
[17:20] <_ruben> it prompts you for ctrl-a or ctrl-e i think during boot
[17:21] <juannicolas> with the radi0 I can use both disk seperatly? I mean i would have 280GB tops?
[17:21] <_ruben> with raid0 you have one virtual disk with the size of about 280GB
[17:21] <juannicolas> rebooting system
[17:21] <juannicolas> let me see
[17:21] <_ruben> then again, i cant think of a reason to use raid0 .. raid0 isnt really raid .. the r is for redundant, raid0 isnt redundant
[17:22] <_ruben> 2 disks in raid0, one disk dies, you lose the data on the other as well
[17:22] <juannicolas> i know
[17:22] <juannicolas> I only want this server for data
[17:22] <juannicolas> but they requested full max hd capacity
[17:22] <juannicolas> :S
[17:22] <_ruben> the more reason *not* to use raid0
[17:22] <PCChris> RoAkSoAx: ok, when setting up the RSA private key does it matter what info I put in?
[17:23] <PCChris> It has defaults it says I can use, but it's not actually my country, city, etc.
[17:23] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, not really... since you are just testing
[17:23] <juannicolas> I recommended mirroring but That will loose space , hey said
[17:23] <_ruben> should've gotten bigger disks then .. raid0 is pretty much useless, 1 300G disk would probably be cheaper than 2 150G's
[17:24] <juannicolas> got you, but thats what they have right now. Maybe later on they can upgrade it
[17:24] <PCChris> I still get httpd not running
[17:24] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, what does sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start shows¿
[17:25] <PCChris> It just says it failed
[17:26] <n6rej> test
[17:26] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, from ispconfig?
[17:26] <RoAkSoAx> weird then
[17:26] <n6rej> can anyone help me setup proftpd so that I can rw directly to /var/www ?
[17:26] <PCChris> that's what's returned with ...apache2 start
[17:27] <RoAkSoAx> you should uninstall it, and install it again so that you can test if it works without anyother config, because it should
[17:27] <juannicolas> _ruben i thin is ctrl+r for the PE Raid config
[17:28] <juannicolas> gosh, I dont understand this menu
[17:28] <PCChris> still fails :-(
[17:29] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, have you done any special configutarion or something for apache?
[17:30] <PCChris> no
[17:32] <juannicolas> _ruben thank you, I have created a VD with 278784MB space
[17:32] <FordPrefect> hi. Does anyone know how to get a console on a libvirt managed kvm? I'm having the same problem as this guy: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/145009
[17:32] <FordPrefect> I also tried adding it to the template file
[17:32] <FordPrefect> it just removes it
[17:32] <n6rej> nobody knows how to config proftpd?
[17:33] <juannicolas> n6rej I think you need to give /var/www write permision to all user
[17:33] <infinity> juannicolas: Dear god man, don't do that.
[17:33] <PCChris> wait, ispconfig vhost is still there
[17:33] <juannicolas> infinity then?
[17:33] <n6rej> juannicolas: yeah, just gotta figure out how to do it properly
[17:34] <zul> sommer: can you do munin next?
[17:35] <psyferre> hey folks, does anyone have a moment to help me out with adding a command to run at boot? I've seen several methods in my googling, but many are outdated or even say that there should be a "better way". Anyone have a moment?
[17:35] <infinity> n6rej: "addgroup $mywebgroup; adduser $mywebuser $mywebgroup; chown root:$mywebgroup /var/www; chmod 2775 /var/www" (Alternately, make it "$webgroup:www-data and 2750")
[17:36] <psyferre> I've read that a "good" way is to add your command to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh , but looking at that file i'm a bit unsure of where I would even want to put my command
[17:36] <n6rej> infinity: is that in proftpd?
[17:37] <infinity> n6rej: No, that's all just unix file permissions.
[17:37] <n6rej> infinity: include the $?
[17:37] <infinity> n6rej: No.
[17:37] <PCChris> RoAkSoAx: Yes! I think I at least got Apache working! Had to delete all the old ispconfig files that were still there
[17:37] <n6rej> infinity: k
[17:37] <infinity> n6rej: That was a variable. Substitute the name of the groups and users as appropriate. :P
[17:37] <n6rej> infinity: gotcha... just need one user its for my lan
[17:37] <infinity> n6rej: IOW, that wasn't an exact cut-n-paste routine, it was a "this is more or less how I'd do it" thing.
[17:38] <n6rej> infinity: cc
[17:38] <infinity> n6rej: If it's just one user, you don't need groups at all, I guess, though you might want more than one user with access later.
[17:38] <n6rej> infinity: nah, just need one.
[17:38] <PCChris> RoAkSoAx: any idea where I should go from here? Try installing ispconfig again?
[17:38] <infinity> n6rej: If you're sure it'll always just be one user, though, just make /var/www owned by root:$thatuser (every user should, by default, have a group named after them)
[17:39] <n6rej> infinity: yeah I just need to give Joomla ftp access to apache
[17:39] <infinity> n6rej: And then mode 2775 (set-group-id, rwx to root, rwx to $user, rx to "all")
[17:40] <infinity> n6rej: So all files/directories created under /var/www get that sticky bit.
[17:40] <infinity> n6rej: (If there are already files under there, you'll need to muck with their permissions by hand...)
[17:40] <n6rej> infinity: ok.
[17:41] <sommer> zul: maybe this evening... never setup munin, use nagios myself
[17:41] <soren> infinity: Do you have an opinion on using fastcgi php5 instead of libapache2-mod-php5 by default?
[17:41] <infinity> n6rej: chown -R root:$user /var/www ; chmod -R 664 /var/www ; find -type d /var/www | xargs chmod 2775
[17:41] <zul> sommer: cool just use a vm or something
[17:41] <infinity> soren: It's a pain in the ass, it doesn't always work as "expected" for some PHP developers, it lacks some fancy features of being tied into the web server directly.
[17:42] <n6rej> tyvm!!!
[17:42] <soren> infinity: In other words: "Go for it!" ?
[17:42] <infinity> soren: Pros would be "it's faster" and it can be configured to be potentially more secure.
[17:42] <soren> infinity: Yeah, the worker mpm sure would be nice.
[17:42] <infinity> soren: But, honestly, mod_php serves more people's uses better, IMO.
[17:42] <soren> infinity: I mean... It is Intrepid, after all. It's a good time to switch and get all the bugs worked out over the course of the release and possibly the next one.
[17:43] <infinity> soren: The better option, IMO, is reopening the dialog upstream about the future of support for TSRM in PHP.
[17:43] <soren> infinity: I'm not so sure.
[17:43] <infinity> soren: fastcgi always has been, IME, a hideous hack. mod_$lang has always worked better, it would just be swell if PHP was threaded-by-default.
[17:43] <PCChris> RoAkSoAx: awesome, I think everything [might be] working now. Thank you so much for the help. (is it a problem if the images in the ISPConfig interface are broken, though?)
[17:43] <soren> infinity: The security aspects of fastcgi makes me happy.
[17:44] <soren> infinity: Why do you consider it a hack?
[17:44] <infinity> soren: Meh. Hand-wavy. There's nothing secure about fastcgi by default. One can potentially mangle it to be more secure (ish), but then again, one can install PHP in fastcgi mode too, if they plan to mangle things.
[17:46] <infinity> soren: FastCGI is really a framework for distributing CGI jobs to multiple machines. From back in the bad old days when all corporate CGI was a mess of perl and C, running on very slow machines.
[17:46] <infinity> soren: The fact that we use it today as a hackish workaround for "running unthreaded apps in a threaded webserver" is cute and all, but it's a speed *hit* compared to what one would get with a native threaded mod_$foo.
[17:46] <RoAkSoAx> PCChris, if they are broken might be cause they don't have the right permissions to be accessed
[17:47] <infinity> soren: And, if the big reason to switch to FastCGI is because "prefork is slow, ZOMG", then why pull the woll over people's eyes by offering them a differently unideal solution, rather than pursuing the ideal?
[17:47] <soren> infinity: Well, ultimately, I'd like us have a php-cgi process per user to get rid of safe_mode and all that crap, too.
[17:48] <infinity> soren: (Or, another angle, if your argument really is the potential to do security wrappers and such, will you be replacing mod_perl and mod_python with fastcgi implementations?)
[17:48] <soren> safe_mode... Now, *there's* a hack if there ever was one.
[17:48] <soren> infinity: I would like that, yes.
[17:49] <infinity> Safe mode just shouldn't exist. If it never existed, no one would claim that PHP should hold their hands and be secure in the face of bad programming.
[17:49] <infinity> Well, I suppose safe_mode is more about protecting users from other users.
[17:49] <infinity> But still. Bah.
[17:49] <infinity> soren: I suspect you'll get a lot of very angry people if you try to take away mod_python and mod_perl.
[17:50] <infinity> soren: A lot of work has gone into php-cgi to make it "kinda, almost, but not quite" behave identically to mod_php. There's no such luck with perl or python, where the apache modules behave drastically differently from the raw interpreter.
[17:50] <soren> infinity: I know. It's not something I imagine will happen any time soon, but at some point, I'd certainly not reject the idea.
[17:51] <infinity> soren: Fair enough. My point is that I *do* reject the idea. :)
[17:51] <soren> Bah.
[17:51] <soren> :)
[17:52] <soren> Anyhow...
[17:52] <infinity> soren: As a man who's run many incredibly busy CGI/script-dependant sites, while there are cases where one might want "secure-by-default" (ISPs... And... ISPs... And... ISPs?), the vast majority want speed, speed, speed.
[17:52] * soren calls it a day
[18:03] <bdmurray> bug 215571 might be worth looking at
[18:03] <uvirtbot`> Launchpad bug 215571 in system-config-samba "system-config-samba.py crashed with OSError in onHelpClicked()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215571
=== brocebeats is now known as brocebesleepn
[18:05] <psyferre> can anyone give me a few pointers with how to add a script to rc2.d ? I have my script in there, but i must have given i the wrong permissions or something because it will only run manually... it doesn't run during startup
[18:06] <throck> I just upgraded a server from 7.10 to 8.04. Worked great. But now I have errors on boot (could have been there before the upgrade too, not sure). The error from dmesg is: ALSA /build/buildd/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-2.6.24/debian/build/build-server/sound/alsa-driver/pci/via82xx.c:581: codec_read: codec 0 is not valid [0xfe0000], plus 3 more just like it.
[18:10] <stickystyle> psyferre: #update-rc.d /etc/init/your_script_name defaults
[18:11] <kirkland> "There was some discussion about rewriting the page using ActiveX - it didn't
[18:11] <kirkland> get far due to a lack of interest in this technology." :-D
[18:11] <psyferre> stickystyle: Thanks!! I'll give that a try
[18:11] <kirkland> mathiaz: ^^
[18:12] <kirkland> what a sense of humour mathiaz has ;-)
[18:13] <Assid> bah.. its still compiling
[18:14] <Assid> stupid kernel
[18:16] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #235809 in apache2 (main) "apache2 startup script fails to stop apache2 at times." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235809
[18:21] <mathiaz> kirkland: isn't that what happened during the meeting ?
[18:22] <kirkland> mathiaz: um, yeah, and you do understand that was a joke, right?
[18:22] <mathiaz> kirkland: I'm just reporting the truth, the only truth ;)
[18:22] <kirkland> mathiaz: :-p
[18:24] <kirkland> mathiaz: okay, i think i've done everything i need to do for the ubuntu-virt-* meta packages... awaiting reviews
[18:24] <mathiaz> kirkland: right - I've looked at it - why did you set the maintainer to yourself rather than the ubuntu-motu team ?
[18:25] <kirkland> mathiaz: hmm, that wasn't a conscious omission
[18:25] <kirkland> mathiaz: that can be fixed
[18:33] <throck> Any ideas on my ALSA boot errors?
[18:44] <dbrewer_rjr> I just configured ubuntu hardy server on an ibm server running vmware esxi. i am getting an error on boot "Host SMBus controller not enabled." Is this serious? everything seems to be working.
[18:44] <dbrewer_rjr> oops i meant gutsy
[18:47] <psyferre> stickystyle: I finally got my script worked out so that just doing /etc/init/scriptname start will run the script successfully and then used update-rc.d scriptname defaults 88 to add it to the runlvls at the appropriate place. It still for some reason, does not run at bootup... any idea why?
[18:48] <_ruben> psyferre: it most likely runs in a slightly different environment where certain variables/commands/etc are not available (yet)
[18:48] <psyferre> stickystyle: i've seen that in some flavors of linux i have to do something like add scriptname_enabled='YES' in a file like rc.conf.... i don't see anything like that in ubuntu. Am i missing something?
[18:49] <psyferre> _ruben: thanks for the reply... that could quite possibly be it. is there any way I can minimize the chances of that? my script is a very simple one... just mounting a samba share
[18:49] <psyferre> _ruben: i made sure that it *should* run after samba starts
[18:49] <brewmaster_> anyone familiar with 'pound'?
[18:49] <_ruben> psyferre: why not add it to fstab?
[18:50] <psyferre> _ruben: i went down that road once before and never had any luck. I'll try again :)
[18:53] <PCChris> I can't ping or access my Ubuntu server from anything other than localhost or on the server machine
[18:54] <PCChris> The lan address also works but only server-side
[18:56] <neerfri> mathiaz: do you know how I can reach David Portwood ? he should be named macd here, but as of now he isn't answering me...
[18:57] <Assid> err can kvm be defined to give a VM only 200mhz of the available processor?
[18:57] <_ruben> PCChris: can you ping anything *from* your server? if so: most likely a firewall
[18:57] <PCChris> yes, I can ping from server but not to
[18:57] <_ruben> PCChris: sounds like a firewall :)
[18:58] <PCChris> anything server-side as far as firewall that Ubuntu would come with?
[18:58] <_ruben> PCChris: hardy is the first release to have one i think: ufw
[18:59] <PCChris> that's what I'm on
[19:00] <PCChris> using wireless to connect to my lan-and the laptop show up in the dhcp list for my Belkin router
[19:01] <PCChris> ...I think I might have an Apache problem, actually...maybe only listening on localhost?
[19:03] <Ali_ix> PCChris: if you cant even ping your server, there is some routing/firewall blocking problem
[19:03] <psyferre> _ruben: hi again.. i tried putting the appropriate linein fstab, and it works if I do mount -a, but ona reboot the share is still not mounted.... any idea why?
[19:03] <Ali_ix> PCChris: you can check teh listenings with netstat command
[19:03] <psyferre> _ruben: thanks again for all your help
[19:04] <_ruben> psyferre: any errors showing at boot time ?
[19:05] <PCChris> netstat -tap?
[19:08] <PCChris> Ali_ix: netstat -tap?
[19:08] <Ali_ix> PCChris: i preffer netstat -antp, but -tap works fine
[19:09] <PCChris> What should I be looking for in it?
[19:09] <Ali_ix> PCChris: check if it is something like '*:80' or '*:www',
[19:10] <Ali_ix> PCChris: that means apache is not just listening localhost
[19:10] <PCChris> Ali_ix: don't see that
[19:10] <Ali_ix> PCChris: netstat -antp | grep apache
[19:10] <PCChris> Ali_ix: netstat -tap shows up with *:www though
[19:10] <Ali_ix> PCChris: or netstat -antp | grep :80
[19:11] <Ali_ix> PCChris: so it is ok
[19:12] <Ali_ix> PCChris: do you have and firewall/router in front of your ubuntu server?
[19:12] <PCChris> yes, but I had it working previously-I'm redirecting port 80 and 8080 to the Ubuntu server
[19:13] <Ali_ix> PCChris: check that config again
[19:14] <PCChris> yeah, port 80 and 8080 redirect to my Ubuntu ip which I just verified with ifconfig
[19:15] <PCChris> wait...ping is working now I think
[19:15] <PCChris> it's somehow working now
[19:15] <PCChris> unfortunately idk what changed
[19:16] <PCChris> unless the router settings just weren't updated or something for some reason
[19:19] <PCChris> Ali_ix: thanks for the assistance, hopefully it won't start acting up again
[19:20] <Ali_ix> PCChris: try to telnet on 80 port from outside
[19:22] <PCChris> that fails
[19:23] <PCChris> as long as I'm doing it right
[19:24] <PCChris> wait, wrong port-how do I change telnet port?
=== brocebesleepn is now known as brocebeats
[19:25] <Ali_ix> PCChris: telnet IP PORT
[19:26] <Ali_ix> PCChris: telnet ip 80 (for webs erver)
[19:26] <PCChris> doesn't seem to work
[19:26] <PCChris> I can ping and access the site, though
[19:27] <Ali_ix> PCChris: it is your router or the iptables on server that blocking apache, check both
[19:28] <PCChris> Ali_ix: I'm saying I can access it with external address now-or are you trying to determine why it wasn't working???
[19:28] <Ali_ix> PCChris: yes, but it doesnt matter any more if it is working ;)
[19:29] <PCChris> ok (still wondering why it wasn't working, though)
[19:29] <PCChris> Ali_ix: thank you very much
[19:29] <Ali_ix> PCChris: np :)
[19:46] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #230016 in pilot-link (main) "[intrepid] Rebuild with perl 5.10" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/230016
=== blue-frog_ is now known as blue-frog
[20:16] <spiekey> hi
[20:16] <spiekey> is there a way to check the CPU temperature?
[20:16] <RoAkSoAx> spiekey, http://www.techthrob.com/tech/linuxsensors.php
[20:21] <emgent> stickystyle: about rapache see planet :)
[20:23] <spiekey> ermm...: http://pastebin.com/m322228e0
[20:23] <spiekey> i am not sure what temparature that is :-/
[20:24] <blue-frog> beginning to be hot
[20:25] <spiekey> is this the cpu or power supply or what is it?
[20:25] <spiekey> line 14 is the only one with degres on it.
[20:26] <blue-frog> i assume cpu but don't know for sure
[20:26] <spiekey> ok, thanks!
[20:26] <blue-frog> hum if adpater there woul be a problem I guess at that temp
[20:27] <blue-frog> anyway how could the motherboard knows about the adpater?
[20:39] <nxvl> kirkland: no luck
[20:39] <kirkland> nxvl: you called?
[20:40] <nxvl> nop
[20:40] <nxvl> i go
[20:41] <nxvl> they said there was people until 7
[20:41] <nxvl> so maybe someone took it
[20:41] <nxvl> they called to room service and there was the guard of the 3th floor, who called his collegue
[20:41] <nxvl> and no one knew anything
[20:42] <emgent> kees: ping
[20:42] <kirkland> nxvl: bummer
[20:42] <kirkland> nxvl: thanks so much for trying
[20:42] <kirkland> nxvl: you da man
[20:42] <kirkland> nxvl: i emailed a bunch of people there
[20:42] <nxvl> i will love that someone makes the same for me, so there was no problem
[20:42] <nxvl> :D
[20:43] <nxvl> also i don;t have much to do
[20:43] <nxvl> i'm just on the bar of the hostal drinking a beer and geeking around
[20:43] <nxvl> :D
[20:43] <kirkland> nxvl: which hostel?
[20:43] <kirkland> nxvl: I stayed at an awesome place called The Boathouse in Prague in May 2001
[20:44] <emgent> people rapache pre-pre-pre alpha with GUI is out, see planet
[20:46] <stickystyle> emgent: Very nice.
[20:47] <nxvl> i'm in Traveler's hostel
[20:47] <nxvl> it awesome
[20:47] <nxvl> emgent: btw, i will take a look and maybe help you
[20:47] <nxvl> emgent: it will help with my project, if you don't mind that i use it somewhen as a module :D
[20:48] <RoAkSoAx> nxvl, go look for some ladies :P
[20:48] <nxvl> RoAkSoAx: i just want to go home
[20:48] <emgent> nxvl: :)
[20:48] <RoAkSoAx> nxvl, hahaha why?? you have to come back to work!!
[20:49] <nxvl> emgent: i will when i go home and catch the correct timezone :D
[20:50] <nxvl> RoAkSoAx: because europe is expensive, they don't have ceviche, aji de gallina, you don't put your life in danger when you walk on the streets
[20:51] <RoAkSoAx> nxvl, hahahaha or have to pay a transit police officer if he stops ya!! oh well!! that's why we love Perú :P :D
[20:51] <uvirtbot`> New bug: #235856 in dhcp3 (main) "dhcdbd still uses old dbus-send location" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235856
[21:01] <JanC> nxvl: you're peruvian?
[21:02] <JanC> and Prague is actually quite cheap compared to some other places in Europe...
[21:08] <RoAkSoAx> JanC, i'm peruvian aswell xD
[21:08] <JanC> great
[21:08] <nxvl> one peruvian developer per version
[21:08] <nxvl> :D
[21:08] <nxvl> s/version/release
[21:09] <JanC> wow, that's even greater ;)
[21:09] <nxvl> i started with hardy and RoAkSoAx with intepid
[21:09] <nxvl> i hope to see more peruvian involved
[21:09] <nxvl> RoAkSoAx: and that's our work
[21:10] <JanC> don't forget to involve non-develoeprs too ;-)
[21:10] <nxvl> well
[21:10] <RoAkSoAx> yeah, we are trying to do that but it's kinda hard since everyone on the Peruvian LoCo work, and we have like different schedules.. but well.. we gonna start giving *
[21:10] <RoAkSoAx> clases
[21:10] <nxvl> we have people involved in translations
[21:10] <nxvl> and in artwork
[21:11] <JanC> translations & artwork are important too
[21:12] <JanC> but for things like advocacy, you don't necessarily need technical people
[21:12] <JanC> try to get some people who aren't in IT to get involved
[21:12] <emgent> kees: 5th June next Security Meeting, true?
[21:13] <JanC> they might also have some interesting input...
[21:13] <JanC> hm, this is probably off-topic here ;-)
[21:13] <kees> emgent: that's correct
[21:14] <emgent> kees: so if it`s ok for you, I think that we can start pt
[21:14] <JanC> 2008-06-05 isn't on the Ubuntu agenda ;-)
[21:14] <kees> emgent: pt?
[21:14] <kees> emgent: white-hat stuff?
[21:14] <JanC> (the calendar on the Fridge)
[21:14] <emgent> schedule pt, yeah
[21:14] <kees> emgent: feel free to add stuff to the agenda, email the hardened mailing list, etc.
[21:15] <emgent> ok thanks
[21:15] <emgent> :)
[21:15] <kees> JanC: hm, can you fix that?
[21:15] <JanC> not myself, the fridge people can
[21:18] <JanC> kees: boredandblogging can change the fridge calendar
[21:19] <emgent> kees: one or two hours?
[21:20] <kees> emgent: I'm hoping that the Ubuntu Security Team meeting will be 1 hour. If you need a separate white-hat meeting, go ahead and get it scheduled too
[21:23] <JanC> what's the white-hat meeting supposed to be about?
[21:26] <emgent> kees: cool -- i think to try in security meeting for now and if we will need more time, i will schedule another meeting only for ubuntu-whitehat.
[21:33] <kees> emgent: okay
[21:33] <michalski> hey when removing something it says: E: ebox-ntp: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1
[21:33] <michalski> how do i remove this?
[21:44] <kees> emgent: I think you updated the wrong thing (not the Meeting agenda)
[21:50] <emgent> kees: oops
[21:50] <emgent> just a moment..
[21:50] <tritonx> question: What is it that tell the browser what name(domain) to show? ie: I have a few domain name at godaddy, but for now I only use redirecting to the proper place and my adress is always a no-ip one. Is there a way I could make it show another address?
[21:51] <emgent> kees: fixed, sorry
[21:56] <bobbo> Where can i find the default apache2 envvars file?
[21:56] <kees> emgent: np -- I just wanted to make sure you actually got on the schedule. :)
[21:57] <emgent> thanks :)
[22:01] <emgent> night people i go to sleep