UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /27 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <fde> Seems odd that they wouldn't allow a user to set something as feature request though... then I guess that is more the point of blueprints... hmm
[00:13] <sectech> fde, Bug-control really doesn't like people to triage there own bugs... It's best to get another fellow triager to look at it with you... I know what you mean by not being able to mark something as a feature request though, the problem is if users were allowed to mark things as a "wishlist" there would be tons of requests.... Plus some bugs would end up as a "wish list" and some "wish list" would end up as bugs
[00:14] <sectech> When I report bugs I don't even attempt to change the status to confirmed or anything, I'll just ask another triager to look at it
[00:14] <[Relic]> Is GIT the best way to get the kernel source? coretemp.h is 0 bytes so I can't figure out which version of it was used to build the kernel, and even though lm-sensors say it added 45nm support in 2.6.20 I still get fatal errors unknown cpu type trying to run it
[00:19] <sectech> I have to say.... The bug-squad mailing list is........interesting today
[00:21] <hggdh> fde: you should not accept your own reports -- somebody else should do it
[00:21] <sectech> hggdh, I loved your reply on the mailing list...
[00:22] <hggdh> sectech: it is a pity, though. I would rather have everybody working together, instead of fighting
[00:23] <sectech> hggdh, I know... the developers seem to be missing the point of what we do... we are here to help them, not make there job harder....
[00:24] <sectech> we save them from having to ask reporters for a lot of information....
[00:24] <hggdh> there are some misunderstandings on both sides, and things escalated very fast. After Rienhard's response, I am out of the discussion...
[00:24] <sectech> hggdh, I am not sure if the developers who posted to the list really reflect the entire group though...
[00:26] <hggdh> sectech, hopefully they do not, and hopefully the answer was spur of the moment, without due consideration to impact. But, as on any democracy, it is not the vote of the people, it is the vote of the active minority that counts
[00:27] <sectech> I just hope we can keep doing what we do, triage bugs... and have it still remain enjoyable and interesting...
[00:29] <sectech> I honestly do believe we are helping more then harming though... Just think of how many bugs we go through (we check for dups, we invalidate non bugs, we trouble shoot when we can)....
[00:29] <hggdh> we will. This is all part of what, some days ago, I called growth pains, due to the huge success Ubuntu has had -- and all of it due to *all* the people that has helped.
[00:30] <sectech> growing pains sounds appropriate....
[00:31] <hggdh> sectech: yes. Only those that never did support professionally think bug trial is for the dummies. Unfortunately -- and I say it based on my experience on both sides of the fence -- most developers never really worked support
[00:31] <sectech> oh by the way... I have had to change some of my more active bugs back to "new"... I am in the process of moving to a new city and I wasn't expecting as much down time as I am having.
[00:31] <hggdh> sectech: you might leave them as incomplete, as long as you are not assigned to them
[00:32] <sectech> It's only going to be a week.... I move into the new place on Sat...
[00:32] <sectech> I just didn't want the reporter to think I abandoned their issue.
[00:32] <hggdh> :-) moving pains are usually worse than growing pains...
[00:33] <sectech> Trying to get high speed out in my area was a pain... I ended up changing providers...
[00:33] <sectech> oh well..
[00:47] <fde> sectech: Sorry, I was poking around on launchpad and the mailing lists... I can understand what you mean though, and to be fair, there are other means for handling such things... it was however something I considered a bug, so I think it's in the right spot.
[00:48] <fde> nickellery: Hey, I added more info to 235103 could you review and see if it makes more sense now?
[01:25] <[Relic]> Hello :)
[01:25] <[Relic]> found out why no one can get 45nm cpu sensor read :)
[01:27] <[Relic]> coretemp.c isn't up-to-date in kernel 2.6.24, but is in 2.6.25
[01:28] <Deeta> Hiya Relic :) Nice :) another bug resolved :) (or soon to be resolved) *yay virtual bughug* :)
[01:29] <[Relic]> not sure where to post that info, nor how to fix my kernel to do to, but I figured it out so I ain't so annoyed anymore :)
[01:30] <Deeta> Oh there is not yet a bug files against this? (I assumed you were triaging a present one)
[01:30] <Deeta> *filed
[01:30] <[Relic]> lots of bugs for lm-sensors to be updated to detect the 45nms but it isn't lm-sensors that is the problem
[01:31] <[Relic]> might still have that slightly dated sensors-detect that didn't detect them but even if you installed that you can't get the core temps because it is coretemp that is the problem not lm-sensors
[01:32] <Deeta> If it is working in linux 2.6.25 and not working and 2.6.24 then I guess the package to file it against would be linux (in ubuntu)
[01:33] <[Relic]> don't have 25 running but the code to check for the model 17 cpus is there and isn't in 24
[01:37] <Deeta> Ahh ok :) but as long you are sure that it is not lmsensors fault then Linux is the way to go :D. Just be sure to include enough info :)
[01:39] <[Relic]> lmsensors new detects the intel senors, but when you try modprobe coretemp you get a fatal error unknown cpu type 17
[01:44] <Deeta> Yeah sounds good :) just put all the info into a bug report :) Otherwise not too much what we could do here right now. But if it is in a bug report and has enough info then it will be triaged soon enough which means that the bug is appearing on the radar of the devs :D
[02:16] <[Relic]> can't seem to submit it there is one error, but nothing on what that error is
[02:19] <[Relic]> Deeta still awake?
[02:41] <Deeta> @Relic: Yeah :)
[05:31] <takdir> how to join ubuntu MOTU ?
[05:32] <RAOF> !contribute
[05:32] <ubottu> To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate
[05:32] <RAOF> Wow, that's changed.
[05:33] <takdir> thanks
[05:34] <RAOF> takdir: But you may not actually want to join MOTU; there's more to do than packaging.
[05:34] <RAOF> If you _do_ want to join MOTU, wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU would be an appropriate place to start.
[05:34] <takdir> i just want to learn first
[05:35] <RAOF> Right. So, the contribute page will have a number of ways you can help.
[05:37] <takdir> :) yes, there is number way to contribute
[05:41] <takdir> thanks RAOF
[05:58] <persia> Just FYI: bug announcements are running in #ubuntu-bugs-announce again, if anyone likes to use IRC to monitor bug flow.
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[07:39] <svat> hi. I have a bug where if I ask GNOME to swap Ctrl and CapsLock, it does the swapping but the old CapsLock key (which is now Ctrl) is still the one that controls the LED on the keyboard. Which package should I file this as a bug under?
[07:39] <svat> I don't have this problem if I do the swap using xmodmap
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[11:56] <copyofjohan> hi, I think I found a bug, but Im not really sure. The sition to reproduce that is: open more than one windows/apps in gnome and mximize one. So when moving the mouse-cursor to the left side and clickin the middle-mouse-button the maximized window goes to the background. Is that a bug?
[11:56] <copyofjohan> situation
=== Sikon_Japanese is now known as LucidFox
[12:37] <Iulian> Heya
[12:38] <james_w> hi Iulian
[12:38] <Iulian> Hello james
[13:18] <Iulian> Hey pedro!
[13:22] <pedro_> hi Iulian, how are you?
[13:24] <Iulian> I'm fine, just got back home from school.
[13:24] <Iulian> I'm having lunch now.
[13:24] <Iulian> What about you?
[13:24] <Iulian> How was your flight?
[13:27] <pedro_> Iulian: ah I'm good, the flight was ok, a bit long as usual but didn't had any issues ;-)
[13:29] <Iulian> Cool
[13:30] <seb128> hello pedro_
[13:30] <pedro_> bonjour seb128!
[13:30] <pedro_> how's going?
[13:30] <seb128> got a cold but otherwise good
[13:30] <seb128> you?
[13:32] <ogra> seb128, oh, you too ?
[13:32] <ogra> i wonder if mdz spread that
[13:32] <pedro_> I'm fine, thanks. mm you too? my head is feeling weird :-/
[13:32] <pedro_> oh gosh
[13:33] * ogra wondres if PA systems can amplify germs
[13:33] <Hobbsee> pedro_: try refraining from drinking copious amounts of alcohol.
[13:33] <ogra> i stoood directly in front of the speakers when he sag !
[13:33] <ogra> *sang
[13:33] <Hobbsee> ogra: they probably can, actually
[13:34] <Hobbsee> well, pushing the air out from the singers to the front of the audience.
[13:34] <seb128> ogra: dholbach got a cold too, yeah I blame mdz for this one ;-)
[13:36] <ogra> i think i'm through the worst, just coughing and a dripping nose left ... but sunday evening and yesterday i thought i'd die
[14:40] <isforinsects> Could someone clarify something for me? Totally probably bugreported already. Just looking to learn a process here.
[14:41] <isforinsects> 'speaker-test -tsine -f 440' doesn't work in hardy, and complains about ALSA 'unable to open slave' errors. I'm assuming that this is the same thing as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/221673
[14:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 221673 in pulseaudio "ALSA failing with PulseAudio in Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:41] <isforinsects> Is this correct?
[14:41] <isforinsects> Exactly what I was asking. Thanks.
[14:43] <persia> isforinsects: That's a bot, reacting to your URL, not a human confirming. On the other hand, I suspect it is that bug: there's some interactions that get messy, depending on what the various clients are doing.
[14:44] <isforinsects> Still, I was pretty sure that they're the same bug.
[14:44] <isforinsects> I've had other problems with non-ubuntu deb's that are expecting alsa
[14:45] <isforinsects> But I don't really know enough to know if I can hit them with a stick hard enough to get them to work or not.
[14:45] <isforinsects> It hasn't been pressing enough
[14:45] <persia> isforinsects: Mixing .deb packages from multiple sources is a recipe for pain. Ubuntu only commits to source compatibilitiy, and there are irregularities even there.
[14:46] <isforinsects> Yes, but until (when/if) I get the hang of packaging for ubuntu myself, it's a workaround.
[14:47] <isforinsects> If it's not already packaged for 'buntu in someone's ppa
[14:50] <persia> isforinsects: Do you find a lot of things you want that are not in the official repositories? Are packaging requests open?
[14:51] <isforinsects> I run into things from time to time. http://gnaural.sourceforge.net/download/ was the last thing I tried that didn't like pulseaudio.
[14:52] <isforinsects> I install new things for novelty more than I should.
[14:52] <isforinsects> And I never considered packaging requests. I haven't really found anything *great* and likely of use to someone else. But I'll keep that in mind.
[14:52] <persia> isforinsects: We used to have gnaural, but it has some issues. I've been missing it, and am suddenly inspired to take a look at gnaural2 to see if that helps.
[14:53] <isforinsects> Yes, hardy is the first build without it. I assumed because of pulseaudio issues. It too complains about alsa
[14:55] <isforinsects> I can't think of anything else. Xmoto maybe? *shrug*
[14:56] <persia> xmoto is in the repos
[14:56] * persia is confused
[14:57] <isforinsects> *shrug* my bad. It's still there.
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[15:51] <bddebian> Boo
[16:18] <afflux> morning
[16:18] <bdmurray> afflux: morning
[16:19] <afflux> bdmurray: hi! I was away for a week or so and my bugcontrol membership expired. I'd like to re-apply :)
[16:22] <bdmurray> afflux: you are all set
[16:23] <afflux> thanks
[16:23] <bdmurray> no problem, thank you!
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as FlyingSpaghettiM
[16:31] <hggdh> bdmurray: can I move siretart's Debugging xinelib to the /Debugging area on the wiki?
[16:31] <hggdh> bdmurray: c.f. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/DebuggingXineLib?highlight=%28debugging%29
[16:34] <bdmurray> hggdh: it looks quite helpful but I'd rather it had the same look and layout of the other pages - like the template - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTemplate
[16:46] <pochu> jwendell: hi jonh :) if you have a minute, could you have a look at Debian bug #482564? It has a couple of minor usability issues
[16:46] <ubottu> Debian bug 482564 in vinagre "vinagre: defaut key / mouse binding is unfortunate." [Minor,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/482564
[16:47] <pochu> jwendell: basically, that ctrl+D bookmarks the connection even in fullscreen (he says it shouldn't in fullscreen) and that when not in fullscreen, scrolling with the mouse scrolls both the host and the server
[16:47] <jwendell> pochu, hi, dude
[16:47] <pochu> jwendell: I haven't found reports for that in bgo or lp, and he tested with 2.23.2 :)
[16:48] <jwendell> pochu, basically I'm thinking how to fix this for 2.24. Maybe I'll drop all shortcuts...
[16:48] <pochu> ah, makes sense
[16:48] <pochu> so they are sent to the guest, right?
[16:48] <pochu> jwendell: do you want a couple of reports in bgo?
[16:48] <jwendell> pochu, there are a few bugs in bgo about those issues though
[16:48] <pochu> ah
[16:49] <jwendell> pochu, basically with different summaries...
[16:49] <jwendell> pochu, that's why you couldn't find them
[16:49] <pochu> I found this, but didn't seem like the same issue http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=531969
[16:49] <ubottu> Gnome bug 531969 in general "scrolling on server" [Normal,Unconfirmed]
[16:49] <pochu> ah, this one! http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=531716
[16:49] <ubottu> Gnome bug 531716 in general "The client screen moves with the mouse" [Normal,Unconfirmed]
[16:50] <pochu> hmm, not sure...
[16:50] <jwendell> pochu, is in doubt, fill it anyway
[16:50] <jwendell> pochu, as soon as I fix I'll close them
[16:51] <jwendell> there are so many bugs to fix... and not so many time :'(
[16:51] <pochu> yeah :(
[16:51] <pochu> you don't have comaintainers?
[16:51] <jwendell> nope
[16:51] <hggdh> bdmurray: I will touch bases with siretart, and -- if I get permission -- I will edit as needed.
[16:53] <jwendell> pochu, how was uds? enjoyed it? (I hope some day to be invited by canonical...)
[16:53] <pochu> jwendell: it was cool :) although weather wasn't very good
[16:54] <jwendell> pochu, too cold there?
[16:54] <pochu> jwendell: yeah (for me, there was people with shorts lol), and rainy
[16:55] <pochu> jwendell:
[16:55] <pochu> - When the remote screen is larger than the vinagre window, there are
[16:55] <pochu> scrollbars. Now, when I use the mouse scroll wheel, vinagre scrolls its
[16:55] <pochu> view as well as passes the events through to the remote application.
[16:56] <jwendell> pochu, I see the bug... you can fill it in bugzilla
[16:56] <pochu> jwendell: I think it's http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=531716 :)
[16:56] <ubottu> Gnome bug 531716 in general "The client screen moves with the mouse" [Normal,Unconfirmed]
[16:56] <pochu> jwendell: but thanks for the ack
[16:57] <jwendell> pochu, so, please add a comment in that bug. I really didn't understand it
[16:58] <pochu> ah, and hte other issue is http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=530410, cool
[16:58] <ubottu> Gnome bug 530410 in general "Make keyboard shortcuts configurable" [Minor,Unconfirmed]
[16:58] <pochu> jwendell: ok, I'm doing it, and I'll ask the reporter of the bug in Debian to do it too
[16:58] <jwendell> pochu, ok, thanks
[17:04] <pochu> jwendell: done, thanks to you!
[18:00] <askand> Is someone working on getting 8.4 ati drivers into 8.04.1?
[19:12] <pochu> !backports
[19:12] <ubottu> If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging
[20:26] <Gralco_> bdmurray Hey Brian, have you gotten a chance to go over the application I sent you for becoming a member of the Uvuntu Bug Control Team? https://bugs.launchpad.net/~gralco/ gralco8@gmail.com
[20:27] <bdmurray> Gralco_: not yet I'm still catching up from UDS
[20:28] <Gralco_> bdmurry please tell me once you come across to it
[20:29] <Gralco_> or accept me
[20:29] <bdmurray> Gralco_: okay, will do
[20:29] <Gralco_> bdmurray thank
[20:29] <Gralco_> s
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[21:03] <Gralco> bdmurray when do you usually go over applications?
[21:03] <pochu> Gralco: be patient :)
[21:03] <pochu> I hope you are not so impatient with bug reports ;)
[21:03] * pochu hides
[21:04] <Gralco> pochu i just wanted to know if there is a set schedule or something
[21:05] <pochu> there's not, he will process them when he catches up
[21:05] <pochu> he has been in UDS for more than a week, he probably has thousands of mails to read ;)
[21:06] <Gralco> pochu are you in the ubuntu bug control team?
[21:06] <pochu> yup
[21:07] <Gralco> how long did it take after you turned in you application
[21:08] <Gralco> its been 3 week for me, thats the only reason I'm concerned
[21:08] <askand> Is someone in here able to reproduce bug 235307?
[21:08] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 235307 in ubuntu "Scrolling stops working when copying from SD-Card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235307
[21:09] <pochu> Gralco: I don't know, it was quite a long time ago...
[21:09] <bdmurray> Gralco: I've been out of town for the past week and a half at UDS and FOSSCamp. I am also currently the sole reviewer of the applications and realize I am sitting on a few of them and want to expand the process.
[21:13] <Gralco> bdmurray yeah i noticed you were not on irc because I tried to contact you this weekend
[21:13] <bdmurray> I'm actually always on IRC just not always in front of my computer.
[21:15] <askand> Will firefox rc1 get into hardy-proposed or go into the usual updates?
[21:16] <pochu> -proposed and then -updates
[21:17] <pochu> unless it fixes security issues, but I don't think that's the case for rc1
[21:18] <Gralco> bdmurray are there other applications that I can look at to see if I triaged correctly
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[21:18] <askand> pochu I see, thanks
[21:18] <bdmurray> Gralco: not really is there a specific bug you want looked at?
[21:19] <Gralco> one sec I think there may have been
[21:21] <Gralco> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/230752
[21:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 230752 in update-manager "Upgrade Tool Crashed during upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[21:21] <Gralco> I was going to give the importance high
[21:21] <Gralco> someone put the status back to incomplete
[21:22] <bdmurray> The maintainer of update-manager did
[21:22] <Gralco> where I confirmed it
[21:22] <pochu> askand: asac knows better (he maintains it), perhaps you may want to contact him to test the package before it gets into -updates... I'm sure he will appreciate it :)
[21:23] <Gralco> bdmurray is the maintainer who it is assigned to?
[21:23] <Gralco> or who filed it
[21:23] <askand> pochu: I can sure test it :) asac: just let me know if you need help with that
[21:25] <bdmurray> Michael Vogt is the maintainer of update-manager and he asked the locale question, I'm not sure what he was getting at though
[21:28] <Gralco> oh I understand now
[21:30] <Gralco> sorry I get confused easily
[21:30] <Gralco> I'm only 16 =/
[21:35] <bdmurray> It's alright Launchpad can be complicated and its not obvious who a package maintainer is
[21:51] <asac> askand: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/135-firefox-3-rc1-bits-status.html
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[21:56] <askand> asac: thanks, installed fine will give it a testrun
[22:06] <askand> asac: there is a page that doesnt look good in firefox, I do not know if it is a problem with firefox or the sitedesign
[22:06] <afflux> so, going to bed now. linuxtag in berlin tomorrow, so I'll be back at sunday :)
[22:07] <bdmurray> afflux: have fun!
[22:07] <afflux> bdmurray: thanks!
[22:29] <askand> asac: scrolling down with keyboard makes xorgprocess eat my cpu
[23:39] <joshua_> [xpost #ubuntu] Hi -- I'm trying to track down a crash on my machine (occasionally, everything will go away and come back, and dmesg reports that dbus-daemon crashed). I found bug #218343, which says it's a duplicate of bug #194720; but I 'don't have permission' to view bug 194720. why not?
[23:39] <ubottu> joshua_: Bug 218343 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/218343 is private
[23:39] <ubottu> joshua_: Bug 194720 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/194720 is private
[23:39] <ubottu> joshua_: Bug 194720 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/194720 is private
[23:39] * joshua_ thwaps ubottu
[23:40] <bdmurray> joshua_: because it is a private bug report because it is about a crash and may contain sensitive information in the crash files. I'll review it and unmark it as private for you.
[23:40] <joshua_> bdmurray, Okay, thanks.
[23:41] <joshua_> Unfortunately it is not very much information when all I get is [ 123.102750] dbus-daemon[5349]: segfault at b81278a0 eip b7e20d2a esp bfb1f5ac error 4
[23:42] <bdmurray> There is a newer package version fwiw
[23:43] <joshua_> yup; I'm not even sure it is the same crash
[23:43] <joshua_> but it's the closest thing in launchpad that I see that might match, so ...
[23:44] <joshua_> I just upgraded to the latest dbus. it didn't say anything about a bug fix for that sort of thing in the change log, but we'll see if it fixed it