UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /27 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[02:04] <h3sp4wn> Using ubuntu after opensolaris is not as nice fonts wise - I wonder if they can be packaged now for ubuntgu
=== pen_ is now known as pen
[02:10] <DanaG> I use subpixel hinting in Gnome.
[02:10] <DanaG> It looks really nice to me.
[02:11] <RAOF> Yeah.
[02:11] <RAOF> Oh, except s/hinting// :)
[02:11] <RAOF> For some reason Sid doesn't look quite as nice.
[02:13] <DanaG> I have whatever the default fonts.conf specifies, and then I've set "Subpixel Smoothing (LCD)" in Gnome.
[02:15] <h3sp4wn> DanaG: I mean type1 fonts
[02:15] <DanaG> Aah.
[02:16] <h3sp4wn> The best font rendering from freetype I ever had was with the gentoo xeffects overlay dunno whether those patches were ever merged though
[02:17] <DanaG> I think I best liked Feisty set to subpixel smoothing, but Gutsy did something to get rid of the "legacy" LCD filter.
[02:17] <DanaG> Whatever it currently is, still looks nice to me.
[08:47] * zniavr1 viend de suivre une doc sans la comprendre et en n'est pas fier
[08:47] <zniavr1> sorry wrong channel
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
[10:17] <melch> Hey guys. I hope you're having a good day or night.. My ethernet card is not recognized. It comes up in lspci as Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82557/9/0/1 Ethernet Pro 100 (rev 05)
=== pen_ is now known as pen
[13:11] <yang_> 谁有空能照顾下我这刚来的
[13:15] <TheInfinity> yang_: i understood everything :p
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
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[18:41] <Luhta> #ubuntu doesn't happen to know so I stepped up a level I hope you don't mind a slightly offtopic question, is it possible to resize a flash partition that I have booted off of (with hardy) with qparted
[19:00] <Luhta> brb rebooting
[19:37] <Luhta> is it possible to unmount a 8.04 live cd (on a flash drive) after it's booted? I need to repartition the flash drive
=== pen_ is now known as pen
[20:04] <jacob> /topic: "Only developers comfortable with significant instability and recovering from up to, and including, total system failure should consider running Intrepid for now" <-- oops?
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