UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /29 /#ubuntu-meeting.txt
Initial commit
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 29 May 00:00 UTC: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 29 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 30 May 12:00 UTC: MOTU | 31 May 12:30 UTC: Forum Council | 04 Jun 16:00 UTC: LoCo Council
[00:01] <cody-somerville> weeee
[00:04] <Rinchen> ah
[00:05] <Rinchen> so now we now
[00:05] <Rinchen> er know
[00:05] <Rinchen> ubottu
[00:05] <viperhoot> heheh
[00:06] <Rinchen> so we just need to find out who runs ubottu these days and report the problem
[00:06] <Rinchen> I've sent a note to the fridge team to schedule all meetings, even local ones, in UTC only.
[00:08] <viperhoot> hmm maybe the candidates consider that error in the hour
[00:08] <viperhoot> :s
[00:09] <cody-somerville> viperhoot, good point
[00:09] * cody-somerville needs to go catch a bus.
[00:09] <viperhoot> cody-somerville, are you a member candidate ?
[00:11] <gnomefreak> Rinchen: "we" know who runs the bot :) please ask in #ubuntu-ops
[00:11] <gnomefreak> Rinchen: jussi01 "runs" the bot
[00:13] <gnomefreak> Rinchen: ubottu updates every so often and if its added to fridge the bot will be updated, Cant remember how often but its fairly low intervals
[00:13] <Rinchen> gnomefreak, yeah so it's TZ calc is off apparently
[00:14] <gnomefreak> Rinchen: ah check with jussi01 or ask in -ops someone might beable to fix that
[00:14] <Rinchen> gnomefreak, I'll pass that on to someone on the Fridge team. I'd do it but I'm getting ready to drop Launchpad for the release. :-)
[00:14] <Rinchen> thanks for the info
[00:14] <gnomefreak> Rinchen: np :)_
[00:41] <MagicFab> apparently mneptok is up for membership
[00:42] * mneptok wriggles uncomfortably
[00:42] <MagicFab> I am here to prevent that
[00:44] <Pici> hah
[00:45] <nhaines> Hiya, everyone. :)
[00:45] <j1mc> :)
[00:45] <viperhoot> :D
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 29 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 30 May 12:00 UTC: MOTU | 31 May 12:30 UTC: Forum Council | 04 Jun 16:00 UTC: LoCo Council
[00:49] <RoAkSoAx> eff/clear
[00:49] <nhaines> Greetings, Flannel.
[00:50] <Flannel> Howdy Howdy
[00:51] <nixternal> Everyone who is applying for membership, please have the following ready:
[00:51] <nixternal> * 3 brief paragraphs about yourself
[00:51] <nixternal> * Wiki page link(s)
[00:51] <nixternal> * Launchpad link
[00:51] <nixternal> * $250,000,000 to share with everyone in this channel!
[00:51] <nixternal> we shall get started shortly
[00:51] <nixternal> w/i43
[00:51] <RoAkSoAx> viperhoot, go to bank ASAP
[00:51] <nhaines> Can I take that in small bills?
[00:52] <nixternal> that doesn't work
[00:52] <n0rman> :)
[00:52] <viperhoot> :)
[00:52] <RoAkSoAx> xD
[00:52] * vorian waves
[00:52] <sommer> hey all
[00:53] <atoponce> hello
[00:53] <santiago-ve> hey... 250.000.000?.. what if i only have 230.000.000
[00:53] <nixternal> MootBot: you here?
[00:53] <nixternal> :)
[00:53] <n0rman> :P
[00:54] <MagicFab> oh no, nixternal
[00:54] <nixternal> oh no, MagicFab :)
[00:54] <MagicFab> :)
[00:54] <MagicFab> n0rman, link to your wikipage from your LP account seems broken
[00:54] <n0rman> MagicFab: let me check :)
[00:55] <mruiz> @schedule santiago
[00:55] <ubottu> mruiz: Schedule for America/Santiago: Current meeting: Americas Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 29 May 09:00: Desktop Team | 30 May 08:00: MOTU | 31 May 08:30: Forum Council | 04 Jun 12:00: LoCo Council
[00:57] <atoponce> for the approvals of the meeting, we have:
[00:57] <atoponce> atoponce, nixternal, vorian, effie_jayx and _MMA_
[00:57] * _MMA_ waves.
[00:57] <n0rman> dont forget me :)
[00:57] * effie_jayx waves hello
[00:57] <n0rman> im here :P
[00:58] <atoponce> these will be issuing either a +1 or -1 on the membership apps
[00:58] <viperhoot> o
[00:58] <viperhoot> ok
[00:58] <n0rman> MagicFab: i fixed the link, check it :)
[00:58] <nixternal> there are way to many people applying...I say we do like the CC and cancel this meeting :p
[00:59] <atoponce> nixternal: heh
[00:59] <RoAkSoAx> lol
[00:59] <n0rman> :P
[00:59] <nixternal> jeesh, there are so many people, that epiphany ran out of tabs
[00:59] <cropalato> im here too
[00:59] <mneptok> nixternal: we could be like OpenBSD and make people read 5 years of profane mailing list diatribes before addressing them politely.
[00:59] <santiago-ve> lol
[01:00] <nixternal> mneptok: one problem we have only been around for 3.5 :)
[01:00] <nixternal> ok, everyone....lets get this bad boy started
[01:00] <n0rman> :P
[01:00] <nixternal> !!!!!!
[01:00] <nixternal> #startmeeting
[01:00] * mneptok starts his engines
[01:00] <nixternal> stupid bot!
[01:00] <pedro_> just in time ;-)
[01:00] <pedro_> hello all
[01:01] <nixternal> [STARTMEETING]
[01:01] <effie_jayx> nhaines: you're up :)
[01:01] <viperhoot> :)
[01:01] <nhaines> My name is Nathan Haines. I've been an Ubuntu enthusiast for 3 years and a member of the California LoCo since they reformed last Autumn.
[01:01] <nhaines> I became involved with Ubuntu in May 2005, when I realized that the project was serious, the community was friendly and strong, and the distro showed a lot of care and polish. After 11 years of using Linux, I saw that Ubuntu could go very far and started advocating to friends, and filing bugs.
[01:01] <nhaines> Now I am very active on the LoCo team: creating assets (name badges and so forth), running booths, organizing events, and giving presentations in front of audiences. Through polite and thoughtful advocacy, I have worked to increase awareness of Free Software and Ubuntu to others.
[01:01] <nhaines> My wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NathanHaines
[01:01] <Seeker`> nixternal: sorry bout the bot, will try to fix it soon
[01:01] <nhaines> My Launchpad profile: https://launchpad.net/~nhaines
[01:01] <nixternal> Seeker`: no prob...thanks :)
[01:02] * BotenAnna edits nhaines' wiki with the facts he doesn't want you to know! :D
[01:02] <MagicFab> all: meeting minutes / people up for membership are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/Americas
[01:02] <jcastro> I've observed nhaines run the Ubuntu booth at Lugradio Live USA and spent some time talking to him - I'd like to throw in 2 cents for a recommendation for membership!
[01:02] <atoponce> jcastro: thx
[01:02] <nhaines> Oh, not in the canned speech, but I was at SCaLE6x in February and at LRL in April as well.
[01:02] <Flannel> I am Neal Bussett, LoCo Lead of the California LoCo team, here to talk about Nathana.
[01:02] <Flannel> I have nothing but good things to say about Nathan, he has been an integral part of our LoCo team; we have organized and participated in a number of events together. I don’t believe we’ve done anything significant that he hasn’t played a key role in.
[01:02] <nixternal> hehe, looks good....really diggin' that Ubuntu polo :)
[01:02] <Flannel> On a number of occasions he has taken over when I was unable to attend. One of these was LUG Radio Live, which he manned single-handedly and did a wonderful job.
[01:03] <Flannel> He is a fine person and deserves Ubuntu Membership. I know we'll see many good things because of him in the future.
[01:03] <effie_jayx> nhaines, sounds like you have been having a blast at events
[01:03] <nhaines> nixternal: hehe, thanks. :)
[01:03] <Flannel> Er, talk about Nathan. No idea who Nathana is.
[01:03] <Technoviking> evening all
[01:03] <nhaines> The events have been awesome. Location permitting, I bring my 3yo godson Michael along to do the GCompris presentations.
[01:03] <Technoviking> sorry I'm a couple minutes late
[01:03] <atoponce> Technoviking: welcome. :)
[01:03] <vorian> a lot of work with PyRoom i see, excellent
[01:04] <rolando-ve> hi everyone
[01:04] <nixternal> nhaines: how much packaging have you done? anything other than PyRoom (which is a hit I heard)
[01:04] <MagicFab> rolando-ve, :)
[01:04] <nhaines> PyRoom was my chance to jump in on a fresh project and help give some direction regarding project management and Bazaar branches.
[01:04] <nhaines> nixternal: I have only packaged PyRoom (and a couple personal things to test it out) but I hope to get PyRoom into intrepid and see if there's anything else I can help out with.
[01:04] <atoponce> nhaines: have you started with motu, or looking to go that route?
[01:04] <neskiem> hello everyone
[01:04] <BotenAnna> I'm not sure what-all my place as something of an outsider here is, but nhaines brought me back to Ubuntu and sold me on Python. He's pretty rad and knowing him irl, he practically eats and breathes Ubuntu :)
[01:05] <nhaines> I probably won't get so involved with MOTU, but I am going through REVU. :)
[01:05] <nixternal> have I deleted one of your packages on REVU yet? :)
[01:05] <nhaines> nixternal: hehe, no, it's not suitable even for deletion yet, but I know it'll get there soon. ;)
[01:06] <nixternal> jeesh, Cali sure has a lot of free software events going on
[01:06] <nhaines> It's a big hit on my PPA, though.
[01:06] <effie_jayx> nhaines, so how do you plan to further your participation in the ubuntu project?
[01:06] <atoponce> all: Technoviking is part of the board, and will be approving/rejecting apps as well. we now have a body of 6
[01:06] <nhaines> I've found that public speeking is a huge amount of fun, and so I intend to continue doing events and will start signing up for presentations.
[01:07] <nhaines> I'm also working with California LoCo to see how we can handle more installfests.
[01:07] <effie_jayx> nhaines, sounds cool... advocacy is definetelly fun
[01:07] <effie_jayx> +1 from me
[01:07] <_MMA_> +1
[01:07] <atoponce> i see a lot of sustained advocacy, as well as sustained activity on launchpad
[01:07] <atoponce> +1 here
[01:07] <vorian> +1 based on LoCo activity and overwhelming support
[01:07] <pedro_> count a +1 from me too
[01:07] <nixternal> +1
[01:08] <vorian> congrats nhaines :)
[01:08] <jcastro> \o/
[01:08] <atoponce> nhaines: welcome aboard
[01:08] <nixternal> oh noes, it is jcastro
[01:08] <nhaines> Thanks guys, it means a lot to me. :) I'll just continue doing what I've been doing.
[01:08] <rolando-ve> nhaines Congratulations!
[01:08] <nickellery> congrats nhaines!
[01:08] <nhaines> Thanks for making it on short notice, Jorge. :)
[01:08] <nixternal> congrats and welcome nhaines!!!
[01:08] <viperhoot> wiii wiii
[01:08] <Technoviking> +1 for me
[01:08] <BotenAnna> congrats nhaines :D
[01:08] <ubuntuser> welcome nhaines
[01:08] <santiago-ve> congratulations nhaines!
[01:08] <RoAkSoAx> congrats nhaines
[01:08] <nhaines> :D
[01:08] <nixternal> jcastro: when you speak to jono next, tell him I want those pics from Penguicon he got from the pub
[01:08] <viperhoot> congrats nhaines !!!!
[01:08] <MagicFab> atoponce, If there is time (end of meeting/approvals) I'd like to comment a possible process to evaluate memberships in spanish in the future
[01:09] <effie_jayx> is Asommer around?
[01:09] <ubuntuser> MagicFab, hehehe
[01:09] <atoponce> MagicFab: sounds good
[01:09] <nixternal> oh Adam Sommer, your turn
[01:09] <sommer> Hello, I'm Adam Sommer, I work as a Linux Sysadmin for a small college in North Carolina.
[01:09] <rolando-ve> MagicFab: Cool
[01:09] <sommer> I've been helping to update the Server Guide for the Gutsy and Hardy releases. In doing so I've worked closely with both the Ubuntu Doc Team and Server Team.
[01:09] <nhaines> Thanks, all! I'm sticking around but good luck to everyone else. I'll be here cheering everyone on. :)
[01:09] <sommer> My plan is to help keep the Server Guide up to date for each release and continue to help test the Server Edition. Also, I'd like to learn more about packaging to hopefully help solve more bugs instead of just reporting them.
[01:09] <sommer> wiki link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Asommer
[01:09] <sommer> if that's in the right order :)
[01:10] <nixternal> I can provide some insight on just how much sommer has improved Ubuntu Documentation by working on the server guide, great job all around there!!!
[01:10] <sommer> nixternal: thanks
[01:10] <sommer> it was good times, heh
[01:11] <nixternal> actually, I think you are the only doc committer who is not an Ubuntu member iirc
[01:11] <atoponce> wow. i see very good sustained contributions here.
[01:11] <Technoviking> just consulted the server guide earlier today, great work on that
[01:11] <nixternal> ya, and for a while as well
[01:12] <mneptok> sommer: please keep in close touch with nijaba. i'm sure he appreciates your efforts.
[01:12] <nixternal> sommer: what are your plans for the future of Ubuntu?
[01:12] <j1mc> Adam helped me out on the Xubuntu docs quite a bit. he did great work on the server docs, especially for the hardy cycle.
[01:12] <sommer> nixternal: for intrepid the big thing is Samba
[01:12] <nixternal> are you heading towards development at all?
[01:12] <sommer> nixternal: ya, I'd like to... time permitting that is
[01:12] <nixternal> sommer: no freakin' doubt! get it straight in Kubuntu while you are at it, and there is a cookie for ya :)
[01:12] <effie_jayx> ok, some good work and lots of people to back it up...
[01:12] <effie_jayx> +1
[01:13] <atoponce> +1 for solid foundation of work
[01:13] <_MMA_> +1
[01:13] <Technoviking> +1
[01:13] <nixternal> ya, +1 from me as well...he has helped the doc team and the server team tremendously
[01:13] <vorian> +1 :)
[01:13] <nixternal> congrats and welcome sommer!!!
[01:13] <pedro_> keep the docs coming +1 from me
[01:13] <effie_jayx> congrats sommer
[01:13] <Technoviking> congrats sommer
[01:13] <sommer> awesome, thanks all I appreciate it :-)
[01:13] <ubuntuser> welcome too, sommer
[01:13] <atoponce> sommer: congrats
[01:14] <effie_jayx> sommer, keep up the great work
[01:14] <RoAkSoAx> so i guess i'm next
[01:14] <nhaines> congrats, sommer. :)
[01:14] <santiago-ve> sommer, congratulations
[01:14] <rolando-ve> sommer: wellcome
[01:14] <nixternal> RoAkSoAx: come on with your badself :)
[01:14] <pedro_> RoAkSoAx: you're the next one
[01:14] <effie_jayx> RoAkSoAx is up next
[01:14] <viperhoot> congrats sommer :)
[01:14] <nickellery> congrats sommer!!!!!
[01:14] <RoAkSoAx> Hi all!! My name is Andres Rodriguez. I'm From Arequipa - Perú and I'm a BS in Systems Engineer. I'm a member of the Peruvian LoCo Team.
[01:14] <RoAkSoAx> My LP: https://launchpad.net/~andreserl
[01:14] <RoAkSoAx> My Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/4nDr3s
[01:14] <RoAkSoAx> My contributions to Ubuntu are:
[01:14] <RoAkSoAx> - Translations to Spanish (Official Spanish Translator since 2007-12-02, but started translating in Dapper and Edgy).
[01:14] <RoAkSoAx> - Give support in #ubuntu-es (I'm a channel OP since 2008-03-06), and occasionally i give support in #ubuntu
[01:14] <RoAkSoAx> - Promote Ubuntu and work in the LoCo TeAm, where I'm one of the 5 Council Members (More Info for those who speak spanish: http://www.ubuntu-pe.org/council).
[01:14] <RoAkSoAx> - I have also taught courses about Ubuntu at my University's Informatics Institute (when i was a student) and gave talks About Ubuntu...
[01:14] <RoAkSoAx> The most recent talk was at FLISOL, where I presented Hardy: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26129077@N04/2452641978/in/pool-aqpglug (I'm the one with the water bottle)
[01:14] <RoAkSoAx> nd in the near future, i would like to help more in MOTU stuff and maybe someday become a MOTU Member. For that, I've done a couple merges already that have been accepted and reported a couple of syncs.
[01:14] <RoAkSoAx> Merges
[01:15] <RoAkSoAx> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virt-viewer/+bug/227073
[01:15] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 227073 in virt-viewer "Please merge virt-viewer 0.0.3-2 from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released]
[01:15] <RoAkSoAx> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-tools/+bug/229052
[01:15] <RoAkSoAx> Syncs:
[01:15] <RoAkSoAx> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abuse-frabs/+bug/225029
[01:15] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 229052 in alsa-tools "Please merge alsa-tools 1.0.16-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released]
[01:15] <RoAkSoAx> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-edu/+bug/227968
[01:15] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 225029 in abuse-frabs "Please sync abuse-frabs 2.11-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Fix released]
[01:15] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 227968 in debian-edu "Please sync debian-edu 0.831 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Fix released]
[01:16] <RoAkSoAx> I've also gave helped no0tic on how to do a merge, by showing him how i did mine, here is the log: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/05/06/%23ubuntu-motu.html
[01:16] <nixternal> I can attest to RoAkSoAx rockin' out in MOTU world helping where he can and learning constantly
[01:16] <effie_jayx> RoAkSoAx, great work... on MOTU
[01:16] <RoAkSoAx> thanks nixternal effie_jayx :)
[01:17] <MagicFab> RoAkSoAx, why is 6.10 listed as your current distribution on your wiki ?
[01:17] <nixternal> RoAkSoAx: I am hoping you are planning on increasing your bug work (5-a-day anybody?) with your interest in MOTU...you can definitely help out a ton there
[01:17] <RoAkSoAx> MagicFab, not updated :S Im using HH right now
[01:17] <effie_jayx> I can back his work as an op in #ubuntu-es, he is working hard to keep troll at bay
[01:17] <pedro_> RoAkSoAx: I've heard of your good work on ubuntu-pe, congrats
[01:17] <atoponce> RoAkSoAx: do you have a link to your forums profile?
[01:17] <nixternal> effie_jayx: so that means he keeps banning you :P
[01:18] <effie_jayx> well shall we vote on it?
[01:18] <RoAkSoAx> nixternal, yes im about to start learning packaging from scratach, havent have time this past 2 weeks cuz finishing my Thesis to become Engineer
[01:18] <RoAkSoAx> thanks pedro_
[01:18] <effie_jayx> nixternal, not quite yet ;)
[01:18] <nixternal> rock on RoAkSoAx!
[01:18] <Technoviking> +1 for me, great body of work
[01:18] <effie_jayx> +1
[01:18] <nixternal> +1 from me
[01:18] <RoAkSoAx> atoponce, http://www.ubuntu-pe.org/user/464/track i mainly moderate
[01:18] <effie_jayx> anymore botes..?
[01:18] <_MMA_> +1
[01:18] <vorian> +1
[01:18] <pedro_> +1 from me
[01:18] * atoponce is still looking
[01:18] <effie_jayx> votes
[01:19] <g3o> +1
[01:19] <RoAkSoAx> thanks guys, really appreciate it :D:D
[01:19] <cody-somerville> +0 from me.
[01:19] <rolando-ve> RoAkSoAx Congrats
[01:19] <atoponce> but, majority is present, so, congrats RoAkSoAx! :)
[01:19] <viperhoot> congrats RoAkSoAx
[01:19] <viperhoot> !!!
[01:19] <MagicFab> Muy bien RoAkSoAx :)
[01:19] <nixternal> congrats and welcome RoAkSoAx!!!
[01:19] <nhaines> Lots of great work, RoAkSoAx. Congratulations!
[01:19] <pedro_> felicitaciones RoAkSoAx
[01:19] <effie_jayx> felicidades RoAkSoAx
[01:19] <nickellery> congrats!
[01:19] <xander21c_> Congrats:)
[01:19] <ubuntuser> :)
[01:19] <santiago-ve> felipe_, RoAkSoAx
[01:19] <nixternal> viperhoot: your turn
[01:19] <viperhoot> I'm Dante Díaz from Cajamarca Perú, contact and member of the Peruvian LoCo Team and Council, and have been involved difusion since 2005, and then i focused myself on Ubuntu, i have gave many talks in my university.
[01:19] <ubuntuser> One more to Ubuntu family
[01:19] <viperhoot> My main contribution to ubuntu is work with the ubuntu community in Perú, i'm the admin of the website and of the resources that we used (forums, launchpad group, CDs distribution…) , also i help to ubuntu users in the mail list and irc chanel, i'm also participating in the translation of applications to the spanish from launchpad.
[01:19] <viperhoot> i'm also interested in make ubuntu community better and nicer for starters in Perú
[01:19] <RoAkSoAx> thanks rolando-ve atoponce viperhoot MagicFab nixternal nhaines pedro_ effie_jayx santiago-ve
[01:19] <nixternal> south american invasion tonight!
[01:20] <viperhoot> My LP page is: https://launchpad.net/~dante
[01:20] <viperhoot> and my Wiki page is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DanteDiaz
[01:20] <effie_jayx> nixternal, about time
[01:21] <MagicFab> Latinos rock!
[01:21] <viperhoot> MagicFab, :D
[01:21] <RoAkSoAx> i can certify viperhoot's great work, specilly on the website, since he is the main maintainer and designer... thanks to him is that we have a website:D:D
[01:21] <n0rman> :)
[01:21] <viperhoot> thanks RoAkSoAx
[01:21] <ubuntuser> yes, MagicFab .. ;)
[01:22] <effie_jayx> viperhoot, How's MOTU work coming?
[01:22] <effie_jayx> are you close to starting ?
[01:22] <nixternal> viperhoot: any plans for helping out with bug triage in the future? (ie. making the south american teams rock by you all joing the 5-a-day)
[01:23] <viperhoot> i'm not a motu yep, but is my long term goal
[01:23] <viperhoot> i'm so interestedin motu
[01:23] <viperhoot> nxvl (member) help me in motu
[01:23] <cody-somerville> viperhoot, What is the biggest difficulty you've faced as a leader in your loco team?
[01:23] <cody-somerville> viperhoot, What can be done to make your job easier?
[01:23] <effie_jayx> viperhoot, fantastic... I am sure you will pick up ropes quick :D
[01:24] <viperhoot> mopderator en the web
[01:24] <pedro_> viperhoot: what's your next short goal for the peruvian loco team?
[01:24] <nixternal> hehe, if that's the biggest difficulty, then the Peruvian LoCo must totally rock!
[01:24] <viperhoot> pedro_, Become more involved with spanish translation/documentation.
[01:25] <viperhoot> an right , mecome the peruvian team approved
[01:25] <cody-somerville> viperhoot, What can be done to make your job easier?
[01:25] <atoponce> viperhoot: what have you contributed to launchpad specifically? (not the projects hosted on it)
[01:25] <nixternal> viperhoot: any plans for helping out with bug triage in the future? (ie. making the south american teams rock by you all joing the 5-a-day)
[01:25] <effie_jayx> viperhoot, how long have you been contact?
[01:25] <nixternal> looks like answers (isn't that what the ? means?)
[01:26] <viperhoot> nixternal, not at this time, i'm more involved with translations
[01:26] <viperhoot> and solve problems with ubuntu users in web
[01:26] <nixternal> that I can see... viperhoot have you done any Kubuntu translations?
[01:26] <nixternal> hehe, sneak that in there
[01:26] <atoponce> nixternal: if we ever meet, i will switch you to gnome. :)
[01:26] <Technoviking> nixternal: ;)
[01:26] <nixternal> atoponce: never
[01:26] <pedro_> haha
[01:26] <viperhoot> nixternal, i'm center in ubuntu
[01:27] <mneptok> nixternal: i'm trying to translate KDE4 into "something usable"
[01:27] <effie_jayx> ok he get +1 from me
[01:27] <viperhoot> i'm use only ubuntu
[01:27] <effie_jayx> he is the contact of the team and that means hard work
[01:27] <atoponce> i like what i see in regards to translations and launchpad activity. +1 here
[01:27] <nixternal> ya, he has darn close to 3 years of sustained contributions that I have gone back and looked at
[01:27] <nixternal> +1 from me
[01:27] <Technoviking> +1 for me
[01:28] <_MMA_> +1
[01:28] <cody-somerville> +1 for good loco team work and for sustained contributions to translations.
[01:28] <viperhoot> yes, basically i help ubuntu users, but more for web :)
[01:28] <effie_jayx> pedro_, ?
[01:28] <vorian> +1 based on solid LoCo leadership
[01:28] <viperhoot> :)
[01:28] <effie_jayx> vorian, and difficult shoes to fill ;)
[01:28] <atoponce> viperhoot: that's a majority. welcome aboard
[01:28] <vorian> aye :)
[01:28] <pedro_> +1 as effie_jayx said being a loco contact is always a hard job and he's doing a good work on translations
[01:28] <ubuntuser> :)
[01:29] <effie_jayx> felicidades viperhoot
[01:29] <vorian> congrats viperhoot
[01:29] <nixternal> congrats and welcome viperhoot!!!
[01:29] <viperhoot> nixternal, Technoviking _MMA_ cody-somerville thanks !!!
[01:29] <RoAkSoAx> congrats viperhoot
[01:29] <effie_jayx> next up ogasawara
[01:29] <viperhoot> pedro_ thanks !!
[01:29] <nhaines> Congratulations, viperhoot! :D
[01:29] <nixternal> viperhoot: no, thank you!
[01:29] <pedro_> bienvenido a bordo viperhoot
[01:29] <ogasawara> yipee
[01:29] <vorian> no thanks for vorian
[01:29] <santiago-ve> great viperhoot!
[01:29] <ubuntuser> one more brother!
[01:29] <Technoviking> viperhoot: congrats
[01:29] <viperhoot> hugs to all! :D
[01:29] <ogasawara> Hi :) My name is Leann Ogasawara.
[01:29] <vorian> :P
[01:29] <viperhoot> vorian, you too :P
[01:29] <ogasawara> I work for Canonical as a Quality Assurance Engineer and my primary focus is on kernel bugs. There still exists a lot of open kernel bugs and I'd like to see that number come down!
[01:29] <ogasawara> I'm also involved in other general QA related areas such as performing SRU verifications, participating in weekly Bug Days, ISO Testing, and working on developing projects which have been generated from Ubuntu specs.
[01:29] <ogasawara> wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LeannOgasawara
[01:29] <ogasawara> launchpad profile: https://edge.launchpad.net/~leannogasawara
[01:30] <nixternal> ogasawara: how the heck did you rack up so much bug karma in such a little time? has Mark given you a vacation yet? jeesh
[01:30] <Technoviking> over 12000 karma, wow
[01:30] <mneptok> ogasawara rocks! she's equally responsive to bugs i bring her from commercial support customers, community members, and GNOME contributors.
[01:30] <_MMA_> hehe
[01:30] <nixternal> no doubt
[01:30] <effie_jayx> ogasawara, impressive karma
[01:30] <ogasawara> there's a lot of kernel bug out there :)
[01:30] <pedro_> hahaha
[01:30] <pedro_> she's great ;-)
[01:31] <cody-somerville> ogasawara, Did I meet you at UDS?
[01:31] <nixternal> I can't believe that bug karma in such a short period of time
[01:31] <atoponce> this is an impressive application. lots of work, solid karma... what to pick on? :)
[01:31] <effie_jayx> fastrack approval guys
[01:31] <nixternal> hell, I have been around here for years and can't match that :)
[01:31] <ogasawara> cody-somerville: briefly in the hotel bar
[01:31] <mneptok> (not to mention she doesn't instantly punch me when we see each other at events. this is a very difficult task.)
[01:31] <nixternal> ogasawara: who is your favorite baseball team?
[01:31] <pedro_> come on...
[01:31] <nixternal> only question I could come up with :p
[01:31] <pedro_> haha
[01:31] <effie_jayx> +1
[01:31] <_MMA_> :)
[01:31] <pedro_> totally +1
[01:31] <_MMA_> +1
[01:32] <Technoviking> I would +1 punching mneptok
[01:32] <mneptok> see?
[01:32] <nixternal> no doubt, +1 from me
[01:32] <Technoviking> +1 for ogasawara
[01:32] <atoponce> +1 +1 +1. rock solid all around. good kernel work
[01:32] <vorian> +1 :)
[01:32] <atoponce> well done ogasawara
[01:32] <effie_jayx> ogasawara, welcome aboard and keep that kernel rocking
[01:32] <pedro_> congrats and welcome leann!
[01:32] <nhaines> Congrats, ogasawara! :)
[01:32] <nixternal> now I know where to go with Kernel issues :)
[01:32] <ogasawara> thanks everyone!
[01:32] <nixternal> congrats and welcome ogasawara!!!
[01:32] <vorian> congrats ogasawara
[01:32] <effie_jayx> Pretto is up next
[01:33] <ubuntuser> Pretto is travelling... :(
[01:33] <jwendell> pretto misunderstood the date...
[01:33] <effie_jayx> right
[01:33] <pedro_> sigh..
[01:33] <effie_jayx> differed to next meeting then
[01:33] <MagicFab> ohhhhh I missed ogasawara - well welcome anyways!
[01:33] <mneptok> cropalato ... ?
[01:33] <nixternal> ok, we should have a meeting next week so he can join us then
[01:33] <effie_jayx> cropalato
[01:33] <effie_jayx> you are up
[01:34] <vorian> hmm
[01:34] <ubuntuser> skip him... because he at in the classroom right now.. ok?
[01:34] <vorian> neskiem, you're up!
[01:34] <neskiem> Hello/Weytk-p, My name is Neskie Manuel. I'm Secwepemc from BC. I'm planning on improving North American Indigenous language support for Debian/Ubuntu.
[01:34] <ubuntuser> ok nixternal ?
[01:34] <nixternal> roger that
[01:34] <neskiem> Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Manny14
[01:34] <ubuntuser> ;)
[01:34] <neskiem> LP: https://launchpad.net/~neskiem
[01:35] <bryce> ogasawara: congrats!
[01:35] <neskiem> My plan is to improve language support and get keyboards for http://languagegeek.com translated into xkb layouts. I've pacakged ttf-lg-aboriginal. It looks like the only font that can display Cherokee script. I'm also using First Voices http://firstvoices.ca to create locales.
[01:35] <neskiem> Advocating adoption of Ubuntu amnogst First Nations community for it's great L10N support and ability to help with language revitalization.
[01:36] <cody-somerville> neskiem, Whats involved in managing the Ubuntu Secwepemc Team?
[01:36] <pedro_> neskiem: for how long have you been working on the translations?
[01:36] <neskiem> We are translating Ubuntu into Secwpeemctsin
[01:37] <neskiem> I've been working on this since January
[01:37] <neskiem> but I'm not fluent so part of this work is learning Secwepemctsin myself.
[01:37] <mneptok> secwpeemctsin = shuswap?
[01:37] <cody-somerville> neskiem, How many strings have you been able to translate thus far?
[01:38] <neskiem> I've only been able to translate single word strings like New, Help, etc...
[01:38] <cody-somerville> neskiem, Do you have anybody here today to endorse your application? Who have you been working with in the community?
[01:38] <neskiem> Most of my work has been to create a Secwepemc (shs) locale, keyboard and add an orthography file shs.orth to fontconfig.
[01:39] <neskiem> No. I don't
[01:39] <neskiem> I was trying to get Nicolas Spalinger here from the font packaging team
[01:39] <nixternal> neskiem: how much work is involved in creating the locale, keyboard stuff, and the orthography file?
[01:39] <nixternal> are you the only one doing this?
[01:39] <neskiem> It looks like it
[01:40] <cody-somerville> Okay.
[01:40] <neskiem> I look up the characters needed on the Language Geek site and figure out a sane layout to be used in xkb-data
[01:40] <atoponce> neskiem: how many languages do you speak?
[01:40] <MagicFab> neskiem, if help is needed, I can assist - we started doing something similar for Wayuunaiki in Colombia (with ubuntu-ve) - now stalled.
[01:40] <nixternal> neskiem: that is some tedious work, xkb-data is horrid
[01:40] <neskiem> I speak French, English, and a bit of my native langauge Secwepemctsin
[01:41] <mneptok> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[01:41] <nixternal> mneptok: woot, I already have them all loaded :)
[01:41] <neskiem> well i've found my way around xkb-data and learned the patch systems
[01:41] <effie_jayx> mneptok, thanks
[01:41] <atoponce> mneptok: preloaded
[01:41] <atoponce> neskiem: have you helped with french translations?
[01:42] <cody-somerville> neskiem, It seems like you've made an excellent start but for me to give you my vote I'd like to see you get more involved with the community and work on getting some more translations done first. Okay? :)
[01:42] <neskiem> I know i've been kind of secluded and need to get my work documented and out there
[01:43] <neskiem> Before any Indigenous languages can be supported in Ubuntu they need keyboard layouts, font support, and Orthogrpahy files into fontconfig. Those are my future plans in Ubuntu.
[01:43] <atoponce> neskiem: i would like to see more sustained contributions in your translating work as well
[01:44] <j1mc> any other comments?
[01:44] <atoponce> neskiem: are you active on the forums?
[01:45] * vorian is still reading
[01:45] * nixternal too
[01:45] * nixternal sees Kubuntu documentation translations :)
[01:45] <neskiem> No I'm not so active on the forums.
[01:45] <atoponce> neskiem: what progress have you made to get the community involved with your translations?
[01:46] <neskiem> Chief Atham the local langauge immersion school has agreed to work with me on translations. As well as the local School Distrcit 73 in Kamloops, which uses Linux throughout the whole school district
[01:46] <nixternal> neskiem: are you a Kubuntu or Ubuntu user? how do you see yourself helping the system you use continue to prosper?
[01:48] <neskiem> I want to see Ubuntu being used for language revitalization so that people can use Ubuntu in Ojibway, Ktunaxa, Mi'kmaw, Cherokee, Navajo, etc...
[01:49] <pedro_> ok, votes?
[01:49] * nixternal notes that j1mc will be next so he can get this over with and head home from work, plus make sure his lappy battery doesn't die
[01:49] <neskiem> This will allow these langauges to propser as well as get some devout users who can't use Windows/OS X in those languages
[01:49] <cody-somerville> neskiem, I think thats a very noble goal I look forward to approving you in the future :)
[01:50] <neskiem> cody, thanks.
[01:50] <nixternal> I have to agree at this time. I like what I have seen thus far, but I would like to see a bit more involvement with translations and community work, and then I would have no problem approving membership in the future...great job though so far!
[01:51] <vorian> neskiem: yes, please keep up your wonderful work :)
[01:51] <atoponce> neskiem: i'd like to see more. please keep your motivations high, and your reach broad in the community.
[01:51] <effie_jayx> I agree with nickellery
[01:51] <nixternal> neskiem: if you need any MOTU or sponsorship help with your packages, please do not hesitate to message me for some help
[01:51] <nickellery> effie_jayx, you mean nixternal :)
[01:52] <cody-somerville> Technoviking, would you like to weigh in before we move on?
[01:52] <effie_jayx> nixternal, so j1mc up next considering his situation?
[01:52] <nhaines> Keep up the good work, neskiem! Ubuntu always needs more translators. :D
[01:52] <nixternal> yes, j1mc you are up
[01:52] <Technoviking> neskiem: I looking forward to seeing you again, you have a great start
[01:52] <j1mc> Hi everyone, My name is Jim Campbell, and I am most closely involved with the Xubuntu project, focusing primarily on documentation and wiki work, and the Ubuntu Chicago local community team. I've been contributing to Xubuntu since the Feisty release cycle, and have been involved with the Loco team since late 2006.
[01:52] <neskiem> thanks everyone
[01:52] <j1mc> My wiki page is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/j1mc
[01:52] <j1mc> and my launchpad page is here: https://launchpad.net/~jwcampbell
[01:53] * nixternal will kick you if you don't admit to running Ubuntu Chicago
[01:53] <nixternal> you took over my job, let it be known or else!
[01:53] <cody-somerville> j1mc, What has been the biggest obstacle you've faced as a contributor to the Xubuntu derivative?
[01:53] <j1mc> My primary plan is to keep the Xubuntu docs accurate and up to date, to also lead the Xubuntu wiki maintenance. Additionally, I'd like to do some project management/volunteer coordination work for the Xubuntu website, and to see what can be done to further develop Xubuntu artwork. I also want to make sure that things stay moving with the ubuntu-chicago loco team in terms of knowledge-sharing and other projects
[01:53] <nixternal> there we go :)
[01:53] <cody-somerville> \o/
[01:53] <sommer> I can say that Jim has contributed a lot of great content to the Xubuntu docs
[01:53] * ubuntuser is Xfce translator!
[01:54] <j1mc> my biggest obstacle has just been lack of manpower, and shaky contributions - too many starts and stops from contributors
[01:54] <ubuntuser> ;)
[01:54] <j1mc> that, and just learning all of the tools.
[01:54] <cody-somerville> j1mc, How do you feel about the direction Xubuntu is taking?
[01:54] <mneptok> j1mc: i'll give you a handful of Raisinets if you say your biggest obstacle is cody-somerville ... O:)
[01:54] <atoponce> look at that karma
[01:54] <nixternal> hahahaha, you know it is
[01:55] * eddieftw wants to kick nixternal for that comment ;p
[01:55] <nixternal> j1mc: ya, get on 5-a-day and join the chicago team, you too eddieftw!
[01:55] <j1mc> i think xubuntu is going in a good direction in terms of being more organized. i think it'll attract more people.
[01:55] <atoponce> j1mc: are you still active with the mobile side of things, or sticking mainly with xfce?
[01:55] <effie_jayx> j1mc, how do you see your contributions in the near future?
[01:55] <vorian> j1mc: is that a wheaties box?
[01:55] <j1mc> i'm sticking mainly with xfce
[01:55] <nixternal> lol
[01:55] <j1mc> vorian: yes
[01:55] <vorian> j1mc: excellent :)
[01:56] <nixternal> j1mc: will you represent Xubuntu at BarCamp Chicago in next month?
[01:56] <j1mc> vorian: near future - wiki and website.
[01:56] <nixternal> ya, I can speeeeeeek
[01:56] <j1mc> nixternal: no specific plans, but do want to be there.
[01:56] <cody-somerville> j1mc, I think you're a shining example of what we're looking for in Ubuntu member applicants. +1 from me.
[01:57] <eddieftw> can i suggest a +1 from everyone?
[01:57] <effie_jayx> +1 for his xubuntu work... keep it coming
[01:57] <atoponce> j1mc: i agree with cody-somerville. this is a +1
[01:57] <eddieftw> without j1mc, ubutnu chicago wouldn't be where it's at
[01:57] <Technoviking> +1 for me
[01:57] <eddieftw> since he gives me and the rest of the teams rides all the time
[01:57] <nixternal> ditto what cody-somerville said! I have known j1mc for a couple of years now and he is absolutly awesome to work with and has done a ton of LoCo work as well as revamped everything xubuntu doc wise
[01:57] <nixternal> +1
[01:57] <vorian> +1 based on excellent work (and the wheaties box)
[01:57] <sommer> throws a +1
[01:57] <pedro_> +1 from me too, keep up the good work
[01:57] <nixternal> hahaha, wheaties
[01:57] <j1mc> thanks, all. :)
[01:57] <vorian> congrats j1mc!
[01:57] <nixternal> congrats and welcome j1mc! about darn time!
[01:57] <nhaines> Congrats, j1mc! :D
[01:57] <atoponce> j1mc: now go home and be with your family! :)
=== illovae_ is now known as illovae
[01:58] <j1mc> haha. yeay!
[01:58] <sommer> congrats j1mc o//
[01:58] <cody-somerville> Long over due congratz j1mc :)
[01:58] <nixternal> j1mc has been trying to get to a membership meeting now for over a year :)
[01:58] <j1mc> sommer: party on
[01:58] <rolando-ve> j1mc Cool
[01:58] * eddieftw pops some champaign for j1mc
[01:58] <j1mc> thanks, all. :)
[01:58] <j1mc> my batter has 10 minutes left, so i will have to go now.
[01:58] <vorian> long overdue, i'm sure :)
[01:58] <santiago-ve> j1mc, congratulations
[01:58] <j1mc> talk to you all later. :)
[01:58] <nixternal> Chris Gregan, you around?
[01:58] <mneptok> eddieftw: unless you're also popping Urbana, it's "champagne" ;)
[01:58] <eddieftw> oh noes!
[01:59] <cody-somerville> Alrighty!
[01:59] <pedro_> it seems that he's not around
[01:59] <effie_jayx> back in order, cgregan is next
[01:59] <santiago-ve> O.o
[01:59] <effie_jayx> next
[01:59] <mneptok> eddieftw: personally, i like the idea of you launching a first strike against your southern neighbors :)
[01:59] <nixternal> awalton__: you around?
[01:59] <awalton__> nixternal, right here
[01:59] <effie_jayx> awalton__, you are up then
[02:00] <awalton__> oh wow, tonight already?
[02:00] <awalton__> thought it was tomorrow night.
[02:00] <awalton__> Alright, I guess I can go ahead and though.
[02:00] <effie_jayx> awalton__, well you are here now... ;)
[02:00] <awalton__> My name is Andrew Walton, though I typically go as awalton/Walton on both the internet and on IRC
[02:00] <mneptok> awalton__: others may be ready if you need a few minutes....
[02:01] <awalton__> mneptok, I should be fine, I just didn't have any text prepared..
[02:01] <awalton__> If someone wants to go first they're welcome though
[02:01] <effie_jayx> ok
[02:01] <nixternal> kirkland: you around?
[02:01] <kirkland> nixternal: yep
[02:01] <kirkland> My name is Dustin Kirkland. I'm a member of Canonical's Ubuntu Server Team.
[02:01] <kirkland> My objective is to develop, extend, package, and support the software that comprises Ubuntu's Server, making it easy to use and secure.
[02:01] <nixternal> south american and a canonical invasion tonight
[02:01] <kirkland> My objective is to develop, extend, package, and support the software that comprises Ubuntu's Server, making it easy to use and secure.
[02:01] <effie_jayx> wow
[02:02] <kirkland> I am currently working on encrypted ~/Private directories in each user's home, encrypting swap space by default, and swapfiles supported in the installer.
[02:02] <kirkland> I am also working with Ubuntu ISV Partners such as IBM, HP, Sun, and Dell.
[02:02] <kirkland> My wiki page is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DustinKirkland
[02:02] <kirkland> My Launchpad page is: https://launchpad.net/~kirkland
[02:02] <kirkland> I have also created some useful tools:
[02:02] <kirkland> http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/search.html
[02:02] <kirkland> http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/ubuntu-vm-builder.html
[02:02] <kirkland> http://ubuntu.dustinkirkland.com/manpages/
[02:02] <nixternal> thought for a second you were from chicago
[02:02] <kirkland> nixternal: Austin, TX :-)
[02:02] <kirkland> same timezone, though
[02:02] <kirkland> and I'm a Cubs fan
[02:03] <nixternal> w00t \o/
[02:03] <atoponce> heh
[02:03] <sommer> I can say that kirkland has also done some cool work on developing a better way to search the Ubuntu docs
[02:03] * eddieftw urges a -1 for kirkland :p
[02:03] <nixternal> sommer: how so?
[02:03] <nixternal> and why am I just not hearing about this? :)
[02:04] <kirkland> sommer: thanks, yeah, http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/search.html
[02:04] <cropalato> hi all, sorry i was out. can i present me?
[02:04] <bryce> +1 for kirkland
[02:04] <mathiaz> I'd like to add that Dustin has been doing an excellent work within the Ubuntu Server Team. He tackled some nasty bugs with ldap, merges diffcult packages (php5).
[02:04] <nixternal> cropalato: wait until we call you...we had to skip over you, but promise to get to you
[02:04] <sommer> nixternal: yep that's the link :)
[02:04] <atoponce> cropalato: we'll let you know
[02:04] <vorian> cropalato: after kirkland is done
[02:04] <nixternal> oh man, if you have bryce supporting you, I am scared to vote now
[02:04] <effie_jayx> I say +1
[02:05] <nixternal> ya, +1 from me as well
[02:05] <cody-somerville> +1 for sustained and significant contribution to the server team.
[02:05] <Technoviking> +1 for me
[02:05] <effie_jayx> outstanding work
[02:05] <vorian> +1 :)
[02:05] <pedro_> +1 here
[02:05] <bryce> ~/Private sounds pretty cool
[02:05] <Technoviking> Ubunru Server rocks!!!!
[02:05] <rolando-ve> kirkland: nice Job!, Congrats
[02:05] <atoponce> as a linux instructor and admin, i can appreciate the progress that ubuntu-server is making. +1 for obvious contributions
[02:05] <LaRoza> Sorry for being late
[02:06] <vorian> LaRoza: we'll call you when you are up :)
[02:06] <nhaines> Congrats, kirkland!
[02:06] <nickellery> congrats kirkland!!!
[02:06] <kirkland> thanks guys, bryce, mathiaz, sommer
[02:06] <pedro_> congrats and welcome kirkland
[02:06] <bryce> kirkland: congrats :-)
[02:06] <sommer> congrats kirkland
[02:06] <nixternal> damn, I closed out cropalato's lp page
[02:06] <mathiaz> kirkland: congrats :)
[02:06] <pedro_> LaRoza: just in time, you're up next
[02:07] <nhaines> nixternal: work offline mode and History > Recently Closed Tabs! :)
[02:07] <Technoviking> nixternal: I just closed FF:(
[02:07] <cropalato> nixternal, is it me time?
[02:07] <bryce> launchpad is down right now too :-/
[02:08] <m13> <<<just regular user here droped in accidentaly , but +10 to all of you guys
[02:08] <santiago-ve> how long will LP be off?
[02:08] <mneptok> santiago-ve: 90m or so
[02:08] <Technoviking> I would like to say that LaRoza is one the most active moderators on the Ubuntu Forums
[02:08] <mneptok> (120 is scheduled, but it may well be faster)
[02:09] <Technoviking> LaRoza: what is your post count
[02:09] <LaRoza> Let me check
[02:09] <lukehasnoname> lots
[02:09] <lukehasnoname> I can vouch for LaRoza's helpfulness
[02:09] <LaRoza> 9,975
[02:09] <LaRoza> I expect to hit 10000 tonight
[02:09] * Technoviking faints
[02:10] <LaRoza> I can, on a good stretch, get over 100 in a single session
[02:10] <pedro_> wow that's impressive
[02:10] <mneptok> LaRoza: are you locked in a monastery with only 802.11 and a candle or soemthing?
[02:10] <LaRoza> (If I don't mess around in the Cafe and OPP...)
[02:10] <lukehasnoname> It ridiculous
[02:10] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, what exactly do you post about?
[02:10] <LaRoza> 6https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaRoza
[02:10] <LaRoza> (Sorry keyboard troubles here)
[02:11] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, Can you give us a few examples of your rest posts?
[02:11] <LaRoza> Tech support, Programming, Ubuntu, and other Linux distros
[02:11] <kirkland> LaRoza must have worn out his keyboard posting :-P
[02:11] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, links?
[02:11] <LaRoza> To my posts?
[02:11] <cody-somerville> Yes. I'd like to see a few examples.
[02:11] <LaRoza> http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=39
[02:11] <vorian> LaRoza is a wonderful staffer with consistent support for quite some time now
[02:12] <LaRoza> (That is the forum page, but my posts are in the stickies and in many of the threads)
[02:12] <effie_jayx> LaRoza, can we say your contribution is strictly oriented to forums?
[02:12] <LaRoza> No, I am also using Intrepid and going to help test the CD images once they get out
[02:12] <nixternal> 'Thanked 685 Time in 557 Posts' - whoa, that is impressive
[02:13] <effie_jayx> LaRoza, that's great
[02:13] <LaRoza> I also give out Ubunt and support for it in real life
[02:13] <LaRoza> In fact, I get requests from people I don't know after they see someone I do know with Ubuntu
[02:13] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, So how have you *contributed* to Ubuntu exactly?
[02:13] <vorian> +1 from me based on outstanding support in the forums, and wonderful staffing werk
[02:14] <_ZeuZ_> Hi! Hope I'm not late...
[02:14] <Technoviking> cody-somerville: by helping users with questions on the forums
[02:14] <LaRoza> I have contribued money once (I am not sure what you are asking)
[02:14] <_ZeuZ_> Is the reunion still on? Or am I late?
[02:14] <effie_jayx> +1 on his forum work ... it is a big job
[02:14] <pedro_> based on your good work on the forums a +1 from me also
[02:15] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, What forums do you moderate?
[02:15] <LaRoza> ubuntuforums.org
[02:15] <Technoviking> +1 for me
[02:15] <cody-somerville> excuse me, I'm not entirely familiar with how the system there works.
[02:15] <LaRoza> The official ubuntu forums
[02:15] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, You're a moderator for all the forums at ubuntuforums.org?
[02:15] <LaRoza> Hold on, I will get a link for you
[02:15] <LaRoza> Yes, except the staff room
[02:15] <atoponce> 1 year of sustained forums work, with almost 10,000 posts. i'd say that qualifies for membership from me. +1
[02:15] <_ZeuZ_> Well, guess I'm just gonna shout it... I submitted to the mailing list a script for QoS (Traffic Throthling and shapping) for make it easy for novel users, and I wanted you guys to hitme with opinions, and lukily, after "completing" the work, include it in ubuntu-server...
[02:16] <_ZeuZ_> Has anybody had time to review it?
[02:16] <vorian> cody-somerville: yes, he's one of the select few who moderate a community of over 500,000 members
[02:16] <LaRoza> http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php?page=about
[02:16] <mneptok> _ZeuZ_: you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
[02:16] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, How often do you have to wear your moderator hat?
[02:16] <_ZeuZ_> mneptok, Ouch... ITBA took my time... University is too much for a 17 years old boy...
[02:16] <LaRoza> What does that mean?
[02:16] <LaRoza> I do not typicall post as a moderator
[02:16] <LaRoza> But I do spend a lot of time removing spam like all the others
[02:17] <mneptok> _ZeuZ_: i imagine you want to be in #ubuntu-server
[02:17] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, How often do you have to use your moderator position? Like, how many hours a day would you say you spend "moderating" the forum?
[02:17] <Technoviking> the forums would not be the same without LaRoza
[02:17] <_ZeuZ_> mneptok, They told me to come to the meeting, so we could give it an eye at the eyes of the members...
[02:17] <LaRoza> cody-somerville: I am a forum member and moderator at the same time
[02:17] <LaRoza> On the forum, I can be on for hours
[02:17] <_ZeuZ_> (this was, a month or so ago)
[02:17] <_ZeuZ_> until now, I haven't had enough time...
[02:17] <_ZeuZ_> finals on my way...
[02:17] <nixternal> honestly, the forums work is amazing obviously, however I would like to see more sustained contributions to Ubuntu outside of the forums (ie. 0 karma)
[02:17] <vorian> sometimes i think LaRoza is on the forums 24/7
[02:18] <LaRoza> vorian: That is somewhat true
[02:18] <effie_jayx> that is great work then ...
[02:18] <cody-somerville> I would also like to see more sustained contribution outside of the forum.
[02:18] <cody-somerville> But I think it looks like the forum work is awesome :)
[02:18] <LaRoza> At the moment, I am unemployed and waiting to go back to school in July
[02:18] <LaRoza> cody-somerville: Free one on one tech support?
[02:18] <mneptok> _ZeuZ_: you are currently interrupting an ongoing meeting with each inputline. please refrain, and check with the folks in #ubuntu-server on how to address your issue.
[02:18] <LaRoza> Free disks to people in other countries?
[02:19] <LaRoza> Installing and configuring systems for people with Ubuntu
[02:19] <LaRoza> Helping my college with using Ubuntu?
[02:19] <_ZeuZ_> mneptok, Ok, it was a contribution to all ubunters, as a Debian user I have no obligation, but, having said that, so long everybody.
[02:19] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, I don't see those things mentioned on your wiki page.
[02:19] <Technoviking> who has not voted?
[02:19] <LaRoza> cody-somerville: I typically spend time doing things than documenting what I do
[02:19] <LaRoza> Sorry.
[02:20] <LaRoza> "My wiki" is my programming wiki, to me.
[02:20] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, Well, as a part of applying for membership, you document your contributions.
[02:20] <LaRoza> And helping programmers with Ubuntu with ubuntuprogramming.wikidot.com (which isn't really that developed yet)
[02:20] <LaRoza> cody-somerville: I like helping people. I can do that with or without a membership ;)
[02:20] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, I agree.
[02:20] <effie_jayx> LaRoza, but please consider the fact that we depend on the docmunetation to have a wide idea of waht you do
[02:20] <LaRoza> May I see your wiki page for reference?
[02:20] <nixternal> LaRoza: I agree with that as well
[02:21] <nixternal> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/RichardJohnson
[02:21] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CodySomerville
[02:21] <LaRoza> cody-somerville: Ah, I see your point very well now
[02:22] <LaRoza> I totally understand your thoughts now. I really am forum/irc centric and actually forgot about this meeting because I was helping someone with programming on Ubuntu
[02:22] * cody-somerville nods.
[02:23] <LaRoza> If you think I haven't documented my actions well (indeed, I haven't) I accept your decision
[02:23] <LaRoza> (I am a Criminal Justice major, and understand the importance of getting "paperwork" done.)
[02:23] <nixternal> LaRoza: I would like to see you get more involved with the development side, as you obviously have the knowledge in doing so, and therefor providing more to Ubuntu besides that amazing work you do in the forums
[02:24] <LaRoza> The problem is/was that I got the internet at home just last October, whereas I have used Ubuntu for much longer
[02:24] <LaRoza> (Yes, I used Ubuntu without the internet, it can be done)
[02:25] <lukehasnoname> haha, I'm at a coffee shop right now because I don't have home internet
[02:25] <lukehasnoname> they could be intercepting this entire meeting via wifi :0
[02:25] <atoponce> i am recasting the votes for clarity, so i know where we're at
[02:25] <atoponce> +1
[02:26] <vorian> +1
[02:26] <nixternal> -1 at this time
[02:27] <atoponce> cody-somerville: ?
[02:27] <atoponce> pedro_: ?
[02:27] <Technoviking> +1
[02:27] <atoponce> _MMA_: ?
[02:27] <pedro_> -1 here
[02:27] <cody-somerville> -1 at this time.
[02:27] <atoponce> effie_jayx: ?
[02:28] <effie_jayx> +1
[02:28] * mneptok will brb
[02:29] <_MMA_> -1
[02:29] <_MMA_> Sorry. I gotta run for a bit.
[02:29] * n0rman brb
[02:29] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, I'm sorry but unfortunately we're unable to come to a conclusion regarding your membership at this time.
[02:30] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, We welcome you to try again at the next meeting :)
[02:30] <LaRoza> I won't try again
[02:30] <atoponce> LaRoza: document more of your contributions on your wiki, to change those -1s to +1s
[02:30] <nhaines> Keep up the hard work, LaRoza. I know the forums are a lot of effort!
[02:30] <santiago-ve> LaRoza, Mainly what you need to do is document your work
[02:30] <LaRoza> I have no interest in maintaining a useless wiki ;)
[02:30] <LaRoza> My own is work enough
[02:31] <cody-somerville> LaRoza, And thats entirely acceptable. :)
[02:31] <atoponce> LaRoza: it just makes it tough for us to see if it's not doc'd
[02:31] <cody-somerville> I hope you continue your contributions as they *are* appreciated regardless if you put them on your wiki or not.
[02:31] <vorian> LaRoza: you rock!
[02:31] <Technoviking> LaRoza: please re-consider , and I would glad to help out with your wiki
[02:31] <rolando-ve> LaRoza: just try it again, I'm sure that you will do!
[02:31] * nhaines cheers for LaRoza.
[02:31] <rolando-ve> cheers!
[02:31] <pedro_> santiago-ve: you're up next!
[02:31] <nhaines> Launchpad is back, by the way.
[02:32] <santiago-ve> Hello, My name is santiago Zarate, I am From Caracas Venezuela. I've been member of the Venezuelan LoCo team for about 2 years. I am a (K)Ubuntu advocate, y try to speak about Ubuntu top anyone who wants to listen.
[02:32] <ubuntuser> pedro_, cropalato ..please!
[02:32] <cropalato> thanks
[02:32] <santiago-ve> I Work as a developer/consultan in a Small company in Caracas, currently working on a Business Intelligence/Olap Free Software (as free of speech), where we use ubuntu for our develpment process including the clientssi... .
[02:32] <cropalato> I'm Brazian, teaching Operating Systems in a local University about seven year and TCP/IP about four years (introducting linux whenever is possible). I use a Linux since 1996 and met the Ubuntu about two years and I´m Brazilian Translation Member and member of Brazilian LocoTeam, this is my greatest contribution as you can see here https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+languages/pt_BR. I am active in #ubuntu-br, #ubuntu-br-ba to help and sup
[02:32] <cropalato> port in Portuguese Language.
[02:32] <pedro_> wait wait
[02:32] <santiago-ve> ...
[02:32] <santiago-ve> well
[02:32] <effie_jayx> cropalato, ?
[02:32] <santiago-ve> who's next?
[02:32] <santiago-ve> me or cropalato?
[02:32] <pedro_> wondering the same
[02:32] <alexio44> o.O
[02:32] <effie_jayx> santiago-ve, cropalato had been waiting for launchpad to return
[02:32] <rolando-ve> pedro_ did say santiago?
[02:33] <cropalato> may i ?
[02:33] <santiago-ve> You where first after all~
[02:33] <effie_jayx> cropalato, please, go again...
[02:33] <pedro_> santiago-ve: it's ok for you to proceed with him first?
[02:33] <santiago-ve> i migth go drink some cofee...
[02:33] <cropalato> I'm Brazian, teaching Operating Systems in a local University about seven year and TCP/IP about four years (introducting linux whenever is possible). I use a Linux since 1996 and met the Ubuntu about two years and I´m Brazilian Translation Member and member of Brazilian LocoTeam, this is my greatest contribution as you can see here https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+languages/pt_BR. I am active in #ubuntu-br, #ubuntu-br-ba to help and sup
[02:33] <cropalato> port in Portuguese Language.
[02:33] * santiago-ve has his cofee on his right hand...
[02:33] <pedro_> santiago-ve: thanks you ;-)
[02:33] <cropalato> Now a day I am coordinating the translation of the Ubuntu Desktop Course (to Brazilian Portuguese). Helping to make more Ubuntu events in Salvador. Helping Penguim (another Ubuntu member) to create make a Open Source/Ubuntu Cell in my University. As member and admin of the ubuntu-br-ba (state team) I usually lectures and support in regional events and national Free. I´m Brazilian Planeta Member http://planeta.ubuntu-br.org and active member in
[02:33] <cropalato> the Brazilian LocoTeam. In the future I want to continue to translate Ubuntu until it becomes 100% Portuguese. Work harder with the Server Team. And start some projects in the PPA. My Ubuntu´s wiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cropalato my Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~ricardo-cropalato.
[02:34] <cropalato> wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cropalato
[02:34] <cropalato> https://launchpad.net/~ricardo-cropalato
[02:34] <rolando-ve> santiago-ve: thanks! :)
[02:35] <effie_jayx> cropalato, that is some fantastic edubuntu work.. could you tell us about it?
[02:35] <cody-somerville> cropalato, I like your wiki page :)
[02:35] <cody-somerville> Lots of strong endorsements too
[02:35] <effie_jayx> cropalato, I meant LTSP
[02:35] <licio> cropalato was very helpful in the last FISL(the biggest FLOSS conference in Brazil)
[02:35] <ubuntuser> cropalato is my right hand in the Ubuntu Local Team... ;) (events, etc...)
[02:35] <cropalato> effie_jayx, Sorry. I work with network and security
[02:35] <nixternal> you have some really good testimonials....
[02:36] <cropalato> nixternal, thanks
[02:36] <atoponce> nixternal: good, and a lot
[02:36] <ubuntuser> ;)
[02:36] <cropalato> effie_jayx, i working with the italc
[02:36] <licio> nixternal, ubuntu-br loves cropalato
[02:37] <ubuntuser> #)
[02:37] <atoponce> cropalato: i noticed you're a member of ubuntu ireland?
[02:37] <cody-somerville> cropalato, What made you get involved with LTSP?
[02:37] <cropalato> our course is to sysadmins. the ltsp do not help us in lot of labs
[02:37] <nixternal> cropalato: what is your involvement with the Ubuntu Ireland team?
[02:38] <cropalato> atoponce, my brother live in ireland. and i was thinking to got there
[02:38] <atoponce> cropalato: if you did go to ireland, how would that affect your transaltion work?
[02:39] <effie_jayx> cropalato, what other areas of contribution would you like to participate in ?
[02:39] <nixternal> atoponce: guiness would affect everyone's translation work :p
[02:39] <atoponce> or, rephrasing, what would you contribute to, if you moved to ireland?
[02:39] <atoponce> nixternal: no argument there. :)
[02:40] <cropalato> cody-somerville, our university is working to put the linux and the opensource in ours computers. i am helping the group to do it. but i am not making the implementations
[02:40] <ubuntuser> If he moved to Ireland... I'll lost my right hand.. :)
[02:40] <cody-somerville> cropalato, so the majority of your contributions have been via the Loco teams and translation?
[02:40] <nixternal> cropalato: what all have you done with the LTSP team?
[02:40] <cropalato> cody-somerville, yes.
[02:41] <cropalato> nixternal, i am coordenating the ltsp tests in my work
[02:41] <nixternal> using Ubuntu, Edubuntu, or Kubuntu?
[02:41] <nixternal> or Xubuntu? sorry cody-somerville :)
[02:41] <cody-somerville> or Xubuntu?
[02:41] <cody-somerville> :P
[02:41] <nixternal> haha
[02:42] <nixternal> or Gobuntu :p
[02:42] <cropalato> nixternal, xubuntu
[02:42] <ubuntuser> *buntu .. :)
[02:42] <nixternal> oh noes, you just made cody-somerville jump up for joy! actually, you are the only one I know working with LTSP and Xubuntu...that rocks!
[02:42] <nixternal> cropalato: how has LTSP and Xubuntu worked out thus far?
[02:43] <nixternal> interested, as I write the LTSP stuff for the Offical Ubuntu Book
[02:43] <cropalato> nixternal, as my friend ubuntuser translate de xubuntu, he help me in some situations
[02:43] <ubuntuser> 100% in portuguese!
[02:44] * n0rman is back :)
[02:44] <cropalato> nixternal, we are testing for few years
[02:44] <cropalato> sorry
[02:44] <cropalato> months
[02:44] <cropalato> :-D
[02:44] <nixternal> a lot of solid translation work, and by solid I don't mean tiny edits, you have some good stuff there that has all been approved
[02:45] <effie_jayx> any more q's berfore we start votin?
[02:45] <nixternal> you have even help people solve their questions promptly, I like that
[02:45] <nixternal> I think I am good with the questions
[02:45] <santiago-ve> sec... i need more cofee...
[02:45] * santiago-ve walks
[02:46] <effie_jayx> great
[02:46] <santiago-ve> back
=== alexio44 is now known as alexio44_nui
[02:46] <atoponce> i like what i see with translations and security. +1 here
[02:46] <nixternal> +1 from me, good work!
[02:46] <effie_jayx> +1
[02:46] <cody-somerville> +1 for significant and sustained translations and loco team work.
[02:46] <atoponce> cropalato: if you move to ireland, however, you have to keep the same spirit up. :)
[02:46] <ubuntuser> heheh
[02:46] <nixternal> and drink a ton of guiness :)
[02:46] <cropalato> atoponce, no problem
[02:47] <atoponce> cropalato: nixternal may join you, it sounds like
[02:47] <effie_jayx> congrats cropalato
[02:47] <licio> atoponce, he won't move, because he can't live without us
[02:47] <nixternal> I am down for that
[02:47] <effie_jayx> santiago-ve, you are up!
[02:47] <cropalato> thanks
[02:47] <ubuntuser> Congrats cropalato ... you deserv!
[02:47] <pedro_> +1 from me, i like your work on the portuguese translations and keep up the good work with the loco team also
[02:47] <rolando-ve> cropalato: nice!
[02:47] <santiago-ve> cropalato, great
[02:47] <santiago-ve> Hello, My name is santiago Zarate, I am From Caracas Venezuela. I've been member of the Venezuelan LoCo team for about 2 years. I am a (K)Ubuntu advocate, y try to speak about Ubuntu top anyone who wants to listen.
[02:47] <nhaines> cropalato: congratulations! :D
[02:47] <santiago-ve> I Work as a developer/consultan in a Small company in Caracas, currently working on a Business Intelligence/Olap Free Software (as free of speech), where we use ubuntu for our develpment process including the clientssi... .
[02:47] <santiago-ve> I have been working very actively on the site and Irc, and also I've helped in some events in venezuela, given talks in few events about ubuntu and web develpment. And currently i am working on this year's aniversary event.
[02:47] <nixternal> congrats and welcome cropalato!!!
[02:47] <santiago-ve> LP: https://launchpad.net/~469
[02:47] <santiago-ve> Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SantiagoZarate
[02:47] <ubuntuser> thanks nixternal .. pedro_ .. guys!!
[02:48] <rolando-ve> I can certify santiago-ve excelent work, I'm very glad to see him here.
[02:48] <nixternal> man, I would have loved to have to FISOL
[02:48] <cropalato> thanks to all, good night.
[02:48] <rolando-ve> He was to me like a rigth hand when I was LoCo Contact, and now he was sellected as Ubuntu-ve-Caracas (regional team) like leader of it.
[02:48] <nixternal> g'nite cropalato
[02:48] <rolando-ve> He is working so hard every day, and every time help in all events. He was in all Ubuntu-ve events, and know that he will be in a lot of more.
[02:49] <santiago-ve> nixternal, i had the chance to be on two flisol :p
[02:49] <rolando-ve> I Think that he is an excelent stone that will help in the Ubuntu Building!
[02:49] <atoponce> santiago-ve: what would you say is your #1 contribution to ubuntu?
[02:49] <santiago-ve> rolando-ve, thanks
[02:50] <santiago-ve> atoponce, Advocacy~ i take ubuntu with me everywhere
[02:50] <g3o> i support santiago-ve is a active and excelent member of our loco team--
[02:50] <cody-somerville> santiago-ve, how many talks have you done and what was the average audience?
[02:50] <effie_jayx> I can attest his recent contribution in giving talks across the country travelling and asking for permisions to attend events of ubuntu-ve in different cities
[02:50] <santiago-ve> cody-somerville, the first about 40 Mins.,.. with 300~ or so people
[02:50] <nixternal> santiago-ve: is there anything in Kubuntu development that you would like to start focusing more on?
[02:51] <santiago-ve> the second with arround 100 persons and was 30 mins duration... twice (one of mine, and one supporting rolando-ve who could not attend to that event)
[02:51] <cody-somerville> santiago-ve, and these were at what event/forum/etc?
[02:51] <santiago-ve> nixternal, mainly database access tools like kplato which is a postgresql GUI...
[02:52] <pedro_> santiago-ve: according to your lp profile, you're a member of the ubuntu bugsquad team, may you tell us how that goes?
[02:52] <santiago-ve> cody-somerville, events...
[02:52] <nixternal> ooh, kplato, nice
[02:52] <cody-somerville> santiago-ve, Where did you speak at? sorry.
[02:52] <RoAkSoAx> cody-somerville, they are events done through Latin America the same day
[02:52] <santiago-ve> pedro_, i joined the bugsquad team... but i havent been able to contributre to it as i would love to...
[02:52] <RoAkSoAx> it's a linux install fest
=== n0rm is now known as n0rman
[02:53] <santiago-ve> cody-somerville, 2 evens in maracaibo venezuela, 1 at paraguana venezuela, and the other one in caracas
[02:53] <cody-somerville> santiago-ve, what *were* the events?
[02:54] <nixternal> I can also speak on the stuff he has helped with in #kubuntu and #kubuntu-devel...he has been around for a while in there
[02:54] <nixternal> santiago-ve: did you help or try to help ryanakca with the upcoming Kubuntu website?
[02:54] <nixternal> I think I remember you offering
[02:55] <santiago-ve> cody-somerville, 1 was the flisol (paraguana) given a guided install talk, 2 evens in maracaibo, one our first anyversary as a loco team (Web application developments) and other a talk fest on some university at maracaibo (Jose Gregorio Hernandez)
[02:55] <santiago-ve> nixternal, i did... but i didnt got to mail rynakca...
[02:55] <cody-somerville> santiago-ve, What are your plans for future contribution?
[02:55] <santiago-ve> but i plan to do it as i have some more free time now...
[02:55] <nixternal> rock on! it is definitely needed
[02:56] <vorian> excellent :)
[02:56] <santiago-ve> cody-somerville, contribute to Kubuntu Packaging, give even more support to our loco members and the linux comunity in general
[02:56] <nixternal> he is definitely helping Kubuntu devs, I can attest to that
[02:56] <santiago-ve> and be more active in venezuela and international comunyties like ubuntu-es
[02:57] <nixternal> and lets not forget the huge kubuntu-es group help as well :)
[02:57] <RoAkSoAx> santiago-ve, in #ubuntu-es we always need people available to help ;)
[02:57] <santiago-ve> i am on kubuntu-es aswell...
[02:58] <nixternal> wow, the ubuntu-ve ml is busy
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 29 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 30 May 12:00 UTC: MOTU | 31 May 12:30 UTC: Forum Council | 04 Jun 16:00 UTC: LoCo Council
[02:58] <santiago-ve> nixternal, http://www.ubuntu-ve.org/user/25/track my activity on the forums
=== alexio44_nui is now known as alexio44
[02:59] <rolando-ve> Latinoamerica RULEZ!!!
[02:59] <rolando-ve> :D
[03:00] <cody-somerville> +1 for strong loco team involvement but I'd encourage you to move forward with your plans to get involved with Kubuntu's development.
[03:00] <nixternal> +1 from me, great work!
[03:00] <vorian> I'm happy to +1 (now get to work!)
[03:00] <vorian> :P
[03:01] <atoponce> +1 here on advocacy
[03:01] <santiago-ve> vorian, cody-somerville sure i will... i need to get romo on the repos~
[03:01] <santiago-ve> rombo*
[03:01] <cody-somerville> :)
[03:01] <Technoviking> +0, i would like of you goals completed
[03:01] <pedro_> +1 from me, for your good work on the loco team, will wait for you on #ubuntu-es :-P
[03:03] <effie_jayx> any more votes?
[03:03] <vorian> congrats santiago-ve :)
[03:03] <rolando-ve> Congratulations, Mis mas sinceras felicitaciones santiago-ve, nice Job (advocacy)
[03:03] <santiago-ve> YAY!!!!
[03:03] <nhaines> Congratulations, santiago-ve! :D
[03:03] <santiago-ve> Thanks a lot guy!!!!
[03:04] <ntovar> santiago-ve, felicitaciones
[03:04] <cody-somerville> Woot!
[03:04] <effie_jayx> santiago-ve, congrats and get hacking...
[03:04] <cody-somerville> \o/
[03:04] <leogg> congrats santiago-ve
[03:04] <nixternal> congrats and welcome santiago-ve!!! /me gets some Kubuntu work ready for you :)
[03:04] <fitoria> felicidades santiago-ve
[03:04] <cody-somerville> Congratz to everyone who got approved this evening but unfortunately we need to call it quits for now.
[03:04] <santiago-ve> leogg, nixternal, fitoria
[03:04] <santiago-ve> leogg, nixternal, fitoria thanks!
[03:05] <alexio44> O.O
[03:05] <MagicFab> santiago-ve, bien!
[03:05] <pedro_> santiago-ve: felicitaciones ;-)
[03:05] <MagicFab> :D
[03:05] <n0rman> santiago-ve: excelente :)
[03:05] <MagicFab> Bravo *-ve
[03:05] <alexio44> estamos muchos latinos :)
[03:05] <alexio44> santiago-ve: felicidades :D
[03:05] <nhaines> Thanks for the vote of confidence. :)
[03:06] <nixternal> next?
[03:06] <vanedesanz> felicidades santiago-ve :D
[03:06] <rolando-ve> Thanks MagicFab
[03:06] <alexio44> Central America is next ! :)
[03:06] * n0rman is here
[03:06] <santiago-ve> thanks !!
[03:06] <n0rman> My name is Norman Garcia Aguilar, I study my 9th semester of telecommunictaions and work as tech support in an IT school, im ubuntu member since dapper drake. Im a member of ubuntu nicaragua LoCo Team since march 2007 and the team leader since april 2008. I have one year participating on the linux community in my country and in ubuntu nicaragua loco team.
[03:06] * mneptok n0rman or awalton__
[03:07] <n0rman> I have been participating in a lots of activities, such as flisol nicaragua 2007, sfd-ni (best event worldwide) 2007, dfd 2008, flisol nicaragua 2008 and the linuxtour, an initiative of the local community to make conferences in universities, high schools, elemantary schools, and NGO. In those activities i have the opportunity to talk to a lot of people about the benefits of free software/open source and ubuntu linux.
[03:07] <cody-somerville> n0rman, sorry but the meeting has concluded.
[03:07] <n0rman> ok :S
[03:07] <ZehRique> cody-somerville, when will be the next meeting?
[03:07] <effie_jayx> n0rman, we will receive applicants in our next meeting
[03:07] <cody-somerville> ZehRique, it will be announced tomorrow
[03:08] <ZehRique> OK! Thanks, cody-somerville
[03:08] * alexio44 is at 6% college strike !
[03:09] <mneptok> ummm ...
[03:09] <mneptok> cody-somerville: could we pelase get to my application?
[03:09] * alexio44 lanza el primer morterazo !!! {Patria libre o Morir !!!! }
[03:10] <cody-somerville> mneptok, but I'm tired :(
[03:10] <mneptok> cody-somerville: and i just ignored paying customers for 2.5 hours
[03:10] <rolando-ve> Good night every one, see ya the next meeting
[03:10] * alexio44 ondea la bandera de la LIBERTAD !!!!
[03:11] * fitoria screams "Patria Libre o Morir!!!!!!"
[03:12] <santiago-ve> well thanks for your time guys! and congratulations to the new members!
[03:12] <kirkland> thanks all
[03:12] <Technoviking> mneptok: sorry
[03:12] <p0g0> well, awalton__ mebbe next time
[03:12] * alexio44 se convierte en garrobo
[03:13] <awalton__> p0g0, definitely tomorrow
[03:13] <awalton__> same bat time, same bat place
[03:13] <p0g0> 'k, Bat Dot Man
[03:13] <n0rman> tomorrow will be announced the next meeting?
[03:13] <nhaines> n0rman: yes.
[03:13] <vorian> soon
[03:13] <leogg> ok guys... let's get some beers
[03:14] <leogg> n0rman, alexio44 ?
[03:14] <nhaines> Not to be a pest, but when can expect Launchpad and so forth to be updated.
[03:14] * alexio44 sigue a leogg
[03:14] <n0rman> where? havana sons? :P
[03:14] <leogg> n0rman, +1
[03:14] <alexio44> LA ESQUINA FIEL !!!!!!!!!
[03:14] <alexio44> y pasamos trayendo a pp
[03:14] <atoponce> nhaines: as soon as we can
[03:14] <alexio44> para que nos cante
[03:15] <nhaines> atoponce: I'm just anxious to get the planet/cloak/email things done on my side. No rush, of course. Wasn't sure if there was a longer timeframe.
[03:15] <alexio44> cheers mate ! leogg, n0rman, fitoria, igorgue !!!!
[03:16] <n0rman> kei, bye bye
[03:16] <atoponce> nhaines: the sooner we do it, the less we have to worry about ourselves. :)
[03:19] <nhaines> atoponce: Sounds like a win-win then. ;)
[04:00] <xander21c> Hello
[04:00] <xander21c> anyone have the link for the server guide??
[04:01] <bimberi> xander21c: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html
[04:02] <xander21c> nice :) thanks
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[13:07] <PriceChild> @schedule
[13:07] <ubottu> PriceChild: Schedule for Etc/UTC: 29 May 13:00: Desktop Team | 30 May 12:00: MOTU | 31 May 12:30: Forum Council | 04 Jun 16:00: LoCo Council
[13:07] <PriceChild> Etc/UTC? :/
[13:07] <PriceChild> jussi01: Is that right?
[13:07] <jussi01> PriceChild: yes, thats correct
[13:08] <jussi01> means that the times are etc/UTC
[13:08] <jussi01> @schedule helsinki
[13:08] <ubottu> jussi01: Schedule for Europe/Helsinki: 29 May 16:00: Desktop Team | 30 May 15:00: MOTU | 31 May 15:30: Forum Council | 04 Jun 19:00: LoCo Council
[13:08] <jussi01> PriceChild: it defaults to etc/UTC
[13:20] <PriceChild> jussi01: but etc and utc aren't the same are they?
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Desktop Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 30 May 12:00 UTC: MOTU | 31 May 12:30 UTC: Forum Council | 04 Jun 16:00 UTC: LoCo Council
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 30 May 12:00 UTC: MOTU | 31 May 12:30 UTC: Forum Council | 04 Jun 16:00 UTC: LoCo Council
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 30 May 12:00 UTC: MOTU | 31 May 12:30 UTC: Forum Council | 04 Jun 16:00 UTC: LoCo Council | 05 Jun 20:00 UTC: Security Team
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