UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /24 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[11:43] <Xsss4hell> hi
[11:43] <Xsss4hell> I've got a problem regarding to the Realtime Kernel .17
[11:43] <Xsss4hell> All windows are white what can I do?
[11:44] <Xsss4hell> compiz runs super slowly
[11:44] <Xsss4hell> everything is slow
[11:44] <Xsss4hell> but with the generic kernel everything is fine
[11:45] <Xsss4hell> 2.6.24-17-generic (ok) -- 2.6.24-17-rt (nok)
=== TheInfinitz_ is now known as TheInfinity
=== ajmorris_ is now known as ajmorris_|AFK