UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /24 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:38] <CarlFK> I have 2 bugs, and would like help sorting out what exactly is going on
[00:51] <CarlFK> ubuntu alt installer, Alt-F2 to a BusyBox shell, anna-install openssh-client-udeb - it installs, but I get an error: "Loading libcrypto0.9.8-u failed for unknown reasons. Aborting. <continue> <go back>"
[00:51] <CarlFK> http://dev.personnelware.com/carl/temp/May21/a/hardy_install_error1.png
[00:52] <CarlFK> looking at the logs http://dev.personnelware.com/carl/temp/May23/d/qemu/log/syslog i see
[00:52] <CarlFK> Package libcrypto0.9.8-udeb is already installed and configured May
[00:52] <CarlFK> er, ignore May...
[00:53] <CarlFK> so A) why is it trying to install it again
[00:53] <CarlFK> B) why is that causing an error
[00:53] <CarlFK> C) why is the error message "unknown reasons." ?
[00:55] <kindofabuzz> is there a permenant fix for the "set as desktop backgound" bug? i know the temp one
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[08:40] <leifdk1978> hey any one got time to (mentor) me a bit is new in bughunting :)
[08:42] <gnomefreak> anyone up happen to know where the file is to enable apport i cant find it anymore :(
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[08:57] <leifdk1978> any one wana help me get better at trangle
[09:15] <ruiboon_> gnomefreak: /etc/default/apport
[09:16] <gnomefreak> ah default thanks
[09:16] <ruiboon_> np
[09:17] <ruiboon_> leifdk1978: i can try to help. though i am relatively new too
[09:17] <leifdk1978> ok yeah just started last nigth soo
[09:19] <ruiboon_> leifdk1978: started mine a couple weeks ago
[09:19] <leifdk1978> so a i am learing what info should be i a report before i confirm
[09:22] <ruiboon_> leifdk1978: i base my actions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage (under confirming)
[09:23] <leifdk1978> ohh nice
[09:24] <leifdk1978> thanx
[09:27] <ruiboon_> leifdk1978: no problem
[09:28] <leifdk1978> is semi afk is trying to learn python
[11:29] <Laibsch> Can somebody please make sure that this bryce-guy either gets off the dope or gets his medication immediately? Whichever it is. Look at history of bug 189579.
[11:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 189579 in xorg-server "xephyr should have a menu entry" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189579
[11:29] <Laibsch> What a clueless jerk
[11:36] <RAOF> Laibsch: It looks like the bug he duped it against fixes your complaint, right?
[11:37] <RAOF> Laibsch: "New log in in a window" now uses Xephyr, according to bug #173837, which resolves your bug?
[11:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 173837 in gdm "'new login in a window' should use Xephyr rather than Xnest" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173837
[12:03] <Laibsch> RAOF: That is the point, the *title* seems to suggest the bugs are dupes. Actually reading the comments of 173837, I am not sure about what that bug is about after all. The reason given for the closure make it clear to me that this bug is not a dupe to mine.
[12:03] <Laibsch> And, most importantly, I still don't see this menu entry
[12:04] <Laibsch> -> my comment 8
[12:05] <Laibsch> That is what gets me so infuriated
[12:05] <Laibsch> I explain at length, I bug for feedback and questions to avoid misunderstandings
[12:06] <Laibsch> Bryce just goes on with his way of "shoot in the dark" as long as this bug gets off my list
[12:06] <Laibsch> The bug tracker is not about getting the bug count down.
[12:06] <Laibsch> It is about actually fixing bugs
[12:06] <Laibsch> (not that this was a severe bug, or even a real bug. it is only wishlist)
[12:15] <leifdk1978> hey againg guys
[12:15] <thekorn> hi leifdk1978 et all.
[12:26] <Iulian> Hello thekorn
[12:27] <thekorn> huhu Iulian
[12:39] <siretart> why does any user may nominate bugs for releases? As found in bug #44194?
[12:39] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 44194 in wpasupplicant "wpasupplicant doesn't start when the network start" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44194
[12:40] <siretart> for this bug this is totally pointless
[14:01] <qense> there are a lot of topics at the Ubuntuforums that are actually bugs
[14:01] <qense> shouldn't we also try to look there and ask people to open a bug report?
[14:01] <qense> or ask the ubuntuforums community to do so?
[14:10] <ruiboon_> i guess asking the ubuntuforums community to do so would be a better choice
[14:11] <ruiboon_> that would be better as dupes would be checked
[14:11] <ruiboon_> and checked for repeatability
[14:12] <ruiboon_> though these are current things what the bugsquad does in launchpad
[14:13] <ruiboon_> or there may be somelike of a link between the ubuntuforums to launchpad bug tracking. just like the link between questions and bugs
[14:41] <qense> yeah, maybe that would be good
[14:41] <qense> but that would mean that a LP pluging for the forums has to be written
[14:41] <qense> oh
[14:41] <qense> I've got to go
[14:41] <qense> bye!
[14:44] <pimanx> Hi, I'm new to bugsquading, and was wondering which status to set to bug reports regarding translation error - is it 'Invalid'?
[15:20] <mikes80> hey guys, this the right place to ask advice about filing a bug?
[15:40] <fidodido> need help in PR just a click http://www.alaskan.ro thanks! sorry about message
[16:05] <Iulian> bddebian: No boo today?
[16:05] <Iulian> Hey james
[16:07] <james_w> hi Iulian
[16:19] <bddebian> Iulian: Heh, missed it. :-( Hello :)
[16:29] <Iulian> bddebian: Hey :)
[16:42] <LucidFox> Should I check for private data in CoreDump.gz?
[16:42] <LucidFox> It's huge...
[17:09] <Iulian> LucidFox: Which bug?
[17:14] <Iulian> LucidFox: You might want to check the stacktrace file for private data.
[17:14] <LucidFox> I did
[17:14] <Iulian> LucidFox: If it doesn't contain anything important then you can mark the bug as public.
[17:43] <hggdh> LucidFox: you should always assume coredumps will contain private data
[17:44] <LucidFox> ah
[17:57] <hggdh> LucidFox: too big to search, too many thing might have been going on when the coredump was taken
[18:06] <LucidFox> YES!!!!!!
[18:06] <LucidFox> wait
[18:06] <LucidFox> wrong channel
[19:43] <mnemo> someone should assign a dev to this bug (7 duplicates and 40+ comments), it should not be "low importance" it affects almost everyone --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libflashsupport/+bug/183917
[19:43] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 183917 in libflashsupport "Sound stops working in Firefox once other applications (Pidgin, Rhythmbox) have played sound" [Low,Confirmed]
[19:46] <\sh> mnemo, people deal when they have time
[19:46] <\sh> mnemo, this bug is on the radar and we are searching for a solution
[19:46] <mnemo> okay sounds great
[22:02] <ffm> bdmurray: ping
[22:05] <crimsun> mnemo: it is very much a low importance bug. There's a known and relatively unintrusive workaround.
[22:06] <mnemo> crimsun: what is the workaround?
[22:06] <crimsun> mnemo: don't use pulseaudio.
[22:06] <mnemo> ahh okay, I see... how can I turn it off?
[22:07] <crimsun> either remove the pulseaudio package, and/or choose not to enable software sound mixing in System> Preferences> Sound
[22:11] <mnemo> hmm turning off ESD didnt work for me
[22:11] <mnemo> crimsun: even if this is not fixed in 8.4.1 or so, do you think it will be fixed for intrepid?
[22:12] <crimsun> it's already fixed in intrepid.
[22:12] <mnemo> sweet
[22:12] <mnemo> pulseaudio fixes some other things for me so I'd rather keep it
[22:12] <mnemo> so I think i'll just avoid playing flash audio stuff while playing music until intrepid
[22:13] <crimsun> it's probably better fixed for hardy-backports
[22:13] <crimsun> (alsa-lib, alsa-plugins, and flashplugin-nonfree need to be backported)
[22:17] <mnemo> crimsun: I added some of this info as a comment to the bug so people know their options (nobody had mentioned this workaround in the comments before afaik) --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libflashsupport/+bug/183917
[22:17] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 183917 in libflashsupport "Sound stops working in Firefox once other applications (Pidgin, Rhythmbox) have played sound" [Low,Confirmed]
[22:19] <crimsun> mnemo: right, no one explicitly stated it in 183917, though Luke and I both have mentioned other bugs that contain that info. Thanks.
[22:48] <Gralco> I turn an application in to Brian Murray for the ubuntu bug control team a week ago and I still haven't had any notice from it.
[22:48] <Gralco> How long does it usually take?
[23:05] <Gralco_> I turn an application in to Brian Murray for the ubuntu bug control team a week ago and I still haven't had any notice from it.