UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /27 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[03:01] <Majost> I seem to be having troubles attempting to browse the brz source via the web interface for mythtv
[03:01] <Majost> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/mythtv/trunk
[03:02] <Majost> it keeps coming up telling me to try again in a few minutes, and mention the issue here if it persists
[03:22] <spiv> mwhudson___: Majost is having trouble browsing BZR_REMOTE_PATH=/home/andrew/bzr-exp/bzr
[03:22] <spiv> mwhudson___: Majost is having trouble browsing http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/mythtv/trunk
[03:22] <spiv> (damn clipboard...)
[03:22] <Majost> heh
[03:23] <mwhudson__> oh look loggerhead appears to be stuffed
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[03:24] <mwhudson> Majost: try now
[03:36] <jamesh> is the branch scanner still hung?
[03:38] <mwhudson> i've no reason to think it isn't
[03:58] <Majost> sorry, I was away for a bit
[03:58] <Majost> I will check it now
[03:58] <Majost> yay
[03:58] <Majost> its working, thanks. =)
[06:15] <gnomefreak> does PPA do gutsy or feisty anylonger?
[06:15] <Hobbsee> yes
[06:16] <gnomefreak> i dont see that choice for the repos
[06:18] <gnomefreak> where it says Display sources.list entries for <drop down box> it only contains gutsy and hardy
[06:21] <gnomefreak> well i have gutsy and hardy flash 10 built
[06:23] <Hobbsee> so you don't have a feisty source package in there at all?
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[09:30] <mpt> Goooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!
[12:29] <sabdf1> quiet in here today!
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[12:29] <gnomefreak> how do i add tasks for package hardy package gutsy ect.. to bugs?
[12:30] <mpt> gnomefreak, "Target to release" or "Nominate for release"
[12:31] <sabdfl> should be "Mark as release critical"...
[12:31] <gnomefreak> i used nominate let me see what tartget does
[12:37] <gnomefreak> mpt: i was looking to do something like https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libflashsupport/+bug/192888
[12:37] <gnomefreak> the way the tasks are set up
[12:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 192888 in libflashsupport "firefox crashes on flash contents when using libflashsupport" [High,Confirmed]
[12:38] <gnomefreak> although being able to also add other releases than hardy as well
[12:41] <gnomefreak> even better example since htis is exatly what im looking to do https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/edgy/+source/firefox/+bug/160895
[12:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 160895 in firefox "upgrade to firefox" [High,Fix released]
[12:42] <gnomefreak> one package most releases
[12:44] <wgrant> gnomefreak: You need to be a member of a development team to target - you can only nominate, and ask people to accept.
[12:45] <gnomefreak> damn
[12:46] <gnomefreak> wgrant: thanks i asked asac :)
[12:47] <wgrant> gnomefreak: With the craziness users get up to, it's an unfortunate but necessary restriction.
[12:52] <gnomefreak> wgrant: but so many people package for ubuntu that are not on dev teams
[12:54] <wgrant> gnomefreak: That's not relevant.
[12:54] <cperrin88> Hi
[12:54] <wgrant> The devs have the final say as to whether something is RC>
[12:54] <cperrin88> I have a problem with my PPA
[12:55] <gnomefreak> wgrant: true
[12:55] <wgrant> cperrin88: Ask away - someone here will hopefully know the answer.
[12:55] <cperrin88> I uploaded a new version, the package was built but it's not there
[12:56] <cperrin88> I have uploaded a new version of my source package, the builder built it but I there is no new .deb file
[12:56] <wgrant> cperrin88: To which distroseries did you upload it?
[12:56] <cperrin88> Hardy
[12:56] <wgrant> cperrin88: OK, where they built within the past 17 minutes?
[12:56] <wgrant> *were
[12:57] <gnomefreak> cperrin88: they arnt caught up in buildds?
[12:57] <wgrant> cperrin88: If so, wait about 130 seconds, and they'll be there.
[12:57] <cperrin88> wgrant: it was 16 minutes ago
[12:58] <wgrant> cperrin88: OK, that would do it. New files are only published every 20 minutes.
[12:58] <cperrin88> oh
[12:58] <cperrin88> okay
[12:58] <cperrin88> that might be the reason ^^
[12:59] <cperrin88> last time I tryed it it was published only a few minutes later
[12:59] <cperrin88> so I was a bit confused
[12:59] <wgrant> They're published within a few seconds of :00, :20, :40.
[13:00] <cperrin88> okay
[13:00] <cperrin88> thanks :)
[13:00] <wgrant> np
[13:03] <cperrin88> okay .... I was a bit worried because I made my first shell script for this package and I thought maybe something went wrong
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[14:11] <danshearer> hello all. Is this the place to ask details about hosting a project on code.launchpad?
[14:13] <bimberi> danshearer: Ask away. Hopefully someone can answer.
[14:15] <danshearer> I have an OSS program (I now realise I can't use the word "project" in this context without getting myself confused :-)
[14:15] <danshearer> that I want to host exclusively on launchpad, because I can't be bothered putting it anywhere else.
[14:16] <danshearer> So is this considered as its own upstream for launchpad nomenclature purposes?
[14:16] <danshearer> Do I have to start with https://launchpad.net/projects/+new
[14:16] <danshearer> ?
[14:16] <matsubara> danshearer: yes
[14:16] <bimberi> danshearer: That is fine. And yes.
[14:17] <danshearer> So once I have done that, I can then create a bzr branch?
[14:18] <danshearer> Meaning that I can have a bzr branch under ~danshearer without the automatic "junk" stem?
[14:18] <bimberi> danshearer: yes
[14:18] <danshearer> so that isn't so hard then :-) I didn't find it obvious, but thinking about it I reckon launchpad would be at most
[14:19] <danshearer> two short sentences away from it being completely evident.
[14:19] <bimberi> it will be ~danshearer/<project>/<branchname>
[14:19] <danshearer> I'll try to work out what sentences would have helped me and submit them.
[14:19] <danshearer> Thanks!
[14:21] <bimberi> danshearer: Please do, and submit your suggestion as a bug report: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug
[14:22] <bimberi> er, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug
[14:23] <bimberi> well, 'edge' would be fine, it's just where the LP testers play :)
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[15:09] * danshearer is away: lunch gobble gobble
[15:35] <danshearer> So I did my push and launchpad says "This branch has not been scanned yet."
[15:35] <danshearer> no probs with that, except it gives me no clue as to what sort of an operation "scanning" could be
[15:36] <danshearer> So far 40+ minutes. Maybe launchpad should say "This could take up to half a day" or whatever is appropriate
[15:37] <kiko> danshearer, the branch scanner is f*cked this week
[15:38] <danshearer> what is branch scanning anyway? More than just bzr running? Some kind of anti-nastiness checker?
[15:38] <danshearer> Again, since it is technical people getting this message, perhaps a little explanation?
[15:39] <danshearer> I should also say btw that as per earlier questions today, once I understood the unwritten rules, the
[15:40] <danshearer> whole experience of getting this branch up so far was trivial. You know that already I'm sure, but I just thought
[15:40] <danshearer> I say what it was like for a first-time user.
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[15:43] <kiko-phone> danshearer, gimme 20'
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[15:57] <kiko> danshearer, so the branch scanner is what looks at revision metadata and imports information related to it
[15:57] <kiko> one user-visible effect of this is the display of commit messages linked to browseable revisions
[15:57] <kiko> another is the support of --fixes metadata to close bugs
[15:58] <kiko> having said that I am unsure what's so stuck about the branch scanner this week, tbh
[15:58] <kiko> thumper, abentley: can you enlighten us?
[15:59] <danshearer> if it helps I just pushed a new project, so presumably the scanner had very little to do
[15:59] <abentley> We have several new large branches. The time it takes to scan them exceeds the timeout for idle processes in postgres.
[16:00] <abentley> So postgres kills them.
[16:01] <danshearer> ah that would be Robert/Lars' heroic imports of all of Ubuntu?
[16:02] <kiko> hopefully not!
[16:02] <kiko> abentley, what are these new large branches? and why is the scanner taking so long to scan then anyway?
[16:06] <danshearer> Question: to help scaling generally, could scanning be disconnected from making a tree available
[16:06] <danshearer> with the GUI displaying a note that there is potentially more information to show that won't be available until scanning is done?
[16:08] <danshearer> Hey! That's already the case.
[16:08] <danshearer> I was just able to go bzr branch lp:daevel
[16:08] <danshearer> even though the scanning message is still being displayed.
[16:09] <danshearer> Excellent. So modulo a few helpful messages and a link to a non-enhanced browsable tree, the scanning thing
[16:10] <danshearer> isn't a blocker for new projects even if it happens to fall in a heap for $REASON
[16:12] <zyx386_> hi
[16:12] <zyx386_> wher is Admin from wordpress trnslation project?
[16:13] <kiko> zyx386_, I imagine somewhere under wordpress.org? :)
[16:13] <zyx386_> ok kiko
[16:13] <zyx386_> we have agroup for kurdish language translation
[16:14] <zyx386_> we ill set a project admin for our group
[16:14] <zyx386_> how can i do that?
[16:14] <kiko> well
[16:14] <kiko> jtv, what's the story with wordpress and launchpad?
[16:15] <zyx386_> https://translations.launchpad.net/wordpress/2.5
[16:16] <jtv> kiko: talk to Nikolay... let me look up his last name...
[16:16] <jtv> Bachiyski. He coordinates that on the WordPress side.
[16:17] <kiko> jtv, zyx386_: can you get an email thread going to clarify things? I'm happy to do any admin fallout necessary.
[16:18] <jtv> zyx386_: I'm jtv at canonical dot com, can you email me?
[16:18] <zyx386_> yes
[16:18] <jtv> zyx386_: it's night here already, so please understand if it takes me a while to answer.
[16:18] <zyx386_> what is your email
[16:18] <zyx386_> np
[16:19] <jtv> zyx386_: but in brief, you set up a translation team in the usual way on the wordpress site, then set up a similar team in Launchpad with the same people, and ask Nikolay to add that to the WP translation group.
[16:19] <zyx386_> how can i ask nickolay
[16:20] <jtv> zyx386_: first thing you want to do is probably to get on the wp-polyglots mailing list (see wordpress site).
[16:20] <jtv> zyx386_: he's very active there, so you'll see him very quickly.
[16:21] <zyx386_> ok
[16:21] <zyx386_> i register my name wp-polyglots
[16:21] <zyx386_> and try it
[16:21] * jtv hears disturbing noises from laptop
[16:28] <danshearer> (I expect people here already know bazzar.lp is not responding.)
[16:28] <abentley> kiko: AIUI, one of the branches is https://edge.launchpad.net/~bk-merge/mysql/mysql-5.1-telco-6.2-merge
[16:28] <kiko> ah, right
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[17:29] <lamalex> Has everyone been experiencing major launchpad suckage recently?
[17:30] <lamalex> I pushed code about an hour ago, and it still hasn't shown up in the web, if I branch lp's mirror, I get my pushed code though, so it's definitely there
[17:39] <zyx386_> hi again
[17:40] <zyx386_> i create her translation page for wordpress project in launchpad
[17:41] <zyx386_> how can set me a owner for this page or admin?
[17:42] <beuno> lamalex, code scanning is currently stalled these past 2 days
[17:42] <lamalex> beuno: that explains it
[17:43] <beuno> you can still push/pull properly
[17:44] <beuno> LP will just take some time to catch up
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
[18:32] <sakjur> Will Launchpad ever be opensource?
[18:34] <beuno> sakjur, bug #50699 might be useful
[18:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 50699 in launchpad "Launchpad should be free software (free as in freedom)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50699
[18:34] <sakjur> Thank you :D
[18:42] <sonium> hi, could you unsubscribe someone from my branch?
[18:42] <sonium> it seems only subscribers can do that, and I need to delete the branch to re-branch an existing project under the same name
[18:49] <ffm> Is the new launchpad logo free?
[18:50] <ffm> (wikimedia-commons compatable?)
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[19:17] <afflux> how fast should LP detect new releases defined in the "release URL pattern" in a project's series?
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[20:19] <ffm> Hellooooo!
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[20:32] <ffm> Is the new launchpad logo free?
[20:35] <kiko> ffm, fantastic question. Rinchen? :)
[20:36] <Rinchen> ffm, Hi. It has no individual license of it's own so it's covered under the existing LP license. So, reuse is discouraged but using it in a blog post about LP or similar is ok.
[20:37] <Rinchen> interestingly enough, that's the 5th question I've gotten on that topic since the contest started.
[20:37] <kiko> Rinchen, we should probably make the terms of use explicit, then.
[20:37] <Rinchen> We should. It's on my list for Amanda
[20:39] <Rinchen> I've been think we should provide some examples of when it's ok to use it and when not.
[20:39] <Rinchen> Just need to get it cleared.
[20:52] <ffm> Rinchen: So I take it it cannot be uploaded to wikimedia commons, only wikipedia under fair use.
[20:54] <Rinchen> ffm, can you point me to the wikipedia license bit? I'll have a look.
[20:55] <Rinchen> ffm, I think in the case of wikipedia we might be able to do it.
[20:57] <ffm> Rinchen: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Email_templates
[20:57] <ffm> Rinchen: That's the commons licence, which lets it be used on all projets.
[20:58] <ffm> Rinchen: If that won't work, you can cc-by-nc-sa it and it'll be accepted by wikipedia.
[21:00] <Rinchen> ffm, we had talked about using a CC variant for the help wiki, the news blog, AND the images.
[21:00] * Rinchen adds that to his list.
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[21:02] <mario_limonciell> could a launchpad/soyuz dev explain to me what "Failed to upload" means after a build completes? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/2:8.493.1-0ubuntu3
[21:04] <ffm> Rinchen: Of course, cc-by-sa (allowing commercial reuse as long as the cc licence is propegated) is prefered as only that content is considered "free" by the powers that manage wikimedia commons.
[21:04] <ffm> Rinchen: Thanks.
[21:06] <Rinchen> ffm, can you email me at joey@canonical.com and just repeat the above please? That way when I get this sorted out I can email you back. (This week is release week so it's a bit busy around here.)
[21:07] <Rinchen> ffm, my immediate though it that it might be by-nc-nd
[21:07] <Rinchen> for the image
[21:08] <Rinchen> for the help wiki it would probably be less restrictive.
[21:08] <Rinchen> anyway, I'll try and get this sorted out soon
[21:10] <Rinchen> (wiki makes sense to be by personally)
[21:21] <cprov> mario_limonciell: failed-to-upload means hat the source was built successfully but produced binaries that can't be published in the archive
[21:21] <cprov> mario_limonciell: usually because they are inconsistent of have version that don't fit the archive.
[21:22] <mario_limonciell> cprov, so is there a more verbose error somewhere for this particular build that I would be able to see?
[21:22] <cprov> mario_limonciell: you should have received a email (build-failure-notification) with the reason of the rejection.
[21:23] <mario_limonciell> well lets see; yeah i did. it was caught in the wrong filter for some reason.
[21:23] <mario_limonciell> 2008-05-27 19:40:38 WARNING Upload was rejected:
[21:23] <mario_limonciell> 2008-05-27 19:40:38 WARNING xorg-driver-fglrx_8.493.1-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb control file lists section as main/restricted but changes file has main/misc.
[21:24] <cprov> mario_limonciell: 'restricted' is not a valid section, is it ?
[21:24] <mario_limonciell> well this was destined for the restricted component of the archive
[21:25] <mario_limonciell> needs to be restricted/misc i suppose then?
[21:31] <geser> mario_limonciell: iirc soyuz takes care of the component, you don't need to specify it somewhere below debian/
[21:32] <mario_limonciell> so it takes care of it if its not present, but if it is causes breakage?
[21:35] <geser> mario_limonciell: the problem was that "Section: restricted" isn't a valid Section
[21:35] <mario_limonciell> ah
[21:35] <mario_limonciell> okay this time it appears to have worked then
[21:35] <mario_limonciell> thanks geser and cprov :)
[21:36] <geser> soyuz knows that xorg-driver-fglrx belongs into the restricted component and will put it there (component != section)
[21:37] <asabil_> seems like lp branch scanning is still broken :/
[21:37] <cprov> mario_limonciell: you're welcome.
[21:38] <thumper> asabil_: it is being worked on now
[21:38] * thumper is back
[21:38] <asabil_> ok thanks thumper :)
[21:48] * beuno hides a robot-cookie in a commit to get his branches scanned faster
[21:52] <ffm> Rinchen: will do.
[22:22] <Zelut> I don't understand why I'm getting a reject message uploading to my PPA.
[22:22] <Zelut> Rejected:
[22:22] <Zelut> Unable to find origami_0.6.8.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution.
[22:22] <Zelut> Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification.
[22:22] <Zelut> that file exists.. do I need to specify it during the source package build?
[22:23] <mario_limonciell> Zelut, run debuild -S -sa instead of just debuild -S perhaps?
[22:23] <cprov> Zelut: `debuild -S -sa` to build a source including the upstream orig.tar.gz
[22:23] <Zelut> thank you
[22:24] <cprov> mario_limonciell: thanks ;)
[22:26] <Zelut> accepted that time. thanks.
[22:46] <zyx386> hi
[22:47] <Zelut> any reason why a push I did half-hour ago is not publishing in my code.launchpad.net branch?
[22:48] <zyx386> iam member from kurdish (sorani) CKB, we have just one admin he is (Aras), we will set me and another member to be admin in our translation group. how ca we do that?
[22:50] <zyx386> any one help :)
[22:51] <asabil_> Zelut: yes lp is slightly sick these days, they are working on it apparently
[22:51] <mwhudson> Zelut: the code will be there if you pull from the branch or browse code
[22:51] <mwhudson> Zelut: it's just not showing up in the web ui temporarily
[22:52] <thumper> Zelut: yes, working on it
[22:52] <Zelut> mwhudson: just not updating the changelog on the web ehh?
[22:52] <mwhudson> right
[22:54] <zyx386> which one is from launchpad Administrator?
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[23:11] <Zelut> if I want to backport packages in my PPA to gutsy and previous do I just build the package with gutsy in the changelog?
[23:14] <kiko> Zelut, you can copy the source across, I think -- cprov?
[23:17] <Zelut> kiko: that works. thank you.
[23:55] <nysin> A branch I uploaded (bzr push seemed to report success, and the branch webpage did change from 'has not been uploaded' to the scanning message) has sat at "This branch has not been scanned yet" for a couple days now
[23:55] <nysin> How long should it take?