UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /24 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[09:47] <jdavies> YAY, bot back
[09:47] <jussi01> argh... now I cant be evil anymore... :/
[09:47] <jussi01> :P
[09:49] <Myrtti> glguy: anything else you need help for?
[12:00] <jussi01> Hey Myrtti have a lok at this: - my backyard lastnight: http://lifematta.com/jussi01/event/10904/
[12:00] <jussi01> :D
[12:00] <Myrtti> oh
[12:00] <Myrtti> I've got squirrel babies in my backyard
[12:00] <Myrtti> well, basically
[13:40] <Myrtti> @btlogin
[13:43] <Myrtti> for crying out loud
[13:43] <Myrtti> save me from laeg
=== ubot3` is now known as ubot3
[13:52] <Myrtti> he thinks I'm an idiot
[16:54] <Jack_Sparrow> Any other ops around?
[16:56] <jdavies> Jack_Sparrow: hi
[16:57] <Jack_Sparrow> Howdy.. did we have any more bible spam last night after I talked with the isp?
[16:57] <jdavies> not sure, I restarted irssi this morning
[16:58] <Jack_Sparrow> k
[16:58] <Jack_Sparrow> thanks.
[16:58] <Seeker`> Jack_Sparrow: in which channel?
[19:10] <Myrtti> !prayer
[19:10] <ubottu> Dear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language or leisure op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.
[19:10] <Myrtti> *sigh*
[19:13] <Seeker`> what?
[19:14] <Myrtti> I'm not at my best
[19:15] <Myrtti> it would probably be better not to be on IRC at all
[19:15] <Myrtti> poke me if I start to act bad.
[19:18] <Myrtti> dad is in intensive care
[19:29] <Gary> Myrtti: go, don't sit here stressing (hope he is alright)
[19:30] <Myrtti> I actually started to tune my mpd again
[19:30] <Myrtti> and tweaking boodler
[19:30] <Myrtti> wonderful software that is
[19:30] <Seeker`> Myrtti: Hope he gets better soon
[19:31] <Myrtti> life is a terminal disease, an alcoholic with diabetes, high cholesterol and bloodpressure isn't in the best condition ever, but... yeah. I hope they get him fixed and scared enough to take care of himself more
[19:32] <Myrtti> *sigh*
[19:33] * Gary hugs Myrtti
[19:38] <Jack_Sparrow> Myrtti Hugs from me as well
[21:31] <Seeker`> does the hardy installer give a warning that stuff may break if you try to resize partitions in the installer?
[22:31] <nosrednaekim> hello, could you have a look at what JOSEITO is doing on #kubuntu?
[22:31] <nosrednaekim> seems to be trolling..
[22:33] <Jack_Sparrow> nosrednaekim Joining now
[22:36] <ubottu> Jack_Sparrow called the ops in #kubuntu ()
[22:39] <Jack_Sparrow> nixternal Thanks...
[22:39] <nixternal> no problemo
[22:52] <PriceChild> Wooooooooooooooooooooooooo I'm going to see Feeder tomorrow, you all fail.
[22:52] <nosrednaekim> Feeder?
[22:53] <PriceChild> Only the *greatest* band in the world.
[22:53] <nosrednaekim> ^_^
[22:54] <tritium> U2? Where?
[22:55] <nosrednaekim> hehe
[22:55] <nosrednaekim> +10 tritium
[22:55] <tritium> :)
[23:06] <PriceChild> U2...? US?!
[23:06] <PriceChild> tritium: watch Bill Bailey on U2.
[23:07] <tritium> Who is Bill Bailey?
[23:07] <PriceChild> #;o
[23:07] <PriceChild> *:O
[23:07] * tritium googles
[23:07] <PriceChild> tritium: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EDuK46ZqFM
[23:07] <PriceChild> I can't check its the right one righ tnow
[23:07] <tritium> ok
[23:07] <PriceChild> but it shouold be about a catastrophic systems failure at one of their gigs
[23:08] <tritium> I see.
[23:08] <Seeker`> heh
[23:08] <Seeker`> I like his opinions on the BBC news theme
[23:08] <tritium> Well, I guess it's about time I install flash...
[23:08] <PriceChild> Seeker`: that's almost my favourite
[23:09] <PriceChild> Seeker`: if it weren't for the merry go round
[23:09] <PriceChild> magic roundabout is what i mean
[23:10] <Seeker`> PriceChild: link?
[23:10] <PriceChild> gah
[23:10] <PriceChild> Seeker`: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARBajLHHCHs
[23:14] <Seeker`> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AodciConUGQ
[23:14] <tritium> I'm still waiting for ubuntu-restricted-extras to finish installing
[23:24] <tritium> PriceChild: that was silly
[23:24] <PriceChild> tritium: hmm?
[23:25] <tritium> PriceChild: the U2 bit
[23:25] <PriceChild> :D
[23:25] <tritium> Might have been funny, if U2 wasn't *SO* much more than guitar effects. ;)
[23:40] <Jack_Sparrow> PriceChild That youtube is funnny