UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /29 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is going down in from 01:00 UTC until approx 03:00 UTC for a code update - https://launchpad.net | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 29 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko
[01:46] <Peng> Will the imminent upgrade upgrade the version of Bazaar used by LP?
[01:47] <mwhudson> no :/
[01:47] <kiko> Peng, I was afraid you were going to ask that. no, but we'll probably upgrade soon after. the 1.5 upgrade got botched
[01:47] <kiko> Peng, if there anything in 1.4 or 1.5 that is affecting you?
[01:47] <Peng> kiko: Oh? What happened?
[01:47] <Peng> kiko: No, I'm just curious.
[01:48] <kiko> it failed a few times and then we ran out of time to do proper QA
[01:48] <kiko> it's all ready, will probably land first thing next week and we'll see about updating codehosting to using it
[01:49] <Peng> Okay.
[02:42] <kiko> launchpad back up!
[02:42] <kiko> and what a nice launchpad too
=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 29 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
[03:54] <kb3cgj> The 3.1.1 Plone UnifiedInstaller isnt working
[03:55] <kb3cgj> is that a known issue?
[04:39] <jamesh> kb3cgj: perhaps ask on the plone IRC channel?
[04:40] <kb3cgj> the error message said to contact #launchpad
[04:40] <jamesh> what was the error message?
[04:41] <jamesh> if it is long, try using paste.ubuntu.com
[04:42] <kb3cgj> Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.
[04:42] <kb3cgj> Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.
[04:46] <jamesh> kb3cgj: okay. That sounds like the error message for when the app servers are down
[04:47] <jamesh> kb3cgj: Launchpad was being upgraded a few hours ago, so that could have been what you were seeing
[04:47] <jamesh> if the problem is persistent, could you give some instructions for repeating it? (e.g. what page you got the error for)
[04:48] <kb3cgj> all the other files work...the windows version/mac (yuck) version even worked
[04:49] <kb3cgj> http://plone.org/products/plone
[04:49] <kb3cgj> Choose: Get Plone for Linux
[04:50] <jamesh> clicking that link prompts me to download the file
[04:50] <jamesh> did you try reloading?
[04:50] <jamesh> (if you're still seeing the error)
[04:51] <kb3cgj> yes...repeatedly...like a mad man
[04:51] <kb3cgj> but no still the same error
[04:51] <kb3cgj> maybe its firefox
[04:51] <jamesh> (reload the launchpad.net page -- not the plone.org page)
[04:52] <kb3cgj> reloaded both
[04:52] <kb3cgj> but the launchpad.net page is a static error page https://launchpad.net/offline.html
[04:52] <kb3cgj> so reloading it wont make a difference
[04:52] <jamesh> hmm
[04:53] <jamesh> I wonder why you got redirected there?
[04:53] <jamesh> (it should just show the error page at whatever URL you went to)
[04:53] <kb3cgj> weird
[04:53] <jamesh> I guess firefox is caching the redirect
[04:54] <kb3cgj> i hate computers
[04:54] <jamesh> (which is difficult to refresh)
[04:55] <jamesh> kb3cgj: here's a workaround: right click on the link from plone.org, and download it with wget
[04:55] <jamesh> i.e. run "wget https://launchpad.net/..." in a terminal
[04:56] <kb3cgj> i tried that earlier and it failed...must have been when the site was down...but it works now...thanks....nicely done
[05:12] <LaserJock> I may be kinda thick, but I'm not seeing this "search everything" box
[05:14] <mwhudson> it's on most pages...
[05:14] <LaserJock> ok, so it seems to be everywhere but where they said it was
[05:14] <LaserJock> it's not on the main LP page
[05:14] <LaserJock> which was what is linked in the blog post
[05:14] <bdmurray> yeah, that only seems to search projects
[05:15] <LaserJock> it's often good to test links before blogging them ;-)
[05:15] <bdmurray> http://news.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/global-search
[05:21] <LaserJock> I also don't see any debdiffs
[05:22] <LaserJock> anybody know where they are supposed to show up?
[05:28] * ajmitch shrugs :)
[05:29] <ajmitch> perhaps they'll be generated only for new uploads, and show up on that upload record?
[05:30] <LaserJock> I've checked the latest uploads to intrepid and didn't find anything
[05:30] <LaserJock> although maybe they aren't recent enough
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[06:29] <dhart> hi. does anyone know if proposing a branch merge should generate an email?
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[07:56] <sabdfl> dhart: thumper or jml would know
[07:56] <thumper> dhart: yes it should
[07:56] <thumper> dhart: if you are subscribed to either the source or target branch
[07:57] <thumper> sabdfl: morning
[07:57] <sabdfl> moin moin
[07:57] <jml> sabdfl: hi
[07:57] <sabdfl> howdy jml
[08:09] <l3on> Hi all...
[08:12] <l3on> Just a question, why in this page https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-it-wiki/wiki-ubuntu-it/wiki-repo when I push something my name is showned like this ?
[08:13] <mdke> l3on: SubMission must be the hostname for your computer
[08:14] <mdke> l3on: you need to use "bzr whoami" to identify yourself differently if you wish - details on https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/EasyBranching
[08:15] <l3on> tnx... I'm going to read...
[08:28] <jamesh> l3on: Running "bzr whoami 'Leo Iannacone <public email address>'" will get bzr to record your name correctly
[08:28] <jamesh> the code.launchpad.net pages will link back to your profile page if the email address you use is one registered to your account
[08:28] <jamesh> that is what has happened for Milo's commits
[08:29] <l3on> ok
[08:29] <l3on> done
[08:30] <l3on> the problem now is that I can not commit directly on lp:
[08:30] <l3on> l3on@SubMission:~/wiki-repo $ bzr commit -m "Just a bzr test, sorry for this push"
[08:30] <l3on> bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-it-wiki/wiki-ubuntu-it/wiki-repo/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()
[08:30] <jamesh> l3on: run "bzr launchpad-login l3on"
[08:30] <l3on> not solved
[08:31] <jamesh> l3on: the lp: URLs will then resolve to the bzr+ssh:// location
[08:31] <l3on> lp:~ubuntu-it-wiki/wiki-ubuntu-it/wiki-repo
[08:35] <l3on> I don't understand what you want suggest me .... :
[08:36] <jamesh> ah. I see what's going on
[08:36] <jamesh> you have a checkout of the branch bound to the http URL
[08:37] <jamesh> l3on: try "bzr switch lp:~ubuntu-it-wiki/wiki-ubuntu-it/wiki-repo"
[08:37] <jamesh> (assuming you've done the launchpad-login bit)
[08:37] <jamesh> that should rebind your checkout to the writable URL)
[08:37] <l3on> Ok, switched
[08:39] <l3on> OKKKK!! now commit directly on LP !!!!
[08:42] <l3on> All works fine now -> https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-it-wiki/wiki-ubuntu-it/wiki-repo
[08:43] <l3on> Thank you so much :D
[08:43] <emgent> morning
[08:44] <l3on> Hi emgent :
[08:44] <l3on> ;)
[09:00] <mpt> Gooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!
[09:01] <cprov> mpt: morning
[09:03] <mpt> Hey cprov, I had a Soyuz question about two minutes after you left
[09:03] <mpt> Fortunately bigjools answered it :-)
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[09:04] <cprov> mpt: yay for soyuz-dev *team* ;)
[09:05] <mpt> yep
[09:38] <artfwo> Hi, may I ask if it's okay that PPA is not building packages for intrepid?
[09:40] <cprov> artfwo: it's ok, none of intrepid architectures are supported for PPA yet, it's a distro-team decision. As soon as they settle the toolchain I think they will open it.
[09:40] <artfwo> cprov: I see, thanks for the information!
[11:44] <zyx386_> hi
[11:44] <zyx386_> we have big problem
[11:44] <zyx386_> every one can register and edit our trnslator text?
[11:50] <zyx386_> anyone tell me why????
[11:51] <stdin> anyone can suggest a translation, iirc
[12:01] <kiko-zzz> zyx386_, you can change the mode your translations are in\
[12:16] <zyx386_> that our tema in launchpad
[12:16] <zyx386_> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ckb
[12:16] <zyx386_> how can be team owener to
[12:16] <zyx386_> ?
[12:19] <Hobbsee> barry: any chance you can expand, or point to documentation on, the autosubscription feature?
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[12:22] <Hobbsee> cprov: do you know when the distro team will have done the toolchain? afaik, intrepid has been open for non-toolchain uploads for weeks now.
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[12:59] <cprov> Hobbsee: no, I don't know it precisely.
=== RicardoPerez is now known as RicardoPerezLope
=== RicardoPerezLope is now known as Ricpelo
[13:01] <Hobbsee> cprov: second question: why, when the toolchain is done enough for ubuntu that anyone can upload anything again, is it not done enough for ppa?
=== Ricpelo is now known as RicardoPerez
[13:02] <cprov> Hobbsee: that's not a question I can answer :(
[13:03] <Hobbsee> cprov: can you ask? it would be nice to test build things for intrepid.
[13:05] <cprov> Hobbsee: sure, but you can ask too ;)
[13:06] <Hobbsee> gasp! package diffs!
[13:06] * Hobbsee wasn't hoping for them for months yet!
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[14:04] <barry> Hobbsee: we'll update help.lp.net with information about autosub
[14:08] <Hobbsee> barry: right.
[14:09] <Hobbsee> barry: i presume that people on teams will not automatically get subscribed to mailing lists immediately?
[14:13] * cody-somerville hopes that they do.
[14:17] <Hobbsee> cody-somerville: do get subscribed, or do not get subscribed?
[14:17] <cody-somerville> do get subscribed
[14:18] <Hobbsee> cody-somerville: in the case of something like ubuntu-bugs, why?
[14:18] <cody-somerville> Eww, no
[14:19] <barry> Hobbsee: right
[14:21] <Hobbsee> barry: i'm glad
[14:23] <barry> yes, opt-in only :)
[14:26] <Hobbsee> barry: opt-in, plus automatic? i think i'll wait for the announcement, then.
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=== EdwinGrub is now known as EdwinGrubbs
=== kiko-zzz is now known as kiko
[16:29] <kirkland> strange... when I goto this page, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugs ... it says "You are the owner of this team, but not currently an active member. " ... I'm definitely not the owner of that team.
[16:30] <kirkland> and it looks like I have lots of administrative authority, judging by the actions available on the left
[16:30] <andrea-bs> kirkland: maybe you are member of Ubuntu Bug Control, which is the owner of the team
[16:31] <andrea-bs> is that right?
[16:31] <kirkland> andrea-bs: yes, that's true
[16:31] <kirkland> andrea-bs: interesting, okay, so this is desired behavior?
[16:31] <andrea-bs> kirkland: yep
[16:33] <andrea-bs> kirkland: maybe it should say "You are the owner, but not a direct member" instead of "but not an active member"
[16:33] <andrea-bs> kirkland: I'll to report a bug about that
[16:33] <kirkland> andrea-bs: and actually "an owner" rather than "the owner" would be better
[16:34] <andrea-bs> kirkland: mh, yes
[16:34] <kirkland> andrea-bs: thanks for the info
[16:35] <andrea-bs> kirkland: you're welcome :)
[16:49] <emgent> heya
[17:12] <pochu> hi all. I've uploaded eclipse to my PPA 5 hours ago, and there's still no build status (searching for eclipse in 'all states'), could some Soyuz wizard have a look at it? https://edge.launchpad.net/~pochu/+archive
[17:12] <pochu> it's eclipse 3.2.2-6ubuntu1 (and not -5ubuntu3)
[17:13] <cprov> pochu: intrepid :(
[17:13] <cprov> pochu: intrepid is not open for PPA uploads yet.
[17:13] <cprov> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/173866
[17:13] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 173866 in soyuz "Source uploads should result in, at least, one build in order to be accepted" [Medium,In progress]
[17:13] <pochu> oh
[17:14] * pochu looks
[17:15] <pochu> cprov: so, it should have been rejected, I guess? (the bug mentions arch:sparc, not Intrepid :) )
[17:17] <cprov> pochu: it's the same from the code PoV, feel free to add a comment.
[17:18] <pochu> I hope you open Intrepid soon :)
[17:18] <pochu> cprov: ok, thanks for looking into it
[17:19] <cprov> pochu: the decision is not mine, distro-team will open it soon
=== cprov is now known as cprov-out
[17:21] <pochu> it was a general 'you', but thanks again for the info :)
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[18:59] <Rinchen> >>> Come join the LP Meeting in #launchpad-meeting
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[19:02] <blueyed> I have no access to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/b2evolution/trunk/+linkbranch ? I'd like to remove the failing ~vcs-import branch and use a manually converted instead.
=== cprov-out is now known as cprov
[19:03] <kiko> blueyed, one sec.
[19:06] <kiko> blueyed, are you not a member of evoteam?
[19:07] <kiko> blueyed, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/b2evolution/trunk/+linkbranchtoseries
[19:11] <blueyed> kiko: thanks. I'm member of evoteam. How did you fix it?
[19:12] <kiko> blueyed, I deleted the code import, which needs doing first.
[19:13] <blueyed> kiko: can you set https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/b2evolution/trunk to "abandoned" (or whatever is appropriate) please?
[19:14] <kiko> blueyed, will do
[19:15] <kiko> done
[19:21] <Rolcol> Where can I edit the source code for update-manager? Isn't it written in python?
[19:22] <cody-somerville> Rolcol, yes it is
=== Rinchen changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 5 June 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
[19:23] <Rinchen> changed meeting to next week
=== Zoidberg is now known as Rolcol
[21:35] <RicardoPerez> elmo: ping
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[22:53] <LaserJock> mrevell: ping?
[23:07] <mrevell> hey LaserJock
[23:59] <seiflotfy> hi guy
[23:59] <seiflotfy> s
[23:59] <seiflotfy> i tried to import an svn project to trunk
[23:59] <seiflotfy> since a coupel of weeks
[23:59] <seiflotfy> its not done yet
[23:59] <seiflotfy> please help