UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /29 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <ActionParsnip> !nvidia | mrksbrd
[00:00] <ubottu> mrksbrd: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[00:01] <mrksbrd> ok.....going to try it
[00:01] * mrksbrd crosses his fingers
[00:01] * ActionParsnip loves factoids
[00:03] <mrksbrd> ok all wish me luck....going for reboot....hopefully brb
[00:03] <josephine> mrksbrd: try this, i think is gonna be easier : sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new
[00:04] <mrksbrd> josephine....just did that thru device mgr.....gonna reboot
[00:04] <ActionParsnip> the factoids are reccommended and are usually official help
[00:04] <ActionParsnip> !coffee
[00:04] <ubottu> coffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java
[00:04] <mrksbrd> thanks all for the help...hopefully brb
[00:05] <josephine> np
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[00:11] <genii> ActionParsnip: A friend added in the !coffee factoid for me :)
[00:14] <genii> ActionParsnip: I also recommended the !helpersnack
[00:14] <genii> I think stdin added it
[00:31] <reese> hi! i've downloaded and burned the kubuntu 8.04 dvd.. should I follow these instructions tu upgrade from my 7.10? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu
[00:35] <BluesKaj> reese, yes if you DL'd and burned the 8.04 "alternate" CD
[00:36] <mr-t> why didn't you just upgrade directly?
[00:36] <reese> mr-t: don't have adsl
[00:39] <reese> BluesKaj: this is what I've burned http://kubuntu.org/download.php#latest
[00:40] <mr-t> If you downloaded the full version you could still import your old files during thr install I think
[00:41] <reese> BluesKaj: this is what I've burned http://kubuntu.org/download.php#latest
[00:41] <reese> oh. sorry
[00:43] <BluesKaj> reese. looks like you DL'd the live DVD version which contains most of the apps. The alternate cd version pulls apps down and upgrades them from the repositories on the internet , which you already have installed .
[00:45] <reese> BluesKaj: so I can upgrade from the live DVD, can't I?
[00:45] <jeroen-> I have connecte my iPaq with USB on ppp0. Everything works fine, except when I connect with the PDA I have no internet connection anymore. Unplugging the USB-cable gives an internet connection again. I tried to list ppp0 in /etc/network/interfaces like this: iface ppp0 inet dhcp; but still no luck. Please help?
[00:47] <BluesKaj> reese, if you have a fairly fast internet connection then using adept to upgrade your existing version would be much simpler .
[00:48] <BluesKaj> !upgrade
[00:48] <ubottu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[00:49] <BluesKaj> reese, check this out as well ,https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades
[00:50] <mr-t> bluesKaj , couldn't he add the cd rom to software sources in adept and go from there?
[00:50] <reese> BluesKaj: unfortunately my downloads are at max 4 KB/s :(. anyway, I see that on the dvd there's a cdromupgrade script. So I reckon it suffices a sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade
[00:51] <BluesKaj> mr-t, yes , but then threpos would have to be upgraded to hardy in his sources.list
[00:51] <BluesKaj> reese, the it looks like the dvd is for you , since you have the upgrade option ...I'm not familiar with the dvd options
[00:52] <mr-t> I don't know much but im learning
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[00:57] <mr-t> does anyone know how I can ESPN radio to stream in k8.04 ff so I don't have to use windblows?
[00:58] <mr-t> or is an active x thing?
[01:01] <NickPresta> mr-t, click on "flash" instead of "Windows Media". You can listen to it that way
[01:02] <kuroryuu> when my laptop resumes from sleep, to get bluetooth to work properly I need to run 'sudo hid2hci --tohci', I've tried to put it in /etc/apci/resume.d/ but it won't work even when using sleep to make it wait first, I have to run it myself
[01:02] <kuroryuu> is there anything else I can try?
[01:02] <mr-t> I tried that but it didn't work for me
[01:02] <NickPresta> mr-t, really? Does it just not play? Does the flash even load?
[01:03] <mr-t> brb
[01:06] <mr-t> I get java script 0 done and nothing
[01:07] <kuroryuu> ls -l /etc/acpi/resume.d/
[01:07] <kuroryuu> oops
[01:07] <kuroryuu> disregard that
[01:08] <mr-t> thats javascript: (0)^
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[01:15] <navetz> is there a way to make frostwire work with 8.04? or is there an alternative to it?
[01:16] <mr-t> aren't you the guy that wanted to pirate music with it last night?
[01:18] <administrateur> how to changr language pls
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[01:19] <administrateur> comment changer la launge
[01:19] <administrateur> langue
[01:19] <navetz> how do you uninstall a program you installed through a .deb file?
[01:19] <BluesKaj> !fr
[01:19] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[01:19] <mr-t> !fr
[01:20] <szakulec> navetz: you should be able to use the packager manager to uninstall the program
[01:20] <BluesKaj> navetz, in the terminal , sudo dpkg -r packagename
[01:20] <NickPresta> navetz, dpkg -r package
[01:20] <navetz> thanks guys
[01:20] <szakulec> I've never been able to get Strigi to do anything useful- anything I can try to get it up and working?
[01:21] <BluesKaj> I made it useful by dumping it ...it's more use that way :)
[01:22] <mr-t> I agree
[01:23] <dvoid> hey, is there any kde 4.0.80 packages available anywhere yet?
[01:24] <navetz> BluesKaj; NickPresta: If I dpkg -r, will I be able to download the package through the repositoires after?
[01:25] <nainef> hey
[01:25] <Betus> when i login say me ""No write access /home/roberto/.ICEauthority" "KDE unable to Start"
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[01:25] <BluesKaj> navetz, depends whether it's a default app
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[01:25] <navetz> BluesKaj: it was in my repos before, but its gone now.
[01:26] <navetz> BluesKaj: it is frostwire btw
[01:26] <BluesKaj> which app is it?
[01:26] <Betus> how i repare this?
[01:26] <navetz> BluesKaj: frostwire
[01:26] <BluesKaj> frostwire is a pain due to it's probs with java
[01:27] <BluesKaj> if you want p2p , whynot try torrents
[01:27] <navetz> BluesKaj: yea, but I don't know an alternate to it, and I think I just found a fix wiht it
[01:27] <navetz> BluesKaj: I dont wanna download full torrents for some small files
[01:27] <navetz> BluesKaj: frostwire is pretty simple and easy to use
[01:28] <BluesKaj> you can choose which files to DL inside the torrents if you use ktorrent
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[01:28] <Betus> when i login say me ""No write access /home/roberto/.ICEauthority" "KDE unable to Start" and i cant login.
[01:28] <asobi> why does my external unmounts itself?
[01:29] <andyman1> Hi everyone. Is there a way to make one user's home directory invisible to other users? I'd like to have a guest account that would have no idea (at least in passing) that my account or its files exist
[01:30] <andyman1> i changed permissions on my folders, but that just blocks access, you can still see they are there
[01:30] <kuroryuu> andyman: start your username with a . and hope they don't do an ls -a?
[01:30] <andyman1> hahaha
[01:31] <Dragnslcr> andyman1- /home itself usually has to be readable by everyone, otherwise users wouldn't be able to get to their home directories
[01:32] <andyman1> =(
[01:32] <Dragnslcr> Depending on what you have for other users, you could make the guest user's home directory something like /guesthome/guest and make /home only readable by a certain user or group
[01:32] <NickPresta> andyman1, you could try jailing the guest user: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_chroot_login
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[01:33] <Dragnslcr> chroot would work. Depending on your CPU and memory, you could also set up a VM
[01:33] <NickPresta> that was my next suggestion :)
[01:33] <andyman1> hmm
[01:33] <andyman1> i'm checking out that link
[01:34] <kingjere> couldn't andyman1 do that with a umask? Im not sure.
[01:35] <andyman1> yeah, this educational moment was prompted by the "customs can search your laptop" story that's been circulating. Obviously is was very paranoid i could just use truecrypt, etc. But my first thought was "hey, why not make a dummy account and not let it see the real one?"
[01:35] <andyman1> *if I was very paranoid
[01:35] <andyman1> then it lead me to read about unix permissions, etc
[01:36] <NickPresta> how can US (?) customs search your laptop if you have a password on your account? They force you to login and divulge all your information?
[01:36] <andyman1> you either give them the password or they confiscate it. (US customs, at least)
[01:36] <Boohbah> andyman1: yes, 'chmod -R 600 ~/*'
[01:37] <andyman1> so now this experiment is entertaining me
[01:37] <NickPresta> That is strange. I would simply boot to the CLI and tell them they can search all they want.
[01:38] <kingjere> or better, boot to another distro on the same disk with nothing to hide
[01:38] <andyman1> that's another good idea
[01:38] <eldowan> Does pulseaudio provide for a way to lock a specific stream volume?
[01:38] <_CrashMaster_> Never had customs search my laptop.
[01:38] <andyman1> i also thought this has good use if i need to lend the laptop to the roommate/family for something
[01:38] <_CrashMaster_> They make me turn it on/off, but they've never asked to get into it
[01:38] <kingjere> Or boot to a CLI in hebrew font ;)
[01:39] <nainef> oh no
[01:39] <kuroryuu> they'd think the hebrew was arabic and take you into custody instead :P
[01:39] <andyman1> i was confused as i set permissions to 600 on a few files, booted into another account, and could still see them, just couldn't read them
[01:40] <kingjere> good one
[01:40] <kuroryuu> I can't even go into mexico now without my passport and a cavity search or two, it's getting ridiculous
[01:41] <andyman1> so to continue with the experiment, if I added another distro, is there a way to get grub to *easily* boot something not on the visible list? (i.e. avoid the "well now show me this one" problem?)
[01:42] <kingjere> the default grub config skips the menu.
[01:42] <kingjere> its the hiddenmenu option in /boot/grub/menu.lst just change the default before you go to customs
[01:43] <andyman1> ah ok (and i'm not actually going anytime in the forseeable future, I even hate travelling IN the country)
[01:44] <kuroryuu> with my macbook I can just uninstall refit so it boots up into an untouched os x install :)
[01:44] <andyman1> cool
[01:45] <andyman1> and one random non-paranoia question, has anyone else seen NetworkManager get ridiculously large in memory?
[01:46] <andyman1> if i leave the laptop on for a few days, it grows to over half a gig
[01:46] <kuroryuu> only problem I'm having with linux on this macbook is running hid2hci on resume from sleep to get my bluetooth mouse's scrollwheel to work again
[01:47] <kuroryuu> andyman1: no, I haven't seen that
[01:47] <[Relic]> anyway to get a microphone working/test to see if it works?
[01:48] <stewart_> hey
[01:48] <kuroryuu> [Relic]: turn up the mic volume in kmix and use krec to test
[01:49] <andyman1> it'll grow large enough to grind the system to a halt =\
[01:50] <kuroryuu> andyman1: install more ram? lol
[01:51] <andyman1> hehe
[01:51] <kingjere> andyman1: I'll bet those guys at customs had something to do with it :)
[01:51] <nainef> lol
[01:51] <_Angelus_> w00t
[01:51] <andyman1> rootkit! zomg!
[01:51] <_Angelus_> kubuntu fixed the shadow problem on nvidia with compiz shadows?
[01:51] <_Angelus_> :p
[01:55] <kuroryuu> is there another way to run a command on resume besides /etc/acpi/resume.d/ ?
[01:58] <nokioo> hi
[01:58] <nokioo> the where the sound drivers??
[01:59] <nainef> over there ->
[01:59] <nokioo> wow qwerty sucks
[01:59] <nainef> j/k
[01:59] <nokioo> ROFL!!!
[01:59] <[Relic]> nothing
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[01:59] <nokioo> ok nothing works here
[02:00] <nokioo> the sound
[02:00] <nainef> the sound drivers should be installed if you have a compatible sound card
[02:01] <[Relic]> I am not getting anything on the microphone, any ideas on how to solve this?
[02:01] <BluesKaj> [Relic], have you setup sound in system settings ?
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[02:01] <nokioo> I have the sound in Amarok
[02:02] <[Relic]> BluesKaj, got output just no input
[02:02] <kingjere> [Relic]: just wondering if you are on a HP dv9000 laptop
[02:02] <nokioo> There is no available decoder.
[02:02] <nancy_> hello, I got a problem with the Kubuntu Hardy KDE 4.0 Live CD. Whenever I throw it in to boot and install after running it live, it boots into text mode and does not appear to start x-server or KDE or anything. any ideas?
[02:03] <nokioo> thats the message
[02:03] <[Relic]> kingjere, ga-p35-ds3l realtek alc888 6 jacks
[02:03] <glor> Hey all, I was wondering if anyone knows how to install the newest version of gparted on ubuntu??
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[02:03] <kuroryuu> nancy_: does /var/log/Xorg.0.log have any errors?
[02:03] <kingjere> [Relic]: I was wondering cause I've been trying to get my mic working for some time. Its different from yours though
[02:03] <nancy_> there are no errors indicated
[02:03] <[Relic]> kingjere, synth devices and midi devices not enabled
[02:04] <nokioo> I meant to say I dont have sound in Amarok
[02:04] <[Relic]> just wondering where exactly the config is stored so I could check it out
[02:04] <nokioo> There is no available decoder.
[02:04] <kuroryuu> nancy_: can you switch to X with alt+F7?
[02:04] <kingjere> [Relic]: I'm not sure what that means
[02:04] <BluesKaj> [Relic], check ' alsamixer ' in the terminal and make sure the mic input ctrls are at 70% and unmuted
[02:05] <nancy_> hm, never tried that, I'll try that, problem is that i am on the computer i want to run it on atm
[02:06] <nancy_> the weird thing is that before I bruned the recent image including KDE 4, kubuntu live did just display a blank screen and nothing at all, now at least it shows the console
[02:06] <nokioo> There is no available decoder.
[02:06] <BluesKaj> nokioo, mp3 ?
[02:07] <nainef> nokioo: you might need to install the kubuntu restricted
[02:07] <nokioo> BluesKaj: how?
[02:07] <nainef> extras
[02:07] <reese_> is it dangerous to interrupt the upgrading during the setting new software channels? it takes too long, for my internet connection
[02:07] <BluesKaj> nokioo, in the terminal , sudo aptitude install libxine1-ffmpeg
[02:13] <[Relic]> BluesKaj, no luck
[02:14] <BluesKaj> [Relic], check kmix inputs and switches
[02:14] <[Relic]> BlueDevil, been there done that, need to find the config file
[02:15] <[Relic]> wrong tab complete :) BluesKaj :)
[02:16] <nancy_> =P
[02:16] <nancy_> sorry guys, my young brother is fooling 'round
[02:16] <nancy_> anyways, thank's for the help.
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[02:18] <cahuez> hiya..
[02:18] <glor> hey all, anyone know how to compile and install the new version of gparted? the default version with ubuntu is full of bugs dealing with large disks...
[02:19] <ptyo11> anybody succefully install swscanner? I am getting a interface doesn't support scanning. The swscanner website is underconstruction so I can't get any docs on it.
[02:21] <ptyo11> no ideas on swscanner?
[02:22] <glor> I'm new to ubuntu and haven't played with linux for years.. sorry I can't help
[02:22] <mr-t> i think i found ny streaming prob. i didn't install flashplayer as root, I m trying to do so now and the installer wants the installation path of my browser . I found ff directory in /usr but when i use that path it says i need a valid path? wtheck?
[02:23] <BluesKaj> [Relic], /usr/bin/asoundconf
[02:24] <cahuez> hey glor...
[02:26] <cahuez> at console try to> sudo apt-get install qtparted and go...
[02:26] <glor> kk onsec
[02:26] <cahuez> sure..
[02:27] <cahuez> but you mean qtparted, the tool for partitioning disks..!?
[02:27] <glor> ok it's finished
[02:27] <nainef> w00t
[02:27] <glor> well I was using gparted but heck I'll settle for anything that will work
[02:28] <glor> Oh baby, its working iwth my disks, thank you so much cahuez!
[02:29] <cahuez> you are welcome glor..!
[02:29] <glor> :)
[02:29] <cahuez> and use it with care, is a powerful tool..
[02:29] <nainef> the channel is on a roll
[02:31] <mr-t> anyone ? ^
[02:32] <glor> would you do a primary partition or an extended partition? this is a raid volume so there is the option to expand it later in life by adding a drive.. would the extended allow me to resize? or would I be better off with a primary?
[02:32] <cahuez> humm glor, good question; a raid volume containing how many disks..!?
[02:33] <cahuez> is it for personal or production purposes..?
[02:33] <glor> 5 disks, raid 6 3TB total (5 1tb drives)
[02:33] <glor> semi production
[02:34] <cahuez> wow, what a thing, hehe..!
[02:34] <glor> the array is managed by a controller however, so ubuntu only sees the free space of 3TB
[02:34] <cahuez> let me check my notes, a moment please...
[02:34] <glor> k :)
[02:34] <nainef> wow
[02:35] <glor> dang, qtparted is acting like gparted did... it lets me create the 3tb volume, but when I commit my changes and refresh, it shows the size only being 745.97
[02:36] <glor> what kernel is ubuntu 8.04 using? 2.6?
[02:36] <kloplop32> Is anyone here good at knowing why a system if getting an error message(the same one) EVERY time that an application starts up in the GUI?
[02:36] <nainef> 2.6.24
[02:36] <glor> werid then it shouldnt' have any problems with larger volumes...
[02:37] <Kloplop321> a gparted issue?
[02:37] <cahuez> that's right glor..
[02:37] <glor> ya, 0.3.5 (which ubuntu uses) has issues with > 1tb disks
[02:37] <glor> 0.3.7 fixes it
[02:37] <cahuez> probably you will need some advice with lvm and linux tools..
[02:37] <glor> but I can't compile it
[02:37] <Kloplop321> ooh :S that is out of my district
[02:38] <Kloplop321> hmm... maybe it has to do with how a 32 bit integer or a 64 bit long both unsigned may not be able to have each sector's number
[02:38] <cahuez> i mean glor, the best bet is giving a try to lvm resources..
[02:38] <Kloplop321> are you using a RAID array, or a single hard drive
[02:38] <glor> where would I find those?
[02:39] <glor> I have an Areca 1220 controller handling the raid, so I'm not using linux raid
[02:39] <[Relic]> Anything other than krec to try recording, I can hear voices in my head now, but krec doesn't seem to hear them when I try playback
[02:39] <cahuez> yeap and it don't have too much sense to format/use a very large partition, without mirroring and other stuff with lvm related...
[02:39] <Kloplop321> I do not know of "Areca 1220" is that a physical component handling it or what?
[02:39] <glor> correct
[02:40] <glor> its a hardware raid controller
[02:40] <Kloplop321> so it is a RAID 0 type?
[02:40] <glor> Raid 6
[02:40] <glor> similar to Raid 5 but it has a double parity set
[02:40] <Kloplop321> and since it is a hardware controller, the computer thinks of it as a single HDD?
[02:40] <glor> correct
[02:40] <Kloplop321> ahh.
[02:40] <glor> the computer only sees a 3tb drive
[02:41] <Kloplop321> lots of space..
[02:41] <glor> heh ya
[02:41] <glor> it's going to be a backup server
[02:41] <Kloplop321> are you on a 64 bit or 32 bit processor?
[02:41] <glor> and I want to do revisioning etc
[02:41] <glor> 64bit
[02:41] <Kloplop321> is there a 64 gparted or qtparted?
[02:41] <Kloplop321> 64-bit
[02:41] <cahuez> both ones..
[02:42] <[Relic]> BluesKaj, got sound in the headphones and can hear it recording, but krec doesn't seem too record or playback anything
[02:42] <glor> for some reason ubuntu is only utilizing 3.5
[02:42] <cahuez> glop, let's try a google with "kubuntu" + "logical volume manager" and check...
[02:42] <glor> they have 3.6 availabel for different builds but not mine evidently
[02:43] <glor> kk
[02:43] <Kloplop321> Relic, you do not have to use krec for recording everything, it fails for me, would you like me to get the name of the app I use?
[02:44] <Kloplop321> [Relic] I use "Kwave Sound Editor" it has recording abilities as well. It works for me quite well
[02:44] <Kloplop321> Krec, does not work for me
[02:44] <BluesKaj> [Relic], I'm not well versed in krec but maybe audacity will work ...it does for me , A/D 'ing vinyl to the hard drive
[02:45] <BigPick> I'm an audacity user aswell. Never could get Krec working.
[02:45] <Kloplop321> BluesKaj, audacity may work, however what I suggest worked first time for me
[02:45] <BluesKaj> the mic inputs may work in audacity
[02:45] <[Relic]> probably end up trying them all :)
[02:45] <BigPick> Just out of curiosity, do you happen to know what your soundcard is?
[02:45] <Kloplop321> well they should be both in the Apt-get or adept database ;)
[02:46] <cahuez> glor, just for checking, at console do a> apt-cache search lvm2 ...
[02:46] <BluesKaj> cool Kloplop321 , never tried kwave , good to have other options
[02:46] <Kloplop321> yeah, I did some research, it works like my Window's replica. I like it better
[02:47] <Kloplop321> glor, any luck with googling?
[02:47] <aditya> and im totally new here :|
[02:47] <Kloplop321> what is it that you need?
[02:48] <cahuez> yeap, glor look at: http://www.linuxconfig.org/Linux_lvm_-_Logical_Volume_Manager ---
[02:48] <aditya> me pretty much nothing :d im just here to help .
[02:48] <Kloplop321> ahh, well having good knowledge here will help ;)
[02:48] <cahuez> yeap, hehe..
[02:48] <aditya> hopefully i have some of it :D
[02:48] <cahuez> hey aditya..!
[02:49] <aditya> hey . wasup . whas the problem ?
[02:49] <cahuez> yeap, tell us..
[02:50] <Kloplop321> I don't think he has a problem aditya
[02:50] <cahuez> glor, take a carefull check of that info at> http://www.linuxconfig.org/Linux_lvm_-_Logical_Volume_Manager ...
[02:50] <Kloplop321> glor, have you looked at that?
[02:50] <cahuez> before proceed..
[02:50] <aditya> damn . alrite maybe i cud have a problem . let me think . na as of now i dont have a problem .
[02:51] <Kloplop321> I still have my problem to be solved :(
[02:51] <aditya> and whas ur problem ?
[02:51] <aditya> :D
[02:51] <Kloplop321> just a moment let me get a direct quote of what it says(easy to reproduce
[02:51] <Kloplop321> )
[02:51] <aditya> alrite .
[02:52] <Kloplop321> Could not fine Mime type (2 new lines) application/octet-stream
[02:53] <aditya> and u get that error when ?
[02:53] <Kloplop321> says it EVERY time I open up a new application, and whenever I start up
[02:53] <aditya> on all of the applications ?
[02:53] <Kloplop321> and when I use "kfind" I have to close like 20 as they keep adding up
[02:53] <Kloplop321> yeah
[02:53] <Kloplop321> on EVERY
[02:53] <Kloplop321> even on what ever process that loads the background picture..
[02:54] <glor> looking now!
[02:54] <aditya> alrite tried deleting the octet stream file that u use by default ?
[02:54] <cahuez> cool...
[02:55] <aditya> i use gnome these days but hang on the other laptops on kde lemme gimme wha file u have to delete :D
[02:56] <aditya> 1. cd <enter> shud take u to ur home directory
[02:56] <aditya> 2. cd .kde/share/mimelnk/application/ <copy paste that>
[02:56] <Kloplop321> only problem, I have no clue where it is, and why EVERY application just HAS to look at it..
[02:57] <aditya> then delete the "octet-stream.desktop" file
[02:57] <aditya> then it shunt give that error :d
[02:58] <aditya> if it does then we cud try another thing :D
[02:58] <Kloplop321> yeah I know I am just about to
[02:59] <aditya> In Konqueror/Settings/Configure Konqueror/File Associations/Add in group application type octet-stream then reboot :D
[02:59] <[Relic]> Kloplop321, BluesKaj : kwave worked, plus it lets me filter :)
[02:59] <Kloplop321> good going [Relic]!
[03:00] <[Relic]> now if I could just get the cheapie web cam to capture I would be all set :)
[03:00] <Kloplop321> ok I just deleted the octet file in there
[03:00] <Kloplop321> well good luck
[03:00] <Kloplop321> Kmix might be able to help you, but I am not sure
[03:01] <Kloplop321> let me try to replicate what normally happens aditya
[03:02] <Kloplop321> WOOT!
[03:02] <Kloplop321> it works, no more errors!
[03:02] <Kloplop321> thanks aditya
[03:02] <Kloplop321> :D
[03:03] <nosrednaekim> !info kwave
[03:03] <ubottu> kwave (source: kwave): sound editor for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.10-1.1 (hardy), package size 3164 kB, installed size 6588 kB
[03:03] <Kloplop321> ooo
[03:03] <Kloplop321> never knew that existed
[03:04] <nosrednaekim> :)
=== tastycake is now known as rodentcake
[03:07] <Kloplop321> !info wine
[03:07] <ubottu> wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.59-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 11455 kB, installed size 53620 kB
[03:07] <domluc> hello, Where I can find preparation packages of kubuntu
[03:07] <Kloplop321> preperation packages?
[03:07] <nosrednaekim> preparation?
[03:07] <domluc> I'm looking for 4.1 beta
[03:07] <domluc> yes, sorry
[03:07] <nosrednaekim> oh... thats not out yet :)
[03:07] <Dragnslcr> I don't think there are any Kubuntu packages for KDE 4.1b1 yet
[03:07] <Kloplop321> do you mean KDE4?
[03:07] <domluc> no, 4.1
[03:08] <Kloplop321> well 4 in general
[03:08] <Dragnslcr> Maybe by the end of the week
[03:08] <domluc> yeah
[03:08] <domluc> but version kde 4.1
[03:08] <Dragnslcr> Usually takes a few days to put the packages together
[03:08] <genii> Kloplop321: main kde project released 4.1 recently but has not yet been packaged for kubuntu
[03:08] <Kloplop321> I have the 4.0 one on my computer that can run in a different session, I don't like the new menu, but everything else is nice
[03:08] <domluc> I had read the announce right now
[03:09] <genii> domluc: After the devs get home from their big meeting I'm sure we'll see one
[03:09] <NickPresta> Mr. Anderson, greetings
[03:09] <nosrednaekim> Kloplop321: you can see change it :)
[03:09] <Kloplop321> how?
[03:09] <nosrednaekim> NickPresta: one of those annoying people embarrasing me about my age :P
[03:10] <NickPresta> nosrednaekim, hehehe. Total surprise, although not a bad one :)
[03:10] <nosrednaekim> Kloplop321: remove it, the right click->add applet and choose the traditional menu
[03:10] <Kloplop321> lol, nice...
[03:10] <nosrednaekim> NickPresta: at least people didn't mistake me the other way.... as a 12 year old :P
[03:10] <NickPresta> nosrednaekim, haha. I wasn't thinking you were _old_, but late 20s, mid 30s was what I was thinking
[03:11] <domluc> well, right now in hardy, what version of kde is in repo?
[03:11] <Kloplop321> !info KDE4*
[03:11] <nosrednaekim> domluc: 3.5.9 and 4.0.3
[03:11] <ubottu> kde4 (source: meta-kde4): the K Desktop Environment version 4 official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3 (hardy), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB
[03:11] <NickPresta> think of it as a testament to your maturity ;)
[03:11] <cahuez> he..
[03:12] <domluc> you're very friendly :-)
[03:13] <nosrednaekim> get off my lawn... punk.
[03:13] <nosrednaekim> :P
[03:18] <nainef> lol
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[03:26] <Kloplop321> what, so now that I have no error anymore people go silent?
[03:27] <Kloplop321> and have connection time outs?
[03:27] <nosrednaekim> yep! :)
[03:27] <Dragnslcr> Good job, you killed the channel
[03:27] <corinth> Is there a shortcut for adding http://www. and .com, .net, etc in konqueror, similar to ctrl-enter, etc in Firefox? Alternately, is there a way to add these?
[03:29] <Kloplop321> this may not be very supportave of what you are asking for, but konqueror's html rendering isn't very good, why are you still staying with it?
[03:30] <Kloplop321> by the way, FF2 has a lag rendering problem, but the FF3 beta 5 does not seem to btw
[03:30] <cahuez> corinth, have you tested firefox..!?
[03:30] <nosrednaekim> Kloplop321: BTW... konqueror's HTML rendering is the best in the world.... (next to safari)
[03:31] <nosrednaekim> but not everything is made according to the standards
[03:31] <Kloplop321> you sure? because it seems pretty crapy to me compared to what I am used to, and some divs scooting off to the right, and misplaced sections of the page
[03:31] <nosrednaekim> Kloplop321: badly coded pages.
[03:32] <corinth> cahuez Yes, I use firefox, but I prefer to use a desktop's default applications. The only problem is that I get rendering problems on certain pages.
[03:32] <Kloplop321> you sure of that? it seems that ONLY in Konqueror's browser that I EVER see (I do not play it anymore) Runescape's table section with links above the java applet screwed up and double the height
[03:33] <Kloplop321> well corinth, there is a setting which you can change in the system settings of the default programs
[03:33] <cahuez> yeap corinth, usually happens, mainly if looking for non-free content..
[03:33] <Kloplop321> bamed "Default Applications"
[03:33] <Kloplop321> named*
[03:34] <corinth> No, I mean that I like to use the programs that are well integrated into a desktop, like konq is with KDE, and epiphany with GNOME. Anyway though, the main problem I have is with digg.com. I get rendering problems in konq with it.
[03:35] <Kloplop321> well I just gave it up, I have not had any problems myself. It is all a matter of opinion, and what the best solution is or desireable
[03:36] <cahuez> humm, take a look to "about:plugins" and check what is not in place..
[03:36] <lovre> hi all
[03:36] <Kloplop321> hello
[03:37] <chipbuddy> well, i'm reinstalling ubuntu again... but this time i'm going to install kubuntu right off the bat and try to stick with it. so hooray for me
[03:37] <lovre> i need help. Have a movie, but its audio is too silent. How can i boost it up? Tried the Kaffeine equalizer, didnt help much--
[03:37] <Kloplop321> ohh, do you have the KMix app installed?
[03:37] <lovre> yes
[03:37] <nosrednaekim> lovre: kmix is on max as well?
[03:37] <Kloplop321> you can turn the PCM and audio setting up to the highest in it
[03:37] <nosrednaekim> all of the channels?
[03:37] <lovre> sec
[03:38] <lovre> everything is up. Its just this one movie
[03:38] <lovre> other movies are fine
[03:38] <nosrednaekim> get an external amp :P
[03:38] <wad> My debian server is sharing 3 printers via samba. My windows boxen can all see the three printers, but this Kubuntu box can only see one of them, for some odd reason. I need to print to one of the other ones. Has anyone seen this behavior before? Why on earth would it only see one of the printers?
[03:38] <lovre> is there some other video viewer that has better equaliser?
[03:38] <lovre> nosrednaekim: loool
[03:38] <chipbuddy> if i have an ntfs partition, will kubuntu have any problems at all accessing it?
[03:38] <Kloplop321> well, It reminds me of how the Matrix movies were quite silent, you might just have to turn up the speaker really high :(
[03:38] <lovre> chipbuddy: no
[03:38] <nosrednaekim> chipbuddy: shouldn't, no
[03:39] <lovre> Kloplop321: loool, funny you mention that. THE MOVIE IS MATRIX LOOL
[03:39] <Kloplop321> prooves my point doesn't it ;)
[03:39] <corinth> Actually, I had problems in Kubuntu Gutsy getting my ntfs partitions to auto mount. Not sure if it's fixed yet.
[03:39] <Kloplop321> Wad, have you tried putting in the location in the screen yourself?
[03:40] <Kloplop321> I had to add it myself into the printer settings on my desktop
[03:40] <wad> Kloplop321: yes. It went through the wizard to install the printer, and said it was good, but wouldn't work.
[03:40] <lovre> Kloplop321: i can boost speakers up cuz they have their own amplifier. But im trying to watch it on headphones. They dont have applifier, so i have to amplify with software
[03:40] <wad> No jobs ever showed up on the CUPS page.
[03:40] * wad tries again
[03:40] <Kloplop321> lovre, good luck because I do not know of any software like that, unless you re-encode the vid yourself
[03:41] <Kloplop321> odd. do you have the correct driver selected for the model?
[03:41] <lovre> Kloplop321: what would that take, like 4 hours?
[03:41] <lovre> Kloplop321: i have Core2Duo @ 2x2133Ghz
[03:41] <chipbuddy> ah... but if i'm planning on having a common area between kubuntu and windows i should make it ext2?
[03:41] <chipbuddy> !ext2
[03:41] <ubottu> Factoid ext2 not found
[03:41] <Kloplop321> in my experience for a dvd QUALITY, MORE THAN THAT
[03:41] <chipbuddy> !ntfs
[03:41] <Kloplop321> CRAPPY caps lock..
[03:41] <ubottu> To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE
[03:41] <nosrednaekim> chipbuddy: yeah... that works...as does ntfs and fat32
[03:41] <lovre> Kloplop321: uf. Nothing then. Thank you
[03:42] <Kloplop321> and is that printer printing a CUPS test page from another linux computer Wad/
[03:42] <Kloplop321> ?
[03:42] <Kloplop321> why does it say I am away :S
[03:43] <Kloplop321> yay
[03:43] <Kloplop321> no more away
[03:43] <Kloplop321> good luck lovre
[03:43] <lovre> Kloplop321: thank you
[03:44] <Kloplop321> anybody else need any help? I am bored
[03:44] <wad> Kloplop321: Me! Hang on!
[03:44] <wad> :)
[03:44] <corinth> Kloplop321: Try working on bug #1 >_>
[03:44] <wad> Kloplop321: I prints test pages fine from CUPS web page.
[03:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1
[03:44] <wad> Kloplop321: and it prints test pages fine from windows boxen.
[03:45] <cahuez> and kubuntu boxes, the better, hehe..
[03:45] <Kloplop321> well, I mean from another linux box
[03:45] <khajavi> HELP: Why in kubuntu 8.04 the cdrom doesn't mount at /cdrom but it mount /media/[label of CD]
[03:45] <cahuez> do a >whereis cdrom ..
[03:45] <Kloplop321> what about at cdrom0?
[03:46] <wad> Hey, I think it just worked!
[03:46] <Kloplop321> Wad, is that the ONLY other linux box you have to test with
[03:46] <Kloplop321> are you going to run to the printer to check?
[03:46] <wad> I have two others.... but I started with this one.
[03:46] <wad> My son is. :)
[03:46] <wad> I was looking at the CUPS output.
[03:46] <wad> YAY!
[03:46] <wad> It works!
[03:47] <khajavi> for example when I insert kubuntu it mount at /media/kubuntu 8.04 not at /media/cdrom0
[03:47] <Kloplop321> yeh, you may have just selected the wrong driver
[03:47] <wad> I had the same driver (a PPD file, locally), but I reinstalled it with some other options.
[03:47] <Kloplop321> khajavi, your system may be thinking that the CD/DVD drive is a memory/flash drive instead..
[03:47] <wad> And I went into admin mode, and set it as the default.
[03:47] <wad> That might have fixed.
[03:48] <wad> Anyway, on to the next project.
[03:48] <Kloplop321> yeah, admin mode would have set it deeper into the system
[03:48] <wad> Thanks, guys!
[03:48] <Kloplop321> go on wad
[03:48] * wad bows, and leaves
[03:48] <Kloplop321> I thought he had another bug
[03:48] <khajavi> Kloplop321: after installing new kubuntu 8.04 I have this problem
[03:49] <Kloplop321> netspilt?
[03:49] <Kloplop321> khajavi: odd, did you do via internet or by disk?
[03:54] <Kloplop321> anybody else here?
[03:54] <NickPresta> we're here :)
[03:55] <Kloplop321> ok, because the guy I as supposibly working with died and got ran over some how
[03:55] <khajavi> Kloplop321: bye disk
[03:55] <Kloplop321> ?
[03:55] <Kloplop321> khajavi: what about other disks, does it go with the CD's name as well?
[03:56] <khajavi> Kloplop321: in ubuntu I dont have any problem but in kubuntu this is an important issue
[03:56] <khajavi> Kloplop321: Yes, they mount as the names of CDs
[03:57] <khajavi> Kloplop321: I mount them manually at /cdrom: mount /media/kubuntu --bind /cdrom
[03:58] <Kloplop321> very weird. I would think that your computer thinks that your CD drive is a flash drive dock and just renames like how my multi-card reader dock does
[03:58] <aeroz>
[03:59] <khajavi> Kloplop321: the mount very straightly
[03:59] <Kloplop321> however I have no idea on how to fix it, I would suggest, that you post on the forums and see what you can get.
[04:00] <khajavi> thanks fo your attention
[04:01] <Kloplop321> I hope you get it fixed, khajavi
[04:01] <Kloplop321> I must go to bed, good night people.
[04:03] <cahuez> for you the same, bye bye klop...
[04:03] <Kloplop321> I find this channel interesting, I may come back sometime(actively)
[04:04] * genii sips a coffee
[04:04] <chipbuddy_> i'm going to dual boot kubuntu and windows, but i'm going to have a common area. how should i format this common area so that both OS can access it in an efficient manner? ext2? ntfs?
[04:04] <Kloplop321> both can access NTFS
[04:04] <jd_> chipbuddy_: ntfs
[04:05] <chipbuddy> oops
[04:05] <Kloplop321> l would not suggest FAT or FAT32, not stable
[04:05] <chipbuddy> why ntfs? because windows likes it and linux can put up with it?
[04:06] <Kloplop321> in otherwords, yeah
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[04:06] <ol--lo_> fat32 not stable ??
[04:06] <NickPresta> chipbuddy, with ntfs-3g, there is no problem with NTFS filesystems really.
[04:07] <cahuez> ntfs works fine with any distro of linux..
[04:07] <chipbuddy> ol--lo_i do'nt know about not stable, but it's pretty featureless compared to others. for example, i actually emulated a FAT drive in software when i was in college... and i'm not the sharpest knife in the crayon box
[04:08] <GWillakers> I haven't gotten any updates for what seems like a couple of weeks. Is this just because its a new release (8.04) or am I screwed up somehow (or both)??
[04:09] <ol--lo_> chipbuddy: fat32 fragmetes fast and the 4gb limitation is painflul if you work with dvd.iso's but i have never heard it to be unstabel ...
[04:10] <Kloplop321> I've updated over 200 applications from when I upgraded, but system upgrades? I think less than 50 actually
[04:11] <cahuez> klop, do at console> uname -a and tell us...
[04:11] <GWillakers> I haven't gotten any updates.
[04:11] <cahuez> mine> Linux Pucelle 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 12:47:45 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux ...
[04:12] <cahuez> leaving in a jet plane; ciao....
[04:13] <Kloplop321> back jsut a sec
[04:14] <Kloplop321> this is on my laptop, not my main computer where I have most of my stuff
[04:14] <Kloplop321> Linux kloplop321-laptop 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
[04:14] <Kloplop321> ohh he logged out..
[04:14] <ol--lo_> Linux AmaTaraSu 2.6.25-4.slh.3-sidux-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri May 23 21:58:49 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux
[04:15] <Kloplop321> well night people, I figure I should sleep now, last day of manditory public education for me tomarrow for this school year.
[04:16] <Kloplop321> hmm, you seem to have a newer kernel, and my update icon is at the top, I'll run a quick apt-get update in the tty1
[04:17] <ol--lo_> Kloplop321: i do not use kubuntu
[04:17] <Kloplop321> I use kubuntu on my main machine, I use xubuntu with WiFi on this pentium 2 laptop I got for like $65
[04:18] <Kloplop321> yeah it is updating the kernel right now
[04:18] <madberry> !wifi
[04:18] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[04:19] <Kloplop321> good luck, setting it up may need some blacklisting, guides always help ;)
[04:19] <Kloplop321> well correct guides
[04:19] <Kloplop321> night
[04:25] <Frederick> folks how do I install google earth in kubuntu?
[04:26] <jd_> frederick: type sudo apt-get install google-earth in the konsole
[04:27] <Frederick> Package google-earth is not available, but is referred to by another package.
[04:27] <Frederick> there is this package to install it
[04:27] <Frederick> googleearth-package
[04:27] <robertobeto23> hi
[04:27] <jd_> yeah, use that instead
=== Betus is now known as rmribeiro
[04:28] <Frederick> jd_: dont knwo jack
[04:28] <Frederick> cause this is also not thje installer from google-earth
[04:28] <pablo__> hola a todos
[04:29] <pablo__> como estan
[04:29] <pablo__> soy nuevo en este jejeje es la primera vez que entro aka
[04:29] <pablo__> ^_^
[04:30] <Frederick> jd_: this is a tool to generate a deb from the bin file google distributes
[04:30] <Frederick> but for some reason after install mine google earth does not logs
[04:30] <jd_> Fredrick: yeah.... i found that out just now too
[04:30] <unix_infidel> wow, it's crazy how compiz works by default in ubuntu.
[04:30] <unix_infidel> i'm astounded.
[04:32] <jd_> Frederick: you can try to download it from google.... i'm trying it now so i don't know how it works yet http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html
[04:34] <Odd-rationale> Frederick: try adding the medibuntu repo
[04:34] <Frederick> jd_: this was the first thing ive tried
[04:34] <Odd-rationale> !medibuntu | Frederick
[04:34] <ubottu> Frederick: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[04:35] <jd_> Frederick: what was the problem you hit
[04:35] <Odd-rationale> then install googleearth
[04:35] <Odd-rationale> googleearth is in the medibuntu repos...
[04:36] <Frederick> trying
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[04:39] <Frederick> Odd-rationale: thanks a lot it did the trick
[04:40] <Odd-rationale> Frederick: np
[04:40] <nokioo> after a breakage is it dpkreconfigure -a ??
[04:41] <nokioo> hello?
[04:41] <nokioo> after a breakage is it dpkreconfigure -a ??
[04:41] <Odd-rationale> sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a
[04:42] <belzebub> Cannot find mozilla runtime directory. Exiting., why?
[04:42] <[mad]Berry|lappy> alright wifi problems been hacking at it for a couple of hours i'm not seeing it here is some info http://paste.ubuntu.com/15465/
[04:44] <[mad]Berry|lappy> i just get can't find any networks
[04:45] <[mad]Berry|lappy> anybody?
[04:47] <tvakah> say, anything in particular I need to do to have an esata drive detected? dmesg and syslog don't show any sign of it being plugged in... hotplugged that is
[04:52] <navetz__> hey, how can I uninstall vmware (the repost don't show that its installed) but it is in my /etc and I see a install script called installer.sh
[04:52] <flaccid> !vmware | navetz__
[04:52] <ubottu> navetz__: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers
[04:53] <belzebub> !kde4
[04:53] <ubottu> KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[04:53] <navetz__> flaccid: I have vmware-server isntalled
[04:53] <flaccid> and did you read te above links?
[04:54] <genii> tvakah: Do you happen to know the chipset of the eSATA controller card?
[04:54] <navetz__> flaccid: I am asking how to remove it, I had it in 7.10, but when I upgraded it broke.
[04:54] <navetz__> flaccid: now my repos show it not installed, and I can't install it, or uninstall it.
[04:54] <tvakah> genii, checking, the internal sata drive works fine
[04:54] <flaccid> navetz__: if its a package, just use adept, otherwise you will have to remove it manually unless vmware provides and uninstall script and you kept it
[04:55] <tvakah> genii, 03:00.0 SATA controller: JMicron Technologies, Inc. JMicron 20360/20363 AHCI Controller (rev 02)
[04:55] <root> EPA
[04:55] <navetz__> flaccid: it is a package, but when I upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 it broke
[04:56] <navetz__> flaccid: now it shows that it is not installed, I can't install it. I can't uninstall it because the it shows that it is not installed (but the files are on my computer)
[04:56] <flaccid> navetz__: remove the package with apt-get. if you get an error pastebin it.
[04:56] <tvakah> genii, it's the bulit in esata in an asus c90s notebook btw
[04:57] <flaccid> navetz__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Server tells you are how to manually remove if you have the script. otherwise remove under sudo as long as you make sure the package is purged.
[04:57] <navetz__> flaccid: here is my error: Package vmware-server is not installed, so not removed
[04:58] <navetz__> flaccid: I found a install script in my /etc/vmware
[04:58] <tvakah> genii, also there is a 00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801GB/GR/GH (ICH7 Family) SATA IDE Controller (rev 01) (prog-if 80 [Master])
[04:58] <navetz__> flaccid: can I uninstall with a install script?
[04:58] <flaccid> navetz__: can you please first confirm dpkg -l | grep vmware
[04:58] <flaccid> navetz__: no read the link!
[04:58] <ol--lo_> shouldnt that be vmware-package
[04:59] <navetz__> flaccid : I see some stuff there, want me to pastebin it?
[04:59] <genii> tvakah: Is this perhaps an Asus G2S laptop?
[04:59] <flaccid> ol--lo_: no.
[04:59] <flaccid> navetz__: yes
[04:59] <genii> tvakah: Sorry, missed your earlier post
[05:00] <navetz__> flaccid: http://pastebin.com/d4fda3f2d
[05:00] <genii> tvakah: Although this may also apply since the controller is the same in both cases: http://kerneltrap.org/node/15875
[05:00] <flaccid> navetz__: you removed the package but did not purge it thus why the runtime configs exist. which i think is what rc stands for..
[05:01] <navetz__> flaccid: I didn't remove the package though, I didn't have it after the upgrade.
[05:01] <flaccid> navetz__: sudo dpkg --purge vmware-server vmware-server-kernel-modules-2.6.22-14
[05:02] <flaccid> well dpkg doesn't lie generally. if you remove a package, it will leave the configs (if it has some) until you purge it.
[05:02] <belzebub> Cannot find mozilla runtime directory. Exiting....when i start minefield, why?
[05:03] <navetz__> flaccid: I got lota errors
[05:03] <navetz__> http://pastebin.com/d3fd7c357
[05:04] <flaccid> navetz__: they are non harmful. merely artifacts it seems. check dpkg -l | grep vmware now..
[05:04] <flaccid> navetz__: it helps if you didn't run the command in /etc/vmware ..
[05:04] <matthew> Question: Kubuntu comes with no firewall and no (se linux or ap armor) protections turned on?
[05:05] <flaccid> matthew: no firewall with default installed
[05:05] <flaccid> !firewall | matthew
[05:05] <ubottu> matthew: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).
[05:05] <tvakah> genii, hrm, nah I get nothing not even an error concerning the jmicron ata interface, just did a reboot with it plugged in and still no dice
[05:05] <tvakah> genii, going to try changing the bios to ide mode instead of ahci
[05:05] <navetz__> flaccid: I think that may have worked.
[05:06] <flaccid> belzebub: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/commands-some-work-some-dont-208416/ or google might help?
[05:06] <flaccid> navetz__: yeah should of :)
[05:07] <matthew> flaccid: but the question was--is it turned on by default?
[05:08] <nokioo> I dsn't think it was dpkg-reconfigure -a
[05:10] <flaccid> matthew: negative. there are no network services/ports listening either after install
[05:10] <matthew> i c
[05:11] <flaccid> matthew: its not bad. i mean i would prefer to see a minimal iptables plus a minimal selinux but there isn't really a threat. however i believe that samba should be an option with the installer and thus require firewall..
[05:16] <inteliwasp> what do i need to do to make java work in ff3 beta5?
[05:17] <flaccid> !java | inteliwasp
[05:17] <ubottu> inteliwasp: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper
[05:17] <flaccid> the usual afik inteliwasp
[05:18] <inteliwasp> .... crud...... i did use adept to install java6
[05:18] <inteliwasp> well i guess i need to purge and reinstall
[05:19] <flaccid> inteliwasp: let me check first
[05:19] <inteliwasp> ya i jest need a plugin link
[05:19] <flaccid> a plugin link?
[05:19] <inteliwasp> just*
[05:20] <flaccid> google 'java test' ?
[05:20] <flaccid> http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml
[05:20] <inteliwasp> ff does not see that i have java
[05:20] <inteliwasp> and no that does not work
[05:21] <flaccid> yeah same with me inteliwasp. run firefox 3 initially from konsole and then goto the page and you will see the errors :(
[05:21] <flaccid> brb
[05:30] <flaccid> inteliwasp: PIPE: appletviewer wrote: status exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: " ".java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: " "
[05:32] <navetz__> can someone tell me where I can find a good tutorial on flash?
[05:32] <inteliwasp> er... i figured it out just a minute ago, i needed to uninstall java-common and any other java components, and the reinstall java6
[05:33] <ol--lo_> navetz__: google ... http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=flash+tutorial&btnG=Google+Search&meta=&sourceid=Mozilla-search
[05:33] <david__> new kernel for linux
[05:33] <david__> 26.67.rc8
[05:34] <ol--lo_> 67 ..
[05:34] <navetz__> ol--lo_: thanks
[05:34] <david__> for kernel
[05:35] <david__> new linux kernel
[05:35] <david__> free word
[05:35] <david__> open sorces
[05:36] <flaccid> inteliwasp: are they the os/default javas?
[05:36] <david__> alguien que sespa español
[05:36] <flaccid> !es | alg
[05:36] <ubottu> alg: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[05:39] <nainef> brb
[05:46] <hawkeyex> hi evreryone
[05:47] <hawkeyex> does anyone know how to create web access for users to put up their web page and stuff
[05:47] <hawkeyex> I'm still trying to figure out apache2
[05:47] <hawkeyex> does anyone know how to create directories for users for web access - or a least know where to create the web pages?
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte
[05:49] <ol--lo_> hawkeyex: you might want to read the apache docs ...
[05:49] <ol--lo_> !apache
[05:49] <ubottu> LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)
[05:50] <ol--lo_> !apache2
[05:50] <ubottu> Factoid apache2 not found
[05:52] <flaccid> hawkeyex: use public_html generally
[05:52] <genii> hawkeyex: Perhaps see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=81529#post81529
[05:52] <hawkeyex> lemme see if it works
[05:53] <flaccid> brb
[06:04] <flaccid> java is not working in my firefox 2 or 3 not sure if its because both installed. applet crashes in 3, asks for additional plugin in 2. anyone have this or can confirm?
[06:08] <yurimxpxman> is there any way to defragment a mounted disk?
[06:08] <flaccid> !defrag
[06:08] <ubottu> The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed.
[06:08] <flaccid> yurimxpxman: fs type?
[06:09] <yurimxpxman> flaccid: ext3
[06:09] <flaccid> no need to defrag. its not fat or ntfs..
[06:10] <yurimxpxman> flaccid: the disk is full.. I need the files rearranged because it's slow as hell
[06:10] <flaccid> free up space
[06:10] <genii> flaccid: The official test site is prompting me for install with ff3b5 .... chose SE6, installing now
[06:11] <flaccid> you could clear the apt-cache if its on that fs
[06:11] <genii> Delete some logs
[06:12] <flaccid> well probably best not to delete logs directly because of log rotate
[06:12] <genii> flaccid: I usually remove the archived ones
[06:13] <flaccid> yeah i think its ok to do that directly
[06:13] <flaccid> but better with logrotate/logrotate configuration
[06:14] <dthacker> Hi. I'm trying to use firefox to log in to a Citrix Presentation server at work. I'm getting an error messages stating that I have not accepted an ssl cert. How can I force that cert to get re-presented?
[06:15] <genii> flaccid: Incidentally install of SE 6 through the ff3b5 worked seamlessly.
[06:16] <yurimxpxman> flaccid: won't the disk be left fragmented after deleting so much data?
[06:16] <flaccid> what is se 6?
[06:16] <flaccid> yurimxpxman: don't believe so
[06:17] <flaccid> good read on why: http://geekblog.oneandoneis2.org/index.php/2006/08/17/why_doesn_t_linux_need_defragmenting
[06:17] <genii> flaccid: Sun Java 6 (update 6)
[06:17] <yurimxpxman> flaccid: old news :-)
[06:18] <yurimxpxman> flaccid: but even he admits that ext3 could need defragging when the disk is full
[06:18] <flaccid> new news for you
[06:18] <sgraham> hey trying to set up seemless. with vitualbox (its a long story as to why..) now i downlaoded the vbox guestaditions1.5 iso..
[06:18] <flaccid> it would be a hectic task on that kind of fs
[06:18] <sgraham> do i have to actually write it to a cd cant i mount the iso with like a virtualcd?
[06:19] <flaccid> genii: yeah not sure why my java aint working there. i have exceptions when it calls the plugin
[06:19] <genii> flaccid: Maybe package manager remove of whatever JRE you had then go to the test site and just install it that way
[06:19] <dsmith_> dhacker: you still here?
[06:20] <dsmith_> flaccid: but I soooooooooo loved defragging.. lol
[06:20] <dsmith_> ya know, I use to get 2-3 users a year that knew nothing of defragging
[06:20] <dsmith_> when one ran a scan of thier drive, it would be like all red
[06:21] <flaccid> genii: i tried reinstall. it works fine in opera. not sure why its doing an exception, i think its the plugin wrapper
[06:21] <dsmith_> and when I try to explain to them what was happening, I got the donut glazzed stare
[06:21] <flaccid> decreases life of disk as well
[06:21] <dsmith_> yurimxpxman: linux doesn't need defragging
[06:22] <genii> flaccid: I used http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp to test, where it prompted for which specific one to choose and install...GCJ at top then SE6 then SE5, some others. Chose SE6, went well
[06:23] <yurimxpxman> dsmith_: come back and say that after you've filled an 80GB disk and your PC is running like Windows. Yes, I know that it doesn't normally, but my disk is completely full
[06:24] <sgraham> yurimxpxman: look for huge log files
[06:24] <sgraham> ive seen a few systems taken down by 2 gig log files
[06:24] <flaccid> genii: ta
[06:24] <flaccid> yurimxpxman: you are not meant to fill up disks..
[06:25] <ScorpKing> hi giys. i can't print and it seems like a bug. is there a way to fix it?
[06:25] <ScorpKing> i'll give more info just now ;)
[06:25] <dsmith_> yurimxpxman: PULL SOME STUFF OF MAN
[06:26] <dsmith_> df shows, 91% on my NAS and thats it
[06:26] <dsmith_> the rest are <75%
[06:28] <dsmith_> yurimxpxman: two good programs to use are fslint and filelight
[06:28] <dsmith_> in the repos
[06:28] <ScorpKing> ugm.. here is the problem i'm having. none of those things seems to fix the problem with cups. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cupsys/+bug/153003 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cupsys/+bug/221087
[06:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 153003 in cupsys "inode_permission error for cupsd on /dev/tty" [Undecided,Won't fix]
[06:29] <ScorpKing> ugh f&%
[06:31] <ScorpKing> ok so i need to get this printer working here. the whole bussiness has been converted to linux with the last machine being this one. invoices needs to be printed before trucks can go off. did anyone else had this problem?
[06:31] <dsmith_> what printer?
[06:32] <genii> ScorpKing: Hack udev
[06:32] <dsmith_> model that is
[06:33] <ScorpKing> HP Laserjet 1020
[06:33] <ScorpKing> genii: anything specific i should do there?
[06:36] <mr-t> try http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-LaserJet_1020
[06:36] <ScorpKing> mr-t: thanks. taking a look now
[06:39] <genii> ScorpKing: Well, my first thought was to change the rule of making tty to allow what permissions it requires. But on second glance I am thinking the default group of dialout to which that file belongs needs adjusting or user hplip add to that group
[06:39] <ScorpKing> mr-t: /usr/share/foo2zjs/firmware/ is empty but the printer worked for about 5 hours yesterday and then just stopped
[06:40] <dsmith_> hp 1020 work
[06:40] <dsmith_> thats what I use here
[06:40] <ScorpKing> dsmith_: yes and then it stopped
[06:40] <dsmith_> hmmmm what did you change in the machine?
[06:40] <dsmith_> did you try to delete and then readd?
[06:41] <ScorpKing> and to make things even worse when i got home last night and connected my own priner to my laptop i ran into the same problem. it stopped printing after about 16 pages
[06:41] <dsmith_> weird
[06:41] <ScorpKing> dsmith_: didn't change a thing.
[06:42] <dsmith_> I se the same printer on a two kubuntu boxes
[06:42] <dsmith_> we never had any issues
[06:42] <dsmith_> what distro?
[06:42] <dsmith_> 8.04?
[06:42] <dsmith_> 7.10?
[06:42] <ScorpKing> all logs shows prinint is perfect except for the number of pages printed
[06:42] <ScorpKing> 8.04
[06:42] <dsmith_> hmmm test page work?
[06:42] <ScorpKing> 7.10 is fine
[06:42] <ScorpKing> nope
[06:42] <ScorpKing> print*
[06:42] * dsmith_ scratches head
[06:42] * ScorpKing bites his nails..
[06:42] <dsmith_> so 8.04 no work, 7.10 does work?
[06:43] <ScorpKing> correct
[06:43] <dsmith_> hmmmmmmmmmmmm
[06:43] <dsmith_> now we not why
[06:43] <dsmith_> now to find a reason
[06:43] <ScorpKing> it's on more that one machine with different printers
[06:43] <dsmith_> know why I meant
[06:44] <dsmith_> this is for a busniess?
[06:44] <ScorpKing> in /var/log/cups/error_log i see "CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized"
[06:44] <ScorpKing> yes it is as well as my own printer at home
[06:45] <dsmith_> you could place a support call with say canonical, but thats like last resort
[06:45] <dwidmann_laptop> I've come to the conclusion that ksysguard 4.x is just plain cool :)
[06:45] <dsmith_> so it seems you cannnot add the printer
[06:45] <navetz> how do I find out what my kernel version is ?
[06:45] <dsmith_> uname -r
[06:45] <navetz> how do I find out what my kernel version is ?
[06:45] <ScorpKing> dsmith_: yeah or revert to 7.10
[06:45] <navetz> sorry
[06:45] <dsmith_> i never tried a downgrade
[06:46] * dsmith_ wonders if that would work
[06:46] <ScorpKing> dsmith_: it gets added by itself
[06:46] <ScorpKing> dsmith_: i'll reinstall
[06:46] <dsmith_> honestly, I never seen the problem your facing
[06:46] <dwidmann_laptop> I've not had much luck with printers in gutsy ... couldn't add a network printer myself. Seeing as I couldn't even get something so simple as that to work, I've indefinitely postponed upgrading the system with the actual printer ....
[06:46] <dsmith_> i run gutsy and have no problems
[06:47] <mr-t> there are several changes to cups from 7.10 to 8.04
[06:47] <ScorpKing> ah dwidmann_laptop :)
[06:47] <dsmith_> hp usb via cups share, hp network, xerox network printers
[06:47] <dsmith_> both work out of box
[06:47] <dsmith_> er.. all three that is
[06:47] <dwidmann_laptop> **s/gutsy/hardy
[06:47] <dsmith_> ScorpKing: I say reinstall to 7.10
[06:48] <dsmith_> it will save time
[06:48] <dwidmann_laptop> With regards to gutsy, with the stuff from updates/security/backports installed, I had major issues with it then too.
[06:48] <ScorpKing> dsmith_: the 1020 works out of the box as well until it stops ;). yeah i'm just looking for the disk
[06:48] * dsmith_ motto is "if it takes more then 30-minutes, then try something else"
[06:48] <dwidmann_laptop> dsmith_: excellent motto
[06:48] <dsmith_> yep :) learned by lessons of pain
[06:48] <dsmith_> haha
[06:49] <ScorpKing> ok guys i have to format this box. have fun and thanks for the help.
[06:49] <dsmith_> example: IT idiots hosed this guys machine.. I got it and reinstalled windows.... and handed it back
[06:49] <ScorpKing> genii: i'll take a look into your suggestion tonight on my laptop
[06:49] <dwidmann_laptop> I suppose if I'm ever in dire need of heat, my laptop could probalby do the job .... I'm sitting at about 62C right now (was at 100% load, not at the moment though)
[06:50] <dwidmann_laptop> ah, that would be why, qt finished compiling
[06:50] <dwidmann_laptop> down to 46C already .. nice
[06:50] <dsmith_> he was shcoked that we are paying for IT idiots that wasted an entire day and it only took me 30-mins
[06:50] <dsmith_> lol
[06:50] <dwidmann_laptop> hehehe
[06:51] <navetz> does anyone know any good virtulization software I can use? vmware and virtualbox both are having trouble with my new kernel
[06:51] <dwidmann_laptop> It's always fun to make IT idiots look like IT idiots.
[06:51] <dsmith_> needless to say running wireshark on the domain server has it privs
[06:51] <dsmith_> lol yep!
[06:51] <dwidmann_laptop> navetz: those are the ones I would have recommended
[06:51] <dsmith_> vmware hands down
[06:52] <dsmith_> which kernel?
[06:52] <dwidmann_laptop> navetz: what sort of trouble?
[06:52] <sirPengi> navetz: I'm assuming you mean free software? those are the only two I know
[06:52] <dsmith_> its not liking his popcorn
[06:52] <dsmith_> :P
[06:52] <nainef> oh noes
[06:53] <navetz> dwidmann_laptop; dwidmann_laptop; dsmith_; vmware and virtualbox both don't work from the repos.
[06:53] <dsmith_> download vmware and install via cmdline
[06:53] <navetz> dwidmann_laptop; dwidmann_laptop; dsmith_; I tried vmware by installing it from a tar file, and it was sorta working, but then I installed vmware tools and all I get is blue screen of death restart
[06:53] <dsmith_> sudo ./vmware-install.pl
[06:54] <dsmith_> vmware tools on the guest host?
[06:54] <navetz> dsmith_: yup
[06:54] <dsmith_> create a snapshot before you install vmware tools
[06:54] <navetz> dsmith_: i think its to late now
[06:54] <dsmith_> and do a revert
[06:54] <dsmith_> lol
[06:54] <dsmith_> install again
[06:55] <dsmith_> just delete and recreate it
[06:55] <dsmith_> reinstall the OS
[06:55] <navetz> dsmith_: I guess its my only option, kinda sucks though, I had abuot 10 gigs of stuff
[06:55] * dsmith_ must have ~25 OS's on his vmware
[06:55] <dsmith_> wait
[06:56] <dsmith_> you can mount a rescure dick
[06:56] <dsmith_> rescue disk
[06:56] <dsmith_> trying booting into windows with one
[06:56] <navetz> dsmith_: like a windows xp rescue disk?
[06:56] <dsmith_> yea
[06:56] <dsmith_> I would try that if you need things out of it
[06:56] <dwidmann_laptop> dsmith_: wow, that's quite a few
[06:57] <dsmith_> yea..
[06:57] <ol--lo_> 25!!!
[06:57] <dsmith_> I have samba server, terminal server.. and others..
[06:57] <dsmith_> I am using it like an esx server lol
[06:57] <navetz> dsmith_: does any xp cd count as a resuce disk? or do you need it a specific disk?
[06:57] <dsmith_> sugar crm, vista
[06:57] <dsmith_> hmmm
[06:57] <dsmith_> one min
[06:58] <dwidmann_laptop> navetz: I'd think any should count.
[06:58] <dsmith_> with windows you can just reinstall the c:/windows portion
[06:58] <ol--lo_> xp and rescue in one sentences doesn't sound good :)
[06:58] <dsmith_> but you have to be careful
[06:58] <dsmith_> lol
[06:58] <navetz> dsmith_: what do I have to look out for?
[06:59] <mr-t> which way thethe windblows
[06:59] <navetz> lol
[06:59] <navetz> I knew I shouldn't have upgraded to hardy
[07:00] <navetz> there were really no benefits to doing it.
[07:00] <dsmith_> http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page
[07:00] <dsmith_> I always stay one distro back
[07:01] <dsmith_> navetz: I am not sure it would work but you can try booting the iso into the vmware image
[07:01] <mr-t> you also could try to rescue your files with a copy of knoppix
[07:01] <dsmith_> and try retrieving your datat
[07:01] <navetz> dsmith_: yea, I was fooled into upgrading
[07:01] <dsmith_> knoppix is another good one
[07:02] <navetz> most of my files are ok, there are just a couple major ones I will lose
[07:02] <dsmith_> navetz: lesson lerned create snapshots of your images
[07:02] <dsmith_> and make backups
[07:02] <navetz> but I generally kept everything on a shared samba folder
[07:02] <genii> navetz: I keep a separate partition just to run new releases on. That way i can just boot up to the old one in case
[07:03] <dsmith_> genii: how do you do that?
[07:03] <dsmith_> install to say /newdistro?
[07:03] <navetz> genii: yea?
[07:03] <mr-t> I'm dual booting on two different boxes
[07:03] <genii> dsmith_: For instance I have sda1 with 7.10 and sda2 with 8.04 so grub gives me the option of whichever
[07:03] <dsmith_> ahhhhhh never considered doing that
[07:04] <dsmith_> hmmmmmm
[07:04] <navetz> genii: is that the same as dual booting?
[07:04] <genii> navetz: Yes, same idea
[07:04] <dsmith_> I have my own home partition
[07:04] <navetz> dsmith_: I did that as well
[07:04] <dsmith_> next full install I do I will try that
[07:05] <navetz> my problem with that is that you have to install all your programs twice
[07:05] <dsmith_> big deal
[07:06] <genii> navetz: Just use the clone feature to export your list to the new install
[07:06] <genii> !clone
[07:06] <ubottu> To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate
[07:06] <mr-t> one box i have has to have xp and i use k804 duel with that the othe box has u710 and fluxbuntu
[07:06] <navetz> genii ... oh my god.
[07:06] <dwidmann_laptop> genii: hmm, a bit different from how I do it, definitely looks cleaner.
[07:06] <navetz> genii I think I am going back to 7.10
[07:06] <dsmith_> !automate
[07:06] <ubottu> Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning
[07:07] <genii> dsmith_: I also have a tftp/netboot install server which can do 6.06 thru to 8.04 (soon will add 8.10)
[07:07] <dsmith_> sweet!
[07:07] <yao_ziyuan> does anyone experience vbox problems after upgrading to kernel?
[07:08] <dsmith_> bet that blows minds genii
[07:08] <dsmith_> heheh
[07:08] <navetz> whenever I try different distributions like PCLinuxOS or Fedora, I always have to go back to Kubuntu because of the package manager
[07:08] <navetz> yao_ziyuan: yes
[07:08] <navetz> yao_ziyuan: I was not able to get virtualbox to work today
[07:08] <yao_ziyuan> navetz: my problem is my keyboard doesn't work in a vm
[07:08] <genii> dsmith_: Yes, especially when you plug in a Mac and it does the yaboot and knows what architecture to install
[07:08] <dsmith_> i dont like either
[07:08] <dsmith_> lol
[07:09] <navetz> yao_ziyuan: what kinda keyboard do you have ? USB?
[07:09] <yao_ziyuan> navetz: no. ps.
[07:09] <dsmith_> bet it is
[07:09] <dsmith_> ooops
[07:09] <navetz> haha
[07:09] <yao_ziyuan> it's a software problem
[07:10] <dsmith_> ps3 keyboard...heh
[07:10] <navetz> yao_ziyuan: oh, I am not sure, sorry.
[07:10] <yao_ziyuan> everything was ok with previous kernels and OSE kernel drivers
[07:10] <dsmith_> ummm ps2 should work
[07:10] <dsmith_> yao_ziyuan: revert to the prior kernel
[07:10] <genii> Well it's been fun but I require sleep, all the coffee notwithstanding :) See you all in 8 hours
[07:10] <yao_ziyuan> dsmith_: that sounds bad to me :(
[07:11] <dsmith_> ..24.17 is 8.04?
[07:11] <yao_ziyuan> dsmith_: .24.17 is the latest kernel in ubuntu repository
[07:11] <dsmith_> hmmm, thats what I dont run that bleeding edge stuff anymore
[07:12] <navetz> dsmith_: i think the kernel update came out within the last couple days
[07:12] <navetz> dsmith_: i have it to
[07:13] <navetz> also it sounds like I am talking about HIV not a kernel update
[07:13] <dsmith_> whe 8.10 comes out I will upgrade
[07:13] <dsmith_> lol
[07:13] <dsmith_> ahhh you dont need any AV protection
[07:13] <dsmith_> contracted a virus in linux.. never11111
[07:13] <dsmith_> !
[07:14] <dsmith_> guess he did not like my ans.
[07:14] <dsmith_> well time for bed
[07:15] <dsmith_> cyas
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
=== usama is now known as usamahashimi
[07:58] <usamahashimi> Hello Everyone!
[07:58] <ol--lo> kannst du alle sehen
[07:59] <usamahashimi> Is there any software (GUI based) which can tell me that which PCs of my network are downloading how much data?
[08:07] <sleepy> hello
[08:10] <sleepy> i guess eveyone is asleep
[08:11] <ubunturos> !hi
[08:11] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[08:11] <ubunturos> !hi | sleepy
[08:11] <ubottu> sleepy: please see above
[08:11] <andrew181614> how do i play mp3 files in amarok, it reports that "the engine cannot play them"?
[08:11] <sleepy> use vlc
[08:12] <andrew181614> i would like to use amarok
[08:12] <sleepy> never heard of it
[08:12] <sleepy> are you new to ubuntu
[08:12] <andrew181614> no
[08:12] <andrew181614> im using kubuntu btw, amarok is for kde interface
[08:12] <ubunturos> !mp3 | andrew181614
[08:12] <ubottu> andrew181614: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[08:12] <sleepy> oh ok
[08:13] <sleepy> never used it before i have only used ubuntu
[08:13] <sleepy> i am so green
[08:13] <sleepy> how long have you been using Linux
[08:14] <andrew181614> on and off, 2 years
[08:14] <sleepy> cool
[08:15] <sleepy> where are u from?
[08:15] <andrew181614> just when im bored
[08:15] <andrew181614> new zealand
[08:15] <sleepy> lol
[08:15] <sleepy> oh cool ur lucky
[08:15] <sleepy> what a awesome place
[08:15] <andrew181614> yeah
[08:15] <jd_> does anyone know how stable/unstable the kde4.1 beta is?
[08:15] <andrew181614> we get a lot of american gangster copycats though
[08:15] <sleepy> oh no
[08:15] <sleepy> i am so sorry
[08:16] <andrew181614> for what?
[08:16] <sleepy> the copycats
[08:16] <andrew181614> nah its their faul;t, not your lol
[08:16] <sleepy> no but i bet that seems lame
[08:16] <andrew181614> they are wannabes though, no drivebys or anything like that, just walk around tryin to look though
[08:17] <sleepy> bunch of people trying to act like 50 cent the a an acent
[08:17] <andrew181614> yeah
[08:17] <sleepy> with a acent
[08:17] <sleepy> oh god, i think i just threw up in my mouth
[08:17] <sleepy> lol
[08:18] <sleepy> people like that make me sick.... how bought just be yourself
[08:19] <sleepy> hey andrew how do i join another channel using this program
[08:21] <sleepy> WHOIS aroo
[08:22] <holycow> hallo
[08:22] <sleepy> whats up
[08:22] <holycow> are there any 4.1 beta packages available?
[08:22] <sleepy> man i have no idea
[08:23] <holycow> nada, i just thought to checkin on 4.1
[08:23] <sleepy> just downloaded this irc to get on ubuntu irc
[08:23] <sleepy> how do i go to that channel do you know
[08:23] <holycow> i mucked about with the latest 4.1 stuff available in kubuntu and was pleasantly suprised to find out a whole bunch really sweet stuff ... like effects ... just working dandy
[08:23] <holycow> aha
[08:23] <sleepy> kubuntu is different then ubuntu right
[08:23] <holycow> just type in /join #channelnamehere
[08:23] <holycow> well no
[08:24] <holycow> its actually the exact same
[08:24] <sleepy> cool
[08:24] <holycow> all that is different is that you are using a different program for your desktop
[08:24] <sleepy> oh ok just different layout
[08:24] <holycow> instead of gnome in ubuntu you are using kde and they just call it kubuntu
[08:24] <sleepy> thats kind of what i thought but was not sure
[08:24] <holycow> there is also xubuntu that uses xfce i think
[08:24] <holycow> but its the exact same underneath
[08:24] <holycow> think of it like clothes for your operating system
[08:24] <sleepy> lol
[08:25] <sleepy> very cool
[08:25] <sleepy> i like that
[08:25] <sleepy> lol
[08:25] <holycow> guis, widgets, pulleys and doohickeys for your machine
[08:25] <sleepy> i like your nic
[08:25] <sleepy> holycow
[08:25] <holycow> danke sir
[08:25] <holycow> ditto
[08:25] <holycow> what else do you want to know?
[08:25] <sleepy> x herion addict
[08:25] <sleepy> lol
[08:25] <sleepy> what is the meaning of life
[08:25] <holycow> well i can't exactly help you with that
[08:25] <sleepy> lol
[08:26] * holycow explodes
[08:26] <jd_> holycow: did you say you've used the kde4.1beta
[08:26] <holycow> no no, i've wanted to
[08:26] <sleepy> is it way different
[08:26] <holycow> i've used whatever the latest kubuntu updates are available andnow you can turn on window effects
[08:26] <holycow> they are really nice and smooth, very impressive
[08:27] <jd_> yeah the work well if you have a decent card with decent drivers... which i don't
[08:27] <holycow> considering how far they have come with just this little bit that makes it into kubuntu repos, 4.1 has to be awesome
[08:27] <holycow> well
[08:27] <holycow> i have this a umpc
[08:27] <holycow> with an intel onboard chipset
[08:27] <andrew181614> FIXED, had to install these packages, for fture reference or other people:
[08:27] <andrew181614> libxine1-ffmpeg
[08:27] <andrew181614> libxine1-gnome
[08:27] <andrew181614> libxine1-plugins
[08:27] <holycow> 900mhz cpu
[08:27] <holycow> i wouldn't say i have anything great
[08:28] <holycow> to be honest, if you have the worst onboard 3d accelerated chipset you should be fine
[08:28] <sleepy> u have a 900
[08:28] <jd_> well..... most just be that i try to turn on too much... it works good for about 5 minutes and then it starts messing up... but of course i'm always doing 50 things onmy computer
[08:28] <holycow> so am i
[08:28] <holycow> i do i.t. for a living, i used to be a 3d animator
[08:29] <holycow> this isn't evena laptop but a umpc
[08:29] <sleepy> what do u do know
[08:29] <sleepy> now
[08:29] <holycow> anyway, just saying, i used it for a while and didn't notice anything fantastically wrong with the 3d acceleration
[08:29] <holycow> well i run i.t. for companies
[08:29] <sleepy> run what
[08:30] <holycow> i.t.
[08:30] <sleepy> cool
[08:31] <sleepy> ok got a stupid question how do you install flash for you internet browser
[08:31] <sleepy> i am green i know
[08:31] <sleepy> its all new
[08:31] <holycow> !flash
[08:31] <ubottu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[08:32] <sleepy> thank u
[08:32] <ForgeAus> hey all :)
[08:32] <sleepy> hello
[08:33] <sleepy> what is the difference between ubuntu and GNOME or is that the same also
[08:34] <jd_> gnome is the display manager
[08:34] <jd_> ubuntu uses gnome
[08:35] <sleepy> oh ok cool
[08:36] <sleepy> thanks man
[08:36] <sleepy> i know os x and windows real well but Linux not so much
[08:36] * emilsedgh thinks that its not really good to call gnome or kde 'display manager' or 'window manager' or even Desktop Enviroments
[08:37] <sleepy> lol
[08:37] <emilsedgh> they are now much bigger than display managers and window managers
[08:37] <jd_> well it's the simplest explanation.... if you have a better one i'll take it to heart and keep it forever
[08:37] <sleepy> lol
[08:37] <sleepy> u guys are great
[08:37] <jd_> x is the window manager technically
[08:38] <emilsedgh> KDM/GDM are display managers. KWin/Metacity are Window managers. in KDE, Plasma + KWin is Desktop Enviroment (kdebase-workspace)
[08:39] <sleepy> oh boy what did start
[08:39] <jd_> well then.... and gtk and qt are the toolkits
[08:39] <sleepy> nerd war
[08:39] <sleepy> lol
[08:39] <jd_> well.... i have to sleep
[08:40] <Tm_T> sleepy: no wers, son
[08:40] <emilsedgh> its no war.its simple discussion sleepy
[08:40] <emilsedgh> night jd_
[08:40] <ForgeAus> hehe GTK and QT may be alternate toolkits but neither is multually exclusive :)
[08:40] <jd_> bye
[08:40] <ForgeAus> thats the good thing about them :)
[08:40] <sleepy> no i know
[08:40] <sleepy> i just thought it was funny
[08:41] <Tm_T> sleepy: no its not funny ;(
[08:41] <andrew181614> what do i use to view pdfs in kubuntu?
[08:42] <holycow> !kpdf
[08:42] <ubottu> Factoid kpdf not found
[08:42] <andrew181614> thanks
[08:43] <sleepy> oh ok
[08:43] <clau30> is kde 4.0.4 available for gutsy?
[08:46] <sleepy> this is a bad ass link http://youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ
[08:46] <sleepy> love it
[08:48] <holycow> *ooo*
[08:48] <holycow> porn
[08:48] <sleepy> lol
[08:48] <sleepy> ok got to go to bed see ya on the flip side
[08:51] <harolddong> Is there any documentation on getting the nvidia driver installed and working with kubuntu hardy? Everytime it just corrupts X. I have a geforce 7600 gs and installing it through the restricted manager doesn't work. I've tried the nvidia-glx and the nvidia-glx-new packages from the repos as well as nvidia's own stable and beta downloads
[08:52] <zorglu_> q. im planning to install kubuntu on a EEEpc, how large is the install on disk ?
[08:53] <holycow> !nvidia
[08:53] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[08:53] <holycow> as small as you want
[08:53] <holycow> if you get the server alternate installer you can just install a minimal core
[08:54] <holycow> and then add whatever you want on top including kubuntu-desktop
[08:54] <zorglu_> holycow, ok and when i install kubuntu 8.04 cd, how much disk is used after the install ?
[08:55] <holycow> i'm not exactly certain maybe a gig?
[08:55] <zorglu_> holycow, ok thanks
[08:56] <harolddong> thanks ubottu but I know how install the driver. The problem is that what should working isnt at this point.
[08:57] <zorglu_> harolddong, ubottu is a bot/program
[08:57] <harolddong> haha
[08:57] <harolddong> oh
[08:57] <harolddong> I've never had this problem with a kubuntu release before and a search through the forums seems to indicate that this is a recurring problem with hardy but there doesn't seem to be one unified solution
[09:07] <aditya> @anyone, whats the best FTP client for kubuntu
[09:07] <Tm_T> Konqueror
[09:07] <Tm_T> !best
[09:07] <ubottu> Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.
[09:07] <aditya> for uploading also, can we use Konqueror
[09:08] <aditya> @ubottu , sorry i`m noob
[09:09] <Tm_T> aditya: yes you can
[09:10] <aditya> !konqueror
[09:10] <ubottu> Factoid konqueror not found
[09:10] <Tm_T> ftp://foofoo@bar.ltd:port
[09:10] <Tm_T> etc
[09:10] <aditya> @Tm_T thank ya
[09:12] <aditya> !FTP client
[09:12] <ubottu> FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd
[09:13] <liassist> hey how to install openbox on kubuntu will it run if my system is 256mb ram 1.4ghz processer and 64mb vram
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
[09:25] <ScorpKing> is there a guide on sharing a linux printer so windows can print from it?
[09:27] <ScorpKing> !printing > me
[09:28] <slougi> what's the official kubuntu dev chan?
[09:28] <ScorpKing> #kubuntu-devel i think
[09:29] <Tm_T> that's the one
[09:29] <slougi> thanks
[09:30] <RameTux> i heard that kde 4.1 beta 1 has release, so when will kubuntu provide it?
[09:30] <Tm_T> when packages are built
[09:31] <RameTux> :D
[09:32] <Tm_T> RameTux: really, we can't provide packages when we don't have them, but they are on the way, so hold on
[09:32] <RameTux> ok, thanx, i'll hold on to it ;-)
[09:35] <simi> hi, i have a kubuntu 8.04 kfr 3.5 and today at start up an application named adept notification appeared on mn my task bar and on the desktop(a small window) .This was not there and i do not like it, i want to hide it
[09:39] <ol--lo> simi: you might have upgrades waiting there ...
[09:40] <ScorpKing> simi: you running compiz?
[09:41] <ScorpKing> simi: close adept_notifier
[09:41] <ScorpKing> g2g. cheers guys
[09:57] <linux__> slm
[09:57] <linux__> millet
[09:57] <linux__> hello
[09:58] <andrew12345> is there any way to make a belkin wireless n1 usb adaptor work under kubuntu?
[10:01] <thefish> anyone here done a ubuntu > kubuntu-desktop > kde4 install?
[10:01] <thefish> i want to install the kde4 kubu, dunno if its better going for a fresh install or if theres a recommended "crossgrade" path..
[10:05] <linux__> slm
[10:05] <linux__> abiler
[10:05] <linux__> hiç türk yok mu ya
[10:05] <linux__> bi fikir verse
[10:05] <linux__> bize
[10:05] <linux__> kafam basmadı gene
[10:11] <stdin> !tr | linux__
[10:11] <ubottu> linux__: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.
[10:15] <andrew12345> ive set up ndiswrapper and the approapriate driver for my belkin wireless usb, and ndiswrapper reports it ws working, but how do i set up the network?
[10:25] <Choreboy> Would a new kernel reset any of my settings?
[10:25] <thefish> Choreboy, nope
[10:26] <andrew12345> hy guys, i installed my wireless card with ndiswrapper, but cant see it in network devices, whats up?
[10:26] <Choreboy> once upon a time (a day or 2 ago) I could press the power button on my laptop and be presented with various shutdown options. Now it does nothing.
[10:26] <thefish> Choreboy, it may break stuff that needs kernel modules though, like nvidia,vmware,virtualbox etc but these are mainly done automatically anyway
[10:32] <needhelp> hi i have 3 computers of same hardwares and ubuntu, one of them has its cdrom on /dev/hda , where the other two is on /dev/hdc.. the cdrom on /dev/hda is always giving a cdrom: hda: mrw address space DMA selected.. what could be wrong?
[10:33] <noaXess> des anybody work with pdfedit? i have the problem, that i somethimes hangs, if i insert any simple text into a pdf..
[10:33] <yakuzi> i've a question: is it safe/smart to run a laptop on kubuntu without firewall/virusscanner for windows virusses (dual boot laptop)?
[10:36] <Choreboy> yakuzi are you worried about picking up windows virii in kubuntu and it affecting your windows partition?
[10:39] <yakuzi> Choreboy: yes a bit...because my windows is acting a bit weird since i'm using kubuntu much more than windows (and no i don't mean the windows typical strange behavior ;-) )like (found with a packt sniffer) kazaa searching other computers in the network, while i never had kazaa installed, and the firewall and virusscanner in windows are up to date
[10:41] <Choreboy> yakuzi: I'm certainly no expert but it's a fair assumption to say just as windows programs can't run native on linux (without some sort of virtualization) the same holds true for windows virii
[10:43] <yakuzi> indeed but what i was thinking was in linux i download a file...and when i open it in windows it starts messing around. but well, the windows "problems" are easy to solve...reinstall windows...(altough i barely use it)
[10:44] <Choreboy> yakuzi: I see what you are saying now. Windows is accessing files you've downloaded with Kubuntu. Does your virus scanner have the ability to monitor these files?
[10:45] <Choreboy> i.e. does it have a problem reading the partition?
[10:46] <aleboco> hi guys, my battery life is really short after i upgraded to hardy, is there something i can do?
[10:47] <yakuzi> well my virs scanner scans all in and out going traffic and when i want it scans all the ntfs/fat32 partitions (i don't use the linux partition to store data, it's more easy with the dual boot)
[10:48] <Choreboy> reinstalling would fix the problem but I wouldn't go to the trouble. You may want to try a few online scanners such as Kaspersky, Trend Micro, i think Eset has one too
[10:48] <yakuzi> virusscanner doesn't give warnings so i'm gessing it was something strange (we were testing some homeplug stuff etc when we encountered the packets of kazaa, no big deal anyway)
[10:49] <Choreboy> are you sure no one had access and played around with kazaa, even for a day?
[10:49] <Choreboy> I hear it can dig its tentacles pretty deep and is difficult to completely uninstall
[10:50] <yakuzi> if i leave my laptop alone it's locked...unless a colleague placed kaza on it during a lab sesion while i was away for around 15 minutes...which i doubt)
[10:51] <Choreboy> it does sound unlikely :-)
[10:51] <yakuzi> anyway that's windows's problem not linux :p
[10:52] <Choreboy> if you did get something kazaa-like, your scanner may not view it as a problem
[10:53] <Choreboy> something may be disguising itself as kazaa and doing port scans?
[10:53] <yakuzi> possible...
[10:53] <yakuzi> but i'm off now, continue studying
[10:54] <Choreboy> sorry I couldn't be of more help
[10:54] <yakuzi> no problem
[10:56] <andrew12345> Hi, when i try to do a ./configure (im trying to install a program) i get a file not found error, any help?
[10:58] <Choreboy> andrew12345: I probably won't be much help, but how are you trying to access the file? Did you browse around and locate the file to make sure it's where you think it is?
[11:01] <Choreboy> andrew12345: Am I completely off base? Did I misunderstand your question?
[11:03] <Pennycook> andrew12345: If you run "ls | grep configure" is the output empty? If it is, then there isn't a configure file in your current directory.
[11:05] <andrew12345> hang on, was afk
[11:05] <andrew12345> running that commands
[11:05] <andrew12345> output of ls | grep configure is empty
[11:05] <Pennycook> Then ther'es no configure file.
[11:06] <andrew12345> so ill have to configure it manually
[11:06] <Pennycook> "./" just means "in the current directory", so ./configure tries to run a file named "configure" in your current directory.
[11:06] <andrew12345> ok thanks
[11:06] <Choreboy> ahhhh I wasn't too far off base!
[11:06] <Pennycook> It entirely depends what you're trying to install.
[11:08] <andrew12345> its a wireless card driver, ive got build instructions now, but cant understand them lol
[11:08] <geek> erm
[11:09] <geek> ./ means to execute a script i thought?
[11:09] <geek> andrew12345: not all source has to have a config script read the readme/instructions
[11:09] <Pennycook> Well, ./ will try to execute anything with the "x" bit set.
[11:10] <andrew12345> i cant understand the readme
[11:10] <andrew12345> which is what i jsut said
[11:10] <Pennycook> andrew12345: What exactly are you trying to install? I know it's a wireless card driver, but with more information we might be more helpful.
=== geek is now known as faileas
[11:11] <faileas> andrew12345: well, we don't know what's there do we, what card?
[11:11] <andrew12345> ok, its a belkin n1 wireless USB adaptor, ralink 2870 chipset and i have native linux drivers for it, it has a readme, but i am new to linux and cant understand it
[11:12] <faileas> erf
[11:12] <faileas> ralink
[11:15] <wimpies> what do you ppl use as TV viewer application ? I use kdetv but since the upgrade to 8.x the images colors are messed up
[11:16] <makdaknife> wimpies: kaffeine works great for TV
[11:17] <makdaknife> wimpies: I like it because it is the same application that I use for DVDs etc...
[11:17] <Choreboy> wimpies: I've never tried it with TV, but I love VLC. Quick and easy, plays anything you throw at it.
[11:18] <Pennycook> I use MythTV.
[11:18] <wimpies> but how do you change channels then ? VLC nor kaffeine seem to have switching capabilities
[11:18] <Pennycook> Kinda bulky, but means I can record stuff, too.
[11:19] <wimpies> MythTV I use on my media center (but I am considering switching to linuxMCE ... check out the features)
[11:19] <jussi01> !info tvtime
[11:19] <ubottu> tvtime (source: tvtime): A high quality television application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0.3ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 676 kB, installed size 1928 kB
[11:19] <jussi01> thats wht I use
[11:19] <makdaknife> wimpies: kaffeine can change channels.. but you need to configure the channels first... see the DVB options etc
[11:19] <Pennycook> wimpies: Couldn't you install a MythTV front-end to connect to your media center?
[11:20] <makdaknife> Pennycook: you can record in kaffeine as well :)
[11:20] <Pennycook> makdaknife: In the background? Or on several different channels at once (so long as they are on the same multiplex)?
[11:20] <jussi01> !mint | wimpies: remember that we dont support linuxMCE
[11:20] <ubottu> wimpies: remember that we dont support linuxMCE: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate
[11:21] <wimpies> jussi01 : seems to be some repository problem ...apt-get install gives errors
[11:21] <makdaknife> Pennycook: I haven't tried recording on several channels at once, but I don't think it should be a problem
[11:21] <Choreboy> wimpies: I don't know how to change channel but a quick google search suggests it's possible
[11:21] <pucko> .
[11:22] <Alen> Hello
[11:23] <wimpies> makdaknife : does kaffeine also support v4l2 ? I do not see any options for it ...
[11:29] <gianluca> ciao a tutti
[11:29] <geek_girl> how do I configure Kopete to hide away/join/part messages?
[11:30] <gianluca> hi
[11:31] <administrateur> pls need french irc
[11:32] <geek_girl> also, how do I set Konqueror as my default file browser (as opposed to Dolphin)
[11:32] <administrateur> system settings/
[11:33] <administrateur> application default
[11:34] <geek_girl> is there a way to set konqueror as the default for files, but not webpages? (i like firefox)
[11:35] <emilsedgh> geek_girl: yes!
[11:35] <geek_girl> (cause dolphin seriously sucks)
[11:36] <Pennycook> geek_girl: Run kcontrol and find the "File Associations" option. In the "Known Types" list, expand "inode" and you can set Konqueror as the default for "directory" and "mount-point"; just make sure it is above Dolphin in the application preference order.
[11:36] <emilsedgh> geek_girl: Konqueror->Configure->File Associations.find inode/directory (or something like that) and give Konqueror more priority
[11:36] <ActionParsnip> hey all
[11:37] <geek_girl> wonderfull - thanks emilsedgh
[11:37] <ActionParsnip> ive just downloaded the server install ubuntu 8.04 and would like to do a text only install, doI need to boot to the live environment? Can anyone please advise
[11:38] <ActionParsnip> or do I need the alternative cd?
[11:40] <Choreboy> ActionParsnip: I'd help if I could. Didn't I see you in ##Windows the other day?
[11:41] <ActionParsnip> Choreboy: indeed. i use both but more ubuntu / mandriva
[11:42] <Choreboy> ActionParsnip: this seems to indicate you need the alternate cd- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems
[11:44] <ActionParsnip> cheers Choreboy
[11:45] <Choreboy> ActionParsnip: no problem. Enjoy.
[11:50] <maikeldelnai> hi
[11:50] <ActionParsnip> hi maikeldelnai
[11:50] <Choreboy> hi indeed.
[11:51] <Choreboy> aaaaand goodbye.
[11:51] <ActionParsnip> something i said?
[11:51] <Choreboy> bad breath.
[11:51] <Choreboy> maikeldelnai: long time no see
[11:52] <ActionParsnip> would make sense, just had mackerel sarnie
[11:53] <Choreboy> ActionParsnip: That's an odd breakfast. You must be across the pond?
[11:53] <kaminix> http://kaminix.pastebin.com/m10a7570a This is a useless debug output, right?
[11:53] <stdin> kaminix: correct
[11:53] <ActionParsnip> inded, UK represent
[11:54] <kaminix> How does the KDE backtrace work? Can you actually backtrace an application crash after it has crashed?
[11:56] <stdin> you attach gdb to it's process and tell it to do a stack trace
[11:57] <kaminix> stdin: So it will never be as good as running it in gdb to start with?
[11:57] <stdin> you can get some more information from running it directly with gdb, but most useful information is in the stack anyway
[11:58] <kaminix> I see
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[11:58] <stdin> drkonqi usually gets the information needed anyway
[12:00] <kaminix> :)
[12:00] <josa> does anyone have experience in starting a program with Yakuake on startup?
[12:03] <ActionParsnip> josa: you dont start programs WITH yakuake at startup
[12:04] <ActionParsnip> josa: you can start yakuake and any other apps you want, yakuake doesnt run the app
[12:05] <ActionParsnip> josa: cd to ~/.kde/Autorun and make symlinks to your apps you want to run at startup
[12:06] <faileas> hmm
[12:06] <josa> argh... im not good at explaining things
[12:06] <ActionParsnip> faileas: sup?
[12:07] <faileas> i need to add some files to a bootable iso... any idea what/how to do it?
[12:07] <ActionParsnip> josa: do you want yakuake to run at startup...?
[12:07] <josa> yakuake runs at startup by default i think
[12:07] <josa> but i want to make folding at home start at startup in yakuake
[12:07] <ActionParsnip> josa: i always create the link myself
[12:07] <Choreboy> faileas: in Kubuntu?
[12:08] <faileas> Choreboy: yes
[12:08] <ActionParsnip> josa: oic, you run the command line client
[12:08] <faileas> in Kubuntu, but not to kubuntu
[12:08] * faileas is trying to add bios flashing software to a freedos disk.
[12:09] <Choreboy> faileas: are you able to mount the iso image? Mount it, extract all files, include the new files, and re-burn
[12:09] <Choreboy> faileas: that should work. I don't k now about bootable but it works for strictly data...
[12:09] <faileas> Choreboy: what's the command for mounting the image?
[12:09] <Dr_willis> That wont keep the bootable feature.
[12:10] <Choreboy> ahhh. Well shows what I know.
[12:10] <ActionParsnip> josa: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/05/23/folding-home-installation-configuration-automation-ubuntu-debian-rhel-fc/
[12:10] <ActionParsnip> josa: sets it up as a system service :)
[12:10] <feierfox> hi
[12:10] <Demonho-br> hello ! please someone could help me to configure the skim, i would like to type in katakana but im trying to do it in skin and its not working ! someone know how i could do it, please
[12:10] <feierfox> how to clear the file-search-history in Konqueror
[12:10] <Choreboy> faileas: ignore my comment. As the good doctor said, my method is just for adding data
[12:10] <faileas> Choreboy: okay
[12:11] * faileas goes see if there's a floppy version of freedos
[12:11] <Dr_willis> The kiso program might allow altering bootable images.
[12:11] <ActionParsnip> feierfox: Clear your history from the location bar by right-clicking on the bar. Then, select 'Empty Contents.' Your location bar history is now erased
[12:12] <faileas> Dr_willis: i'll take a look, thanls ^^
[12:12] <ActionParsnip> feierfox: theres more here http://www.ehow.com/how_2033414_erase-history-konqueror.html
[12:13] <Choreboy> faileas: check this out http://ubuntufriends.wordpress.com/2007/03/31/edit-and-create-your-bootable-iso-image-the-easy-way/
[12:13] <ActionParsnip> Choreboy: nice link
[12:14] <josa> nice, didnt think of system service... then there's just the drawback of not being able to see the progress with a single key
[12:14] <feierfox> hmmm no
[12:14] <feierfox> it doenst work
[12:15] <feierfox> i want to clear the search-history for my lokal files
[12:15] <Choreboy> I'd take a bow but I don't know how to do those "* Choreboy does this" thing
[12:15] <Demonho-br> what about skim
[12:15] <Demonho-br> scim
[12:15] <Demonho-br> something im
[12:15] <Demonho-br> :P
[12:15] <ActionParsnip> Choreboy: its /me <first person verb>
[12:15] <ActionParsnip> feierfox: http://www.konqueror.org/faq/
[12:16] * Dr_willis dances around like a fool
[12:16] * Choreboy attempts to do this thing
[12:16] <ActionParsnip> feierfox: search the page for history. its there
[12:16] * Choreboy has succeeded.
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[12:17] * ActionParsnip cheers Choreboy's grasp of the /me command
[12:17] <feierfox> than it seems that my KDE is modified :/
[12:17] <ActionParsnip> feierfox: thats the konqueror official faq
[12:17] <Choreboy> I'm just glad I can actually be quasi-helpful to people in here. I'm very new to Linux but I can google with the best of em!
[12:17] <Demonho-br> hehe
[12:18] <ActionParsnip> hehe me too, added with my little knowldge
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[12:18] <gaurav> i have exported "export DISPLAY=:1", but when i try to start Xephyr with the command "Xephyr -screen 1240x768 -ac :1 &" i get the following error :-
[12:19] <gaurav> Xephyr cannot open host display. Is DISPLAY set?
[12:19] <Dr_willis> use the full ip:1 type format? for display perhaps
[12:20] <gaurav> nope localhost:1 dosnt work
[12:20] <Dr_willis> there is a X session running with display of :1 ? the default first X display is 0.
[12:20] <ActionParsnip> feierfox: http://www.minihowto.org/konqueror_howto/history_sidebar.jpg
[12:21] <gaurav> Dr_willis, but :0 is already taken by my default gui isnt it?
[12:21] <Dr_willis> if you dont have a 2nd X session going.. then there is no display :1.
[12:21] <Dr_willis> Unless im t0otally missunderatand what you and xepher are doing
[12:21] <Dr_willis> !info xephyr
[12:21] <ubottu> Package xephyr does not exist in hardy
[12:22] <gaurav> !info xserver-xephyr
[12:22] <ubottu> xserver-xephyr (source: xorg-server): nested X server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.1~git20080131-1ubuntu9 (hardy), package size 1874 kB, installed size 4184 kB
[12:22] <Dr_willis> if i have a 2'd X session going. i could in theory start a xterminal there by doing a 'DISPLAY=localhost:1 && xterm '
[12:22] <feierfox> thanks ActionParsnip , but it doesnt concern the history for searching-local files!
[12:22] <faileas> Choreboy: cool. i'll give it a shot
[12:22] <Dr_willis> a nexted X server runs inside another X server.. wouldent it be displayed on :1 then?
[12:23] <Dr_willis> or :0 i mean the one its netste on
[12:23] <gaurav> nope :0 dosnt work
[12:23] <gaurav> Fatal server error:
[12:23] <gaurav> Server is already active for display 0
[12:23] <gaurav> If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock
[12:23] <gaurav> and start again.
[12:23] <Dr_willis> i would say its time to check the xephyr docs.
[12:24] <gaurav> yup, i though, it was a ubuntu specific thing, so decided to ask here first :)
[12:24] <Dr_willis> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=620003
[12:24] <ActionParsnip> feierfox: then ive no idea man, sorry
[12:24] <Dr_willis> first hit on google for 'xephyr ubuntu'
[12:24] <ActionParsnip> feierfox: could you do a screen grab and add an arrow pointing towhat you want clearing
[12:24] <Dr_willis> with pictures! :)
[12:24] <feierfox> no :D
[12:25] <feierfox> i hardly try to hide that content :D
[12:25] <feierfox> thats why i ask
[12:25] <feierfox> but now i have found a way to solve it
[12:25] <Dragnslcr> Well that was fun
[12:25] <Dragnslcr> Go to open a Kopete message and X restarts
[12:25] <ActionParsnip> feierfox: ok, ive got a pic of konqueror up, where on a standard window is it?
[12:26] <codertux> hello, how can I updae from kubuntu dapper to hardy? :-?
[12:26] <Choreboy> speaking of kopete, it won't reconnect AIM automatically for me.
[12:26] <faileas> codertux: generally its a better idea to do a fresh install, especially between so many versions
[12:26] <feierfox> in the history are only listet 20 or so entries... if i do random searches like "kjl" or "iojlkj", after a while they will replace the old entries in the history
[12:26] <ActionParsnip> codertux: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[12:26] <gaurav> Dr_willis, checking, thanks :)
[12:26] <feierfox> that is not elegant but it works
[12:26] <Choreboy> yahoo will stay connected, or reconnect, but if I lose AIM i have to manually reconnect
[12:27] <Dr_willis> for dapper -> ha4dy. you must do updates/upgrades to each release thats in btweeen i hear.
[12:27] <Dr_willis> or was that lts? lts to lts. is supposed to be supported..
[12:27] <Dr_willis> non lts -> ya gotta go each release in between.
[12:28] <ActionParsnip> Dr_willis: won't dist-upgrade sort it?
[12:28] <codertux> faileas: arrrrr, so there is no official tool for doing that? :-/
[12:28] <Choreboy> sudo apt-get-er-done
[12:29] <faileas> codertux: not between so many versions i think
[12:30] <Choreboy> nobody enjoyed my command?
[12:30] <Dr_willis> ActionParsnip, i alwyas do clean installs.. so not sure.
[12:30] <Dr_willis> there is a upgrade tool.
[12:30] <ActionParsnip> Dr_willis: me too, seen too much heartache in here from upgrades
[12:30] <Dr_willis> and its reccomended over doing a 'sudo apt-get upgrade'
[12:31] <gaurav> didnt work :(
[12:31] <ActionParsnip> Dr_willis: couldnt the sources.list file be changed to the next version up and upgraded, thn again until hardy is hit
[12:31] <Choreboy> I thought updgrades weren't a real issue if you had the appropriate partitions...
[12:31] <Dr_willis> gaurav, i got it working fine here. followign that guide
[12:31] <NickPresta> ActionParsnip, dist-upgrade will remove packages to satisfy dependencies to fulfil an upgrade, regular 'upgrade' won't.
[12:31] <Dr_willis> upgrades can always be an issue. :)
[12:31] <gaurav> i must be missing something then
[12:31] <ActionParsnip> !upgrade | codertux
[12:31] <ubottu> codertux: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[12:32] * ActionParsnip shrugs
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[12:32] <Dr_willis> gaurav, i just cut/pasted the lines. one spawned a xeperar window with a display of :1.0 that i could spawn new apps on.
[12:32] <Dr_willis> gaurav, you do NOT set DISPLAY befor you run the xephyr line.
[12:32] <Dr_willis> gaurav, and really you dont need to 'export' it.
[12:33] <gaurav> doh! i set it before i ran xephyr
[12:33] <Dr_willis> Xephyr -ac -screen 1280x1024 -br -reset -terminate 2> /dev/null :1 & Then 'DISPLAY=:1.0' then 'xterm &' or whatever term ya want
[12:33] <Dr_willis> gaurav, xephyr IS the new display
[12:33] <gaurav> roger!
[12:34] <Hatl> hi! is there a way to find out how a package (i.e. hal) was build? (configure parameters and so on)
[12:35] <ActionParsnip> ok wth is xephyr exactly?
[12:35] <Dr_willis> ActionParsnip, X session in a window.
[12:35] <ActionParsnip> Xephyr is an X server that runs inside another X server.
[12:35] * Choreboy shuffles off this mortal channel
[12:35] <Dr_willis> a Nested X session
[12:35] <ActionParsnip> Dr_willis: why is that useful?
[12:35] <Choreboy> toodles, all.
[12:35] <ActionParsnip> peace out Choreboy
[12:35] <Dr_willis> ActionParsnip, why wouldent it be:)
[12:36] <Dr_willis> you can have a seperate desktop in a window
[12:36] <ActionParsnip> Dr_willis: with multiple desktops it seems unnecessary to me
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[12:36] <Dr_willis> ActionParsnip, you are confusing the term 'desktop' with 'x session'
[12:36] <eagles0513875> hey all
[12:36] <eagles0513875> desktop is an x session
[12:36] <ActionParsnip> Dr_willis: its still a holder for an app window
[12:37] <Dr_willis> I can have several X sessions in different windows . one running KDE, one running gnome, another running whatever.
[12:37] <ActionParsnip> Dr_willis: aaaah thats useful
[12:37] <Dr_willis> its a X 'session' in a window
[12:37] <eagles0513875> like when u hit ctrl+alt+f1
[12:37] <Dr_willis> You could do similer things with vnc if you wanted to.
[12:37] <eagles0513875> wait nm ill shut up
[12:38] <ActionParsnip> eagles0513875: i use cli mainly so am oblivious to most of this
[12:38] <Dr_willis> You could spawn extra 'X sessions' on the tty's 8+ if you wanted to use alt-ctrl-F8 and up. :)
[12:38] <eagles0513875> usually when i used to try run another session i would end up with lockups
[12:38] <eagles0513875> does anyone know if there is a photo shop channel
[12:39] <codertux> ActionParsnip: looks like upgrading from dapper is supported
[12:39] <codertux> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#head-8ee23c592a6b8e8b7d40a5b363cf5fbc7ed3178a-2
[12:39] <ActionParsnip> codertux: awesome
[12:39] <ActionParsnip> eagles0513875: http://searchirc.com/search.php?SCHANS=1&SSORT=SIZE&N=freenode
[12:39] <ActionParsnip> eagles0513875: thats ALL the channels
[12:39] <eagles0513875> ActionParsnip
[12:39] <eagles0513875> ty
[12:40] <ActionParsnip> eagles0513875: np bro
[12:41] <eagles0513875> also need to figure out how to use adobe flash cs3
[12:41] <ActionParsnip> cedega is good for cs3
[12:41] <ActionParsnip> afaik
[12:42] <eagles0513875> what bout crossover
[12:42] <ActionParsnip> same kinda deal
[12:44] <eagles0513875> ok sweet ill have to try it
[12:49] <flaccid> adobe paid crossover iirc for that :)
[12:50] <ActionParsnip> flaccid: which one: http://www.acronymfinder.com/af-query.asp?acronym=IIRC
[12:51] <flaccid> first
[12:51] <ActionParsnip> cool
[12:51] <apparle> How do I get hardy with KDE4
[12:51] <flaccid> that was a big deal.. its not porting but it was a lot of duning
[12:52] <flaccid> !kde4 | apparle
[12:52] <ubottu> apparle: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[12:52] <apparle> I want to install kubuntu Hardy
[12:53] <eagles0513875> hey flaccid
[12:53] <ActionParsnip> apparle: http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php
[12:53] <ActionParsnip> apparle: scroll a little way down to remix
[12:54] <apparle> I have slow net connection, any other except download
[12:54] <ActionParsnip> apparle: could use shippit
[12:55] <ActionParsnip> apparle: or ask a friend with a sweet connection to pull it down for you
[12:55] <ActionParsnip> apparle: or use the torrent and do a little at a time
[12:55] * ActionParsnip prefers fluxbox
[12:56] <apparle> nothing like shipi etc??
[12:56] <apparle> *shipit
[12:56] <ActionParsnip> apparle: yeah shippit.kubuntu.org
[12:56] <ActionParsnip> should work
[12:56] <ActionParsnip> maybe
[12:57] <apparle> But I think they donot ship remix
[12:57] <eagles0513875> apparle y not ship normal then install kde4
[12:57] <eagles0513875> *why
[12:57] <ActionParsnip> eagles0513875: slow connection
[12:57] <apparle> as I said before I have slow connection
[12:58] <reese> when I run the cdromupgrade script from the dvd, I get an error message "Could not authenticate the following packages" and it lists a lot of packages such as apache, php etc
[12:58] <ActionParsnip> reese: you run it with sduo?
[12:59] <eagles0513875> sry heading between dreamweaver and here
[12:59] <apparle> I'll be back in 5 min
[12:59] <ActionParsnip> *sudo
[12:59] <reese> yeah kdesu "cdrom
[13:00] <reese> "/cdromupgrade"
[13:00] <reese> I choose not to upgrade from the net, cause I have a very slow connection
[13:00] <eagles0513875> ActionParsnip outa curiosity is there an easy how to other then the one on the wiki cuz thats uber vague
[13:00] <ActionParsnip> reese: is it a full kubuntu cd but you are using it to update your system?
[13:01] <ActionParsnip> eagles0513875: the wiki one where you add some sources?
[13:01] <eagles0513875> ActionParsnip no where you do a full upgrade
[13:01] <eagles0513875> from lets say gutsy to hardy
[13:01] <reese> ActionParsnip: it's a dvd
[13:02] <ActionParsnip> reese: is it a bootable dvd?
[13:02] <apparle> Any way
[13:03] <reese> ActionParsnip: a live one, yes
[13:04] <ActionParsnip> reese: on th first screen (if you boot it) should be verify disk
[13:04] <ActionParsnip> eagles0513875: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[13:04] <ActionParsnip> eagles0513875: usually does the trick
[13:05] <apparle> Ok guys I want Hardy with KDE4 for x86 PC.
[13:05] <apparle> I will dowload
[13:05] <reese> ActionParsnip: so do I have to boot from it and verify it? and can I upgrade from there?
[13:05] <eagles0513875> !upgrade
[13:05] <ubottu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[13:06] <ActionParsnip> reese: you dont have to verify but it will ensure your data is ok
[13:06] <apparle> ActionParsnip: give me the link again
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[13:06] <eagles0513875> !upgrade | apparle
[13:06] <ubottu> apparle: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[13:07] <reese> ActionParsnip: and what do I do, if the data is ok?
[13:07] <ActionParsnip> !cookie | apparle
[13:07] <ubottu> Factoid cookie not found
[13:07] <eagles0513875> ActionParsnip seems like the upgrade pg has been improved since last i took a look at it
[13:07] <apparle> I don't want to upgrade. A fresh install
[13:07] <eagles0513875> which was just after hardy release
[13:07] <eagles0513875> apparle kubuntu.org
[13:07] <ActionParsnip> reese: not sure but check the data then head back here
[13:08] <eagles0513875> apparle ignore me
[13:08] <ActionParsnip> anyhoo i gotta check some servers
[13:08] <ActionParsnip> peace
[13:08] <apparle> eagles0513875: what
[13:08] <eagles0513875> apparle you are wanting to download the remix right
[13:08] <apparle> ya
[13:09] <eagles0513875> the site u want to get it from is kubuntu.org
[13:10] * eagles0513875 ponders shipping remix cd's for a small fee
[13:12] <xst> Scrolling using the trackpad on my laptop suddenly stopped working today. How can I enable it again?
[13:16] <rich__> I have a question about synce. Would there be anyone kind to answer ?
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[13:19] <dthacker> rich__: please ask, and we'll see.
[13:19] <rich__> i had installed synce, and when i am running command:
[13:19] <rich__> sudo synce-serial-start
[13:19] <rich__> it is starting for 5 seconds and is dying...
[13:21] <rah_> how can i install *.tar.gz
[13:21] <Dragnslcr> rah_- by extracting it
[13:21] <dthacker> rich__: do you have any error messages?
[13:21] <Dragnslcr> .tar.gz is a compressed archive (like .zip)
[13:22] <rich__> synce-serial-start cannot find the dccm process.
[13:22] <rich__> Without dccm your PPP connection will soon terminate!
[13:22] <dthacker> rah_: use the tar commond to extract the archives. Type "man tar" at the command line to get the options you need to use.
[13:22] <Pici> rah_: See the README and INSTALL files inside the archive for instructions on how to install it, but always check the package repositories before installing from source.
[13:23] <dpreacher> i cannot compile any packages from source because ./configure halts saying that the gcc i have is not able to create executables. what packages do i need to install on default kubuntu gutsy install to let me compile packages from source? i could download the repos, but i have the source packages downloaded already,so i wanted to try them. please help me. NB i don't have my machine with me...
[13:23] <dpreacher> ...now...so i won't be able to do trial-n-error methods. thanks in advance
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[13:23] <rah_> thanks
[13:24] <Dragnslcr> Hm, looks like the package maintainers broke Firefox
[13:24] <dthacker> rich__: that seems fairly clear, (you're missing a process), but I don't know the specifics of synce. I would ask in #ubuntu-server, or in the forums. I do not know if there is a special channel for ubuntu on embedded devices.
[13:24] <Dragnslcr> They upgraded xulrunner to 1.9rc1, but not firefox-3.0, and firefox-3.0b5 requires xulrunner-1.9b5
[13:25] <rich__> there is #synce, but nobody there ;(
[13:25] <dthacker> rich__: yes, sometimes irc is hit and miss. you could ask your question there and see if anyone shows up.
[13:26] <rich__> i just want ot check something. i'll reboot my mashine, and i'll come back. thx dthacker
[13:27] <dthacker> !source
[13:27] <ubottu> You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html
[13:27] <dthacker> !compile
[13:27] <ubottu> Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)
[13:27] <dthacker> dpreacher: ^^
[13:28] <dpreacher> dthacker, reading...
[13:28] <dthacker> dpreacher: somtimes "unable to create" is permissions problem. Are you running ./configure with sudo?
[13:29] <dthacker> more coffee afk 2 mins
[13:30] <dpreacher> dthacker, the thing is i don't have always access to internet. have to take the laptop to the computer lab, get things downloaded, get back in hostel n do the compiling. i had downloaded packages on an earlier distro and wanted to recompile those n see.
[13:30] <dpreacher> i will have to install build-essential and automake and i hope that it works...
[13:31] <dthacker> dpreacher: ok. good luck and don't forget about sudo.
[13:31] <dthacker> :)
[13:31] <dpreacher> i use sudo a lot
[13:31] <dpreacher> another problem is that the network i would connect my machine too blocks, freenode and ubuntu does not allow mibbit.com users, dunno if thats the case with kubuntu also
[13:32] <faileas> dpreacher: thats cause mibbit gets abused
[13:32] <dthacker> dpreacher: I don't know if mibbit.com is blocked or not.
[13:33] <shane_> goodmorning
[13:33] <dpreacher> i understand faileas, but i wish my univ. had the brains to know that it would really help the students to connect to freenode to join rooms related to open source projects
[13:33] <faileas> dpreacher: get someone outside to run a cgi-irc server?
[13:34] <faileas> universities? brains? ;p
[13:34] <faileas> which alternate reality? ;p
[13:34] <dpreacher> wish i could throw that univ. admin out
[13:34] <dpreacher> :p
[13:34] <Pennycook> Hey, some of them are good. My university's CS department is Unix-based and each machine has XChat pre-installed. :)
[13:34] <shane_> i am having a prob with sun java because i am 64 bit
[13:34] <dpreacher> dthacker, why doesn't kubuntu gutsy come with firefox although it comes with openoffice but not koffice? also is there a firefox-qt version, they think having firefox-gtk is native enough?
[13:35] <dpreacher> shane_ is 64 bit
[13:35] <dpreacher> :D
[13:35] <faileas> dpreacher: you can always install it yourself ;)
[13:35] <faileas> firefox ain't the native browser for anything anyway
[13:35] <dthacker> dpreacher: CD size limitations
[13:36] <shane_> dpreacher: yes is 64 i am running sudo apt-get install ia32-sun-java6-bin and it cant reach the archive
[13:36] * dthacker goes to work. bye for now!
[13:36] <dpreacher> how does ubuntu package it then? is there really something like Kubuntu DVD, what are the main highlights of it...like major packages?
[13:37] <rah_> i already extract *.tar.gz it was to shall script. How to do with it?
[13:37] <Pici> rah_: what are you trying to install?
[13:37] <rah_> flash player
[13:38] <Pici> rah_: Flash is in the Ubuntu Package repositories
[13:38] <Pici> !flash | rah_
[13:38] <ubottu> rah_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[13:38] <dpreacher> kubuntu isn't as flexible about default package choices, compared to ubuntu. only kde packages throughout and no packages that users have tried out on windows and want to try on linux. is it because of the kde's large size?
[13:39] <shane_> Odd-rationale: hey odd u on today
[13:44] <shane_> i am trying to install sun java on a 64 bit kubuntu hardy,i am running sudo apt-get install ia32-sun-java6-bin and its giving me coudnt reach arcive any sugestions
[13:44] <daurnimator> when is 8.04 out?
[13:44] <daurnimator> (or is it alreadY)
[13:44] <Pici> daurnimator: 2008.04 = April 2008, so yes.
[13:44] <Pici> daurnimator: year.month
[13:44] <frybye> daurnimator using it now...
[13:45] <daurnimator> ah, I'm an idiot
[13:45] <daurnimator> I didnt read the front page properly
[13:45] <daurnimator> news post title was a bit stupid >.<
[13:45] <dpreacher> is there a way to query the installed kubuntu version from the command line?
[13:45] <daurnimator> how is it?
[13:45] <frybye> daurnimator: imho - super...
[13:46] <Pici> daurnimator: lsb_release -a
[13:46] <daurnimator> huh?
[13:46] <frybye> daurnimator: but here is not for general chat.. see #k**-offtopic
[13:46] <daurnimator> should I be trying standard or remix?
[13:46] <rich_> - does anyone knows what's odccm or dccm is ?
[13:47] <Pici> daurnimator: oops, wrong person.
[13:47] <Pici> dpreacher: lsb_release -a
[13:47] <dpreacher> Pici thanks
[13:50] <ActionParsnip> hey all
[13:51] <rich_> - does anyone knows what's odccm or dccm is ?
[13:51] <jhutchins> rich_: Have you tried google?
[13:51] <ActionParsnip> rich_: let me search
[13:52] <ActionParsnip> rich_: DCCM is part of the SynCE project: http://synce.sourceforge.net/ This application is required to be able to communicate with a remote device.
[13:52] <dpreacher> is there a way to use aptitude to see if a package is installed already or if i say sudo aptitude install <package>, it installs only if the package does not exist and a way to view a package's detailed descripttion?
[13:52] <DOOM_NX> no, really, is there any way to have a voice call on the msn network?
[13:52] <ActionParsnip> !dccm | rich_
[13:52] <ubottu> Factoid dccm not found
[13:53] <ActionParsnip> DOOM_NX: pidgin maybe
[13:53] <Pici> dpreacher: If you try to install something with aptitude and its already there, it wont install it.
[13:53] <DOOM_NX> pidgin how
[13:53] <Pici> dpreacher: also, aptitude show packagename
[13:53] <rich_> action: yeah, i am still having problem. everytime
[13:53] <ActionParsnip> DOOM_NX: dunno, i dont use voice
[13:53] <rich_> i am connectin my PDA
[13:53] <DOOM_NX> :/
[13:53] <rich_> it requires it
[13:53] <DOOM_NX> well pidgin doesn't support voice calls
[13:54] <ActionParsnip> rich_: then get synce installed and you should have it
[13:54] <rich_> i have synce installed, this is erro message:
[13:55] <ActionParsnip> DOOM_NX: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-applications/18305-voice-chat-msn-messenger.html
[13:55] <bdog> how do I get konversation to stop auto loading at boot.
[13:55] <dpreacher> thanks Pici the show command also shows if the package is installed or not
[13:55] <rich_> Warning!
[13:55] <rich_> synce-serial-start cannot find the dccm process.
[13:55] <rich_> Without dccm your PPP connection will soon terminate!
[13:56] <ActionParsnip> rich_: http://www.smartcomputing.com/editorial/article.asp?article=articles%2F2006%2Fs1709%2F51s09%2F51s09.asp
[13:56] <rich_> checking...
[13:57] <nox_> can anybody help? i just installed updates and now my ff3 is gone!
[13:57] <rah_> how to play files mp3
[13:57] <nox_> use amarok
[13:58] <ActionParsnip> nox_: ff3 is still beta. you could try uninstalling then reinstalling
[13:58] <nox_> yes but
[13:58] <ActionParsnip> rah_: use amarok and it willoffer the codec to you
[13:59] <nox_> the update removed it
[13:59] <ActionParsnip> nox_: thats cos its not official release yet
[13:59] <nox_> when i try to reinstall it i get an error
[13:59] <ActionParsnip> whats the error?
[13:59] <nox_> something with xulrunner
[13:59] <nox_> wait
[13:59] <ActionParsnip> can we have the exact error please
[14:00] <nox_> wait a sec
[14:01] <nox_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/15527/
[14:02] <ActionParsnip> nox_: sudo apt-get install xulrunner
[14:02] <ActionParsnip> !xulrunner
[14:02] <ubottu> Factoid xulrunner not found
[14:02] <ActionParsnip> XULRunner is a runtime environment developed by the Mozilla Foundation for providing a common back-end for XUL applications
[14:02] <nox_> ok ill try
[14:03] <gaurav> nox_, moin moin
[14:03] <ActionParsnip> nox_: sudo apt-get remove firefox3 (or whatever it is)
[14:03] <nox_> hi
[14:03] <nox_> firefox3 IS removed
[14:03] <ActionParsnip> nox_: then sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get instal firefox (whatever it is)
[14:03] <nox_> it has been done by adept_updater
[14:05] <nox_> the problem is that is simply updated and the adept_update removed firefox
[14:05] <frogonwheels> my problem at the moment is that my upgrade remove konqueror
[14:05] <frogonwheels> pitb
[14:05] <nox_> does noone else have this prob?
[14:05] <Pici> nox_: You have the proposed repository enabled?
[14:05] <nox_> i'll check
[14:05] <ActionParsnip> nox_: i use the stable ff2
[14:06] <nox_> ff3 is really nice
[14:06] <nox_> ;)
[14:06] <ActionParsnip> nox_: its beta and unstable
[14:06] <frogonwheels> how does ubuntu go with downgrading?
[14:06] <ActionParsnip> frogonwheels: never had to do it sorry
[14:06] <nox_> isnt it rc1 right now?
[14:06] <nox_> doesn't matter
[14:06] <nox_> works fine for me
[14:06] <Pici> nox_: RC1 isnt in the repositories yet.
[14:06] <avihayb> ActionParsnip: I've been useing ff3 for a while now, and I give it no mercy
[14:06] <ActionParsnip> no idea, i just wait for updates to pull it down
[14:06] <avihayb> but it's solid
[14:07] <ActionParsnip> im in no hurry to update
[14:07] <nox_> Pici what is proposed repo?
[14:07] <ActionParsnip> nox_: you could get the nightly source of xulrunner and compile it yourself
[14:07] <Pici> nox_: Its a repo that haps proposed packages. They are there to be tested and afaik the problem you are describing only happens with that.
[14:07] <Pici> s/haps/has/
[14:08] <avihayb> only once did it crash while I was asleep without any warning or singe, but then again, I just ran it again, and within 5 minuts, it was as if nothing had happend
[14:09] <nox_> I'll post my sources.lst
[14:09] <ActionParsnip> nox_: apparently sudo dpkg -r j2re1.4 fixes it
[14:09] <ActionParsnip> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766093
=== micky is now known as frybye
[14:09] <frogonwheels> Just for fun- I managed to install a kubuntu+edubuntu onto a 4GB flash drive and boot off it in my son's classroom this-morning ;)
[14:09] <frogonwheels> I preinstalled it all last night.
[14:09] <ActionParsnip> frogonwheels: nice one
[14:10] <frogonwheels> was quite nice - they were using the machine for mspaint.
=== julian is now known as noni|da
[14:10] <frogonwheels> was painful
[14:10] <frogonwheels> I showed them tuxpaint - which is just great
[14:10] <rah_> what is the best web for linux?
[14:10] <frybye> I have hardy and just installed google-earth - it can't connect to the server - suspect a firewall blockage.. how do i editthis.. ?
[14:10] <frybye> step by step please I am a linux newbie...?
[14:11] <ActionParsnip> rah_: best web?.. i find www is excellent
[14:11] <EmJay> servus @ all
[14:11] <ActionParsnip> frybye: depends whatfirewall you have
[14:11] <ActionParsnip> frybye: there is no single answer to linux questionsas allsystems are different
[14:11] <frybye> ActionParsnip: remember the way it was b e f o r e the www...? ;)
[14:11] <nox_> ActionParsnip didnt work for me
[14:11] <ActionParsnip> frybye: all too well
[14:11] <frogonwheels> frybye: more info - what's the firewall? just your own box? what?
[14:12] <nox_> still get the same error message
[14:12] <ActionParsnip> frybye: was fine, seems like all people do is web browse
[14:12] <frogonwheels> work? a router? modem/router?
[14:12] <frybye> I dont seem to be able to find a firewall in the system or system settings...
[14:12] <noni|da> hi . sorry im a linux newbie and i want to connect to irc channel from a german browser-game .. what shall i doß
[14:12] <rah_> how to check my IP address?
[14:12] <frybye> fragon I dont know how to find what firewall i have..
[14:12] <frogonwheels> www.whatismyip.org
[14:12] <ActionParsnip> frybye: well can you ping the googleearth server it is connecting to? maybe you need to update server settings
[14:13] <frogonwheels> frybye: I mean what is the network lead from your computer plugged into?
[14:13] <noni|da> can someone help me pls? :)
[14:13] <frogonwheels> frybye: modem? adsl router?
[14:13] <ActionParsnip> noni|da: all you need is the irc server name then connect just as you did to this one with the other server name
[14:13] <noni|da> ok
[14:13] <noni|da> but i do not know the name :(
[14:14] <Dr_willis> time to check the website for the game
[14:14] <rah_> in case of not conncet to the internet, just LAN connection.
[14:14] <Dr_willis> connect with whatever web client they offer and see who it connects to.
[14:14] <llutz> rah ifconfig
[14:14] <noni|da> ok i will look for it
[14:14] <noni|da> thank you
[14:14] <frybye> frogonwheels: it seems to be trying to contact www.google.de and I can ping that with 29ms...
[14:14] <frybye> a particular port blocked??
[14:15] <frogonwheels> frybye: not really likely - it should be nat'd and that will let the data come back in.
[14:15] <frybye> frogonwheels: i have a router combined with adsl modem...
=== blia_ is now known as flea
[14:15] <frogonwheels> ok - so any blockages are more likely to be associated with the router.
[14:16] <frogonwheels> you shouldn't need to have a firewall on the linux box.
[14:16] <ActionParsnip> frogonwheels: you can have one though
[14:16] <frybye> it says error code 29 and i should check if firewall os blocking -path/google-earth/googleearth-bin but don't know how to do this??
[14:16] <ActionParsnip> frogonwheels: specially if your linux box is acting as your router
[14:16] <frybye> firewall IF... blocking...
[14:17] <frogonwheels> ActionParsnip: well yeah- but it seems like he's got a sep router anyway.
[14:17] <llutz> frybye: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=195382&page=3
[14:17] <frybye> frogonwheels: i dont know if a firewall is installed as default or not...?
[14:17] <rah_> again, how i go to command line?
[14:18] <llutz> rah_: alt-f2: konsole
[14:18] <ActionParsnip> rah_: run konsole
[14:18] <abhishek> hello i am using kubuntu kde4 and the plasma workspace crashes frequently http://paste.ubuntu.com/15530/ is the bactrace of error
[14:18] <frogonwheels> abhishek: not particularly surprising.
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[14:19] <abhishek> frogonwheels: is there any solution ?
[14:19] <ActionParsnip> abhishek: no idea, i dont run it
[14:19] <rah_> can not open !!!!!
[14:19] <rah_> konsole
[14:19] <ActionParsnip> rah_: open what?
[14:19] <frogonwheels> abhishek: umm.. wait till it's fixed? ... use kde3?
=== jei is now known as genjix
[14:19] * frogonwheels shrugs
[14:20] * ActionParsnip suggests fluxbox :)
[14:20] <rah_> can not open konsole!!!!!
[14:20] <abhishek> frogonwheels: can't do it man already installed it
[14:20] <ActionParsnip> rah_: so you click K button -> run program and type konsole
[14:20] <frogonwheels> abhishek: you could disable some of the eye-kandy stuff..
[14:20] <abhishek> frogonwheels: all effects are disabled
[14:20] <frogonwheels> abhishek: when I was running debian+kde4 that helped my stability
[14:20] <abhishek> just widgets are running
[14:20] <ActionParsnip> rah_: hit enter, black konsole is yours tokommand :)
[14:21] <abhishek> frogonwheels: i even updated the whole thing by doing apt-get install kde4
[14:22] <abhishek> but no relief
[14:22] <frybye> llutz unfortunatly - the chmod thing did not do it apparently..
[14:22] <ActionParsnip> abhishek: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall kde4
[14:22] <noni|da> hmm sorry guys it do not work :(
[14:22] <abhishek> ActionParsnip: hmmm gotta try that
[14:22] <noni|da> Quakenet is this the server?
[14:23] <llutz> frybye: are you on 64bit?
[14:23] <frybye> llutz - yup
[14:23] <llutz> frybye: http://groups.google.de/group/earth-free/browse_thread/thread/2b81639af6dfea40
[14:23] <ActionParsnip> abhishek: ive seen few people witha stable kde4 install. I run fluxbox personally
[14:24] <abhishek> ActionParsnip: now again the whole thing crashed
[14:24] <noni|da> Quakenet is this the server?
[14:24] <abhishek> ActionParsnip: just this window is running and everythin behind is grey
[14:24] <llutz> noni|da: no it's the network
[14:24] <noni|da> ok
[14:24] <ActionParsnip> abhishek: you could remove it completely and reinstall
[14:24] <noni|da> and i can not connect in the network
[14:24] <noni|da> why?
[14:25] <frybye> llutz - how do I uninstall 4.3 and where to find 4.2??
[14:25] <abhishek> ActionParsnip:only this window is running and everything else behind is grey i have to restart the X server everytime
[14:25] <llutz> noni|da: http://staff.quakenet.org/servers.phtml
[14:25] <rah_> i use ubuntu 8.04 to run command line is the same to the other linux?
[14:25] <llutz> frybye: sudo aptitude purge google-earth
[14:25] <frybye> s
[14:26] <frybye> tks
[14:26] <ActionParsnip> abhishek: id log out, log into KDE3 and wait for it to improve
[14:26] <noni|da> OK thx =)
[14:26] <llutz> noni|da: there you find a list of servers, use one to connect
[14:26] <abhishek> ActionParsnip: looks like i have that as the only option thanks neways
[14:26] <abhishek> thanks for the help guys the kubuntu irc channel is really helpful keep it up guyss
[14:26] <frybye> llutz: nothing happens...
[14:27] <frybye> perhaps i dont have aptitude installed or...?
[14:27] <ActionParsnip> abhishek: if you can help, pitch in too
[14:27] <llutz> frybye: then use packagemanager of your choice to purge/remove googleearth
[14:28] <abhishek> ActionParsnip: yes i will if i get time ...i am using fedora and ubuntu for a long time just started with kubuntu ...not such a nice experience but its fine :-(
[14:28] <ActionParsnip> llutz: might have installed it with the script
[14:28] <frybye> llutz - sorry - that is beyond my knowledge.. but I see aptitude itself is installed..
[14:29] <llutz> ActionParsnip: then he should know how to remove
[14:29] <ActionParsnip> abhishek: then use ubuntu, its the same as KUbuntu except it uses KDE instead of gnome
[14:29] <frybye> llutz - do i need aptitude-dbg???
[14:29] <llutz> no
[14:30] <frybye> ok.. wonder why id didnt work...?
[14:30] <llutz> frybye: sudo aptitude purge googleearth
[14:30] <abhishek> ActionParsnip: i am planning on doing the same thats y i am not formatting and installing anything new
[14:30] <debian> Can I increase the size of my Wubi instalation?
[14:30] <abhishek> ActionParsnip: fedora 9 is also coming i heard it has a stable version of kde4
[14:30] <ActionParsnip> abhishek: no need, just install the new DE and log onto it, then uninstall the old
[14:31] <ActionParsnip> abhishek: not all apps are kde4, so you'll have kde3 libs as well
[14:31] <abhishek> ActionParsnip: can i use kde3 now how exactly can i do it?
[14:31] <frybye> I hve it ... googleearth - no " - "
[14:32] <frybye> administration directy locked.. not openable...?
[14:32] <Hamra> hi, after upgrading from gutsy to hardy, i stopped seeing the splash screen during login, and i cant find the modulke for it's settings in neither kcontrol nor system settings!
[14:32] <llutz> frybye: then your "[15:26] <frybye> llutz: nothing happens.." was wrong, it has given you an error (package not found)
[14:32] <Hamra> module*
[14:32] <ActionParsnip> abhishek: log out and change the environment, it'll be in a drop down some place
[14:32] <frybye> hang on... the packet manage was running a process on the admin dir apparently.. just a min..
[14:33] <llutz> frybye: in german it's the line: "Konnte kein Paket finden, dessen Name oder Beschreibung auf google-earth passt"
[14:33] <frybye> seems to have done it - still have an icon .. but...
[14:34] <frybye> your right .. it did not find the stuff...
=== abhishek is now known as abhie2008
[14:35] <llutz> frybye: so please be more specific with messages/errors if you expect help :)
[14:35] <frybye> ah ha - is it googleearthlinux????
[14:35] <ActionParsnip> !splash | Hamra
[14:35] <ubottu> Hamra: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.
[14:35] <frybye> llutz: you underestimate my lack of knowledge,.. I dont know how to copy from the terminal window...
[14:35] <llutz> the one from medibuntu is called simply "googleearth"
[14:35] <ActionParsnip> !kde-splash | Hamra
[14:35] <ubottu> Factoid kde-splash not found
[14:36] <genii> !usplash
[14:36] <llutz> frybye: but you can read :)
[14:36] <ubottu> To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork
[14:36] <frybye> yeah it says it cant find the packets with googleearth in the name...
[14:37] * ActionParsnip mumbles sudo mv /stupid/splash/screens /dev/null
[14:37] <frybye> it found googleearth-package ...
[14:37] <frybye> sorry...
[14:37] <llutz> frybye: so you haven't installed it from repos?
[14:37] <frybye> but not googleearth on its own if I understand right..
[14:37] <frybye> from a bin
[14:37] <Hamra> it's not usplash i want to change, it the login splash, but for kde, not GNOME :S
[14:37] <llutz> frybye: why?
[14:37] <ActionParsnip> !usplash | Hamra
[14:37] <ubottu> Hamra: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork
[14:37] <frybye> cos that is how I read it had to be done...
[14:38] <llutz> always try to use deb-packages
[14:38] <llutz> frybye: try using the install to de-install, not sure if it offers that option
[14:39] <frybye> like just command line de-install googleearth ... or???
[14:39] <frybye> sorry I am a bit lost here...
[14:39] <Hamra> ActionParsnip: usplash is the splash appearing during boot, i want to edit the that comes after putting my user and pass
[14:39] <llutz> use the installer
[14:40] <ActionParsnip> Hamra: ive no idea about that, sorry
[14:40] <frybye> hang on... need to look to see what the command was ---
[14:40] <ActionParsnip> frybye: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=195382
[14:40] <ActionParsnip> frybye: thats how to install and uninstall it
[14:41] <Hamra> !ksplash
[14:41] <ubottu> Factoid ksplash not found
[14:41] <Hamra> !info ksplash
[14:41] <ubottu> ksplash (source: kdebase): the KDE splash screen. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7.2 (hardy), package size 665 kB, installed size 1344 kB
[14:41] <Hamra> found it!
[14:41] <ActionParsnip> nice one Hamra
[14:41] <ActionParsnip> Hamra: personally i wouldnt worry about a splash thingy
[14:42] <llutz> just important to know how to deactivate all those splashs
[14:42] <frybye> llutz it was installed with "... sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin .."
[14:42] <frybye> so i should do that command again to try and uninstall or??
[14:43] <llutz> frybye: try it, i don't know that installer
[14:43] <Hamra> it looks weird to see a static blue screen while logging in, thnx anyway, byez
[14:43] <Dr_willis> if you installed googleearth to the users directory. you could just remove the directory that it inztalled to.
[14:43] <ActionParsnip> frybye: check the link above ^
[14:43] <frybye> ok sorry i hadnt seen the link...
[14:44] <ActionParsnip> frybye: thats got the steps to install and uninstall
[14:45] <frybye> right - thks - i will try..
[14:45] <ActionParsnip> looks good to me
[14:45] <guilhermeblanco> Hi... today I decided to remove firefox-2 and install firefox-3, since recently firebug released a version that is compatible with it. I removed all firefox-2 packages and installed ff-3. I installed firebug, which was ok, but my application started to fail in some parts, mainly due to json fails. I decided to remove firefox-3 and back to firefox-2. I uninstalled all extensions, removed the packages of ff-3 (including xulrunner1.9) and installed
[14:45] <guilhermeblanco> firefox-2 again. Now, I'm unable to install any addon (read as firebug from addons.mozilla.org). It keeps me telling: "Unexpected installation error. Review the error console log for more details. -203". Any ideas to solve it?
[14:45] <ActionParsnip> weird how google wont just put a package on repos
[14:45] <liassist> hello, will openbox with KDE run well on my system is 256mb ram 1.4ghz processer and 64mb vram?
[14:45] <ActionParsnip> liassist: sounds fine
[14:46] <liassist> <ActionParsnip> how do i do this
[14:46] <liassist> ActionParsnip, the commands for this or steps (links)
[14:47] <ActionParsnip> liassist: http://icculus.org/openbox/index.php/Help:Installing
[14:47] <ActionParsnip> liassist: you really should websearch before asking in here
[14:47] <liassist> how would i remove KDE's WM
[14:48] <ActionParsnip> liassist: i'd run synaptic
[14:48] <liassist> ActionParsnip, how to do this
[14:49] <ActionParsnip> K button -< run command. type synaptic, press enter
[14:49] <liassist> ok so does ubuntu has all pakages listed in the "pakage depndencies"
[14:49] <ActionParsnip> wow talk about hand holding
[14:50] <ActionParsnip> liassist: it has the ones in the repositorys you have in /etc/apt/sources.list
[14:50] <liassist> so can it be done by "apt-get install openbox3"
[14:51] <liassist> brb
[14:53] <tim__> I know this sounds like a dumb question, but as an asside, which version is higher out of firefox 2 and firefox 3?
[14:53] <tim__> is firefox 2 an internal fork?
[14:53] <pag> tim__, fx3 is newer, if that's what you mean..
[14:53] <guilhermeblanco> ff and ff RC1
[14:53] <tim__> ok
[14:53] <guilhermeblanco> in repo we have Beta 5
[14:54] <tim__> rep
[14:54] <tim__> *yep
[14:54] <guilhermeblanco> let me try my question again...
[14:54] <hoopoe> why did today's update remove firefox altogether?
[14:54] <guilhermeblanco> Hi... today I decided to remove firefox-2 and install firefox-3, since recently firebug released a version that is compatible with it. I removed all firefox-2 packages and installed ff-3. I installed firebug, which was ok, but my application started to fail in some parts, mainly due to json fails. I decided to remove firefox-3 and back to firefox-2. I uninstalled all extensions, removed the packages of ff-3 (including xulrunner1.9) and installed
[14:54] <guilhermeblanco> firefox-2 again. Now, I'm unable to install any addon (read as firebug from addons.mozilla.org). It keeps me telling: "Unexpected installation error. Review the error console log for more details. -203". Any ideas to solve it?
[14:54] <Pici> hoopoe: Because you have the Proposed repository enabled. Proposed updates are potentially broken (like this one was)
[14:55] <hoopoe> tnx
[14:57] <ActionParsnip> guilhermeblanco: try renaming your firefox profile folder in ~/
[14:58] <guilhermeblanco> k, one sec
[14:58] <ActionParsnip> guilhermeblanco: make sure all firefoxes are closed
[14:59] <guilhermeblanco> ok... reinstalling ff
[14:59] <ActionParsnip> guilhermeblanco: install ff2 dude
[15:01] <guilhermeblanco> ActionParsnip: yeah... I'm downloading... I did a autoclean & clean in apt just to make sure
[15:01] <ActionParsnip> you could do sudo apt-get -P firefox to purge settings
[15:01] <ActionParsnip> i think thats the syntax
[15:01] <Pici> apt-get remove --purge
[15:01] <mikesa81> sudo apt-get --purge remove firefox
[15:02] <ActionParsnip> --purge == -P. same deal
[15:02] <ActionParsnip> --purge is just more readable
[15:02] <guilhermeblanco> ok, installed
[15:02] <mikesa81> :)
[15:02] <guilhermeblanco> I'm going to install firebug
[15:02] <ActionParsnip> guilhermeblanco: ok, give us a firefox &
[15:02] <guilhermeblanco> which was the cause of my issue
[15:03] <ActionParsnip> guilhermeblanco: id make sure it runs first without adding more stuff
[15:03] <guilhermeblanco> it's working
[15:03] <ActionParsnip> awesome
[15:03] <guilhermeblanco> let me install
[15:04] <guilhermeblanco> do you recommend firebug from addons.mozilla.org or from getfirebug.com?
[15:04] <guilhermeblanco> the second one has more recent packages
[15:04] <ActionParsnip> i dont use either
[15:04] <mikesa81> try the recent packages
[15:04] <mikesa81> why not?
[15:05] <ActionParsnip> why don't I use firebug?
[15:05] <mikesa81> addons. isnt always the fastest to add the latest packages
[15:05] <ActionParsnip> oh i getcha
[15:06] <guilhermeblanco> k... 1.2 or 1.1? it seems 1.2 is only compatible for ff3... but it's not explicit... it tells that 1.0.5 users should use 1.2 (which 1.0.5 is the ff-2)
[15:06] <guilhermeblanco> the assertions are controversial in firebug page
[15:06] <ActionParsnip> im out now
[15:06] <ActionParsnip> see ya later kids
[15:06] <guilhermeblanco> ActionParsnip: thanks
[15:06] <ActionParsnip> peace
[15:07] <guilhermeblanco> it worked
[15:07] <guilhermeblanco> =D
[15:08] <guilhermeblanco> I used 1.1.0
[15:08] <guilhermeblanco> mikesa81: thanks for you too
[15:08] <guilhermeblanco> =)
[15:09] <mikesa81> guilhermeblanco: no prob
[15:09] <krishna_ggk> hi ppl
[15:09] <krishna_ggk> how do i get qt4 examples using package install on hardy kubuntu ?
[15:10] <cbr> search for it in the package manager maybe?
[15:11] <krishna_ggk> i tried apt-cache search, but none of them had examples mentioned in them
[15:12] <krishna_ggk> will try qt4-demos
[15:12] <cbr> try synaptic, it gives a nice graphical interface
[15:12] <cbr> for searching packages and watching descriptions etc
[15:12] <krishna_ggk> ok
[15:12] <krishna_ggk> thanks
[15:13] <fudus> is there a way of getting opensuse's app menu in kubuntu 8.04?
[15:13] <genii> krishna_ggk: PErhaps kuiviewer-kde4 along with qt4designer
[15:14] <genii> qt4-designer (forgot hyphen)
[15:14] <fudus> or to get mouse wheel scroll to go beyond 12
[15:18] <schlangen> hi, does anybody knows a cool ksplash for widescreen?
[15:19] <krishna_ggk> genii: no luck, none of install examples
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[15:22] <genii> krishna_ggk: There are many you could examine with the kuiviewer. apt-cache search libqt4|grep module lists quite a few
[15:24] <krishna_ggk> genii: wait, i'll enable backports and try
[15:24] <genii> krishna_ggk: You might want to ask in #kubuntu-kde4
[15:26] <krishna_ggk> qt4-demos is the one i guess
[15:26] <krishna_ggk> genii: anyway thanks :)
[15:27] <genii> krishna_ggk: np
[15:27] <npmkbn> halo
[15:28] <npmkbn> anybody know how to install hp laserjet 1006 in kubuntu?
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[15:34] <alanx> hi, can somebody help me I need upload files to a web server from a path, how do I do that?
[15:47] <jhutchins_wk> alanx: scp
[15:51] <reese> when I try to upgrade from the dvd to 8.04, it says "Could not authenticate some packages" and it lists a lot of them. is there a way to solve this?
[15:51] <frueber> you shouldn't need to authenticate them to install them
[15:52] <frueber> It just means they are refusing to take responsibility for them
[15:55] <reese> frueber: it lists packages like apache, php etc. and the the upgrade stops
[15:58] <ThomasD> hi all
[15:58] <ThomasD> can some check what the right permissions for the /tmp/ dir are, cuz something messed them up :/
[15:58] <ThomasD> and now I get a buch of errors like this
[15:58] <ThomasD> ** (gvim:15197): WARNING **: Wrong permissions for /tmp/orbit-thomas-f0f0f070
[15:59] <ThomasD> applications work fine, but errors annoy me
[16:00] <ThomasD> anyone
[16:00] <ThomasD> plz
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[16:10] <shane_> can anyone explain y i cant get ca.archive.ubuntu.com to work i have been trying to access it in a terminal and i keep getting errors
[16:11] <shane_> all i keep getting is Unable to connect to ca.archive.ubuntu.com http:
[16:12] <shane_> if it helps im trying sudo apt-get updates
[16:12] <shane_> no s ofcourse
[16:13] <san_> i have kubuntu hardy with KDE4, would someone tell me please how to install gnome on it?
[16:13] <jcfp> shane_: the ca. server is up but a http connection times out. Just use another mirror instead.
[16:13] <shane_> i am using apt-get update so i dont get to chose mirrors
[16:15] <shane_> jcfp: i am using apt-get update so i dont get to chose mirrors
[16:15] <jcfp> shane_: everybody can choose mirrors by editing /etc/apt/sources.list
[16:16] <jcfp> shane_: just replace the ca. mirror with something else, say nl. and rerun apt-get update
[16:17] <The_ManU_212> envy-ng detects my ati radeon 9200 correctly, but says that the legacy driver which works with this card not available is for hardy, what to do for 3d acceleration?
[16:17] <shane_> jcfp: ok where do i edit do i just run terminal with edit
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[16:18] <tim__> san_: you want gnome as a second desktop?
[16:18] <tim__> san_: getting gnome installed should be simple enough, just apt-get it
[16:19] <san_> tim_: yes, that's exactly what i want
[16:19] <san_> tim_ sudo apt_get install gnome ?
[16:19] <jcfp> shane_: any text editor with sudo; something like 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list' or 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list' should work fine
[16:19] <tim__> yeah that'll fetch it
[16:19] <san_> k thanx :)
[16:19] <tim__> but then you'll want a program for switching desktop,
[16:19] <shane_> jcfp: TY
[16:19] <tim__> at startup or whatever...
[16:20] <san_> can't i choose it from the "session" menu?
[16:20] <tim__> is there a session menu?
[16:20] <tim__> oh sure then
[16:20] <tim__> yeah it should set itself up to go in there automatically
[16:20] <san_> k, i hope so... thanks :)
[16:21] <tim__> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/gnome
[16:21] <tim__> is a how to
[16:22] <compilerwriter> Jucato I am afraid I did something stupid. When I got the updates today it mentioned uninstalling firefox 3.0 and some lib that went along with it. Since I had the newer 3.5 installed I thought that would be no problem. ( I know I should not perhaps think so much.) Now I either have no firefox or I don't know where it is to execute it. I have tried find to no avail any suggestions.
[16:24] <compilerwriter> I am afraid I did something stupid. When I got the updates today it mentioned uninstalling firefox 3.0 and some lib that went along with it. Since I had the newer 3.5 installed I thought that would be no problem. ( I know I should not perhaps think so much.) Now I either have no firefox or I don't know where it is to execute it. I have tried find to no avail any suggestions.
[16:25] <compilerwriter> I guess I should open my question to the masses now that I see Jucato is not on.
[16:25] <llutz> compilerwriter: dpkg -l firefox*|grep ^i
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[16:28] <san_> tim__: thanks a lot, that was really useful :D
[16:31] <shane_> jcfp: no luck also i just tryed adept for updates and it gives me an error also,let me start at the begin,i am trying to install frostwire i followed install for 64bit kubuntu it stated i needed to remove java and reinstall the ia32-sun-java6-bin now i get the errors and adept is even crashing
[16:32] <genii> compilerwriter: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install <firefox version> where <firefox version> is either: firefox-2 or: firefox-3.0
[16:34] <jcfp> shane_: run apt-get update and put the error on pastebin.
[16:35] <shane_> jcfp: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)
[16:35] <shane_> jcfp: i no use dont like that but this is a short error
[16:37] <genii> compilerwriter: For future reference, version 3.0 would be version 3.0, beta 5 and later will become 3.0, release candidate 1 then possibly other releases candidate versions, then 3.0, release
[16:37] <jcfp> shane_: have another apt process running somewhere?
[16:37] <jcfp> maybe from adept, or a cron job?
[16:37] <shane_> jcfp: the errors for addept are signall 11 and signal 6
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[16:39] <compilerwriter> Thanks genii why did it have me uninstall it in the first place.
[16:41] <shane_> jcfp: yes addept had crashed i got rid of that and now im waiting for the serv to time out again and i will paste 4 u
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[16:41] <jcfp> shane_: also pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list in case you still get timeouts
[16:41] <genii> compilerwriter: I don't know. PErhaps you have some nonstandard repositories which require lower lib versions than ff3 had.
[16:42] <bayko7> When I try to install kdegames, it won't go past [Waiting for headers], I tried through konsole aswell as adept?
[16:43] <bayko7> only for this specific package
[16:43] <The_ManU_212> envy-ng detects my ati radeon 9200 correctly, but says that the legacy driver which works with this card not available is for hardy, what to do for 3d acceleration?
[16:43] <genii> bayko7: Repositories are very slow. There was about 60Mb of updates overnight. Be patient
[16:43] <bayko7> is 20 minutes a long time at 0%??
[16:43] <shane_> jcfp: http://pastebin.ca/1033170
[16:44] <compilerwriter> genii thanks I seem to have firefox back now.
[16:44] <genii> bayko7: Yes, it is. But it will either eventually time out or else start getting the files
[16:44] <genii> bayko7: If it times out try again later.
[16:44] <bayko7> ok, thanks
[16:44] <genii> compilerwriter: You're welcome
[16:44] <jcfp> shane_: you're still using the canadian mirror... which apparently isn't working
[16:45] <shane_> jcfp: yes i understand that but when i try to access the edit in sudo it throws me an error also
[16:45] <genii> shane_: replace for the time being ca.archive.ubuntu.com with debian.yorku.ca
[16:45] <Dragonath> heh, kaffeine went into a loop: preparing..., error - codec package installed!, preparing..., error - etc
[16:45] <Dragonath> what's wrong?
[16:46] <bayko7> how do you replace it with debian.yorku.ca
[16:46] <genii> Dragonath: I filed that bug yesterday
[16:46] <Dragonath> aha
[16:46] <Dragonath> does this mean no more videos for me today?
[16:46] <genii> Dragonath: With Totem, but I think may use same codec-detection and install stuff backend
[16:47] <Dragonath> is there an easy way for installing all those codecs for mplayer?
[16:47] <shane_> jcfp: can u give me the sudo command again to edit the mirror i will do it again and paste the error 4 that
[16:48] <jcfp> shane_: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list
[16:49] <shane_> jcfp: ok that one opened kate 4 me now where am i changing
[16:49] <genii> Dragonath: I'm just curious, what codec is it that keeps giving the prob?
[16:50] <jcfp> replace any occurence of "ca.archive.ubuntu.com" with some working server, like "nl.archive.ubuntu.com" or the one genii just suggested
[16:50] <Dragonath> genii: it's an avi file I try to play, I don't know much more
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[16:51] <genii> Dragonath: Ah, OK. My bug report from yesterday: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/235648 Perhaps it's the Mpeg stuff.
[16:51] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 235648 in totem "Totem, infinite codec install loop (ON2/VP6)" [Undecided,New]
[16:51] <chev_chelios> dudes, is there a problem with a server?
[16:53] <compilerwriter> Alright then ladies and gents, my next issue is an opensource accounting suite with a really sweet interface such that I won't be opining for Quickbooks pro. I have tried gnucash and it just didn't do the job. Perhaps someone out there has developed a really good frontend for it?
[16:53] <genii> compilerwriter: PErhaps KMymoney
[16:53] <shane_> jcfp: now do i save the changes or is it ok
[16:53] <genii> !info kmymoney2 | compilerwriter
[16:53] <ubottu> compilerwriter: kmymoney2 (source: kmymoney2): personal finance manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.8-2 (hardy), package size 7021 kB, installed size 14412 kB
[16:54] <jcfp> shane_: should be. save, then re-run the apt-get stuff
[16:54] <shane_> ok
[16:54] <shane_> sudo apt-get update
[16:55] <genii> jcfp: Run first the sudo apt-get update before running sudo apt-get upgrade or similar, to renew the package lists
[16:55] <jcfp> ;)
[16:55] <genii> bah misdirect
[16:55] * genii gets a new mug of coffee
[16:55] <shane_> ok that worked
[16:55] <shane_> sudo apt-get upgrade
[16:56] <chev_chelios> do I suppose to do apt-get autoclean or autoremove???
[16:56] <shane_> jcfp: ok they are both working now it must have been the ca sight not my system
[16:57] <sigma_1234> im so disappointed. theres no kde 4.1 beta 1 packages yet for kubuntu
[16:57] <compilerwriter> genii I will give that a try. Perhaps it will work for me personally. Is there and enterprises scale solution for corporate bean counters?
[16:58] <robertknight> sigma_1234: It has only been out a couple of days. Give the poor guys a chance
[16:58] <genii> Interesting. Did not see anything about DB migration in freenode MOTD
[16:58] <shane_> jcfp: in the future if i incure this error i can just go into kate again and change back nl to ca?
[16:58] <genii> compilerwriter: None that i know of offhand
[16:58] <Sneedly> how do i install flash player on a x 64 system
[16:58] <Sneedly> !flash
[16:58] <ubottu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[16:59] <sigma_1234> lol fair enough . i just dont get how the other distros have their packages so quickly
[16:59] <compilerwriter> genii where would it have popped up in my menu?
[16:59] <chev_chelios> do I suppose to do apt-get autoclean or autoremove???
[17:00] <jcfp> shane_: yes, no problem at all. those servers just mirror the exact same content.
[17:00] <genii> compilerwriter: Look under Utilities or Office
[17:00] <shane_> jcfp: thank you iv got it all good now
[17:00] <jcfp> shane_: yw
[17:03] <shane_> jcfp: ok one more ? does kubuntu have a firewall or is it my dlink router thats blockin frostwire
[17:04] <Pita> Kubuntu has a firewall, nothing is enabled by default, so it's probably your router blocking frostwire
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[17:04] <shane_> Pita: ok will try and access it
[17:04] <Sneedly> !kde
[17:04] <ubottu> KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde4
[17:08] <aljoscha> hello, my openoffice writer has a freeze and i didn't save many text, but at the moment i'm not able to save... is there an temporary file with my unsaved text?
[17:12] <shane_> ok i have tryed the firewall in router it apears to be disabled where do i find firewall in kubuntu
[17:13] <stdin> unless you setup the firewall in kubuntu, it's disabled
[17:13] <tzd> can someone please tell me how to connect, via samba, to my usb hdd that's connected to my router? I have set up everything but i just can't connect to it? Samba never seems to work for me, even between computers... Please help someone?
[17:13] <Sneedly> help please whats kdm and gdm
[17:13] <whizl2> hi,
[17:14] <Sneedly> I am trying to set up kubuntu for the first time and I dont want to make a mistake
[17:14] <whizl2> can someone help me with my usb microphone?
[17:14] <Sneedly> !kdm
[17:14] <whizl2> its in kmix,
[17:14] <ubottu> Factoid kdm not found
[17:14] <genii> tzd: So your rouer has an external USB HDD attached directly to it, as in a print server type of router, or it's attached to another computer, then to the router?
[17:14] <tzd> Sneedly: kdm and gdm are two different desktops... KDE and GNOME
[17:15] <tzd> genii: as a print server type
[17:15] <stdin> tzd: display managers, not desktops
[17:15] <Sneedly> stdin: whats the difference
[17:15] <tzd> stdin: ok sorry, my bad
[17:16] <stdin> Sneedly: the display manager is the thing that starts the X session and lets you login. both kdm and gdm let you log into any desktop environment
[17:17] <whizl2> the microphone is desingned for open systems,
[17:17] <whizl2> perhaps someone can help me?
[17:17] <Sneedly> stdin: I thought switching to linux would be like a cake walk, does it make a difference which i choose. I mean I want whats headiest
[17:18] <debian_> Hello
[17:18] <stdin> Sneedly: it's all about choice, now you actually have one :p I would suggest trying both Gnome and KDE to see which you like best
[17:18] <stdin> Sneedly: they both provide the same functionality so it's down to preference
[17:19] <simula> check out KDE4 in the KDE4 remix... a little rough around the edges, but very pretty and usable
[17:19] <USMarine> hello debian_ norwegian
[17:19] <whizl2> where can i connect an usb microphone with me soundcard?
[17:19] <debian_> I need to get a real install of ubuntu from wubi...
[17:19] <whizl2> i mean i connect the microphone over usb,
[17:20] <whizl2> and the soundcard is as a card inside,
[17:20] <USMarine> Sneedly kdm for Kde, gdm for gnome
[17:20] <whizl2> i can hear sound from the soundcard,
[17:20] <whizl2> but i cannot hear the voice over the microphone
[17:20] <shane_> ok i have made my router completely open now and i am still firewalled is there a way i can check and see if kubuntu is firewalled
[17:20] <whizl2> in kmix
[17:20] <whizl2> there are two devices,
[17:20] <stdin> USMarine: you don't have to use kdm for kde and gdm for gnome
[17:20] <whizl2> once the soundcard and than the microphone separate
[17:20] <USMarine> i know, but they come bundled that way
[17:21] <stdin> yeah
[17:21] <USMarine> back in the day, kde couldn't do so many shutdown options if the login manager wasn't kdm
[17:21] <USMarine> debian_ wubi?
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[17:22] <Sneedly> ill try out this kdm jawn. i'll be back in a bit. I was wondering how to get something like counter strike to work with linux but that is for another day
[17:22] <stdin> !wubi | USMarine
[17:22] <ubottu> USMarine: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.
[17:23] <Sneedly> thank you all. well 3 or 4 that helped
[17:23] <USMarine> i heard about that, didn't know the name though
[17:23] <debian_> I need to boot livecds from grub
[17:23] <debian_> Can this be done?
[17:23] <belzebub> !kde4
[17:23] <ubottu> KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[17:23] <genii> tzd: Apologies for lag. Am at work and they required me for a period. What is the router model/make please
[17:24] <jcfp> shane_: frostwire may "detect" any pc behind a router as "firewalled" regardless of whether there's any firewall on it
[17:24] <tzd> genii: no problem :) Asus WL-500gP
[17:24] <genii> tzd: OK. Some time to research, I'll report back
[17:24] <tzd> genii: ok, thanks!
[17:25] <whizl2> can someone help me with my microphone?
[17:25] <tzd> genii: i should mentioned i've got OLEG custom firmware installed on it, latest version
[17:25] <USMarine> whizl2 tias
[17:25] <USMarine> try and see
[17:25] <genii> tzd: Ah, good to catch me then. Is there a website for the maker of the firmware?
[17:26] <USMarine> whizl2 http://www.google.com/search?aq=f&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&q=ubuntu+usb+mic&btnG=Search
[17:26] <shane_> jcfp: ok then how am i fixin it cause all its doin is error after error and i have opened my router completely
[17:26] <tzd> genii: http://oleg.wl500g.info/ I'm also wondering how to set the workgroup on my kubuntu? According to the guides I've set up the router but my guess is that somethign is wrong in kubuntu... i haven't seen a place to configure samba on it?
[17:26] <genii> tzd: nvm, google indicates openwrt
[17:27] <tzd> genii: it's not openwrt although it's popular as well
[17:27] <USMarine> ddwrt ftw
[17:28] <genii> tzd: Samba does not require to be installed for access from a linux client to a windows/samba share. Only to share from linux to windows or other boxes using this protocol. smbclient is all that is needed normally, which is in default install.
[17:28] <jcfp> shane_: frostwire tells me too that it detected a firewall but it works fine regardless of that. so there might be nothing to fix.
[17:29] <genii> tzd: When you do in Konq or Dolphin smb:/router-ip-address do you see it?
[17:29] <shane_> no it gives me an error and when i close that it gives another timeafter time if i leave it it gives 150 intotal and i cant use the window atall
[17:30] <tzd> genii: hmm ok, then it most likely should work... I've tried this in "Krusader" smb:// (which is my routers ip) but all i receive is "the file or folder does not exist"
[17:30] <tzd> genii: same issue in konq
[17:30] <Sneedly> help again. i got this message "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet""
[17:31] <Sneedly> do i want to delete it?
[17:31] <genii> tzd: Try with only a single /
[17:31] <tzd> genii: got the same error message with a single /
[17:32] <Greendingbat> hey all
[17:32] <Sneedly> hello
[17:32] <Greendingbat> i had a question about kubuntu
[17:32] <Greendingbat> im running it in a VM
[17:32] <Greendingbat> VMware server to be specific
[17:32] <genii> tzd: Put only: smb:/ then wait perhaps 30 seconds. Then hit f5 and wait another 30-45 seconds.
[17:32] <Greendingbat> and it has it's VM tools
[17:33] <USMarine> Greendingbat so?
[17:33] <Greendingbat> and it downloads them as a dvd
[17:33] <Greendingbat> how do i install them?
[17:33] <tzd> genii: when doing that it takes about 1 second and then i see the workgroup
[17:33] <genii> tzd: Is t?he computer using a static ip or a dhcp one from router
[17:33] <USMarine> Greendingbat extract, open console, run the command to install inside the folder
[17:33] <Greendingbat> well, that's the prob
[17:33] <tzd> genii: dhcp
[17:33] <Greendingbat> i can't extract
[17:34] <USMarine> install ark
[17:34] <Greendingbat> ark?
[17:34] <USMarine> !ark
[17:34] <genii> tzd: OK. So can you browse from workgroup to the router?
[17:34] <ubottu> Factoid ark not found
[17:34] <Greendingbat> i think i have ark already
[17:34] <Greendingbat> isn't that the crash handler?
[17:34] <USMarine> no
[17:34] <USMarine> right click the package
[17:34] <Greendingbat> k
[17:34] <USMarine> hit extract to
[17:35] <Greendingbat> extract to subdir?
[17:35] <tzd> genii: i tried browsing the workgroup but when clicking it i received the previous message "file or folder smb:/workgroup does not exist"
[17:36] <Greendingbat> USMarine: it gives me this message
[17:36] <USMarine> what message?
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[17:36] <Greendingbat> COuld not create the folder file:///scd0
[17:37] <Greendingbat> and then ark pops up
[17:37] <USMarine> you can't extract it inside the dvd
[17:37] <Greendingbat> i see
[17:37] <USMarine> copy the package into the desktop
[17:37] <tzd> genii: do i need to change permissions or anything on the samba share hdd? According to OLEG fw I'm suppose to share samba via web ui. I've done that and set it to share all partitions and set default access level to read/write
[17:37] <Greendingbat> k
[17:37] <eskatos> hi
[17:38] <eskatos> how big is the default kubuntu 8.04 install ?
[17:38] <USMarine> hi french
[17:38] <eskatos> hi USMarine
[17:38] <genii> tzd: OK. On the router, you set I hope the same workgroup name. Not knowing it's setup secreens, etc difficult to guide. But basic idea would be: same workgroup name, some globally shared folder on the drive or else guest settings or such. Also it may sometimes need lan ports 135 139 forwarded to it's own ip
[17:38] <USMarine> i'd say 2gb
[17:38] <molla> hello people
[17:38] <Greendingbat> no
[17:38] <Greendingbat> not that big
[17:38] <Greendingbat> the iso?
[17:38] <Greendingbat> or the install?
[17:38] <eskatos> the default install size on disk
[17:39] <Greendingbat> oh
[17:39] <Greendingbat> yeah, it's about 2gigs
[17:39] <USMarine> ...
[17:39] <TimS> eskatos: For me it was arround 1.9 gig for Kubuntu
[17:39] <eskatos> around 2GB is good for me thanks
[17:39] <molla> is it the 8.04 a DVD ISO or a CD ISO?
[17:39] <USMarine> (17:38:21) (USMarine) i'd say 2gb
[17:39] <USMarine> molla it can be both
[17:40] <Greendingbat> i'd prefer the cd iso
[17:40] <molla> ooh 8)
[17:40] <Greendingbat> it's easier to work with
[17:40] <genii> tzd: Also... is the drive formatted? Etc
[17:40] <USMarine> i prefer network install
[17:40] <USMarine> who cares...
[17:40] <tzd> genii: I've got 2 settings: Workgroup name (which is set to what i see on my kubuntu) and Host name. Will it matter what kind of host name I have?
[17:40] <tzd> genii: yes the drive is formatted as ext3
[17:41] <Greendingbat> how do i give myself sudo privilages?
[17:41] <tzd> genii: will try open ports 135 and 139
[17:41] <USMarine> sudo command
[17:41] <tzd> Greendingbat: sudo cmd and then type your sudo password
[17:41] <Greendingbat> k
[17:41] <molla> sudo useradd username admin
[17:41] <genii> tzd: You should put a hostname without spaces or weird stuff not normally allowed in conventional windows networking. Something in uppercase less than 8 characters would be preferable.
[17:41] <USMarine> sudo ./vmware...
[17:41] <molla> thats the magik command
[17:42] <tzd> genii: ok, then host name is ok. I had everything in uppercase including workgroup... is that case sensitive?
[17:43] <genii> tzd: linux can use it case sensitive but older windows clients make all uppercase.
[17:43] <tzd> genii: ah ok.. should be alright then
[17:43] <Greendingbat> yeah
[17:43] <Greendingbat> it's kinda annoying getting used to case sensitive
[17:43] <genii> tzd: Also ensure broadcast address is set properly
[17:43] <Greendingbat> i used to use DOS
[17:44] <genii> tzd: Otherwise the server cannot announce to clients it exists
[17:44] <Greendingbat> so im used to non-case sensitive
[17:44] <tzd> genii: isn't broadcast for WLAN?
[17:44] <tzd> genii: i'm on wire
[17:44] <USMarine> Greendingbat when gas runs out, you'll have to get used to it
[17:44] <Greendingbat> that is true
[17:44] <Greendingbat> so, im in the dir of the install file
[17:45] <genii> tzd: if lan range is normal broadcast would be (unless subnetted)
[17:45] <Greendingbat> and it won't let me run it
[17:45] <Greendingbat> i type sudo vmware-install.pl
[17:45] <tomahasamoot> I'm having trouble with Skype, it crashes every time I try to open the "audio devices" tab in options
[17:45] <Greendingbat> and it says that it's not a bash command
[17:45] <USMarine> sudo ./ vmware-install.pl
[17:45] <tomahasamoot> it's
[17:45] <mmc> hello
[17:45] <USMarine> sudo ./vmware-install.pl
[17:45] <Greendingbat> tomahsasmoot: that's because skype is a piece of junk
[17:46] <mmc> genii si mogoče iz Slovenije ?
[17:46] <genii> mmc: nyet
[17:46] <tomahasamoot> as is the GPL VOIP stuff I've tried... what do you use?
[17:46] <Greendingbat> i use MSN
[17:46] <USMarine> skype
[17:46] <mmc> ok no problem :)
[17:46] <Greendingbat> and oovoo
[17:46] <tzd> genii: hmm ok .I've got IP Pool Ending Address: set to -> .... should this be changed to .255?
[17:46] <Greendingbat> ooVoo is GREAT
[17:47] <Greendingbat> you can have more than one person vid calls
[17:47] <Greendingbat> up to 8 i think
[17:47] <tomahasamoot> ooVoo?
[17:47] <Greendingbat> www.oovoo.com
[17:47] <genii> tzd: No, pool is different than broadcast. Thats fine
[17:47] <USMarine> i can't talk to more than 1 person on msn
[17:47] <Greendingbat> it's still in beta
[17:47] <tzd> genii: ok, good
[17:47] <Greendingbat> so there are some bugs
[17:47] <USMarine> lol, beta
[17:47] <Greendingbat> but not as bad as skype
[17:47] <Greendingbat> yeah
[17:47] <Greendingbat> the skype plugin kept crashing my webbrowser
[17:47] <USMarine> tomahasamoot get the static linked version
[17:48] <genii> tzd: If netmask settings, use on lan side of stuff. This auto-sets (normally) broadcast to proper
[17:48] <mikesa81> amarok completely disappeared from my system!? wtf???
[17:48] <tomahasamoot> USMarine: that's the version I have... it was all going so well, untill now
[17:48] <USMarine> is skype working for you?
[17:49] <tomahasamoot> it was, until now
[17:49] <Greendingbat> it WORKS per se
[17:49] <Greendingbat> just not WELL
[17:49] <USMarine> if it works
[17:49] <tzd> genii: i see. Then it should definitely be alright. I'm finding the port forwarding bit a bit confusing on this router... my old netgear was a lot easier :P Isn't port forwarding for devices outside my network though?
[17:49] <USMarine> just skip the devices tab
[17:50] <tomahasamoot> Greendingbat: does ooVoo work on Win32? The person on the other end has windows
[17:50] <Greendingbat> yeah
[17:50] <Greendingbat> it was made for windows
[17:50] <Greendingbat> i use windows
[17:50] <molla> MMC you there
[17:50] <molla> Windows?
[17:50] <tomahasamoot> Greendingbat: in that case, does it also work well on Linux?
[17:50] <USMarine> i use w64...too bad
[17:50] <tzd> genii: I've tried a setting for manual share, will rs my router to see if that helps, brb
[17:51] <Greendingbat> 64-bit windows?
[17:51] <Greendingbat> nice
[17:51] <ScorpKing-Laptop> !windows
[17:51] <ubottu> For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents
[17:51] <genii> tzd: Most cheaper routers have only from external port to some internal ip, same port. Better ones have external port to internal ip, different port. Best ones have that plus internal port to internal IP, different port
[17:51] <Greendingbat> i just found out that ubuntu has a 64 bit ver
[17:52] <Greendingbat> my friend is having trouble getting it to recognize all 4 gigs of his mem
[17:52] <USMarine> 32bits os or faulty bios
[17:53] <dude> Hi.. I installed Hardy the other day.. But the default sound driver installed is giving sound output only on 2 of the 4 speakers I have connected to the system.. I have an Asus mother board with nforce 630a..How do I install the proper driver if available?
[17:53] <tzd> genii: ah i see. i've got LAN to WAN and vice versa. Then I've got port triggering... that's basically the areas I have on this one
[17:53] <USMarine> install alsa gui
[17:53] <USMarine> dude install alsa gui, and test if some fader is down
[17:53] <genii> tzd: Good.
[17:54] <tomahasamoot> well Skype may be crap, but at least they have a Linux version, ooVoo doesn't, so that's not much help
[17:54] <ScorpKing-Laptop> Greendingbat: sometimes it's because the bios doesn't see 4GB
[17:54] <genii> tzd: Windows networking ports are 135 and 139
[17:54] <shane_> Odd-rationale: hello im havin a prob with frostwire its locking out due to firewall
[17:54] <USMarine> tomahasamoot exactly
[17:55] <USMarine> dude no queries
[17:55] <tzd> genii: i see. Will that still be of importance even though im using 2 linux based systems?
[17:55] <Odd-rationale> shane_: i nevered used frostwire. i always used torrents for p2p
[17:55] <bayko7> Is there a program similar to Fruity Loops Studio for Kubuntu?
[17:55] <dude> USMarine - I didnt understand..
[17:55] <Odd-rationale> !frostwire
[17:55] <ubottu> frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire
[17:55] <jabba> i just installed the nvidia-xconfig package, and my resolution got shrunk to 1280x1024. i have a 1680x1050 modeline in the x config, how do i get it to take the correct resolution?
[17:55] <USMarine> dude use synaptic to find the alsa mixer gui package
[17:56] <genii> tzd: The protocol that samba wants to use will still require 135 and 139 :) As for any OS/web browser still requires port 80 for instance
[17:56] <shane_> Odd-rationale: ahh ic well can u explain how i can check and see what the settings for firewall are in kubuntu
[17:56] <USMarine> jabba sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[17:57] <tzd> genii: aha ok. Which of the areas should i open the ports on? port triggering seems like the best idea imho but i don't know :) There i've got to choose between tcp and udp ports
[17:57] <Odd-rationale> shane_: did you look at the wiki page posted my ubottu ^ ?
[17:58] <shane_> didnt see it
[17:58] <stdin> your ubottu? ;p
[17:58] <shane_> Odd-rationale: didnt see it
[17:58] <genii> tzd: udp for both ports and set the ip to the router
[17:58] <stdin> it MINE!
[17:58] <Odd-rationale> /smy/by
[17:58] <shane_> Odd-rationale: will look now ty
[17:58] <tzd> genii: just realised 1 thing... is there a built in firewall on kubuntu such as there is for windows?
[17:58] <jabba> USMarine: arg, so i have the proper resolution now, but no nvidia hardware acel. :(
[17:58] <Odd-rationale> shane_: hope that helps
[17:58] <tzd> genii: ok, will change that straight away
[17:59] <sgraham> ok, the other day i was able to extend my desktop off to a scond monitor
[17:59] <genii> tzd: If you installed somethihng like firestarter or so
[17:59] <shane_> Odd-rationale: me 2
[17:59] <ScorpKing-Laptop> genii: i managed to get printing working properly. had to install firmware but the errors are still tere. i can't remember who else i talked to but thanks for the help everyone. i'll sort my laptop out next week as i'm movieng this weekend. :)
[17:59] <sgraham> for some reason the tool in the system settings for my display is hella wack
[17:59] <genii> tzd: Work requires me, AFK
[17:59] <ScorpKing-Laptop> moving*
[18:00] <tzd> genii: ok, then I'm safe... don't have any software fw installed. Ok, I'll try some things meanwhile you're working
[18:00] <USMarine> jabba i'm not sure, never had such problem
[18:00] <tzd> genii: thanks a lot for your help so far!
[18:00] <jabba> USMarine: ok, thx
[18:00] <USMarine> trying googling for something
[18:00] <frybye> Hi - I have got google earth 4.2 to work in 64x kubuntu 8.04 - but how do I set up the thing with $browser ??
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[18:01] <frybye> - so that when clicking on links in g-earth the browser is found.. default browser is f-fox - but google-earth dosent find it..?
[18:03] <sportman> have any of you guys found a launch menu or anything for kubuntu
[18:03] <sportman> i was looking at the asus_eee pc
[18:03] <sportman> and they had kde installed, but they had this tabbed system launcher
[18:03] <sportman> for accessing applications
[18:04] <Odd-rationale> sportman: you mean the new kicker nemu?
[18:04] <sportman> seemed like something simple for linux new comers, anyone know what launcher it was?
[18:04] <sportman> i suppose?
[18:04] <sportman> Odd-rationale basically i know my way around linux pretty well but i want to get my friends using it
[18:04] <sportman> and the more dumbed down it is, the easier for them
[18:04] <Odd-rationale> sportman: that is new in kde4
[18:04] * sportman takes a look
[18:05] <Odd-rationale> default in kde4, too. i beleive
[18:05] <sportman> really?
[18:05] <sportman> maybe im mistaking something
[18:06] <sportman> Odd-rationale maybe we are not thinking of the same thing
[18:06] <Odd-rationale> sportman: sorry, it is called kickoff, not kicker....
[18:06] <Odd-rationale> sportman: http://home.kde.org/~binner/kickoff/sneak_preview.html
[18:06] <sportman> ah thanks Odd-rationale
[18:07] <sportman> Odd-rationale thats not what i was thinking of
[18:07] <sportman> but that is dam nice
[18:08] <Odd-rationale> sportman: maybe katapult? http://katapult.kde.org/screenshots
[18:09] <sportman> not really Odd-rationale, maybe its something asus did
[18:09] <sportman> for their eee_pc linux version
[18:09] <sportman> cause i havent been able to find examples anywhere else
[18:09] <genii> tzd: I am back for a few minutes now. Getting anywhere?
[18:10] <lordneon> hey, has anyone got an acer aspire 1672? and managed to get the wireless to work
[18:10] <tzd> genii: well I've opened the ports in port triggering but since i restarted my router i had to wait for the hdds to be checked.. completely forgot i had a disk checker script... so it'll probably take some time :/
[18:10] <Odd-rationale> oh, you mean the eeepc interface? that is something asus did to the xandros os
[18:10] <sportman> yea, Odd-rationale it was pretty impressive
[18:11] <sportman> they made it so simple, yet still functional
[18:11] <dude> USMarine - I installed the alsa mixer gui and increased volume on all the allowed tabs.. still no sound on 2 of my speakers.. just a small hiss.. I read in the net something about nforce drivers.. doi i need too install that?
[18:11] <genii> tzd: OK. I'll go do some chores and return
[18:11] <sportman> i want to start building custom linux pc's for non experienced linux users
[18:11] <sportman> so im trying to find the easiest interface
[18:11] <tzd> genii: please do, thanks so far!
[18:12] <Odd-rationale> sportman: you can get something similar with ubuntu mobile http://www.ubuntu.com/products/mobile
[18:12] <Odd-rationale> but that uses gtk, i think
[18:14] <sportman> Odd-rationale that looks really nice
[18:14] <sportman> im trying to find a downlaod
[18:14] <Odd-rationale> sportman: try the #ubuntu-mobile channel
[18:16] <robertknight> sportman: There was a project to get KDE into educational environments
[18:16] <robertknight> skolelinux?
[18:16] <robertknight> They created a new "especially for kids" front-end. I think the story is in the dot.kde.org archives somewhere
[18:21] <genii> tzd: fsck finishing yet?
[18:22] <TimS> Anyone seen SSJ today?
[18:22] <tzd> genii: yep
[18:22] <tzd> genii: same issue I'm afraid. It finds the workgroup but then nothing
[18:22] <simula> i have mounted my /home and /usr to an sd card so that i can move my apps from one box to another
[18:22] <xenol> plz where can i find place where apt stores downloaded *.deb ?
[18:23] <simula> but some applications aren't happy... firefox won't start
[18:23] <Pici> xenol: /var/cache/apt/archives/
[18:23] <simula> what am i missing in my attempt to install apps on one box and then move them to another?
[18:24] <simula> i'm moving my apps and user data between my desktop and my laptop (eeepc)
[18:24] <genii> tzd: OK. Then to konsole. smbclient -L -I <ip> eg smbclient -L -I192.168.1.1
[18:24] <genii> tzd: Any services reported?
[18:25] <xenol> Pici: thx
[18:25] <tzd> genii: johan@Penguin:~$ smbclient -L -I192.168.1.1 Connection to -I192.168.1.1 failed (Error NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME)
[18:27] <ScorpKing-Laptop> tzd: is a windows box?
[18:28] <tzd> ScorpKing-Laptop: it's a asus WL-500gP router with some linux dist. on it
[18:28] <ScorpKing-Laptop> tzd: that error is usually from bad network settings.
[18:28] <tzd> ScorpKing-Laptop: well probably not a full linux dist. but i think it's called "static binary" or something?
[18:28] <tzd> ScorpKing-Laptop: hmm ok
[18:29] <genii> tzd: Ah, aplogies, syntax incorrect on my part. Instead: smbclient -I192.168.1.1 -P
[18:29] <tzd> genii: no problem, will try that new one :)
[18:30] <ScorpKing-Laptop> tzd: it is the workgroup or computername or someting stupid like that that gives that error. can't remember now
[18:30] <tzd> genii: Failed to open /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb ERROR: Unable to open secrets database
[18:30] <genii> ScorpKing-Laptop: The -L option I supplied needed an argument (netbios name)
[18:30] <tzd> ScorpKing-Laptop: ok, I've got "Ravenwood" as workgroup
[18:31] <tzd> genii: , ScorpKing-Laptop I'll be back in 15 min, food... sorry!
[18:31] <ScorpKing-Laptop> genii: righto.. will remember that
[18:32] <genii> tzd: -N should suppress password query. smbclient -I192.168.1.1 -P -N
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[18:34] <genii> gah
[18:34] <aSuZ> www.free-stream.fr
[18:34] <genii> Anyone else getting weird msgs from nickserv?
[18:34] <ScorpKing-Laptop> genii: yes me
[18:34] <stdin> genii: it's back up, re-identify
[18:35] <genii> stdin: I did but it thinks my nick is genii-around
=== genii is now known as genii-around
=== genii-around is now known as genii
[18:35] <stdin> genii-around: apparently that's your master nick now :p
[18:36] <genii> stdin: Damn
[18:36] <genii> stdin: Won't let me auth
[18:36] <stdin> did you use the pass for genni-around?
[18:36] <NekosolTeraDyne> It thinks my name is "TeraDyne"
[18:37] <NekosolTeraDyne> but, it does show me as logged in
[18:37] <genii> NekosolTeraDyne: Same idea here
[18:37] <chx> where is the password stored for freenode? i can't identify. I forgot my password.
[18:38] <genii> stdin: It must be one I created a while ago
[18:38] <NekosolTeraDyne> Meh, I wouldn't worry about it until they get done with whatever it is they're doing.
[18:38] <chx> i mean, when i connect, konversation supplies the password as the server password.
[18:38] <chx> oh
[18:38] <chx> konversationrc.
[18:38] <chx> thanks.
[18:39] <stdin> genii: I guess you'll have to ask the staff for help then
[18:39] <genii> stdin: Bah
[18:41] <Choreboy> stdin: you're an operator of this channel? What does that mean? Is that like a moderator?
[18:41] <stdin> moderator/operator are interchangeable terms really
[18:41] <Choreboy> got it.
[18:42] <Choreboy> I want to be an operator someday. "I banish you to the depths of ##Heck"
[18:42] <asraniel_> quick, my gf tells me that kaffeine tells her that she does not has the rights to read a video DVD, how to solve?
[18:43] <Choreboy> use VLC?
[18:43] <stdin> asraniel_: make sure they are in the cdrom group
[18:43] <Choreboy> j/k!
[18:43] <asraniel_> stdin: she could read dvds until yesterday
[18:44] <sgraham> grrrr video issues blow
[18:47] <biagidp> Hey all. I just recently started using the kde-desktop on top of my ubuntu installation because gnome was giving me some performance issues. KDE has cleared up the issues and I'm enjoying it, but I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good weather-checking applet/widget?
[18:48] <Schorfi> liquidweather for superkaramba
[18:48] <Schorfi> or kweather for kicker
[18:48] <biagidp> are those part of KDE or are they like a separate widget dock I would need to get?
[18:49] <Schorfi> superkaramba is part of kde, however liquidweather is a non-kde plugin for it
[18:49] <compilerwriter> !superkaramba
[18:49] <ubottu> superkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org
[18:50] <Schorfi> exactly
[18:50] <simula> is there a way for many machines to mount a directory that allows them to share installed applications?
[18:50] <stdin> simula: look into nfs
[18:50] <stdin> !nfs
[18:50] <ubottu> nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.
[18:51] <compilerwriter> schorfi is superkaramba compatible with compiz?
[18:51] <Schorfi> yeah
[18:51] <simula> stdin... i'm really wanting to mount a directory to an sd card and move it between a laptop and a desktop
[18:51] <simula> i have mounted /usr and /home, but some apps don't like the move
[18:51] <stdin> simula: that's not mounting, that's just copying files
[18:52] <simula> stdin... i have partitioned the sd card into two partitions, each one mounts to the machine as /usr and /home at boot up
[18:52] <jabba> if i have compiz installed, and xgl installed, how do i get compiz to use it? it says it's not present.
[18:52] <simula> using fstab
[18:52] <stdin> simula: ok, so what's not working
[18:52] <stdin> ?
[18:53] <simula> i install firefox on my desktop, and it shows up in kde4 like magic on my laptop's launcher, but when i click on the icon it won't launch :/
[18:53] <simula> photoshop via wine works great
[18:54] <stdin> try launching it from a console and see if any errors come up
[18:54] <doktor_> a
[18:56] <asraniel_> warg, my gf changes back to windows because kubuntu has too many bugs... what a shame....
[18:57] <trappist> asraniel_: ironic, too
[18:58] <asraniel_> trappist: yes.. and she realy has many bugs, realy big ones, i never have such problems, it's realy wierd
[18:58] <trappist> iono, maybe she has some unsupported hardware
[18:58] <asraniel_> her biggest problem is her intel graphics card
[18:59] <asraniel_> today her screen went blank 2 times, she had to hard reboot the computer
[18:59] <asraniel_> then kaffeine didn't want to start anymore, until she killed it by hand, then it opend
[18:59] <asraniel_> then she could not open her video dvd
[18:59] <aldoo> hi, are the kde 4.1beta1 packages due for today ?
[18:59] <asraniel_> hardy is unusable for her, sometimes all videos are blue (not always)
[19:00] <Daisuke-Laptop> asraniel_: switch video output to x11
[19:00] <Daisuke-Laptop> should be in kaffeine's preferences
[19:01] <Myrth[home]> hi, where do i change to use subpixel font antialiasing?
[19:01] <asraniel_> Daisuke-Laptop: are you sure that works???? because it would be gread, i could upgrade her from gutsy to the LTS release
[19:03] <Myrth[home]> ok found :)
[19:04] <Choreboy> asraniel_: your gf seems to be in the twilight zone. Windows is more stable?
[19:04] <asraniel_> Choreboy: yes, much more
[19:04] <_sourcemaker> how stable is kde 4.1b?
[19:05] <nowhere> hi folks
[19:06] <EmJay> servus @ all
[19:06] <Choreboy> asraniel_: Well I dual-boot and I must say my windows is fairly stable, but it's also tweaked quite a bit
[19:06] <Choreboy> BUT, I do enjoy using Kubuntu more often. I only boot to XP when I need to do something I haven't learned/don't have time to learn (at the moment) in Kubuntu
[19:07] <Choreboy> I do have some noticable instability but it due to firefox issues
[19:08] <jhutchins_wk> One of the things we discovered when Linux started getting popular was that a lot of the crashes and problems we blamed on Windows were actually hardware problems.
[19:08] <biagidp> Everytime I try to download the liquid weather plugin it opens the binary in kate. Does anyone know how I can just save it?
[19:09] <stdin> right-click->Save as ?
[19:09] <biagidp> unfortunately that only saves a php file, and not the actual file I want to download
[19:09] <jhutchins_wk> Nowadays there are windows drivers that compensate for some bad hardware better than some linux drivers, as well as the other way around.
[19:10] <jhutchins_wk> biagidp: Open the php file and see if it has the URL of the file you want. Sounds like possibly a bogus webpage.
[19:10] <stdin> biagidp: you can try opening a console and use "wget <URL>"
[19:10] <Choreboy> jhutchins_wk: do you have example of bad hardware? Maybe a horror story?
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[19:13] <jhutchins_wk> Nothing really fun, just stuff that breaks. IDE controller chipsets were one.
[19:13] <jhutchins_wk> Memory controllers.
[19:14] <Choreboy> and you say drivers compensate for that?
[19:14] <jhutchins_wk> Sometimes linux will catch bad RAM, because it uses all of the ram.
[19:14] <jhutchins_wk> Choreboy: In a "if 2 + 2 =5 then 4" kind of way, sometimes.
[19:14] <biagidp> Got it. The php file it loaded was suspiciously large, so I renamed it to a .skz and it loaded right up
[19:15] <Choreboy> jhutchins_wk: ahhh. Damage control
[19:15] <Choreboy> well I suppose that's smart and probably a good thing to pursue when creating drivers?
[19:16] <jhutchins_wk> Basic, common hardware is a lot better since the mid-to-late 90's because of Linux though.
[19:16] <Choreboy> not that you wouldn't want good hardware but... sometimes that's not an option
[19:18] <tzd> genii: still there? Tried the -N parameter but received the same error msg: Failed to open /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb
[19:18] <tzd> genii: sorry that i took so long
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[19:33] <tzd> genii: tried a few things on my own and now things changed for some reason. In console i typed:"smbclient -L" I was then asked for a password. just pressed enter and i received info such as: Sharename Type Comment and everything was listed underneath
[19:34] <genii> Back
[19:35] <pim> Hey
[19:35] <genii> tzd: Good. See if you can now get there in file browser
[19:35] <dameouse> what packages do i need to install to be able to program with Qt 4.4 and c++?
[19:35] <pim> is there a command for getting information about packages? I mean: apt-cache *info* <package> or something like it
[19:36] <tzd> genii: when trying in a filebrowser i get the same error message as before: the file or the folder smb://ravenwood/ does not exist
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[19:38] <shane2peru> quick question, on kontact, I setup an imap account, it checks the server, and gets the messages fine
[19:38] <Vermux> how do I c files in the windows partition using kubuntu on the same computer?
[19:38] <shane2peru> however when I click on a message, it doesn't display the message? Anyone know why?
[19:38] <shane2peru> Vermux: open Konsole and type: mount
[19:39] <shane2peru> Vermux: that will tell you if the partition is mounted, then you should be able to navigate there with Dolphin and see the files.
[19:40] <shane2peru> Vermux you should see something like /mnt/windows or /mnt/ntfs or something, if it was setup to mount at the time of installation
[19:40] <Vermux> shane2peru: I dont c it there
[19:40] <Vermux> shane2peru: waht do I do?
[19:41] <shane2peru> Vermux: ok, we are going to have to setup a mount point
[19:42] <shane2peru> Vermux: using paste bin paste the results of: sudo fdisk -l .... Or if you can look at it and decipher what the results is you should be able to see your windows partition
[19:44] <Vermux> shane2peru: /dev/sda1 * 1 5099 40957686 7 HPFS/NTFS
[19:44] <shane2peru> Vermux: ahh, there ya go :) I guess I should have known it would be the first
[19:44] <xst> How can I make (k)ubuntu reconfigure my screen- and mousepad settings again from scratch as if I reinstalled from scratch?
[19:44] <shane2peru> Vermux: ok, now we are going to make a folder first with this: sudo mkdir /mnt/windows
[19:45] <Vermux> shane2peru: I copy and paste the row with the ntfs
[19:45] <Vermux> shane2peru: done
[19:45] <shane2peru> Vermux: now we are going to mount it and cross our fingers that Hardy already has the fuse thing installed with this: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows
[19:46] <shane2peru> Vermux: if you get an error, please paste it, should be a one liner
[19:47] <Vermux> it says that udo is not installed. Should Instasll it?
[19:47] <shane2peru> Vermux: ooops, I think you missed the 's' before sudo
[19:47] <Vermux> hehe
[19:47] <Vermux> yes
[19:47] <Vermux> corrected
[19:47] <shane2peru> Vermux: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows
[19:47] <Vermux> ok
[19:47] <shane2peru> no errors?
[19:48] <Vermux> no
[19:48] <Vermux> so far so good
[19:48] <shane2peru> gotta love hardy! :)
[19:48] <Vermux> that'sit?
[19:48] <Vermux> now, I will be able to c the windows partition?
[19:48] <shane2peru> ok, now to find that, just open Dolphin and navigate to Root folder, then click on mnt, then click on windows
[19:49] <shane2peru> Vermux: if you want to always have that mounted we would have to add that to your fstab,
[19:49] <Vermux> shane2peru: yay
[19:49] <Vermux> shane2peru: yes, I want it to be mounted all the time
[19:49] <shane2peru> I think that writing to ntfs may be still a trial and error thing,
[19:50] <shane2peru> Vermux: I'm not sure about that since I don't use ntfs at all
[19:50] <Vermux> shane2peru: u mean, writing or modifying documents in that partition?
[19:50] <Vermux> but no problem with opening documents, right?
[19:50] <shane2peru> Vermux: right, I mean the last time I used the ntfs fuser mount was back in Dapper, or Breezy days. :)
[19:51] <shane2peru> Vermux: correct, you should be able to open them without a problem, and like I said that is old news, things have probably gotten better.
[19:52] <Vermux> ok. got to go now, but I will need help how to change the fstab
[19:52] <shane2peru> Vermux: one second and I will find how to permanently add that to your fstab, do you want that on your Desktop for easy access?
[19:53] <shane2peru> Vermux: ok, later someone can help you, it isn' t that difficult. :)
[19:53] <Vermux> ok, thanks
[19:53] <Vermux> be back later
[19:53] <shane2peru> Vermux: no prob
[19:57] <tzd> genii: i tried connecting and browse via terminal and that works well. It's just all the gui connections that won't work for some reason
[20:00] <genii> tzd: Sorry again for lag. Work is busier than normal today
[20:00] <Qster> hi i originally installed ubuntu 8.04 and did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[20:00] <tzd> genii: it's ok :)
[20:00] <Qster> how do i get my compiz and settings working again?
[20:00] <genii> tzd: Well, so we know then the basic setups are good.
[20:02] <tzd> genii: yep. I've asked at the samba channel as well and was told to: add a share name to that smb:// and then: try the netbios host name instead of the IP
[20:02] <rickest> Qster: start by seeing if it even works: compiz --replace --sm-disable cpp
[20:03] <Qster> says could load plugin cppp
[20:03] <Qster> says could load plugin cpp
[20:03] <Qster> whole bunch of errors
[20:03] <genii> tzd: You might also try to add the option to use for hostname lookups bcast
[20:03] <Rudd-O> hi guise, I need help
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[20:04] <Rudd-O> my control center keyboard shortcuts module says that the Contextual menu (right-click menu) keyboard shortcut is Shift+F10. (normally it is assigned to the Menu key but we IBM Model M users don't have such a key). now, the context menu doesn't work in any application. Why could that be?
[20:04] <Rudd-O> halp plz? hehehee
[20:04] <rickest> er, type on my part sorry. 'ccp'
[20:04] <Rudd-O> I really want to break free from mouse dependency
[20:04] <genii> tzd: In the smbclient syntax it would be -R bcast
[20:06] <tzd> genii: ok will give that a try immediately
[20:06] <Rudd-O> can someone confirm if you can even read me?
[20:06] <tempest> can someone please help me figure out a problem i'm having when I log out of kubuntu the screen just goes black
[20:07] <shane2peru> does anyone know what package I need to sync palm with Kontact?
[20:07] <genii> tzd: Back in 2-3 minutes
[20:07] <Rudd-O> hi guise
[20:07] <Rudd-O> do you read me?
[20:07] <shane2peru> tempest: do you have ATI driver?
[20:07] <tempest> no its nvidia
[20:08] <Odd-rationale> Rudd-O: no
[20:08] <Rudd-O> Odd-rationale: thanks for confirming
[20:08] <Rudd-O> hahaa
[20:08] <Rudd-O> ok
[20:08] <shane2peru> tempest: hmm, that is probably the culprit, does the cpu actually shut off?
[20:08] <Rudd-O> now to the question
[20:08] <tempest> shane2peru it just goes black
[20:08] <shane2peru> tempest: it doesn't shut off?
[20:08] <Rudd-O> my control center keyboard shortcuts module says that the Contextual menu (right-click menu) keyboard shortcut is Shift+F10. (normally it is assigned to the Menu key but we IBM Model M users don't have such a key). now, the context menu doesn't work in any application. Why could that be?
[20:08] <Qster> http://paste.ubuntu.com/15614/ is the errors i get with compiz
[20:08] <shane2peru> tempest: I'm not sure about that, I know nothing of nvidia
[20:09] <tempest> shane2peru everything except logout works
[20:09] <shane2peru> tempest: ahhh, then certainly nvidia is the problem, do you have the restricted drivers installed?
[20:10] <tempest> shane2peru i used envyng and had to use the legacy driver
[20:10] <Qster> well by typing the compiz thing it seemed to have worked but i cant seem to get more than 2 desktops
[20:10] <tzd> genii: ok. Tried the -R bcast but that doesn't seem to do anything? tried: smbclient -R bcast , tried without bcast etc
[20:10] <shane2peru> tempest: I'm not real familiar with nvidia, my wife's computer has ATI and it had issues with that too, I installed envy and the latest ATI drivers and that cleared it up for me.
[20:11] <rickest> Qster: run 'ccsm' and/or kcontrol, should be able to set desktops/virtual desktops in those
[20:11] <shane2peru> does anyone know what package I need to sync palm with Kontact?
[20:11] <tempest> shane2peru its more annoying than anything
[20:11] <snizzy1> @rickest
[20:11] <snizzy1> whats your problem,
[20:11] <snizzy1> does the graphic hang up? after some seconds?
[20:12] <shane2peru> tempest: I know, I wish I had an answer for ya.
[20:12] <Qster> is there like a page i can goto to go from ubuntu to kubuntu?
[20:13] <frueber> Qster there is
[20:13] <shane2peru> Qster: you want to install and use Kubuntu?
[20:13] <tempest> shane2peru well I've searched the forums and all over google and havent found anything to fix it for nvidia that is why I was starting to wonder if it was just me
[20:13] <Qster> ive already sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[20:13] <rickest> Qster: log out of KDE, select which WM you want when the display manager appears (log-in screen)
[20:13] <rickest> shane2peru: he installed ubuntu, then
[20:13] <shane2peru> tempest: you can always post on the forums, I would post on ubuntuforums.org
[20:14] <rickest> 'kubuntu-desktop' so he has both
[20:14] <tempest> shane2peru well i couldnt figure out exactly were to post it im so new to this stuff
[20:14] <rickest> Qster: also now that you know compiz works put the command we did earlier in a shell script in ~/.kde/Autorun
[20:15] <shane2peru> tempest: hmm, probably in the general forums, the reason I suggest the ubuntuforums rather than the Kubuntu is they get a little more visited. :) This seems to be more of an ubuntu/nvidia issue
[20:15] <rickest> Qster: so it'll start automatically from now on
[20:15] <Qster> whats a shell script?
[20:15] <tempest> shane2peru thank you
[20:15] <shane2peru> tempest: no prob
[20:16] <genii> back
[20:17] <snizzy1> hi people, can someone help me?
[20:17] <PhilTrunk> snizzy1: just ask
[20:18] <Qster> how do i install kdm?
[20:18] <genii> tzd: if you have the ip address there it thinks thts a resolution protocol, like lmhosts bcast or so on. You need before the ip -I or do differently: smbclient //name-or-ip -R bcast
[20:18] <snizzy1> how can i record with my webcam,
[20:19] <Qster> i also cant seem to get more than 2 desktops, when i click properties and change it to 4 it just stays at 2
[20:19] <snizzy1> or how is it possible to activate the stream and get something from the cam,
[20:19] <snizzy1> through the usbport
[20:19] <snizzy1> its connected via my usb port
[20:20] <genii> Qster: sudo apt-get install kdm if you currently have gdm it should prompt for which to use as default. If it doesn't, do: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm
[20:20] <snizzy1> i think the stream is sent automatically, if a special command is sent?
[20:22] <dell> salut
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[20:24] <Qster> any idea why wont let me have more than 2 desktops?
[20:24] <rickest> Qster: mess with kcontrol and ccsm
[20:25] <snizzy1> is it possible to get a picture via kopete?
[20:28] <snizzy1> i dont mean kopete,
[20:28] <francesco_> !it
[20:28] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[20:28] <snizzy1> sry
[20:28] <genii> Qster: Is this on kde4 with compiz on?
[20:28] <snizzy1> i mean is it possible to record my own stream to a hdd
[20:28] <snizzy1> is there a tool
[20:28] <snizzy1> for kubuntu
[20:28] <snizzy1> where i can use my webcam as a videocamera?
[20:28] <genii> snizzy1: zoneminder may work for you
[20:29] <genii> !info zoneminder
[20:29] <ubottu> zoneminder (source: zoneminder): Linux video camera security and surveillance solution. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.22.3-10 (hardy), package size 1303 kB, installed size 4584 kB
[20:29] <snizzy1> how can i use it?
[20:29] <snizzy1> only start?
[20:29] <snizzy1> is it in
[20:29] <snizzy1> is it in usr bin
[20:29] <snizzy1> or sbin
[20:30] <snizzy1> how ok i look at it ;)
[20:30] <snizzy1> thanks for helping genii ;)
[20:30] <snizzy1> thx
[20:31] <genii> snizzy1: You need of course to use a package manager of your choise to install it. Adept (Add/Remove programs) or by apt-get: sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install zoneminder a small tutorial of it is here http://www.howtoforge.com/video_surveillance_zoneminder_ubuntu it is for other type of device but can be applicable
[20:31] <Qster> genii: this is kde4 yes
[20:32] <genii> snizzy1: Most video devices are at /dev/video0 up to /dev/videoXX where XX is last device minus a digit (since first is labelled zero)
[20:33] <tzd> genii: when trying with -R bcast after i get this: Not enough '\' characters in service followed by the whole list for smbclient syntax
[20:33] <genii> Qster: I found the pager applet neeed to be removed then readded while in compiz to properly show the correct number of desktops. Your mileage may vary however
[20:33] <debian_> Can grub boot a usb stick?
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[20:33] <Qster> well i cant even get the correct number of desktops to show in the bottom bar
[20:35] <snizzy2> how does zoneminder work?
[20:35] <genii> tzd: It has been some time since I required to use smbclient and so am referring myself back to it's manpage. I may have syntax incorrect once more. smbclient //name-or-ip/servicename -R bcast perhaps or even another /after servicename
[20:35] <Qster> hmm im wondering if i should just reinstall all of this with a kubuntu cd
[20:35] <Qster> instead of upgrading to it..
[20:36] <tzd> genii: by servicename you mean one of my shares?
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[20:42] <genii> tzd: Yes, servicename is something like Printers Homes or such
[20:42] <genii> gah more nickserv hiccups
[20:47] <tzd> genii: i tried smbclient -L -R bcast and then i got the usual pw request and then it listed my shared resources etc. I've got winbindd running, could that be one of the problems perhaps?
[20:48] <genii> tzd: Use then wins instead of bcast
[20:48] <genii> tzd: Although it seems for you no matter the CLI command, the GUI is inoperative
[20:49] <tzd> genii: yep same thing there... only works in terminal
[20:49] <tzd> genii: i've got win xp on vmware on this machine... perhaps i should try and see if it can connect?
[20:49] <bayko7> how do I switch my package download server to one thats not down??
[20:49] <genii> tzd: Heh, why not
[20:50] <genii> bayko7: You using ca.archive.ubuntu.com ?
[20:50] <bayko7> correct
[20:50] <genii> bayko7: Try instead debian.yorku.ca
[20:50] <bayko7> how do I swap that/?
[20:51] <genii> bayko7: alt-f2 kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list change all instances of ca.archive.ubuntu.com to debian.yorku.ca
[20:53] <genii> bayko7: After of course, save. Then to issue: sudo apt-get update to renew the list of packages
[20:54] <bayko7> renewing now
[20:55] <shane2peru> anyone know about sync-ing Palm with kontact, getting the kpilot to connect?
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[20:56] <bayko7> now it's frozen on 99% updating
[20:56] <genii> bayko7: Likely the swamped security server. There are no mirrors of it
[20:57] <bayko7> o ok, thanks
[21:00] <Qster> should i get the kde4 or kde3 ubuntu?
[21:00] <Odd-rationale> Qster: up to you, i'm staying with kde3 at least intil kde4.1 is stable
[21:00] <shane2peru> kde3 Qster
[21:01] <shane2peru> Qster: kde3 is more stable and usable, kde4 is umm, well lacking some still
[21:01] <Qster> k
[21:01] <genii> Qster: kde3 for everyday use.
[21:02] <lassiethebrave> so, after my latest update/upgrade on my kubuntu 8.04 laptop my touchpad has completely freaked out (when moving it behaves simply crazy doing button 3 clicks everywhere and moving hysterically...) I get The Following to errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/15624/ (the numbers wary but those to appear whenever I move my pointer...)
[21:04] <genii> lassiethebrave: The "lost sync" thing normally happens when it loses the irq for a device. Did you have special kernel options in your grub line before? like pci=routeirq or so on
[21:04] <lassiethebrave> genii: Nope, nothing special in menu.lst.
[21:05] <genii> lassiethebrave: Had you compiled a driver for it under the previous kernel?
[21:06] <lassiethebrave> genii: No I'm only using kubuntu shipped drivers ...
[21:06] <genii> OK.
[21:08] <lassiethebrave> genii: Would it help to roll back the upgrade, do you think? (if that is possible with kubuntu systems(?))
[21:09] <wraithmagi> need assistance setting my laptop to be bootp server for another laptop with a bad cd/dvd drive so he can install from my cd/dvd
[21:09] <genii> lassiethebrave: Not possible, unfortunately.
[21:09] <lassiethebrave> genii: Dang...
[21:09] <Freddy2> h
[21:09] <Freddy2> hi
[21:11] <wraithmagi> any ideas? installed the pump package but I'm totally lost on configuration....
[21:12] <tzd> genii: i got it, got some help from the samba channel people and apparently all my file browsers were bad... since i could connect via win xp i got even more assured that they were right. Tried one of the softwares they've listed (smb4k) and it connected very smoothly. Finally it works like it should. Shame my regular filebrowser doesn't work though since it works with everything else. Anyway, i owe you a massive thank you for all your help and effort
[21:12] <tzd> today! Hopefully I'll be able to help you some time but then you better forget something easy otherwise I won't know how to help you ;)
[21:12] <Freddy2> how can be adept_notifier autolaunched at startup? i suppose you can't really access to package config as normal user, isn't it?
[21:12] <genii> lassiethebrave: There seems quite extensive discussion on the error at http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-input@vger.kernel.org/msg00105.html
[21:12] <jhoc2x2> !atlantis
[21:12] <ubottu> Factoid atlantis not found
[21:12] <genii> tzd: Glad you got it going finally.
[21:13] <jhoc2x2> anyone here know how to install cube atlantis2 on 64bit?
[21:13] <genii> !info cube2
[21:13] <ubottu> Package cube2 does not exist in hardy
[21:13] <genii> Hmm
[21:14] <jhoc2x2> does not exist.. lol
[21:14] <tzd> genii: yeah, i was planning to stay up all night to get it sorted :) Now i can try to set up a ftp server instead haha... gosh there's always something to do with linux.... I'm suppose to study java for my exam on tuesday but that can wait one more day ;) Thanks once again :)
[21:14] <genii> tzd: Good luck with exams, and you're welcome
[21:14] <tzd> genii: cheers
[21:16] <nado_> anybody got problems with java and firefox 3?
[21:17] <wraithmagi> is there a linux app to "hot-resize" a partition?
[21:17] <nazgjunk> I'm trying to hurt my system into not trying to mount my camera as a camera but as an ordinary usb storage device - annoyingly the udev rules file I'm supposed to be editing doesn't exist. Details follow:
[21:18] <nazgjunk> it's a panasonic FX-12 camera, and the internet tells me I should edit the rules file for libgphoto2 to not include the ID for the thing
[21:18] <nazgjunk> since there is no such file I'm not making a lot of progress
[21:18] <nazgjunk> any suggestions?
[21:18] <nado_> wraithmagi: try gparted
[21:20] <andrew15234> whats the channel for general kubuntu discussion?
[21:20] <lassiethebrave> genii: thx, I'm of to compile the synaptics driver then.
[21:21] <nado_> andrew15234: you're in it :D
[21:21] <andrew15234> ok i thought this was the support channel
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[21:26] <Tobby> I'm sure ppl are bored of hearing this but: I to have changed my main laptop OS to Linux\kubuntu! And I'm very happy:P
[21:26] <andrew15234> it beats xp by a long shot in my opinion
[21:27] <lassiethebrave> Could anybody enlighten me as to how I would make kde not restore my previous session at login?
[21:27] <andrew15234> close everything before shutting down?
[21:27] <Tobby> lassiethebrave, in the systemsetings
[21:27] <Tobby> at advanced there is the option to change that..
[21:28] <Tobby> at least I read it somewhere there when I installed Kubuntu earliyer today
[21:28] <lassiethebrave> Tobby: Oh it's tabbed... thanks.
[21:30] <Tobby> anyone know the imwheel lines that is needed to use extra mouse button to go backwards in dolphin?
[21:31] <Vermux> how do I change the fstab file so I wont have to type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows every time Im restarting?
[21:32] <Vermux> shane2peru:
[21:32] <shane2peru> Vermux: I'm here
[21:33] <Vermux> shane2peru: how do I change the fstab file so I wont have to type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows every time Im restarting?
[21:33] <shane2peru> Vermux: right, did you want that on the desktop? For easier access
[21:33] <Vermux> shane2peru: good idea
[21:34] <shane2peru> Vermux: we are going to want to mount it in a different place than we did earlier
[21:34] <nicola_> hi all...please...can you tell me how i can enter another channel?
[21:35] <tzd> nicola_: type this; /j channelname
[21:35] <nicola_> thx so much!
[21:35] <tzd> np :)
[21:36] <Vermux> shane2peru: ok
[21:36] <shane2peru> Vermux: one second
[21:42] <shane2peru> Vermux: ok, ready
[21:42] <shane2peru> Vermux: ok, first this: sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
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[21:43] <shane2peru> Vermux: this will backup your fstab incase for whatever reason we mess it up. :)
[21:44] <shane2peru> Vermux: next we are going to type: gksu kate /etc/fstab
[21:44] <andrew15234> how di set up the compiz cube to rotate when i press super and move the mouse?
[21:45] <Vermux> shane2peru: it says that the program gksu is not installed, should I install it?
[21:45] <shane2peru> Vermux: paste this line in the very bottom of your fstab: /dev/sda1 /media/windows ntfs ro,user,auto,noexec,umask= 0 0 0
[21:45] <shane2peru> Vermux: ok, try: sudo kate /etc/fstab
[21:46] <shane2peru> Vermux: then paste that line above ^^^^
[21:46] <Vermux> shane2peru: can I use Vim to paste it?
[21:46] <shane2peru> Vermux: if you are vim fellow have at it. :)
[21:46] <shane2peru> Vermux: I don't vin
[21:46] <shane2peru> Vermux: I don't vim
[21:47] <shane2peru> Vermux: did you get it?
[21:48] <Vermux> yes, I did
[21:48] <Vermux> shane2peru: how do I check that it works?
[21:48] <shane2peru> Vermux: ok, now run this: sudo umount /mnt/windows
[21:48] <lassiethebrave> Thank you #kubuntu I have no *all* functionality of my laptop running kubuntu(!) this distro does rock!
[21:49] <lassiethebrave> *I have now *all**
[21:49] <Vermux> shane2peru: done
[21:49] <shane2peru> Vermux: and now: sudo mkdir /media/windows
[21:49] <shane2peru> Vermux: now run sudo mount -a
[21:49] <shane2peru> Vermux: you should be able to see a disk on your desktop that now says windows
[21:49] <Vermux> fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy
[21:49] <shane2peru> Vermux: run: mount
[21:50] <shane2peru> Vermux: does it show that that windows is mounted? sda1?
[21:50] <Vermux> shane2peru: I had the mount open
[21:50] <Vermux> now I closed it
[21:51] <Vermux> shane2peru: /dev/sda1 on /media/sda1 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)
[21:51] <shane2peru> Vermux: now you need to run again, sudo umount /mnt/windows
[21:51] <Vermux> it is not mounted
[21:52] <shane2peru> Vermux: ok now run: sudo mount -a
[21:52] <shane2peru> Vermux: that should mount anything and everything in fstab
[21:52] <Vermux> fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy
[21:52] <Vermux> shane2peru: I dont know why it says it is busy
[21:53] <shane2peru> Vermux: try this: sudo lsof /dev/sda1
[21:53] <Vermux> maybe if I restart?
[21:53] <Vermux> ok
[21:54] <Vermux> and then, mount -a?
[21:54] <shane2peru> Vermux: that command wasn' t right, I forget that command
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[21:54] <Vermux> I did sudo lsof /dev/sda1
[21:54] <shane2peru> Vermux: you can try a reboot, that would certainly tell us if it works
[21:54] <shane2peru> Vermux: did it show anything?
[21:55] <shane2peru> Vermux: oooh, that was the right command. lol
[21:55] <Vermux> shane2peru: no, it gave nothing in output
[21:55] <Vermux> which command, mount -a?
[21:55] <Vermux> or the last one?
[21:55] <shane2peru> ok, that should mean that it isn't mounted
[21:55] <shane2peru> no the lsof
[21:56] <Vermux> ok, so what is wrong here?
[21:56] <shane2peru> Vermux: it is probably a setting in the fstab, I'm looking for it now, one second
[21:56] <shane2peru> Vermux: it has been years since I worked with ntfs. :)
[21:56] <Vermux> ok, by the way:/media is the desktop folder?
[21:57] <Vermux> shane2peru: how come?
[21:57] <shane2peru> Vermux: no, anything mounted in media gets shown on the desktop, all the usb stuff mounts in media
[21:57] <shane2peru> I had you mount it under mnt before, that is my pref, it doesn' t show on desktop. :)
[21:58] <Vermux> shane2peru: why it shows in the desktop then?
[21:58] <tsb> Is user-switching in kubuntu 3.5.9 broken or is it just om my computer? After 1-3 minutes after loggign in to a new account, the old one will crash
[21:58] <Vermux> shane2peru: there is no way to create shortcut to the mount point /mnt?
[21:59] <tsb> er, kubuntu 8.04 sorry.
[21:59] <shane2peru> because it was mounted on media. :)
[21:59] <Vermux> Ic
[21:59] <Vermux> shane2peru: so let me know if there is a solution or I need to restart
[22:00] <Vermux> shane2peru: thanks for all the help
[22:00] <shane2peru> Vermux: no problem, I'm sure the settings in the fstab are incorrect, I'm looking for the right settings for Ubuntu
[22:01] <Freddy2> shane2peru: what filesystem type you need to mount?
[22:02] <shane2peru> Freddy2: ntfs
[22:02] <Vermux> shane2peru: I still c the folder Windows under mnt
[22:02] <Vermux> shane2peru: maybe this is the reason
[22:02] <shane2peru> Vermux: ok, I think this should be better
[22:02] <Freddy2> /dev/whatever /destination ntfs uid=0,gid=0,auto,rw,user,umask=000 0 0
[22:02] <shane2peru> Vermux: that should just be a folder, with nothing in it.:)
[22:02] <Vermux> shane2peru: but windows content are displayed under the /media folder
[22:02] <Freddy2> this one is working fine for me
[22:02] <Vermux> shane2peru: right
[22:03] <shane2peru> Freddy2: ahh, ok, thanks!
[22:03] <shane2peru> Freddy2: I don' t use ntfs. :)
[22:03] <Freddy2> my windows installation does..
[22:03] <Vermux> shane2peru: right, both folders are empty
[22:04] <Freddy2> you can set "ro" instead "rw" if you want read only access
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[22:04] <shane2peru> Vermux: we need to re-edit your fstab and erase what we put before, change it to this: /dev/sda1 /media/windows ntfs uid=0,gid=0,auto,rw,user,umask=000 0 0
[22:04] <Freddy2> *instead of
[22:04] <shane2peru> Freddy2: is ntfs stable with writing now?
[22:04] <Freddy2> it seems so
[22:04] <shane2peru> Freddy2: I haven't used ntfs in about 2 years
[22:05] <Freddy2> if you use a fat32 shared partition between win and linux you can keep your ntfs partition in read-only mode
[22:05] <shane2peru> Vermux: then run this: mount .... see if windows is mounted anywhere in there, or ntfs.
[22:05] <Freddy2> you choose
[22:06] <shane2peru> Freddy2: I'm 100% linux. :) I did set that up when I dual booted though, ntfs was unstable then
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[22:06] <shane2peru> Freddy2: or ntfs support with linux that is.
[22:06] <Vermux> shane2peru: yes, on /media/sd1
[22:06] <Vermux> sda1
[22:06] <Freddy2> the problem was ntfs support on linux, for sure
[22:06] <shane2peru> Vermux: ok run: sudo umount /media/sda1
[22:07] <shane2peru> Vermux: then run: sudo mount -a
[22:07] <Vermux> ok
[22:07] <Vermux> done
[22:07] <shane2peru> Vermux: was there any other sda1 entries in your fstab?
[22:07] <shane2peru> Vermux: you should see a drive on your desktop now called windows
[22:08] <Vermux> shane2peru: no. I dont c it
[22:08] <shane2peru> Vermux: when you ran sudo mount -a no errors?
[22:08] <Vermux> no, nothing
[22:08] <shane2peru> Vermux: run: mount and check for where ntfs is mounted
[22:09] <shane2peru> Freddy2: thanks for the ntfs fstab settings. :)
[22:09] <Freddy2> you're welcome
[22:09] <Vermux> yes, it is mounted on /media /windows
[22:09] <Freddy2> Vermux: if your fstab is fine simply reboot
[22:09] <Vermux> and on /media/sda1
[22:09] <Vermux> I c 2 entries
[22:09] <shane2peru> Vermux: well, that is odd that it doesn't show up on desktop
[22:10] <shane2peru> Vermux: ahh, ok, I think it was already in your fstab
[22:10] <Freddy2> check that you have only 1 entry for this partition, leave the right one, save and reboot
[22:10] <Vermux> ?
[22:10] <Freddy2> this should work
[22:10] <shane2peru> Vermux: paste the output for this: cat /etc/fstab and paste it in: www.pastebin.com
[22:11] <shane2peru> Freddy2: I think it is in the fstab twice, I think it was in there before, and we (I) didn't know it.
[22:11] <Freddy2> shane2peru: sure
[22:11] <shane2peru> Vermux: then paste the link here so I can see it.
[22:11] <Vermux> http://pastebin.com/md58853c
[22:12] <Freddy2> fucking pastebin.. i hate this web XD
[22:12] <Vermux> ?
[22:12] <shane2peru> Vermux: ok, edit your fstab again, and put a # before the line: UUID=96A49B5BA49B3CA5 /media/sda1 ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1
[22:12] <Vermux> what is xd?
[22:12] <shane2peru> Freddy2: please keep the room family friendly
[22:13] <shane2peru> Vermux: after you do that you should be able to reboot, and have it show up on the desktop without a problem
[22:13] <Freddy2> np
[22:13] <Vermux> done
[22:14] <Vermux> shane2peru: ok, will be back shortly
[22:14] <shane2peru> Vermux: it was already in the fstab and we didn't realize that! It was already mounted lol, anyway, this should give you write permissions
[22:14] <Vermux> shane2peru: but u said it is not safe to write?
[22:14] <Vermux> is it ok to change documents in the windows partition?
[22:14] <Freddy2> Vermux: what kubuntu version are you using?
[22:15] <shane2peru> Vermux: I also said I haven't used ntfs in 2 years. :)
[22:15] <Vermux> like .txt or doc?
[22:15] <Vermux> the last one, I upgraded today
[22:15] <Vermux> 8.04
[22:15] <shane2peru> Vermux: hmm, that would be a question for Freddy2, he is using ntfs
[22:15] <tozankyaku> Hi
[22:15] <Vermux> what's the comand to check the version?
[22:16] <Freddy2> it should work fine with ntfs, but you may use a shared fat32 (for example) partition
[22:16] <Freddy2> that depends on how much you believe in ntfs driver XD
[22:16] <Vermux> waht is XD?
[22:16] <shane2peru> Vermux: if you don' t want to write, you can change the fstab find the option rw in the line we put in there and change it to ro
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[22:16] <Freddy2> i have write support enabled, but certainly i don't use to modify many windows files..
[22:17] <shane2peru> Vermux: if you aren' t sure, that may be the safest way to go, because as I said, I don't even have an ntfs partition
[22:18] <shane2peru> Vermux: then you can reboot, and all should be fine
[22:19] <Vermux> k, wait here
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[22:20] <shane2peru> Vermux: I'll be here
[22:20] <Freddy2> xD
[22:20] <shane2peru> Freddy2: what is xd?
[22:20] <Daisuke_Ido> shane2peru: it's a smiley/emoticon
[22:20] <Vermux> wait with the answer till Im back plz
[22:21] <gentleman> who is there?
[22:21] <shane2peru> Freddy2: lol, doesn't show in konversation
[22:21] <Daisuke_Ido> shane2peru: it's text, it shows up as text, just like :) and :D and :( and... the list goes on and on
[22:21] <Freddy2> http://www.bakarchivio.org/XD.png
[22:21] <mrksbrd> genii or NOS u here???
[22:21] <Daisuke_Ido> if you're seeing xD, it's showing up properly.
[22:22] <Freddy2> shane2peru: that's it
[22:22] <shane2peru> Daisuke_Ido: all I see is xD lol, course there is no real way to tell what you are seeing, or what I'm seeing.
[22:22] <shane2peru> Daisuke_Ido: I see text. :)
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[22:23] <mrksbrd> don't execute me for asking......but has anyone ever attempted to dual boot visa and kubuntu?????
[22:23] <Daisuke_Ido> then you're seeing it right
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[22:24] <Vermux> shane2peru: I dont c it on the desktop
[22:25] <shane2peru> Vermux: hmm, that is odd, I wonder why usb stuff shows up, but not that?
[22:25] <Daisuke_Ido> mrksbrd: one question mark will suffice, this isn't aol
[22:25] <locco> hy
[22:25] <Freddy2> Vermux: paste your fstab file here http://phpfi.com//
[22:25] <Gat0rvean> how would I add a kernel parameter when booting from a live CD? (or can I?)
[22:25] <mrksbrd> sorry habit
[22:26] <shane2peru> Vermux: well, at least you can navigate to it via Dolphin, I'm not as familiar with KDE, I'm an xGnomer :)
[22:27] <mrksbrd> genii u here?
[22:27] <locco> holaaaaaaaaa
[22:27] <Vermux> Freddy2: http://phpfi.com/320616
[22:27] <Vermux> ok
[22:28] <shane2peru> !es | locco
[22:28] <ubottu> locco: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[22:28] <locco> ok
[22:28] <Freddy2> locco: ya lo sabes XD
[22:28] <Vermux> shane2peru: maybe u can help with this: when Im booting the laptop, I have like 8 options to choose from - all of the are almost identical (ubuntu.... 8.04), safe mode
[22:29] <shane2peru> Vermux: ha ha, how did you end up with 8 of them! lol, that is easy to fix
[22:29] <Freddy2> Vermux: what about "mount" output? what and where is mounted?
[22:29] <navetz> can someone tell me how to restart my keyboard
[22:29] <Vermux> shane2peru: I think I suppose to have 3 or 4 options, regular mode, safe mode, windows...
[22:29] <mrksbrd> !dualboot
[22:29] <ubottu> Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot
[22:29] <shane2peru> Vermux: sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.bak
[22:29] <Daisuke_Ido> Vermux: kernel updates add grub lines
[22:29] <Daisuke_Ido> Vermux: uninstall older kernels through adept or synaptic
[22:29] <Daisuke_Ido> keep one or two releases back in case something doesn't work properly
[22:30] <Vermux> Freddy2: http://phpfi.com/320617
[22:30] <shane2peru> Daisuke_Ido: ahh, right, I forget about that, I always edit my menu.lst :) lol, but I usually am dual booting with Linux/Linux
[22:30] <Freddy2> so windows is mounted at /media/windows
[22:30] <Freddy2> go there and check it
[22:32] <Vermux> Freddy2: I checked it already, I can access it
[22:33] <Freddy2> probably you can enable drives view at desktop, but i don't know how.. i have a "place" at my file manager, and it's fine for me
[22:33] <Vermux> shane2peru: how do I search for old kernels?
[22:33] <Vermux> shane2peru: what's their names?
[22:34] <ubuntu__> there's something wrong with the calculator in kubuntu
[22:34] <shane2peru> Vermux: you can just search for kernel
[22:34] <shane2peru> Vermux: make sure you leave the most recent, and one old one too
[22:35] <ubuntu__> i multiplied 700000 with 5.80 and i got some 4.06e6 gibberish
[22:35] <poseidon> ubuntu__, Do you have it set to scientific mode?
[22:36] <ubuntu__> poseidon: i might
[22:36] <Vermux> shane2peru: linux kernel headers?
[22:36] <shane2peru> Vermux: I believe so, let me double check
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[22:36] <Vermux> Freddy2: didnt find that option. I think Im fine like that
[22:36] <ubuntu__> poseidon: no, its in general mode
[22:36] <Freddy2> ok, me 2
[22:37] <Vermux> Freddy2: actually, how do I create a shortcut?
[22:37] <poseidon> ubuntu__, It's probably to many digits. It probably has a feature to turn it into scientific mode once the number is x amount of digits long.
[22:37] <Freddy2> cd ~/Desktop (or whatever name it has) and ln -s /media/windows windows
[22:38] <Freddy2> i think this should work.. try it
[22:38] <shane2peru> Vermux: I think Linux-image is what you want to remove
[22:38] <Vermux> Freddy2: yay!!
[22:38] <poseidon> ubuntu__, I'm sure you can convert it to a regular number from scientific :)
[22:38] <ubuntu__> hmm, i think it's a bad idea having such a mode turned on by default
[22:38] <Vermux> Freddy2:
[22:38] <Vermux> I created a link to a hard drive device
[22:39] <Freddy2> well, you may call it this way, yes
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[22:39] <mrksbrd> !geforce
[22:39] <ubottu> Factoid geforce not found
[22:39] <ubuntu__> i hope i can install the gnome calculator in kde
[22:39] <poseidon> ubuntu__, It's really so that you don't give an overflow. It's hard to handle very large numbers. It's much simpler to do a conversion to scientific rather than to depend on long multiplication.
[22:40] <shane2peru> ubuntu__: you can
[22:40] <Freddy2> i get 4060000
[22:40] <navetz> can someone please tell me how to restart my keyboard, my control and shift keys stoped working
[22:40] <mrksbrd> !nvidea
[22:40] <ubottu> Factoid nvidea not found
[22:41] <mrksbrd> !broadcom
[22:41] <ubottu> Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx
[22:41] <FSHero> Hi all; is it true that KDE4 in Hardy is not under LTS? If so... can I install KDE3 from Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 (and vice versa: KDE4 from Kubuntu 8.04 LTS)?
[22:42] <Vermux> shane2peru: ok, I removed 2.6.20 and 2.6.22
[22:42] <adz21c> FSHero: yes
[22:42] <Vermux> I'll reboot again to c the change
[22:42] <Vermux> shane2peru: ^
[22:42] <shane2peru> Vermux: you did leave the newest ones right? :) that should fix it so you don' t have so many choices.
[22:43] <adz21c> FSHero: u can install kubuntu-kde4-desktop and kubuntu-desktop (kde3)
[22:43] <Freddy2> adz21c: no conflict between same-name apps like kmail? is kde4 creating a ~/.kde4 folder instead?
[22:43] <Vermux> shane2peru: yes, .24 I left
[22:44] <FSHero> adz21c: Thanks. I think I shall install the kde3 version, then add kde4.
[22:44] <poseidon> ubuntu__, go to view->fixed decimal. That should fix it.
[22:44] <Vermux> shane2peru: I also left .22 one
[22:44] <shane2peru> Vermux: ok, you should be good to go
[22:44] <adz21c> Freddy2: correct, kde4 stores config in .kde4 and the apps are installed into usr/lib/kde4
[22:44] <Vermux> k, rebooting
[22:45] <Qster> how do i get more than 2 desktops? when i increase the amount to 4 it justs gives two
[22:45] <Freddy2> ok, maybe i give it a try in the future, but not know
[22:45] <adz21c> :)
[22:45] <Freddy2> i've read someplace that plasma is being completely rewriten
[22:45] <Freddy2> new api, new bugs, new test time xD
[22:45] <adz21c> Freddy2: had a big shake down for 4.1
[22:46] <Freddy2> adz21c: so is it true? new api for plasma? why?
[22:46] <adz21c> Freddy2: qt 4.4 brought some new stuff they been waiting for
[22:47] <Freddy2> interesting.. what about v4.1 release date?
[22:47] <adz21c> Freddy2: i am using a trunk build now and they cleaned up the bugs they were having quite quickly, its pretty stable now
[22:47] <Freddy2> (expected release date)
[22:47] <adz21c> Freddy2: you mean the none beta release?
[22:47] <Freddy2> i mean 4.1 final release
[22:48] <adz21c> Freddy2: late July, 28th or something like that
[22:48] <Freddy2> looks very close.. i was expecting it close to october.. we'll see how it works
[22:48] <Vermux> shane2peru: ok, now I have two .22 and two .24, memtest... others, and windows
[22:49] <shane2peru> Vermux: great!
[22:49] <Freddy2> i want kde-pim working, as soon as amarok2
[22:49] <Daisuke_Ido> Vermux: what's the 24? -16 or -17?
[22:49] <adz21c> Freddy2: indeed ... although i have to say i don't have many stability problems so far (although i am not using many of the apps, too lazy to compile it all)
[22:50] <Vermux> Daisuke_Ido: -17
[22:50] <Freddy2> adz21c: i've seen many lightweight plasmoids for rss feeding, but.. is akregator still alive? i can't live without it :)
[22:50] <Daisuke_Ido> Vermux: k - i would have kept -16 and -17, since .22 is gutsy's kernel
[22:50] <Daisuke_Ido> Freddy2: of course it's still alive
[22:51] <adz21c> Freddy2: its in there although i not done a kdepim compile since i left gutsy
[22:51] <Vermux> I didnt have 16
[22:51] <Freddy2> nice
[22:51] <Vermux> Daisuke_Ido: I have 17 0nly
[22:51] <Daisuke_Ido> Vermux: shouldn't be an issue
[22:52] <Vermux> Daisuke_Ido: ok, thanks
[22:52] <Freddy2> i've been finally able to get one of my ideas introduced http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=122179
[22:52] <ubottu> KDE bug 122179 in general "text filters to sources" [Wishlist,New]
[22:52] <Freddy2> :D
[22:52] <venik> lsusb does not work on my 8.04 all of a sudden. Why is that?
[22:52] <venik> When I type it into the Konsole, it just sits there-- no output
[22:54] <scott__> ive switched to kde but when i enable compiz it only lets me have 2 desktops anyone experience this?
[22:56] <khaije1> !compiz
[22:56] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[22:59] <jill> hi people
[22:59] <jill> i need some help
[22:59] <jill> can you?
[23:00] <jill> please, anyone help
[23:01] <alexey> hi
[23:01] <jill> hi
[23:01] <alexey> is there any faq channel)
[23:02] <jill> i dont know, i am firt time here
[23:02] <jill> anybodey help me please with kubuntu 710
[23:02] <alexey> 1q) why i can not to typr my login and pass in console)
[23:02] <alexey> ju 8 04
[23:02] <shane2peru> jill: what is the question
[23:03] <jill> first - i dont know why my konqueror doesnt not works on dailup
[23:03] <shane2peru> alexey: is your keyboard setup correctly?
=== shiver is now known as shiver2365
[23:04] <shane2peru> jill: oooh, not sure on that one, sorry, I just recently came to KDE, I know nothing of konqueror
[23:04] <shane2peru> jill: why don' t you upgrade to 8.04?
[23:04] <jill> the second question
[23:04] <jill> im on dialup i cant do this
[23:04] <shane2peru> jill: ahh, right, understood
[23:05] <jill> or send me your copy in Republic of Kazakhstan))))
[23:05] <shane2peru> jill: lol, I'm in Peru! :)
[23:05] <alexey> i can send you)
[23:05] <jill> i take english on one week because my linux doesnt have localisations)
[23:06] <jill> alexey, yea? cool
[23:06] <alexey> It can be in Almaata in 2 days)
[23:06] <jill> what do you need for that?
[23:06] <jill> oh
[23:06] <jill> no
[23:06] <jill> alex, i leave in east part of KZ
[23:06] <alexey> hm) then i can post it)
[23:07] <jill> okay, what do you need? any postcodes maybe?
[23:07] <alexey> shane) are you still here&
[23:07] <alexey> adress)
[23:07] <alexey> postal code
[23:07] <jill> only adress? realy cool
[23:07] <alexey> and youe name)
[23:07] <jill> but how much money i need for that
[23:07] <jill> ?
[23:08] <shane2peru> alexey: I'm still here, I don' t do PM :)
[23:08] <alexey> )) i dont think it will be a trouble)
[23:08] <alexey> maybe 1us dollar)
[23:08] <alexey> i dont know)
[23:08] <shane2peru> what keyboard are you using?
[23:08] <alexey> Sven slim 303))))
[23:09] <shane2peru> alexey: I'm not really sure, probably when you installed, you needed to make sure the keyboard setting was correct, they give you a little space to type and make sure it workds
[23:09] <jill> shane, look. my firefox works properly but konqueror is not
[23:09] <alexey> it works)
[23:09] <alexey> and it works in console
[23:09] <alexey> but after i type a comman
[23:09] <alexey> d
[23:09] <shane2peru> alexey: console? like the command line?
[23:10] <jill> alex, why konqueror didnt see dialup connection?
[23:10] <alexey> and it saks me for my pass i cant type it)
[23:10] <alexey> asks)))
[23:10] <shane2peru> alexey: you can type it, it just doesn't show it to you
[23:10] <shane2peru> type it and hit return
[23:10] <alexey> really?
[23:10] <alexey> let me try)
[23:10] <shane2peru> alexey: yes
[23:10] <alexey> and 1more q
[23:10] <shane2peru> jill: I would just use firefox. :)
[23:10] <alexey> how you make you msg red)
[23:11] <shane2peru> alexey: I type the first four letters of your name and hit tab (it completes the name)
[23:11] <alexey> shane2peru: ok)_
[23:11] <alexey> shane2peru: ths a lot
[23:12] <shane2peru> alexey: no prob
[23:12] <jill> shane2peru, but i have to know if i want use any linux system, i hate when any software exists, but not works)
[23:12] <shane2peru> jill: there is NO perfect software :)
[23:12] <jill> yea, but perfect hands are
[23:13] <jill> i have last question, what can i do for playing video in kubuntu?
[23:14] <Odd-rationale> jill: kaffeine
[23:14] <shane2peru> video, what kind of video
[23:14] <jill> kaffeine doesnt works, avi-type
[23:14] <shane2peru> jill: install vlc, that is the greatest player of all, plays everything
[23:14] <Odd-rationale> shane2peru: is there a qt froentend to vlc?
[23:15] <jill> give me a tip how can i install kaffeine avi support
[23:15] <shane2peru> Odd-rationale: hmm, not sure I always used to use Gnome
[23:15] <Odd-rationale> jill: did you try installinf kubuntu-restricted-extras?
[23:15] <Odd-rationale> jill: i was able to play avi in kaffeine...
[23:15] <jill> one second i am verifyng
[23:17] <jill> in adept manager i havent it
[23:17] <Odd-rationale> jill: install it: kubuntu-restricted-extras
[23:18] <Odd-rationale> jill: WARNING: it will make you computer less free
[23:18] <jill> any terminal command to install it?
[23:18] <jill> how can i do this?
[23:18] <Odd-rationale> sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras
[23:18] <Daisuke_Ido> Odd-rationale: you have an odd definition of free - i see the restricted extras as the freedom to play whatever i want :)
[23:19] <shane2peru> vlc does work in Kubuntu, I don't know what it is written in, for the record. :)
[23:19] <Daisuke_Ido> rather than the "freedom" to listen to both of my .oggs
[23:19] <Odd-rationale> vlc, at least the one in the repo, is gtk.
[23:19] <jill> it couldnt find package kubuntu-restr...
=== scott__ is now known as Qster
[23:20] <shane2peru> Odd-rationale: aah, then it is gtk, still greatest player, plays about everything under the sun
[23:20] <jill> guys
[23:20] <Odd-rationale> jill: you may have to check the spelling.
[23:20] <jill> i use clipboard
[23:20] <Odd-rationale> jill: also, tab completion may help: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-re<tab> and see wthat you get...
[23:20] <Qster> i cant seem to get my virtual desktops to go above 2 even after setting to 4 it defaults back to 2 any ideas?
[23:21] <shane2peru> kubuntu-restricted-extras
[23:21] <Odd-rationale> shane2peru: phonon will have vlc backends :)
[23:21] <shane2peru> jill: ^^^
[23:21] <jill> no, it doesnt works
[23:22] <Odd-rationale> jill: you may need to do "sudo apt-get update" first...
[23:22] <shane2peru> jill: I did: aptitude search restricted and it shows you the restricted packages
[23:22] <jill> okay
[23:22] <shane2peru> jill: you will probably need universe and multiverse enabled
[23:22] <shane2peru> Odd-rationale: what is phonon?
[23:23] <jill> it is doing to update
[23:23] <jill> some packs are loading now
[23:24] <jill> the third pack is big.. for dialup connection, dont go away 5 mins))
[23:25] <jill> where are installed packages located?
[23:27] <marcutio> hi
[23:29] <jill> hey guys, what for the dbg files?
[23:29] <jill> debuging where? i dont have any development programs
[23:31] <Kloplop321> I have a quick question, how do I chang it so that the mouse scroller, when presed dowm(acts as a middle button) does not paste?
[23:31] <neofax> Hello everyone!
[23:31] <eljefe> thats a huge feature of linux, why would you??
[23:32] <neofax> I cannot update to kernel 2.6.24-17 as I get an error on postinst.
[23:32] <eljefe> well, i find it very important and cannot live w/o it
[23:32] <jill> firefox is too slow...
[23:32] <Kloplop321> it is annoying, and my scroller is very sositive so it randomly pastes it into the cade I work on when scrolling someitmeo
[23:32] <Kloplop321> sometimes*
[23:33] <neofax> jill: Check out: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/215728
[23:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 215728 in xulrunner-1.9 "[MASTER] Committing to urlclassifier3.sqlite causes excessive CPU usage and disk I/O" [High,Fix released]
[23:33] <jill> shane2peru, when i done downloading, what next?
[23:34] <Kloplop321> into the code* (I am typnig an a Dvorak keyboard)
[23:34] <Odd-rationale> shane2peru: you haven't heard of phonon?! it is the kde4 multimedia framework
[23:34] <shane2peru> jill: I think you should be all set to go, just reopen Kaffine, and play the file. :)
[23:34] <belzebub> which file holds all the monitor settings? in kde4
[23:34] <shane2peru> Odd-rationale: ohh, I gave KDE4 a go for a bit, still shaky, went back to KDE3. :)
[23:34] <jill> after universe packs it will be fine?
[23:35] <shane2peru> jill: after it is all done installing the kubuntu-restricted-drivers you should be able to play the avi file
[23:36] <jill> shane2peru, thank you very much, realy i have 160Gbytes of video and it very interesting, thanks
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[23:36] <Odd-rationale> shane2peru: kubuntu-restricted-drivers?
[23:36] <shane2peru> jill: no prob
[23:37] <shane2peru> Odd-rationale: ohh, extras, it was the idea, not the package
[23:38] <jill> shane2peru, if i have my old kubuntu, i always have to update my systems? if i cant do this, is it very important what release i use?
[23:39] <shane2peru> jill: if you are on dialup, the updates are probably less important, because they are usually security stuff that effect high speed users more than anything
[23:39] <shane2peru> jill: if something doesn't work for you, consider updating it. :)
[23:40] <shane2peru> if it works, just leave it alone, that will save you a lot of downloading on dialup.
[23:41] <jill> shane2peru, okay and last for you - i want to build software on c++, in ASP Linux 12 Carbon (autumn 2007 rpm system) i use KDevelop, in Kubuntu what is it?
[23:41] <Daisuke_Ido> ...kdevelop
[23:42] <jill> in standart package any of this exists?
[23:43] <jill> yeaaaaaaa, it works, kaffein are working stable, thanks to shane2peru
[23:43] <tzd> i can't write to an external usb hdd that's connected to a router. I can see it and browse the drive via samba but not write to it. My guess is that the permissions are wrong but how do i add a user or make it writeable please? It's ext3 format and the cmd "adduser" does not work
[23:44] <jill> i am going to see "American Gungster" today)) ever seen?
[23:44] <belzebub> which file holds all the monitor settings? in kde4
[23:44] <shane2peru> jill: no prob
[23:44] <tzd> jill: yeah, it's a good film ;)
[23:45] <jill> shane2peru, where are those packages i download, i want to save it for reintalled kubuntu and my friends
[23:45] <jill> i want it on cd
[23:45] <jill> where they are located?
[23:45] <shane2peru> jill: ahh, you can save all those, they are in /var/cache/apt/archives
[23:47] <shane2peru> jill: or something close to that, that is a good idea, especially if you are on dialup, if you have a friend that has highspeed, you can just run aptitude download and download the packages save them in a folder and bring them back to your comptuer
[23:47] <jill> shane2peru, cool. i am going to do this
[23:48] <shane2peru> aptitude download package name <- this just saves it in the folder that you are in, and it doesn't get all the dependencies
[23:48] <shane2peru> jill: ^^^
[23:49] <jill> shane2peru, /var/cache/apt/archives empty
[23:49] <shane2peru> jill: what?
[23:50] <jill> shane2peru, only pkgcache.bin and other bin-file
[23:50] <shane2peru> jill: /var/cache/apt/archives that is where mine are, there should be a bunch of .deb files
[23:51] <jill> i an going to search all *.deb files on my disk
[23:51] <shane2peru> jill: slocate *.deb
[23:52] <jill> ohh, strigi is sucks if honestly
[23:52] <shane2peru> jill: yes, don't use strigi :)
[23:53] <rootsnatch> ya I really don't like strigi, when are they going to make strigi actaully good
[23:53] <jill> shane2peru, can i remove it safely for another programs, can i just delete it in adept?
[23:54] <shane2peru> jill: not sure, it is probably attached to the kubuntu-desktop
[23:54] <shane2peru> jill: you can safely leave it, just run: slocate *.deb
[23:54] <shane2peru> jill: that will tell you right now where all those packages are
[23:57] <jill> shane2peru, maybe it was *.gpg files download?
[23:58] <shane2peru> jill: no all the packages are going to be .deb files, that is the debian packaging setup
[23:59] <jill> shane2peru, look
[23:59] <jill> Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy Release [65.9kB]
[23:59] <jill> Get:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Packages [4065kB]