UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /29 /#ubuntu-classroom.txt
Initial commit
[02:58] <geekymom> hey all. I hope I am in the right chatroom. I am using feisty and am a newbie. I am trying to mount a bad external hardrive (windows) to obtain some data off it before I wipe it. Am I in the right place?
[03:00] <jrib> hi geekymom
[03:00] <jrib> geekymom: #ubuntu is a better place for support, this channel is usually dead
[03:00] <geekymom> thanks a bunch
[03:00] <geekymom> I will head over there
[18:05] <dendrobates-> Anyone using a wordpress blog on Planet Ubuntu? I'm having some strange issues.
[18:07] <dendrobates-> my titles loop back to the planet and not to the blog post.
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
=== blue-frog_ is now known as blue-frog