UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /25 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <jjesse> i think everyone is either out enjoying a beatufiful saturday evening or in bed :)
[00:02] <jjesse> maybe they are recovering from UDS
[00:06] <jjesse> if i pause my vm and the resume it, does uptime count the time the vm was paused or jnot?
[00:07] <Jucato> uptime in a vm? :D
[00:07] * Jucato is neither in bed, nor recovering from UDS, nor is it a saturday :)
[00:08] <jjesse> sure uptime :)
[00:08] <jjesse> smart a$$ happy sunday
[00:08] <Jucato> hahah :P
[00:08] <jjesse> i'm working on the kget documentation and it hasn't been updated since version .8 of kget
[00:09] <jjesse> still tons of references to auto-disconnceting your modem ;)
[00:22] <mhb> evening fellas
[00:22] <mhb> anyone from UDS made it home safely already?
[00:22] <mhb> well I think so
[00:22] <mhb> just want to hear it from you
[00:37] <jjesse> evening mhb
[00:43] <mhb> jjesse: hi
[03:06] * vorian waves
[03:09] * jdong waves at vore
[03:09] <jdong> vorian rather
[03:09] <vorian> ah!
[03:09] <vorian> the dong!
[03:09] <jdong> stupid tab complete
[03:09] <vorian> hehe
[03:09] <vorian> poor vore
[03:09] <jdong> vorian: the dong had lots of fun in his 300C today :)
[03:09] <vorian> wooo hoo!
[03:09] <vorian> congrats!
[03:10] <jdong> vorian: gonna cruisade into Ohio once I secure my laser jammer funding :)
[03:10] <vorian> jdong: I'll be in D-town in August
[03:10] <vorian> excellent
[03:10] <jdong> cool
[03:11] <Jucato> isn't "vorian" the adjective form of "vore"?
[03:11] <vorian> I'll be confinded to the GM center, but still close enough to town to get killed and burned
[03:11] <vorian> Jucato: :)
[03:11] <vorian> noun
[03:12] <Jucato> oh...
[03:12] <Jucato> I suck :P
[03:12] <vorian> no!
[03:13] <vorian> building kde from svn is kicking my arse
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[06:00] <Serega> morning
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[12:06] * uga watches Riddell's video and wonders how wps (words per second) he manages doing
[12:06] <uga> s/how/how many
=== uga is now known as uga|away
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
=== emu_ is now known as emu
=== uga|away is now known as uga
[14:27] <Riddell> uga: too many for you?
[14:44] <Arby> Riddell: around?
[14:49] <Riddell> hi Arby
[14:50] <Arby> Riddell: I've been reading the UDS specs and thinking about getting into PyKDE
[14:50] <Arby> is there any reason I shouldn't tackle porting jockey
[14:51] <Arby> it seems ~relatively~ straight forward and not too high risk
[14:54] <Riddell> Arby: it's been done
[14:54] <Arby> ah OK
[14:54] <Arby> that was quick
[14:54] <Riddell> Arby: although worth checking over for bugs
[14:54] <Riddell> Arby: oh, it's been done to pyqt4
[14:55] <Riddell> our spec would have said port to pykde4
[14:55] <Riddell> which would be good
[14:55] <Arby> that makes more sense
[14:55] <Arby> I'm reading the source now
[14:55] <Riddell> not hard at all
[14:55] <Arby> it isn't pyKDE4
[14:55] <Riddell> no, just qt
[14:55] <Arby> how does PyKDE relate to PyQt, is it an extension?
[14:55] <Arby> i.e kde inherits from qt
[14:59] <Arby> also, am I right in thinking that the XML ui files will also need porting to the corresponding KDE widgets? or are the existing files OK?
[15:16] <nixternal> mornin'
[15:28] <nixternal> woo, Riddell between all of the interviews on ubuntudevelopers (youtube), you are currently in 2nd, to jono, for most views :) you whooped mark! \o/
[15:32] <Riddell> Arby: the existing ones will be mostly fine
[15:32] <Riddell> Arby: the main change that's needed is QApplication -> KApplication and loading icons
[15:32] <Arby> Riddell: thanks, just looking at icons now
[15:33] <Arby> Riddell: is there a reference somewhere on how to do Icons the kde way
[15:33] <Arby> I'm currently failing with a type error
[15:34] <Riddell> Arby: maybe look at printer-applet in KDE trunk kdeutils, or guidance-power-manager in kdereview
[15:34] <Arby> OK
[15:36] <seezer> will an hardy->intrepid upgrade (still?) work?
[15:37] <Riddell> seezer: intrepid is in rapid flux, maybe you'll be lucky, maybe not
[15:37] <seezer> alright
=== marseillai_ is now known as marseillai
[16:48] <uga> Riddell: hehe yes, it was hard to follow sometimes ;)
[18:30] <seele> yay.. all my pictures from prague are up: http://obso1337.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=3301
[18:31] <uga> seele http://obso1337.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=3303 <-- you need a tripod ;)
[18:31] <seele> uga: that was from my hotel window
[18:31] <seele> uga: and i take pictures for memories not art. i dont have a $1000 camera rig like some people :)
[18:32] * seele is hearing it from her photography friends too
[18:32] <uga> heh http://obso1337.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=3367
[18:32] <seele> "You used the wrong exposure!"
[18:32] <uga> seele: when your art is misfocused, sometimes memories turn blurry ;)
[18:32] <seele> uga: that was called "Hot Love"
[18:32] <uga> rofl
[18:32] <seele> i'm not kidding either, hehe
[18:34] <uga> seele: 1000 is low end gear ;)
[18:35] <uga> my last lens alone was 1000eur...
[18:35] <uga> and it's not high-end
[18:35] <uga> seele: http://www.ugarro.com
[18:35] <uga> most of those were taken with my first (low-end) gear
[18:36] <seele> wow.. yeah see.. that's definitely not me, hehe
[18:36] <seele> this is the first time in a long time i actually took my camera out for more than a few pictures
[18:36] <seele> while i know others who don't leave home without their camera
[18:37] <uga> heh, I try not to, unless I go pubbing
[18:39] <uga> seele: the problem now is I need a couple new monitors to fit these: http://www.ugarro.com/gallery/v/Norway/Pano+-+img_6762+-+11400x2930+-+SCON+-+Blended+Layer.jpg.html
[18:39] <uga> http://www.ugarro.com/gallery/v/Norway/Pano+-+img_6841+-+10538x2344+-+SCON+-+Blended+Layer.jpg.html
[18:40] <uga> unless kubuntu i... what's next, impetuous indian? features a panoramic 3d view desktop
[18:41] <seele> wow
[18:41] <seele> i want three monitors just so i can have that background
[18:42] <uga> =)
[18:51] <seele> wow.. there are some good pictures of the friday event
[18:51] <seele> of course.. those are also the people with $1000 lenses ;P
[18:55] * ryanakca wishes he could dream of affording 1554CAD dollar lenses... however... that's a laptop... or a third of a year of Uni... or food for a few months...
[18:57] <crimsun> you don't need food, a laptop, or a university education.
[18:57] <crimsun> guess that's settled.
[18:57] <ryanakca> lol :)
[18:59] <uga> seele: where?
[19:14] <uga> ryanakca: get one of these http://www.engadget.com/2008/05/20/olpc-unveils-first-prototype-of-xo-2-0/
[19:14] <uga> they claim they'll put them down to $75
[19:16] <ryanakca> uga: heh, interesting :)
[19:18] <ryanakca> uga: 2010... just as I graduate and head off to Uni... splendid :)
[19:19] <uga> lol
[19:20] <seele> uga: planet ubuntu
[19:21] <uga> seele: I prefer your shots to those ;)
[19:23] <nosrednaekim> ryanakca: wow... you're that young?
[19:24] <ryanakca> nosrednaekim: umm... well... not /that/ young... but younger than most, yes.
[19:24] <nosrednaekim> ^_^ i'm 18... im not insulting you :P
[19:25] <ryanakca> lol, just a few years older than I am :)
[19:44] * mhb suddenly feels ancient :o)
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[20:04] <uga> mhb: yeah, those kids these days...
[20:05] <mhb> uga: right :o)
[20:06] <mhb> uga: seen my photo at the UDS?
[20:11] <uga> mhb: not sure which of them that is
[20:27] <uga> mhb: I couldn't see any shots by/of you there
[20:58] <Riddell> Czessi: how did informationdays go?
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[22:58] * seele yawns
[22:59] <seele> is it 17:58 or 23:58? my body can't tell the difference yet :P
[22:59] <DaskreecH> 16:58 here
[22:59] <DaskreecH> 59
[23:00] <DaskreecH> 17:00 :-)
[23:13] <seele> Riddell: have you uploaded the three pictures you took?
[23:15] <Riddell> seele: which three?
[23:15] <DaskreecH> "those" three
[23:20] <Riddell> seele: this one? http://www.flickr.com/photos/jriddell/2522718840/
[23:21] <seele> Riddell: no. great one of my mouth open though :P
[23:21] <seele> Riddell: didn't see you posted them on flickr yet.
[23:21] <Riddell> still uploading
[23:22] <Riddell> seele: that should be it
[23:44] <DaskreecH> seele: Yellow hair :-)
[23:47] <DaskreecH> seele: Hmm strange
[23:47] <DaskreecH> one of your pictures comes out black
[23:47] <Riddell> black? must be seele :)
[23:47] <DaskreecH> Riddell: Well kinda it comes out black in the slideshow
[23:47] <DaskreecH> Ha ha :-)