UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /27 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <tzanger> I have a strange problem
[00:02] <tzanger> 7.10 system, wifi/lan work
[00:02] <tzanger> I have an hsdpa (cell) modem that uses pppd that connects just fine (i'm using it right now)... everything but konqueror works
[00:02] <tzanger> telnet to port 80 works, lynx works... it's not a proxy/dns issue
[00:02] <tzanger> and it's just konqueror (or the ioslaves, not sure)
[00:03] <ramamadhu> hi
[00:03] <avihayb> tzanger: have you tryed another browser?
[00:04] <ramamadhu> any mythtv user?
[00:05] <ramamadhu> hello
[00:05] <nainef> hey how do I list all the installed packages?
[00:05] <nainef> on the command lineee
[00:06] <avihayb> ramamadhu: do you have any experience with mythTV and an IR Transmiter?
[00:07] <crimsun> avihayb: asked in #ubuntu-mythtv?
[00:07] <NickPresta> nainef, dpkg -l | grep 'ii' more or less
[00:07] <nainef> thank you!
[00:09] <nainef> cool...
[00:12] <tzanger> avihayb: it's a kde thing; firefox works, lynx works, telnet to port 80 works.
[00:12] <tzanger> kopete won't start up the MSN protocol either
[00:12] <tzanger> but jabber and ICQ work
[00:14] <trix`AFK> hi guys
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[00:14] <trix`AFK> Can anyone help me install Gentoo with no CD burner no network (I do have internet tho) and nothing but a 123MB USB flash drive?
[00:14] <trix`AFK> I've spent hours searching forums and websites and everything I find requires a bigger USB drive
[00:14] <tzanger> aha!
[00:14] <tzanger> it's a bug!
[00:15] <tzanger> if networkmanager shows there is no connection, konqueror/etc doesn't try
[00:15] <NickPresta> trix`AFK, the gentoo channel is that way ->
[00:15] <tzanger> I turned on my wifi connection and deleted the default route, networkmanager is happy now but traffic is going through my cell modem
[00:15] <avihayb> ah
[00:15] <coreymon77> ooh, haha, wifi issues!
[00:15] <coreymon77> my type of problem
[00:16] <coreymon77> tzanger: whats the matter?
[00:16] <tzanger> coreymon77: nope not wifi
[00:16] <trix`AFK> I tried there, they are busy helping another guy :-/ lol I'm willing to use Kubuntu if I can get it up and running
[00:16] <NickPresta> trix`AFK, we're more than glad to help with Kubuntu but Gentoo problems will have to go to #gentoo. :)
[00:16] <coreymon77> trix`AFK: erm, order a cd from canonical?
[00:17] <coreymon77> trix`AFK: or get a new computer :P
[00:17] <trix`AFK> lol, thanks, but is there any other way (like using the USB drive) that doesn't require $$ or an extremely long wait?
[00:17] <coreymon77> trix`AFK: that small of a usb key? dont think so, im not sure though
[00:18] <trix`AFK> all I really need is to be able to boot into a console. I can take it from there
[00:18] <coreymon77> never thought it was possible to but off of a usb key anyways
[00:18] <NickPresta> trix`AFK, there isn't any sort of 'minimal' installation CD, AFAIK.
[00:18] <NickPresta> You could use DSL
[00:18] <avihayb> ther's a linux distro called damn small linux, it only takes 50MB
[00:18] <coreymon77> ya, but again
[00:18] <coreymon77> is it possible to boot from a cd key?
[00:18] <coreymon77> i mean
[00:18] <coreymon77> usb key
[00:18] <avihayb> yes
[00:19] <NickPresta> coreymon77, yeah. I do it all the time at school :)
[00:19] <coreymon77> okay then
[00:19] <coreymon77> how do you do it nick?
[00:19] <coreymon77> and how bigs the key?
[00:19] <trix`AFK> NickPresta: DSL as in use my Internet connection? Or is there some other definition of DSL I'm not aware of?
[00:19] <NickPresta> trix`AFK, you need to download it. it is quite small in size
[00:19] <Dragnslcr> If the BIOS can boot from USB
[00:19] <NickPresta> coreymon77, you should have the option in your bios to boot from USB/removable media
[00:19] <avihayb> corymon77: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/
[00:19] <tzanger> yep... if knetworkmanager thinks there is no connection, konqueror thinks there is no connection
[00:19] <NickPresta> coreymon77, assuming your bios supports it
[00:19] <tzanger> if knetworkmanager thinks there is, things work
[00:20] <coreymon77> trix`AFK: or find someone with a burner to burn you a disk
[00:20] <avihayb> includs intructions for ubuntu flavors
[00:20] <Dragnslcr> I would think any motherboard newer than 2-3 years can boot from USB
[00:20] <trix`AFK> coreymon77: LiveUSB keys are quite common nowadays actually, tho usually require a drive > 650MB
[00:20] <coreymon77> trix`AFK: do you not know anyone with a burner?
[00:21] <trix`AFK> I work three jobs and go to college, so while I know all kinds of people that have a cd burner, is it very rare that they are available when I am
[00:21] <coreymon77> trix`AFK: you cant get a single person to burn a disk for you?
[00:22] <NickPresta> trix`AFK, I would say you're out of luck then =\
[00:22] <trix`AFK> yes, I can, eventually. Someday. At the moment though tonight is my only night to work on this for quite awhile, and at the moment I can't find anyone available. believe me I've tried.
[00:23] <tzanger> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetworkmanager/+bug/86680
[00:23] <tzanger> I think that's what I'm running against
[00:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 86680 in knetworkmanager "knetworkmanager stops kde applications from accessing the network" [High,In progress]
[00:24] <nainef> concerning that ssl problem a week ago..... does one have to regen ssh system keys?
[00:25] <trix`AFK> oh well, I guess I will bite the bullet and go buy a CD burner. I'm going to want one once I'm set up anyways.
[00:25] <trix`AFK> Thanks guys
[00:27] <coreymon77> trix`AFK: cd burners arent expensive nowadays
[00:27] <navetz> can someone help me with samba, I am trying to connect to my brothers computer (windows vista) and its asking for a username and password, the thing is he doesn't have a username and password.
[00:28] <unix_lappy> 500GB drives are now the price of burners 5 years ago.
[00:28] <BluesKaj> navetz, type smb in konqueror addressbar
[00:29] <nainef> navetz, I cannot see my vista shares via XP, let alone samba
[00:29] <navetz> BluesKaj: that says malformed URL
[00:29] <BluesKaj> smb:/
[00:30] <navetz> BluesKaj: oh ok, I thought you were testing something, anyway I see 2 things MShome and Workgroup, my brothers computer is on workgroup
[00:31] <BluesKaj> click on workgroup
[00:31] <navetz> BluesKaj: ok
[00:31] <nainef> that was it?
[00:31] <nainef> no way
[00:31] <navetz> BluesKaj: now I see my brothers pc and my girlfriends
[00:32] <navetz> BluesKaj: I click on my brothers and it asks me for a username and password
[00:32] <BluesKaj> try MSHome
[00:32] <nainef> vista is such a pain in the arse
[00:32] <afeijo> my kubuntu lost screen resolution! It now is stuck on 640x480 max!!!
[00:33] <afeijo> in a 19' lcd wide is so wierd
[00:33] <orzo> ok
[00:33] <orzo> i backed up my stuff and did a fresh install
[00:33] <orzo> to my great disapointment, i do not have a fresh desktop
[00:33] <navetz> BluesKaj: that just has a folder I set up for vmware
[00:33] <orzo> i tried deleting the desktop directory and re-logging in, and now it is using my home directory as my desktop
[00:33] <afeijo> any hint?
[00:34] <avihayb> afeijo: maybe the plug and prey resolution detection faild?
[00:34] <orzo> i'm not familiar with kde
[00:34] <afeijo> avihayb: I'm praying hehehe
[00:34] <orzo> i just want it to look like a fresh install
[00:34] <BluesKaj> your brothers pc has to be set up for file sharing and sorry, i can't help with vista .
[00:34] <afeijo> avihayb: it was on my girls session, I selected to change user, then the login screen show too big
[00:35] <orzo> now i can't even make it use the Desktop directory like it used to
[00:35] <orzo> it's stuck on the home directory
[00:35] <BluesKaj> navetz, did you get that ?
[00:35] <afeijo> I rebooted, no change
[00:35] <afeijo> there is a command to force redetect?
[00:36] <navetz> BluesKaj: oh yea, just got it, thanks for the help.
[00:36] <afeijo> or a file to edit?
[00:36] <avihayb> afeijo: so maybe you just need to change the rsolution in her user
[00:36] <afeijo> avihayb: my user too I cant change resolution, stuck on 640
[00:36] <afeijo> and down to 50hz
[00:37] <avihayb> afeijo: oh. try to run xrandar in consoul and see how may modes it lists
[00:37] <afeijo> xrandar? not found
[00:38] <avihayb> sory, xrandr
[00:38] <afeijo> Screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 640 x 480, maximum 640 x 480
[00:38] <afeijo> default connected 640x480+0+0 0mm x 0mm
[00:38] <afeijo> 640x480 50.0*
[00:38] <afeijo> 320x240 51.0
[00:38] <afeijo> bah
[00:39] <avihayb> well, the thing just either dosn't know your screen or your display adapter
[00:39] <afeijo> brb
[00:39] <nainef> what does dmesg say?
[00:39] <avihayb> two ways I know to solve it
[00:44] <navetz> can someone help me use rsync
[00:44] <orzo> what icons should i see on the desktop with a fresh install?
[00:45] <navetz> i am getting the error skipping directory
[00:45] <nainef> orzo, I don't have any icons on my kde 3.5...9
[00:45] <nainef> s/\.+/.
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[00:46] <BluesKaj> orzo, there won't be any icons til you go into the kmenu, right click on an app "add to desktop"
[00:47] <afeijo> back
[00:47] <orzo> thanks
[00:47] <afeijo> avihayb: you know what I can do?
[00:48] <avihayb> afeijo: I have two ways to solve this
[00:48] <afeijo> shut
[00:49] <afeijo> dont say reinstall ;)
[00:49] <navetz> does rsync make a mirror of one server to another?
[00:49] <avihayb> the less "destructive" is just going to the kde config manager, going to admin mode, and fixing it...
[00:49] <orzo> if i ran something that tried to write settings to /etc/network/interfaces, did i screw everything up with the Network Manager or wahtever it is
[00:49] <orzo> how do i recover?
[00:49] <afeijo> avihayb: system config icon on kde button? I'm there
[00:50] <avihayb> do you see the display icon?
[00:50] <avihayb> "Monitor and display"
[00:50] <afeijo> yes
[00:50] <avihayb> sory, "Monitor & display"
[00:50] <afeijo> only 640x480 res there
[00:50] <avihayb> go to hardware
[00:51] <afeijo> video board: nvidia
[00:51] <afeijo> monitor 1: plug and pray
[00:51] <nainef> ut oh
[00:51] <avihayb> dose the name of your adapter appear more or less in a corect manner?
[00:51] <afeijo> no test button
[00:51] <afeijo> just 'nvidia'
[00:51] <avihayb> ok. hit the admin mode at the buttom of the applet
[00:52] <nainef> he prolly needs the nvidia driver
[00:52] <afeijo> ok, admin
[00:52] <avihayb> even without, I bet he can pull more then 640x480
[00:52] <afeijo> nainef: it was working for month, just know it broke
[00:52] <avihayb> go to the configure of the plug and prey
[00:53] <avihayb> select something generic, I'm guessing from the LCD department
[00:53] <afeijo> yeah, I did, I need to reboot?
[00:53] <nainef> yeah cause the refresh isn't needed on LCD
[00:54] <avihayb> nope
[00:54] <avihayb> see of you can change res
[00:54] <afeijo> no
[00:54] <asobi> how do i mount an external drive?
[00:54] <asobi> right click -> mount doesn't work
[00:55] <afeijo> no change to the res option, stuck on 640 :(
[00:55] <avihayb> so, maybe it's a driver problem
[00:55] <avihayb> what monitor did ya pick?
[00:55] <afeijo> just stoped work?? without change?
[00:56] <afeijo> lcd panel 1440x900
[00:56] <avihayb> oh, maybe you need to restart the x-server
[00:56] <afeijo> how to?
[00:56] <avihayb> you can also use test to start a new one
[00:56] <afeijo> test button is disabled
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[00:57] <NickPresta> afeijo, to restart X, logout and select Restart X Server from the menu then login
[00:57] <afeijo> NickPresta: thanks
[00:57] <afeijo> I will try that, be back soon
[00:57] <nainef> good luck
[00:57] <dthacker> How can I move the KDE tool bar from the bottom to the top?
[00:57] <avihayb> to restart the x-server, you need to log out. at the logout screen find the restart x-server from the menu, or just hitting ctrl+alt+Backspace
[00:58] <NickPresta> dthacker, the panel bar? right click > configure panel > arrangement > select 1 of the top 3 buttons on the square
[00:58] <avihayb> even when useing the key combo, you beter logout first
[01:04] <afeijo> heheheheh
[01:04] <afeijo> IT WORKED
[01:04] <afeijo> its best then before, lol
[01:04] <afeijo> thanks to you both
[01:04] <afeijo> my girl can use different res., if I get the correct picture after talking to you
[01:05] <avihayb> afeijo: my other method was useing "dpkg-reconfigure x-server", not reinstalling
[01:05] <linkinxp> hi!!
[01:05] <afeijo> avihayb: oh, nice... reinstall sound like windows lol
[01:05] <avihayb> I also recommend you check if your 3d acceleration works properly
[01:06] <NickPresta> hi linkinxp
[01:06] <linkinxp> i have a few doubts.....how is there a tool for editing KDE? Mouse, i mean in gnome in Systems there is a lot of stuff in kde no :(
[01:06] <linkinxp> NickPresta, :)
[01:06] <NickPresta> linkinxp, what do you mean a tool for editing KDE?
[01:07] <afeijo> now, I'll get back to my RPG game ;)
[01:07] <linkinxp> i dont know how to explain,, the thing is im having a bad time finding tools to edit the basics
[01:07] <linkinxp> i just installed
[01:07] <linkinxp> it
[01:07] <NickPresta> linkinxp, in system settings, there are various tools to change the look and functionality of KDE. anything specific?
[01:07] <asobi> what does mount -t mean?
[01:08] <linkinxp> well the FOcus stuff
[01:08] <linkinxp> its annoying
[01:08] <linkinxp> lol
[01:08] <linkinxp> wherever i put the mouse the focus goes there
[01:08] <NickPresta> asobi, the t option is for type. like ntfs, ext3, etc. usually, mount with autodetect.
[01:08] <asobi> so just use mount?
[01:09] <NickPresta> linkinxp, you can change focus settings in the Window Behavior area. Change the policy from 'focus under mouse' to 'click to focus'
[01:09] <linkinxp> sorry but where its window behavior area?
[01:10] <avihayb> in the kde control pannle
[01:10] <NickPresta> linkinxp, I'm not actually on Kubuntu so I'm not sure what it is called in system settings. If you open up kcontrol (press Alt+F2, type in kcontrol) you can search for 'focus'
[01:10] <avihayb> err system settings applet...
[01:11] <linkinxp> let me see
[01:11] <asobi> what's the command to format?
[01:12] <avihayb> makefs?
[01:12] <NickPresta> asobi, to remove all data or format a partition/drive with a specific filesystem?
[01:12] <asobi> hmm
[01:12] <asobi> just got an external
[01:12] <asobi> it's ntfs i think
[01:12] <asobi> do i want to use something else?
[01:13] <linkinxp> i got it :)
[01:13] <linkinxp> let me restart X
[01:13] <linkinxp> cause i change the video drivers
[01:13] <linkinxp> and another question should i put Compiz?
[01:13] <linkinxp> or KWIN?
[01:13] <linkinxp> o what?
[01:13] <NickPresta> asobi, ntfs is fine if you plan on having Windows read/write to it. GNU+Linux can read/write ntfs with the ntfs-3g driver.
[01:14] <NickPresta> asobi, otherwise, if you're only using Kubuntu, you can use ext3
[01:14] <asobi> just using kubuntu
[01:15] <asobi> i am using all sorts of systems....fat32, ntfs @_@
[01:15] <NickPresta> asobi, ext3 sounds like a fine choice. you can use mkfs (mkfs -t ext3 ...) or you can use something like gparted to select your external drive and format it however you like
[01:15] <asobi> so how do i format?
[01:15] <linkinxp> so? what should i use?
[01:15] <linkinxp> :-s
[01:15] <NickPresta> linkinxp, compiz or kwin for what?
[01:16] <linkinxp> for pretty stuff
[01:16] <linkinxp> jajaajaja
[01:16] <NickPresta> linkinxp, well, it is a personal preference. compiz-fusion is nice. type: "/msg ubottu compiz-fusion" (without quotes) for more information
[01:17] <linkinxp> i put it
[01:17] <linkinxp> but i mean it doesnt have any trouble?
[01:17] <linkinxp> how i restar X?
[01:17] <linkinxp> restart*
[01:17] <NickPresta> linkinxp, nothing is perfect :) It shouldn't cause too much trouble, if any. If you have a problem with it, you can uninstall/not use it.
[01:18] <linkinxp> i see
[01:18] <NickPresta> to restart X, logout and select 'Restart X Server' from the login menu.
[01:18] <linkinxp> okey let me see what happens with the drivers
[01:18] <linkinxp> okey brb
[01:18] <linkinxp> thanks
[01:18] <avihayb> logout, and then go to restart x-server from the menu, or hit the keycombo ctrl+alt+backspace
[01:21] <suicidie> hola, alguien me puede ayudar?
[01:21] <avihayb> !es
[01:21] <ubottu> Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
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[01:24] <[Relic]> Hello :)
[01:24] <[Relic]> found out why no one can get 45nm cpu sensor read :)
[01:26] <avihayb> why?
[01:27] <[Relic]> coretemp.c isn't up-to-date in kernel 2.6.24, but is in 2.6.25
[01:28] <[Relic]> no idea how to swipe it and place it into the current kernel though :(
[01:29] <linkinxp> soo....
[01:29] <linkinxp> when i put my drivers from the list
[01:29] <linkinxp> it crashed everything
[01:29] <linkinxp> i had to reconfigure xserver etc
[01:29] <linkinxp> and now its back to Vesa
[01:29] <linkinxp> what am i suppose to do in order to put my correct drivers?
[01:29] <linkinxp> Intel 945
[01:42] <avihayb> linkinxp: if you can't do it from the kde control center applet, like with the screen, you can do it with a dpkg-reconfigure x-server
[01:42] <avihayb> linkinxp: if you can't do it from the kde control center applet, like with the screen, you can do it with a dpkg-reconfigure x-server
[01:42] <tanner> are there any decent KDE based testing software?
[01:43] <avihayb> k
[01:44] <avihayb> tanner: what do you mean by testing software?
[01:44] <tanner> avihayb: well, i want to be able to quiz my self. so i would put in a question, possible answers, and the correct answer, and quiz myself
[01:45] <avihayb> well, I know that there are memory card games
[01:45] <avihayb> and maybe edubunto has a package you can use
[01:49] <avihayb> !kwordquiz
[01:49] <ubottu> Factoid kwordquiz not found
[01:55] <asobi> !automount
[01:55] <ubottu> Factoid automount not found
[01:55] <asobi> !fstab
[01:55] <ubottu> The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions
[01:59] <uel> hi my name is uel
[02:00] <tuxwulf> How to prevent my screen from freezing after every 5 minutes?
[02:05] <damien_> How do I register an IRC name?
[02:05] <BonesolTeraDyne> !register | damien_
[02:05] <ubottu> damien_: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.
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[02:06] <StultusApparatus> When do I choose my password?
[02:06] <daemon3> I have installed every nonfree codec for Ubuntu above and below the sun. How in the world do I transfer iTunes files (m4p / m4a) into mp3?
[02:06] <BonesolTeraDyne> StultusApparatus: Read the FAQ in the link ubottu supplied
[02:06] <BonesolTeraDyne> It'll tell you everything
[02:06] <StultusApparatus> Ok
[02:10] <StultusApparatus> What's the social channel for #kubuntu?
[02:10] <p_quarles> StultusApparatus, it's in the topic notice . . .
[02:10] <StultusApparatus> Oh, sorry.
[02:12] <daemon3> Is it possible to convert iTunes files to mp3? I'm using a Linux system.
[02:24] <StultusApparatus> I need to install GStreamer to play music in Songbird, but I'm not sure if I have debian or whatever
[02:28] <se7en> StultusApparatus: you are in kubuntu so you should have at least a debian based system
[02:30] <tzanger> quick question about udev rules... How would I execute a KDE program with a udev rule? I need to run as a particular user (sudo, not a problem) but also pick up which X display to use
[02:30] <tzanger> I can make a pretty good guess but that's not quite what I"m after
[02:30] <tzanger> is there a cleaner way?
[02:30] <frank23> how can I diagnostic a wireless mouse issue? I'm having trouble moving and resizing windows. It's as if the click doesn't hold long enough. I just changed the batteries in the mouse and same problem persists
[02:32] <se7en> StultusApparatus: check with cat /etc/issue
[02:32] <frank23> I think a single click registers as a double click.....
[02:38] <frank23> hmmm I was looking at /dev/input/mouse1 and the mouse is having problems with the left button.
[02:39] <frank23> it lasted less than a year and a half
[02:50] <moshe_> hi, where do i switch off auto-remembering kde session apps?
[02:51] <Dragnslcr> System Settings -> Advanced -> Session Manager
[02:52] <Makuseru> hi, im having a problem burning a VCD, i had an AVI, converted it to a MPEG so K3B could make a VCD, burnt the cd, and everything went fine, but when i try to play the CD i get no sound. i double checked the MPEG, and there IS sound on it, but it gets lost somehow when i burn it. anyone know whats causing this and how i can fix it?
[02:52] <moshe_> Dragnslcr: thakns
[02:52] <moshe_> thanks :)
[02:54] <moshe_> Dragnslcr: in Appearance > Fonts there's "Use anti-aliasing" = "System settings" - do you know where are the "system settings" ? :)
[02:56] <Betus> anybody can helpme to install drivers for my ati card?
[02:56] <Dragnslcr> moshe_- not offhand, no
[02:57] <NickPresta> Betus, use the Hardware Drivers Manager in KMenu > System
[02:57] <Betus> but when i go to install tell me "Unable to determine XFree86 Version. Stopping now."
[02:58] <Betus> im use kubuntu hardy
[02:58] <Betus> !br
[02:58] <ubottu> Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[03:02] <Betus> anybody can helpme with my ati card http://paste.ubuntu.com/14955/
[03:03] <BonesolTeraDyne> !ati
[03:03] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[03:03] <Betus> thanx
[03:03] <asobiCrash> how do i edit fstab as root
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[03:04] <Dragnslcr> asobi- kdesu kate /etc/fstab
[03:04] <asobi> hmm
[03:04] <asobi> my stab is empty?!
[03:04] <asobi> fstab
[03:05] <Makuseru> hi, im having a problem burning a VCD, i had an AVI, converted it to a MPEG so K3B could make a VCD, burnt the cd, and everything went fine, but when i try to play the CD i get no sound. i double checked the MPEG, and there IS sound on it, but it gets lost somehow when i burn it. anyone know whats causing this and how i can fix it?
[03:06] <asobi> ooops
[03:06] <asobi> typo
[03:06] <asobi> heh
[03:06] <asobi> thanks
[03:06] <Betus> use sudo
[03:07] <navetz> where are my fonts located?
[03:08] <humbol1> I don't know why, but compiz gets started when I login into kde4! How can I turn that off?
[03:10] <Agent_bob> ~/.kde4/Autostart/* ?
[03:11] <humbol1> Agent_bob: no
[03:13] <Agent_bob> ~/.xsession ?
[03:14] <Agent_bob> ~/.dmrc ?
[03:14] <Agent_bob> any of those can do that
[03:15] <navetz> on php.net it gives this as an example $font = imageloadfont("04b.gdf"); what file format is .gdf?
[03:17] <NickPresta> navetz, GD Fonts
[03:17] <Agent_bob> 'GeoDraft Document File
[03:17] <humbol1> Agent_bob: no, no
[03:18] <Agent_bob> humbol1 grep -HiRe compiz ~
[03:18] <BluesKaj> something like a PDFI think
[03:18] <navetz> NickPresta: ah, do you know where I can get thouse ?
[03:18] <NickPresta> navetz, http://www.devtrolls.com/gdf_fonts/fonts.html
[03:18] <humbol1> installed desktop-effects-kde now, maybe that helps. this one supplies a xsession.d file which exports a compiz env var when you want compiz. but it does nothing else. therefore I doubt things will change
[03:18] <NickPresta> navetz, you can use any fonts. it doesn't have to be gdf
[03:19] <navetz> NickPresta: oh really? ok thats great. I guess I am just doing it wrong :)
[03:20] <NickPresta> navetz, you can use the 'imagettftext' function to write text. It accepts a huge variety of font formats (I used True Type Font)
[03:21] <navetz> NickPresta: thats what I am trying to do, I have never used the GD library though so I am testing out lots of stuff
[03:22] <NickPresta> navetz, there is 'imagettftext' for TTF, 'imagefttext' for FreeType 2, etc. The docs are comprehensive so check those first
[03:22] <navetz> NickPresta: alright thanks
[03:22] <navetz> NickPresta: i was using imageloadfont()
[03:26] <Makuseru> hi, im having a problem burning a VCD, i had an AVI, converted it to a MPEG so K3B could make a VCD, burnt the cd, and everything went fine, but when i try to play the CD i get no sound. i double checked the MPEG, and there IS sound on it, but it gets lost somehow when i burn it. anyone know whats causing this and how i can fix it?
[03:27] <Agent_bob> "GDF is also a generic European standard used for GIS data sets."
[03:31] <Agent_bob> Makuseru stupid question, but; have you tried "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=imagefile.iso" and see if you had sound from the .iso ? (thinking that it could be the audio out from the drive)
[03:32] <Makuseru> Agent_bob: its never an ISO
[03:32] <Agent_bob> it is if you do what i said... ;/
[03:33] <Makuseru> oh, ok. ill try it
[03:34] <suicidie_> hola
[03:34] <BluesKaj> nice nick
[03:35] <Makuseru> Agent_bob: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14960/
[03:35] <Agent_bob> Q. "would you really have killed your self if i had said no?" A. "that's what i usually do."
[03:36] <moshe_> which package do i need to install, so i can use "service" command from shell?
[03:37] <Agent_bob> Makuseru so you got a bad burn there ?
[03:37] <Makuseru> does that mean i have a bad burn?
[03:37] <Makuseru> i dont understand it
[03:37] <moshe_> nm found it
[03:37] <Agent_bob> means that dd could only read the first 922k of the cd so yeah that's prolly a bad burn
[03:38] <Makuseru> ah
[03:38] <Makuseru> its just weird that all the video works, but the audio isnt there
[03:39] <Agent_bob> yeah it odd that the vidio works. on a bad burn
[03:39] <Makuseru> ill just burn again
[03:39] <Makuseru> and see if it works
[03:40] <Agent_bob> Makuseru check that you don't have k3b set to some "disk protection" setting
[03:40] <Makuseru> whats taht?
[03:40] <Makuseru> that*
[03:40] <Agent_bob> copy protection intentionally makes bad spots
[03:40] <Makuseru> where would i check that
[03:40] <Agent_bob> in k3b's settings
[03:41] <Agent_bob> it isn't by default set to do that.
[03:42] <Agent_bob> Makuseru you can also tell k3b to create an .iso file and test it. then burn the .iso if all is well.
[03:42] <will> #nickserv
[03:42] <Agent_bob> / != #
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[03:46] <Makuseru> Agent_bob: how do i make an iso out of it
[03:47] <Agent_bob> burn to iso in the k3b options
[03:47] <redeck> #metalmaniacs
[03:49] <Makuseru> Agent_bob: i only see how to burn an iso, not make one
[03:51] <Agent_bob> Makuseru it's there some place.
[03:51] <Agent_bob> i just found a bug in "dd" http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d7d72e97e
[03:52] <Agent_bob> can anyone confirm that the same bug still exists ?
[03:52] <Daisuke-Laptop> --noerror?
[03:53] <Agent_bob> both the man page and the --help list noerror as an option but dd doesn't recognize it
[03:53] <Agent_bob> dd: invalid option -- -
[03:53] <Agent_bob> definitely not --
[03:53] <Daisuke-Laptop> hrmm
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[03:55] <Agent_bob> Makuseru i think you have to click [burn] then in that window select to burn to file
[03:55] <Agent_bob> Daisuke-Laptop confirmed ?
[03:56] <Makuseru> Ah, alright
[03:56] <Daisuke-Laptop> one moment
[03:58] <Daisuke-Laptop> Agent_bob: confirmed
[03:58] <Agent_bob> even the info page afferms that there "should" be a noerror switch
[03:58] <Agent_bob> Daisuke-Laptop care to report it on launchpad ?
[03:58] <Agent_bob> :)
[03:58] <Agent_bob> i'm not registered nor can i atm.
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[04:00] <redeck> #metal
[04:00] <Agent_bob> /join #blah
[04:00] <redeck> #java
[04:00] <Daisuke-Laptop> now to find out what package dd is in -_-
[04:01] <Agent_bob> coreutils
[04:01] <Agent_bob> Daisuke-Laptop coreutils
[04:01] <NickPresta> coreutils, Daisuke-Laptop ?
[04:01] <NickPresta> oh agent beat me to it
[04:01] <NickPresta> lol
[04:01] <redeck> #chat
[04:02] <Agent_bob> /join #blah <<< redeck you have to /join or /part those things...
[04:03] <Agent_bob> /exit <<< example of an irc command.
[04:03] <Agent_bob> :)
[04:04] <Makuseru> Agent_bob: ok, i have the iso created, how do i test to see if its good?
[04:05] <NickPresta> Makuseru, play it in vlc/mplayer/etc
[04:05] <Agent_bob> just like you would a cd open it as if it were a disk
[04:05] <Makuseru> you can do that with an iso?
[04:05] <Makuseru> never knew that
[04:05] <Agent_bob> yep
[04:05] <dawn> hi
[04:05] <dawn> I am trying to remove some linux kernels
[04:06] <NickPresta> Makuseru, sure. kaffeine dvd:///home/SOMEUSER/video.iso
[04:06] <Makuseru> eh, i deffinattely think something went wrong
[04:06] <Agent_bob> dawn audo apt-get remove linux-image-<version_string_here>
[04:06] <NickPresta> plays just like a DVD would
[04:06] <Makuseru> the iso is only 900kb
[04:06] <Daisuke-Laptop> Makuseru: welcome to copy protection
[04:07] <Daisuke-Laptop> afaik, nothing's going to help
[04:07] <dawn> Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.20-15-386 and Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-server, which were installed when I upgrade to 7.10, I went in boot and sudo rm'd them bott they still show when I rebppt
[04:07] <dawn> hmm Agent_bob ok
[04:07] <dawn> you mean sudo and not audo, hehe
[04:07] <Daisuke-Laptop> dawn: did it ever occur to you to uninstall the packages through adept or synaptic?
[04:07] <dawn> Daisuke-Laptop: this thing for me hun
[04:07] <dawn> new thing
[04:08] <Agent_bob> Makuseru ;/
[04:08] <Daisuke-Laptop> dawn: then welcome aboard, you'll catch on pretty quick :D
[04:08] <dawn> aye aye
[04:08] <Daisuke-Laptop> Agent_bob: Despite the man page, info file, and --help flag for dd, it does not seem to actually have a noerror option.
[04:08] <NickPresta> dawn, try Adept or Synaptic. Find the current kernel install and remove any others that aren't in use, if you want.
[04:08] <dawn> server and 386, I dont need those
[04:08] <Agent_bob> dawn one of the mentioned graphical package management frontends like adept or synaptic might be more to your likeing
[04:09] <dawn> doing that now, but is use to the cmd line :P
[04:09] <humbol1> seems like kdeinit4 is starting compiz eventhough I have never told it to!
[04:09] <humbol1> where can I disable this
[04:09] <Agent_bob> !apt | dawn
[04:09] <ubottu> dawn: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)
[04:09] <NickPresta> Daisuke-Laptop, noerror is a conv option.
[04:09] <dawn> umm purge or remove?
[04:09] <humbol1> I just want to use KDEs own desktop effects!
[04:09] <Agent_bob> dawn remove should suffice
[04:10] <dawn> k
[04:10] <NickPresta> `dd conv=noerror` works for me
[04:10] <Makuseru> Agent_bob: Daisuke-Laptop so how can i turn this off?
[04:10] <Agent_bob> dawn the differance is, remove remoces the package and it's content but does not remove any special configuration files associeated with it. purge does both
[04:11] <dawn> awww darn when I remove .14 server, it took vmware with it
[04:11] <humbol1> Agent_bob: I did not find anything in /etc nor in .kde4 that would indicate that compiz will be started. I also wiped clean .kde*
[04:11] <humbol1> Agent_bob: Any more suggestions what might cause compiz to start?
[04:13] <Dragnslcr> humbol1- something setting the KDEWM environment variable, maybe
[04:14] <humbol1> no, env is clean also
[04:14] <klepto> whats the difference between openbox & fluxbox?
[04:15] <Agent_bob> humbolt i don't have kde4 but you could find /usr -iname kde4 -exec grep -HiRe compiz '{}' \; for it.
[04:15] <Agent_bob> klepto a buck two ninty five.
[04:16] <Makuseru> Agent_bob: how can i turn this copy protection off?
[04:17] <Agent_bob> Makuseru i'm not sure i know that. maybe someone else can help ay there.
[04:17] <Makuseru> is there a K3B irc room?
[04:17] <Agent_bob> i think so
[04:17] <Makuseru> do you know what it is? its not k3b
[04:17] <Agent_bob> #k3b
[04:18] <Makuseru> there are litterly 0 people in that room
[04:18] <Makuseru> haha
[04:19] <Agent_bob> back in a few.
[04:23] <Ponz> is kde4 going to come in the dvd package anytime soon?
[04:23] <donald_> how do i change screen resolution
[04:23] <donald_> ?
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[04:24] <kwgod> i got a VGA cable for my xbox 360 and it changed my resolution and im not sure how to change it back
[04:25] <kwgod> hello?
[04:43] <Agent_bob> brb
[04:45] <Agent_bob> ok maybe i'm caught up for a few.
[04:46] <Agent_bob> CoffinSaver what kind of spam is that ?
[04:46] <Helios> Yeah it's a spam... :)
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[04:47] <Agent_bob> !ops | see about CoffinSaver (spam_bot) please.
[04:47] <ubottu> see about CoffinSaver (spam_bot) please.: Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01!
=== Charles_Xavier is now known as modprobe
[04:48] <Helios> Hello Agent bob... :)
=== modprobe is now known as sean-_-
[04:48] <trappist> Agent_bob: what's up
[04:48] <trappist> oh he left
[04:48] <sean-_-> hi
[04:49] <Agent_bob> http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d597be28d
[04:49] <Helios> !usplash
[04:49] <ubottu> To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork
[04:49] <Agent_bob> trappist ^ that.
[04:49] <sean-_-> Is there a program for kubuntu to monitor cpu temp and fan speed through a GUI?
[04:49] <Agent_bob> yeah he left. just as you went +o
[04:50] <sean-_-> I just switched to kubuntu from ubuntu, I know its similar, but I'm still getting used to the kde programs
[04:51] <trappist> Agent_bob: yeah they often high-tail it when you flash your badge
[04:51] <Agent_bob> :)
[04:53] <Helios> lol... i switched from kubuntu to ubuntu...
[04:53] <sean-_-> why
[04:53] <Helios> i was not so comfortable with it.... so i switched back to kubuntu... :s
[04:53] <sean-_-> ya
[04:53] <sean-_-> kubuntu looks better
[04:54] <Agent_bob> Helios sorry, didn't mean to "dis" on ya. shalom.
[04:54] <Helios> it's ok... :)
[05:07] <kkathman> anyone know if there is a trick to getting firefox 3 to work with the java jre??
[05:18] <eyemon> how do i set a fixed channel on my wireless card??
[05:19] <eyemon> how do i set a fixed channel on my wireless card??
[05:19] <_2> does qemu support directories as drives like dosemu does ?
[05:20] <_2> eyemon did you check the wiki on wifi ?
[05:20] <eyemon> nop
[05:20] <_2> !wifi
[05:20] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[05:26] <romunov> when i open files in openoffice 2.4, they are read-only. any tips?
[05:26] <_2> change the file permission ?
[05:27] <_2> change the file ownership ?
[05:27] <_2> remount the fs with different u/f/g-masks ?
[05:27] <_2> s/g/d/
[05:30] <_2> !permission
[05:30] <ubottu> An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview
[05:31] <Helios> how can i use the splash screen that i have downloaded from kde-look.org using usplash?
[05:31] <baudthief> is it possible to set the processor affinity of a task in Kubuntu? I'm running XP as a guest OS using virtualbox, and theres 60% constant CPU even during idle - setting affinity apparently solves the problem
[05:32] <romunov> that remounting thingy sounds the most workable
[05:32] <romunov> because i'm not about to spende 10 hours changing permissions for all my text files
[05:32] <_2> Helios convert it into a usplash image i think they are xpm at 16 colour 640x480 not sure.
[05:32] <Helios> how can i convert it to splash image??? :S
[05:33] <_2> romunov if it's on vfat or ntfs you couldn't change the permission/owner anyeay.
[05:33] <_2> anyway.
[05:33] <romunov> i just found that :)
[05:33] <Ashex> Anyone know how to change the default icon for a mp3 player in storage devices?
[05:34] <_2> Helios are you sure you want it as a grub-splash not a dm-splash
[05:34] <_2> ?
[05:34] <Ashex> Kinda don't like the iPod
[05:34] <Ashex> in KDE4, it used the correct icon for my Sansa
[05:34] <romunov> _2: i'll need a bit more guidance on how to mount the hd in another mask
[05:35] <romunov> /dev/hda1 /data vfat auto,umask=0000 0 0
[05:35] <romunov> this is the command line that mounts the drive
[05:36] <_2> romunov sudo mount -o remount,umask=000,fmask=111,dmask=000 /dev/<device_node> /<mount_point> -t <type> <<<< translate everything within <>
[05:36] <Helios> wat's grub-splash or dm-splash? :S
[05:36] <_2> romunov if it's umask=000 already it should be writable.
[05:37] <Helios> btw can anyone tell me why the splash screen feature is not available in the system settings in the new Kubuntu?
[05:38] <romunov> _2: well, i beg the differ! :)
[05:38] <_2> Helios "usplash" sets the grub-splash image the one seen where the boot menu is and the dm (kdm by default) sets the dm-splash that you see as you login.
[05:38] <_2> romunov do this for me. mount | grep hda1
[05:38] <Helios> i mean the dm... do not wanna mess with grub... :)
[05:39] <_2> Helios ok. then you aren't really asking about usplash, and i probably can't answer.
[05:39] <Helios> ok... :S
[05:39] <_2> !theme
[05:39] <ubottu> Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy
[05:39] <_2> that might ^
[05:40] <Helios> !changethemes
[05:40] <ubottu> To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes
[05:40] <Helios> and how will i be able to change the grub-splash? :)
[05:41] <romunov> _2: done. what now?
[05:41] <_2> Helios that's where usplash comes in.
[05:41] <_2> romunov lets see the output of it
[05:41] <_2> !usplash | Helios
[05:41] <ubottu> Helios: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork
[05:41] <romunov> _2: no output at all
[05:42] <_2> romunov ok. pastebin the output of cat /proc/mounts
[05:42] <Helios> i did this and it said i have only one program running usplash artwork
[05:43] <romunov> http://pastebin.com/d29339b14
[05:43] <_2> Helios the link ^ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto
[05:43] <_2> romunov looking
[05:44] <Helios> thanks
[05:44] <romunov> _2: huuum, the drive i'm trying to work with is sda1, not hda1
[05:44] <_2> romunov are you files that you are concerned with in /data/ by any chance ?
[05:44] <romunov> what the hell?!
[05:44] <romunov> yes, they are in /data (that's where the drive is mounted)
[05:45] <romunov> _2: should i unmount hda1 and remount sda1?
[05:45] <_2> ok try this. sudo mount -o remount,fmask=111,dmask=000 /dev/sda1 /data -t vfat
[05:45] <leo> hi!, anyone uses filemaker with wine?
[05:45] <Helios> about the dm splash screen i got it... :D
[05:46] <romunov> interesting - fdisk -l shows no hda1 devices
[05:46] <_2> romunov you can't umount hda1 it's not mounted.
[05:46] <Helios> i need to install ksplash since it is not installed by default... :)
[05:46] <romunov> _2: you're right
[05:46] <_2> romunov ^ remount command
[05:46] <romunov> i did it
[05:47] <romunov> and the files still opens in read-only mode
[05:47] <_2> romunov mount | grep sda1 <<< show me.
[05:47] <romunov> /dev/sda1 on /data type vfat (rw,fmask=111,dmask=000)
[05:48] <_2> you can write to them.
[05:48] <_2> echo boo > /data/testing.txt ;cat /data/testing.txt
[05:48] <romunov> i don't know... the files still open in read-only mode
[05:48] <romunov> file permissions are still "can read" for group and others
[05:49] <_2> echo boo > /data/testing.txt ;cat /data/testing.txt
[05:49] <romunov> i could almost bet that this is Ooo 2.4. issue
[05:49] <_2> did it boo at you ? ^
[05:49] <romunov> yes
[05:49] <romunov> bash: /data/testing.txt: Permission denied
[05:49] <romunov> cat: /data/testing.txt: No such file or directory
[05:49] <_2> then you can write to the disk/fs
[05:50] <_2> cant
[05:50] <_2> hold just a sec.
[05:50] <romunov> nope :/
[05:51] <romunov> hum, i can't umount the device, as it's busy
[05:51] <_2> yeah anything touching it. file manager editor terminal... will prevent umounting
[05:51] <maira> hola
[05:52] <_2> desktop icon maybe.
[05:52] <romunov> yes, there are some soft links to that drive on my desktop
[05:52] <_2> romunov try right click them and select eject
[05:53] <_2> eject is as handy as a pocket on a shirt.
[05:54] <_2> romunov sudo while umount /dev/sda1 ;do : ;done
[05:54] <romunov> when i try umount it via gui, it says the device is not mounted by HAL
[05:54] <_2> sudo mount -o fmask=111,dmask=000 /dev/sda1 /data
[05:54] <romunov> ... whatever that is :>
[05:55] <romunov> there, the device umounted
[05:55] <_2> HAL=hardware abstraction layer
[05:56] <romunov> i thought it was the super computer from odyssey 2000 :)
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[05:56] <romunov> yay, it's working
[05:56] <romunov> ok, so how do i edit my fstab to keep these things permanent?
[05:56] <_2> romunov sudo nano /etc/fstab
[05:57] <_2> change the line hda1 to sda1
[05:57] <romunov> what i meant was, what parameters do i need to change?
[05:57] <_2> change the line hda1 to sda1
[05:57] <romunov> yes, that's what i did a little earlier: /dev/sda1 /data vfat auto,umask=0000 0 0
[05:57] <_2> any other listing for sda1 should be removed.
[05:57] <romunov> yes, it's the only line mentioning sda1 in that file
[05:58] <romunov> i guess umask=0000
[05:58] <romunov> do i add fmask=1111?
[05:58] <romunov> like so? /dev/sda1 /data vfat auto,fmask=1111,umask=0000 0 0
[05:58] <romunov> or should there be only 3 ones?
[05:59] <_2> romunov this is just a thought on the subject, while umask will probably achieve the desired end i personally prefer fmask=111,dmask=000 it keeps things on that fs from apearing as all executable and so clicking on them doesn't accidently try to execute them either.
[05:59] <_2> three zeros are prefered
[06:00] <_2> the fourth is covered by other keywords like nosuid and nogrpid
[06:00] <_2> noguid sorry
[06:01] * _2 has full system == nosuid
[06:02] <romunov> ok, i'll modify
[06:03] <romunov> /dev/sda1 /data vfat auto,fmask=111,umask=000 0 0
[06:03] <romunov> i'll reboot just to make sure while i still remember what i had modified
[06:03] <_2> yeah s/umask/dmask/
[06:04] <romunov> brb
[06:04] <_2> u universal f file d directory
[06:05] * _2 takes the shotgun for a walk now.
[06:08] <thedanyes> hey guys
[06:08] <thedanyes> i'm running kubuntu 8.04 and my on-screen volume and alt+tab graphics don't come up anymore when i press their respective keys
[06:09] <thedanyes> does anyone know how to restore those?
[06:09] <romunov> when _2 returns, tell him thanks, the thing seems to work
[06:13] <thedanyes> any ideas?
[06:31] <kuroryuu> I'm trying to get emacs to start up in the background when I log in to my computer so when I run emacsclient it connects to the first instance that I have set to server mode, but I can't get it to start up
[06:31] <kuroryuu> I've tried putting it in .kde/Autostart/ and .xinitrc but it won't start up
[06:31] <kuroryuu> when I run the script myself it works just fine though
[06:32] <kuroryuu> can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
[06:32] <birnisson> hi, in kde 4 is there a way to mute the music coming from konqueror/firefox?
[06:34] <thedanyes> i got the alt+tab menu to appear now by setting the option in 'system settings', which is odd because i never changed it to make it stop working. anyway, still trying to figure out how to get my onscreen volume control back
[06:35] <thedanyes> tried restarting kmix
[06:35] <thedanyes> went through all the kmix settings
[06:39] <antares> hola
[06:42] <mr-t> thedanyes : go to kmix>settings>configurekmix select tray icon :)
[06:44] <thedanyes> mr-t: the options i see in kmix->settings->configure kmix are: 'dock into panel', 'enabled system tray volume control', 'show tickmarks', 'show labels', 'restore volumes on login', 'middle click on system tray icon toggles muting', 'volume values', and 'slider orientation'.
[06:44] <thedanyes> aww.
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[06:54] <Agent_bob> qemu is an interesting diversion
[06:55] <frank_> does any have some ideas for KDE-system settings crash ?
[06:55] <doktoreas> hello everybody
[06:55] <doktoreas> is there a simple image editor for kde without installing the gimp?
[06:57] <frank_> does anyone have some ideas for KDE-systemsettings crash ?
[06:58] <thedanyes> doktoreas: you could try PRICE
[06:58] <thedanyes> doktoreas: or gwenview depending on what you need
[06:59] <doktoreas> thedanyes: basci image resizing and chaing contrast..
[06:59] <doktoreas> those things
[07:00] <Agent_bob> doktoreas kolour paint ?
[07:00] <thedanyes> thedanyes: gwenview is what you need
[07:00] <thedanyes> err...
[07:00] <thedanyes> doktoreas: gwenview1
[07:00] <thedanyes> doktoreas: gwenview!
[07:00] <thedanyes> doktoreas: i can't type tonight for some reason.
[07:00] * Agent_bob like kolour paint
[07:00] <doktoreas> :)
[07:01] <doktoreas> Thx.. I am trying it right now..is it possible to select a certain part of the image and save as new image?
[07:01] <Agent_bob> in kp it is.
[07:02] <Agent_bob> xpaint - simple paint program for X
[07:02] <Agent_bob> kolourpaint - a simple paint program for KDE
[07:02] <Agent_bob> tkpaint - Versatile bitmap/pixmap editing tool
[07:02] <Agent_bob> krita - a pixel-based image manipulation program for the KDE Office Suite
[07:02] <thedanyes> doktoreas: i don't think gwenview has crop functionality
[07:03] <Agent_bob> kp does
[07:03] <thedanyes> doktoreas: but it does resize and change contrast
[07:03] <Agent_bob> :)
[07:03] <thedanyes> agent_bob: you use kolourpaint?
[07:03] <Agent_bob> i do
[07:03] <thedanyes> agent_bob: and you like it?
[07:03] <Agent_bob> i do
[07:03] <thedanyes> agent_bob: hmmm i may have to give it a try
[07:03] <Agent_bob> you may
[07:04] <thedanyes> agent_bob: do you work on it?
[07:04] <Agent_bob> depends on your definition of "work"
[07:04] <Agent_bob> no by most standards
[07:05] <thedanyes> agent_bob: i mean are you involved with the project?
[07:05] <Agent_bob> no
[07:05] <thedanyes> hmmm. looks like microsoft paint
[07:05] <Agent_bob> it does
[07:05] <thedanyes> i think i'll stick with my gwenview / GIMP combo for now :)
[07:06] <Agent_bob> i didn't say it would replace gimp. i said (to "simple replacement for gimp") that kp would do all that was mentioned.
[07:07] <thedanyes> yeah its probably great for his application
[07:08] <Daisuke_Ido> thedanyes: you can also take a look at krita
[07:08] <Agent_bob> i use it, because i do some photo scanning and digitizing. it works well for croping/rotating/enhancing images
[07:08] <Agent_bob> and is fairly light weight
[07:09] <Daisuke_Ido> think of krita as the paint shop pro to the gimp's photoshop
[07:09] <thedanyes> daisuke_ido: great. i will check it out :)
[07:10] <Agent_bob> one can select the portion to work on and copy + paste in a new window with hotkeys makes life simple for me.
[07:10] <thedanyes> agent_bob: sounds good. have you used the GIMP before?
[07:10] <Agent_bob> only played with it. haven't really put it to serious use
[07:11] <Agent_bob> i don't like the interface to gimp but that's presonal preferance and not a reflection on what the app can and cant do
[07:11] <thedanyes> agent_bob: ah ok. i like it overall, but yeah the interface could be a little nicer.
[07:12] * Agent_bob is somewhat of a minimalest
[07:12] <thedanyes> yeah i try to use a tool that is appropriate for what i'm doing
[07:13] * Agent_bob runs kde on a p1 100mhz 64m ram 610m hdd box sometimes...
[07:13] <DeepThought> I've edited devices.map from GRUB, do I need to update grub to get the3 changes in the boot trecord ?
[07:13] <thedanyes> ah. seems like a waste of electricity :)
[07:13] <Agent_bob> thedanyes :)))
[07:14] <Agent_bob> DeepThought shouldn't "update-grub" doesn't affect the MBR anyway
[07:14] <thedanyes> daisuke_ido: looks like the package for krita is broken
[07:14] <Daisuke_Ido> that's odd
[07:14] <thedanyes> daisuke_ido: i just installed it with adept and apparently the only package listed is the 'krita-data' package\
[07:15] <thedanyes> daisuke_ido: so of course it didn't work
[07:15] <DeepThought> Agent_bob: so the changes I made should now affect boot without having to perform further actions right now ok;
[07:15] <thedanyes> daisuke_ido: trying to apt-get it now
[07:15] <DeepThought> ?
[07:15] <Daisuke_Ido> !info krita
[07:15] <ubottu> krita (source: koffice): a pixel-based image manipulation program for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.3-4ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 2972 kB, installed size 9216 kB
[07:15] <thedanyes> ubottu: i'm running 8.04
[07:15] <ubottu> thedanyes: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[07:15] <Daisuke_Ido> hardy is 8.04
[07:15] <Agent_bob> DeepThought should, take note that i'm not a grub user. i have played with it some but can't use it for my main system
[07:16] <thedanyes> daisuke_ido: oh, i was confused because it said 'ubuntu7'
[07:16] <thedanyes> daisuke_ido: sure enough, works now that i ran the apt-get to install it
[07:16] <thedanyes> daisuke_ido: can anyone else confirm that krita shows up in adept installer as the 'krita-data' package, and not the 'krita' package?
[07:17] <thedanyes> can anyone else confirm that krita shows up in adept installer as the 'krita-data' package, and not the 'krita' package?
[07:17] <thedanyes> Krita
[07:17] <Daisuke_Ido> adept installer? i can't recommend adept for any reason, ever.
[07:17] <thedanyes> Rank:
[07:17] <thedanyes> Package: krita-data
[07:17] <thedanyes> data files for Krita painting program
[07:17] <thedanyes> This package contains architecture-independent data files for Krita, the painting program shipped with the KDE Office Suite.
[07:17] <thedanyes> See the krita package for further information.
[07:17] <thedanyes> This package is part of the KDE Office Suite.
[07:17] <Daisuke_Ido> synaptic would be a better option
[07:17] <thedanyes> daisuke_ido: ah ok. i just use it because its the default with kubuntu
[07:18] <romunov> after the upgrade, printer won't print anymore :/
[07:18] <thedanyes> krita looks nice though actually
[07:18] <thedanyes> i used to like paint shop pro
[07:18] <thedanyes> until whoever it was bought them... corel?
[07:18] <Agent_bob> yeah krita is. but heavy
[07:19] <Agent_bob> xpaint - simple paint program for X <<< very light
[07:20] <thedanyes> well thanks guys. i'm going to bed, talk to you later :)
[07:21] <Agent_bob> DeepThought and ?
[07:21] <DeepThought> Agent_bob: nope, stil a mess
[07:22] <Agent_bob> DeepThought what exactly is the issue ?
[07:22] <DeepThought> the problem is hd's are numbered different at boot then they are when the system's up; so all the startup-configs end up wrong
[07:22] <Agent_bob> yep. that's common
[07:22] <DeepThought> I want it to be consistent from a-z
[07:22] <DeepThought> was told devices.map is the key
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[07:24] <DeepThought> so I gave the numbers to discs as it is at boot; but at boot all is still the same now, that's why I figured I should update the menu; update grub does that, or no ?
[07:24] <Agent_bob> problem is that bios numbers drives then linux readdresses them as it actually sees them. you can use the "map" directive in the menu.lst file to reorder them to the way linux sees them... not that it's easy or reccomended.
[07:24] <Agent_bob> update-grub only updates the menu.lst
[07:25] <DeepThought> so whatś the difference between the devices.map and the map in menu.list ?
[07:25] <Agent_bob> grub-install will update the mbr
[07:25] <DeepThought> so shouldn't I do both after editing configs ?
[07:25] <Agent_bob> in menu.lst you can remap the bios addressing that doesn't happen in the devices.map file
[07:26] <Agent_bob> DeepThought ummm not usually. any changes to the menu.lst is read dirrectly at boot time. it's not in the mbr and i think that device.map is the same
[07:26] <DeepThought> Ah, ok; so my solution is in there fro sure; and devices.map will take the consistency into the sys when it's running, right ?
[07:27] <Agent_bob> DeepThought right
[07:27] <DeepThought> good; well at least I know I'm on track
[07:27] <Agent_bob> let me get you an example of remapping a drive.
[07:28] <romunov> where can i see pending print jobs?
[07:28] <DeepThought> so what gets read from boot record apart from where the boot partition is ? or only that ?
[07:28] <DeepThought> great
[07:28] <Ayabara> How do I install KDE4.1Beta on Hardy?
[07:30] <flaccid> Ayabara: #kubuntu-kde4
[07:31] <Agent_bob> grub> help map
[07:31] <Agent_bob> map: map TO_DRIVE FROM_DRIVE
[07:31] <Ayabara> flaccid, ah. so it's automatically updated. I though I stayed on 4.0 if I didn't add some custom stuff to my sources.list
[07:31] <Ayabara> thanks
[07:31] <Agent_bob> didn't find a good example. but that's the basic syntax
[07:32] <DeepThought> Agent_bob: oh, so I do it in console, not in th menu.list ?
[07:32] <Agent_bob> DeepThought no that can be in the menu.lst too
[07:32] <sigma> i think its amazing how kde3 apps work so well in kde4. imagine trying to run a win98 app in xp:)
[07:32] <DeepThought> Agent_bob: so those commands there change it in the menu.list ?
[07:32] <Agent_bob> DeepThought anything you do in the grub prompt you can do in the menu.lst to make it permanant
[07:32] <Agent_bob> yes
[07:33] <DeepThought> oh, with grub prompt you mean the one at boot ? I thought you meant at console when editing while sys is up (on the desktop I mean)
[07:33] <Agent_bob> i.e. map (hd1) (hd0) will reverse the order of the first two hdds
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[07:33] <Ayabara> I upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy using apt, so now I have both KDE 3.5 and KDE 4. How can I remove all KDE 3.5 stuff?
[07:34] <DeepThought> at bott as well as in meulist
[07:34] <DeepThought> ?
[07:34] <Agent_bob> yes
[07:34] <DeepThought> goooodd
[07:34] <Agent_bob> DeepThought play around in the grub prompt a little. it's a good place to learn this stuff
[07:34] <Agent_bob> in a terminal just type grub
[07:35] <DeepThought> Agent_bob: well, that should get me where I want, will fiddle with that
[07:35] <sigma> Ayabara: bad idea, kde4 doesnt have a complete app set, if you totally remove kde3 you'll have a pretty limited function desktop
[07:35] <Agent_bob> DeepThought glwi
[07:35] <DeepThought> Agent_bob: glwi ?
[07:35] <Ayabara> sigma, good point. I rest my case
[07:35] <Agent_bob> good luck with it
[07:36] <Agent_bob> same as gl/i
[07:36] <Agent_bob> err gl/w
[07:36] <sigma> Ayabara: wait for 4.1, kde4 versions of amarok, kontact and k3b are more likely to appear by then
[07:37] <Ayabara> sigma, I'm trying to get 4.1 Beta now
[07:38] <DeepThought> Agent_bob: Ah, thaanx ! yer right bout learning is good; I've lotsa xperience with comps ever since the zx80; but linux didn 't really get to stick in my rig till I ran into ubuntu; makes for a clean & easy start; but the whole point of wanting linux for years already is getting more control over my rig; and it's really under the hood where it all happens; love to learn about that and get the hang of it, without having to depend on it to
[07:38] <DeepThought> keep my sys running; Ubuntu rocks !
[07:38] <sigma> Ayabara: where are you getting it from? ive tried to look for packages but never found any for kubuntu
[07:38] <DeepThought> sorry for the flood huyz &dollz...
[07:38] <DeepThought> signing off, bye
[07:39] <Agent_bob> DeepThought :)
[07:39] <sigma> Ayabara: where are you getting the 4.1 beta from? ive tried to look for packages but never found any for kubuntu
[07:39] <Ayabara> sigma, haven't found it actually. flaccid said I only had to install #kubuntu-kde4, but maybe he misunderstood
[07:40] <Ayabara> gah
[07:40] <Ayabara> sorry
[07:40] <sigma> Ayabara: you could try this - http://dot.kde.org/1211789022/ - its a virtual system of the latest 4.1 build
[07:40] <Agent_bob> !info kde-core4
[07:40] <ubottu> Package kde-core4 does not exist in hardy
[07:40] <Ayabara> flaccid, I read you post entirely wrong :-)
[07:41] <Agent_bob> !info kde4-base
[07:41] <ubottu> Package kde4-base does not exist in hardy
[07:41] <Agent_bob> !info kde-base4
[07:41] <ubottu> Package kde-base4 does not exist in hardy
[07:41] <Agent_bob> oh well....
[07:41] <sigma> Agent_bob: kde4 packages are in the backports
[07:42] <Agent_bob> <romunov> where can i see pending print jobs? <<< did he get an answer yet ?
[07:43] <Agent_bob> romunov ?
[07:43] <sigma> but i heard the plasma on 4.1 alpha is really unstable - but i guess they fixed that by now
[07:43] <sigma> had something to do with the switch to qt4.4
[07:44] <flaccid> help for kde4 is in #kubuntu-kde4
[07:44] <flaccid> and yeah no 4.1 packages..
[07:46] <Agent_bob> romunov kcontrol pariferials printers kprinter too maybe. or cli ls /var/spool/cups/
[07:47] <tomas_> hey all whats doing
[07:47] <Agent_bob> what's doing what ?
[07:47] <tomas_> its just some thing people say when they come in to a new room
[07:48] <Agent_bob> who's doing who ? ah never mind i don't care to hear the answer to that one.
[07:48] <tomas_> now question i am running ubuntu can you change from gnome to KDE
[07:48] <Agent_bob> yep.
[07:48] <tomas_> how so
[07:48] <Agent_bob> install kde
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[07:48] <tomas1986> how im new to ubuntu
[07:48] <Agent_bob> logout and select change session > kde login
[07:49] <tomas1986> hmm
[07:49] <Agent_bob> in the package manager
[07:49] <Agent_bob> install kde
[07:49] <tomas1986> wher do i find the package manager
[07:49] <Agent_bob> or for crying out loud. sudo apt-get install kde in any terminal.
[07:50] <tomas1986> im sorry i dont know Linux
[07:51] <tomas1986> and you can also swap back to gnome at any time
[07:51] <Agent_bob> if you decide you want the kubuntu defaults you can install kubuntu-desktop it will change some of the defaults
[07:51] <tomas1986> ok
[07:51] <Agent_bob> and to your Q yes. same process. logout, select session gnome and login
[07:51] <tomas1986> well it is installing now
[07:51] <tomas1986> thanks
[07:52] <Agent_bob> welcome.
[07:52] <tomas1986> one other question what is playonlinux
[07:52] <romunov> Agent_bob: yes, i've figured that one out
[07:52] <romunov> Agent_bob: but my problem still persists - i can't get my printer to work (after the upgrade to 8.04)
[07:52] * Agent_bob <shrugs> idk </shrugs>
[07:53] <Agent_bob> romunov did you have to install a propritary driver for the printer ?
[07:53] <romunov> no, it was "out of the box" in 7.10
[07:53] <tomas1986> and can you install nero on linux
[07:54] <romunov> i'm using epson stylus c42ux
[07:55] <Agent_bob> romunov open kcontrol select pariferials printers super user button at the bottom remove the printer and install new printer see if that fixes. the printer wizard is pretty good
[07:55] <Agent_bob> don't forget to "apply" all changes.
[07:55] <romunov> Agent_bob: ok, asap i get home. have to run some errands
[07:56] <Agent_bob> tomas1986 i think there is a nero for linux but give k3b a try before you jump to windowish things.
[07:56] <Agent_bob> !find nero
[07:56] <ubottu> File nero found in dvb-utils, emacspeak, fillets-ng-data-cs, fortunes-es-off, kde-l10n-es (and 15 others)
[07:56] <tomas1986> ok where do i get k3b from
[07:57] <Agent_bob> it will come with kde.
[07:57] <Agent_bob> it's in the menu.
[07:57] <tomas1986> ahh atm im using gnome
[07:59] <Agent_bob> btw in gnome. the package manager frontend is called "synaptic"
[07:59] <Agent_bob> in kde it's adept
[07:59] <Agent_bob> !apt
[07:59] <tomas1986> ahh ok
[07:59] <ubottu> APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)
[07:59] <tomas1986> sorry that i dont know all this stuff
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[08:00] <Agent_bob> don't be. we all had/have to learn worst mistake people make is, because they can find their way around windows (r) they think they should know all about linux. it's easier to start with no knowledge than a wrong knowledge.
[08:02] <TeslaTony> Having no fear of looking like a complete idiot at times is helpful with linux
[08:02] <Agent_bob> yep
[08:02] <TeslaTony> However, avoid the urge to dress like a penguin
[08:02] <Agent_bob> or maybe at all times. :)
[08:02] * Agent_bob hides his fether suit.
[08:02] <Agent_bob> how did you know >?
[08:03] <xt828_> !konsole
[08:03] <ubottu> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[08:04] <TeslaTony> Friends don't let friends dress like flightless birds
[08:04] <Agent_bob> lol
[08:05] <xt828_> !Adept
[08:05] <ubottu> adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto
[08:06] <xt828_> !apt
[08:06] <ubottu> APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)
[08:06] <xt828_> !dpkg
[08:06] <ubottu> dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.
[08:08] <Agent_bob> hmmm i think i need to add pcspkr to my qemu
[08:08] <Agent_bob> wintendo game runs but no sound
[08:11] <Agent_bob> i would like higher graphis too it's only 640x480x4 atm ;/
[08:13] <flaccid> Agent_bob: you running a nintenndo emulator?
[08:15] <Agent_bob> sorry. not nin win tindo
[08:15] <Agent_bob> flaccid ^
[08:17] <flaccid> whats that?
[08:17] <Agent_bob> wintendo :) using windows to play games... you know, what it was made for.
[08:19] <TeslaTony> Meh. If I could run any decent games on Linux I'd ditch windows entirely
[08:19] <TeslaTony> Well...Autocad 2008 as well
[08:19] <Agent_bob> TeslaTony i did ditch M$ but thought that qemu and a win95 image for a few games...
[08:19] <khaleel5000> hello , i have a via p4m800 /8237 mobo,i use built in graphy, which drivers should i use with kubuntu 8.04 (which will be the best ones)
[08:20] <Agent_bob> can anyone help me get higher rez out of qemu ?
[08:24] <simi> hi, i have a kubuntu 8.04 and katapult is not working properly, it is running but when i press Alt+Space nothing happenes
[08:26] <TimS> I have 9.2gig of stuff in my recycle bin, but there is no option to empty it, its greyed out every time
[08:27] <TimS> How can I empty it
[08:28] <Agent_bob> sudo rm -r ~/.local
[08:28] <TeslaTony> khaleel5000: I can't find much info on that board, although it appears to work well with linux. I'd say use the default drivers, and if you start having trouble with graphics swap over to the proprietary ones (if they're available)
[08:30] <simi> TimS: try to delete them from trash, and use Shift+Delete when you want to remove fies permanently
[08:30] <TimS> Ah, thanks.
[08:30] <Agent_bob> or sudo rm -r ~/.local
[08:31] <TimS> Ah, didn't see that :P
[08:31] <TimS> simi: Worked great =]
[08:32] <simi> Agent_bob: I will not use sudo to delete files, maybe you make a mistake and delete something wrong
[08:32] <simi> and is not so fun for newbies
[08:32] <TimS> And theres more than just trash in .local is there not?
[08:32] <Agent_bob> simi if you move something to trash and can't empty it then you probably don't own it and need su
[08:33] <Agent_bob> i made no mistake.
[08:33] <Agent_bob> TimS can be.
[08:34] <Agent_bob> aside from user added files. one can safely rm their entire home and not loose anything.
[08:34] <simi> Agent_bob: yes you are right , i just want to suggest a nice and safe alternative, maybe start nautilus with sudo or mc(for advanced user your solution is the quickest)
[08:35] <Agent_bob> nautilus with sudo <<< not safe.
[08:35] <simi> Agent_bob: you do not made any mistake
[08:35] <Agent_bob> simi no one said that.
[08:35] <TimS> They could yes, but I have a lot of data that I would much prefer to keep,
[08:35] <TimS> My data is far more important than my system.
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[08:36] <Agent_bob> TimS right that's why i mentioned "aside from..."
[08:36] <TimS> And removing .kde would mess things up a little
[08:37] <Agent_bob> no it would reset them to default.
[08:37] <TimS> I like my settings :P
[08:37] <khaleel5000> TeslaTony: ok.thanks
[08:37] <Agent_bob> that in some peoples openion would be messing things up i guess.
[08:37] <tekovro> i just installed kde4 through adept manager.. everything seems to work good but for some reason i cant change the appearance of windows...
[08:37] <Agent_bob> default == yuch
[08:37] <Agent_bob> :)
[08:37] <simi> maybe is safer to use mc then the terminal, you see exactly what you want to change and you will be asked for confirmation
[08:37] <TeslaTony> Is there any way to set up a guest account that automatically reverts to a preset every time it gets logged out?
[08:38] <TeslaTony> i.e. whoever uses it can't change it, no matter how hard they try (short of having admin access)
[08:38] <Agent_bob> simi depending on the settings of mc it can delete without asking as well
[08:39] <simi> Agent_bob: i supose that any file manager can be set to do that
[08:40] <Agent_bob> TeslaTony um one could mount a ramfs on the home and copy the default files into that as part of the login process
[08:40] <Agent_bob> simi all that i know of can.
[08:40] <tekovro> so if the window decoarations wont change in the appearance system settings is there a way to fix that?
[08:40] <simi> Agent_bob: any ideea why katapult is not appearing when i press alt+space? it is running
[08:41] <Agent_bob> simi umm wrong keymap in xorg ?
[08:41] <Agent_bob> simi or a bug maybe ? idk i'd have to have more info really to even guess
[08:42] <simi> Agent_bob: i looked at keyboard shortcuts and ALt+space is not there for any actions but i do not know how to make katapult to appear at alt+space or change this key shorcut
[08:43] <Agent_bob> simi make a new shortcut and set to alt+space with command katapult ?
[08:43] <Agent_bob> first test that command katapult does bring it into view
[08:43] <simi> i have kubuntu 8.04 , is a fresh install a few days only, i was using ubuntu for 2 years
[08:44] <Agent_bob> simi ah kde4 you need jucato on that
[08:44] <Agent_bob> Jucato ?
[08:44] <Agent_bob> haven't seen him yet today... maybe not here yet...
[08:44] <simi> Agent_bob: i played with kde4 but now i use standard kubuntu, i do not liked kde4
[08:45] <Agent_bob> oh kde3 ?
[08:45] <simi> thx anyway, i will research on google, maybe i will find more details on this
[08:46] <Agent_bob> it still might be an issue with the kde4 you tested. maybe force reinstall kde-base
[08:46] <simi> Agent_bob: yes kde 3.5
[08:46] <simi> Agent_bob: no i fresh installed
[08:46] <simi> i keep my system clean
[08:46] <Agent_bob> oh.
[08:47] <Agent_bob> <blinks> i haven't installed in two years
[08:48] <Agent_bob> simi check your xorg.conf like i first mentioned see if its the correct keymap
[08:48] <simi> Agent_bob: i prefer installing then upgrading(i keep my home folder with the configurations) when upgrading something can work wrong and you downloaded 700 MB for nothing
[08:49] * Agent_bob doesn't upgrade.
[08:49] <Agent_bob> that begs the question "are you still using dapper" short answer is "yes"
[08:51] <simi> Agent_bob: in 8.04 xorg.conf is just a little file, had changed from 7.10
[08:51] <simi> no graphics configuration anumore in xorg.conf
[08:52] <simi> only if you want to override the setting
[08:53] <simi> and no keyboard shortcuts in xorg.conf , i do not remember to e there
[08:53] <simi> and i am using ubuntu from 6.10
[08:57] <Agent_bob> i never mentioned a keyboard shortcut in xorg.conf only the keymap. i.e. "pc 101" or "pc 105" ...
[08:58] <Agent_bob> if you use the wrong keymap then some keys don't function as intended. and that "might" be your issue
[09:03] <xt828_> anyone here know anything about konsole, apt-get and networking?
[09:04] <Agent_bob> first two. not the last really
[09:05] <xt828_> when i run apt-get through konsole it tries to connect to a nonexistent IP
[09:06] <Agent_bob> that's an error in your /etc/apt/sources.list file
[09:06] <xt828_> my internet comes through a router, so i huess i need to change that IP to the one i get internet through
[09:06] <Agent_bob> no you need ot set the deafult gateway to the ip of your router most likely
[09:07] <xt828_> how would I do that?
=== xt828_ is now known as xt828
[09:07] <Agent_bob> sudo route add default gw <routers_ip>
[09:08] <xt828> i get the response : SIOCADDRT: File exists
[09:08] <Agent_bob> but i'm not much on networking. so if that don't misticly fix it. don't cry foul.
[09:08] <Agent_bob> check the route to see how it's set now.
[09:09] <Agent_bob> command is route
[09:10] <xt828> okay, done - do you want me to pastebin the output?
[09:10] <Agent_bob> just the UG line here
[09:11] <xt828> default UG 0 0 0 eth0
[09:11] <Agent_bob> and is your router ?
[09:12] <xt828> that's the IP i go to, to login to it
[09:12] <Agent_bob> ok that should work then.
[09:12] <xst> When will firefox 3 rc1 be available in hardy?
[09:12] <Agent_bob> can you "ping -c1 google.com
[09:12] <xt828> yep
[09:13] <Agent_bob> now sudo apt-get update
[09:13] <Agent_bob> if it errors out, pastebin the output
[09:13] <xt828> the reason that it's weird is that all the other parts of my internet work fine, it's just apt and the associated prgrams that don't
[09:13] <Agent_bob> ^\
[09:14] <xt828> http://paste.ubuntu.com/15001/
[09:14] <Agent_bob> looking
[09:15] <eyemon> how do i format a removable disk using kubuntu
[09:15] <Agent_bob> grep /etc/host*
[09:15] <Agent_bob> eyemon to what format and what disk drive ?
[09:15] <ciano> cerco lista film
[09:16] <Agent_bob> vfat ?
[09:16] <Agent_bob> and probably sda ?
[09:16] <eyemon> pendrive
[09:16] <xt828> Agent_bob: I get : /etc/hosts: localhost
[09:17] <Agent_bob> ciano something like this then sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda but check that sda is not your hdd first.
[09:17] <Agent_bob> eyemon that ^
[09:17] <Agent_bob> sorry
[09:17] <ciano> I'm itali
[09:18] <Agent_bob> xt828 sudo nano /etc/hosts and add the output of "hostname" to that line save and exit
[09:18] <Agent_bob> !it | ciano
[09:18] <ubottu> ciano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[09:19] <ciano> grazie
[09:19] <eyemon> will it format the hard drivw??
=== tomas_ is now known as tomas1986
[09:19] <tomas1986> hey all what can i install on Ubuntu that will do database
[09:20] <Agent_bob> eyemon if it is the hd rather than the pindrive it will.
[09:20] <xt828> Agent_bob: sorry, I add what to the file?
[09:20] <eyemon> o man
[09:20] <Agent_bob> eyemon you can use the fdisk -l command to find out. or cat /proc/partitions
[09:21] <Agent_bob> xt828 what ever "hostname" returns.
[09:21] <Agent_bob> your local hostname
[09:21] <Agent_bob> xt828 on the same line you pasted in here.
[09:22] <Agent_bob> xt828 and if the following line has then comment it out.
[09:23] <Agent_bob> example xt828; localhost googenhogen
[09:24] <xt828> Agent_bob: in /etc/hosts I have localhost and mk2lin
[09:24] <xt828> do I comment out the first?
[09:25] <Agent_bob> and let me guess mk2lin is your hostname ?
[09:25] <xt828> yeah
[09:25] <Agent_bob> no the second. and move mk2lin to the end of the first
[09:25] <Agent_bob> or add it there
[09:26] <Agent_bob> only line that file needs is " localhost mk2lin "
[09:26] <xt828> Agent_bob:right, done
[09:27] <Agent_bob> sudo /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start
[09:28] <Agent_bob> sudo apt-get update
[09:28] <xt828> same error as before
[09:28] <Agent_bob> ok give me a minute.
[09:28] <Agent_bob> like i said this is not my strong suit
[09:29] <xt828> Agent_bob shouldn't I have changed the to what my router IP is?
[09:29] <eddieftw> amarok is complaining about 'xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers'
[09:29] <Agent_bob> no
[09:29] <eddieftw> suggestions?
[09:29] <Agent_bob> xt828 pastebin the output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list for me
[09:30] <Agent_bob> eddieftw the wiki maybe ?
[09:30] <Agent_bob> !sound | eddieftw
[09:30] <ubottu> eddieftw: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[09:31] <inteliwasp> i have a quick question, what program controls the touch pad actions? i need to rezone the scrool area
[09:32] <xt828> Agent_bob: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15006/
[09:34] <Agent_bob> xt828 one more. iptables -L
[09:35] <Agent_bob> err two more i should have said. also cat /etc/resolv.conf
[09:36] <xt828> Agent_bob: iptables is http://paste.ubuntu.com/15007/
[09:37] <hak5fan> I think i found a bug in okular where can i check if it's already been reported/report it?
[09:37] <xt828> resolv,conf is only one line: nameserver
[09:37] <tomas1986> is there a way to install safri on linux
[09:38] <Agent_bob> xt828 hmmm name resalution may be the problem...
[09:38] <hak5fan> tomas1986: yes using the windows version through wine... search for safari + wine on google..
[09:38] <flaccid> tomas1986: lots on google
[09:38] <tomas1986> ok
[09:38] <Pennycook> hak5fan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs
[09:39] <Agent_bob> flaccid can you have a look at xt828's failing apt-get and see if anything jumps out at you ?
[09:39] <tomas1986> got it
[09:39] <Agent_bob> http://paste.ubuntu.com/15001/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/15007/
[09:39] <tomas1986> next question is there an antivirus for ubuntu
[09:40] <Agent_bob> !virus | tomas1986
[09:40] <ubottu> tomas1986: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21
[09:40] <eddieftw> amarok is complaining about 'xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers'. it just started complaining even though i was listening to songs/playing music earlier. suggestions?
[09:41] <flaccid> eddieftw: is that with mp3 streams?
[09:41] <eddieftw> mp3 and .avi files
[09:41] <eddieftw> not sure what the avi audio encoding is
[09:41] <flaccid> sorry busy
[09:42] <Agent_bob> xt828 you need someone that knows a little more about networking through a router than i do.
[09:42] <xt828> Agent_bob thanks for your help anyway mate
[09:43] <khaleel5000> hello , i did a kubuntu 8.04 install via desktop cd, it was installed but when I booted to system i saw the kubuntu's splash screen , saw the booting blue line complete but then (i think it was loading kdm/kde, i saw a blnak screen i have a via p4m800 mobo ,using builtin graphy , xorg is here : http://rafb.net/p/c7DXpT72.html
[09:43] <khaleel5000> currently i am in debian (dual booting)
[09:43] <Agent_bob> xt828 welcome. i can narrow the problem down to an network issue but can't zero in on what exactly is causing it.
[09:44] <flaccid> eddieftw: thats usually a shoutcast bug. you just keep clicking till it works
[09:45] <llutz> xt828: what does "echo $http_proxy" give out?
[09:45] <xt828> llutz: it gives
[09:46] <llutz> xt828: but you don't run a proxy locally?
[09:47] <xt828> llutz: i'm not totally sure what a proxy is - i connect to the internet through a router?
[09:48] <llutz> xt828: try "fgrep -i http_proxy /etc/"
[09:49] <llutz> xt828: try "fgrep -i http_proxy /etc/*" sry
[09:50] <hak5fan> I found a problem/bug with okular. I can't print all pdf files. I sucsessfully printed a small test page, but when I tried to print a 2.5 mb pdf it didn't work. Any help?
[09:50] <xt828> llutz: pasted at http://paste.ubuntu.com/15014/
[09:51] <llutz> xt828: strange, it must be set somewhere....
[09:52] <llutz> xt828: do you have tor/privoxy installed, anonymizer software?
[09:53] <xt828> llutz: i don't think so, how could i check?
[09:54] <eddieftw> flaccid: i clikced like 50 times and it didn't work. :(
[09:54] <llutz> apt-cache policy tor |grep -i insta
[09:55] <xt828> llutz: it says it isn't installed
[09:55] <llutz> xt828: "grep proxy ~/.bashrc"
[09:55] <llutz> xt828: "grep proxy ~/.profile"
[09:56] <tomas1986> where can i get games made for linuz
[09:56] <llutz> xt828: until this "http_proxy" isn't unset, all your http-request will fail
[09:56] <xt828> llutz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15016/ for the first, no output for the second
[09:57] <Agent_bob> !games
[09:57] <ubottu> Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[09:57] <llutz> xt828: aaaah, "nano ~/.bashrc" and add "#" in front of those 3 lines. log out, relogin after
[09:58] <llutz> xt828: after relogin, "echo http_proxy" must be empty
[09:59] <xt828> llutz: okay, doing that now
[10:00] <flaccid> eddieftw: report a bug
[10:00] <flaccid> or make sure the codecs are installed
[10:05] <tomas1986> is there a program that can teach the user japanese on linucx
[10:05] <amerigo> hello everibody
[10:05] <bittin> Hello
[10:06] <llutz> tomas1986: it's spelled: linux, very simple
[10:06] <bittin> there is one in KDE
[10:06] <bittin> but now i don't remember the name off it
[10:07] <thegus> find a japanese girl, much more fun
[10:07] <bittin> thegus: true :D
[10:07] <llutz> xt828: ok now?
[10:07] <amerigo> how can I check smb.conf if it works correctly... my group is a mix of win98, win xp, xubuntu, kubuntu
[10:07] <amerigo> ??
[10:08] <xt828> llutz: the http_proxy is blank now, yeah
[10:08] <llutz> xt828: network works too?
[10:08] <xt828> llutz: yep, was just checking it then
[10:08] <user__> hi i am a very new user. Running ubuntu from vmware. can u tell me how to change my ip ?
[10:09] <amerigo> I've set smb.conf file with workgroup= nameofgroup
[10:09] <xt828> llutz: thank you very much for your help
[10:09] <llutz> xt828: welcome
[10:09] <amerigo> and it was running perfectly
[10:10] <amerigo> then kubuntu samba get an adjourning
[10:10] <amerigo> and i lost my setting...
[10:10] <eddieftw> it works now flaccid
[10:10] <eddieftw> hard reboot
[10:10] <Agent_bob> xt828 so it was a proxy setting ?
[10:11] <amerigo> now i have changed smb.conf file but i cannot see the rest of lan (from kubuntu)
[10:11] <xt828> Agent_bob: yeah, the proxy was set in ~/.bashrc
[10:11] <Agent_bob> xt828 and i your .bashrc i'll make a note so if i run into this again.
[10:12] <amerigo> message error say: smb://nameofgroup/ doesn't exist
[10:12] <llutz> xt828 Agent_bob this setting usually is needed if people run privoxy
[10:12] <amerigo> some tips?
[10:14] <amerigo> ! samba
[10:14] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[10:14] <Agent_bob> llutz yeah. shouldn't running /bin/sh then the apt-get command prove if it is a proxy setting in the .bashrc file ?
[10:14] <amerigo> ! SWAT
[10:14] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[10:14] <amerigo> ! swat
[10:15] <llutz> Agent_bob: it's just an env-var, apps don't care where/why it's set
[10:16] <Agent_bob> llutz but it shouldn't be set in /bin/sh like it is in /bin/bash no ?
[10:16] <llutz> Agent_bob: dash uses bashrc too
[10:16] <Helios> !usplash
[10:16] <ubottu> To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork
[10:16] <Agent_bob> llutz it does ?
[10:16] <llutz> Agent_bob: i think so....
[10:16] <Agent_bob> sense when ?
[10:17] <Agent_bob> oh wait. you may have a . ~/.bashrc line in your /etc/profile or ~/.profile that would cause it.
[10:18] <TimS> Since I installed nvidia dirvers, my USplash for shutting down is broken :(
[10:18] <Agent_bob> ubuntu is bad about setting up defaults that don't make sense to me...
[10:18] <Helios> sometimes kdeinit fail to start... is there any solution for that?
[10:18] <llutz> Agent_bob: my login-shell still is /bin/bash...
[10:20] <Agent_bob> yes. but sh doesn't inherit it's settings. set > a ;sh then set > b ;diff a b
[10:20] <Ayabara> where do I turn off the wrapping when I change virtual desktops?
[10:21] <Ayabara> forget it
[10:21] <llutz> Agent_bob: true, but it's like you said, they source bashrc in .profile
[10:21] * Ayabara learns to see
[10:22] <Agent_bob> llutz ah that explains it. that's buntu'ism
[10:22] <llutz> yeah, time to look for something else.... slack
[10:22] <tomas1986> some one teach me something new about ubuntu
[10:23] <Agent_bob> debian ?
[10:23] <tomas1986> ye
[10:23] <Agent_bob> slakware ?
[10:23] <Agent_bob> tomas1986 ok. sudo apt-get install gentoo
[10:23] <tomas1986> no ubuntu
[10:23] <tomas1986> whast gentoo
[10:23] <llutz> Agent_bob not really, stable is "too old" and i dislike sid. so hopefully slackware will fit my needs/wishes
[10:24] <Agent_bob> something you don't already know about :)
[10:24] <tomas1986> ok what is it
[10:24] <Agent_bob> !info gentoo | tomas1986
[10:24] <ubottu> tomas1986: gentoo (source: gentoo): a fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.55-1.1build1 (hardy), package size 767 kB, installed size 2436 kB
[10:24] <Agent_bob> does ftp nicely
[10:24] <tomas1986> ok there is new things
[10:25] <Agent_bob> tomas1986 you know about gpm ?
[10:25] <tomas1986> no
[10:25] <Agent_bob> !info gpm | tomas1986
[10:25] <ubottu> tomas1986: gpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19.6-25ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 373 kB, installed size 708 kB
[10:25] <Agent_bob> makes the mouse work without xorg. i.e. in a console.
[10:26] <tomas1986> this is the first time i have used ubuntu and i am liking it even tho it is in windows Virtual bok and i just foun konversation
[10:26] <Agent_bob> tomas1986 you know about svgalibs ? lets you use things like vlc to watch movies without xorg i.e. in a console
[10:27] <Agent_bob> !info svgalibs | tomas1986
[10:27] <ubottu> tomas1986: Package svgalibs does not exist in hardy
[10:27] <Agent_bob> !info svgalib | tomas1986
[10:27] <ubottu> tomas1986: Package svgalib does not exist in hardy
[10:27] <Agent_bob> err maybe name changed...
[10:27] <tomas1986> im using hardy
[10:30] <Agent_bob> !info svgalib-bin | tomas1986
[10:30] <ubottu> tomas1986: svgalib-bin (source: svgalib): console SVGA display utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.4.3-24 (hardy), package size 23 kB, installed size 172 kB
[10:30] <Agent_bob> that...
[10:30] <Agent_bob> tomas1986 you know how to search for packages ?
[10:31] <tomas1986> no
[10:31] <Agent_bob> !packages
[10:31] <ubottu> You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!
[10:31] <tomas1986> lol ok
[10:31] <Agent_bob> !bot
[10:31] <ubottu> I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)
[10:31] <Agent_bob> !botabuse
[10:31] <ubottu> Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.
[10:32] <tomas1986> lots of information
[10:35] <Agent_bob> for that "Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids." line in the !botabuse factoid :)
[10:36] <Agent_bob> bah spelled it wrong. typo'd ;/
[10:37] <tomas1986> its all good
[10:37] <amerigo> I get a problem
[10:38] <amerigo> how can I check smb.conf if it works correctly?? ... my group is a mix of win98, win xp, xubuntu and (kubuntu)
[10:38] <amerigo> I've set smb.conf file with workgroup= nameofgroup
[10:38] <tomas1986> whats xubunty
[10:38] <amerigo> and it was running perfectly
[10:38] <amerigo> then kubuntu samba get an adjourning
[10:39] <amerigo> and i lost my setting...
[10:39] <amerigo> now i have changed smb.conf file but i cannot see the rest of lan (from kubuntu)
[10:39] <amerigo> message error say: smb://nameofgroup/ doesn't exist
[10:39] <amerigo> some tips?
[10:41] <TimS> Odd
[10:41] <TimS> My keyboard doesn't work in firefox
[10:41] <tomas1986> ??
[10:41] <Agent_bob> tomas1986 xubuntu is the ubuntu system with the xfce4 desktop environment like kubuntu is ubuntu with kde.
[10:42] <amerigo> tomas1986: xubuntu uses XFCE gui
[10:42] <tomas1986> is it a better desktop
[10:42] <Agent_bob> tomas1986 they have their own channel #xubuntu
[10:42] <tomas1986> ok cool
[10:42] <Agent_bob> better/best is subjective and controversial
[10:42] <bittin> and ubuntu is ubuntu with gnome
[10:43] <tomas1986> can you install more then one type of desktop
[10:43] <Agent_bob> and depends entirely on the individuals tastes
[10:43] <Agent_bob> yes
[10:43] <Agent_bob> all of them.
[10:43] <amerigo> but we stay in kubuntu forum
[10:43] <Agent_bob> i think i have four installed here
[10:43] <tomas1986> ok
[10:43] <tomas1986> well i am using just the basic ubuntu
[10:43] <tomas1986> what are the four
[10:44] <Agent_bob> kde gnome fluxbox and blackbox
[10:44] <tomas1986> ok
=== alejandro__ is now known as mhetralla
[10:44] <tomas1986> which one do you prefer
[10:44] <xt828> hasn't blackbox been ported to windows?
[10:44] <mhetralla> hi!
[10:44] <Agent_bob> i primarily use blackbox "when i start a gui"
[10:44] <tomas1986> ??
[10:44] <tomas1986> how do you Xfce
[10:44] <tomas1986> install
[10:45] <Agent_bob> same as any other de you install the meta package. sudo apt-get install xfce
[10:45] <Agent_bob> or is it. sudo apt-get install xfce4
[10:45] * Agent_bob forgets
[10:46] <Agent_bob> tomas1986 that's what apt-cache search is for :)))
[10:46] <Agent_bob> tomas1986 apt-cache search xfce
[10:47] <Helios> sometimes kdeinit fail to start... is there any solution for that?
[10:48] <Agent_bob> tomas1986 you can use the "ubuntu" meta packages too. sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop ubuntu-desktop
[10:48] <Agent_bob> i have to go for a bit. see yall.
[10:48] <tomas1986> i get these messages
[10:49] <tomas1986> could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resouces temporarily unavailable)
[10:50] <tomas1986> Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it
[10:50] <tomas1986> so how do i stop that
[10:52] <amerigo> I have this message: Unable to open configuration file "smb.conf": No such file or directory.
[10:53] <amerigo> How caan I solve?
[10:53] <amerigo> ! samba
[10:53] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[10:54] <b4l74z4r> i just opted to put a seperate taskbar at the bottom of the screen but it has two lines, is it possible to get it down to 1 line?
[10:55] <tomas1986> back
[10:55] <tomas1986> it dont work
[11:06] <Helios> if i am using the desktop, wat is the shortcut to got the the dos prompt?
[11:07] <bergheim> Anyone else experiencing user-switching so unstable it's unusable? Sessions crash regularily for me (8.04)
[11:09] <bergheim> (kde3.5.9)
=== myrtille is now known as _myrtille_
[11:29] <Helios> when i log on to kubuntu.. i get a message which says undefined video mode: 2df of something like that...
[11:30] <Helios> and it tells me to press enter to choose a mode...
[11:30] <Helios> it does this every time... :(
[11:30] <Helios> can anyone help me out please?
=== myrtille is now known as _myrtille_
[11:37] <TRSohbet-869> hi guys
[11:37] <TRSohbet-869> i m looking for Kubuntu-KDE4 8.04 +dvd
[11:37] <eddieftw> !aptlock | tomahasamoot
[11:37] <ubottu> tomahasamoot: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[11:37] <TRSohbet-869> but i cant find it on www.kubuntu.org
[11:37] <TRSohbet-869> is there not a dvd version available ?
[11:37] <sasa_> مرحبا
[11:38] <sasa_> فيه عرب هنا؟
[11:38] <TRSohbet-869> selamun aleyküm :)
[11:38] <sasa_> وعليكم السلام
[11:38] <sasa_> كالعاده العرب نحصلهم في كل مكان
[11:38] <flaccid> !english
[11:38] <ubottu> The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat
[11:38] <sasa_> حتى في اقصى الشرق هههههههههه
[11:39] <sasa_> no sory
[11:39] <sasa_> iam no sp e
[11:39] <TRSohbet-869> perque ?
[11:39] <TRSohbet-869> voglia parlare in italiano
[11:39] <TRSohbet-869> hablo solamente en espanyol
[11:40] <TRSohbet-869> warum kann ich nicht hier auf deutsch sprechen ?
[11:40] <sasa_> arab <<<
[11:40] <TRSohbet-869> je veux parlare en français si vous plait
[11:40] <TRSohbet-869> ben Türkçe konusmak istiyorum
[11:42] <frojnd> Can someone tell me how can I zip directory containing datas? my fielsa re in /home/file1, file2,...
[11:43] <frojnd> I don't wanna to extract files but to zip them
[11:44] <Helios> when i log on to kubuntu.. i get a message which says undefined video mode: 2df of something like that.
[11:45] <flaccid> Helios: try googling the exact errr
[11:45] <Helios> ok...
[11:45] <flaccid> frojnd: ark
[11:52] <noaXess> !dualhead
[11:52] <ubottu> Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama
[11:54] <noaXess> !xinerama
[11:54] <ubottu> xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead
[11:59] <b4l74z4r> what is the most popular dock applet for kde?
[12:00] <emilsedgh> b4l74z4r: kooldock i think
[12:00] <emilsedgh> !info kooldock
[12:00] <ubottu> kooldock (source: kooldock): Dock for KDE with cool visual enhancements. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-1ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 523 kB, installed size 980 kB
[12:01] <b4l74z4r> ok, thanks
=== fophillipse is now known as fophillips
[12:03] <ActionParsnip> hey all
[12:04] <ActionParsnip> anyone using freenas?
[12:05] <myrtille> !apt
[12:05] <ubottu> APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)
[12:07] <noaXess> is there no gui for configuration dualhead view?
[12:08] <ActionParsnip> noaXess: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html
[12:08] <llutz> noaXess: nvidia-settings
[12:08] <noaXess> okay thanks
[12:08] <ActionParsnip> llutz: do you use freenas at all?
[12:09] <llutz> ActionParsnip: nope
[12:09] <llutz> i only know it's a special BSD for NAS
[12:10] <ActionParsnip> yeah im redoing my file server to get mandriva off it, free up some room
[12:10] <ActionParsnip> plus its fun
[12:10] <llutz> "fun"? strange sense of humor :)
[12:11] <ActionParsnip> its something new for me to try. plus when i get a decent pda i'll be file dumping loads :)
[12:17] <ubuntu> help with grub please?
[12:17] <emilsedgh> !ask | ubuntulog
[12:17] <ubottu> ubuntulog: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[12:17] <emilsedgh> ah
[12:17] <ubuntu> ok
[12:17] <emilsedgh> sorry ubuntulog
[12:18] <ubuntu> When i installed kubuntu, telling it to not install grub, intending to use a vista bootloader, now i want to install grub, how do i do it?
[12:18] <ubuntu> there is no /grub folder in /boot
[12:19] <ActionParsnip> ubuntu: id suggest installing vista first then grub will detect the install and make it dual boot for you. why do you prefer the vista boot loader?
[12:19] <llutz> sudo aptitude install grub
[12:19] <ubuntu> no i am used to it though, i am tribooting but id like to use grub instead now
[12:19] <ActionParsnip> yeah, do what llutz says :)
[12:19] <ubuntu> how do i know which disc to use
[12:19] <ubuntu> hard disc
[12:20] <llutz> ubuntu: install it to root-partition
[12:20] <ubuntu> im using live cd atm, cant get to my kubuntu install
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[12:24] <ubuntu> thanks guys but im just going to reinstall
[12:25] <ActionParsnip> ubuntu: best way dude. linux will install grub for you see vista and add the line for you
=== RuyalarPrensi_ is now known as RuyalarPrensi
[12:35] <noaXess> !libusb
[12:35] <ubottu> Factoid libusb not found
[12:35] <noaXess> hey my dualhead wiht nvidia-settings works.. thanks to ActionParsnip and.. other s :)
[12:36] <noaXess> !logitech
[12:36] <ubottu> Factoid logitech not found
[12:36] <ActionParsnip> noaXess: np bro
[12:36] <ActionParsnip> noaXess: try being specific. logitech make LOTS of hardware
[12:36] <noaXess> how to fix my perrmission problem to my logitech mx700 mouse? if i run systemsettings in user mode i can't access battery status
[12:37] <noaXess> something about libusb... and permission problem
[12:37] <noaXess> if i run sudo systemsettings i can get the battery status
[12:37] <ActionParsnip> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=399374&highlight=Sabar
[12:37] <noaXess> and can change the RF channel
[12:40] <Dr_willis> sounds like a complex mouse.
[12:40] <ActionParsnip> logitech don't do simple
[12:41] <ActionParsnip> bah Sikth have split up :(
[12:45] <Helios> when i start linux kubuntu, i get a message which says: Undefined Video mode number... :s
[12:46] <Helios> can anyone help me please... :()
[12:46] <Helios> :)
[12:46] <ActionParsnip> Helios: you been playing with your graphical settings?
[12:47] <Helios> hmmm not graphical settings... but tried to changed usplash.conf and now it is the xres = 640 and yres = 480
[12:48] <Helios> i installed the startup manager to change the usplash... :)
[12:49] <ActionParsnip> Helios: try rolling back your usplash.conf file
[12:49] <Helios> how i do that??? :S
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter
[12:49] <Dr_willis> Guess you dident make a backup of the original eh?
[12:50] <Helios> nopes... :(
[12:50] <ActionParsnip> oh man, why does no one backup conf files before playing
[12:50] <Dr_willis> I bet you will in the future. :)
[12:50] <Dr_willis> undo the changes you made I guess. :)
[12:50] <Helios> aahaha
[12:50] <Helios> yeah will do so... :)
[12:50] <ActionParsnip> Dr_willis: they will insisit on learning the very hard way
[12:51] <Dr_willis> O course I rember the old dos editor and the teacheres teaching us to 'close the program.. it will ask to save....' BAD BAD BAD habbit to get into.
[12:51] <Helios> !LILO
[12:51] <Helios> !lilo
[12:51] <Dr_willis> i dident think lilo used usplash
[12:52] <Helios> lol
[12:52] <Helios> can i purge splash and install it again? :)
[12:52] <Dr_willis> proberly can.
[12:52] <Dr_willis> :)
[12:52] <Helios> it will not cause any problem?
[12:53] <Dr_willis> No idea. I dont bend over too far backwards for eyecandy like that.. I dotn see why it would cause any problems
[12:53] <ubottu> lilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.
[12:53] <Dr_willis> I tend to disable the splash and framebuffer.
[12:53] <ActionParsnip> me too. eyecandy to me is pointless
[12:53] <Helios> ah it's same as grub
[12:53] <Helios> !grub
[12:53] <ubottu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[12:54] <ActionParsnip> especially splash screens that are onscreen for like 3 seconds and its causing all this aggro
[13:08] <deekz> /msg nickserv set unfiltered on
[13:09] <Helios> :)
[13:14] <BluesKaj> howdy all
[13:15] <ActionParsnip> hey bluszcz
[13:24] <Dr_willis> Heh - the fluxbuntu splash screen is a pocketwatch with the hands moving around.
[13:24] <BluesKaj> oh, hi ActionParsnip...I'm pretty sure you meant me
[13:25] <ActionParsnip> BluesKaj: yeah sorry, long day today. stupid esx servers shortening my life
[13:36] <BluesKaj> ActionParsnip, VMware esx servers ?
[13:36] <ActionParsnip> indeed
[13:36] <ActionParsnip> just one though
[13:36] <ActionParsnip> with 9 servers on it
[13:40] <crazy_bus> How do I add more folders in the computer logo next to the kde logo? I can't seem to drag things there
[13:40] <azza192> hi guys
[13:40] <azza192> i have come here for a bit of help, if you dont mind
[13:41] <BluesKaj> ActionParsnip, I never could get Windows on VMware to connect to the internet running ontop of kubuntu , so I decided to keep the ntfs partition
[13:41] <ActionParsnip> we use redhat esx with 2003 servers ontop
[13:42] <BluesKaj> !ask | azza192
[13:42] <ubottu> azza192: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[13:42] <azza192> i have just installed the kde environment and would like to start theming but i have no idea what im doing
[13:42] <azza192> !ask ?
[13:42] <ubottu> Factoid ask ? not found
[13:42] <ActionParsnip> crazy_bus: can you provide a screenshot to clarify?
[13:43] <azza192> can i chat with anyone who knows a bit about kubuntu and theming?
[13:43] <ActionParsnip> azza192: ask in here so we can all help
[13:43] <azza192> ok
[13:43] <BluesKaj> azza192,I just stick with the themes available in system settings/appearance
[13:43] <azza192> but i have downloaded a theme i like
[13:44] <BluesKaj> that's agood place to start
[13:44] <azza192> if i gave you the link to the theme can you help?
[13:44] <azza192> http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Azenis?content=77150
[13:44] <ActionParsnip> azza192: whats the full filename of the thing you have downloaded
[13:45] <azza192> azeinis
[13:45] <azza192> azenis*
[13:45] <azza192> i got it from kde look
[13:46] <azza192> i just figured out how to use the desktop background but the rest is a mystery
[13:46] <ActionParsnip> azza192: http://www.mepis.org/docs/en/index.php/Install-KDE-Themes/Icons
[13:46] <azza192> is that everything i need?
[13:46] <ActionParsnip> azza192: have a go
[13:46] <azza192> theres a lot in this theme, fonts, spash screens etc
[13:47] <b4l74z4r> does anyone here use kooldock?
[13:47] <crazy_bus> ActionParsnip: this thing http://imagebin.org/18949
[13:48] <ActionParsnip> crazy_bus: so you want more than just docs / home / storage / remote / profiles?
[13:49] <crazy_bus> ActionParsnip: yes
[13:49] <ActionParsnip> crazy_bus: ive personally no idea but now youve added the pic someone may be able toinput
[13:50] <bebe> anyone can help me please?
[13:50] <ActionParsnip> !ask | bebe
[13:50] <ubottu> bebe: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[13:52] <bebe> i use ubuntu 8.04 and if i activate effect compiz (cub , effect rain) after 5-10 min everything block and i must restart PC
[13:52] <llutz> bebe: deactivate compiz
[13:52] <ActionParsnip> bebe: do you have latest updates
[13:52] <ActionParsnip> bebe: what specification is your system (icluding graphics card)
[13:52] * BluesKaj mumbles about too much eye candy and not enuff hardware
[13:53] * ActionParsnip mumbles eyecandy then some incoherent noises
[13:53] <bebe> yes i have updates, my pc is intel 3.0 , 750 Hdd, 2GB memory and 512 Ati X1650 Pro video
[13:54] <ActionParsnip> bebe: should be ok, you got your graphics card installed ok?
[13:54] <BluesKaj> hmm looks fine to me ...better hardware than most
[13:55] <bebe> i install driver from restreicted drivers and after i set effect i use just for 5-10 min and after all is block i can't do nothing
[13:55] <ActionParsnip> bebe: maybe theres an xorg tweak needed for your graphics card
[13:56] <bebe> and how i do ...becouse i'm new in linux :(
[13:56] <ActionParsnip> bebe: i can only make educated guesses as compiz isnt something I run. Its too annoying
[13:56] <ActionParsnip> bebe: www.google.com
[13:56] <ActionParsnip> bebe: can we have a pastebin of your xrg.conf
[13:56] <ActionParsnip> !paste | bebe
[13:56] <ubottu> bebe: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[13:57] <ActionParsnip> *xorg.conf
[13:57] <bebe> 1 sec
[13:57] <BluesKaj> bebe, perhaps the ppl at #compiz-fusion can help you better than we can
[13:59] * ActionParsnip thinks c-f isnt worth the heartache
[14:00] <azza192> just a quick question, how do i get to kde control centre?
[14:00] <llutz> azza192: alt-f2: kcontrol
[14:00] <azza192> thanks
[14:00] <BluesKaj> ActionParsnip, some ppl are into window dressing and wobbly windows etc ...gets boring real fast once the wow factoe wears off :)
[14:01] <ActionParsnip> BluesKaj: yeah my rg came with it. had it for a weekm got annoying
[14:01] <ActionParsnip> rg == rig
[14:01] <llutz> ActionParsnip: but it seems to be the most important thing for all those noobs
[14:01] <ActionParsnip> id rather have speed
[14:02] <ActionParsnip> i think they see the vids on youtube then think "ooh i fancy that"
[14:04] <nosrednaekim> heh.... on the right hardware.... compiz can be faster than Kwin
[14:05] <nosrednaekim> i.e. , large graphics card and slower processor :P
[14:05] <ActionParsnip> kwin is fine for me
[14:05] <ActionParsnip> with plastik theme and blue background
[14:05] <bebe> ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15076/ my x conf
[14:05] <nosrednaekim> but no-one has a computer like that, so it kinda silly.
[14:05] <ActionParsnip> i call it...default
[14:05] <nosrednaekim> ActionParsnip: haha
[14:05] <nosrednaekim> bebe: you are on hardy heron, right?
[14:06] <bebe> yes
[14:06] <ActionParsnip> bebe you sure there isnt more?
[14:07] <nosrednaekim> ok.. that looks fine
[14:07] <bebe> yes i'm sure just this
[14:07] <ActionParsnip> bebe: ok, im used to seeing the wacom bits
[14:07] <ActionParsnip> bebe: the main bit is Driver "fglrx"
[14:07] <nosrednaekim> you don't need the load glx though....
[14:08] <nosrednaekim> get rid of that.
[14:08] <ActionParsnip> you may need some extra options in there
[14:08] <nosrednaekim> ActionParsnip: nah.. its not like nvidia, no need for extra options
[14:08] <bebe> and how i do this :(
[14:09] <ActionParsnip> http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=603595 seems useful
[14:09] <nosrednaekim> wait a sec....
[14:09] <bdog> anyway to add beryl to this kubuntu apparatus?
[14:10] <ActionParsnip> bdog: its compiz-fusion now
[14:10] <nosrednaekim> did you run "aticonfig --initial"?
[14:10] <nosrednaekim> !compiz
[14:10] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[14:10] <ActionParsnip> !compiz | bdog
[14:10] <ubottu> bdog: please see above
[14:10] <bdog> oh thanks
[14:10] * ActionParsnip counts 2 eyecandy people
[14:14] <josa> how do i add shortcut icons to desktop or kde panel? i get no "create new" options when rigth clicking
[14:14] <SlimeyPete> josa: make sure you've unlocked the panel first
[14:14] <ActionParsnip> josa: go into ~/Desktop
[14:15] <ActionParsnip> ln -s /path/to/program
[14:15] <ActionParsnip> if you don't know it use which (eg. which firefox)
[14:15] <nosrednaekim> josa: wait.... are you on kde4?
[14:15] <josa> yes kde4
[14:16] <nosrednaekim> :P
[14:16] <nosrednaekim> ok... ActionParsnip's trick should still work... I think.
[14:16] * ActionParsnip isnt down wid the kde4 crew
[14:16] <josa> ill try.. but i guess it only adds it to desktop
[14:17] <ActionParsnip> josa: yeah thats a deskto pshortcut
[14:17] <ActionParsnip> if you right click the kde panel you can select modify or edit and add stuff
=== shadowman is now known as chev_chelios
[14:18] <chev_chelios> wassup dudes???
[14:18] <ActionParsnip> werd up chev_chelios
[14:19] <chev_chelios> are you using compiz fusion on your kde?
[14:19] <josa> ActionParsnip: yes iirc that was the case in kde3.. now everything seems so messed up in kde4
[14:21] <nosrednaekim> chev_chelios: I am not... but you can
[14:21] <nosrednaekim> josa: IIRC, you can drag things from the kickoff menu onto the panel
[14:21] <nosrednaekim> IDK about the desktop
[14:22] <chev_chelios> I am not so sure... It seems to be messing some settings. Kde window decorator and emerald are killing each other. nowandthen I have no window decoration untill I reload my windo manager a few times.
[14:22] <josa> argh... actually i meant how to add shortcuts to kickoff menu, not panel :)
[14:22] <nosrednaekim> chev_chelios: remove the package "compiz-kde" if you using emerald
[14:23] <nosrednaekim> josa: lol, run "kmenuedit"
[14:23] <chev_chelios> and it will work???
[14:23] <nosrednaekim> chev_chelios: that should fix that problem, yes
[14:23] <chev_chelios> cannot be that simple:)
[14:23] <chev_chelios> You are the first to suggest me that fix. Thanx alot!
[14:23] <irina> а я пишу по русски =P
[14:24] <chev_chelios> nemoj
[14:24] <nosrednaekim> chev_chelios: oh.... and how are you running compiz?
[14:24] <BluesKaj> !ru | irina
[14:24] <ubottu> irina: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[14:24] <josa> thanks, but how was i suppose to know that program :D
[14:24] <ActionParsnip> josa: i'm sat on kde3.5 til 4 gets sorted. Seems a bit weird to me
[14:24] <chev_chelios> i installed compiz fusion and loaded it, and when I restart, and every next time I start, it has no windwo decoration. I am using everything default from the rmai repo
[14:25] <josa> install "fusion-icon"
[14:25] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: theres an xorg.conf line you need to add
[14:25] <chev_chelios> installed
[14:25] <josa> then add it to autostart on .kde
[14:25] <ActionParsnip> mind you i did it ages ago its probably all changed
[14:25] <chev_chelios> which one? why does it has to be done manually?
[14:25] <josa> i dunno, but that's the way i got it working
[14:26] <BluesKaj> ActionParsnip, I see no advantage to kde4 ..I don't understand the what those widget things are supposed to do ( replace desktop and panel icons ? ) and how they work
[14:26] <nosrednaekim> chev_chelios: use the "desktop effects" program in settings...
[14:26] <reese> hi! is there a way to compile and install a package and to make adept recognize it as installed?
[14:27] <nosrednaekim> !checkinstall
[14:27] <ubottu> checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!
[14:27] <chev_chelios> ok. and do what with it? enable settings?
[14:27] <ActionParsnip> BluesKaj: its meant to be lighter in ram
[14:27] <nosrednaekim> chev_chelios: enable it there, and it will be started immediately
[14:27] <nosrednaekim> *automatically on ever re-login
[14:27] <chev_chelios> I did that, and it messes with window decorations. I have to reload window manager every time I start the kde
[14:28] <nosrednaekim> odd
[14:28] <nosrednaekim> then don't do that :P
[14:28] <BluesKaj> ActionParsnip, when I tried moving the widget/icons into the panel they'd disappear
[14:28] <chev_chelios> it startss automatically, and it doesn't work properly.
[14:28] <ActionParsnip> BluesKaj: i use yakuake mainly. cli is the future
[14:28] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: what gfx card you got?
[14:29] <chev_chelios> i disabled it yntill i figure out how to change it. To be honest, i HATE GNOME, and I like compiz, but cannot make it work on my KDE 3.5.9 like it works on GNOME
[14:29] <chev_chelios> intel i915.
[14:29] <chev_chelios> I have nio problems with the drivers
[14:29] <chev_chelios> no
[14:30] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: if youpresF11 twice do they reappear?
[14:30] <emilsedgh> chev_chelios: so you should hope for a 'feature parity' for kwin
[14:30] <chev_chelios> I dunno. never did that
[14:31] <chev_chelios> ?
[14:31] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: try this lot http://gandalfn.wordpress.com/howto/howto-compiz-aiglx-on-edgy/
[14:31] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: backup config files BEFORE editting
[14:32] <chev_chelios> allrighty
[14:32] <chev_chelios> this seams to be for edgy, I am using hardy. i hope there is no difference
[14:32] <amerigo> ! dowload
[14:32] <ubottu> Factoid dowload not found
[14:32] <amerigo> ! download
[14:32] <ubottu> Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php
[14:33] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: should be ok
[14:33] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: you can always roll back easily
[14:33] <chev_chelios> does anyone has similar problems or not?
[14:33] * ActionParsnip doesnt run compiz
[14:34] <chev_chelios> the only distro i maganed to make compiz work properly was simplyMEPIS 7, but it ran slowly, so I installed kubuntu.
[14:34] <chev_chelios> so, I am the only bloke trying to run compiz on KDE?
[14:34] <chev_chelios> :)
[14:34] <nosrednaekim> no.. i've done it before, and without problems such as those
[14:34] <ActionParsnip> it loses its appeal quickly and becomes annoying
[14:35] <BluesKaj> chev_chelios, have you considered asking in #compiz-fusion ?
[14:35] <josa> im running without problems on kde4
[14:35] <ActionParsnip> i have pc that canrun it ok and even that doesnt haveit on
[14:35] <chev_chelios> depends what are you using. I find viewports VERY easing my way in desktop, making my work easier, i like that, and i like some minimal effects
[14:36] <chev_chelios> josa, you are on KDe4, I am on kde3:)
[14:36] <Bruter> For greek chanel ubuntu?
[14:36] <chev_chelios> i will upgrade when 4.1 comes, or maybe I'll wait for 4.2
[14:36] <josa> yeah i know, i just had to say that :)
[14:36] <ActionParsnip> !gk | Bruter
[14:36] <ubottu> Factoid gk not found
[14:36] <ActionParsnip> !gr | Bruter
[14:36] <ubottu> Bruter: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes
[14:36] <Bruter> thxx
[14:37] <chev_chelios> josa, do you like kde4? what apps do you use? is it stable? usable?
[14:37] <ActionParsnip> wow i guessed right
[14:37] <josa> well, i've had it only for some weeks
[14:37] <ActionParsnip> josa: do you still have kde3 libs installed ?
[14:37] <josa> i did a fresh install, and installed that kubuntu with kde4 thing
[14:38] <josa> just backed up /home etc.
[14:38] <ActionParsnip> josa: some apps (from knowledge) dont use kde4 yet so you may have kde3.5 installed as well
[14:38] <josa> i think so too, there are .kde and .kde4 on my home
[14:38] <chev_chelios> I am using konversation, amarok, kaffeine, ktorrent, firefox, zompiz, kopete, openoffice, xine, krusader. When those apps get running on kde4, I wil switch
[14:39] <chev_chelios> some apps are still using kde3 libs, yes
[14:39] <josa> yes, now that you said that, i.e amarok is not kde4
[14:39] <flaccid> some of those are not kde/qt apps :)
[14:39] <josa> and i run it, so of course i have kde3 libs :)
[14:40] <flaccid> amarok 2 is kde4
[14:40] <ActionParsnip> i use firefox, thunderbird, pidgin, yakuake
[14:40] <chev_chelios> i want my computer to run FAST and stable, and have a minimal compiz on my kde. That is how i like my koffee:)
[14:40] <ActionParsnip> and openoffice
[14:41] <chev_chelios> i tried sidux (too hardcore for me, but MY GOD is it fast)
[14:41] <chev_chelios> they use 2.5.9
[14:41] <chev_chelios> sorry, 3.5.9
[14:41] <chev_chelios> the only one that could compete with their speed was kubuntu.
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[14:42] <flaccid> pc-bsd *hiccup*
[14:42] <chev_chelios> I heard that ubuntu has only one person that works on kde, is it correct?
[14:42] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: tried gentoo
[14:42] <flaccid> chev_chelios: negative
[14:42] <chev_chelios> gentoo is just a distro with no ppoint for me. I mean, a want to USE my computer, not COMPILE IT untill I die
[14:43] <chev_chelios> pc-bsd is pretty and fast too, but what's with that pbi thingy? no apps at all...
[14:43] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: takes a few days of compiling but its nice whenyou get there. Im the same though
[14:43] <nosrednaekim> chev_chelios: no.... there are plenty of ubuntu developers working on kde... only one paid.. but lots of volunteers
[14:44] <chev_chelios> i hate compiling (the waiting part) and it is not that faster either, I know a man that compiled for !!!three days!!! and managed to have a 3% faster system than outofthebox kubuntu or some other i dunno
[14:45] <chev_chelios> :) twhat a waste of time and resources:)
[14:45] * Dr_willis wonders how one even benchmarks the 'this is faster then that' statements...
[14:45] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: some folks enjoy it
[14:45] <chev_chelios> enjoy what?
[14:45] <chev_chelios> waiting for the compiling that never ends?
[14:45] <ActionParsnip> tuneing their systems
[14:46] <ActionParsnip> each to their own
[14:46] <chev_chelios> tuning is when you make it at least 20-30% faster, not 3% that is nothing, unless you are exploring space
[14:46] <nosrednaekim> Dr_willis: no doubt about it...gentoo is far faster...
[14:46] <nosrednaekim> I'd say at least 10%
[14:46] <Dr_willis> prove it. - How can you.
[14:46] <Dr_willis> windows are drawing faster?
[14:47] <nosrednaekim> opening times of applications
[14:47] <chev_chelios> that is like tuning your car to have 103 insted of 100 horse powers. no point in that :)
[14:47] <Dr_willis> mouse moves faster?
[14:47] <nosrednaekim> hehe
[14:47] * ActionParsnip gives Dr_willis a stopwatch
[14:47] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: like I said, if people wanna do it, they can
[14:47] <chev_chelios> system start 2-5 seconds faster, windows appear 1 second faster and so on.
[14:47] <ActionParsnip> i dont cos i doubt i'll notice it with my minimal pc usage
[14:47] <chev_chelios> they can, I am not saying they can't
[14:48] <chev_chelios> but what's the point in doing that??? I do not see it. Maybe someone does...
[14:48] <Dr_willis> i recall some sort of company/group making a Linux Benchmark Suite. But i dont rember who it weas.
[14:48] <nosrednaekim> phoronix
[14:48] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: fun i guess
[14:48] <chev_chelios> openoffice opens in 5 seconds insted of 7 i think. that is noticable :)
[14:49] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: i did it once, compiling xorg + kde takes days
[14:49] <chev_chelios> i know! pointless. in those days you could get so much things done by using your system.
[14:49] <chev_chelios> i recompiled mandrake 9.3 kernel once. and never compiled again:)
[14:50] <chev_chelios> took me whole day, and nothing changed. (nothing I could see or feel)
[14:50] <chev_chelios> back in those old starting days...
[14:50] <ActionParsnip> well you can add modules to your kernel with compiling but why bother when you can load it as a module
[14:51] <chev_chelios> yep. I didn't know a thing a few years ago when i started using linux. now, I am searching for a stable fairly fast kde distro, and I ended up with kubuntu (for now)
[14:52] <ActionParsnip> i just want ease hence kubuntu
[14:52] <chev_chelios> i fell in love with compiz, and now, I cannot make it working like I want to.
[14:52] <chev_chelios> me2
[14:52] <ActionParsnip> i work on servers all day. I dont want hasstle when i get in
[14:52] <chev_chelios> I am on ubuntu now, using kde, but I am downloading kubuntu and I will reintall. I REALLY hate gnome and it's FOOT logo.
[14:53] <ActionParsnip> whats wrong with gnome?
[14:53] <chev_chelios> I mean, WHY are all linux icons, logos and other graphic stuff looking like they are made for little kids by a bunch of little kids??? I really like some serousness (i made this word up) in my linux looks.
[14:54] <chev_chelios> well, applications are far much better for kde, and i hate gnome look and feel. Everytrhing about it, except it's speeed.
[14:54] <ActionParsnip> my theory is it was seen as a nerdy OS so they jazzed it up with "fun" icons
[14:54] <BluesKaj> chev_chelios, you're talking about kde4 , right ?
[14:55] <chev_chelios> well, kde4 is a nice start. I mean, I am using crystal project ikons on my kde
[14:55] <chev_chelios> it is great looking.
[14:55] <ActionParsnip> i rarely use xserver unless im web browsing
[14:55] <chev_chelios> i hate icons and logos made to look like they suppose to atract little kids.
[14:56] <chev_chelios> well, it all comes to liking of it. You like console, i like X.
[14:56] <ActionParsnip> or yakuake which to me should be standard
[14:56] <chev_chelios> i use to like console stuff, but took me soo much time to do stuff, and I started using X.
[14:56] <chev_chelios> yakuake is pretty good.'
[14:57] <BluesKaj> kde3.5.9 has mature looking icons imo and as long as they're recognizable that's fine ..silly cartoonie icons like kde4 are distracring and annoying
[14:57] <ActionParsnip> some stuff a gui is nice but ive helped so many times in ##windows with command line stuff. Im just used to it
[14:57] <chev_chelios> any single distro i install, i have to spend 3 or more hours making it look like it is not a 3yearold kids art masterpiece:)
[14:57] <chev_chelios> I give my congratulations for everaldo for making fisrt serious X look for kde4 icons
[14:58] <BluesKaj> ActionParsnip, yeah , been a windows guy since 1990 , so silly looking stuff irks me
[14:59] <chev_chelios> BluesKaj: hasa a point. why are there so much cartoon stuff in kde and gnome? I mean who ever thought that a FOOT is a good logo for anything except a foot creame or some footware:)
[14:59] <BluesKaj> been a serious linux guy for the last 3
[14:59] <chev_chelios> i used linux since 2002-2002
[14:59] <chev_chelios> 2001
[15:00] <ActionParsnip> chev_chelios: i had redhat 6 then moved to mandrake
[15:00] <chev_chelios> before that i used pirate window$ and hated every single part of it:)
[15:00] <nosrednaekim> been using linux all my life :)
[15:00] <ActionParsnip> not sure when it was
[15:00] <nosrednaekim> well.... almost
[15:00] <ActionParsnip> kinda missed xp completely apart from at work
[15:00] <chev_chelios> my vigin braking was mandrade 9
[15:00] <chev_chelios> :)
[15:00] <chev_chelios> or was it 8?
[15:01] * ActionParsnip remembers no automount
[15:01] * ActionParsnip shudders
[15:01] <BluesKaj> hehe chev_chelios ...yeah been dabling in linux for 6-7 yrs but kubuntu dapper convinced me to switch , altho i confess I still dual boot with xp.
[15:01] <chev_chelios> used rh8 once... a ws stuck with mandrake untill verion 10, and then migrated to suse, untill i heard of ubuntu.
[15:01] <Pici> !ot
[15:01] <ubottu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[15:02] <chev_chelios> i dualboot beacuese i NEED to because of my school projetsc and programs they make me use
[15:02] <chev_chelios> eg BP Win, ERWin, rational rose etc.
[15:02] <chev_chelios> ok sorry
[15:02] <ActionParsnip> anyway dudes and dudettes im out\
[15:02] <ActionParsnip> peace
[15:02] <chev_chelios> word. have a nice day dude
[15:02] <chev_chelios> peace
[15:03] <chev_chelios> i was wondering: is kubuntu simply ubuntu with kde on top, or is it a separate distro that only cooperates with ubuntu???
[15:04] <BluesKaj> i wonder when all the media plugins on FF3B5 will work ...some sites are still not loading properly , for eg , http://www.cbc.ca/video/
[15:04] <nosrednaekim> its ubuntu with kde instead of Gnome
[15:04] <nosrednaekim> BluesKaj: indeed... and it especially troubling with 64 bit...
[15:05] <chev_chelios> BluesKaj, is this pronouced like bluesky?
[15:06] <BluesKaj> blues-ky , with emphasis on the blues :)
[15:06] <chev_chelios> ok. because that is how i pronounce blue sky, I am from Serbia:)
[15:06] <BluesKaj> my name rhymes with sky, yes
[15:07] <BluesKaj> kaj is a swedish name also spelled kai in denmark and germany
[15:07] <florian> Hi!
[15:08] <chev_chelios> is there kkynaptic for kubuntu (synaptic for kde) or we suppose to use konsole and adept?
[15:08] <chev_chelios> :)
[15:08] <florian> In adept, wenn i installed an application (eg. java), how to click the ok-button?
[15:08] <nosrednaekim> adept or console... though you can still use synaptic
[15:08] <chev_chelios> apply changes florian
[15:08] <chev_chelios> ok
[15:09] <nosrednaekim> chev_chelios: you can use any gnome program in kde and vice versa
[15:09] <chev_chelios> third button from the left i think florian
[15:09] <chev_chelios> yep
[15:09] <chev_chelios> but i like kde
[15:09] <BluesKaj> java may ask for an agreement
[15:09] <chev_chelios> i use synaptic in kde, and it draws ugly.
[15:09] <florian> I have to show the details and there is the license agreement which must be accepted
[15:10] <chev_chelios> and kde apps draw pretty nice in gnome
[15:10] <florian> but i cannot cause my keyboard-input is not directed to that (konsole?)-Window
[15:10] <BluesKaj> yeah synaptic looks terrible on hardy ...disappointing but it srill works well
[15:10] <chev_chelios> ?
[15:10] <nosrednaekim> chev_chelios: go into system settings->appearnce->gtk apps
[15:10] <florian> and show/hide-details are the only buttons visible
[15:10] <chev_chelios> and then?
[15:11] <nosrednaekim> chev_chelios: apply kde theme to gtk apps
[15:11] <chev_chelios> i didnt't install that part:)
[15:11] <chev_chelios> i will install it:)
[15:11] <chev_chelios> florian can you maximise the window?
[15:12] <florian> I can maximise adept
[15:13] <BluesKaj> nosrednaekim, is relogin required for the gtk effects to work ?
[15:13] <chev_chelios> you are having problem installing an application because you cannot see where to click, right?
[15:14] <nosrednaekim> BluesKaj: yeah.. I think so
[15:14] <nosrednaekim> BluesKaj: and i'm not sure what it does to application openwith kdesudo
[15:15] <chev_chelios> simply save a sessiong, relogin and all your apps will be restored
[15:15] <nosrednaekim> you may have to kdesudo system settings and do the same thing
[15:23] <IA-Outdoors> Anybody knows what gives with all these sorts of errors when trying to do an update: Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/main bash 3.2-0ubuntu18 404 Not Found
[15:26] <rodgers_> hie
[15:27] <genii> IA-Outdoors: The list of packages has been updated but the packages themselves have not migrated yet to the mirror
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[15:34] <IA-Outdoors> genii: huh, k, sort of annoying to get adept-updater saying there are updates yet being unable to actually get them
[15:34] <IA-Outdoors> I first got the notices last week
[15:34] <IA-Outdoors> ...show long does it take to get to the mirrors?
[15:35] <genii> IA-Outdoors: Maybe try from command line instead. sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade (or dist-upgrade)
[15:36] <IA-Outdoors> genii: been there, done that (same problems)
[15:37] <genii> IA-Outdoors: You could alter the repositories to point to another set and try again
[15:38] <IA-Outdoors> genii which set?
[15:38] <dozer> hi - anyone wrunning kubuntu on an HP 2710p?
[15:38] <dozer> I got my one today and have been battling with vista since mid morning, and enough is enough
[15:39] <genii> IA-Outdoors: perhaps instead of us.rest-of-url-here maybe ca.rest-of-url or the main ones without specific country code attached
[15:39] <IA-Outdoors> genii: ok, so basically hunt-and-peck. Wasn't sure if you knew of specific ones that had the updates already
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[15:40] <genii> IA-Outdoors: I'm in Canada and using the ca one, no issues with it at this point
[15:40] <IA-Outdoors> k, thx
[15:42] <genii> IA-Outdoors: I also sometimes use the debian.yorku.ca one here since it's local and fast
[15:42] <marcus_> Lo there.
[15:43] <marcus_> I've found a bug in Konqueror 4.0.4 that wasn't present in 4.0.3...
[15:43] <marcus_> I wanted to ask here before filing a bug report.
[15:44] <WaxyFresh> hi im running xubuntu and just noticed some KDE apps running and im wondering what the heck they are:ksoftirqd/0 kacpi_notify khubd kjournald kondemand/0 kpsmoused.
[15:44] <IA-Outdoors> genii: a way around this is to have adept-updater only notify me of updates actually available from the repos I use
[15:45] <IA-Outdoors> seems silly to get errors like this
[15:45] <genii> WaxyFresh: Do you also use kde or only xfce?
[15:46] <Dr_willis> WaxyFresh, some of those may be Kernel related processes
[15:46] <WaxyFresh> only xfce and as far as i know i havent installed anything KDE besides kooldock which i dont use
[15:47] <WaxyFresh> genii: ^
[15:49] <marcus_> When I open a website with forms in konqueror 4.0.4, they don't render properly: sometimes textareas don't display some lines of text properly until I click to focus off them, text inputs have a white block over the last letter typed ect.
[15:49] <marcus_> I didn't have this problem until after I upgraded KDE 4.0.3/
[15:50] <genii> WaxyFresh: Installing one kde app will install the entire backend to support it including the dbus system.
[15:50] <nosrednaekim> WaxyFresh: all of the processes you just listed are kernel processes
[15:50] <genii> Work requires me, please excuse lag
[15:50] <WaxyFresh> How do i remove the KDE backend
[15:51] <genii> WaxyFresh: remove with purge whatever kde apps. kooldock or so
[15:53] <marcus_> Does anyone know a way to go from kde 4.0.4 back to 4.0.3?
[15:57] <WaxyFresh> genii: What if there was other things i installed besides kooldock. i think i may have forgoten about a few things.
[15:58] <marcus_> Use adept manager to filter all KDE programs, and see which are installed.
[15:58] <WaxyFresh> good idea,thanks
[16:00] <marcus_> I've a problem with Konqueror 4.0.4 that I need help with.
[16:04] <pim> marcus_ maybe they know in #kde or #konqueror
[16:04] <david4> Anyone use deboostrap to install Kubuntu?
[16:05] <david4> I only had the graphical ubuntu CD, and gnome was pissing me off. So I tried to install kubuntu and almost all works
[16:06] <david4> Time keeps on going ahead one hour...
[16:06] <marcus_> Thanks...
[16:06] <david4> And 4 packages aren't "fully" installed
[16:07] <david4> Other than that... I am glad to have kde back.... I am in Iraq and have a crappy internet connection so downloading a cd was hard
[16:07] <pim> david4 why are you in iraq?
[16:08] <david4> I am in the US Army that's why
[16:08] <pim> Ok :-) just wondering
[16:08] <pim> Pretty cool you have internet there.
[16:08] <david4> But I'd like to fix these annoying problems
[16:08] <david4> Some wireless crap
[16:09] <pim> Of course.
[16:09] <david4> I pay $65 for a month
[16:09] <pim> lol
[16:09] <pim> They're ripping you off then
[16:09] <david4> It's a monopoly over here
[16:09] <david4> I make due with what I have
[16:10] <david4> So I need to learn how to configure more stuff via command line if I am going to run deboostrap correctly
[16:10] <david4> And google is really annoying me...
[16:11] <david4> Any help would be appreciated
[16:14] <tzd> ok I've ran the update today via adept and got 1 more boot up option (a new kernel i think?). When i boot up in the default option my computer loads constantly and lags a bit due to that... I know this has to do with that update. Any help would be great please
[16:24] <Ayabara> is Compiz Fusion supported in Hardy? it was turned on when I started KDE, and I have an empty .Autostart..
[16:25] <marcus_> It's very highly likely.
[16:25] <donshanon_> hello
[16:25] <donshanon_> any one here
[16:26] <Ayabara> marcus_: ok. then the pager and the taskbar applet should be ok by default as well I guess
[16:26] <marcus_> Ayabara: possibly. I know I used Compiz in KDE 4 for laughs, it actually worked much better then KDE 35
[16:26] <marcus_> 3.5*
[16:27] <donshanon_> could anyone see my message.
[16:27] <Ayabara> donshanon_: hello :)
[16:27] <donshanon_> hello how are you
[16:28] <donshanon_> do any off you guys no about apache sever
[16:28] <Ayabara> marcus_: it seems to work well for me, but the pager was not like it should be. works better after I removed and added it again.
[16:28] <Ayabara> donshanon_: sorry, I don't
[16:29] <marcus_> Ayabara: Yeah, I noticed that as well.
[16:29] <donshanon_> how do i do private chats with a person
[16:29] <marcus_> Ayabara: funnily enough, the pager in KDE 4 worked absolutely no problems with compiz.
[16:30] <Ayabara> marcus_: I'm waiting for KDE4.1 before switching
[16:35] <donshanon_> does any one here no how to register
[16:36] <donshanon_> hello
[16:36] <donshanon_> does any one how to register
[16:36] <stdin> !register
[16:36] <ubottu> By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.
[16:39] <Ayabara> anyone else with a 1680x1050 laptop here? I don't think the default fonts and menus look good at all on my Dell...
[16:40] <Ayabara> way too big fonts and window titlebars. have adjusted some of it, but I'm surprised it didn't select a better setup itself
[16:48] <Ayabara> something is very fishy with my install here. what do I need to delete to get rid of all kde settings?
[16:48] <Ayabara> ~/.kde, and ~/.kderc?
[16:50] <jonpol> hola
[16:50] <josa> you can try mv .kde .kde-backup or something like that
[16:50] <josa> works for me
[16:50] <jonpol> whats
[16:51] <jonpol> espanol please
[16:51] <jonpol> spanish
[16:52] <Pennycook_> !es | jonpol
[16:52] <ubottu> jonpol: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[16:52] <Ayabara> josa: ok
[16:52] <jonpol> mala onda
[16:52] <shane2peru> jonpol: solo íngles aquí - only English here
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[16:56] <shane2peru> quick question, I have conky got it transparent, and then set my background to change every hour, and conky keeps the old background. Any ideas?
[16:57] <shane2peru> I killed it and restarted it, and it still kept the old background :(
[16:57] <yasser> if i do encrypted installation.....will ppl be able to access my files wid puppy linux ior knoppix?
[16:59] <yasser> if i do encrypted installation.....will ppl be able to access my files wid puppy linux ior knoppix?
[17:00] <misleciCovek84> no probably not
[17:00] <misleciCovek84> without the decryption key
[17:01] <shane2peru> anyone know about conky? and the desktop background changing (kind of like slideshow)?
[17:01] <trappist> without the key, no - that's the whole point of an encrypted filesystem
[17:01] <drif> how's the cool'n quiet support nowadays?
[17:01] <shane2peru> when the background changes, conky keeps the old background. It is set to change every hour
[17:01] <genii> yasser: So long as you remember your password to decrypt the partition you can access them from any linux
[17:02] <misleciCovek84> what distro for encrypted filesystem installation do you recommend ?
[17:03] <genii> misleciCovek84: Remember you are in an ubuntu and kubuntu centric channel here when you ask that, so obviously we are somewhat biased
[17:03] <misleciCovek84> ok, thank you for your notice
[17:03] <misleciCovek84> no problem
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[17:07] <rimad> is there ANYTHING on linux that can open PSD files created by photoshop cs2?
[17:10] <trappist> rimad: kuickshow can open them
[17:11] <rimad> i usually get web designs in PSD format so i slice it up and write html for it and stuff...i wanna move to linux (from win xp) but not being able to do this stuff in linux makes it hard :/
[17:11] <misleciCovek84> GIMP
[17:12] <trappist> rimad: I don't know for sure that imagemagick can handle it, but it probably can, in which case you can batch-convert them
[17:17] <cbr> is there such a thing as "debian incoming" in ubuntu?
[17:17] <stdin> cbr: debian incoming?
[17:17] <cbr> incoming.debian.org
[17:17] <cbr> where all the new packages go
[17:18] <stdin> !queue
[17:18] <ubottu> The queue of packages awaiting approval to enter the archive and scheduled for build (also known as the NEW queue) is at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+queue
[17:18] <stdin> cbr: replace hardy with intrepid in that link for the intrepid queue
[17:20] <cbr> thanks
[17:20] <cbr> irssi still isnt rebuilt under i386 though :(
[17:24] <aspirant> bana yardım edebilecek varmı
[17:24] <pim> Kate doesn't save my settings, how can I fix this?
[17:25] <bdog> is there a way to fix my mouse wheel? pushing the button doesn't work.
[17:25] <aspirant_> türkçe yokmu
[17:25] <pim> !tu
[17:25] <ubottu> Factoid tu not found
[17:25] <pim> !tk
[17:25] <ubottu> Factoid tk not found
[17:25] <genii> !tr
[17:25] <bdog> !mouse
[17:25] <ubottu> Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.
[17:25] <ubottu> Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto
[17:26] <genii> pim: I couldn't stand to see you suffering any more ;)
[17:26] <aspirant_> nasıl açıcam türkçe sayfayı
[17:26] <aspirant_> tamam açoldı
[17:26] <pim> genii thanks :P
[17:28] <poison> !swat
[17:28] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[17:36] <saotome> I am trying to setup the compose key function so I can type accenteded characters in the same fashion I used to do in windows with the ALT + [Number]. I have followed the steps detailed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=295270 . Yet it doesn't seem to work. Would it have to do something with the fact that I am configuring KDE to do this, but I am using a GTK app? Help would be greatly appreciated.
[17:37] <pmathis> hi an alle kubuntler
[17:37] <pmathis> habe hier ein problem
[17:37] <pmathis> nach dem ich COmpiz installiert habe
[17:37] <pmathis> hat hier alles gelaagt
[17:37] <pmathis> dann habe ich es wieder deinstalliert
[17:37] <pmathis> und nochmals das system neugestartet
[17:37] <stdin> !de
[17:37] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[17:37] <pmathis> ah ups ^^
[17:38] <saotome> is this a german channel?
[17:38] <stdin> no
[17:39] <linkinxp> can someone tell me where i can change the video drivers in Gnome??
[17:39] <stdin> best to ask in #ubuntu
[17:39] <linkinxp> i know but noone its answering
[17:39] <linkinxp> :(
[17:39] <USMarine> linkinxp can you handle command line?
[17:39] <linkinxp> USMarine, yes
[17:40] <saotome> I am trying to setup the compose key function so I can type accenteded characters in the same fashion I used to do in windows with the ALT + [Number]. I have followed the steps detailed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=295270 . Yet it doesn't seem to work. Would it have to do something with the fact that I am configuring KDE to do this, but I am using a GTK app? Help would be greatly appreciated.
[17:40] <emilsedgh> !de | pmathis
[17:40] <ubottu> pmathis: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[17:40] <USMarine> edit the Driver component in xorg.conf
[17:40] <linkinxp> USMarine, but i dont know the name of the drivers so im hoping gor the visual way
[17:40] <USMarine> what's your graphics card?
[17:41] <linkinxp> INtel 945
[17:42] <poison> !sound
[17:42] <ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[17:43] <USMarine> should be "intel" i think
[17:43] <USMarine> but install the intel drivers for xorg using synaptic
[17:45] <DeepThought> saotome, why not use the dead-keys setting, or the alt-gr dead-keys ? Is much more convenient, faster, and you don't need codes
[17:46] <linkinxp> USMarine, i installed it
[17:46] <linkinxp> but where do i select it?
[17:47] <USMarine> you need to edit xorg i don't know graphically how to do it
[17:47] <linkinxp> there was atool but i forgot :(
[17:47] <USMarine> what does this output
[17:48] <USMarine> cat xorg.cong | Driver
[17:48] <linkinxp> USMarine, let me see
[17:48] <linkinxp> conf?
[17:48] <USMarine> cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver
[17:49] <linkinxp> i got
[17:49] <linkinxp> Driver "kbd"
[17:49] <linkinxp> Driver "mouse"
[17:49] <linkinxp> Driver "synaptics"
[17:49] <linkinxp> that
[17:49] <DeepThought> linkinxp: please don't press enter for every sentence
[17:49] <DeepThought> !flood
[17:49] <linkinxp> my bad
[17:49] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[17:50] <DeepThought> no prob
[17:50] <USMarine> what about the graphics card driver?
[17:50] <Turk> Sup everyone
[17:50] <Turk> Cans I ask a question?
[17:50] <USMarine> nop
[17:50] <saotome> go for it!
[17:51] <DeepThought> saotome: hello, hello ?
[17:51] <saotome> DeepThought, lol, nice nick
[17:51] <Turk> lolz, anyway. Do anyone use Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4, I can't get my graphic card to work properly
[17:51] <poison> im ujsing the mix
[17:51] <Turk> am using an IBM T60 with Intel GM945 graphic card
[17:51] <DeepThought> saotome: yeah, 42 to you too; do you know about 'dead-keys' ?
[17:52] <saotome> DeepThought, nope
[17:52] <saotome> although it sounds like a geeky horror movie
[17:53] <DeepThought> saotome, ok,get ready for great stuff; if you set your keyboard layout to US int., or us dead keys, or US dead keys alt g. you can get accented characters by pressing the accent first (like ' + e = é) ; much easier and faster than alt-codes
[17:53] <DeepThought> works in windows too
[17:53] <Ayabara> I use irssi and rtorrent in konsole, and on both of them I have the same issue. When I change virtual desktop, the text is sometimes weird when I change back. It seems it does not update like it should.
=== icelinecorp is now known as I2
[17:54] <DeepThought> saotome: or maybe you 'll need DE - dead keys ?
[17:54] <shane2peru> DeepThought, saotome that is the best way to setup the keyboard, I use it like that all the time
=== I2 is now known as Firestorm
[17:54] <shane2peru> DeepThought: what is with the alt int setup? I can't get my ¿ with that
[17:54] <saotome> DeepThought, alt-gr? I don't think I have that key
[17:55] <saotome> DeepThought, I have seen latin keyboards with that key, but this is a standard american keyboard
[17:55] <Quetzlcoatl> is anyone know a program thats allow me to see tv stations from the internet (e.g. jlc's internet tv)?
[17:55] <DeepThought> shane2peru, saotome: once I found that out I never went back; I'm using alt-gr now, then you can type the accents right away withpout a space after it to get it; you get the dead-key behaviour only when you press alt-gr at the same time
[17:56] <DeepThought> saotome: alt-gr is the right alt key
[17:56] <saotome> DeepThought, ooohh... pardon my ignorance
[17:56] <shane2peru> why in my system tray did my icons all change to one line, instead of two lines like they were?
[17:56] <DeepThought> saotome: it's different from the left, even though it's usually not obvious
[17:56] <saotome> DeepThought, great, so how do I set it up?
[17:56] <DeepThought> shane2peru: alt int ?
[17:57] <shane2peru> DeepThought: you mean setting up with the new keyboard setting, alt-int?
[17:58] <DeepThought> shane2peru: no, I mean dead-keys alt-gr (I don't know exact name) is like dead keys, but as you know dead keys is awkward if you need the accents without a letter (quotes for instance), so in that setting it's only dead keys if tyou press alt-gr
[17:58] <DeepThought> saotome: to set it up you need to change keyboard layout; lemme check where
[17:59] <Ayabara> could someone take a look at http://imagebin.ca/view/Euq3BRRV.html?
[17:59] <shane2peru> DeepThought: hmm, I want to change mine, I have always used dead keys settings, I'm so used to it I automatically hit the space after the '
[17:59] <Ayabara> this is how my irssi looks if I switch to another desktop and back again
[18:00] <TimS> SSJ_GZ: I got KDE4 daily working =]
[18:00] <SSJ_GZ> TimS: Cool! Qemu or VirtualBox?
[18:00] <TimS> But its terribly slow compared to my VirtualBox images.
[18:01] <TimS> Qemu
[18:01] <saotome> TimS, I tried using KDE4, but found something very annoying in it. I mistakenly took away the main menu widget, and then had no way of putting it back. Have they fixed that?
[18:01] <SSJ_GZ> TimS: Yeah, Qemu is pretty slow - I might do VirtualBox images by default for the next release.
[18:01] <DeepThought> saotome: ok I'm back; had to reset the system, got cooked because of a faulty fan ;-) itś working now
[18:01] <TimS> SSJ_GZ: I would convert it to a VB image but it needs 20gig for the .bin file and then 20gig for the uncompressed HD image. That makes a total of 40gigs, and I dont have that free :P
[18:02] <TimS> saotome: I believe so, but I am not sure
[18:02] <saotome> DeepThought, ouch, everything OK?
[18:02] <SSJ_GZ> TimS: Heh - whoops!
[18:02] <TimS> SSJ_GZ: Liquidat did it last time, i was hoping he could do it again so I could download that.
[18:03] <TimS> I was impressed by the compression, over 3x compressed!
[18:03] <SSJ_GZ> TimS: http://dot.kde.org/1211789022/1211863107/1211884592/
[18:03] * SSJ_GZ salutes bzip2 :)
[18:03] <DeepThought> yep; itś on the nvidia all rocking new card I got; it melted the fan so I have to start it by hand sometimes; if it gets too hot it just shuts of so it don't get burned; have to go back to the shop to get a new one, still in warranty period, luckily.. crazy huh ?
[18:03] <TimS> Its good :P
[18:04] <DeepThought> saotome: anyway, to set di keyboard layout probably you have to do in SKIM; noty sure though, still looking
[18:04] <TimS> SSJ_GZ: Yeah. It was a bit faster after I compiled kqemu, but still not as usable as my KDE4 kubuntu virtual box.
[18:05] <SSJ_GZ> TimS: Makes sense
[18:05] <DeepThought> saotome: yep, settings > SKIM
[18:05] <TimS> SSJ_GZ: Also, something I found, I added a MacOSX dashboard widget to the desktop and it crashed plasma. Have they not finished implimenting that yet?
[18:06] <DeepThought> saotome: enable keyboard layouts, and choose US, layout variant int or alt-int
[18:06] <SSJ_GZ> TimS: It's not 100%, no - file a bug report, maybe?
[18:06] <Quetzlcoatl> so...,is anyone know a program thats allow me to see tv stations from the internet (e.g. jlc's internet tv)?
[18:06] <TimS> That has to be the one feature I was looking forward to!
[18:06] <DeepThought> saotome: you use US layout already ? or different ?
[18:06] <shane2peru> DeepThought: ok I changed mine to that altgr-intl settings, and now the ' works without the space, but how do you get the á ¿ ! upsidedown?¿
[18:07] <TimS> SSJ_GZ: It gave me no backtrace option when it crashed though. Ill see if theres a bug report already,
[18:07] <DeepThought> Quetzlcoatl: just use your browser, google for online tv, lotsa websites that give acces
[18:07] <SSJ_GZ> TimS: ok
[18:07] <DeepThought> saotome: for á press ' + a
[18:07] <shadowman> can I use kubuntu aside from two other OS? I want to tripple boot with grub, and I would like to keep my Windows XP and another linux distro. is it posible? ofcourse all on differrent hdd partitions (mountpoints)
[18:07] <DeepThought> saotome: space is to get just ' (you press '+ space)
[18:07] <shane2peru> DeepThought: that is a nicer setting, I will have to get used to it though í á úíóáßåfßœø¶øöóíáßðfïœø¶
[18:08] <DeepThought> shane2peru: yeah, takes getting used to, but is very nice to get rid of the space- hassle
[18:09] <rav> hello. I just installed kubuntu in my new laptop, and I don't know how to enable my nvidia graphics card, i'm using a generic driver on 640x480 resolution. any ideas?
[18:09] <DeepThought> saotome: not sure about upside down ?... you use spanish ?
[18:09] <shane2peru> DeepThought: thánks :)
[18:09] <shane2peru> DeepThought: saotomeuse the right alt key and the ? at the same time
[18:09] <DeepThought> shane2peru: saotomeI got you guys a bit mixred up, sorry
[18:09] <shane2peru> DeepThought: ha ha, no prob
[18:09] <DeepThought> shane2peru: aha !
[18:10] <DeepThought> ¿
[18:10] <hugo> Salut tout le monde :)
[18:10] <DeepThought> ;-)
[18:10] <DeepThought> salut !
[18:10] <shadowman> salut!
[18:10] <shane2peru> DeepThought: I use Spanish, however with the altgr-intl setting I can' t get my ! upside down
[18:10] <hugo> Y'a du mon ici dis donc :)
[18:10] <shane2peru> ¹
[18:10] <hugo> monde*
[18:10] <saotome> DeepThought, Thanks!!
[18:10] <shadowman> do not speak grench, sorry:)
[18:11] <DeepThought> saotome: you're very welcome; it's great stuff, huh ?!
[18:11] <shane2peru> ²³¤€’¥×¬!!¡
[18:11] <shane2peru> ahhh, found it
[18:11] <shane2peru> ¡
[18:11] <shane2peru> alt shift and !
[18:11] <DeepThought> shane2peru: wich one ?
[18:11] <DeepThought> ok
[18:11] <saotome> DeepThought, works cool
[18:11] <tzd> after upgrading kernel and a lot of other packages I am now unable to start Kontact, Keep, Amarok... I am also unable to access "Storage Media" under d3lphin. Need help please?
[18:11] <DeepThought> saotome: yeah, I can' live without it
[18:12] <saotome> DeepThought, I very rarely type in spanish. It's for my wife, she is the one that needs it.
[18:12] <rav> can someone help me get my graphics card working? The ubuntu tutorial didn't really work for me
[18:12] <DeepThought> tzd: pretty awkward; however, even though it's not really a solution, from grub you can probably still start up with your old kernel ?
[18:12] <DeepThought> saotome: oh well... let her figure it out ... ;-0
[18:12] <tzd> DeepThought: unfortunately I've tried that as well but that didn't help
[18:12] <DeepThought> ;-P
[18:13] <DeepThought> tzd, ai
[18:13] <DeepThought> tzd, no clue, really sorry
[18:13] <DeepThought> tzd, try to rinstall those progs ?
[18:13] <shane2peru> ok, why are my icons in my system tray all in one line, instead of two lines now? They were double stacked before???
[18:13] <DeepThought> tzd: should work..
[18:14] <tzd> DeepThought: w8 1 sec, just got received messages from keep and kontact... started them like 5-10 minutes ago and now suddently something happened
[18:14] <DeepThought> tzd strange... mybe some other process was hogging your cpu ?
[18:15] <DeepThought> shane2peru: the icons form progs running or starters ?
[18:15] <tzd> DeepThought: hmm yeah must have been... although I couldn't find any really excessive cpu usage via "ctrl + esc"
[18:15] <Ayabara> if I change the height of the window title bars, do I have to restart X for it to take effect?
[18:15] <Ayabara> I see no change
[18:15] <shane2peru> DeepThought: progs running
[18:15] <shane2peru> DeepThought: they were double stacked, and now, for some reason, they are single lined
[18:15] <DeepThought> shane2peru: is normal; they re-adjust; just open some more and they'll stack up again
[18:15] <rav> which driver should i use for Nvidia graphic cards?
[18:16] <shane2peru> DeepThought: no, but I didn' t close nothing, and they are eating a lot of panel space
[18:16] <DeepThought> shane2peru: xperiment with size of bar and number of progs open, you'll see
[18:16] <tzd> DeepThought: the message I received from contact was this:" Couldn't connect DCOP signal. Won't receive any status notifications."
[18:17] <DeepThought> shane2peru: hm... if you unlock panel you 'll see that the area with the open progs is also an applet that you can move. Maybe it got shifted because something else closed or moved; play around with it a bit
[18:18] <tzd> I might be a bit paranoid but yesterday, for a few hours, I left my firewall disabled... Are there any trojans/viruses that might cause my issue perhaps? Haven't read about that before but maybe you guys/gals might know something I don't?
[18:18] <shane2peru> DeepThought: ok, I'm looking into it now, I think it happened when I added the Flag icon to change keyboard layout quickly
[18:18] <DeepThought> tzd: I'm sory I don 't have a clue, seems like real troouble thoug. Try uninstalling the new kernel. Did you install the kernel from repository (ie add/ remove progs or adept) or did you compile yourself ?
[18:18] <DeepThought> shane2peru: that would do it
[18:19] <shane2peru> what is the panel called in KDE? How can I kill it, and will it restart itself?
[18:19] <SlimeyPete> tzd: it's unlikely to be a virus. It's technically possible that someone got in via ssh if you have ssh-server enabled and haven't updated recently.
[18:20] <DeepThought> shane2peru: panel
[18:20] <nith> how can i hack my own key at a dokument thats sured?
[18:20] <pim> DeepThought Like capslock?
[18:20] <tzd> DeepThought: i installed it via adept. is it possible to remove all recently installed packages? In my adept it seems a bit strange as well... There's 1638 packages available and I've got 1505 installed... I'm pretty sure that's a lot more than i had yesterday?
[18:20] <shane2peru> DeepThought: ok, thanks
[18:20] <DeepThought> shane2peru: is always there, only way is restar x
[18:20] <tzd> SlimeyPete: ok, should be alright then :) Thanks
[18:21] <shane2peru> DeepThought: hmmm, in gnome I can 'killall panel' and it restarts itself
[18:21] <DeepThought> pim: whoooops, sorry ! it's to close to tab anyway; im gonnaaa take it of someday
[18:21] <shane2peru> DeepThought: nothing similar in KDE?
[18:22] <DeepThought> shane2peru: not that I know of; only option is lock / unlock
[18:23] <DeepThought> tzd: strange indeed, however I wouldn't worry about it, just try un-installing the new kernel if re-installing the failing apps don't work
[18:24] <shane2peru> DeepThought: ahh, no it was the Firestarter icon apparently, must be a gtk app, not qt :)
[18:24] <shane2peru> DeepThought: thanks!
[18:24] <DeepThought> pim: really funny reply, by the way; will remember and tell on some party with geeks... ;-)
[18:24] <tzd> DeepThought: ok but now when I start adept it seems like I've got all kinds of packages installed... How many packages do you have installed?
[18:25] <DeepThought> tzd: no idea; I'll have a look
[18:25] <tzd> DeepThought: thanks!
[18:26] <DeepThought> tzd: 1062, and I've installed a lot of extras's , however, I have 24909 available; lot more than you, but that could be because i HAVE MORE SOURCES ON, LIKE PROPRIETARY AND UNSUPPORTED
[18:26] <DeepThought> damn capslock!
[18:27] <pim> DeepThought hehe
[18:27] <Ayabara> what's the default window decorator in kubuntu hardy?
[18:27] <san> would someone guide me? i want to install KDE4 on my kubuntu hardy... how do i do it? i am a complete newbie
[18:27] <tzd> DeepThought: hmm yeah.... but only 1062 installed? Are you on KDE4?
[18:28] <san> Ayabara: the default window decorator is KDE Window Decorator
[18:28] <Ayabara> san: I mean the setting in "Window Decorations"
[18:28] <DeepThought> san: go to adept in system menu, install kubuntu kde4, that way all stuf gets in right place and everything included; if you just do kde4 or kde4 desktop you might end up with mess. With kubuntu-kde4 you 'll have option in login to go kde3 or kde4
[18:29] <shadowman> Ayabara: crystal with hardy theme i think
[18:29] <DeepThought> san: with menu 'session' in login screen
[18:29] <shadowman> Ayabara: that is the onew I use
[18:29] <DeepThought> tzd: no, 3
[18:29] <Ayabara> shadowman: ok. the "problem" is that I have compiz. so my font and window decorator changes are not heeded
=== iphone is now known as endafy
[18:30] <tzd> DeepThought: ok, thanks! I'll restart later and see if the problem persists
[18:30] <tzd> DeepThought: thanks a lot for your help!
[18:30] <endafy> hello all
[18:30] <DeepThought> tzd: if you are kde4, and/ or instal;led extra's it's really not thet much
[18:30] <san> DeepThought: thanks
[18:30] <shadowman> goto emerald setting, and in the title tab choose emerald font
[18:30] <Ayabara> ah. it's using metacity.. explains a bit...
[18:30] <shadowman> Ayabara: if you have compiz fusion intalled
[18:30] <DeepThought> tzd: yer welcome ! godd luck
[18:30] <endafy> i love kde 4.1 it is pretty amazing so far i cant wait until it comes to beta age
[18:30] <DeepThought> gooooood luck
[18:31] <DeepThought> endafy: indeed t is...
[18:31] <tzd> DeepThought: ok, well I'm on kde3... I suppose I've installed a lot more than you unlesss something is strange with my computer
[18:31] <shadowman> Ayabara: you'll have to change emeralds font in order to work, I had the same problem:)
[18:31] <Ayabara> shadowman: yes I have, but I don't know why it started up at all...
[18:31] <Ayabara> my .kde/Autostart is empty, and I had selected "start with empty session"
[18:31] <Ayabara> still a lot of programs started when I logged in.
[18:31] <DeepThought> tzd: probably not, I had a lot more, just freshly installed last week, by the time I got everything back it will be much more.... ;-P
[18:31] <shadowman> disable desktop effects if you don't want do use compiz
[18:32] <Ayabara> shadowman: where is the setting for that in kubuntu?
[18:32] <tzd> DeepThought: ooooh then that's it :) Hehe and i was thinking I've installed tons of apps ;P
[18:32] <shadowman> goto kontrol center and find kde sessions, and see what type of session is starting when you start
[18:32] <shadowman> Ayabara: yes, there is in setting or system of util menu in kmenu:)
[18:32] <DeepThought> tzd: nope; that was me, before I crashed and burned... ;-)
[18:33] <endafy> so quick question will tasty menu ever be a part of kubuntu?
[18:33] <DeepThought> tzd: there's so much great stuff, it's hard to keep empy space on the disk...
[18:33] <athlon> does kubuntu have any firewall installed like SElinux ?
[18:33] <shadowman> athlon: i don't think so:)
[18:34] <athlon> firedog the best alternative?
[18:34] <tzd> DeepThought: indeed there are. I've recently had to format my ntfs drive to make room for a brand new ext3 drive that will go into my new router and serve as a mediabox :)
[18:34] <DeepThought> athlon: it should, but it's not enabled; search for firewall in adept, you 'l find some config utitlities to get it on; however it's somewhat uneasy; I had trouble with it
[18:34] <sigma_1234> Kde 3's life is almost Over:-)
[18:35] <endafy> ill sure miss kde3
[18:35] <endafy> its been a good ride
[18:35] <DeepThought> tzd: oh... media; try having all seasons of all types of startrek and still have rooms for apps, like me....
[18:36] <endafy> get a tb hdd deepthought
[18:36] <endafy> its worth it
[18:36] <DeepThought> endafy: tb ?
[18:36] <endafy> i have 4tb right now
[18:36] <athlon> whats the besat gaurddog or firestarter?
[18:36] <DeepThought> oh, terabyte
[18:36] <athlon> best*
[18:36] <DeepThought> I have total of that lready
[18:36] <tzd> DeepThought: haha how many GB:s are the star trek seasons?
[18:36] <endafy> it would be a lot
[18:37] <endafy> figure 700 megs an episode
[18:37] <shadowman> i heard of firestarter like guarddog but with some more settings
[18:37] <tzd> 700 an ep?!?! gooosh, what happened to old 350 mb?
[18:37] <western> hello any 1 der 2 help me out
[18:37] <endafy> idk when i have a show i like it to be quality
[18:37] <DeepThought> tzd about about 80 gigs; itś all divx, luckily; and I didn't get the ds9 (thatś not startrek anyway, more or less)
[18:38] <endafy> even 350 an episode there must be at least 50thousand episodes of star trek
[18:38] <tzd> whoa that's a lot... I've only seen a few eps though... luckily for my hdds I'm not a big fan. Instead I'm saving space for M*A*S*H :)
[18:39] <DeepThought> have to go, later !
[18:39] <endafy> im a rom type of person
[18:39] <tzd> DeepThought: ok, thanks for your help today!
[18:39] <endafy> my server must have every rom in existance
[18:39] <DeepThought> endafy: ROM ?
[18:39] <tzd> endafy: hahaha as in NES, SNES etc?
[18:39] <endafy> yes
[18:39] <DeepThought> tzd: YOU' RE WELCOME
[18:40] <tzd> endafy: does that include MAME and all other emulators as well?
[18:40] <endafy> of course
[18:40] <endafy> what would a good collection be without it
[18:40] <tzd> endafy: then I suppose you have tons of GB with roms
[18:40] <ActionParsnip> hey all
[18:40] <athlon> im using KDE4 and how the hell do make it so when i switch from Desktop 1 to Desktop 2 the panel (where the icons and name of apps is listed in that bar) is cleared??
[18:40] <tzd> hi ActionParsnip
[18:40] <endafy> ya it is quite filling im on my second tb right now of just random stuff and roms and emulators
[18:41] <ActionParsnip> sen asus's eee desktop based on eee pc?
[18:41] <endafy> it doesnt look like something id want
[18:41] <endafy> too week
[18:41] <endafy> 900 mhz seriously
[18:41] <endafy> break a ghz
[18:41] <endafy> my gawd ppl its 2008
[18:42] <ActionParsnip> endafy: thats what i thought, the lappy one is great for mobility but as a deskto. not realy decent
[18:42] <avihayb> athlon: right click the taskbar
[18:42] <endafy> i got one out of morbid curiosity to test it out then i sold it as it was too slow
[18:42] <avihayb> pick the configure taskbar
[18:42] <endafy> kde lagged like a b!tch
[18:42] <ActionParsnip> endafy: its trying to keep the power consumption low but for a desktop 1.2 or 1.4 for web is fine
[18:43] <avihayb> err, configure pannle
[18:43] <endafy> my other desktop runs at 75 watts at 3.0 ghz
[18:43] <ActionParsnip> endafy: eeepc 701 runs fine under eeeXUbuntu
[18:43] <endafy> sudo apt-get install kde-core
[18:43] <avihayb> in the taskbar section, remove the x from "show windows from all desktops"
[18:43] <endafy> psh
[18:44] <endafy> a computer isnt a computer imho unless it can run kde
[18:44] <athlon> avihayb: that worked in KDE3 but i cant do that in 4
[18:45] <tzd> is it only 900 mhz on the eee desktop ed. ?
[18:45] <endafy> something like that
[18:45] <avihayb> oh, I abandond kde4, not mature enough
[18:45] <endafy> didnt break 1 ghz
[18:45] <athlon> avihayb: yea im agreeing now =(
[18:45] <endafy> KDE4 is awesome but not on a debian based distro
[18:45] <ActionParsnip> tzd: think so
[18:45] <tzd> oh that sucks. I was thinking of using it as a server with 2 gb of included ram but 900 mhz isn't worth the effort
[18:46] <avihayb> maybe, but plasma is a rez hog
[18:46] <athlon> endafy: how does a debian or rpm disto differ for kde4?
[18:46] <avihayb> *res
[18:46] <endafy> not necessarily the package management but the debian kernel
[18:46] <avihayb> kde3+kde4 k menu could be nice
[18:47] <endafy> uses tasty menu and never looked back
[18:47] <shane2peru> I tried umounting a partition that is not in use (it is an extra partition) and the os claims the device is busy? How can I get it to unmount?
[18:47] <athlon> when is KDE4.1 due out?
[18:47] <shane2peru> athlon: not soon enough lol
[18:47] <athlon> do they have a date?
[18:47] <endafy> no lol
[18:48] <avihayb> endafy: tasty menu?
[18:48] <athlon> :(
[18:48] <endafy> tasty menu is awesome
[18:48] <shane2peru> athlon: I think I saw something, but don't remember, google kde4 release
[18:48] <endafy> look in kde-apps.org
[18:48] <avihayb> mkey
[18:48] <endafy> trying to get it ported to kde4
[18:48] <shane2peru> athlon: or kde.org or something like that
[18:49] <endafy> http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Tasty+Menu?content=41866 tasty menu
[18:50] <endafy> the ubuntu one works
[18:50] <endafy> tested here
[18:50] <endafy> 8.04
[18:50] <ActionParsnip> tasty menu kinda fills the screen
[18:50] <endafy> yeah but it is worth it
[18:51] <ActionParsnip> i just use yakuake to launch apps
[18:51] <endafy> but the menu doesnt stay on the screen and all lol
[18:51] <adrock358> Hey. Guys. Is there any way to mount your other partition in Ubuntu?
[18:51] <ActionParsnip> bring down terminal, execute, hide terminal
[18:51] <adrock358> i don't care if i mess up the files
[18:55] <genii> adrock358: So you are wanting to mount your Ubuntu partition from your Kubuntu partition?
[18:56] <genii> "your other partition in Ubuntu" is not very clear
[18:56] <b4l74z4r> is it possible to adjust kde 4 dolphin so that you have to double click on files and folders?
[18:57] <Vermux> how do I see the users list on my computer?
[18:58] <grufti> hi. is there any way to get rid of that icon animation in kicker/kdesktop on launching it in kde 3.5.9?
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[18:58] <rav> I installed Kubuntu on an AMD64 laptop. the kernel it installed says generic, shouldn't it be for amd64?
[18:58] <Xbehave> ive downloaded a nice set of html documentaion for python (thanks to help here earlier) but how do i convert it so that kdevelop can use it?
[18:58] <grufti> i don't find an option for that :(
[18:58] <endafy> you need to configure the kernel yourself
[18:58] <endafy> reason i dont use the *buntus still
[18:59] <rav> so, i should install a amd64 kernel with apt?
[18:59] <endafy> yes
[18:59] <Xbehave> no
[18:59] <endafy> why not i do
[18:59] <sergio> drfdfd
[18:59] <grufti> launching the icon
[19:00] <Xbehave> there is no need to install amd64 the generic kernel will work, what problem are you having grufti?
[19:00] <sergio> Hello!!!!!
[19:00] <endafy> amd64 kernel is faster
[19:00] <endafy> duh
[19:00] <rav> also, i've used debian for a while, and I use module-assistant to install kernel modules, but I can't find it on the repositories for ubuntu. is there another way to work with kernel modules?
[19:01] <endafy> same reason i stick with debian
[19:01] <Xbehave> endafy: the generic kernel runs in 64bit mode
[19:01] <endafy> right
[19:01] <endafy> but it isnt fully configured to the amd
[19:01] <endafy> and doesnt support low level low power mode
[19:02] <rav> endafy: should i use the amd64-generic or the amd64-k8?
[19:02] <endafy> what is your proc
[19:02] <Xbehave> rav what kernel modules do you want, most come with ubuntu
[19:02] <endafy> the k8?
[19:02] <endafy> or k9
[19:02] <endafy> if the k9 then the generic
[19:03] <rav> endafy: i tried with debian on this laptop, but nvidia is badly broken in debian, and the wifi also is busted. so i'm trying out kubuntu
[19:03] <endafy> everything before and including k8 is specific due to the architexture
[19:03] <genii> !info module-assistant | rav
[19:03] <ubottu> rav: module-assistant (source: module-assistant): tool to make module package creation easier. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.11ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 97 kB, installed size 508 kB
[19:03] <genii> rav: In universe repository.
[19:04] <endafy> k9 and above now supports a more generic open architexture which is so much easier to program for
[19:04] <rav> Xbehave: i need ndiswrapper for my wifi, and the nvidia for my graphics card
[19:04] <endafy> hey rav
[19:04] <Xbehave> !ndiswrapper
[19:04] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[19:04] <Xbehave> !nvidia
[19:04] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[19:04] <endafy> i can help with the nvidia driver
[19:05] <Xbehave> ive used both i never needed a module-assistant just got the programs from the repos and used modprobe
[19:05] <rav> endafy: i'd appreciate that. The hardware driver list shows the nvidia, but says not in use. I don't know how to use it
[19:05] <endafy> sudo apt-get install envyng-core
[19:06] <endafy> the core works the best as the qt version isnt as complete
[19:06] <endafy> then once it is done installing
[19:06] <endafy> sudo envyng -t
[19:06] <endafy> then follow the onscreen instructions
[19:06] <endafy> press 1
[19:06] <endafy> then enter
[19:06] <endafy> then wait for it
[19:06] <endafy> then reboot
[19:06] <endafy> and nvidia goodness will work
[19:07] <Xbehave> rav you should be able to launch hardware assistant as root, and tick the box
[19:07] <endafy> that doesnt always work
[19:07] <endafy> and it doesnt include the nvidia settings manager
[19:08] <Xbehave> did rav ask for the nvidia settings manager?
[19:08] <rav> Xbehave : I did. the box was ticked, but next to it says "Not in use". I unticked it, and ticked it again. It asked me to reboot, I did and I got back to the generic 640x480 display
[19:08] <endafy> right
[19:08] <endafy> then you need the nvidia settings manager
[19:08] <endafy> xbehave what other distros u have?
[19:09] <rav> endafy: where do I get the settings manager?
[19:09] <endafy> envy
[19:09] <khaleel5000> hello, i have installed kubuntu 8.04 desktop, i am the sole user with username khaleel.The problem is whenever i use sudo comand it give me an error , you must be setuid root , my /etc/sudoers is here http://rafb.net/p/cTv8GF80.html
[19:09] <endafy> envy will solve all ur driver issues
[19:09] <Xbehave> none but that doesnt make any difference, im using kubuntu and can help people on kubuntu instead of pushing my generic solution
[19:09] <endafy> sudo apt-get install envyng-core
[19:10] <rav> endafy: did that, and it's installed now
[19:10] <endafy> ok
[19:10] <endafy> sudo envyng -t
[19:10] <endafy> im not offering a generic solution
[19:11] <endafy> ive been with linux since 1997 and know a lot
[19:11] <mendred> hey the kernel feels more responsive :)
[19:11] <endafy> my first kernel was 1.9
[19:11] <mendred> nice..
[19:11] <rav> endafy: it detected the card and says it's supported :)
[19:11] <endafy> yup
[19:11] <Xbehave> it seams to me it would have been easier to go through ksettingsmanager or whatever its called and change resolution through that if its possible
[19:12] <endafy> it will install everything you need
[19:12] <endafy> that doesnt always work
[19:12] <endafy> then once rebooted and all
[19:12] <Xbehave> wow, a whole 10 years, good for you, and.... this is a support channel not a whos got the biggest competition
[19:12] <endafy> rav do sudo /usr/bin/nvidia-settings
[19:13] <endafy> it will take some annoying clicking
[19:13] <endafy> remember the tab key is ur friend here
[19:13] <endafy> tab and space
[19:14] <rav> Xbehave: I had the 800x600 res at first boot of Kubuntu. I tried to select the Nvidia from the hardware list of Screen settings. That broke X and I have to manually restore the xorg.conf to get back into KDE. Now I only have 640x480 on this generic driver
[19:14] <endafy> nvidia has issues and likes to drop to low to low resolutions
[19:14] <endafy> what nvidia card u have?
[19:14] <rav> endafy: it's downloading a few packages, says it'll take 25 min. I have a GeForce 7510
[19:14] <endafy> nice
[19:15] <endafy> yeah give it a minute
[19:15] <endafy> the driver is kinda big
[19:15] <rav> on another topic, is there a list of mirrors for the repositories? it's downloading kind of slow from the ones in my sources.list
[19:16] <endafy> it is coming from the repos
[19:16] <root> nmbnbn,.
[19:16] <pds> I want to connect to a remote computer on my network and backup a file to it, but I can't figure out how to do it thorugh the command line with samba (I need to write a script)
[19:16] <pds> can someone help me?
[19:16] <Xbehave> adept lets you choose your locale if thats set right it should speed things up
[19:16] <root> n.lmmmm
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[19:17] <Xbehave> pds: is this sending a file once, security not an issue?
[19:17] <root> madito
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[19:17] <genii> khaleel5000: khaleel ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL should likely be khaleel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
[19:18] <pds> Xbehave: well security is an issue, but I will be sending a file once a day, I am going to set up a cron job for it.
[19:19] <pds> Xbehave: I can't figure out how to do it with samba though.
[19:20] <Xbehave> ahh, well if your going to repeat it might be worth doing repeatedly but you could try using netcat or something but im not sure how to do it securely
[19:21] <pds> Xbehave: do you know how to do it unsecurely? I sorta just need to get it working.
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[19:22] <koshie> Salut à tous.
[19:22] <roma> ciao
[19:25] <Xbehave> well im not 100% but something like nc -p <port> < [file] to host it on a specific port, but then you need to write a script on the reciving end and unless thier static ips im not sure if nc works with nc -p <port> name > [file]
[19:26] <Xbehave> your probably best of working with samba but i dont know much about it
[19:27] <ActionParsnip> if i play a playlist with mplayer (at command line) how can i skip to the next track please?
[19:28] <Xbehave> ive downloaded a nice set of html documentaion for python (thanks to help here earlier) but how do i convert it so that kdevelop can use it?
[19:29] <rav> endafy: if i update my kernel, I'd have to do this again, right?
[19:29] <endafy> yes
[19:30] <endafy> the generic one works fine unless you absulutelly have nothing better to do
[19:30] <endafy> and u can always boot into the older kernel
[19:30] <endafy> domt remove the older kernel
[19:30] <endafy> ull need it for failsafe
[19:30] <endafy> its a great learning experience
[19:31] <endafy> if you find you have issues with this kernel and all you can always boot from the other kernel from grub
[19:32] <endafy> don't listen to warnings from people who warn you against playing with your computer bc ull never have fun and ull never learn anything
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[19:33] <endafy> dont ever settle for good enough
[19:33] <endafy> thats why windows sucks
[19:34] <ActionParsnip> endafy: it has some advantages. both have flaws
[19:34] <Freddy2> hello
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[19:34] <endafy> right which is why i said to not selete the other kernel
[19:34] <endafy> delete*
[19:35] <Freddy2> how can i enable auto (check) updates?
[19:35] <rav> endafy: thanks for the help, i'm rebooting now
[19:35] <endafy> happy hacking
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[19:37] <ActionParsnip> endafy: i want to play an m3u playlist at cli but want to be able to navigate within the loaded list can you please suggest an app?
[19:39] <rav> endafy: i'm back. it now says it's using the nvidia driver, but i'm still at 640x480
[19:39] <endafy> sorry left for a second
[19:40] <endafy> sudo /usr/bin/nvidia-settings
[19:40] <endafy> the second option on the left
[19:40] <ActionParsnip> endafy: not sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[19:40] <ActionParsnip> ??
[19:40] <endafy> no
[19:41] <endafy> that breaks nvidia settings
[19:41] <ActionParsnip> endafy: can you sugest a player?
[19:41] <endafy> for cli? amarok has a backend i think
[19:41] <rav> endafy: what should I change in here?
[19:42] <endafy> resolution
[19:42] <ActionParsnip> endafy: im gona be running it under DSL but you seem knowledgable
[19:42] <endafy> oh for DSL ok h/o lemme boot up my dsl machine
[19:42] <endafy> mplayer
[19:42] <endafy> i think is what i use
[19:42] <endafy> yeah mplayer
[19:43] <endafy> i love doing everything from cli
[19:43] <endafy> its vindicating
[19:43] <endafy> i can do everything from cli
[19:44] <endafy> DSL is an amazing distro
[19:44] <endafy> i use awesome and the hacked x11 and all
[19:44] <Odd-rationale> i like puppy better than DSL... but that's my opinion...
[19:44] <endafy> right
[19:45] <Percent7C> i tried slitaz not long ago and was fairly impressed with it
[19:45] <endafy> both have different approaches to the same problem
[19:45] <ActionParsnip> endafy: will mplayer at cli allow moving up and down a playlist rather than just playing though?
[19:45] <endafy> yes
[19:45] <rav> endafy: it says the largest resolution is 640x480
[19:45] <endafy> ctrl left and right
[19:45] <ActionParsnip> endafy: awesome bro, thats just what i needed to hear
[19:45] <endafy> read the man pages for mplayer
[19:45] <endafy> pretty straight foreward
[19:46] <ActionParsnip> making a aba sevr wih sshd to orhestrate remote audio playing, leaving the audio on the server sound card
[19:46] <endafy> rav i have never ran into this issue
[19:46] <endafy> um sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[19:47] <endafy> and put 1024x768_60 wherever you see 640x480
[19:48] <endafy> ctrl-x
[19:48] <endafy> then hit y when prompted to save
[19:48] <endafy> ctrl alt bckspace
[19:48] <ActionParsnip> endafy: its < and > but i got it. mintness
[19:48] <endafy> oh sorry lol
[19:49] <endafy> i knew it was something simple
[19:49] <ActionParsnip> endafy: np man, youve been a great help
[19:49] <Percent7C> okay, am i just dumb or something?
[19:49] <Percent7C> i'm trying to run the demo of the penny arcade game on a fresh install of hardy
[19:49] <Percent7C> i cd to the directory it's in, and go ./RainSlickEp1, which is the name of the script that starts the game
[19:49] <Percent7C> ./RainSlickEp1: line 20: ./RainSlickEp1_bin: No such file or directory
[19:49] <Percent7C> huh? okay, let's try running the executable directly then: ./RainSlickEp1_bin
[19:49] <Percent7C> bash: ./RainSlickEp1_bin: No such file or directory
[19:50] <Percent7C> wtf? ls returns RainSlickEp1_bin, I can see it in the directory, it is executable
[19:50] <ActionParsnip> Percent7C: is the file executable? (chmod +x)
[19:50] <Percent7C> what am i doing wrong?
[19:50] <Percent7C> yeah, it is
[19:50] <endafy> yes chmod is ur best friend
[19:50] <ActionParsnip> just to tst, will it run with sudo?
[19:51] <ActionParsnip> *test
[19:51] <endafy> sudo -s
[19:51] <endafy> sudo ./ doesnt work
[19:51] <ActionParsnip> -s?
[19:51] <endafy> makes you root
[19:51] <endafy> same as su
[19:51] <ActionParsnip> sure sudo ./<binary> is good?
[19:51] <rav> endafy: Thanks! it's all good now
[19:51] <endafy> yvw
[19:51] <Percent7C> no such luck
[19:51] <genii> Percent7C: Likely in the first case the script is looking elsewhere for the _bin file and can't find it. Then in the second instance when you run it directly it's looking for some other file which also can't be found
[19:52] <endafy> no do sudo -s
[19:52] <endafy> type ur password
[19:52] <endafy> then ./ the program and all
[19:52] <Percent7C> yeah, i tried that
[19:52] <Percent7C> same result
[19:52] <endafy> try sh foo.bin
[19:52] <endafy> replace foo with filename
[19:52] <Percent7C> RainSlickEp1_bin: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
[19:53] <ActionParsnip> or sudo sh foo
[19:53] <endafy> right
[19:53] <endafy> that works
[19:53] <endafy> hates sudo
[19:53] <pidus> tried upgrading kubuntu to 8.04 using the cd...but it didn't work..tried doing that using kdesu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" ...but that didn't work either.
[19:53] <endafy> reminds me of uac
[19:53] <ActionParsnip> sudo is convenient, mind you once my system is setup im ok
[19:53] <Percent7C> i don't mind sudo, it's quick and easy
[19:54] <endafy> id rather have root available to me
[19:54] <jimmy__> hi
[19:54] <endafy> su
[19:54] <endafy> do what i need
[19:54] <endafy> then logout
[19:54] <endafy> chmod what i need
[19:54] <pidus> anybody knows how to upgrade kubuntu using the cd?
[19:54] <ActionParsnip> or sudo -s do whats needed then close the konsole
[19:54] <pidus> http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading didn't work
[19:54] <Tm_T> pidus: you need alternate cd I believe
[19:54] <endafy> pidus
[19:55] <Percent7C> in any case, the file is clearly there
[19:55] <Percent7C> i even tried moving it to other directories, redownloading the file, etc.
[19:55] <Percent7C> i dunno
[19:55] <endafy> backup do a fresh install
[19:55] <Percent7C> that may be my next step
[19:55] <endafy> i never upgrade
[19:56] <pidus> endafy: can't i upgrade? since there is an upgrade possible through the package manager, i guess the same should be possible using the disc
[19:56] <ActionParsnip> pidus: kdesu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"
[19:56] <pidus> endafy: you might not, but if its possible and there isn't any harm to it, then why not try it?
[19:56] <endafy> actually it can break things
[19:57] <pidus> ActionParsnip: tried doing it...but it didn't do anything.
[19:57] <endafy> none of my programs worked when i upgraded from 7.10
[19:57] <Percent7C> yep, last time i tried upgrading it borked x
[19:57] <endafy> yup then x died
[19:57] <endafy> i member
[19:57] <endafy> too much to fix
[19:57] <jimmy__> hi mary how r u>
[19:57] <endafy> so i backed up then did a reinstall
[19:58] <pidus> sigh!..and then i'll have to keep track of all the packages i had installed ...and reinstall them...
[19:58] <endafy> ubuntu is really the best there is when it comes to desktop linux but it can use some work
[19:59] <Percent7C> at least with hardy my surround sound worked out of the box
[19:59] <Percent7C> first time that's happened
[19:59] <endafy> me2 ^_^
[19:59] <endafy> im like its about friggen time
[19:59] <endafy> everything worked for me
[19:59] <endafy> never had that before
[19:59] <ActionParsnip> endafy: it need a "ustom install" option so advanced uses can remove unwanted features at install
[19:59] <endafy> well not without some arm twisting
[20:00] <endafy> get the other cd
[20:00] <endafy> the one with the text based installer
[20:00] <Percent7C> my resolution was still messed up, but it always is, so i'm used to it
[20:00] <endafy> i only use that one anyway
[20:00] <endafy> what card u have percent7c
[20:00] <Percent7C> 7900gs
[20:00] <endafy> oh haha
[20:00] <endafy> damn that sux
[20:01] <Percent7C> yeah, at least it's an easy fix
[20:01] <endafy> i wish nvidia would take a note from amd and open the darn source code
[20:01] <ubuntu_> hi,
[20:01] <Percent7C> though it messed me up with hardy when i couldn't dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[20:01] <Percent7C> no kidding
[20:01] <ubuntu_> can someone help me with an modem ?
[20:01] <ubuntu_> wvdial?
[20:01] <ubuntu_> wvdial.conf
[20:01] <endafy> ive reverse engineered the driver and it looks pretty basic
[20:02] <endafy> ubuntu_ yes order road runner
[20:02] <endafy> its worth it
[20:02] <endafy> :-P
[20:02] <Percent7C> well, if nvidia doesn't ge their act together my next card might be amd
[20:02] <endafy> ive been an ati guy forever
[20:02] <endafy> stuck through the worst
[20:02] <endafy> went to nvidia and had nothing but headaches
[20:03] <Percent7C> i used to like ati back in my windows days
[20:03] <endafy> ati for me always had more fps
[20:03] <ubuntu_> its an usb modem
[20:03] <Percent7C> i switched to nvidia when i switched to linux
[20:03] <giacomo_> !it
[20:03] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[20:03] <Percent7C> but i've always liked ati's cards better
[20:03] <ubuntu_> ist an
[20:03] <endafy> ok its probably a winmodem
[20:03] <endafy> it wont work
[20:03] <ubuntu_> dev ttyUSB0
[20:04] <ubuntu_> HUAWEI e220
[20:04] <endafy> 99% of usb modems are winmodems
[20:04] <endafy> ya winmodem
[20:04] <endafy> it needs the windows kernel to work
[20:05] <endafy> gawd i didnt know people still used dialup
[20:05] <Percent7C> i remember having to deal with winmodems
[20:05] <endafy> id rather spoon my eyes out and shove toothpicks under my toenails and kick a wall than use dialup
[20:05] <Percent7C> those were dark times
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[20:06] <endafy> there was a fix but it never worked
[20:06] <Percent7C> lol, i've still got a stack of them in my basement
[20:06] <endafy> i burned em
[20:06] <Percent7C> whenever someone was tossing out a modem, i'd take it and see if it worked with linux
[20:06] <endafy> haha
[20:06] <ubuntu_> "i get -> modem not responding" , although i can find it -> lsusb
[20:06] <endafy> lol
[20:06] <Percent7C> i was desparate
[20:06] <Percent7C> lol
[20:06] <endafy> its a WINMODEM
[20:06] <endafy> it needs windows
[20:06] <endafy> install windows
[20:07] <endafy> i had the fix and had it working once
[20:07] <endafy> and i was communicating at 6k/s on a 56k modem
[20:07] <endafy> gawd breakdown and call ur cable co and get broadband man
[20:07] <endafy> its 2008
[20:08] <endafy> usind dialup now would be like trying to swim to europe
[20:08] <Percent7C> it's still not available for some people
[20:08] <Percent7C> i've got a friend still stuck on dialup
[20:08] <endafy> id move
[20:08] <Percent7C> as would i
[20:10] <ActionParsnip> ubuntu_: find the make and model you may found some relief
[20:10] <ActionParsnip> ubuntu_: winmodems need MS windows to work. i'd try and get a better modem if its not being supported some other way
[20:11] <endafy> using windows isnt that bad
[20:11] <endafy> i like windows
[20:11] <ubuntu_> @action how u mean?
[20:11] * ubottu how u mean?
[20:11] <ubuntu_> where can i find a make?
[20:11] <endafy> fccid
[20:11] <Percent7C> endafy: ever tried windows server 2008?
[20:11] <endafy> i liked it
[20:12] <Percent7C> it's actually... surprisingly decent
[20:12] <rush_> nadie habla español?
[20:12] <endafy> not a huge fan of vista though
[20:12] <endafy> kubuntu-en
[20:12] <endafy> rush_
[20:12] <endafy> er es
[20:12] <rush_> juju ok :P
[20:12] <rush_> thanks
[20:12] <endafy> kubuntu-es
[20:12] <endafy> np
[20:13] <endafy> windows needs to stick with it though and ditch drm and all
[20:13] <endafy> i ripped a bunch of crap out of vista on my gaming machine
[20:13] <endafy> it is usuable
[20:13] <Percent7C> heh, that's why server 2008 is nice
[20:13] <Percent7C> comes with no drm crap
[20:14] <endafy> its about time thy got the kickoff menu
[20:14] <Percent7C> and is actually reasonably fast
[20:14] <endafy> i like it
[20:14] <endafy> i have no issue with it
[20:14] <endafy> i hate how people bash windows when it is actually a good platform
[20:14] <ActionParsnip> we use it at work as a proper server
[20:14] <ActionParsnip> its an ok platform
[20:15] <ActionParsnip> to me its if the shoe fits
[20:15] <Percent7C> still too closed down for my liking, but it's perfectly usable
[20:15] <endafy> right some stuff has got to go and some needs to be added
[20:15] <endafy> at least they have kernel mode video processing
[20:15] <Percent7C> needs virtual desktops, though
[20:15] <endafy> you can add it on
[20:15] <Percent7C> yeah, but all the implementations i've tried kinda suck
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[20:15] <endafy> i know
[20:16] <endafy> ms needs to get with it
[20:16] <endafy> or someone ubuntu or something will destroy them
[20:16] <Percent7C> well, maybe now that apple has 'em microsoft will add them to windows 7 or something
[20:16] <endafy> with 8.04 i think ms has a huge problem now
[20:16] <Percent7C> i tell you, i've seen more mac laptops than anything at my school
[20:16] <endafy> never before have i ever seen a linux distro like it
[20:17] <endafy> i hate mac
[20:17] <endafy> have 3
[20:17] <endafy> dont use em
[20:17] <endafy> u think windows is too closed down
[20:17] <Percent7C> i know, i don't like apple, but it's clear that microsoft is in trouble
[20:17] <endafy> yeah with kde4.1 right around the corner
[20:17] <Percent7C> mmm, i'm looking forward to it
[20:17] <endafy> and the state linux is in
[20:18] <endafy> gawd i wish they would add kernel mode video processing to the kernel
[20:18] <Percent7C> yeah, that would be nice
[20:18] <endafy> i did it with the patch
[20:18] <endafy> it makes it so nice
[20:18] <Percent7C> i also wish alsa would go away
[20:18] <endafy> X never dies
[20:19] <endafy> alsa is showing its age
[20:19] <Percent7C> oss4 is so nice
[20:19] <Percent7C> it's just too bad that so many programs are hard-coded to only work with alsa
[20:19] <endafy> oss5 alpha is looking promising
[20:19] <endafy> it adds alsa emulation
[20:19] <Percent7C> i haven't tried it yet
[20:20] <endafy> dont
[20:20] <endafy> it crashes X
[20:20] <Percent7C> ah
[20:20] <endafy> but alsa apps work
[20:20] <matisse> hi
[20:20] <endafy> good afternoon
[20:20] <matisse> updatemanager wrote the following "You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-generic meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. "
[20:21] <matisse> so i should not update that package on the common way ?
[20:21] <endafy> unless it isnt working dont update lol
[20:22] <matisse> thats what its saying :D
[20:22] <endafy> if it isnt broken dont fix it
[20:23] <endafy> if everything is working and you dont have the want or time to play dont update
[20:24] <matisse> but its an update !
[20:24] <matisse> that must be better :D
[20:24] <endafy> then use windows
[20:24] <matisse> or 8.04
[20:25] <endafy> ubuntu 8.04 is definetally a threat to microsoft
[20:25] <endafy> the first time in the history of linux i can honestly say this
[20:26] <dennis_p> anyone know where kde stores user´s display resolution?
[20:26] <pds> hey can someone help me with kcron
[20:26] <pds> when I set up a cron job through kcron, does kcron need to always be open for it to work?
[20:26] <endafy> etc/X11/xorg.conf
[20:27] <endafy> pds yes
[20:27] <endafy> if you close it it will have transfer issues
[20:27] <endafy> in theory it should
[20:27] <endafy> but not always
[20:28] <endafy> dennis_p /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[20:28] <shadowman> 88% done kubuntu dl...
[20:29] <endafy> shadowman please dont post useless comments like that this is a support channel
[20:29] <pds> endafy: ok, what if I am not logged into my gui? will my cron jobs work or no?
[20:29] <endafy> there is a cli cron
[20:29] <endafy> it works better
[20:29] <shadowman> i will need support later...:) sorry, i was bored waiting...
[20:29] <endafy> its all good #ubuntu_offtopic
[20:29] <endafy> what do you need support with
[20:30] <BluesKaj> pds , no once kcron is set run a task daily , it will run like a daemon
[20:30] <dennis_p> thanks endafy, but I meant the user resolution after login in a (kde?) settings file
[20:30] <endafy> after installing kubuntu sudo apt-get install KDE
[20:30] <pds> BluesKaj: is there a way to set up cron jobs so I don't need to have my gui running?
[20:30] <endafy> dennis_p: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[20:30] <BluesKaj> pds, in other words , no need to open kcron
[20:31] <BluesKaj> yes
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[20:31] <BluesKaj> pds, do you mean the kcron gui
[20:31] <endafy> o ok i never set it up as a daemon
[20:31] <endafy> i just run it when i need it
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[20:32] <pds> BluesKaj: yea, it came with kubuntu, I have never used it before, and I am not sure how daemons work.
[20:32] <BluesKaj> well technically kcron isn't a daemon but can be set up run at all times if you wish ..
[20:33] <dennis_p> what are the settings in Konversation to connect to freenode.org?
[20:33] <ActionParsnip> crond is the daemon
[20:33] <dennis_p> oh i could look at their web page of course
[20:33] <pds> BluesKaj: yes that is what I would like.
[20:33] <dennis_p> sorry
[20:33] <BluesKaj> pds, depends if it's a scipt or a timed task that shuts off once the job is done
[20:33] <lelle> when will Firefox3 rc1 turn up in the repos?
[20:33] <pds> BluesKaj: its a script
[20:34] <endafy> no
[20:34] <endafy> not til ff is rc2
[20:34] <endafy> rc1 has issues
[20:34] <lelle> more than b5 has?
[20:34] <endafy> kinda
[20:34] <endafy> it crashes X
[20:34] <BluesKaj> pds , I just use it for scripts that I can't get to run in init.d
[20:34] <lelle> ok, thanks
[20:34] <endafy> they are working on it
[20:35] <endafy> opera is good
[20:35] <Percent7C> rc1 hasn't given me any problems
[20:35] <ActionParsnip> opera is nippy
[20:35] <BluesKaj> pds , what's the script ?
[20:35] <pds> BluesKaj: ah ok, so if I use it for a script it will run like a daemon right (meaning that I don't need kcron open for it to work)
[20:35] <endafy> rc1 hasnt me either but i read that a lot have
[20:35] <dOEPain> hello
[20:35] <Percent7C> interesting
[20:35] <endafy> so they are working on it
[20:35] <pds> BluesKaj: I made a backup script to dump my database and back it up on a network computer
[20:36] <endafy> cant wait for october
[20:36] <dOEPain> I recently installed the latest build of Kubunto on my T41, and my wifi is not working
[20:36] <BluesKaj> that's correct..as long as you set the calendar to do so
[20:36] <dOEPain> ...when I had installed Ubuntu, the drivers worked from the initial installation
[20:36] <Percent7C> endafy: same here, default kde 4.1 sounds good to me
[20:37] <endafy> gawd i dont think windows will have any footing left :-P
[20:37] <endafy> wine will be 1.0
[20:37] <dOEPain> What are the necesary steps needed to get the wifi on my T41 working
[20:37] <endafy> ndiswrapper
[20:37] <endafy> its ur best friend
[20:37] <dOEPain> really?
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[20:37] <dOEPain> Ubuntu did not require the ndiswrapper
[20:37] <endafy> yes it allows you to use the windows drivers for your wifi
[20:38] <endafy> ndiswrapper whenever your wifi doesnt work
[20:38] <dOEPain> ok
[20:38] <dOEPain> Is it complicated to setup?
[20:38] <endafy> it is an amazing program
[20:38] <BluesKaj> pds, did you get that?
[20:38] <endafy> no not really
[20:38] <dOEPain> I have experience setting up Java service wrappers etc
[20:38] <dOEPain> ok
[20:39] <dOEPain> will have to look into acquiring a copy of it then.
[20:39] <endafy> sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper
[20:39] <BluesKaj> dOEPain, heh maybe you can fix the java probs in FF3 :)
[20:40] <dOEPain> ?
[20:40] <dennis_p> ah for freenode: File > Serverlist irc.kde.org and #kde
[20:40] <dOEPain> ok
[20:40] <dOEPain> apt makes it A LOT easer
[20:40] <dOEPain> easier
[20:40] <pds> BluesKaj: yes sorry, I had to step away for a min
[20:40] <pds> BluesKaj: thanks for the help
[20:40] <BluesKaj> np , pds
[20:41] <pds> BluesKaj: just one more question, will my scripts run as root?
[20:41] <endafy> it is dangerous
[20:41] <endafy> but yes
[20:41] <pds> BluesKaj: and if not is there a way I can specify my password when I do a sudo command?
[20:41] <pds> endafy: do they by default?
[20:41] <endafy> chmod +x
[20:42] <endafy> seriously dont run them as root
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[20:42] <BluesKaj> notsure pds but I'm just running a python script on my home network
[20:42] <pds> BluesKaj: ok thanks.
[20:43] <pds> endafy: but I need to be able to mount in my script
[20:43] <endafy> then edit your user to be able to mount
[20:43] <pds> endafy: how can I do that?
[20:43] <endafy> you can hose linux with one command
[20:44] <endafy> K>Settings>Kuser
[20:46] <endafy> if ur logged in as root i can in effect gain access through a known konquerer hole and do some damage
[20:46] <endafy> wouldnt personally do it
[20:47] <pim_> Is it possible to auto-mount certain partitions at startup?
[20:47] <endafy> yes
[20:47] <pds> endafy: oh
[20:47] <endafy> the hole doesnt exist if ur a normal user
[20:47] <endafy> if the hole was fixed it would really make konquerer useless
[20:51] <_CrashMaster_> pim_: add the partitions to fstab, I believe.
[20:51] <pim_> ok
[20:51] <NickPresta> what does logging in as root have to do with using 'sudo' to run a homemade backup script that uses 'mount'?
[20:52] * NickPresta shrugs
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[20:52] <geierAL> hi
[20:52] <konrad> hoho
[20:53] <geierAL> whats sources.list entry for kde4.1 beta?
[20:54] <konrad> kde 4.1 beta>> what? now is kde4.0.4
[20:54] <emilsedgh> konrad: KDE 4.1 Beta1 release a few hours ago :)
[20:55] <emilsedgh> konrad: dot.kde.org
[20:55] <bascule> #kubuntu-kde4 may know if there is such a thing
[20:55] <konrad> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 4.1
[20:55] <konrad> hohohoh
[20:55] <bascule> there will not be debs yet I would thinl
[20:55] <bascule> -l +k
[20:55] <stdin> there are no 4.1 packages for hardy right now
[20:55] <bascule> didn't think so :)
[20:57] <geierAL> who cares about hardy
[20:57] <NickPresta> geierAL, the people in this channel ;)
[20:58] <geierAL> upstream is all i need
[20:58] <stdin> then you don't need a repository, go compile it yourself
[20:59] <geierAL> no time, nor free cpu time
[20:59] <Merchelo> !last xmb
[20:59] <ubottu> Factoid last xmb not found
[20:59] <stdin> then you need more than upstream
[21:00] <geierAL> # Debian has KDE 4.1beta1 in experimental.
[21:01] <dennis_p> geierAL: cool
[21:02] <pds> can someone help me with kcron
[21:02] <geierAL> dennis_p, yeah
[21:02] <pds> I have a script, but it wont run when I use it
[21:02] <pds> it runs if I do it through a termianl
[21:02] <pds> but through kcron nothing happens
[21:07] <sigma_1234> stdin: are you involved with making the kde 4.1 beta packages?
[21:08] <pds> does anyone here know how to use kcron with scripts?
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[21:10] <shane2peru> If I create custom fields in Kontact, can I import info into those custom fields? importing a cvs file.
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[21:13] <dennis_p> pds: try #kde
[21:14] <rickest> pds: the environment for cron jobs is very limited, it's probably a PATH or other envvar issue
[21:14] <dennis_p> shane2peru: #kontact also exists
[21:14] <pds> rickest: hum, what is a envvar issue?
[21:15] <STSX> I originally installed Ubuntu, and then installed KDE 3.5 on top of it. I remember when setting up KDE I was offered the option to use either the KDE login manager (I don't remember the exact name) or the Gnome one, and I chose Gnome at the time; I would like to switch it to KDE now. Can I do that without having to reinstall packages?
[21:15] <shane2peru> dennis_p: yes, that is where I went, seems as though everyone in that room, has adopted the Mexican Siesta policy. :)
[21:15] <pds> rickest: also does my script have to be in /bin or sometihng?
[21:15] <shane2peru> STSX: yes, there is a way, let me find it
[21:16] <genii> STSX: sudo apt-get install kdm; sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm from there choose kdm as the login manager
[21:16] <shane2peru> STSX: ^^^^ what genii said. :)
[21:17] <rickest> pds: envvar = environment variable if the program you're running expects one. Your script can be anywhere but either your PATH must reflect that location or you must call it with an absolute path
[21:17] <STSX> genii: I have kdm installed, so do I just do the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" I assume?
[21:18] <pds> rickest: oh I didn't know that, thanks man.
[21:18] <genii> STSX: You do it for whatever one is currently running. So yes gdm in this case
[21:18] <shane2peru> dennis_p: ahh, they responded in #kontact, thanks
[21:19] <genii> STSX: If you wanted to switch them again later, it would be kdm that time
[21:20] <STSX> genii, shane2peru: Thanks guys, that was as easy as I was hoping it would be. :)
[21:20] <rickest> pds: add something like this to cron to see its environment and contrast that with the same command non-cron: /bin/env > ~/cron-env.txt
[21:21] <francesco_> hi
[21:21] <pds> rickest: ok ill try that
[21:21] <francesco_> sorry for my english
[21:22] <francesco_> somebady can help me
[21:22] <shane2peru> STSX: no prob, genii was the genious with the command on the tip of his tongue. :) I knew it existed, but would have had to find it.
[21:22] <francesco_> i can't see a icon of my secodn hard disk on the desktop
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[21:23] <francesco_> it is mounted in root/media folder
[21:23] <pds> rickest: I don't think I am doing that correctly.
[21:23] <pds> rickest: I was just suppose to run my script and > cronenvironment.txt right?
[21:25] <boggystudios> Has anyone here used ksysguard to connect to a remote machine before? I seem to be having a bit of difficulty connecting to my NAS to monitor cpu usage and partition usage and such.
[21:35] <francesco_> i have kubuntu 804
[21:36] <francesco_> i have installed in a disk kubuntu and in a secund hd win xp on fat 32
[21:36] <francesco_> but i can't see hd fat 32 icon on my desk top
[21:37] <francesco_> any can help me?
[21:37] <francesco_> sorry the hd fat 32 is mounted
[21:38] <francesco_> in /media/namefoder
[21:38] <bebop_> como cambio de canal
[21:39] <bebop_> que canales existen en español
[21:39] <bebop_> ?
[21:40] <KRF> !es | bebop_
[21:40] <ubottu> bebop_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[21:40] <bebop_> sorry tanks
[21:40] <francesco_> come on boys
[21:48] <USMarine> francesco_ reading
[21:49] <USMarine> right click, add an icon that points to that mount point
[21:50] <kgx> !guidance
[21:50] <ubottu> Factoid guidance not found
[21:50] <kgx> !guidance-power-manager
[21:50] <ubottu> kgx: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
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[21:53] <stephen_> kgx: what were you looking for?
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[21:54] <kgx> stephen_: i seem to have a problem with my guidance-power-manager. it doesnt start at bootup. i even put it my Autostart directory
[21:54] <kgx> have to manually start it every time
[21:54] <kgx> im on Hardy
[21:54] <tekteen> did you make the script in autostart executable?
[21:56] <tekteen> kgx: you there?
[21:56] <kgx> tekteen: yep
[21:56] <kgx> sorry just got into work, reading through emails and task list
[21:57] <tekteen> kgx: is the script in autostart executable
[21:57] <kgx> tekteen: yes
[21:57] <tekteen> why is it different if you start it with autostart and start it by hand?
[21:57] <tekteen> have you tried to run the autostart script by hand?
[21:57] <kgx> not sure, i came across an old bug here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuBugDay/20080221/KDE
[21:58] <kgx> mine could be crashing upon startup as well
[21:58] <kgx> tekteen: sorry wrong link, give me a sec
[21:58] <tekteen> kgx: start the script by hand
[21:59] <kgx> tekteen: that works. everything else in my scripts starts up automatically
[21:59] <kgx> similar bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/177504
[21:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 177504 in kde-guidance "guidance-power-manager crashes on startup (dup-of: 174574)" [Undecided,New]
[21:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 174574 in kde-guidance "[hardy alpha] guidance powermanager won't star" [Undecided,Fix released]
[21:59] <tekteen> does that start up?
[21:59] <ubuntu_> hi to the room
[21:59] <kgx> tekteen: yeah it does
[22:00] <tekteen> do you have your updates?
[22:00] <kgx> yes
[22:01] <tekteen> I do not know what the problem is
[22:01] <tekteen> sorry
[22:01] <kgx> no worries..thanks
[22:02] <tornel> where is xorg.conf located?
[22:03] <eric_> hi anybody here to give me a hand ?
[22:03] <STSX> tornel: /etc/X11
[22:03] <STSX> !ask | eric_
[22:03] <ubottu> eric_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[22:03] <eric_> i am running bind9 on my kubuntu
[22:03] <ubuntu_> i read about recent vulnerability ... does this also affect the procedure during installation?
[22:03] <tornel> STSX: thanks
[22:03] <eric_> alright
[22:03] <STSX> tornel: No problem. :)
[22:03] <tornel> Whats the command to restart x server or kde or whatever from command line?
[22:04] <eric_> i am running bind9 on kubuntu, i am just setting it up. when i do nslookup -type=ns net. i don't get the best of results
[22:05] <ubuntu_> ..
[22:07] <eric_> i am running bind9 on kubuntu, i am just setting it up. when i do nslookup -type=ns net. i don't get the best of results, below is what i get
[22:07] <eric_> oot@Hitman:/etc/bind# nslookup -type=ns net.
[22:07] <eric_> Server:
[22:07] <eric_> Address:
[22:07] <eric_> Non-authoritative answer:
[22:07] <eric_> net nameserver = g.gtld-servers.net.
[22:07] <eric_> net nameserver = h.gtld-servers.net.
[22:07] <eric_> net nameserver = k.gtld-servers.net.
[22:07] <eric_> net nameserver = f.gtld-servers.net.
[22:07] <eric_> net nameserver = l.gtld-servers.net.
[22:07] <eric_> net nameserver = m.gtld-servers.net.
[22:07] <eric_> net nameserver = c.gtld-servers.net.
[22:07] <eric_> net nameserver = d.gtld-servers.net.
[22:08] <eric_> net nameserver = b.gtld-servers.net.
[22:08] <eric_> net nameserver = a.gtld-servers.net.
[22:08] <eric_> net nameserver = j.gtld-servers.net.
[22:08] <eric_> net nameserver = i.gtld-servers.net.
[22:08] <eric_> net nameserver = e.gtld-servers.net.
[22:08] <eric_> Authoritative answers can be found from:
[22:12] <rickest> tornel: do you know if you're running KDM?
=== evalles_ is now known as keffie_jayx
[22:19] <zeno_> hi i just installed 8.04 but wireless isnt working. it did on 7.10. what could be wrong?
[22:19] <geierAL> zeno_, networkmanager may be broken
[22:19] <geierAL> as the rest..
[22:21] <geierAL> well ubuntu/kubuntu/riddell r just broken
[22:27] <zeno_> gee thanks
[22:28] <eric_> Non-authoritative answer:
[22:28] <eric_> net nameserver = j.gtld-servers.net.
[22:28] <eric_> net nameserver = d.gtld-servers.net.
[22:28] <eric_> net nameserver = k.gtld-servers.net.
[22:28] <eric_> net nameserver = m.gtld-servers.net.
[22:28] <eric_> net nameserver = a.gtld-servers.net.
[22:28] <eric_> net nameserver = h.gtld-servers.net.
[22:28] <eric_> net nameserver = c.gtld-servers.net.
[22:29] <eric_> net nameserver = e.gtld-servers.net.
[22:29] <eric_> net nameserver = f.gtld-servers.net.
[22:29] <eric_> net nameserver = g.gtld-servers.net.
[22:29] <eric_> net nameserver = b.gtld-servers.net.
[22:29] <eric_> net nameserver = l.gtld-servers.net.
[22:29] <eric_> net nameserver = i.gtld-servers.net.
[22:29] <eric_> Authoritative answers can be found from:
[22:29] <trappist> eric_: please don't paste here
[22:29] <tony403> i have a blank screen and just a mouse upon login. anyone know a solution?
[22:29] <tony403> or does anyone know how to disable compositing via command line?
[22:31] <chev_chelios> which repository gets updated first? main repo? I installed a few minutes ago, and my local repo said 59 updates, and main repo said 71 or so...???
[22:31] <eric_> alright
[22:31] <eric_> noo pasting no mor
[22:31] <eric_> e
[22:32] <eric_> any body able to help me with my problem
[22:33] <chev_chelios> eric_: what is the problem?
[22:40] <eric_> <chev_chelios>my problem is that i have just installed bind9 and done the configurations. a final test says to do nslookup -type=ns net. when i do i don't get the response that is required,
[22:40] <chev_chelios> eric_: sorry, i cannot help with that.:(
[22:41] <eric_> chev_:okay , thanks appreciate it
[22:42] <chev_chelios> no problem, man
[22:42] <jussi01> !tab | eric_
[22:42] <ubottu> eric_: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.
[22:43] <eric_> ubottu_:cheers, however my problem is that my dns server don't resolve properly
[22:43] <ubottu> eric_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[22:43] <eric_> ubottu_:-)
[22:45] <trappist> eric_: how does your box know to resolve against your own dns server
[22:45] <coreymon77> eric_: whats your problem?
[22:46] <eric_> trappist_: i believe in the named.conf file, there is a reverse lookup that allows it to be able to do that
[22:47] <eric_> corymon_: my dns is not working properly, when i do nslookup -type=ns net. i don't get the required output
[22:47] <coreymon77> eric_: in other words your internet isnt working properly
[22:47] <eric_> corymon_: my dns does not output the ip of the root servers
[22:48] <trappist> eric_: no I mean, running a dns server doesn't automatically mean you're *using* it
[22:49] <eric_> trappist_: well i have set myself as my own dns in the network setup, isn't that enough ?
[22:49] <trappist> eric_: probably
[22:51] <eric_> trappist_: i trust its working as when i type in the newly configured mail server name in a browser, i am able to hit the public ip of the existing server ( as configured in my setup) so i am convinced its working to an extent atleast
[22:54] <boggystudios> I can't seem to get ksysguard to connect to a remote machine. When I try the daemon mode it says connection refused. When I try ssh it just doesn't connect. Any Ideas?
[23:02] <brad_> hey
[23:02] <brad_> what's up ?
[23:03] <brad_> I'm just setting my irc colors
=== oilink1 is now known as oilinki
[23:12] <chev_chelios> hey, guys, I am trying to install compiz, what are the packages I need to make it run properly and stable?
[23:14] <chev_chelios> anyone?
[23:15] <chev_chelios> kde plus compiz equals not showing window decoration last time in hardy kubuntu, so, if anyone knows which packages to install and which not, please help and advise...
[23:16] <zeno_> hi i just installed 8.04 but wireless isnt working. it did on 7.10. what could be wrong?
[23:19] <rav> hello. does someone know how to enable a widescreen monitor so the graphics are not squeezed?
[23:20] <linuxguymarshall> rav:Did you set your resolution high and to a widescreen setting?
[23:21] <chev_chelios> rav: it has tio do with resolution.
[23:21] <rav> linuxguymarshall: I'm using a nvidia card. the hardware tab lists my monitor as plug-n-play, but when I select widescreen, nothing happens, i.e.: the apply button is disabled
[23:25] <linuxguymarshall> Rav:Open your K-menu - System Settings - Monitor & Display - Hardware tab- Click Admin Mode..- Then select your monitor and click Configure. Then select the Image Format : Widescreen and select your monitors MAX resoultion under the generic or select your monitor brand
[23:30] <tip> exit
[23:31] <boa> hello how to install 2 linux ?(swap) i have ubuntu
[23:32] <_myrtille_> is it possible to get some "custom" time in the traybar?
[23:32] <_myrtille_> i'd like it to say something along the line of "00 bla 32 flies" instead of "00:32"
[23:33] <MachinatorSyver> anyone know how to set metamodes for nvidia?
[23:33] <linuxguymarshall> MachinatorSyver: Check out #nvidia
[23:47] <zeno_> i think i figured out my problem, Radio Frequency Kill Switch is on, how does one turn it off i have no idea what it is
[23:47] <USMarine> !google
[23:47] <ubottu> google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux
[23:48] * RuyalarPrensi ii geceler cümleten
[23:58] <trait> anybody there?