UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /29 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Pici> gnomefreak: great, thats exactly what info I wanted.
[00:00] <gnomefreak> Pici: but yes i believe we have it on 2 PPA's atm
[00:00] <Pici> gnomefreak: I just wanted something to tell people who ask
[00:00] <gnomefreak> Pici: we have mozillateam PPA and fta's PPA both have latest and greatest as snapshots are released
[00:01] <gnomefreak> Pici: tell them to see us in #ubuntu-mozillateam or bug 233922
[00:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 233922 in yelp "[new-upstream] Firefox 3.0 RC1 is available" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/233922
[00:01] <gnomefreak> :)
[00:01] <gnomefreak> I have my hands full with extensions, sunbird, flash10 atm
[00:02] <gnomefreak> ah yay pushing libflashsupport to hardy PPA :)
[00:03] <gnomefreak> maybe it was intrepid fail to build and hardy was deps werent finished
[00:06] * gnomefreak hopes perl is fixed
[00:21] <mneptok> any IRC Council folks about?
[00:22] <mneptok> and what fellow ops are awake?
[00:22] <Pici> I guess I'm awake
[00:24] <mneptok> i'm up for Ubuntu membership in ~35m in #ubuntu-meeting. if anyone thinks i'm deserving, i'd love some support.
[00:25] <jrib> if I'm not out getting my food, I'll be there mneptok
[00:25] <Pici> I'll go get my cheerleader outfit
[00:25] <mneptok> thnaks :)
[00:25] <jrib> are we cheering /for/ him?
[00:25] <mneptok> "thanks," too
[00:25] <mneptok> jrib: i don;t care, as long as there are cheerleader outfits
[01:23] <jrib> mneptok: I have a feeling that they aren't going to get to you today
[01:26] <mneptok> we shall see
[01:26] * jrib watches users earlier on the list mysteriously disappear
[01:28] <mneptok> a couple are missing
[01:49] <Seeker`> mneptok: you been yet?
[01:49] <mneptok> Seeker`: no sah
[03:23] <mneptok> well that sucked ass
[03:23] <tritium> ?
[03:23] <Seeker`> didn't they get to you?
[03:23] <mneptok> no
[03:23] <jrib> mneptok: don't worry, you're in member in my eyes
[03:23] <mneptok> and i just blew off work for 2.5 hours for nothing.
[03:24] <mneptok> which means i make up that work from home tonight. which i would have done gladly if it had been for a good reason.
[03:24] <jrib> s/in/a
[06:27] <Myrtti> mneptok: thats about what I felt on Tuesday
[06:27] <Myrtti> mneptok: *patpat*
[07:15] <ubottu> In ubottu, calcmandan said: !scrot is a simple screen capture utility using imlib2. Scrot has a few options, detailed here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/scrot
[08:28] <ubottu> magnetron called the ops in #ubuntu (krishandsen)
[08:29] <Myrtti> Gary: which one will we leave?
[08:29] <Gary> hehe, leave the ban, remove my mute?
[08:30] <Gary> I like mutes though
[08:31] <Gary> or remove both :p
[08:31] <Gary> ahh cunning
[08:32] <Myrtti> very
[08:54] <quadrispro> hi all!
[08:54] <quadrispro> can I have a cloak? :)
[08:55] <quadrispro> my LP account -> https://launchpad.net/~quadrispro
[09:11] <fde> Hello... should the 'compiz' factoid really contain info about Xgl still? I'm fairly sure that project is dead....
[09:12] <fde> Also, is there a channel for the wiki team? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager should probably be changed...
[09:16] <bazhang> holycow bears watching
[09:18] <quadrispro> hi bazhang
[09:19] <quadrispro> what is the procedure to get a cloak?
[09:19] <bazhang> quadrispro, you need to go to #freenode for that
[09:19] <quadrispro> bazhang: ah ok! ;)
[09:19] <fde> quadrispro: Go to #freenode and ask a staffer ...
[09:20] <fde> quadrispro: you must have a registered nick, and assign an e-mail to that account... also you should have another nick linked to the main account so that you have something to fall back on if your main account wasn't disconnected correctly.
[09:20] <bazhang> quadrispro, is there anything else? please see the /topic in here.
[09:21] <quadrispro> fde: I'm a Ubuntu member, in this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Cloaks there's written another thing..
[09:21] <quadrispro> ah ok
[09:22] <quadrispro> anyway I'm joining #freenode, thank u ;)
[09:22] <fde> quadrispro: Ahh, yes the Ubuntu specific cloak is slightly different... what I speak of will get you a cloak similar to what I have now.
[09:22] <quadrispro> oh I understand, ok :)
[09:23] <bazhang> fde is there something else?
[09:24] <fde> bazhang: Not currently... I was just waiting for any kind of feedback, usually someone responds to my requests for bot changes
[09:25] <bazhang> fde you can /msg the bot and it will be taken care of.
[09:25] <fde> bazhang: Is this your way of saying get out of the channel? :P
[09:26] <fde> bazhang: I would rather discuss the change before I formally suggest it is all...
[09:26] <quadrispro> ok... I've assigned an email to my account
[09:26] <bazhang> fde please read the /topic thanks.
[09:26] <quadrispro> bazhang: can u help me? :)
[09:26] <fde> bazhang: I have, many times... I'm not idling though...
[09:27] <bazhang> quadrispro, this for an unaffiliated cloak?
[09:27] <quadrispro> bazhang: no... ubuntu cloak
[09:27] <fde> bazhang: If no one replies in the next 15 mins with something related to my inquiry, I will leave... but I'd like to give them time to respond if that's ok?
[09:28] <bazhang> quadrispro, are you a channel operator?
[09:28] <quadrispro> bazhang: for #ubuntu-it-doc
[09:29] <quadrispro> italian locoteam
[09:29] <bazhang> quadrispro, then likely the best place would be #ubuntu-irc afaik
[09:29] <quadrispro> ah ok!
[09:29] <quadrispro> ;)
[09:30] <quadrispro> bye bazhang, thank u
[09:35] <fde> bazhang: No one appears to have any feedback, so I will request the change with ubottu ... do you know where I would request changes to help.ubuntu.com pages by chance? They aren't publicly changeable afaik, only wiki.ubuntu.com is
[09:37] <bazhang> fde best to submit factoids to the bot rather then come here each time; not sure about the wiki--I will have a look around and message you when I find something. :)
[09:37] <fde> bazhang: Alright thanks... note it is a help.ubuntu.com page, not a wiki page... I have a wiki account, so I can edit normal wiki pages myself... much appreciated though :)
[09:39] <bazhang> holycow was asked to stop with the aggression against other users several times; in PM (mediation) let loose with a string of invectives, then quit.
[09:39] <ubottu> In ubottu, fde said: compiz is Compiz (compositing window manager) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion (reasoning: Xgl is currently unmaintained upstream, being replaced by Xglx)
[09:52] <stdin> btw, help.ubuntu.com is a wiki
[10:44] <ompaul> keep an eye on #ubuntu need to run
[10:44] <ompaul> just check my last ban
[10:47] <jussi01> ompaul: will do
[10:57] <nakedgoat> wanna take off the *fah*
[10:57] <nakedgoat> and the nakedgoat
[10:57] <nakedgoat> thx
[10:57] <jussi01> nakedgoat: no, not at the moment
[10:58] <nakedgoat> can i have a reason?
[10:58] <jussi01> nakedgoat: ban evasion is a severe offence
[10:58] <nakedgoat> asides?
[10:58] <nakedgoat> y was I banned?
[10:58] <jussi01> nakedgoat: so you dont understand why you were banned in the first place=?
[10:58] <nakedgoat> correct?
[10:59] <nakedgoat> I agree with the bann evadde
[10:59] <jussi01> !guidelines | nakedgoat
[10:59] <ubottu> nakedgoat: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[10:59] <nakedgoat> yeah
[10:59] <nakedgoat> that too I was not here.
[10:59] <jussi01> nakedgoat: please have a read of those
[10:59] <nakedgoat> can I please have a straight answer
[10:59] <nakedgoat> i will leave.
[10:59] <nakedgoat> k
[10:59] <jussi01> swearing and other offensive language
[10:59] <nakedgoat> ?
[11:00] <nakedgoat> I was not here do u have logs?
[11:00] <nakedgoat> I went to the store.
[11:00] <nakedgoat> ask any op.
[11:00] <jussi01> [12:42:48] <nakedgoat> cracky there is 2 ways, remove (purge) and reinstall xorg
[11:00] <jussi01> [12:42:56] <nakedgoat> or fucking do what I said
[11:00] <jussi01> [12:43:01] <netron1234> sajuuk=> apt-get install youtube-dl
[11:00] <jussi01> [12:43:06] <nakedgoat> lord_spidey : lick my balls?
[11:00] <nakedgoat> hehehe yeah I said lick my balls
[11:00] <nakedgoat> that was me.
[11:01] <nakedgoat> sorry.
[11:01] <nakedgoat> I'm out.
[11:01] <nakedgoat> do ya have a length?
[11:01] <jussi01> nakedgoat: you need to keep the channel family friendly
[11:01] <nakedgoat> or would u pref me not to be here.
[11:01] <nakedgoat> jussi01 : I know.
[11:01] <nakedgoat> Was me I agree.,
[11:01] <jussi01> nakedgoat come back tomorrow and we will reconsider - if you dont ban evade anymore
[11:02] <jussi01> and make sure you have read all this:
[11:02] <jussi01> !ettiquette
[11:02] <ubottu> Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...
[11:02] <nakedgoat> Iknow the rules.;
[11:02] <nakedgoat> i run a bsd channel
[11:02] <jussi01> nakedgoat: ok, well we will see you again tomorrow then
[11:02] <nakedgoat> it was my bad.
[11:02] <nakedgoat> k
[11:02] <nakedgoat> sorryagain
[11:02] <nakedgoat> that was uncalled for.
[11:03] <jussi01> Ok, see you tomorrow.
[11:03] <stdin> at times like this, I'm happy to _not_ be an #ubuntu op :)
[11:04] <jussi01> sigh
[11:04] <Myrtti> stdin: you can have mine?
[11:05] <stdin> Myrtti: that's ok, you do such a good job I would never dream of depriving #ubuntu of your glory
[11:05] <stdin> :)
[11:07] <jussi01> PriceChild: thanks for sorting that out - hope I prepared them correctly for you :)
[11:07] <PriceChild> jussi01: no problem, and yes thanks
[11:08] <PriceChild> jussi01: I can't put `s in cloaks though, and ubuntu likes to require the freenode recommended way of setting up nickname for an unaffiliated cloak, which means styx` has had to choose an alternate as master.
[11:08] <jussi01> PriceChild: oh. Ok then.
[11:09] <stdin> isn't that what the /x-???????? bits of cloaks are for?
[11:09] <PriceChild> But that's ugly :)
[11:09] <stdin> yep, it is :p
[11:09] <PriceChild> and not needed on project cloaks
[11:10] <PriceChild> i don't want styx (someone else) to become a member, and for them to get the same cloak though
[11:11] <Seeker`> PriceChild: I hgave to change my nick if I becomed a member?
[11:11] <PriceChild> the system is a bit odd
[11:11] <PriceChild> perhaps lp.net/~thisbithere would be good for the end
[11:11] <PriceChild> but either one can be changed
[11:12] <PriceChild> Seeker`: nope, you could carry on using that one
[11:12] <PriceChild> This is just the way we've always done them previously.
[11:12] <PriceChild> and as long as people don't delete their irc nicks from launchpad it makes it reasonably effective at keeping track :D
[11:16] <elky> charming. because everyone knows that we want #ubuntu to become *just* like the average *BSD channel....
[11:21] * Seeker` sits in the corner and shakes a bit
[11:21] * jussi01 hugs Seeker`... there there
[11:21] <Seeker`> jussi01: In 7 hours time, I will have done my last exam as a student
[11:22] <Seeker`> tis scary
[11:22] <jussi01> Seeker`: nice!
[11:23] <Seeker`> I'm sure I dont know enough
[11:28] <nakedgoat> I dig that.
[11:28] <nakedgoat> can I b ubanned tonight.
[11:28] <jussi01> nakedgoat: so the ban will not be lifted, until then - at the earliest
[11:28] <Myrtti> nakedgoat: what part of *TOMORROW* didn't you get?
[11:28] <nakedgoat> I'm not stupied
[11:28] <nakedgoat> tommrow
[11:28] <Seeker`> nakedgoat: It would be best to come back tomorrow, if you keep on asking, your ban will most likely be lengthened
[11:28] <nakedgoat> ok
[11:28] <Myrtti> nakedgoat: 24h from now
[11:28] <Myrtti> scoot.
[11:28] <nakedgoat> I just don't see it
[11:28] <nakedgoat> what is that doing.
[11:28] <nakedgoat> I wilhepl
[11:28] <nakedgoat> I will help
[11:28] <Myrtti> nakedgoat: you've had too many pints, go and sleep them off
[11:28] <Myrtti> remember to drink water.
[11:28] <Myrtti> scoot.
[11:28] <nakedgoat> lol
[11:28] <nakedgoat> love ya
[11:28] <nakedgoat> water
[11:28] <Myrtti> ♥
[11:28] <nakedgoat> I'm drinkin
[11:29] <Myrtti> ok, off you go then
[11:29] <nakedgoat> no realluy
[11:29] <Myrtti> rilly rilly
[11:29] <Myrtti> come back after 24h
[11:29] <nakedgoat> really, really
[11:29] <Myrtti> hush, now, baby, go.
[11:29] <Myrtti> before I get rough
[11:29] <nakedgoat> haha
[11:29] <nakedgoat> rough
[11:29] <nakedgoat> wow
[11:29] <nakedgoat> wow........ ubuntu rough
[11:30] <nakedgoat> nail me
[11:30] <Myrtti> please, go
[11:30] <Myrtti> final warning
[11:30] <nakedgoat> (now if u don't u look lame)
[11:30] <nakedgoat> nah I'll wait for ban
[11:31] <Myrtti> if I have to ask you once more, I'll remove you from the channel. If you return before 24hrs has passed from now, the bans will be doubled.
[11:31] <nakedgoat> wow typin'g's killing ua
[11:31] <nakedgoat> ban me!
[11:31] <nakedgoat> damn
[11:31] <Myrtti> fine.
[11:31] <nakedgoat> really?
[11:31] <Myrtti> note, no ban yet
[11:32] <Seeker`> yeah. I wonder if he will realise
[11:32] <Myrtti> if he comes back within 24h, double the one in #u
[11:32] <Myrtti> nice ident, btw
[11:32] <Seeker`> Myrtti: make a note on the bantracker
[11:32] <Myrtti> I will
[11:33] <Myrtti> @btlogin
[11:33] <Seeker`> silenceisdefeat is a free shell host iirc
[11:33] <Myrtti> thanks for reminder
[11:33] <nakedgoat> so can I be ubanned?
[11:34] <Myrtti> as I promised, since you came back here before the 24h had passed, the ban in #ubuntu is now doubled to 48hrs
[11:34] <nakedgoat> lol
[11:34] <nakedgoat> casue I deserve it?
[11:34] <nakedgoat> or casue what?
[11:34] <nakedgoat> I answer all questions
[11:35] <Myrtti> there's proof that you were told that the ban lasts for 24hrs, and were asked to leave
[11:35] <elky> because we refuse to be pestered into revoking punishments.
[11:35] <nakedgoat> I will come back.
[11:35] <nakedgoat> so we will never ?
[11:35] <Myrtti> you're making your situation worse
[11:35] <nakedgoat> nah
[11:35] <nakedgoat> ur making urs worse
[11:35] <nakedgoat> kis
[11:36] <nakedgoat> kids
[11:36] <Myrtti> come back in a few days, thats > 48hrs, and we'll reevaluate your case
[11:36] <nakedgoat> I will answer any question
[11:36] <Myrtti> sure
[11:36] <nakedgoat> nah
[11:36] <nakedgoat> hey
[11:36] <nakedgoat> nm
[11:37] <nakedgoat> u know i'm usefull.
[11:37] <Myrtti> (note: robg at u)
[11:37] <nakedgoat> I will answer questions all night.
[11:37] <nakedgoat> if i fail
[11:37] <nakedgoat> then u BAN ME
[11:37] <Myrtti> nakedgoat: you were until you decided not to follow the rules of the channel
[11:37] <nakedgoat> I never follow rulesd
[11:38] <nakedgoat> never have.
[11:38] <Myrtti> nakedgoat: please, leave.
[11:38] <nakedgoat> k I will leaqve
[11:38] <nakedgoat> leave.
[11:38] <nakedgoat> np.
[11:38] <nakedgoat> if u answer me this
[11:39] <nakedgoat> WHY woudln't I be good at HITTING #ubuntu
[11:39] <nakedgoat> save u kids frmo answering
[11:39] <nakedgoat> if i answer wrong kick me
[11:40] <nakedgoat> ?
[11:40] <nakedgoat> I don't see how that can hurt u
[11:40] <elky> oh, he meant from *there*. oops.
[11:41] * elky grins at Myrtti
[11:41] <Myrtti> :-P
[11:41] <Seeker`> He'll be back
[11:41] <elky> Seeker`, i know.
[11:41] <Myrtti> how about a mute
[11:41] <Seeker`> does robg_ regularly suggest that people reinstall
[11:41] <Myrtti> I need to fix some coffee, I'm falling asleep here
[11:41] * jussi01 walks in, grins at elky - and grumps because the interview is delayed till 2pm.
[11:41] <Myrtti> Seeker`: yes.
[11:42] <Seeker`> shouldn't someone do something about that?
[11:42] <Seeker`> I just stopped someone reinstalling their system so that they can change to edubuntu
[11:43] <elky> o.O
[11:43] <PriceChild> I think bazhang mentioned robg before... *checks logs*
[11:43] <Myrtti> yup, we've been looking at him the last week
[11:43] <PriceChild> looking at PMs, he does it on purpose.
[11:44] <Seeker`> why is he still allowed in #ubuntu then?
[11:47] <nakedgoat> who can I talk to?"
[11:48] <jussi01> nakedgoat: about?
[11:48] <nakedgoat> rewmoving *fahq*
[11:48] <jussi01> nakedgoat: you just upped your ban to > 72 hours
[11:49] <nakedgoat> yeah sorry
[11:49] <jussi01> nakedgoat: Please dont continue coming back until the time is up
[11:49] <nakedgoat> I just wanna help
[11:49] <Seeker`> the best way you can help is by going away for > 72 hours
[11:49] <nakedgoat> can't do it.
[11:50] <Seeker`> you said you wanted to help
[11:50] <stdin> you're just proving you can't respect the rules, so why would we let you back in?
[11:51] <nakedgoat> hhaha
[11:51] <nakedgoat> i respect u all
[11:51] <elky> we're not foolish enough to believe lies.
[11:51] <nakedgoat> what ya watn from me
[11:51] <Myrtti> nakedgoat: you've got a funny way of showing int
[11:52] <Myrtti> s/int/it/
[11:52] <elky> what do we want? we'd love for you to refrain from joining this channel for at least 72 hours
[11:52] <nakedgoat> trust me
[11:52] <Myrtti> I wouldn't trust you even a liter of milk at the moment...
[11:53] <nakedgoat> lol
[11:53] * PriceChild calls jdong to the rescue
[11:53] <nakedgoat> whatever
[11:53] <nakedgoat> what can i do for u?
[11:53] <stdin> you can part
[11:54] <nakedgoat> to get u to trust me
[11:54] <nakedgoat> I wish
[11:54] <nakedgoat> loook.l i care
[11:54] <nakedgoat> reasly
[11:54] <Myrtti> nakedgoat: come and vacuum my apartment, do my dishes, dust my rugs, clean Laku's cage and put new sawdust in, fix me a steak dinner and recite some poems
[11:55] <nakedgoat> Myrtti : trust in me.
[11:55] <Myrtti> no?
[11:55] <Myrtti> too bad.
[11:55] <nakedgoat> yes
[11:55] <nakedgoat> I'll VACUME
[11:55] <Myrtti> This is Hervanta, Tampere, Finland, Europe
[11:55] <nakedgoat> TRUST ME
[11:55] <Myrtti> the nearest airport is in Pirkkala, daily flights with Ryanair from standsted
[11:56] <nakedgoat> DIE
[11:56] <nakedgoat> i CARE NOT.
[11:56] <ikonia> 11:16 < nakedgoat> loook.l i care
[11:56] <Myrtti> you can also come to Tampere by train from Helsinki
[11:56] <ikonia> suggests other wise
[11:56] <Myrtti> or by bus
[11:56] <nakedgoat> HAHA
[11:57] <Myrtti> have we had enough?
[11:57] <Myrtti> I think I'm eating tuna and noodles tonight
[11:57] <Myrtti> no steak for me
[11:57] <nakedgoat> WANT STREAK
[11:57] <nakedgoat> ?
[11:57] <nakedgoat> calme
[11:58] <elky> want caps lock
[11:58] <nakedgoat> 62-7404484
[11:58] <Myrtti> /me looks at elky
[11:58] <nakedgoat> cal me
[11:58] <Myrtti> we've had enough, I think.
[11:58] * elky grins
[11:59] <elky> there is no way he runs a bsd channel with that level of typing skill and the inability to fix an irc client's config
[11:59] <ikonia> "trust him"
[11:59] <Myrtti> I gave him plenty of chances, didn't I
[11:59] <Myrtti> more than enough of slack line
[12:00] <Myrtti> he hang himself to it
[12:00] <elky> ikonia, i think i can throw a feather further than i trust him
[12:04] <Hobbsee> mneptok: you. membership?
[12:04] <Hobbsee> mneptok: i don't think they allow crazy people as members, sorry :P
[12:05] <Myrtti> OY. funny http://is.gd/ntJ
[12:05] <Myrtti> http://trodrigues.jaiku.com/presence/36128327
[12:07] <Myrtti> niuniu, the kyuuut is online again...
[12:14] <Gary> do you not like him ompaul :p
[12:14] <ompaul> Gary, I left some time ago
[12:15] <Myrtti> 5.0.32-7etch5~bpo31+1
[12:15] <Myrtti> Priority: optional
[12:15] <Myrtti> ough
[12:15] <Gary> I think I just kinda broke a server, oops
[12:15] <ompaul> about 11 am and I removed him just before that
[12:15] <Myrtti> bad paste
[12:15] <ompaul> Gary, replace it with a ubuntu one - you know you want to
[12:15] <Myrtti> luckily it wasn't anything confidential
[12:16] <ompaul> Myrtti, if confidential don't do it on an irc enhanced machine :)
[12:16] <Gary> ompaul: i'd love too, sadly ubuntu's support for Active Directory, Lotus Notes and stuff is not that great :p
[12:16] * Hobbsee has pasted her bip password into irc before.
[12:17] <ompaul> Gary, have you looked at samba revently
[12:17] <ompaul> or even recently
[12:17] <ompaul> ad is nothing more than openldap with a few addons
[12:18] <ompaul> but wait until you see the next batch of enhancements to openldap it is going to embrace and extend AD
[12:18] <Myrtti> ompaul: I just yesterday tweaked bitlbee to work with our company xmpp server ♥
[12:18] <Myrtti> ditched Pidgin right there and then and moved to bitlbee+irssi combo
[12:19] <ompaul> ack
[12:19] <Myrtti> different windows, different irssi themes, different machines though
[12:19] <Myrtti> but what a relief
[12:19] <Myrtti> now I can use grep with intelligently designed logging schemes
[12:19] <Myrtti> and so much less hassle
[12:58] <jrib> julien has gotten that !supportroot thing 4 times now...
[13:04] <ompaul> jrib, so we need to be a bit forceful point him here or -ot for further discussion
[13:04] <ompaul> if it happens again
[13:35] <Myrtti> *sigh*
[13:35] <Pici> hmm?
[13:35] <Seeker`> Myrtti: ?
[13:36] <Myrtti> oh nvm.
[13:36] <Myrtti> :-|
[13:36] <Pici> :?
[13:37] <Myrtti> another week passed, another month... ladida
[13:40] <Pici> Yah. I'm not sure why that keeps happening.
[13:41] <Seeker`> campus / exam time, seeya
[13:41] <ompaul> good luck
[13:41] <Seeker`> thanks
[13:41] <ompaul> juliux, hi there
[13:42] <juliux> hey ompaul
[13:45] <juliux> ompaul, who was your backtravel?
[13:46] <ompaul> it was good - we were delayed for an hour and ten, but that is not a lot
[13:46] <juliux> hehe
[13:46] <ompaul> got in just about midnight Tue / Wed
[13:46] <juliux> where you travelling over heathrow?
[13:47] <ompaul> na we did prague over hamburg amsterdam aiming for manchester
[13:47] <juliux> lol
[13:47] <ompaul> then straight home
[13:48] <ompaul> which reminds me
[13:48] <ompaul> back in a couple of mins
[13:50] <Myrtti> !info envy
[13:50] <ubottu> Package envy does not exist in hardy
[13:51] <Myrtti> !info envy-ng
[13:51] <ubottu> Package envy-ng does not exist in hardy
[13:51] <Myrtti> *blink*
[13:51] <Pici> !info envyng-gtk
[13:51] <ubottu> envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB
[13:51] <Pici> woo
[13:51] <Myrtti> !envy-ng
[13:52] <ubottu> Factoid envy-ng not found
[13:52] <Myrtti> !envy
[13:52] <ubottu> envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.
[13:52] <Myrtti> @login
[13:52] <ubottu> Myrtti: The operation succeeded.
[13:53] <jussi01> !-envy
[13:53] <ubottu> envy is <alias> envyng - added by LjL on 2006-12-09 03:22:01 - last edited by Myrtti on 2008-05-02 16:31:26
[13:53] <Myrtti> !no envyng ~= s/repository /repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) /
[13:53] <ubottu> I know nothing about envyng ~= s/repository /repository (envyng-gtk or envyng-qt) yet, Myrtti
[13:54] <Myrtti> !envyng ~= s/repository /repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) /
[13:54] <ubottu> I'll remember that Myrtti
[13:54] <Myrtti> !envyng
[13:54] <ubottu> envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.
[13:54] <Mez> Myrtti, yeah - you see - I like this bot better - I didn't get that back - I got it saving when I did that before
[13:54] <Mez> and got bitched at for it
[13:54] <Mez> @whoami
[13:54] <ubottu> Mez: mez
[13:54] <Mez> @capabilities
[13:55] * Mez bows to jussi01
[13:57] <Myrtti> !-pim
[13:57] <ubottu> Factoid pim not found
[13:57] <Myrtti> !search evolution
[13:57] <ubottu> Found: imap4rev1, mua, gmail
[13:57] <Myrtti> :-o
[13:58] <jussi01> !mua
[13:58] <ubottu> A Mail User Agent (MUA) is the application you use to read mail. Examples include Evolution, !Thunderbird and mutt. They are alternatives to programs like Windows Outlook. See also !MailServer, !MTA and !MDA
[13:59] <jussi01> windows outlook?
[13:59] <Myrtti> that's just...
[13:59] <Myrtti> !-mua
[13:59] <ikonia> well spotted
[13:59] <ubottu> mua has no aliases - added by LjL on 2007-12-11 15:57:21
[13:59] <Pici> !mua =~ s/Windows/Microsoft/
[13:59] <ubottu> I'll remember that Pici
[13:59] <Myrtti> that factoid is crud
[13:59] <Myrtti> no offence
[13:59] <jussi01> Pici: was about to do that
[13:59] <jussi01> !mta
[13:59] <ubottu> A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA
[14:00] <jussi01> !mda
[14:00] <ubottu> A Mail Delivery Agent (MDA) is the server software for local delivery and rewriting of messages. The default MDA (and !MTA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("procmail" or "dovecot" can also be used). See also !MailServer and !MUA
[14:00] <ikonia> Myrtti: what don't you like about it ?
[14:00] <Pici> Perhaps they're useful in #ubuntu-server ?
[14:00] <ikonia> mta gets used a fair bit in -server
[14:00] <Myrtti> who in their right senses thinks mutt can replace the functionalities of MS Outlook?
[14:01] <ikonia> Myrtti: ahhh I see
[14:01] <Pici> Myrtti: Evolution sorta can....
[14:01] <Pici> Or at least aims to
[14:01] <ikonia> mutt though.....
[14:01] <ikonia> mutt's great, but not a full client replacment
[14:01] <Myrtti> not even Evolution is as good as MS Outlook (featurewise, not talking about stability, and even there I suspect MS O is better)
[14:02] <Pici> But thats factoid isnt about Outlook replacements
[14:02] <Myrtti> but still its faulty
[14:02] <Pici> We could just remove mention of outlook entirely?
[14:02] <Myrtti> there should be !pim anyway
[14:02] <Myrtti> and !evolution
[14:02] <ikonia> I quite like that it references outlook it gives unfamilier users an idea of what an MUA is
[14:03] <ikonia> if you say "mail client" it gets confusing between what a mail client is
[14:03] <Pici> I'm a mail client
[14:03] <ikonia> !no pici = s/mail/male
[14:03] <ubottu> ikonia: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[14:03] <ikonia> ;)
[14:04] <ikonia> !mua > ikonia
[14:07] <ubottu> In ubottu, ikonia said: !mua is A Mail User Agent (MUA) is the application you use to read email messages, Examples include Evolution, !Thunderbird and mutt. MUA's are required to read mail on your system and could be compared to the mail functions of Microsoft Outlook
[14:08] <ikonia> Myrtti: any better/clearer ?
[14:09] <Myrtti> somewhat yes.
[14:09] <ikonia> it's limiting without making it a 10 line essay
[14:10] <Myrtti> !no mua is <reply> A Mail User Agent (MUA) is the application you use to read email messages. Examples include Evolution, !Thunderbird and mutt. MUA's are required to read mail on your system and could be compared to the mail functions of Microsoft Outlook.
[14:10] <ubottu> I'll remember that Myrtti
[14:10] <Myrtti> Pici: pokepoke
[14:10] <Pici> Myrtti: mwah?
[14:10] <Myrtti> !pim
[14:10] <ubottu> Factoid pim not found
[14:10] <Myrtti> !evolution
[14:10] <ubottu> Factoid evolution not found
[14:10] <Myrtti> :->
[14:11] <Myrtti> /me pokes Pici to the factoid factory
[14:11] <Myrtti> choo
[14:11] <Pici> :(
[14:11] <Pici> Kinda busy right now....
[14:11] <Myrtti> I'll give you candy
[14:11] <Pici> I like candy
[14:11] <ikonia> !evolution is a bloaty mail client that should be replaced with something better, join #gnome and complain endlessly ;)
[14:11] <ubottu> In #ubuntu-ops, ikonia said: !evolution is a bloaty mail client that should be replaced with something better, join #gnome and complain endlessly ;)
[14:11] <Pici> ikonia: +1
[14:11] <ikonia> I'm kidding
[14:11] <Myrtti> ikonia: LOOOOLLLLL
[14:12] <Myrtti> ♥ claws-mail
[14:12] <ikonia> how's kmail these days ?
[14:25] <Pici> FYI, the firefox/xulrunner update in proposed is a bit borked and is removing ff3.
[14:25] <ompaul> !staff | * aurelimiss22 (n=BSmaxScr@AAmiens-156-1-132-224.w92-131.abo.wanadoo.fr) has left #ubuntu (requested by ompaul: "spam")
[14:25] <ubottu> * aurelimiss22 (n=BSmaxScr@AAmiens-156-1-132-224.w92-131.abo.wanadoo.fr) has left #ubuntu (requested by ompaul: "spam"): Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw or Gary I could use a bit of your time :)
[14:25] <ikonia> I don't think FF3b5 should be updated until final any how
[14:27] <seanw> ompaul, gone.
[14:27] <ompaul> seanw, thanks
[14:27] <seanw> Thanks for the warning; was htiting gentoo too.
[15:15] <ubottu> In ubottu, fde said: pinning is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto defines how to hold a package, not pin one... pinning is: http://wiki.debian.org/AptPinning if requested, I can change the wiki page, but this factoid is utterly wrong currently.
[15:16] <Pici> ...
[15:23] <Myrtti> !pinning
[15:23] <ubottu> pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto
[16:15] <PriceChild> Ops, please see global notice and see http://blog.freenode.net/?p=80 (the latter especially if you manage channels.)
[16:19] <Pici> PriceChild: Thanks
[16:19] * Pici reads
[16:21] <Pici> Does the name ubuntugeek sound familiar to anyone?
[16:22] <Pici> @now
[16:22] <ubottu> Pici: Current time in Etc/UTC: May 29 2008, 15:22:06 - Next meeting: MOTU in 20 hours 37 minutes
[16:22] <PriceChild> Pici: which one?
[16:22] <PriceChild> Pici: there is a guy that does tutorials, then there is ryan troy who is admin of ubuntuforums.org
[16:23] <Pici> PriceChild: There was someone in #freenode talking about ban evading, he had that nick.
[16:24] <PriceChild> not identified though?
[16:24] <PriceChild> :P
[16:24] <Pici> Nope.
[16:27] <RoAkSoAx> hi all, anyone around that can give me a ubuntu/member cloak please?? i'm already a member: https://launchpad.net/~andreserl
[16:28] <RoAkSoAx> sry wrong channel xD
[16:31] <jpds> PriceChild: services down in 30?
[16:32] <PriceChild> jpds: roughly
[16:58] <Mez> -christel- [Global Notice] Hi all! As you are aware services will shortly be going down for a move to the new services package, all *Serv will be DOWN for a few minutes while we migrate the DB. For once I encourage you to op yourself in your channels to deal with any potential problems during the downtime. Thanks.
[16:59] <Myrtti> no ops in xubuntu?
[17:00] <stdin> also need one in +1 and the -dev channs
[17:00] <PriceChild> I doubt they will be needed.
[17:00] <PriceChild> Downtime should be a couple of minutes, and those are small channels.
[17:01] <PriceChild> Say again if you think we should be safe.
[17:01] <stdin> probably won't be needed at all, but I'd prefer to err on the safe side imo
[17:01] <PriceChild> where has my access gone...
[17:02] <PriceChild> I wasn't aware somerville owned that channel again.
[17:03] <Myrtti> lol
[17:03] <jpds> stdin: so, poke Keybuk or Hobbsee
[17:04] <stdin> cjwatson to the rescue :)
[17:04] <PriceChild> nalioth: elky LjL Do you know anything about that?
[17:04] <jpds> stdin: arg, read that channel first ;-)
[17:05] <stdin> heh
[17:06] <Myrtti> buckle your seatbelts
[17:06] <PriceChild> Clever floodbots.
[17:07] <jpds> hi cjwatson
[17:07] <cjwatson> hi
[17:07] * Mez wonders why /cs v cjwatson
[17:07] <Mez> doesnt work
[17:07] <cjwatson> 17:07 [Freenode] -!- No services can currently be detected
[17:07] <cjwatson> for exactly the same reason I'm here, probably :P
[17:07] <Pici> woo
[17:07] <PriceChild> cjwatson: check your notices :)
[17:07] <PriceChild> ah, silly me
[17:07] <cjwatson> PriceChild: err, yes, I know, that's why I'm here dude
[17:07] * Amaranth didn't get to it in time
[17:08] <cjwatson> PriceChild: I was replying to Mez wondering why /cs didn't work
[17:08] * PriceChild should know better than questioning the watson
[17:08] <Mez> cjwatson, It was sarcasm ;)
[17:08] <cjwatson> ah :)
[17:08] <cjwatson> oh well, guess I lose
[17:08] * jpds hands Mez another "o"
[17:08] <Mez> New round in 30 mins
[17:08] <Pici> mode +o ?
[17:09] * PriceChild is just still tetch over #xubuntu
[17:09] <PriceChild> tetchy
[17:10] <Mez> http://xkcd.com/391/
[17:11] <jpds> Jack_Sparrow: round 1
[17:11] <Jack_Sparrow> :)
[17:13] <Mez> can we not just set +rR now ? :P
[17:14] <PriceChild> Evil, evil man.
[17:14] * Mez grins
[17:14] <jpds> Mez: In your name's honour: +m
[17:14] <Mez> jpds, I prefer +rR
[17:29] <Myrtti> few minutes...
[17:30] <Myrtti> /me yawns
[17:31] <Myrtti> *sigh*
[17:34] <Mez> Myrtti, in #freenode, I've invented a perpetual flying machine
[17:42] <jpds> [Freenode] [!] Mode change [-u6] for user jpds ?
[17:42] <pleia2> same :x
[17:43] <Myrtti> pft
[17:43] <Myrtti> read the blog
[17:43] <pleia2> hehe
[17:43] <jpds> Myrtti: more worred about the -u ;-)
[17:43] <stdin> don't part any channels :p
[17:43] <stdin> maybe it won't notice
[17:43] <Myrtti> http://blog.freenode.net/?p=80
[17:52] <Jack_Sparrow> Do we need to do this.. I dont know what a wallop is? Until the move is complete further information will be given as wallops, to read these please /umode +w yournick.
[17:52] <Pici> I always have it on
[17:53] <stdin> a wallop is an opt-in notice
[17:53] <PriceChild> Jack_Sparrow: its always handy to be +w
[17:53] <PriceChild> sometimes there is random chatter like birthdays of shiny people, other times possibly useful info like what might be given out.
[17:53] <jpds> damn, now format_identify.pl shows everyone with ~
[17:53] <Jack_Sparrow> Thanks
[17:53] <Pici> jpds: I'm getting ?s
[17:53] <Pici> 12:54:04 <?jpds> damn, now format_identify.pl shows everyone with ~
[17:53] <Pici> 12:54:04 <?jpds> damn, now format_identify.pl shows everyone with ~
[17:53] <Pici> oops, once too many
[17:54] <Myrtti> foarmat_identify?
[17:54] <jpds> Pici: hmm
[17:54] <stdin> that's what -e will do
[17:54] <Myrtti> sorry, having a headache
[17:54] <jpds> Myrtti: http://tomaw.net/irssi/format_identify.pl
[17:54] <Pici> Myrtti: It can reformat parts of a nick/message for people who are or are not identified to services
[17:54] <Myrtti> okies
[17:55] <jpds> ...on Freenode
[17:55] <Pici> Although, now that unfiltered is being removed, I really dont have a reason to need to see if someone is ID'ed or not.
[17:56] <Pici> See, now that was a wallop
[17:56] <Myrtti> what where
[17:56] <Pici> I'm really sorry about the delay and even more sorry for inadvertedly stealing everyones +u6 earlier, and for giving the wrong command to +w yourself! Yours truly is having a rather blonde moment which combined with a complete lack of ruby-foo meant I created some beautiful hiccups and "broke" a pseudo-server. Sorry
[17:56] <jpds> Myrtti: /mode +w Myrtti
[17:57] <Myrtti> I did
[17:57] <Pici> from chr-istel
[17:57] <Myrtti> oh, sorry
[17:57] <Myrtti> was in oftc
[17:59] <Pici> !register s/By default, only registered users can send private messages - //
[17:59] <ubottu> Pici: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[17:59] <Pici> !register =~ s/By default, only registered users can send private messages - //
[17:59] <ubottu> I'll remember that Pici
[17:59] <Myrtti> !register
[17:59] <ubottu> Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.
[18:01] <stdin> lucky you're still logged in, @login would not work right now
[18:11] * jpds_ pokes jpds_
[18:11] <jpds_> s/_//
[18:34] <stdin> ahh, that's better
[18:34] <Jack_Sparrow> I can breath again
[18:35] <Amaranth> We can drop ops now :)
[18:37] <stdin> I'd give it a couple mins, just in case
[18:40] <Myrtti> is it over?
[18:41] <PriceChild> Yep
[18:42] <stdin> make sure to re-identify
[18:57] <ompaul> tonight I celebrate my lag to the service - ping me in about 20 seconds and then about 10 after that for lags you won't believe
[18:57] <ubottu> In ubottu, joey_ said: etiquette is there a setting in ubuntu that blocks ports like 1328
[18:58] <Pici> ...
[18:59] <Pici> joey_: ubottu is a bot
[18:59] <Pici> !bot
[18:59] <ubottu> I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)
[18:59] * ompaul looks at Pici
[18:59] <Pici> !etiquette
[18:59] <ubottu> Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...
[18:59] <Pici> ompaul: I didnt call him in here...
[19:00] <ompaul> Pici, it was the ...
[19:00] <ompaul> ;-)
[19:00] * ompaul lags on
[19:00] <ompaul> just got phone spam
[19:00] <Myrtti> funny smell
[19:01] <ompaul> the conversation was like this:
[19:01] <joey_> im trying to setup a server for vnc support and i cant connect to the server. i forworded the port but i cant connect is there something on ubuntu 7.10 blocking the port 1328
[19:01] <Pici> joey_: This isnt a support channel, please join #ubuntu an ask your question.
[19:02] <ompaul> Him: Hi my name is "Spamer name removed" I am calling from "spam company name deleted" we are doing a survey on grocery shopping, would you be willing to answer a few questions?
[19:02] <ompaul> Me: No, have a nice day, good bye, click!
[19:02] <ompaul> ohh its Jack_Sparrow
[19:03] <Jack_Sparrow> Hiddy Ho good neighbor
[19:03] <ompaul> that would be ned flanders pretending to be a pirate then ;-)
[19:03] <ompaul> ... you calling me Homer?
[19:03] <Jack_Sparrow> Just happen to be watching the Simpsons
[19:04] * ompaul shouts Doh! I meant to keep that to myself :)
[19:04] <Jack_Sparrow> BArt would e closer..
[19:04] <Jack_Sparrow> Black BArt if you want to keep with the pirate theme
[19:05] <ompaul> hehe
[19:06] <ompaul> LjL, is there value in removing ops from a flood bot to get them to reidentify?
[19:06] <Pici> How is that going to get them to re-id?
[19:07] <ompaul> no idea
[19:07] <ompaul> when it cant get ops it might just try to reidentify
[19:15] <Pici> Mez: Do you happen to have the power to tell the floodbots to reconnect?
[19:50] <Pici> intranet.sa
[19:51] <Pici> whoops
[20:12] <jussi01> :D [22:11:18] [niven.freenode.net] NickServ has bestowed the power of +u onto you
[20:13] * stdin thinks of NickServ as some sort of magical figure that casts +u on all who worship him
[20:15] <Amaranth> services are weird now
[20:15] <ompaul> Amaranth, log on again and they work
[20:16] <Pici> I think he means the new flag system
[20:16] <Amaranth> they work now
[20:16] <Amaranth> * [Amaranth] has oper privs: u
[20:16] <Amaranth> --- [Amaranth] is identified to services
[20:16] <Amaranth> --- [Amaranth] is signed on as account Amaranth
[20:17] <ompaul> ahh
[20:17] <ompaul> it looks ldappy or some such
[20:29] <Myrtti> trööt
[21:03] <PriceChild> Is there any spring cleaning in irccouncil managed channels which needs to be done?
[21:04] <PriceChild> I'm going to +F the council individually in the main channels (not all managed by ubuntuirccouncil) later once someone else has said its the right thing to do.
[21:05] <jussi01> PriceChild: define spring cleaning?
[21:06] <PriceChild> ie has the conversion from levels to flags not gone correctly anywhere?
[21:06] <PriceChild> for example *!*@* been given +b or something silly
[21:10] <jussi01> ahh
[22:24] <ubottu> BCM43 called the ops in #ubuntu (I-raped-charq)
[22:41] <Amaranth> -NickServ- Access flag(s) +votsriRfAF in #gallium
[22:41] <Amaranth> I wonder if the mesa guys would like that
[23:43] <Trae> Jack_Sparrow that was quite rude mate
[23:43] <Jack_Sparrow> Trae You want me to post what all you pm'd to me in here
[23:43] <Trae> I don't mind as long as they understand what the context was
[23:43] <Trae> You were quick with your +o
[23:44] <Trae> and didn't figure out what the situation was
[23:44] <Jack_Sparrow> I asked nicely for you to stop
[23:44] <Trae> I was simply musing that I was the #1337 person to have joined... and you were rude to me I asked you to lighten up and then you banned me from talking in channel
[23:44] <Jack_Sparrow> Put up with your insults when I muted you
[23:44] <Trae> Jack_Sparrow did I say anything else in channel?
[23:44] <Trae> nno
[23:44] <Trae> no rather
[23:45] <Trae> You banned me for my private msgs... no my actions in channel
[23:45] <Jack_Sparrow> The log is available
[23:45] <Trae> I've been in #ubuntu since ... sheesh man 2+ years?
[23:45] <Trae> and you are going to ban me?
[23:46] <Trae> good grief
[23:46] <Trae> You have a good day sir.
[23:46] <Jack_Sparrow> Actually I already banned you..
[23:48] <Seeker`> Jack_Sparrow: what did he say to you in pm?
[23:49] <Jack_Sparrow> Seeker` Screw you.. fuck you etc
[23:50] <Jack_Sparrow> I only muted him to ask him to not do that
[23:50] <Jack_Sparrow> I banned him after he called me everything he could type
[23:52] <Jack_Sparrow> He says he has been a linux user for years.. obvioulsy he never learned manners
[23:53] * ompaul has a memory of that party being banned in the olde days
[23:53] <Trae> I apologize for my cursing. I was upset and couldn't believe I had been banned for simply laughing.
[23:53] <ompaul> !guidelines
[23:53] <ubottu> The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[23:53] <Trae> ompaul hey man you should remember me... I've been around for a while as "occy" and OctorbrX etc.
[23:53] <Jack_Sparrow> Trae You were not banned for laughing.
[23:54] <Trae> Jack_Sparrow: I truly though you were laughing with me. I misread your statement
[23:54] <Trae> that's why I said "lawl"
[23:54] <Trae> when I couldn't send to channel, that was when I used the explicative
[23:55] <Jack_Sparrow> I was trying to talk with you in a civil manner and you were very rude
[23:55] <Trae> at any rate, if you truly care about making the Ubuntu community better. You should make a macro or something, that msg's the person saying: "The use of these terms '"lol" 1337 etc" are bannable offenses. Please refrain from using them.
[23:55] <Trae> You kept saying "Not Funny"
[23:55] <Trae> You didn't say anything else.
[23:55] <ompaul> !lol
[23:55] <ubottu> Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.
[23:56] <Trae> again, I apologise for my cursing
[23:56] <Trae> it was rude
[23:56] <Trae> and uncalled for
[23:56] <Trae> I hope you see this as a misunderstanding.
[23:56] <Trae> thanks
[23:56] <Jack_Sparrow> You say you have been a member for years yet you join and all I see is line after line of offtopic
[23:57] <Jack_Sparrow> Trae Please come back in an hour.... and we can put this behind us
[23:57] <Trae> My apologies. Sorry to take up your time.