UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /25 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:03] <cntb> anybody use lan browser lisa ?
[00:04] <rysiek|pl> hi all
[00:04] <NickPresta> hi
[00:05] <rysiek|pl> guys, I have jusr upgraded from gutsy to hardy (oh, I will *not* mention all the loops I had to go through to do this...)
[00:05] <rysiek|pl> and now, on my dual-head nvidia setup (two screens, :0.0 and :0.1), on the second (:0.1) screen when I fire up compiz and emerald
[00:06] <rysiek|pl> 1. the windeco's are visible ONLY for the windows that are NOT focused. i.e. if I have widows A, B and C, and C has the focus - windecos are visible on A and B but NOT C
[00:07] <rysiek|pl> 2. menus and drop-down lists are NOT visible. i.e. if I click a drop-down list, I get only the *shadow* of the list, with nothing within
[00:08] <rysiek|pl> searching google gives me some results on missing windecos, but those are related either to emerald crashing or lack of AddARGBVisualls in xorg.conf, wich are not the case on my system (as in 1. I have the windecos, only on unfocused windows...)
[00:09] <rysiek|pl> any ideas?
[00:11] <rysiek|pl> not very tolkative tonight, are we ;)
[00:11] <NickPresta> rysiek|pl, I would probably ask in #compiz. It may be a messed up setting.
[00:11] <rysiek|pl> hmmm, true
[00:12] <rysiek|pl> NickPresta: I will debug the bugger tomorrow - turn off ALL the plugins and then turn the bastards on, one by one, until I get this error
[00:12] <rysiek|pl> unless, of course, it will still be there after turning all the plugins off...
[00:12] <NickPresta> rysiek|pl, that sounds like a good idea. Also, I thought there was a section that allowed you to select which windows (and parts of windows) were affected by CF. I know I turned off that fade effect on drop down menus so the option must be in there somewhere.
[00:13] <rysiek|pl> "CF" == Compiz Fusion?
[00:13] <NickPresta> yep
[00:14] <rysiek|pl> yeah, well, debugged some other minor bugs before like that already, I just need some sleep now. thought that might be a known problem, but since it's not - tommorrow is the DebugMe day ;)
[00:14] <rysiek|pl> thanks anyway
[00:15] <rysiek|pl> cheerio and g'night
[00:16] <jey_> hello everyone
[00:17] <NickPresta> hi, jey_
[00:17] <jey_> hi
[00:18] <jey_> got a "cups" problem
[00:18] <NickPresta> what sort of problem?
[00:19] <jey_> cannot connect to Cups server
[00:20] <lumpycow> hello, anybody know what kde needs to be able to drag an image from firefox and put it on the desktop?
[00:20] <jey_> any idea
[00:20] <jey_> please
[00:21] <jey_> all packages installed
[00:23] <NickPresta> jey_, sorry. I don't know what could be the problem. Could you provide more information? Were to able to connect before? When did this occur?
[00:25] <jey_> never tried befor It occurs when i what to setup a printer
[00:26] <NickPresta> jey_, how are you setting up the printer? Direct link? Through Samba?
[00:27] <jey_> NickPresta, got a usb HP printer
[00:29] <NickPresta> jey_, Is the printer turned on? Is your printer supported (check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersHp)
[00:30] <jey_> i've installed hplip
[00:31] <jey_> yes yes
[00:31] <Jonathan_R> is there an app that will organize the menus better
[00:32] <creeps> hey all
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[00:32] <creeps> anyone know how to get a usb 1gb mem stick workin?
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[00:37] <jey__> sorry got ADSL problems too....
[00:39] <lumpycow> Jonathan_R: you can edit your menus and organize them the way you like...
[00:45] <rooneyai> hi
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[00:56] <Synergy_Peace> a game i started turned off the title bar where is the setting to turn it back on please?
[00:58] <Jonathan_R> lumpycow, i know that
[00:59] <Jonathan_R> but imo, i shouldnt have to
[00:59] <lumpycow> I see...
[01:00] <Jonathan_R> in opensuse, where i came from, they were very organized
[01:00] <Jonathan_R> now also consider, if this is about the only problem i have, then ubuntu is doing alright
[01:00] <Jonathan_R> this is really a minor thing
[01:11] <Walzmyn> Jonathan_R, I'm just coming back, how do you want the menus organized?
[01:13] <Jonathan_R> ever used opensuse Walzmyn
[01:16] <eugen> hallo zusammen
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[01:17] <Walzmyn> Jonathan_R, for about 30 min
[01:18] <Walzmyn> Jonathan_R, I always thought the menus here were organized very well.
[01:19] <eugen> kann mir jemand helfen ich hab eine Realtek ALC888 soundkarte und muss sie irgentwie configurieren ich hab keine ahnung wie das geht
[01:23] <allieal23> When I press Ctrl-Alt-F1 (or any other F-key) nothing happens. How can I fix this?
[01:26] <OsugiSakae> allieal23: you are in kde and want to switch to a virtual terminal?
[01:27] <allieal23> OsugiSakae: I'm in Gnome right now, but the issue is system-wide regardless of which environment I use. Yes, I'm trying to open a virtual terminal.
[01:28] <OsugiSakae> hmmm. and neither the left nor the right side ctrl alt keys work?
[01:29] <allieal23> OsugiSakae: Correct. This has been an issue since I got a new keyboard.
[01:30] <allieal23> OsugiSakae: In fact, NO functions keys work in conjunction with a Ctrl or Alt key (for example, Alt-F2 in Gnome doesn't work either). F1 alone does open help, though.
[01:31] <creeps> hey peeps , anyone know how to burn a data disk to read in xp
[01:32] <allieal23> creeps: K3b does it just fine.
[01:33] <creeps> ok ta
[01:35] <allieal23> ugh
[01:45] <Joan> Hey guys, I am having heaps of trouble
[01:46] <Joan> I somehow messed up Adept and it won't load.
[01:47] <Joan> HELLO!
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[01:49] <Joan> can anyone help me with a Adept Package Manager problem?
[02:11] <bernardino> @locator ira
[02:20] <vloideh> hi emo_al
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[02:32] <jmichaelx> i am having a small problem. i recently upgraded to hardy, and dolphin is telling me that i have 16KB free on the 40GB HD i have kubuntu installed on, this is ridiculous.... i should have at least 10 - 15GB free. anyone else experiencing this? any suggestions?
[02:33] <vloideh> use konqueror
[02:35] <jmichaelx> it is not just the file browser...
[02:35] <madruga> DOes anyone kows if it is possible to export pdf to jpeg using gimp without having to export every single page separately? thanks
[02:35] <jmichaelx> there is just no way that i do not have more speace than that........
[02:38] <ForsakenSoul> can someone point me to some kate plugins
[02:38] <jon_> I want to install hardy from a usb thumb drive. I've downloaded the iso. My thought was that I'd expand the iso to the thumb drive and then boot from the thumb drive. Can I do that and is it as simple as expanding the ISO to the thumb drive and booting from the thumb drive?
[02:38] <ForsakenSoul> maybe a site or something
[02:38] <vloideh> the problem is in dolphin or kubuntu?
[02:40] <ForsakenSoul> does someone know where I can find plugins for Kate ?
[02:41] <vloideh> in repository
[02:58] <dabud> hello
[02:59] <dabud> i was wondering if anyone could answer a ? about ntfs and mounting those type of hd's
[03:13] <jmichaelx> is there a reason why my /tmp dir would have only 916KB free, when i have 26GB free in / ?
[03:14] <jmichaelx> my /temp is NOT on a different partition
[03:14] <syke> hi
[03:14] <syke> is there a hardy package for kde 4.1 beta 1 yet?
[03:17] <jmichaelx> this channel used to be a fair bit livelier
[03:18] * Jucato sighs.. the patience of people :)
[03:18] <azzco> yeah
[03:18] <Jucato> syke: none yet. you might want to check up in #kubuntu-kde4 for updates about it
[03:18] <NickPresta> Jucato, I had something to say to him, too. heh
[03:19] <Jucato> (but beta1 ain't released yet)
[03:19] <azzco> I was about to talk to him too lol
[03:19] <syke> jucato: ok, thanks!
[03:19] <syke> jucato: a magic gnome told me pkgs are being prepared...
[03:19] <Jucato> his nick is familiar. I presumed he's a semi-regular and presumed he already knew how things worked around here... sad...
[03:19] <Jucato> syke: stay away from those lying gnomes!!! :)
[03:20] <Jucato> syke: but I guess they're being prepared somewhere :)
[03:20] <syke> I try, but they give the best handjobs
[03:20] <syke> the gnomes, that is
[03:20] <ForsakenSoul> hey I know this may sound like an stupid question .. but when I install gedit in kubuntu .. does anyone know where are configurations for the hightlighting
[03:21] <Jucato> ForsakenSoul: config files? might want to poke around ~/.gnome2/ or else ask in #ubuntu
[03:23] <ForsakenSoul> well I'm just looking for a place to find the languages which are recognized and highlighted in gedit ... the only thing I can find in gnome2 is plugins
[03:24] <Jucato> aaah
[03:24] * Jucato doesn't have gedit, sorry
[03:25] <ForsakenSoul> wow .. that's a pity
[03:25] <NickPresta> ForsakenSoul, do you want to enable highlighting or add new languages, etc?
[03:25] <nflava> !seen agent_bob
[03:25] <ubottu> Factoid seen agent_bob not found
[03:25] <ForsakenSoul> add a new language
[03:26] <NickPresta> ForsakenSoul, do you have the language file (.lang)?
[03:26] <ForsakenSoul> I've downloaded 2 files ... 1 x_rhtml.xml file which states the files extensions ... and one with a .lang
[03:26] <ForsakenSoul> yeah
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[03:27] <NickPresta> I found this topic, which should solve your problem. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=736843
[03:27] <ForsakenSoul> thank you
[03:28] <NickPresta> Essentially, you place your language definition file in /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/ and your language style in /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/styles/ Then select that style from the menu
[03:28] <azzco> Hi stdin :) (morning?)
[03:29] <stdin> azzco: kinda, 03:29 ;)
[03:29] <azzco> That's just one hour after me :O
[04:09] <mattycoze> hey can someone tell me where to go for Hardware issues?
[04:10] <NightBird> mattycoze: what sort of hardware issues?
[04:11] <mattycoze> NightBird; i need help setting up my HD in my PC; it's installed as a slave but i want it as my primary... the pc lags for about a minute on startup!
[04:12] <NightBird> what is master?
[04:12] <mattycoze> nothing, the old hd died and i got a new SATA HD.. the old one wasn't sata
[04:12] <stdin> there's always ##hardware for general questions
[04:12] <mattycoze> okay thanks stdin
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[04:14] <flaccid_> mattycoze, change the jumper to master, done.
[04:14] <flaccid_> it could even be on cable select atm.
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[04:16] <mattycoze> okay then
[04:16] <mattycoze> haha flacid hey
[04:16] <mattycoze> i remember your drunkard instructions
[04:17] <taz_leet> google
[04:17] <flaccid_> mattycoze, i remember your ignorance.
[04:19] <NightBird> I remember.... wait... who am I?
[04:21] <mattycoze> gee why do you say that?
[04:23] * NightBird blinks and looks around
[04:23] * NightBird idles
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[04:25] <flaccid_> you made assumptions
[04:25] <mattycoze> Lo
[04:25] <mattycoze> *:o
[04:26] <flaccid_> did you end up fixing your problem
[04:27] <mattycoze> yeah; but i forgot what i did... followed some random instructions on an ubuntu forum, happens sometimes with my dv6000
[04:28] <mattycoze> didn't really have to configure that config file either
[04:29] <flaccid_> there are many ways to do things in linux...
[04:29] <flaccid_> what was the problem anyway?
[04:31] <mattycoze> the nvidia controller needed reinstalling
[04:32] <flaccid_> controller?
[04:32] <flaccid_> my point is because someone had a few beers doesn't mean they gave wrong advice. what is an nvidia controller?
=== bruce_ is now known as BruceH
[04:33] <mattycoze> lol... gee only having a pun mate; way to make it o4o
[04:34] <gaston> --> Importante: www.trenparatodos.com.ar <--
[04:36] <mattycoze> flacid -- see ubuntu-offtopic for a link
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[04:38] <flaccid_> mattycoze, sorry not understanding. nvidia controller, you mean the video card itself?
[04:39] <flaccid_> if you are trying to be smart mattycoze you are pretty bad at it.
[04:39] <flaccid_> don't think you know what a pun is either :)
[04:39] <mattycoze> pssh
[04:41] <flaccid_> haha
[04:54] <vinod> hello
[04:54] <flaccid_> hi vinod
[04:54] <vinod> i have small doubt regarding printer installation in u/kubuntu
[04:55] <flaccid_> thats no good
[04:55] <vinod> there was epson:/dev/lp0 gutsy but i cant see it in Hardy. can anybody help
[04:56] <flaccid_> !printing | vinod
[04:56] <ubottu> vinod: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows
[04:56] <flaccid_> vinod, what model is the printer exactly?
[04:57] <vinod> ok ihad installed cups aznd installed the printer on the LPT1# Parallel by the test print out take almost 1 day to complete
[04:57] <flaccid_> dang
[04:58] <vinod> printer modal is Wep1070+Dx
[04:58] <azzco> How would one go about recording sound output? Can't one just edit some alsa config file?
[04:58] <vinod> it was working perfectly in Gutsy with port epson:/dev/lp0
[04:58] <supraman659> hello all. i have a question.
[04:58] <azzco> !ask
[04:58] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[04:59] <vinod> i think the port selection is wrong here
[04:59] <azzco> supraman659: what's your question?
[04:59] <supraman659> does anyone know of any websites where i could find some projects to do on ubuntu or linux in general to get more familiar with the operating system or coding in bash
[05:00] <azzco> projects?
[05:00] <flaccid_> azzco, should just able to record in something like audacity provided the right channel for recording is selected in kmix/alsamixer
[05:00] <vinod> flaccid ar u there?
[05:00] <flaccid_> vinod, that is Epson Wep1070+Dx ?
[05:00] <flaccid_> !google | supraman659
[05:00] <ubottu> supraman659: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux
[05:01] <vinod> that is Wep Peripheral that is an indian company. I had downloaded the ppd from ww.cups.org
[05:01] <supraman659> i mean like customizing the os or reconfiguring scripts. a friend of mine found a web site once that had a list of "projects" things to do to customize the operating system
[05:02] <flaccid_> supraman659, lots of on google.
[05:02] <flaccid_> or the wiki
[05:02] <supraman659> i was just wondering if anyone had a web site that they may sugest
[05:02] <supraman659> but thanks any ways.
[05:02] <flaccid_> supraman659, if you have something specific you want to learn, then it might be easier to pinpoint a resource..
[05:03] <supraman659> mainly shell scripting
[05:03] <supraman659> or bash
[05:03] <flaccid_> supraman659, in that case goto #bash and the links in their topic are awesome, so is their help.
[05:04] <flaccid_> vinod, looking now for you
[05:04] <supraman659> thanks for the info
[05:05] <flaccid_> np
[05:05] <robert> hello
[05:05] <vinod> i think the problem is with the porst selection. the printer was perfect in gutsy
[05:06] <vinod> i have now reverted back to gutsy for the timne being
[05:06] <robert> does anyone know how to set up 3 monitors
[05:06] <flaccid_> vinod, please see http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Alps-wep_HQ_1070dx which recommends http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_driver.cgi?driver=ppmtomd&fromprinter=Alps-wep_HQ_1070dx <-- is that the driver you are using?
[05:06] <flaccid_> vinod, well then there is no point in me helping.
[05:07] <vinod> i will look at the sites any way thank you for the help friend
[05:07] <flaccid_> np
[05:08] <robert> i have nvidia fx5200 and nvidia 6200 video cards and would like to use all three video outputs anyone know how to do this?
=== q_ is now known as ubu
[05:08] <flaccid_> robert, try #xorg and google
[05:09] <robert> thanks im new to linux but i like the possibilites
[05:10] <robert> also whats the best mounting proggram to use with kubuntu
[05:10] <flaccid_> robert, in system settings or using /etc/fstab / manual with shell
[05:10] <robert> thanks
[05:11] <flaccid_> !mount
[05:11] <ubottu> Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter
[05:11] <robert> thanks again you guys are helpful
[05:13] <user1> hi
[05:13] <ubu> why dont i receive upgrades for kde4?
[05:13] <user1> how can I see the size of my partitions? The Partitions window in Info Center only shows the name
[05:14] <Dr_willis> user1, sudo fdisk -l
[05:15] <user1> thank you
[05:15] <user1> but out of curiosity, is there a place in KDE where I can see this?
[05:15] <arrrghhh> user1, don't forget about df -h
[05:16] <user1> that's even better, thanks
[05:16] <arrrghhh> and i don't know of a place to see it in kde... which seems kinda silly.
[05:17] <romunov> hum, Ark won't open zip files anymore
[05:17] <arrrghhh> i'm having an issue with knotes. it either creates a new note on boot (or start of knotes) OR shows the last note i created on boot. i can see how this could be the default action, but is there any way to change this?
[05:17] <axel_> Hello How to search a certain file in an folder (including subfolders)? (The K/console way would also do it.)
[05:18] <arrrghhh> romunov, works fine for me... was it compressed with the stupid new winzip only type compression?
[05:18] <arrrghhh> axel_, there's a "find" command from console.
[05:19] <arrrghhh> but i use google desktop to search my machine
[05:19] <user1> wow, Konqueror doesn't let you?
[05:20] <arrrghhh> user1, dunno, i use dolphin. it doesn't seem to.
[05:20] <user1> open Dolphin, click Tools > Find File
[05:21] <arrrghhh> ah forgot about that one.
[05:22] <user1> ok, gotta format and reinstall. ciao.
[05:22] <arrrghhh> have fun
[05:22] <axel_> arrrghhh: Thanks.
[05:23] <arrrghhh> np
[05:23] <axel_> user1: Thanks, too. ;)
[05:24] <Owner> test
[05:24] <arrrghhh> lol your test worked?
[05:25] <Owner> Never used this app before
[05:25] <arrrghhh> chatzilla?
[05:25] <Owner> yup
[05:25] <arrrghhh> i used to use that... but i found requiring firefox to be open was a pain. so now xchat for me :D
[05:25] <Owner> Wondering if others have had network problems with Hardy Heron?
[05:26] <Owner> I'm in Windoz at present b/c my Kubuntu box is off line
[05:26] <arrrghhh> i haven't had any issues with networking... what kinda problems are you experiencing?
[05:26] <taz_leet> no net probs here, but im running in a vm under vista 64 bit
[05:27] <Owner> I've been struggling with it for days
[05:27] <axel_> arrrghhh: I did not find the file, so I got another question:
[05:27] <axel_> How to limit XAMPP to the local system? (No access from the net, just from the local mashine.) With apache I just would have had to change /etc/apache2/ports.conf ("listen" instead of "listen 80)
[05:27] <Dr_willis> Owner, you mean offline as in you cant get networking going.. or is kde stuck in 'offline mode'
[05:27] <Owner> I can't get any net device to work, not USB, not the internal ethernet card, not the internal wifi card on this HP ZD8000 laptop
[05:28] <Dr_willis> check dmesg out put, with the wired nic. see if any messages show up.
[05:28] <arrrghhh> Owner, does kubuntu recognize it?
[05:28] <Owner> Yes, but I can get no output
[05:28] <axel_> How to do this with XAMPP? There seems that there is no ports.conf
[05:28] <arrrghhh> hrm
[05:28] <Owner> And the drivers are not loading
[05:28] <arrrghhh> did you try dmesg like willis suggested?
[05:28] <Dr_willis> test with some live cd's see if you can find any that get networking
[05:28] <Owner> I tried dmesg
[05:29] <arrrghhh> any errors?
[05:29] <Owner> Dr., I was actually about to try that; was looking for my Knopix disc
[05:29] <Owner> No errors, arrrgh
[05:29] <arrrghhh> hrm... what does lspci give you?
[05:29] <Owner> I've been fooling with Ndiswrapper, you name it
[05:30] <Owner> lspci shows the nic
[05:30] <Dr_willis> dont mess with wireless.. focus on the wired network card.
[05:30] <arrrghhh> and ifconfig? does it show at least eth0?
[05:30] <Owner> Dr., that's what i figure
[05:30] <Owner> No sense adding another layer yet
[05:31] <Owner> ifconfig right now only shows the loopback, no eth anything
[05:31] <arrrghhh> Owner, k... what does your /etc/network/interfaces file look like?
[05:31] <Owner> I've been trying so many things I lost track of my last findings
[05:32] <Owner> I have my laptop still booted up; I'll check; i didn't look at that file
[05:32] <arrrghhh> k
[05:32] <Dr_willis> yea. it pays to make a file of 'notes' on the thing.. whats the chipset of the card, and so forth.
[05:33] <Dr_willis> Ive not stubled upon a wired nic that linux couldent use yet.. But my Yukon Chipset NIC - had bugs that made it very very slow...
[05:34] <Dr_willis> find the exact chipset, find the proper module, load the module.. check dmesg for errors.. would be a good line of attack to troubleshoot first.
[05:34] <arrrghhh> i haven't had a wired nic card issue yet... but i haven't used more than 10 or so nics.
[05:35] <Dr_willis> I noticed the Yukon card in this machine gave me really really slow problems and keep disconnecting me. dmesg was full of errors. :) aparantly thers some issues with the drivers.. so i replaced the card.
[05:35] <arrrghhh> ah.
[05:35] <arrrghhh> yea my onboard nvidia nic and marvel have been fine.
[05:35] <axel_> Heureka!!! /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf
[05:36] <Owner> I had to run over to the laptop around the corner; says: "auto lo iface lo inet loopback address: and netmask
[05:36] <Dr_willis> Owner, what chipset is the NIC anyway? lspci should show it.
[05:36] <arrrghhh> Owner, add one for eth0. auto eth0 (newline) inet dhcp
[05:36] <Owner> the card is a RealTek with the 8139 chip
[05:37] <Dr_willis> Thats a very standard chipset. :)
[05:37] <Dr_willis> I recall there being 2 modules for it however.. an older and a newer..
[05:37] <arrrghhh> Owner, sorry, it's iface eth0 inet dhcp
[05:37] <Owner> Yeah, I didn't know the Hardy kerenel had the driver already in it; I'm wondering about firmware tho
[05:37] <arrrghhh> but mine are commented out, knetworkmanager takes care of it.
[05:38] <Dr_willis> wired nic - dosent use firmware like wirless ones do.
[05:38] <Dr_willis> check lsmod for any mention of 8139 - would be usefull also.. the module may not be getting loaded
[05:38] <arrrghhh> Owner, try adding those lines and restarting networking
[05:39] <Owner> Dr., that's helpful; don't have to worry about firmware now; ;)
[05:40] <Dr_willis> Owner, unless all the messign with the wireless has messed up OTHER things.. :)
[05:40] <Owner> I used to get mention in lsmod but it showed two drivers for the nic: 8139cp and 8139too
[05:41] <Owner> I used modprobe -r to delete one, then the other
[05:41] <Owner> I got the nic to show up in the gui network congiguring tool and even show green/active, but no connectivity
[05:42] <Owner> that's after I modprobe'd them out
[05:42] <Owner> they restore with rebooting
[05:43] <Owner> This all happened when I was advised to uninstall a braille tty app in order to be able to use this microcontroller app
[05:43] <Owner> I have been tinkering with microcontrollers
[05:43] <mr-t> I remember reading somthing about this chip set linux tries to load two drivers or somthing Blacklist?
=== masjan_ is now known as masjan
[05:44] <arrrghhh> i'm having an issue with knotes. it either creates a new note on boot (or start of knotes) OR shows the last note i created on boot. i can see how this could be the default action, but is there any way to change this?
[05:44] <Owner> i tried blacklisting first; now that I recall, when I had only one driver showing in lsmod I could get the nic to configure in the gui, but it would not connect or ping or anything
[05:45] <Owner> I tried plugging in a USB thumb drive style wireless widget and it doesn't work either, or show in the gui network tool either
[05:46] <arrrghhh> Owner, what did my suggestion yield?
[05:46] <Dr_willis> Owner, I belive you want to use one OR the other for those modules 8139cp , 8139too I forget which ones ive used.. but if both try to get loaded.. then neither may work. - ive had some cards that needed one, but not the other..
[05:46] <mr-t> dumb question known good cable?
[05:46] <Owner> mr-t, i read the same stuff about two drivers; unfortunately, neither driver that shows up seems right, 8139cp or "too"
[05:46] <Dr_willis> Owner, i would try rmmod ing both modules, and be sure only one is loaded. check dmesg both times.
[05:46] <Dr_willis> Owner, be sure to not load both at the same time
[05:46] <Owner> mr-t, yes, known good cable; worked prev
[05:47] <Owner> arrgh, have not had time yet; sorry
[05:47] <Owner> I'm on verge of reinstalling Gutsy Gibbon over the top of Hardy and starting over
[05:48] <Owner> Dr., I did exactly what you suggested earlier, as I recall
[05:48] <Dr_willis> Owner, weirdness.. that chipset is so old and common.
[05:48] <Owner> BTW, Dr., if i do this, will the changes "stick" as permanent?
[05:48] <mr-t> I had trouble with a nic with the same chipset but I fortunatly han another to use
[05:48] <Owner> I have this hunch the braille tty uninstall killed a dependency
[05:48] <Dr_willis> if one module works. and the other dosent.. blacklist the one that dont work.. and force the other to load in the 'modules' file and blacklist files
[05:49] <Owner> I gotta print this log; great help and suggestions
[05:50] <Owner> mr t, the nic is built in to the laptop
[05:50] <mr-t> has it ever worked with hardy?
[05:51] <Owner> mr t, no, no connections have worked in Hardy, as I recall;
[05:51] <Owner> I was able to get the thumb drive to work in Gutsy
[05:52] <Owner> I don't recall if I got the nic to work; I never got the onboard wifi card to work;
[05:52] <Owner> It's the Broadcom 43xx thing, as I recall
[05:52] <Owner> Now that one does need a firmware update
[05:52] <mr-t> try booting from cd only on earlier version, this will make no permanent changes
[05:52] <Owner> I think I did that, but not sure
[05:53] <mr-t> I got a wireless to work with the 43xx thing but it was alot of work
[05:53] <Owner> I'm going to use a live cd and see what happens; I'm pretty sure something will work then. I am itching to reinstall Gutsy at this point
[05:54] <Dr_willis> !find bc43
[05:54] <ubottu> Package/file bc43 does not exist in hardy
[05:54] <Dr_willis> thers some b43 cutter package for the wireless
[05:54] <Owner> ubottu, that helps; so many little things to know . . .
[05:54] <Dr_willis> !find b43
[05:54] <ubottu> Owner: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[05:54] <ubottu> Found: b43-fwcutter
[05:54] <Dr_willis> the c got lost :)
[05:54] <stdin> !broadcom
[05:54] <ubottu> Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx
[05:56] <Owner> I tried the wiki files; i couldn't figure out which driver to use, the legacy, the 43xx, the what?
[05:57] <mr-t> I never got my wireless to work (b43) after I upgraded to hardy
[05:57] <Owner> Folks, I've gotta run, but I REALLY appreciate all the excellent and patient help
[05:57] <Owner> Oh well, at least I'm learning more stuff!
[05:58] <mr-t> Owner I only evere got the old one to work see ya
[05:58] <Owner> Good night all
[05:58] <Owner> I'll be back some day
[05:59] <calcmandan> I just bought a 5 inch mod for my case with audio, usb, etc. I plugged in the audio jack into the header on the mobo but i'm not getting any sound. I have no idea where to go from here. I searched on google.
[05:59] <arrrghhh> calcmandan, is kmix running?
[05:59] <ubu> !ubottu
[05:59] <ubottu> I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)
[05:59] <calcmandan> arrrghhh: yes, I get audio from my audio from my speakers in the back.
[06:00] <arrrghhh> you mean the internal pc speaker?
[06:00] <calcmandan> arrrghhh: i have a thought that maybe this insert requires being plugged into power. there is a standard 4 pin plug on it, but i didn't think audio required power.
[06:01] <arrrghhh> depends on the device
[06:01] <calcmandan> arrrghhh: no, i have built in audio on the mobo, my speakers are plugged into. I wanted audio jacks in the front so i can plug in my headphones without using a splitter out the back.
[06:02] <arrrghhh> so how'd you add an audio jack to the front?
[06:03] <calcmandan> arrrghhh: I bought a panel that fits into the 5.25 inch bay that has memory card reader, usb2, audio, firewire, sata plugs. then i plugged the audio into the front panel audio header on my motherboard, and the other plugs where they belong, outside of the sata and firewire.,
[06:04] <arrrghhh> ah. has the audio ever worked out of it? have you only tested it with kubuntu?
[06:04] <calcmandan> my computer has only run on kubuntu. the audio works fine out the standard audio ports built into the mobo.
[06:05] <mr-t> if the panel has an amplifier it also needs power
[06:05] <calcmandan> i was hoping it is a setting in linux that enables the front panel audio.
[06:05] <calcmandan> mr-t: I have no idea if it is amplified. i thought it was amplified by the sound card on the mobo.
[06:06] <arrrghhh> calcmandan, i dunno if there's anything in alsamixer... i just wanted to make sure it was hooked up correctly and the device works.
[06:06] <calcmandan> arrrghhh: the only thing i can think of is either it's something i have to turn on (it's enabled in bios), or if it's simply a power issue.
[06:07] <arrrghhh> have you looked at the settings in alsamixer and kmix?
[06:07] <mr-t> do you have paperwork for the panel?
[06:07] <calcmandan> mr-t: it came with no paperwork at all. i wish it had.
[06:07] <calcmandan> mr-t: maybe i'll check the manufacturer's website. i bought this thing from fry's.
[06:08] <mr-t> does it have a berg connecter or din they would indicate the need for power
[06:09] <calcmandan> there is a standard 4 pin power plug like you would see on a hard drive. i figured it was for spdif and firewire.
[06:11] <mr-t> check the website but likely you need to plug in power from the ps
[06:12] <arrrghhh> calcmandan, yea plug it in for sure. better safe than sorry
[06:12] <mr-t> does it ahve a volume control?
[06:12] <calcmandan> based out of hong kong. not very user friendly and high flash content.
[06:14] <mr-t> I think you should check the web BEFORE you power it up or you may be more sorry than safe
[06:14] <betus> hi anybody know if kubuntu hardy use xfree86?
[06:18] <betus> !br
[06:18] <ubottu> Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[06:21] <calcmandan> mr-t: the driver disc does come with a pdf. i read through it and it makes no mention on plugging in the power.
[06:22] <calcmandan> mr-t: they no longer list this product on their site.
[06:22] <calcmandan> mr-t: here is what it looks like: http://www.gadgetsworld.ae/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=1096
[06:23] <mr-t> the details listed on that site says power supply connector
[06:23] <calcmandan> mr-t: for sata.
[06:25] <mr-t> its got elecronics on board by the looks of the picture
[06:26] <calcmandan> yeah it does. it has tons of features.
[06:26] <mr-t> sorry electronics^
[06:26] <mr-t> how does it attach to the mb
[06:27] <zgmf-x20a> hey all. anyone know a good app to use with pdfs? i need to be able to merge multiple files
[06:29] <calcmandan> mr-t: well, there's the usb2 plugs for both the memory cards and the usb2 slots, there's the sata and sata power, there's the firewire plug, spdif plug, and audio plug.
[06:30] <mr-t> no how is it cabled to your mother board
[06:32] <calcmandan> mr-t: well, hmm. let me send you the pdf if you'd like to see it.
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[06:32] <mr-t> np
[06:33] <calcmandan> mr-t: are you receiving the file?
[06:34] <mr-t> no
[06:34] <calcmandan> hrm
[06:35] <mr-t> email it to andrudetwentyseven@yahoo.com
[06:36] <o_> hello...!!
[06:36] <calcmandan> HI
[06:37] <calcmandan> i sent it mr-t
[06:37] <o_> I have problem with my wireless I'm using a hp v6200 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)
[06:37] <mr-t> im looking now.....
[06:38] <calcmandan> brb
[06:39] <o_> I have problem with my wireless I'm using a hp v6200 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)
[06:40] <Dr_willis> !wireless
[06:40] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[06:44] <calcmandan> mr-t: i am back.
[06:45] <mr-t> wow there are alot of choices for cabling are all the devices cabled
[06:46] <calcmandan> i didn't cable the sata yet. i don't have firewire on the motherboard, so it's dangling.
[06:46] <calcmandan> everything else is jacked in. even the spdif.
[06:46] <mr-t> the firewire spec is for 6 pin or powered fw .I don' think that power would come from the motherboard
[06:47] <mr-t> something is going to have to power the electronics it shows the need for +12 and + 5 volts
[06:48] <calcmandan> well, it shows the spec for firewire header supplying 12v.
[06:48] <calcmandan> and states that the housing would be near the front panel headers.
[06:49] <calcmandan> my board doesn't have a firewire header.
[06:49] <calcmandan> wish it did, i planned on buying a firewire external hdd.
[06:49] <calcmandan> but, i digress.
[06:52] <calcmandan> according to the pdf, the audio module cable connects to the legacy ac97 pin header on the mobo. that's what i did. it makes no mention on needing independent power
[06:53] <mr-t> calcmandan you there?
[06:53] <calcmandan> according to the pdf, the audio module cable connects to the legacy ac97 pin header on the mobo. that's what i did. it makes no mention on needing independent power
[06:53] <calcmandan> yes
[06:53] <calcmandan> i mean, i'll get a y splitter tomorrow and extend the power cable to the box and plug it in, but i have doubts that is the problem.
[06:54] <calcmandan> all the 4 pin power plugs from my power supply are used.
[06:55] <mr-t> Sorry my kopete locked up , had to restart it .
[06:55] <calcmandan> no problem. did you get my msgs?
[06:56] <calcmandan> according to the pdf, the audio module cable connects to the legacy ac97 pin header on the mobo. that's what i did. it makes no mention on needing independent power
[06:57] <mr-t> I think so you should neccessarily add to you power supply unles you know you have the watts available
[06:58] <mr-t> the instructions are poor obviously written by someone wuith limited english
[06:58] <mr-t> also for 8 bucks you may not have gotten a good product
[06:59] <mr-t> limited english not poor typing like me
[07:01] <calcmandan> mr-t: the site i linked you to is out of the united arab emirates. it's $8 UAE dollars.
[07:01] <calcmandan> the thing costs $30.
[07:02] <calcmandan> which is average for this sort of mod.
[07:02] <calcmandan> and it's made by a small company in the UAE, so the translation is quite limited.
[07:02] <mr-t> the docs also say you have an output for a speaker of headphones ,now for a speaker you need amplifiers, amps need power to add power to the incoming low level signal from the mb it it def powered
[07:02] <mr-t> sorry or headphones
[07:04] <mr-t> signal from the mb would be enough possibly to run hphones but not a speaker
[07:05] <mr-t> my best guess is it needs power to work
[07:06] <mr-t> It's 2 oclock in the morning here so I have to go to bed , Ive got church tomorrow
[07:07] <calcmandan> thanks for your help mr-t
[07:07] <mr-t> my pleasure nite
[07:13] <amit_> hey guys.. wanna format my ipod on kubuntu...how do I go about doing that?
[07:15] <Dr_willis> amit_, you sure you want to do that? ive heard horror stories about messed up ipods befor.
[07:15] <amit_> oh...
[07:16] <amit_> Dr_willis: seems like i have already messed up the partition table..is there anyway to get that back?
[07:16] <amit_> Dr_willis: but tell me one thing..even if i mess up, would i be able to make it right using windows?
[07:17] <Dr_willis> no idea. I dont own an ipod. :) i just see people in here asking basicially the same questions you are asking . every so often
[07:17] <amit_> Dr_willis: okay..thanks anyways..i formatted it and it worked! :)
[07:19] <amit_> Dr_willis: for your information, i used the mkfs.vfat command... i thought it didn't work but then when i restarted my ipod, it went into disk diagnostics mode and made everything right :) remember this is a new ipod... i don't know if the previous version of ipods will be able to do it....
[07:19] <Dr_willis> i recall some odd issue with how ipods were formated. but this was some time back
[07:20] <Dr_willis> the layout of the partitions was weird, or oddly numbered.
[07:20] <amit_> Dr_willis: yes, i took a look at the partition after formatting it using the mkfs command and it was somehow messed up
[07:21] <amit_> when i checked using QTparted, i found out that the partition table was "empty"!
[07:21] <amit_> When I tried to make a new one, QTparted crashed!
[07:22] <shanghaiteej> amit_: you need a windows computer for ipod formatting
[07:23] <shanghaiteej> amit_: It's the only way as of now
[07:24] <shanghaiteej> amit_: If you don't have a windows pc, go to a computer lab or internet cafe, i've had to do that before
[07:24] <bork> I am trying to configure wireshark, and there are no network interfaces for me to choose in the config menu
[07:24] <shanghaiteej> oh nevermind, you solved it
[07:25] <bork> I have tried putting in a different network card but the same thing happens
[07:29] <bork> any suggetsions?
[07:36] <teddy> can someone help me. i am getting a crappy resolution with the nvidia driver. this always happens when i install it, but on ubuntu there was a screen confure utility and kubuntu doesnt have this
[07:36] <teddy> configure*
[07:37] <tekteen> teddy: isn't there one in system settings?
[07:37] <teddy> i dont need to change resolution only.. it needs to modify the xorg.conf
[07:37] <tekteen> ok
[07:37] <tekteen> you could install gnome
[07:38] <tekteen> or that utility
[07:38] <teddy> i dont know the name of the utility.. i tried searching for screen and mintor in apt
[07:38] <teddy> monitor*
[07:38] <tekteen> I will look for it
[07:39] <bork> did anyone see my question?
[07:39] <teddy> oh and just curious is there a better apt front end for kde than adept?
[07:40] <tekteen> teddy: not really
[07:40] <Dr_willis> teddy, i always use synaptic
[07:40] <tekteen> teddy: to me they are all the same
[07:40] <teddy> ok. i just wanted something that was qt
[07:41] <teddy> i dont like how it looks when i mix gtk and qt aps
[07:41] <teddy> but ill deal with it :)
[07:42] <teddy> i found the utility.. google knows all :)
[07:43] <tekteen> cool
[07:43] <Dr_willis> looks vs useability
[07:44] <tekteen> and usability wins
[07:45] <Dr_willis> i dont even notice the differance in gtk or qt aps most of the time
[07:45] <Dr_willis> of course i use jwm as my window manager. :)
[07:45] <teddy> well thanks.. even if i solved my prob myself :)
[07:45] <tekteen> Dr_willis: I like icewm better
[07:45] <teddy> later guys
[07:45] <tekteen> :-)
[07:46] <Dr_willis> i got jwm and rox-desktop setup just how i like it.
[07:46] <tekteen> lol
[07:46] <Dr_willis> and since ive been playing with PuppyLinux :) my jwm-fu skills re quite good.
[07:47] <tekteen> lol
[07:50] <o_> where I can find driver for this wireless BCM4328
[07:50] <Dr_willis> !broadcom
[07:50] <ubottu> Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx
[07:57] <Rafabe> hi
[07:57] <tekteen> hi
[07:58] <frybye> whats your problem Rafabe??
[07:58] <Rafabe> can someone tell me about GRub Error 15 "File not found"? I had Ubuntu, and decided to format and install Kubuntu. I used the same partitions for /boot, /home, / , and swap. I formatted them in the partition selection screen. After install, I got that error.
[07:58] <Rafabe> *same partitions used previously by my Ubuntu install
[07:59] <tekteen> Rafabe: you could have installed kubuntu within ubuntu :-\
[07:59] <Rafabe> i did that at first...then I made the mistake of removing the ubuntu-desktop packages
[07:59] <Rafabe> a lot of KDE modules were failing ,even after installing kubuntu-desktop
[08:00] <SitUbuntuSit> j/ #ubuntu
[08:02] <Rafabe> anyway, I'm getting this weid grub error...as if Ubiquity (or whatever the installer is called) can't see the /boot partition. It's a 100mb ext3 partition at the beginning of the hard disk, same that Ubuntu was using. And I chose the "Format" option, so it was a clean slate.
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[08:19] <Ayabara> is there a kde4 version of digikam in the repositories?
[08:20] <Dr_willis> !find digikam
[08:20] <ubottu> Found: digikam, digikam-dbg, digikam-doc
[08:20] <Dr_willis> dont look like it.
[08:20] <Ayabara> Dr_willis: ah. that trigger was new to me :-)
[08:20] <Dr_willis> !find the keys to the car
[08:21] <ubottu> Found: dict-moby-thesaurus, dmz-cursor-theme, gfxboot-theme-ubuntu, gnome-accessibility-themes, gnome-accessibility-themes-extras (and 244 others)
[08:21] <Dr_willis> heh heh..
[08:21] <firecrotch> Oh are we playing with ubottu?
[08:21] <firecrotch> !botsnack
[08:21] <ubottu> Yum! Err, I mean, APT!
[08:21] <ubunturos> !who
[08:21] <ubottu> As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)
[08:22] <Ayabara> hehe
[08:23] <firecrotch> Completely off-topic question here, but one that someone here might know.... Do you have to be 18 to register or own a .com domain name?
[08:24] <firecrotch> Can't find an answer anywhere
[08:25] <Dr_willis> I wouldent see why it would matter.
[08:25] <Dr_willis> but then again it may be for legal reasons.
[08:25] <firecrotch> Exactly my thought
[08:25] <Dr_willis> I imagine if you got a valid credit card ## they dont care.
[08:26] <Jonathan_R> Dr_willis, ?
[08:27] <Jonathan_R> now theres a nick i havent seen in a long time
[08:27] <Dr_willis> Im in here all the time. :)
[08:28] <Jonathan_R> yeah you are
[08:28] <Jonathan_R> Dr_willis, do you remember the nick linux_learner?
[08:29] <Dr_willis> Im lucky to rember my own nick.
[08:29] <Dr_willis> :P
[08:29] <Jonathan_R> lol
[08:29] <Jonathan_R> well, i remember you since I used to be known as linux_learner
[08:30] <firecrotch> Frequent user of the whoami command, Dr_willis?
[08:30] <Jonathan_R> that was like about 4 years ago
[08:33] <Jonathan_R> is there a package or something that better organizes the menus
[08:33] <Dr_willis> Jonathan_R, not really. :)
[08:34] <Dr_willis> we are getting so many menu items now a days... its scary
[08:34] <Dr_willis> katapult lets you launch things easier without usingthe menus
[08:34] <Ayabara> is the kubuntu-kde4-desktop kde4.0 or kde4.1beta?
[08:34] <Jonathan_R> i'm using tasty menu to help
[08:35] <Jonathan_R> but jeez, i still have to create sub menus like crazy
[08:38] <Dr_willis> i just use JWM and put what programs i want in the menus. :)
[08:39] <Jonathan_R> ic
[08:39] <Jonathan_R> Dr_willis, do you use ubuntu ultimate edition?
[08:40] <Jonathan_R> or anyone else for that matter
[08:40] <Dr_willis> Jonathan_R, nope. No need for a disrto that just includes everyting. :)
[08:41] <Jonathan_R> lol
[08:41] <Jonathan_R> now see, thats my style
[08:41] <Jonathan_R> i like everything
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[10:04] <Machtin> hi guys.
[10:05] <Machtin> play /usr/share/sounds/KDE_Dialog_Appear.wav
[10:05] <Machtin> play soxio: Failed writing `default': unknown file type `ao'
[10:05] <Machtin> what's wrong there?
[10:09] <Ash-Fox> I have ran into a weird problem on kubuntu, currently using Kubuntu 8.04. Konqueror isn't working, keeps claiming "Could not connect to host http://www.google.co.uk", kmail doesn't work either, just silently says it completed checking the e-mail, when other applications such as firefox and thunderbird are able to use such sites/servers. I've tried creating new user accounts to see if it was just my .kde profile folder being scre
[10:10] <Ash-Fox> Anyone have any idea on how to solve this?
[10:10] <Machtin> Ash-Fox: maybe some proxy-thing?
[10:10] <Ash-Fox> Machtin, nope.
[10:10] <tux> hi peeps, got an old external usb case where i have insreted a CD rom drive
[10:11] <tux> and demesg gives me the following http://pastebin.com/d1c5c7c1d
[10:11] <tux> does anyone know what to do?
[10:20] <The_ManU_212> hi
[10:21] <The_ManU_212> ubuntu hardy isnt able anymore to automount my devices from fstab
[10:21] <The_ManU_212> i remember a hal update the last days
[10:21] <The_ManU_212> its impossible for me to use a system where i have to mount anything manually
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[10:26] <azzco> Anyone used kdenlive?
[10:26] <Machtin> play soxio: Failed writing `default': unknown file type `ao' <- so why does this happen?
[10:26] <azzco> I got my video renderd properly but no audio..
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[10:31] <se7en> anyone ssh problems ... i can from here (debian) ssh in kubuntu but scp starts and than stops all i have on the kubuntu side is a 0k file. same happens with samba
[10:31] <Ash-Fox> Nope, that's fine for me.
[10:32] <Ash-Fox> It does take a moment to start copying though.
[10:32] <se7en> Ash-Fox: are you useing 2 different distros or kubuntu 2 kubuntu
[10:33] <Ash-Fox> I use many distributions
[10:33] <Ash-Fox> So, yes, works even with different distributions for me.
[10:35] <se7en> well thanks Ash-Fox
[10:37] <chalcedony> if i upgraded to Hardy from Feisty last week, would i need to replace my repositories for multiverse etc separately ?
[10:41] <bartezz> I am trying to make a persitant usb bootable drive
[10:41] <tekteen> chalcedony: is it possible to go from 7.04 to 8.04
[10:42] <bartezz> i have got as far as formatting the usb and am now trying to copy the folders from the iso file to the usb
[10:42] <bartezz> there appears to a folder called "disctree" missing
[10:42] <tekteen> chalcedony: it should update repos that are official (including mulitverse)
[10:42] <bartezz> Does anyone know if I need it?
[10:42] <chalcedony> tekteen: YIPPIE ty
[10:42] <chalcedony> er would they be broken too?
[10:43] <tekteen> what do you mean?
[10:43] <chalcedony> tekteen: a bunch of packages got broken during the upgrade
[10:43] <tekteen> I do not think it is possible to go from 7.04 --> 8.04
[10:44] <chalcedony> tekteen: it is .. it stops at gutsy and you do the command again for hardy .. only things broke
[10:45] <tekteen> ok
[10:45] <tekteen> !upgrades > chalcedony me
[10:45] <chalcedony> um?
[10:46] <tekteen> I was seeing what the bot said
[10:46] <tekteen> did it send you something?
[10:46] <tekteen> !upgrades
[10:46] <ubottu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[10:47] <tekteen> chalcedony: I have never had success upgrading :-(
[10:48] <chalcedony> tekteen: it worked enough
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=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
[11:32] <kreib> getting a grey sreen when connecting to remote using vnc. any pointers?
[11:33] <Dr_willis> be sure your vncserver is actually running a windowmanager/desktop
[11:34] <Dr_willis> it may be running twm :) which looks.. like a blank screen.., or it may be trying to run twm
[11:42] <kreib> how to tell?
[11:44] <neville_> Can somebody here help me with setting up distcc? I keep getting error 102 when starting the daemon
[11:47] <Dr_willis> Ive not used distcc in ages. :) not since gentoo
[11:48] <neville_> argh >> everywhere I looked for help on distcc, it's for gentoo, nothing else!!
[11:54] <Dr_willis> Hmm.. ive seen it on other disrtos.. just never needed it on any other
[11:55] <Dr_willis> !find distcc
[11:55] <ubottu> Found: distcc, distccmon-gnome
[11:55] <neville_> error code 102 when starting the daemon is giving me trouble, and I can't find anything on what it means. configuration files are setup properly as far as I can tell
[11:56] <Dr_willis> 102 EXIT_BIND_FAILED
[11:56] <Dr_willis> Failed to bind and listen on network socket. Port may already be in use.
[11:56] <Dr_willis> http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/DevToolsDec2003/distcc-19/linuxdoc/html/distcc-2.html
[11:56] <Dr_willis> I would say either it needs to get started as root.. or its allready running
[11:57] <neville_> ksysguard just confirmed the latter >>
[11:57] <neville_> thanks for your help though!!
[11:57] <Dr_willis> :)
[11:58] <hector> Hi. Im using kubuntu 8.04 (kde 3). When I start amarok, if I maximize window, X restarts. Any ideas ??
[12:02] <carlos_> hola
[12:02] <carlos_> alguien vivo?
[12:02] <hector> hola
[12:02] <firecrotch> !es | carlos_
[12:02] <ubottu> carlos_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[12:03] <luzie_> hallo
[12:03] <luzie_> ??
[12:09] <Dr_willis> moo
[12:09] <firecrotch> moo!
[12:15] <seurhja> Why are we mooing?
[12:15] <firecrotch> I'm not sure.... ask Dr_willis
[12:15] <firecrotch> haha
[12:16] <seurhja> lawl
[12:16] <firecrotch> But while we're on the subject of mooing...... ever done "apt-get moo" ?
[12:17] <seurhja> lawl!
[12:17] <seurhja> No.
[12:17] <neville_> "-bash: apt-get: command not found" :P
[12:17] <Dr_willis> Because My turkey died?
[12:17] <Dr_willis> :)
[12:17] <seurhja> Hahaha he tried it.
[12:17] <firecrotch> wtf command not found?!
[12:18] <jager> (__)
[12:18] <jager> (oo)
[12:18] <jager> /------\/
[12:18] <jager> / | ||
[12:18] <jager> * /\---/\
[12:18] <jager> ~~ ~~
[12:18] <jager> ...."Have you mooed today?"...
[12:18] <jager> jag@stormbringer:~$
[12:18] <flaccid> !pastebin | jager
[12:18] <ubottu> jager: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[12:19] <flaccid> neville_: check file `which apt-get`
[12:19] <seurhja> Hey.. has anyone read about the 6 foot cow?! That's a lot of burger meat!
[12:19] <flaccid> and also whereis apt-get
[12:19] <flaccid> !ot
[12:19] <ubottu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[12:19] * RuyalarPrensi hepinize iyi günler arkadaşlar
[12:19] <jager> yarly
[12:20] <flaccid> !english | RuyalarPrensi
[12:20] <ubottu> RuyalarPrensi: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat
[12:20] <RuyalarPrensi> :)
[12:20] <neville_> "which: no apt-get in (/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/bin)" "apt-get:"
[12:20] <RuyalarPrensi> see you latter
[12:20] <RuyalarPrensi> by
[12:21] <firecrotch> neville_: what have you done to your system? lol
[12:21] <neville_> Installed Crux :P
[12:21] <flaccid> neville_: pastebin dpkg -l | grep apt please
[12:21] <flaccid> neville_: what is Crux?
[12:21] <neville_> flaccid: It's a joke, don't worry lol
[12:22] <flaccid> hehe np
[12:22] <neville_> another distro. was trying to gte it and kubuntu to play nice with distcc >>
[12:22] <flaccid> neville_: um so is the apt missing problem with kubuntu?
[12:23] <neville_> nope, was using them in Crux to get the right error messages :P
[12:23] * firecrotch shakes fist at neville_
[12:23] <flaccid> right. im confused. this is the kubuntu support channel
[12:23] <neville_> -_-v
[12:24] <neville_> I came here trying to get help with distcc in kubuntu...
[12:24] <neville_> Isn't that reason enough to be silly?!
[12:24] <flaccid> not sure but sounds good
[12:24] <firecrotch> flaccid: he was trying to be silly because I told someone about apt-get moo
[12:24] <firecrotch> or something
[12:24] <flaccid> np
[12:26] <Dr_willis> neville_, i do recall that with distcc - the versions of gcc (i think) on all the distcc machines MUST be identical. or else it wont even distbute the compiling around. because of possible version differances
[12:27] <Dr_willis> neville_, using gentoo and ubuntu and distcc.. might be tricky
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[12:30] <neville_> Yeah, I took care of that first. it was the easy part :P
[12:44] <The_ManU_212> bei hardy werden auf dem desktop die festplatten symbole erst dann angezeigtw enn ich z.b. nen usb stick einstecke und das popup zum mounten kommt
[12:44] <The_ManU_212> kennt das wer, an was liegt das?
[12:44] <The_ManU_212> außerdem scheint hal zu spinnen, es konnte meine internen partitionen beim booten nicht mehr mounten, als ich dann die ordner in /media/ mit sudo mkdir fest erstellt habe gings
[12:44] <_myrtille_> !de
[12:44] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[12:44] <The_ManU_212> kennt das auch wer?
[12:45] <The_ManU_212> vorher hat hal die ja automatsich erstellt
[12:45] <Freddy2> hi
[12:45] <The_ManU_212> _myrtille_: im sry, wrong tab
[12:45] <Tm_T> The_ManU_212: please, english here
[12:45] <The_ManU_212> Tmsry wrong tab (konversation)
[12:45] <Tm_T> roger
[12:46] <Freddy2> i'm using 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP kernel, and i'd like to know if includes support for evdev.. how can i see it?
[12:46] <Tm_T> it does
[12:47] <Freddy2> well, i tried to get all the buttons of my mx500 working, but i'm getting no response when switch to evdev mode
[12:47] <Freddy2> anyway, i'll read a bit more.. thx
[12:48] <Tm_T> you have also xorg driver?
[12:48] <Dr_willis> Freddy2, that btnx tool comes in handy for extra buttons
[12:49] <Dr_willis> http://www.ollisalonen.com/btnx/
[12:49] <Freddy2> hmm xorg driver?
[12:49] <Dr_willis> its a service that sort of lets you remap the mouse buttons to whatever you want
[12:49] <Dr_willis> btnx is a daemon that enables rerouting of mouse button events through uinput as keyboard and other mouse button combinations. For example, you can configure an extra mouse button to send a Ctrl+Alt+Right command to switch workspaces
[12:50] <Freddy2> Dr_willis: i'll take a look, thx
[12:50] <Tm_T> hardware needs kernel AND xorg drivers
[12:51] <Freddy2> hmm mouse driver should be included in xorg, isn't it?
[12:54] <Dr_willis> most likely yes. :)
[12:54] <kreib> msttcorefonts - system seems broken. cannot upgrade nothing, apt-get just tries to download these fonts but it doesn't work. Ho can i solve this?
[12:57] <flaccid> kreib: pastebin output of sudo apt-get upgrade
[13:01] <kreib> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14510/
[13:01] <G_`> am on kubuntu 64bit... where can i find opera 64 bit version for gusty ?
[13:02] <G_`> !opera
[13:02] <ubottu> opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser
[13:02] <flaccid> kreib: try a sudo dpkg --purge msttcorefonts
[13:02] <jey_> hello everyone
[13:03] <jey_> i wanted to try Ubuntu-tweak
[13:04] <jey_> but doesn't work on kubuntu
[13:04] <kreib> yeah, already tried that. had to get the ttf files from another pc. finally i was able to remove msttcorefonts
[13:04] <flaccid> cool kreib
[13:05] <Freddy2> Dr_willis: it works pretty good, thx :D
[13:07] <crs> re
[13:16] <jey_> ok Ubutnu-Tweak works only with Gnome
[13:17] <nith_> Hey anyone who got the conf line to make my mx500 mouse working?
[13:19] <nith_> ubottu: need help
[13:19] <ubottu> Factoid need help not found
[13:19] <nith_> ubottu: help
[13:19] <ubottu> nith_: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
[13:20] <ubottu> I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)
[13:21] <nith_> anybody who got the time and knowledge to help me with some mouseproblems
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
[13:34] <Soccer5555> I just upgraded to hardy heron from gutsy gibbon
[13:34] <Soccer5555> and my wireless is acting weird
[13:34] <Soccer5555> I have the wireless light on the exterior of my laptop lighting up
[13:35] <Soccer5555> and a strong signal, but I can not get the ip address
[13:35] <crs> What should I do to get colours in vim?
[13:37] <emilsedgh> crs: syntax on
[13:37] <crs> emilsedgh: Thanks :)
[13:38] <emilsedgh> crs: if you want it to apply automatically, add it to ~/.vimrc
[13:39] <crs> emilsedgh: I will, i just copy my old vimrc and wondering why it is not working, i had syntax on in previous one ;/
[13:41] <emilsedgh> oh nice
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[13:49] <crs> uu. ;/
[13:49] <crs> E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version: syntax on
[13:54] <funkyasl> any idea how to restart the network service?
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[14:02] <crs> funkyasl: /etc/init.d/metworking start?
[14:02] <crs> networking*
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[14:18] <natalya> hi all
=== Xbehave is now known as Rioting_pacifist
=== betus is now known as rmribeiro
[14:20] <Rioting_pacifist> i installed my system to lvm, but i installed evms-gui and several otherthings went wrong (full /, couruption of home, dpjg fail, crashed when update-initramfs) resulting in kernal panaics for most of last night, now i cant mount my /boot, even though its not mounted and not on an lvm/evms
[14:21] <nokitel> iai galera..
[14:22] <reese> which library contains the cdparanoia headers?
[14:29] <david4> http://rafb.net/p/nCSdes68.html <-- any idea how to fix that?
[14:33] <david4> Ah my internet connection is crap
=== pim_ is now known as pim
[14:40] <skizzo> saòve
[14:42] <Jonathan_R> i'm getting this error all the time
[14:42] <Jonathan_R> dpkg returned an error code (1)
[14:42] <ubuntu> hy all
[14:52] <yid_> sup #kubuntu
[14:52] <yid_> i has question sirs
[14:52] <yid_> will using fluxbox save me battery power?
[14:52] <yid_> on mah laptop
[14:54] <Soccer5555> it sais I can not connect through the firefox browser because it is in off mode
[14:54] <Soccer5555> It sais that when i remove my ethernet cable
[14:54] <Soccer5555> but it sais im connected via wireless
[14:54] <yid_> means you arent connected soccer
[14:55] <yid_> or just go to file and untick offline mode
[14:56] <reese> anyone having problems loading subtitles in kaffeine?
[14:57] <Rioting_pacifist> yid_: what graphics card do you have
[14:58] <yid_> gma x3100 integrated
[14:58] <Rioting_pacifist> yid_: it will at best save a small amount of power, i think on intel it may be significant as it drops you to 2d rendering which doesnt have vsync, but with not running kicker will also save abit
[14:58] <yid_> portable
[14:58] <Soccer5555> now it sais it cannot find the server
[14:58] <Soccer5555> but my wifiradar sais im connected
[14:58] <Soccer5555> wait nvm
[14:58] <Soccer5555> got it to work
[14:58] <Soccer5555> something is really wrong
[14:58] <Soccer5555> it is working but not working
[14:58] <Soccer5555> i turn off offline mode, but it cant connect
[14:59] <yid_> well thnx
[14:59] <Soccer5555> when I turn it on, I have like a 2 second window where I can connect
[14:59] <Soccer5555> then the offline kicks in
[14:59] <Rioting_pacifist> yid_: best way to find out is to test using powertop
[14:59] <Rioting_pacifist> you also save alot of power by not using a touchpad i think
[14:59] <yid_> o rly?
[14:59] <yid_> hmm
[14:59] <Rioting_pacifist> *by alot i mean quite a small amount like 5minutes worth or somthing
[14:59] <yid_> weell thanks
[15:00] <yid_> ill give this a go
[15:00] <yid_> well with a 2 hour battery, 5 minutes can mean a lot
[15:01] <s0nix> hi everyone
[15:01] <Rioting_pacifist> this is all just info i got when using powertop tho i never properly tested it just noticed a drop in power usage when using keyboard controlls instead of the touchpad
[15:01] <yid_> well i'll give powertop \ go
[15:01] <yid_> can i get it from the repositories?
[15:01] <s0nix> i want to install a fresh kubuntu with KDE3/KDE4.... it is easy to do (with Hardy) and should i download the kde4 install cd or the normal ?
[15:02] <yid_> i used the normal then installed kde
[15:02] <yid_> works fine
[15:02] <s0nix> the kubuntu/kde3 cd u mean?
[15:04] <s0nix> i'll download the kubuntu/kde3 install cd. after i'll surely be able to install kde4 right?
[15:06] <deamon3> Hola
[15:06] <deamon3> HI
[15:07] <s0nix> is the kubuntu 64bit is limited? (compatibility of apps, etc..)
[15:08] <deamon3> Hey
[15:08] <NightBird> s0nix: yes, you can install kde4 along side of kde3
[15:08] <deamon3> lolz
[15:08] <NightBird> s0nix: some drivers may not have support for 64 bit linux, but the applications should all either be compatabile, or come as 32 bit versions
=== moira is now known as Akallabeth
[15:10] <s0nix> kk
[15:10] <TimS> !kde4
[15:10] <ubottu> KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[15:12] <NightBird> s0nix: The only likely problem driver spot will be wireless, in that if you have to used a closed source version, you may have issues(if you use ndiswrapper to load the windows version, I believe you'll be stuck in 32 bit land. I'm not sure if ndiswrapper supports loading 64 bit drivers, but I know it won't support loading 32 bit drivers in a 64 bit kernel).
[15:13] <s0nix> perfect, this pc doesn't need wireless at all, in fact it doesn't have any wireless card.
[15:13] <Peter1103> hola
[15:13] <s0nix> i think i'll give a try to the 64bits.
[15:13] <Peter1103> alguien q able español?
[15:13] <s0nix> i think the flash plugin for mozilla can be fixed ?
[15:13] <s0nix> so..
[15:14] <NightBird> s0nix: hm... I'm not sure. I know on my laptop that's running 64 bit, flash works fine in firefox
[15:14] <s0nix> ha good.
[15:15] <s0nix> thx for the infos, i'll install the 64bits.
=== moira is now known as Akallabeth
[15:15] <s0nix> have a good day
[15:15] <NightBird> I don't remember if it works in konqueror or not... oh well
[15:15] <NightBird> bye
[15:27] <rophy> hi, i have disabled the update manager fr starting auotamticlly now i want it back
[15:28] <rophy> [17:27] <rophy> hi, i have disabled the update manager fr starting auotamticlly now i want it back
[15:29] <rophy> [17:27] <rophy> hi, i have disabled the update manager fr starting auotamticlly now i want it back
[15:29] <TimS> I have a m-audio preusb amp that has two inputs, but they only show up as one input in Jokosher. Is there a way to split them out? I think it uses alsa
[15:29] <rophy> anyone ?
[15:29] <rophy> [17:27] <rophy> hi, i have disabled the update manager fr starting auotamticlly now i want it back
[15:29] <SlimeyPete> rophy, if you keep repeating yourself you'll annoy an op and get kicked out
[15:30] <SlimeyPete> be patient
[15:30] <SlimeyPete> IRC isn't quick.
[15:30] <rophy> thank u
[15:30] <rophy> i just thought that there is no one here
[15:30] <rophy> though the banner on the rt side has a lotta chatters
[15:31] <SlimeyPete> there're always people here, but people will only talk to you if they know the answer to your question :)
[15:31] <rophy> come on it's very simple ..disabled the apdate manger and want to enable it
[15:31] <rophy> i thought it's a piece of cake
[15:32] <SlimeyPete> (I'd help you if I could but I've never disabled the manager myself so I've never had to re-enable it)
[15:32] <rophy> then disable it ..and leat's find a solution together :D
[15:32] <SlimeyPete> I'm not running Kubuntu at the moment (my network doesn't work under Kubuntu) ;)
[15:33] <rophy> then wht r u running
[15:33] <SlimeyPete> Windows, at the moment.
[15:34] <rophy> i am running kubuntu but i cant answer the question why not using windows
[15:34] <Steve-cal> I was able to get suspend working in Gutsy by running the /etc/acpi/sleep.sh script, but now in Hardy it doesn't work. Any ideas of how I can troubleshoot it?
[15:34] <Hygiene> Hey, does anyone know what the lowest requirements for installing any Linux platforms are? (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc)
[15:38] <Steve-cal> Hygiene: I think the main minimum requirement is RAM, and usually they call for at least 256 MB, except for Fluxbuntu which only needs 128 MB I think. Just go to their websites and they can give you all the details of minimum system requirements.
=== mstf is now known as must
[15:41] <rophy> i have a p3 with 390 mb ram and a humble v card and kubuntu is running fine
[15:41] <rophy> not very fine but goin on
[15:43] <crashhandler> is there any apps to compile python sourcecode?
[15:43] <rophy> actually i wanna know what that phython is
[15:43] <fanel> hi,could anyone help me to get sound on my toshiba satellite l30-10x .I have installed ubuntu 8.04 and I have no sound
[15:44] <rophy> natalya a girl usin ubuntu
[15:44] <rophy> cool
[15:44] <natalya> =(
[15:44] <rophy> make it :)
[15:45] <pim> python is a programming language
[15:45] <michael_> compiling python: http://effbot.org/zone/python-compile.htm (google is your friend)
[15:45] <Steve-cal> fanel: Maybe first try going to your System Settings, go to the sound configuration, and choose "ALSA" (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) instead of using "default".
[15:46] <RuyalarPrensi> Sysinfo for 'ubuntu-desktop': Linux 2.6.24-16-generic running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: Intel(R) Core 2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz at 1600 MHz (4823 bogomips), HD: 10/145GB, RAM: 602/1011MB, 123 proc's, 9.49min up
[15:46] <rophy> natalya?
[15:46] <pim> What is the most popular linux irc client?
[15:46] <RuyalarPrensi> natalya: hi
[15:47] <rophy> hi Ruyalar :P
[15:47] <RuyalarPrensi> :D
[15:47] <RurouniJones> When you install postgresql on Kubuntu, what is the default login/password to get administrating?
[15:47] <rophy> have u tried parying to know it
[15:48] <rophy> start by that
[15:48] <natalya> hi
[15:48] <rophy> too late i was leaving natalya
[15:49] <RuyalarPrensi> natalya: where are you from
[15:49] <rophy> do u wanna kone from where i am from too or just her
[15:49] <rophy> know*
[15:49] <rophy> she left hehehehe goodluck
[15:49] <RuyalarPrensi> al işte ya
[15:50] <RuyalarPrensi> :D
[15:50] <RuyalarPrensi> russian
[15:50] <RuyalarPrensi> offfffff
[15:50] <deamon3> Hey
[15:50] <rophy> hey
[15:50] <deamon3> ubuntu studio work in KDe ?¡
[15:50] <RuyalarPrensi> hey
[15:50] <rophy> i dunno anything abt ubuntu or kubuntu any help?
[15:51] <rophy> try installing it if it does work then it works if it doesnt then it doesnt
[15:51] <rophy> simple
[15:51] <deamon3> lolz
[15:52] <rophy> i feel like ruining the room
[15:52] <deamon3> roppy
[15:52] <deamon3> rophy
[15:52] <rophy> roppy? that
[15:52] <rophy> is a dog's name
[15:53] <deamon3> do you know a packet for KDE
[15:53] <deamon3> ?¡
[15:53] <deamon3> THEMES
[15:53] <rophy> i know ciggrete packets .want some
[15:53] <deamon3> shit
[15:53] <rophy> if want themes go to kde-loog.org
[15:53] <rophy> kde-look***
[15:53] <deamon3> but with apt-get ?¡
[15:54] <deamon3> lolz
[15:54] <rophy> i dont know how can u get it with apt-get
=== deamon3 is now known as deamon
[15:54] <rophy> left with goodbye what ungreatful
[15:54] <rophy> i am leaving too
[15:56] <fanel> it is set on alsa
[15:56] <fanel> but still no sound
[15:57] <NightBird> fanel: I would check to see if the sound is coming from a different channel than expected. I know on my laptop the master audio level doesn't affect the audio levels, but some of the other sliders do
[15:58] <fanel> is there some kind of driver to be downloaded in order to get sound ?
[15:58] <Steve-cal> fanel: Open Kmix (K menu > Multimedia > Kmix) and make sure PCM volume and master volume are not muted. Try some of the other volume levels too.
[15:59] <TimS> how do I kill a program from the command line?
[15:59] <TimS> Its PID is 7856
[15:59] <SlimeyPete> TimS: "kill 7856"
[15:59] <NightBird> TimS: "kill 7856" then
[15:59] <SlimeyPete> TimS: if it won't die, then "kill -9 7856"
[16:00] <TimS> kill -9 still hasn't killed it
[16:01] <SlimeyPete> hrm... I don't think there's anything stronger than kill -9
[16:01] <TimS> :o
[16:01] <SlimeyPete> is it a root process?
[16:01] <NightBird> TimS: do you know who the owner of the program is?
[16:01] <SlimeyPete> as in run by root
[16:01] <TimS> Its me
[16:01] <NightBird> because you may not have permission to kill it..
[16:01] <TimS> Its not root
[16:01] <TimS> The owner is my account
[16:01] <NightBird> what is the program?
[16:01] <Steve-cal> TimS: Is the process owned by someone other than you (e.g. root)? Try "sudo kill -9 7856"
[16:01] <TimS> patchage
[16:02] <TimS> Steve-cal: Its owned by me, I used sudo anyway, still not dead
[16:02] <NightBird> check to see if you have the write id then
[16:03] <Steve-cal> TimS: "pgrep patchage"
[16:03] <fanel> I checked these settings.All the sliders are on
[16:03] <NightBird> I know some programs can be tricky to kill if it's a run away child process, and the parent process will respawn it sometimes...
[16:03] <TimS> 7856
[16:03] <codemaster> Can some one tell me the bash command to get online,so i don't need the use of the wlanassistent?
[16:03] <TimS> Its parent is kdeinit :/
[16:03] <NightBird> but then the child processes end up with a different pid..
[16:03] * NightBird doesn't know
[16:04] <NightBird> but I do know that I need to get going now
[16:04] <Steve-cal> fanel: Try "aplay /usr/share/sounds/login.wav" at the command line (in a Konsole).
[16:06] <fanel> thanks,Steve-cal!I will write this command line in a Konsole to see what's going to happen
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[16:08] <Steve-cal> fanel: Wait, use "aplay /usr/share/sounds/KDE_Logout.wav" instead, you probably don't have that other sound file...
[16:25] <fanel> I tried woth a music CD and opening a videoclip from youtube;stii no sound
[16:25] <guest___> hello, i have dell xps m1530, when I googled , it said ubuntu 7.1 can run it correctly , does it mean kubuntu 8.04 can also run it correctly? i am a noob i like linux and kde, so my friend said to get kubuntu not ubuntu, so will kubuntu 8.04 support my dell xps m1530 if ubuntu 7.10 does?
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[16:27] <Steve-cal> guest__: Maybe, maybe not is unfortunately the answer. You may even have problems with Ubuntu 8.04 even if 7.10 worked great. You'll just have to give it a try.
[16:28] <anarki> hello, anyone running oracle jdeveloper?
[16:29] <Steve-cal> guest__: ....And Kubuntu 8.04 of course could introduce issues that you didn't have with Ubuntu, but I definitely think it's worth a try.
[16:30] <Steve-cal> fanel: I've got to go now, maybe someone else can continue helping you. I might be around in a few hours or so, but otherwise, best of luck getting your sound working.
[16:31] <fanel> thanks anyway
[16:33] <fanel> so,I 've got via mail an original cd with Ubuntu 8.04.I installed ubuntu on my toshiba satellite l30-10x laptop,but could not get any sound.Anybody could help me,please?
[16:34] <pim> If I'd want to install software, what directory would be good?
[16:34] <fanel> is there anything extra to be installed?
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[16:46] <bjacob> hi, are there any Qt 4.4 packages? All I can find is -rc1 in Jonathan Riddell's PPA.
[16:48] <|Dreams|> fanel: did you google
[16:50] <|Dreams|> fanel: what sound card is it
[16:53] <|Dreams|> fanel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=kmix take a look there
[16:53] <|Dreams|> right gtg for a bit
[16:59] <Deepthought> pim, most software gets installed in /usr, all non-base-system stuff from adept ends up there; but you might want to consider installing in your home-folder so you don run into write-permission problems
[17:00] <Deepthought> pim, what is it you want to install ?
[17:00] <pim> AlienArena
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[17:01] <khaleel5000> hello, can i download kubuntu cd using bittorrent?
[17:01] <|Dreams|> yeah
[17:02] <Deepthought> isn't it available through add/install programs from the menu ? I think it is; easier that way...
[17:02] <khaleel5000> from where do i donwload the torrent file to download kubuntu using bit-torrent?
[17:02] <dea> lo
[17:03] <Deepthought> pim itś in adept, so install from there, then you don have any hassle or worries !
[17:03] <pim> It isn't only an old version. I've found another way to install.
[17:04] <Deepthought> pim, Oh, ok; well then I would do it in a folder /alien in your home-folder; that'surest, and you don need to sudo this sudo that
[17:04] <nith_> Hi, anybody who got the time to help me?
[17:04] <pim> Well I was having some trouble with the manual install, some library was missing. I'm now trying via getdeb.net
[17:04] <Deepthought> pim, so what version are you installing then ?
[17:05] <dea> got some trouble with wikilyrik when im starting the script a window comes up with the following code inside: cant connect to internet check the proxy settings. but im not behind a proxy so any solutions?
[17:05] <Deepthought> pim, what library
[17:05] <pim> libXxf86dga.so.1
[17:06] <Deepthought> tried looking for it in adept ?
[17:06] <pim> I used: sudo apt-get install libXxf86dga.so.1
[17:06] <pim> but it couldn't find it
[17:06] <Deepthought> pim, and ?
[17:07] <Deepthought> pim, tried searching with gui adept from add/remove just for libXxf86dga (without the so.1) ?
[17:07] <pim> no not yet
[17:08] <pim> I just did now
[17:08] <pim> there are three packages
[17:09] <pim> a library, development headers and a debug package
[17:09] <pim> the library is already installed though
[17:09] <Deepthought> pim, might work, but it's probably not a system lib; special lib from the game; then your best bet would still be to install from adept; that's version 6.10-1 as far as I can see ; what version do you have now ?
[17:09] <pim> 7.0
[17:10] <mohi> hi :)
[17:11] <Deepthought> pim, oh; then you will have to configure some config file in the alien arena folder to find it; complicted stuff; probably ypour version is not for ubuntu, so it looks in different folder; with adept all deps are swet to right place, maybe then once it's installed you can update and so avoid the trouble ?
[17:11] <Deepthought> pim, is it beta ?
[17:11] <pim> I can try
[17:11] <pim> no it is a stable release
[17:12] <Deepthought> pim, because in adept you can add as extra sources non-supported and beta etc, it might be available then; worth a try
[17:14] <Riddell> bjorge: qt 4.4 is in hardy-backports
[17:17] <nith_> how can I decrypt my files if i want to read the aktual file without the encytion?
[17:19] <Deepthought> pim, I'm not 100% sure, but I realised the so.1 means itś header; try installing the header package ?
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[17:23] <dea> test
[17:24] <TimS> I have a usb device in bus 02 device 09, how can I mount it?
[17:26] <romunov> what application do you guys use to create pdf files from images?
=== Xbehave is now known as Rioting_pacifist
[17:26] <Rioting_pacifist> is azureus in repos old or is it a backport of the latest vuze to azureus?
[17:27] <Rioting_pacifist> romunov: print should offer a pdf printer, so any image veiwer
=== mike__ is now known as pulaski
[17:33] <Rioting_pacifist> wow kde3 is even better in hardy :D
[17:33] <pulaski> hello
[17:33] <mohi> !hi pulaski
[17:33] <ubottu> Factoid hi pulaski not found
[17:33] <mohi> romunov: i use OOo >> export as pdf
[17:34] <jussi01> !hi | mohi
[17:34] <ubottu> mohi: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[17:34] <jussi01> mohi: ned the pipes :)
[17:34] <pulaski> Hi. I'd like to know if my older system is able to run 8.04 with the concurrent kde4.
[17:34] <mohi> jussi01: I new it, just misstypo ;)
[17:34] <mohi> ty
[17:34] <jussi01> :)
[17:34] <mohi> :)
[17:35] <romunov> mohi: i have a looot of jpeg files that i would like to put together into one single pdf
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[17:35] <mohi> romunov: thats OK in OOo
[17:35] <pulaski> I have on old dell with 450Mz processor Pentium II and 384MBs of ram.
[17:35] <mohi> !releasenotes
[17:35] <ubottu> Factoid releasenotes not found
[17:35] <mohi> :S
[17:36] <mohi> pulaski: take a look at release notes.
[17:36] <pulaski> Thank you I will.
[17:36] <jussi01> pulaski: Id say you would want xubuntu/fluxbox or something similar
[17:36] <jussi01> !fluxbuntu
[17:36] <ubottu> fluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/
[17:37] <ubuntu> !elbuntu
[17:37] <ubottu> Factoid elbuntu not found
[17:37] <ubuntu> -.-
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[17:38] <romunov> mohi: ?
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[17:39] <mohi> romunov: put the all in top of each other in OOo writer and export as pdf
[17:40] <mohi> pulaski: The minimum memory requirement for Ubuntu 8.04 is 384MB of memory for desktop CDs, and 256MB for other installation methods. (Note that some of your system's memory may be unavailable due to being used for the graphics card.)
[17:40] <mohi> http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/804
[17:40] <pulaski> jussi01: I've been running gutsy for a while but I recently had to rebuild my system because one of my boxes crapped out,
[17:41] <jussi01> Pensa`Busy:
[17:41] <jussi01> arrgh
[17:41] <jussi01> pulaski: yeah? does it run ok?
[17:41] <romunov> mohi: you'll have to elaborate a bit more... is there "mass import" of images anywhere that i'm not familiar with?
[17:41] <piXelshooter> Hi. I?ve a problem with a new Kubuntu 8.04 installation. I was not able to find a document on the internet that could help me, so I ask in here: My ethernet card seems to be given the IP I changed the network settings in the systemsettingsm and set the device to "Auto, DHCP". I hit "apply", but after opening the systemsettings again, all changes were gone. If I set the IP manually, it?s saved in the systemsettings, but doesn?t
[17:41] <piXelshooter> effect to the device. It keeps its IP What can I do?
[17:41] <pulaski> jussi01: finally
[17:43] <pulaski> I had a newer clone 900+/- Mz with 512ram networked with my dell but I had to junk the clone and move 7.10 over to the dell. After I went through hell to discover one of my drives and ceased working I got 7.10 running stable.
[17:43] <gaudin720> Bonjour.
[17:44] <azzco> I want to merge a video and audio file and sync em up, what program should I look at?
[17:44] <gaudin720> Je suis nouveau sous GNU Linux
[17:44] <azzco> !fr
[17:44] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[17:44] <gaudin720> Si j'ai bien compris pour connaitre son IP il faut taper ifconfig ?
[17:44] <gaudin720> !fr
[17:44] <mohi> romunov: its difficult for large amount of pix. you may insert each pic (one by one) to your file and export the completed file as pdf
[17:45] <adz21c> azzco: i am sure transcode can do it in someway, but theres also avimerge if your making an avi
[17:45] <aidan_> how do I setup dual screen?
[17:46] <pulaski> I really want to go to 8.04 because i Initially installed 8.04 from a crippled live cd and though the bogus drive made the whole thing untsable now that I've removed the bad drive 7.10 is stable.
[17:46] <Broadcom> i just updated kubuntu, an then the computer crashed, and now i can only log in under text based
[17:46] <pulaski> I want to get a better burn of the cd and try 8.04 again.
[17:46] <azzco> thanks adz21c, but I can't see how I would sync up the audio with the video =/
[17:47] <adz21c> azzco: well i pressume they both allow each to delay the video or audio stream as appropriate
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[17:48] <mohi> romunov: I fond a better way!
[17:49] <mohi> :)
[17:49] <pulaski> I thing my graphics card may be ok but I'm unsure. I cannibalized it from the clone. Like I said its an ATI radeon but I have no docs. Can someone suggest a link where I could find the specs or does anyone know offhand if that card will eat up too much of my 384 ram to preclude installing 8.04?
[17:50] <mohi> romunov: make an album in DigiKam and export as xml. after opening the distnation file, print as PDF!
[17:50] <pulaski> Also I'm at the download 8.04 site but after a cursory look the release notes were not apparent. Can someone post a link to 8.04 release notes?
[17:51] <pulaski> sorry not clear. a cursory look for the relaease notes to no avail.
[17:51] <Broadcom> i just updated kubuntu, an then the computer crashed, and now i can only log in under text based
[17:53] <gaudin720> !fr
[17:53] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[17:53] <romunov> mohi: thanks for the tip
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[17:54] <mohi> :)
[17:55] <pulaski> Broadcom: yes my 8.04 was unstable too but one of my drives was bad. I downgraded with the bad drive and it too was crashed all the time until I removed it and reinstalled 7.10. Now its stable again. I' ready to try 8.04 again but I'm wondering if others have had problems with the 8.04 install.
[17:57] <rasidualimage> hello any one have a 945GM video card
[17:59] <pulaski> mohi: got the 8.04 release notes thanks
[18:00] <mohi> :)
[18:01] <romunov> mohi: i found the most wonderful tool in digikam: geolocalization!
[18:02] <mohi> :S cool! whats that?
[18:02] <mohi> romunov: ^
[18:03] <romunov> you can assign GPS coordinates to images
[18:03] <romunov> which is just what i need for my field work
[18:04] <mohi> coooool! :S I should try it!
[18:04] <aidan_> when I log off, it doesn't go back to kdm, it exits to cli, how do I make it go to the kdm?
[18:04] <pulaski> well I have nothing to loose buy trying the Live CD.
[18:04] <pulaski> by trying the Live CD
[18:04] <romunov> aidan_: in login menu, make kde your default session
[18:04] <Rafabe> hi
[18:04] <pulaski> Thanks all for the responses.
[18:04] <romunov> the menu is usually in the lower part of the screen
[18:05] <romunov> aidan_: it may not even be visible
[18:05] <aidan_> romunov: ermmm
[18:05] <Dillizar> Can any 1 help me with the Amarok I dont want to play the song in alphabetical order
[18:05] <aidan_> I think it is
[18:05] <aidan_> I'm in kde now
[18:05] <aidan_> but when I go to log out, it doesn't go back to kde
[18:05] <aidan_> *m
[18:05] <nosrednaekim> Dillizar: you want to play by track number?
[18:05] <Dillizar> yes nosrednaekim
[18:06] <Rafabe> I think there is a bug in the Kubuntu installer. After install, Grub gives "File not found" error. Apparently Ubiquity (or whatever) configured it to boot hd(1,0) instead of hd(0,0) that has the /boot folder. I wonder what could have caused this?
[18:06] <nosrednaekim> Dillizar: is the track number shown?
[18:06] <Dillizar> no
[18:06] <Rafabe> I fixed it by editing Grub's boot menu, but newcomers would not be able to do this
[18:06] <nosrednaekim> Dillizar: right click on the "name" bar and tell it to show track number
[18:06] <nosrednaekim> then click on trance number and it will sort by that
[18:08] <crs> Does anyone have an idea why neither syntax on and set syntax on in vim is not working? It is giving me: E519: Option not supported: syntax
[18:08] <Dillizar> ah
=== mike__ is now known as pulaski
[18:09] <Dillizar> nosrednaekim: name bar?
[18:09] <Dillizar> title bar?
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[18:09] <nosrednaekim> sorry "the bar that says Title,artist, year... etc
[18:09] <nosrednaekim> over the playlist
=== sorena|away is now known as mohi
[18:10] <Dillizar> doesnt have that option
[18:10] <nosrednaekim> "show column"
[18:11] <Rioting_pacifist> undy gutsy my manual install of firefox3 looked ok but under hardy its horrible :(
[18:11] <mohi> Rioting_pacifist: install firefox-gnome-support :( I wish there was some thing this for kde!
[18:11] <pulaski> Hi again. One last question please. My original burn of the Live CD was missing the usual opening menu. It started right off with the first install screen (the language choice). Could this be an indication that my exactly 384MBs of ram was insufficient?
[18:12] <Rioting_pacifist> but im under kde, my proplem is its looking like gtk but before it was looking like qt
[18:13] <lintaba> hy
[18:13] <pulaski> I ask because it passed the md5sum verification.
[18:13] <lintaba> can help me anyone? My "post-installation script" died :S
[18:13] <lintaba> (kubuntu hh)
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[18:14] <Dillizar> nosrednaekim: are you ya know what are ya doing
[18:14] <lintaba> i cant install anything to my computer :@
[18:15] <nosrednaekim> Dillizar: yes... I do.... but ask in #amarok... maybe they can know what the problem is better or explain it better
[18:15] <Dillizar> 10x
[18:16] <pulaski> My download of the Live CD iso image passed the md5sum but it started missing the usual opening menu. It started right off with the first install screen (the language choice). Could this be an indication that my exactly 384MBs of ram was insufficient?
[18:16] <nosrednaekim> lintaba: try "sudo dpkg --configure -a"
[18:16] <mohi> pulaski: is it alternate install disk or live disk?
[18:16] <lintaba> i tried 3x, but dont work
[18:16] <nosrednaekim> what package is it failing on?
[18:17] <lintaba> the all
[18:17] <pulaski> mohi: It was the Live disk.
[18:17] <lintaba> almost
[18:17] <mohi> :s
[18:17] <Rioting_pacifist> pulaski: alternate install should work on 384, and kubuntu will too, but youll have to take a chance as to wether youll like it
[18:17] <mohi> pulaski: ok. hit scape when you saw this screen
[18:18] <francesco> !it
[18:18] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[18:18] <pulaski> Rioting_pacifist: I will take that chance.
[18:19] <pulaski> mohi: I guess if my second burn of the Live CD starts the same way I'm out of luck?
[18:19] <Rioting_pacifist> well it should work ok, firefox + compiz will eat that much ram, but using just firefox or just compiz seamed ok
[18:20] <Rioting_pacifist> *firefox3
[18:20] <lintaba> any idea?
[18:20] <mohi> pulaski: ou the divice in the cddrive and use thiis command: cd /cdrom && md5sum -c md5sum.txt | grep -v 'OK$'
[18:21] <mohi> this will check your CD for defects
[18:22] <pulaski> mohi: thanks that's helpful. I'll go ahead and try again with your helpful tip.
[18:22] <nosrednaekim> lintaba: could you pastebin the error?
[18:22] <mohi> :)
[18:22] <lintaba> http://paste.ubuntu.com/14576/
[18:23] <pim> Deepthought I'm afraid that installing the header files didn't help
[18:23] <nosrednaekim> lintaba: what is your native language?
[18:23] <lintaba> (i tried in hungarian channel, but nobody responsed... and here is bigger life)
[18:23] <pulaski> mohi: is "ou" a typo? what do you mean?
[18:24] <pulaski> I get the rest of your response thanks
[18:24] <nosrednaekim> lintaba: :) ok... I'll try to deconde this
[18:24] <mohi> :D
[18:24] <nosrednaekim> lintaba: try this "sudo apt-get remove python-gnome2"
[18:24] <pulaski> mohi: I get the rest of you response ok.
[18:24] <TimS> Is there a kde repository for KDE unstable releases?
[18:24] <TimS> KDE4*
[18:24] <mohi> pulaski: s/ou/on ;)
[18:24] <nosrednaekim> TimS: backports.... but no 4.1 yet
[18:24] <lintaba> kubuntu hh
[18:24] <TimS> Or do I have to compile from sources for that?
[18:25] <pulaski> mohi: thanks
[18:25] <TimS> nosrednaekim: Ok.
[18:25] <lintaba> from installer cd, no unstabil or other source
[18:25] <mohi> :)
[18:25] <pulaski> cya
[18:25] <Deepthought> pim: well, then your really best bet would be to just install the older version from adept; that will work for sure, since it's set up for your sysem already, with all the extraś it needs automatically added; an update will be coming some day, and probably once it's installed you can maybe update it and evereything will be in place
[18:26] <nosrednaekim> TimS: someone is coming out with a daily virtual machine though...
[18:26] <lintaba> the error is in 10.-13. line
[18:26] <nosrednaekim> lintaba: uninstalling it doesn't work either?
[18:26] <TimS> Oooh, where can I get that?
[18:26] <nosrednaekim> TimS: not yet... soon :P
[18:26] <TimS> Ah
[18:27] <nosrednaekim> SSJ_GZ is working on it XD
[18:27] <lintaba> it can't uninstall
[18:27] <SSJ_GZ> TimS: Hopefully within the next 24 hours :)
[18:27] <pim> how often are they updated, and who updates them Deepthought?
[18:27] <nosrednaekim> speak of the devil.......
[18:27] <nosrednaekim> ^_^
[18:27] <TimS> SSJ_GZ: Awesome :P
[18:27] * SSJ_GZ files off his horns
[18:28] <nosrednaekim> lintaba: wow.... hrm, thats troublesome...I think you'll have to force to remove it.... one second
[18:28] <SSJ_GZ> TimS: There'll be a Dot announcement when it's all ready, so keep 'em peeled :)
[18:28] <Deepthought> pim: the communiy, is all I can say; wouldn't really know who in particular; but I know a lot of people dig the game, so it shouldn't be that long.
[18:28] <TimS> Good old Google Reader keeps them pealed for me :P
[18:28] <Deepthought> community, that is
[18:28] <lintaba> and how can i delete it?
[18:28] <Rafabe> I don't have internet yet, and I'm trying to install a package that conflicts with Kubuntu's network manager (it's Wicd). I don't have Internet access due to the network manager not working (hence Wicd). I got the .deb file for Wicd, copied it to the computer via USB key. I can't do "dpkg -i Wicd.deb" or use gdebi, because of the network manager conflict
[18:28] <Rafabe> how can I fix this?
[18:28] <thehcdreamer> Hello, i need the linux header files development package in order to install the wireless driver. I have no internet connection from that computer so i wonder if there is some place where I can download them and compile myself
[18:29] <Deepthought> pim: Really have to go now, will be back in an hour or so; go with the older version for now, at least then you'll be playing the game in a couple of minutes ! ;-)
[18:29] <Rafabe> I also can't do apt-get install wicd , even though I copied the deb file to /var/cache/apt/archives
[18:29] <Rafabe> says package not found
[18:30] <genii> Rafabe: Copying it towhere they are installed from does not automatically add it to the database of available apps
[18:30] <TimS> SSJ_GZ: What format are these images going to be in?
[18:31] <lintaba> have any problem in the kubuntu when i delete the python? :D
[18:31] <nosrednaekim> try "sudo dpkg purge --force-all python-gnome2"
[18:31] <SSJ_GZ> TimS: I provide Qemu images. Last time, third-parties provided VirtualBox (and VMWare ... ?) images.
[18:31] <Rafabe> genii: how can I add it to the db then?
[18:32] <Rafabe> can't use "update"
[18:32] <genii> Rafabe: Better to put it somewhere like on your Desktop then use something like: sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb
[18:32] * TimS is a VirtualBox user :(
[18:32] <Rafabe> genii, it refuses to install it that way because there's a conflict with the network manager
[18:32] <Rafabe> when I added their repo as a source and used apt-get install, it fixed that problem automatically
[18:32] <SSJ_GZ> TimS: I imagine someone will provide VB images this time, too :)
[18:32] <TimS> Hope so
[18:33] <SSJ_GZ> TimS: Here's a bunch of info from last time : http://dot.kde.org/1195829316/
[18:33] <TimS> Cheers
[18:33] <Rafabe> the proper apt-get install way must have been fixing the conflict by removin network-manager (possibly), but I can't risk that. How can I just repeat the installation without internet access?
[18:34] <nosrednaekim> lintaba: probably it'll just mess up some gnome programs...
[18:34] <lintaba> how can i rebuild my program database?
[18:34] <nosrednaekim> what?
[18:34] <lintaba> so what is installed and what isn't?
[18:35] <nosrednaekim> "sudo apt-get update"
[18:35] <genii> Rafabe: If you have the network manaer deb in the /var/cache/apt/archives then if removal of it happens and is catastrophic, you can re-install it without needing internet since the file to install from exists already on your box
[18:37] <Rafabe> I don't have it. This is a fresh Kubuntu install. I guess I could find it on the CD.
[18:37] <Rafabe> but does the debian package system just assume everyone has an internet connection?
[18:38] <bud32> Hi, how do I get flash movies (youtube.com) to play in konqueror? I use the Gnome version of Ubuntu, but I installed konqueror since firefox was acting weird recently. I installed konqueror-nsplugin and flashplugin-nonfree from synaptic, but it still doesn't work. I also tried to install it manually by putting the libflashplayer.so in the plugins dir of /usr/lib/kde3
[18:38] <Rafabe> what I had an offline-onl ymachine...I can't install packages using apt-get?
[18:39] <genii> Rafabe: Uncomment the cdrom line in your sources.list or enable it in adept. Then it will go there first instead of internet
[18:39] <ahmed> j/ #linuxac
[18:39] <Rafabe> i'll try that
[18:40] <ahmed> j/ #linuxac
[18:43] <genii> returning shortly
[18:44] <ahmed> who to add fonts to kubuntu
[18:44] <ahmed> who to add fonts to kubuntu
[18:45] <azzco> who? how you mean?
[18:45] <ahmed> who to add fonts to kubuntu
[18:45] <azzco> Yeah stop spamming it.
[18:45] <azzco> System settings, appearance, fon installer?
[18:45] <azzco> font*
[18:45] <ahmed> yas
[18:47] <ahmed> thank
[18:47] <Rafabe> genii: ok, I removed it, but it appears I'm missing dependencies ("python-gtk2"). I have tons of python-x packages, none of them called purely python-gtk2. How can I tell which of these is required?
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[18:48] <genii> Rafabe: This package is listed on mine when I do apt-cache search.
[18:48] <Rafabe> can I scan the wicd.deb somehow?
[18:48] <genii> !info python-gtk2
[18:48] <ubottu> python-gtk2 (source: pygtk): Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. In component main, is optional. Version 2.12.1-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1347 kB, installed size 4844 kB
[18:48] <Rafabe> oh, it's a unique package...weird
[18:48] <Rafabe> I'll go get it
[18:48] <genii> It's in main
[18:49] <Rafabe> I think it must have been already installed when I initially installed Ubuntu, before I installed Kubuntu-desktop
[18:49] <Rafabe> thank you
[18:53] <Rafabe> oh god...Python has its own dependencies, like 6 of them
[18:54] <zooray> hi
[18:54] <bud32> kde suck, --kubuntu
[18:54] <Rafabe> thanks for all your help
[18:54] <bud32> yeah, ty
[18:55] * bud32 loves being ignored
[18:57] <Rafabe> and now I can't install network-manager back after adding the cd-rom as a source...I think network-manager alone is going to drive off any new adopters. It's a POS that doesn't work with wifi ards.
[18:58] <Rafabe> I'm going to format and reinstall the OS, then see if I remove all security on my wirelses network, maybe network-manager will manager to connect to the internet. Then it's WICD and goodbye network-manager.
[18:58] <Rafabe> thanks again genii
[18:58] <genii> Rafabe: np
[18:58] <ichigo_nl> hello there new channel for people who wanna date a ubuntu woman #ubuntu-dating
[18:59] <genii> Gah
[19:00] <kreib> what would be the bash command to get the mount point of a partition?
[19:01] <genii> kreib: To find out where something is already mounted, or to find what partitions exist?
[19:01] <kreib> already mounted
[19:01] <genii> kreib: Then just: mount
[19:02] <kreib> nice, thx
[19:02] <genii> kreib: np
[19:08] <bud32> !ubottu
[19:08] <ubottu> I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)
[19:08] <bud32> !ubottu | bud32
[19:09] <bud32> How do I play flash movies in konqueror?
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[19:25] <Alchera> i have a slight drama ... all to do with accidentally deleting Desktop from my /home dir .. can it be restored by logging in/out?
[19:26] <nosrednaekim> Alchera: sure.... just run "mkdir Desktop"
[19:26] <Alchera> an no need to login/out?
[19:26] <crs> What should I do to turn syntax option on in vim?
[19:26] <nosrednaekim> don't think so
[19:27] <Alchera> ok .. testing time
[19:27] <nosrednaekim> crs: you probably need the full vim... kubuntu only ships with vim-tiny
[19:28] <crs> nosrednaekim: but that tkaes gui as well, i dont need gui. It also requeres some gnome packages ;/
[19:29] <nosrednaekim> really?
[19:29] <crs> nosrednaekim: sorry, no gnome packages, only that: vim-full vim-gnome vim-gui-common vim-runtime
[19:30] <b-do> hello, i have an audio issue my card is (realtek high def. audio) and its not working
[19:30] <nosrednaekim> you want vim-full
[19:30] <nosrednaekim> !audio
[19:30] <ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[19:31] <crs> nosrednaekim: that what i showed you now is New packages list which will be installed with vim-full ;/
[19:33] <genii> Also for the HDA cards
[19:33] <genii> !intelhda
[19:33] <ubottu> For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto
[19:33] <nosrednaekim> crs: ah.. never mind then
[19:34] <crs> nosrednaekim: yeah, it is not that much, Ill install it. Thanks for help. ;-)
[19:44] <teddiebaer> Hello all together around there
[19:45] <NightBird> hi
[19:45] <teddiebaer> I am using Kubuntu 8.04 . Now I am searching for a software, which is good for making my own Homepage. It shall not be professionell, but a WYSIWG program.
[19:45] <pim> What do I need to program in C in Kubuntu?
[19:46] <teddiebaer> Can someone tell me a good programm for that?
[19:47] <crs> Does kubuntu contain any gui configuration apps to change cursors theme?
[19:48] <crs> teddiebaer: as far as i know openoofice word procesor can do that...
[19:48] <genii> !info tinymce
[19:48] <ubottu> tinymce (source: tinymce): platform independent web based Javascript/HTML WYSIWYG editor. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 436 kB, installed size 3380 kB
[19:49] <genii> pim: Basically something like KDevelop and then at least kernel header files and the -dev libraries for which ones you'll be working with
[19:50] <NightBird> pim: build-essentials and a text editor(I tend to use kate). a more sofisticated ide may be desired, at which point I've played with kdevelop some, so that's going to be what I suggest, but there may very well be better ones available
[19:50] <word> !azureus
[19:50] <ubottu> azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo
[19:50] <pim> Well what I have done is downloaded KDevelop
[19:51] <pim> how do I compile things that I have written?
[19:51] <genii> gcc <options> file.c
[19:52] <pim> via command line
[19:52] <teddiebaer> thanks for your answers
[19:52] <pim> I have tried that yesterday, but I got errors. So I was wondering isn't there an easier way?
[19:52] <crs> teddiebaer: You can compile it from kdevelop as well
[19:52] <crs> pim: if you are getting errors that emans you have got errors in your code
[19:53] <crs> pim: or you are not linking to the libs
[19:54] <pim> I think I need to install header files
[19:54] <pim> how do I do that?
[19:54] <Boohbah> sudo apt-get install linux-headers
[19:54] <NightBird> pim: try installing build-essentials
[19:54] <pim> just apt-get install build-essentials?
[19:54] <NightBird> yeah
[19:55] <genii> pim: Build-essentials pulls in the headers as well as automake and some other useful things
[19:55] <NightBird> well... you'll need to use sudo or kdesudo, but it shouldn't matter since it's command line based..
[19:55] <neida> por favor cual es el chat en español
[19:55] <pim> !es
[19:55] <ubottu> Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[19:56] <NightBird> yeah, build-essentials will get your development files for standard C and some other setups that are common
[19:56] <pim> NightBird it tells me that build-essentials is a non-existing package
[19:56] <Boohbah> por favor entre mi canal
[19:56] <genii> no s on end of essential
[19:56] <NightBird> woops. yeah
[19:56] <NightBird> build-essential
[19:57] <pim> ok it's downloading now
[19:57] <NightBird> btw, the command line, you can start to type the name of the package and hit tab and it will attempt to auto complete it
[19:57] <NightBird> you can hit it twice to get a list of the packages that start to match what you're looking for
[19:58] <pim> I didn't know that!
[19:58] <pim> it's done with the build essential
[19:59] <pim> Now I did: gcc hello.c
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[20:00] <pim> but when I type hello it doesn't execute the program
[20:00] <genii> pim: gcc has a crapload of options
[20:00] <pim> how do I do that?
[20:03] <genii> pim: If just gcc hello.c gave no errors, the hello.c file got overwritten by hello.o which is your executable now
[20:04] <pim> hm it outputs the file "a.out" genii
[20:04] <pim> I have to execute it by doing: "./a.out" isn't that strange?
[20:04] <genii> pim: Ah, old-style
[20:04] <genii> :)
[20:05] <epimeth> pim: add -o "filename.ext" to your compile command
[20:06] <epimeth> pim: it defaults to a.out
[20:06] <pim> okay
[20:09] <jb_> good evening
[20:10] <mohamed> i have a problem with (Realtek HD Audio) it dosent work:( i tryed alot of forums and nothing.
[20:11] <genii> !intelhda
[20:11] <ubottu> For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto
[20:11] <genii> That factoid should really be tagged onto the end of !sound
[20:11] <jb_> does konversation come by default in the last version of kubuntu?
[20:12] <genii> Yes. Although the kde4 version is still using the kde3 konversation for now
[20:12] <ejupin> anyone know the future of kde 3.5? any updates after july or so when kde 4.1 is out offically?
[20:13] <BonesolTeraDyne> ejupin: Sadly, I wouldn't think so.
[20:13] <genii> ejupin: They may know more about that in #kde-devel but I doubt it
[20:14] <pim> What is wrong with kde4?
[20:14] * BonesolTeraDyne doesn't want to pull a Minataku about KDE4
[20:14] * genii wonders where to start
[20:14] <ejupin> i asked there, no response.. yeah i wouldnt think so either, im just not sold on the appearance of 4
[20:14] <genii> Also the widget/plasma system is not up to snuff yet
[20:14] <ejupin> genii: i do agree, i will probably be happier once it is up to snuff
[20:15] <genii> I think if nothing else we'll still see community support for 3.5 for a while
[20:15] <pim> You mean the KDE 4 is not yet stable enough?
[20:15] <BonesolTeraDyne> KDE4: bloated, incomplete, even heavier than KDE3, bad default theme compared to KDE3... I'll stop there before I get myself in trouble
[20:15] <BonesolTeraDyne> pim: It's stable, just not entirely useable
[20:16] <pim> what is not usable?
[20:16] <adinx> hello
[20:17] <genii> pim: The widgets available do not for instance have the usability of the former panel apps. Right-clicking for instance for extra options seems largely ignored
[20:17] <adinx> i have a problem with my lampp server
[20:17] <adinx> accessing localhost while i'm not connected to a network isn't possible..
[20:18] <genii> adinx: You may get more specific help for ubuntu-server int he #ubuntu-server channel
[20:18] <pim> genii then let's not switch to KDE 4 for a while :D
[20:18] <adinx> i'm running on kubuntu
[20:19] <genii> adinx: Regardless of window manager the underlying core is from ubuntu-server selections of lamp server
[20:19] <adinx> i didn't mention i'm using apachefriend's lampp package :|
[20:19] <BonesolTeraDyne> pim: I don't plan on it. I'll install GNOME on my system before I install KDE4, and I'm not exactly a big GNOME fan.
[20:19] <crs> How can i change cursor theme?
[20:20] <pim> You are saying we are really screwed BonesolTeraDyne
[20:20] <BonesolTeraDyne> crs: K Menu > System Settings > Keyboard & Mouse > Mouse > Cursor Theme
[20:20] <genii> adinx: Offhand it sounds like you need an localhost entry in your /etc/hosts file
[20:21] <BonesolTeraDyne> pim: Unless they really change things up, then yes, we are.
[20:21] <Rafabe> BonesolTeraDyne: what about KDE 4.1, 4.2, etc? You know they release KDE4 just so developers could get ready? They even said people should wait until KDE 4.1 before using it
[20:21] <ejupin> sorry i brought it up :), i'm not really unhappy with 4 as it is now, i am just a bit of a traditionalist and i prefer the appearance of 3.5 :)
[20:22] <BonesolTeraDyne> Rafabe: Like I said before, unless there's some major changes, I don't think it'll be worth it. If there are major changes in KDE 4.1, I'll reevaluate my position.
[20:23] <Rafabe> what don't you like about it? I've never used it, so I'm curious
[20:23] <adinx> localhost is in the /etc/hosts file, so i think that's not the source of my problem
[20:24] <crs> BonesolTeraDyne: Thanks ;-)
[20:24] <pim> It is usually the case that you better not upgrade right away
[20:24] <pim> not untill they've fixed the major bugs
[20:24] <genii> adinx: Do you have a second line reading something like: my-computer-name
[20:25] <adinx> yes
[20:25] <BonesolTeraDyne> Rafabe: The general feel of it, for one. Plasma widgets seem to be very cumbersome, and the default theme isn't exactly appealing. The current configuration dialogs don't give a lot of options (They seem to be more like those in GNOME). Those are the major gripes I have, anyway.
[20:25] <Rafabe> hang on, let me check it out on youtube
[20:25] <genii> adinx: Is apache giving some informative message about not being able to resolve it's IP/name when you start it?
[20:26] <sergio_> #brasil
[20:26] <genii> !br
[20:26] <ubottu> Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[20:27] <adinx> genii: no. all the messages are positive for starting apache, mysql, proftpd
[20:28] <sergio_> #ubuntu-br
[20:28] <BonesolTeraDyne> sergio_: /join #ubuntu-br
[20:28] <genii> adinx: Add a localhost entry to resolv.conf
[20:28] <sergio_> rato
[20:28] <sergio_> grato :D
[20:31] <Rafabe> BonesolTeraDyne: frankly, it doesn't seem too different. More vista-ish with the start menu, but who cares, everything is still accessible the same way. I'm not a fan of widgets so I can't speak for those, but you can just not use them. And finally, I'm sure there will be tons of custom themes you can use, including a "Classic KDE".
[20:31] <greeg> kolourpaint doesent have fonts 0_0 ?
[20:31] <greeg> even ms paint has fonts.
[20:33] <BonesolTeraDyne> greeg: It has them. There's a toolbar that appears when you use the text tool. It holds the font selection box
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[20:34] <adinx> genii: the problem persists..
[20:35] <genii> adinx: What does: ping localhost report?
[20:35] <jb_> good evening
[20:36] <jb_> how can i create a file in /etc/modutils from dolphin?
[20:36] <pim> use a commandline
[20:36] <pim> sudo mkdir /ect/modutils/directory
[20:36] <pim> but
[20:36] <Nutubuntu> Hello all, I need to install Sun java JRE. Do I need to care what is the difference between sun-java5-jre and sun-java6-jre?
[20:37] <jb_> pim: how can i do that from dolphin?
[20:37] <pim> you can't write to that folder anyway, you'd have to sudo everything jb_
[20:37] <adinx> genii: pinging localhost gave me a 0.04 ms response
[20:37] <pim> jb_ maybe logging in as root
[20:37] <adinx> genii: both online and offline
[20:37] <jb_> how can i log as root?
[20:37] <jb_> pim: how to log as root?
[20:37] <pim> I think when you log in as root jb_
[20:37] <pim> as a username jb_
[20:38] <pim> I'm not sure though
[20:38] <adinx> genii: I figure this must be some sort of bug that prevents the browser to try to connect to any webpage, including localhost, if the system is not connected to a network.
[20:38] <BonesolTeraDyne> Nutubuntu: I suggest installing sun-java6-jre
[20:38] <Nutubuntu> jb_: I think if you open terminal then "gksudo dolphin" or open root terminal and start dolphin it will work, but not "ect/..." rather "etc/..."
[20:38] <adinx> genii: I didn't have this issue before switching from 7.10 to 8.04
[20:38] <Nutubuntu> BonesolTeraDyne: thanks!
[20:39] <tornel> Does Kubuntu 8.04 come with KDE4 active by default after a fresh install?
[20:39] <genii> adinx: Does it connect to localhost IP?
[20:39] <greeg> BonesolTeraDyne: yea it's not in the tool bar
[20:39] <greeg> the drop down box is empty
[20:39] <BonesolTeraDyne> tornel: Only if you install the KDE4 Remix version
[20:39] <adinx> genii: It connects to in Online mode, but not in Offline mode
[20:39] <tornel> BonesolTeraDyne: thanks
[20:39] <tornel> Also, how do I check what version of KDE i have?
[20:39] <BonesolTeraDyne> greeg: If you click on it, there's no way to select a font? I've never heard of that happening.
[20:39] <tornel> can I do it from a terminal command?
[20:40] <azzco> I need help exporting video with kdenlive, I can't get any sound on my own it seems
[20:40] <greeg> BonesolTeraDyne: nope and this is gutsy
[20:40] <greeg> you never heard of linux being a pain in the ass ?
[20:40] <BonesolTeraDyne> tornel: do you have a black bar at the bottom and a strange symbol the top right-hand corner of your screen?
[20:41] <greeg> linux shit always fails me.
[20:41] <BonesolTeraDyne> !language
[20:41] <ubottu> Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[20:41] <Nutubuntu> In Kmix - how do I get "front" to stay on? after restarting computer "front" is always off. not a big deal to turn it on, but ... it would be nice to keep it that way
=== ubuntu__ is now known as beer
[20:41] <tornel> BonesolTeraDyne: Nope. Although, is there a command I can use?
[20:41] <jb_> Nutubuntu: this is what i get after gksudo dolphin:
[20:41] <jb_> The program 'gksudo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
[20:41] <jb_> sudo apt-get install gksu
[20:41] <jb_> bash: gksudo: command not found
[20:41] <greeg> sigh.
[20:42] <jb_> ??
[20:42] * greeg walks to the library to get some work done.
[20:42] <BonesolTeraDyne> tornel: then you're using KDE 3. If you open a KDE application, use the " Help > About KDE " option in the toolbar to see the version number.
[20:42] <genii> adinx: What does the Listen line in /etc/apache2/ports.conf read as?
[20:42] <pim> jb_ you can just do sudo dolphin
[20:43] <tornel> Ok thanks much
[20:43] <Nutubuntu> jb_: then open a root terminal ; it will ask for your password, and you will then have root privileges within that terminal. sudo is not entirely safe for GUI apps
=== ichigo_nl is now known as wesley_
[20:43] <azzco> kdesudo is better
[20:43] <jb_> pim: sudo: dolphin: command not found
=== wesley_ is now known as ichigo_nl
[20:43] <jb_> Nutubuntu: how to open a root term?
[20:44] <pim> jb_ type sudo dolphin, don't use a colon
[20:44] <adinx> genii: I mentioned I have LAMPP from ApacheFriends installed, so i don't have any apache2 folder in /etc
[20:44] <jb_> i typed sudo dolphin
[20:44] <Nutubuntu> Hm, when I try to install sun-java6-jre it cannot commit changes, not sure why. Is there some well-known glitch?
[20:44] <jb_> pim: i did it again, same answer
[20:45] <jb_> !!!
[20:45] <beer> hi. i added another logical partition to my drive and menu.lst points to (hd0,5) when my existing stuff is now on (hd0,7) i was getting grub error 15. i figure i've got to edit menu.lst on my hd to reflect this, but having booted of the live cd i can't get write access. how do i do this please?
[20:46] <nosrednaekim> beer: you can' get write access?
[20:46] <nosrednaekim> mount it with sudo...
[20:46] <jb_> Nutubuntu: how can i open a root terminal?
[20:46] <nosrednaekim> jb_: open a normal one, and then run "sudo -i"
[20:46] <genii> adinx: When you initially ran the suggested sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start did you put in localhost as the intructions on their site suggests to do?
[20:46] <jb_> and then, dolphin?
[20:46] <pim> jb_ I don't know what's wrong then
[20:47] <beer> nosrednaekim: i did. no password was asked.
[20:47] <jb_> i type dolphin in my root terminal and i get "the program dolphin is currently not installed. You can install it by typing..."
[20:47] <jb_> ????
[20:47] <adinx> genii: i didn't do anything different this time.. but let me check their site
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[20:48] <Nutubuntu> jb_: if basic issue is to create a file in /etc/modutils then "sudo touch /etc/modutils/foo" in terminal window will create empty file named "foo" - you will want to use the real filename you want to create
[20:48] <pim> jb_ type: sudo apt-get dolphin
[20:48] <pim> no
[20:48] <jb_> Nutubuntu: thanx
[20:48] <nosrednaekim> beer: you probably entered it previously..
[20:48] <pim> jb_ type sudo apt-get install dolphin
[20:48] <jb_> pim: dolphin is installed
[20:49] <Nutubuntu> Hm, when I try to install sun-java6-jre adept fails to install because it cannot commit changes, not sure why. Is there some well-known glitch?
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[20:50] <jb_> Nutubuntu: i create the file alsa in /etc/modutils. How can put text in this file?
[20:51] <beer> nosrednaekim: its changed the file, even though it complained about write access. thanks for the help.
[20:51] <beer> i'll try a reboot.
[20:51] <adinx> genii: still not getting anywhere with this. i noticed something though: if i try to connect to http://localhost, i get redirected to http://localhost/xampp, and then get the error
[20:52] <genii> adinx: I'd take it up with them
[20:52] <adinx> genii: what do you mean?
[20:52] <jb_> Nutubuntu: how to edit the file i have created in modutils?
[20:53] <genii> adinx: It looks like it's not an ubuntu/kubuntu error as such but some misconfiguration of their lampp/xampp setup.
[20:53] <Nutubuntu> jb_: you will need to start an editor with root privileges and edit the file. one way to do this: "kdesudo kate alsa" in terminal, if "alsa" is your filename
[20:53] <adinx> genii: i guess so.. but how do you explain that LAMPP worked ok on 7.10 and doesn't on 8.04?
[20:54] <genii> adinx: They seem to have a sparsely occupied channel here, #apachefriends
[20:54] <adinx> genii: and i have the same version of LAMPP as before
[20:54] <genii> adinx: No ideas come to mind. Thats why you should probably ask them
[20:54] <jb_> Nutubuntu: No protocol specified kdesudo: cannot connect to X server :0.0
[20:55] <Nutubuntu> jb_: sorry I do not know anything about how to fix that or even what it means
[20:55] <Rafabe> hey guys, when installing the bootloader, the default is hd(0). My main hard drive is detected as "SCSI3 (0,0,0) /dev/sdb" . I have another that is /dev/sda. Which one is Kubuntu attempting to install the bootloader to when using hd(0)?
[20:56] <jb_> Nutubuntu: do you think all the strange behavior of kubuntu is because it's installed on usb external hdd?
[20:56] <genii> sda
[20:56] <adinx> genii: thanks for your time and for pointing me to #apachefriends. i still can't get an answer though.. they all look afk
[20:56] <Rafabe> ok, thanks
[20:56] <Nutubuntu> jb_: you need to ask someone who knows more than I do. No idea.
[20:56] <Rafabe> so I need to change it to hd(1)
[20:56] <aidan_> I'm using dual screen and I'm having a problem with maximizing. I don't want it to maximise to both screens, how can I make this work?
[20:57] <niteye> when i go to system settings -> logon manager,, whatever i change there has no effect
[20:57] <genii> adinx: There seems to be some configuration files and directories listed for it at this page (near bottom) http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/xampp.htm Perhaps poke around in there
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[20:58] <genii> Rafabe: If you have no bootloader on the first drive having one on the second drive won't do much
[20:59] <Rafabe> genii: I have one fast drive that I'm using for /home and /boot, and another that I didn't even ask it to mount, that I plan to use to store media files. I want EVERYTHING to go on the OS hard drive, so that if I remove the media drive in the future, the OS doesn't break
[21:00] <genii> Rafabe: Do you actually have a SCSI host card or is it just seeing them as SCSI drives?
[21:00] <Rafabe> no, they're not SCSI. The OS drive is SATA, and the secondary drive is IDE.
[21:00] <adinx> genii: can't find anything that might help me there.. thanks for your time, but i'm a bit tired and have school in the morning..
[21:00] <adinx> good night everyone
[21:00] <genii> adinx: Night
[21:01] <dthacker> !ipod
[21:01] <ubottu> For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod
[21:02] <genii> Rafabe: Normal order for boot attempt would be sda then sdb and so on. If you install a bootloader only to sdb then computer does not find anything on sda and fails booting.
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[21:03] <Rafabe> damn...so how can I make my OS drive sda?
[21:03] <genii> Rafabe: The normal operation is to install it to the master boot record of the first drive, whatever that is. Then it decides from there where to load the actual OS from (even another drive)
[21:03] <Rafabe> it's more of a hardware/motherboard thing at this time, right?
[21:03] <niteye> when i go to system settings -> logon manager,, whatever i change there has no effect, how do i fix this
[21:04] <mohamed> hello, i followed the instructions here and i got nothing(https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto) -- (about sound problem)
[21:04] <Rafabe> I understand what you mean. But who decides which is sda and which is sdb?
[21:05] <genii> Rafabe: sda should also be hd(0) in most cases, since the a insda indicates it was the first one detected.
[21:05] <genii> Rafabe: The order is decided by the computer BIOS which then in turn reports to the operating system (or loader)
[21:06] <genii> mohamed: Are you seeing the speaker icon at all on bottom right?
[21:06] <Rafabe> In your experience, do motherboards let you edit the order?
[21:06] <genii> Rafabe: Most will, yes, under the "Boot Order" part of the bios
[21:07] <mohamed> yes
[21:09] <Freddy2> hi
[21:09] <genii> mohamed: Does it have a bar over the speaker?
[21:09] <Rafabe> Allright, I'm gonna go do that now
[21:09] <Rafabe> thanks for the clarification
[21:09] <genii> Rafabe: np
[21:09] <mohamed> not mute man
[21:10] <Freddy2> someone can't have a multiple file selection (keeping ctrl key pressed) in konqueror@hardy using it as local file manager?
[21:10] <genii> mohamed: No, I mean does it have a red circle over the speaker with a red bar through the circle. Indicating that there is no audio device
[21:10] <Freddy2> and.. anyone knows why it happens and how to solve it? thx
[21:11] <mohamed> no
=== tburdick is now known as bfrog
[21:12] <bfrog> is there something I need to change to make icecream work in kubuntu
[21:12] <bfrog> I setup the scheduler on one box
[21:12] <bfrog> but none of the other machines seem to see it
[21:12] <bfrog> no firewalls or anything...
[21:12] <bfrog> I don't get it :-/
[21:12] <bfrog> worked fine in arch
[21:15] <genii> mohamed: Did you follow the additional steps described in the instructions of opening the mixer and double checking all the volume controls, etc
[21:16] <Rafabe> genii: I checked out the BIOS, and on the "hard disk boot priority" screen I have the SATA drive (used for the OS) as #1. The IDe drive is #3. I guess I can invert them and see if that inverts sda/sdb, even though it doesn't seem logical. Maybe it's a mobo bug.
[21:17] <mohamed> dc sry
[21:17] <mohamed> any other options for the sound problem plz ?
[21:17] <genii> Rafabe: Perhaps due to ide bus being probed first then the sata bus
[21:17] <genii> mohamed: Did you follow the additional steps described in the instructions of opening the mixer and double checking all the volume controls, etc
[21:18] <mohamed> yes
[21:18] <genii> Also did you do the depmod -a step
[21:18] <crazy6> uh how do I tell if I've already run dist-upgrade?
[21:19] <genii> crazy6: Running it will show no updates available
[21:19] <crazy6> genii: ah neat, I must have already done it to this computer
[21:19] <crazy6> now to try to figure ou thow to do compiz and all that jazz
[21:20] <nathan__> I can't figure out why my sound isn't working
[21:20] <mohamed> anyone?
[21:21] <genii> mohamed: What does: asoundconf list report
[21:22] <klerfayt> what's the situation with konqueror and flash in hardy heron? does it work?
[21:22] <mohamed> Names of available sound cards:
[21:22] <mohamed> Intel
[21:23] <bfrog> no one knows why icecream wouldn't work in hardy though?
[21:23] <bfrog> its currently my only annoyance with i
[21:24] <bfrog> *it
[21:24] <genii> mohamed: asoundconf set-default-card Intel
[21:24] <navetz_> can someone help me with firefox 3.0, It won't let me open applications, I always have to save them then open them. When I go to edit>preferences>applications it is blank. What can I do?
[21:24] <mohamed> reboot now ?
[21:25] <Freddy2> navetz_: you may better ask at #firefox@irc.mozilla.org
[21:25] <genii> mohamed: No
[21:25] <mohamed> ok nothing changed till now.
[21:25] <genii> mohamed: Exit kmix, then restart it
[21:25] <mohamed> ok
[21:25] <genii> mohamed: eg: right-click on speaker, choose exit
[21:26] <genii> mohamed: Then run kmix again from either the menu or by alt-f2 kmix
[21:26] <navetz_> Freddy2: thanks
[21:28] <genii> Geez. What is ppl's fascination with rebooting
[21:28] * genii waits for mohamed to reappear
[21:28] <Rafabe> genii: whatever I change in BIOS (boot order), according to GRUB, hd0 is always the SATA drive, and hd1 is the IDE drive. It must be Ubiquity inversing them (ie, sda = hd1, sdb = hd0)?
[21:28] <mohamed> genii: it dosent work
[21:29] <CubaCola> hello
[21:29] <genii> mohamed: Run kmix again from either the menu or by alt-f2 kmix
[21:29] <mohamed> genii: i did
[21:29] <genii> Rafabe: Then it must be the order of device probing
[21:29] <Rafabe> by Ubiquity?
[21:30] <Rafabe> anyway, doesn't matter
[21:30] <Rafabe> I'll run the Kubuntu installer, and this time have it write the bootloader to hd1
[21:31] <genii> mohamed: System Settings...Sound System Make sure Enable the Sound System is checked off. On next tab of Hardware make sure Select The Audio Device is on Autodetect
[21:31] <pim> Well thanks for helping me out everyone. Bye
[21:32] <muramasa> Hello! I'm just wondering if 900+ mb memory usage for xorg is normal?
[21:32] <greeg> windows is better than linux because it works.
[21:33] <klerfayt> ok nevermind I forgot to check "enable plugins globally"
[21:34] <Rafabe> ciao
[21:34] <Rafabe> thanks again genii
[21:35] <genii> Rafabe: Hve fun
[21:35] <klerfayt> how do you get deviantart working with konqueror? example: http://mari-angel.deviantart.com/gallery/
[21:36] <mohamed> genii: Enable the Sound System is checked off ?!
[21:36] <genii> mohamed: There should be a checkmark in the box next to that, yes
[21:37] <mohamed> genii: miss understanding sorry
[21:38] <mohamed> genii: yes the two parts is checked
[21:41] <genii> mohamed: OK. So close that then. Open now from the speaker icon at bottom right Show Mixer Window
[21:41] <mohamed> genii: then ?
[21:41] <genii> mohamed: Make sure the slider saying PCM is all the way to top
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[21:43] <mohamed> genii: they dose
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[21:44] <genii> mohamed: The round dots above master,headphone,front and speaker should be green
[21:44] <C4rtMaN16> ciao a tutti qualcuno puo aiutarmi con un programma di ubuntu?
[21:45] <genii> !it
[21:45] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[21:45] <muramasa> What does KSystemLoad report? it says that 1.6gb of my memory is in use, but that is not the case according to ps aux or htop.
[21:46] <mohamed> genii: then ?
[21:46] <C4rtMaN16> qualke italiano?!?!?!
[21:46] <genii> mohamed: Were they green or did you need to click there?
[21:46] <mohamed> genii: they were
[21:47] <emilsedgh> !it | C4rtMaN16
[21:47] <ubottu> C4rtMaN16: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[21:47] <mohamed> genii: but the speakers wasnt on top
[21:48] <C4rtMaN16> ubottu thank you...i'm sorry but my english is very bad...bye;)
[21:48] <ubottu> C4rtMaN16: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[21:48] <genii> C4rtMaN16: Qui nell'inglese per favore soltanto. Per assistenza in italiano vedi la posizione suggerita dal ubottu.
[21:48] <C4rtMaN16> thank you
[21:48] <C4rtMaN16> bye
[21:49] <kiba> hello
[21:49] <kiba> I am having double click issue
[21:49] <genii> mohamed: This is the same way my settings are and they work.
[21:49] <kiba> a lot of time, when I click on something, it does it twice where I only did it twice
[21:50] <mohamed> genii: it dosent work :(
[21:50] <genii> mohamed: I am out of suggestions then at this time.
[21:50] <mohamed> genii: anyway thanks for your time
[21:51] <rocklee> bonsoir tout le monde :)
[22:00] <bartezz> has anyone any experience of making a usb drive run and boot ubuntu?
[22:02] <ubunturos> bartezz: you could check, pendrivelinux.com for that
[22:02] <bartezz> thanks
[22:02] <ubunturos> bartezz: Gentoo docs too have detailed steps to do that for Gentoo (should be similar for Ubuntu)
[22:02] <bartezz> ubottu kindly provided me with this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[22:02] <ubottu> bartezz: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[22:02] <ubunturos> bartezz: ^
[22:03] <bartezz> but I got stuck once I mounted the iso file on my desktop
[22:03] <bartezz> :)
[22:07] <bartezz> ok trying pendrivelinux.com now thanks
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[22:14] <wstephenson> where are the installation instructions for kde 4.1 on kubuntu?
[22:15] <BluesKaj> wstephenson, #kubuntu-kde4
[22:15] <wstephenson> BluesKaj: thanks, i asked there too.
[22:16] <BluesKaj> they'll have a URL
[22:16] <Odd-rationale> !kde4
[22:16] <ubottu> KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[22:16] <jdavies> wstephenson: I do not believe we have packages for 4.1, only 4.0.x
[22:16] <BluesKaj> !bleeding-edge
[22:16] <ubottu> Factoid bleeding-edge not found
[22:16] <wstephenson> jdavies: damn, i'm writing the 4.1beta1 release annoucement and i wanted to link to them.
[22:16] <jdavies> Riddell: ^
[22:18] <Riddell> wstephenson: nothing yet I'm afraid, stuck in beurocracy :(
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[22:18] <wstephenson> Riddell: want me to add a "Kubuntu packages are in preparation." line?
[22:19] <Riddell> wstephenson: can do
[22:19] <BluesKaj> wstephenson, you're a suse expert... I think you should know where to look for it :)
[22:20] <genii> hehe
[22:20] <wstephenson> BluesKaj: i'll tie riddell to a chair at my next opensuse build service talk and make him make debs using it, ok?
[22:21] * genii peruses http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE4
[22:23] <Riddell> (in fairness to our beurocracy, we've all been at the summit for the last 10 days)
[22:24] <genii> Ah thats where everyone disappeared to
[22:26] <mohamed> hello , i still have the sound problem please anyone help me i've followed alot of forums and i got nothing :(
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[22:31] <wstephenson> Riddell: are you stalking me or do you always hang in #pardus-devel?
[22:33] <mohamed> anyone ? (sry for spam but this issue is really annoying)
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[22:35] <kiba> anyone here?
[22:35] <Odd-rationale> no
[22:35] <kiba> a lot of time, when I click on something..it click double
[22:36] <kiba> so when I click the back button, it goes back through my browser history two time..really annoying
[22:36] <Odd-rationale> like in dolphin and konqueror? yeah. it is supposed to be that way...
[22:36] <Odd-rationale> oh that. might be different.
[22:37] <Odd-rationale> that could be a problem with your mouse...
[22:38] <kiba> hmm
[22:38] <kiba> I think I just fixed it
[22:38] <kiba> maybe not
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[22:41] <jorgo> how much RAM is ok for Kubuntu 8.04 to run?
[22:42] <genii> kiba: System Settings ... Keyboard and Mouse ... Mouse icon on left.... Advanced tab on right. Adjust intervals, etc there
[22:42] <SlimeyPete> jorgo: 320MB (you may get away with less if you use the alternate install CD)
[22:43] <jorgo> I'm on Mandriva now, and I have 256MB RAM and the system is quite fast, but I've tried Ubuntu (GNOME) and it's rather slow
[22:43] <jorgo> wondering if Kubuntu is lighter
[22:43] <SlimeyPete> it's not significantly lighter
[22:43] <SlimeyPete> xubuntu/fluxbuntu may be a better bet for you
[22:44] <jorgo> does fluxbuntu have a 8.04 edition?
[22:45] <kiba> genii: what is your double click interval?
[22:45] <Odd-rationale> jorgo: no, they are skipping 8.04, afaik
[22:45] <jorgo> ic
[22:45] <kiba> because I am still double clicking
[22:46] <genii> kiba: 400ms
[22:46] <kiba> genii: something wrong with the mouse then
[22:47] <genii> kiba: I have my setup for single click anyhow
[22:52] <lostson> in kde4 how can i move the widgets in the panel around ? is there a config file ?
[22:53] <BluesKaj> lostson, check in #kubuntu-kde4
[22:57] <lostson> ok BluesKaj ok thanks
[23:01] <tjansson-2> For some strange reason my colordepth is lower now than it was in 7.10. I checked /etc/X11/xorg.conf and I have a "DefaultColorDepth 24" in my screen section without seeing the effect however.
[23:02] <neville_> What happens when you restart X tjansson-2?
[23:03] <tjansson-2> neville_: The same - It is persistent after restarts
[23:10] <_Angelus_> tjansson-2: try to change from system settings?
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[23:20] <narr> irc://irc.irc-hispano.org
[23:21] <saotome> trying to use ddclient to forward my IP address to dyndns.com. ddclient is forwarding my LAN address, so basically it doesn't work from the outside. Please help!
[23:25] <Aranel> I installed ubuntu-desktop package and it messed up my opengl and compiz. how can I reinstall opengl ?
[23:25] <Aranel> sudo glxinfo gives: Error: glXCreateContext failed
[23:27] <nathan__> What does it mean when a channel's rules say you have to "take a number?"
[23:29] <Ukonpoika> nathan__, it probably means you have to wait your turn.
[23:30] <nathan__> So, if no one else is talking, I can go ahead?
[23:37] <Walzmyn> Anybody here familiar with the game crossfire? i've just installed it, but can't figure out how to start it
[23:42] <Ukonpoika> nathan__, yes.
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[23:43] <nathan__> Well I did and they responded, "!number"
[23:47] * RuyalarPrensi şimdilik hepinize iyi geceler zzzzzzZZ zzzZZ
[23:52] * genii sips his coffee
[23:53] <Nikke2> Hey i need some help, i installed kde from ubuntu. Didnt have any problem until now... i changed font and suddenly the theme is changed and kde is very very laggy
[23:54] <Nikke2> take about 1 min to open a program...
[23:55] <Walzmyn> Nikke2, where did you change the font?
[23:55] <Nikke2> in kde
[23:56] <Nikke2> and then x crashed
[23:56] <Nikke2> i dont know really what happend
[23:57] <Nikke2> cuze it should be a problem to go from ubuntu to kubuntu?? i mean without install with cd.. i installed kde and then remove gnome.. followed a guide "Pure Kubuntu"
[23:57] <Walzmyn> kde is a huge set of serveral applications - changing the font in KDE is not very specific
[23:57] <Walzmyn> but if you crashed X, your problems might not be related to the font
[23:57] <Nikke2> Walzmyn: how do i check what gfxdriver i use?
[23:59] <Nikke2> i really need this fixed, dont have any cd home.. :P
[23:59] <Nikke2> just an cd-rw with 650 mb's the iso file is like 690 mb's
[23:59] <Walzmyn> Kmenu >> system >> hardware drivers