UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /24 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== ScottK-uds is now known as ScottK2
[00:18] <Riddell> oh my ears
[00:24] <seele> yeah.. my head is ringing
[00:25] <ScottK2> And it's not because of the volume.
[00:27] <seele> ScottK2: nah, i only had one beer tonight
[00:27] <seele> ScottK2: if anything, it's from jumping around like a crazy person
[00:27] <apachelogger> uhhh jumpstyle dancing :D
[00:27] <ScottK2> I was thinking more about the nature of the sounds than the volume. They did severe violence to some of my favorite songs.
[00:27] <seele> lol
[00:29] <Riddell> ScottK2: which one?
[00:29] <ScottK2> Light My Fire and American Pie are the two that come immediately to mind.
[00:30] <ScottK2> Although the latter is long enough that it had got a lot better by the end.
[00:30] <ScottK2> I'm old enough that I own American Pie from the original release (1972).
[01:07] * uga thinks *buntu coding guidelines should suggest using firefox as a base for bad gui examples
[02:42] <yuriy> uga: what parts of firefox are that bad that don't already apply to all of gnome?
[04:08] <uga> yuriy: check the new download manager
[04:08] <uga> yuriy: previously if you wanted to erase the whole list there was a clear list button
[04:08] <uga> now you need to select one of the items and right click (if you don't select an item the menu won't popup)
[04:09] <uga> and then clear list
[04:09] <uga> why hide a function that is so useful and make it hard to reach
[04:09] <uga> whoever did that had "oh! less buttons!" in his brain
[04:11] <uga> appart from that, the settings dialogs are a mess
[04:11] <uga> a real mess
[04:12] <Jucato> (less of a mess compared to konqueror though :P)
[04:12] <uga> I don't think so
[04:13] <uga> try find where the proxy configuration goes
[04:13] <uga> privacy? security? advanced?
[04:13] <uga> where on earth is the connections option
[04:13] <uga> you need to go to advanced->network->settings
[04:14] <uga> obviously "network settings" is an advanced option in a browser, RIGHT¿?
[04:15] <uga> and cookies expiration time etc, which should be options that nobody ever uses, appear in the main manus
[04:15] <uga> menus
[04:16] <uga> Jucato: finding that option in thunderbird is even more fun
[04:16] <Jucato> heh I dare not touch the bird :)
[04:17] <uga> as far as kmail doesn't work fine, I got no other choice
[04:17] <uga> kde3 one was pretty annoying for imap
[04:17] <uga> and kde4 one is... well, ... you know =)
[04:18] <Jucato> yeah.. I know
[04:18] <Jucato> also annoying for gmail imap
[04:19] <Jucato> s/also/still/
[04:43] <nixternal> oi
[04:44] <vorian> why does qt-copy take sooooo long?
[04:48] <nixternal> vorian: you don't need qt-copy if you are using -proposed, as the qt4.4 libraries are available
[04:49] <vorian> sh**
[04:49] <nixternal> haha
[04:49] <vorian> :)
[04:50] <vorian> the wiki should be updated
[05:35] <skreech_> nixternal: ping
=== skreech_ is now known as DASKreech
[05:35] <nixternal> yo
[05:35] <Jucato> nixternal: pong
[05:35] <nixternal> foo
[05:35] <Jucato> :D
[05:36] * Jucato loves playing with nixternal hehehe
[05:36] <nixternal> I will make you sick! stay away!
[05:36] <DASKreech> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/Chicago_Downtown_Aerial_View.jpg
[05:36] <DASKreech> I can see your house from here!
[05:36] <nixternal> holy jesus that is awesome
[05:36] <Jucato> "* Jucato loves playing with nixternal" <--- if that isn't evidence of being utterly sick and broken, I don't know what is
[05:37] <Jucato> whoa!!!
[05:37] <Jucato> why can't we have one of those :(
[05:37] <Jucato> (we don't even have a decent night skyline pic...)
[05:37] <nixternal> DASKreech: it need to go about 10 more miles west, and you might be able to see it
[05:39] <nixternal> that picture makes chicago look small
[05:39] <DASKreech> It's tiny :)
[05:40] <DASKreech> I have to change my res down just to make it fit my screen
[05:40] <nixternal> I can see my old apartment though
[05:41] <nixternal> that pic was taken a few miles up of course
[05:41] <nixternal> where you see all of the skyscapers, that is a few hundred square miles
[05:42] <DASKreech> See that's why we need a KDE webbrowser :)
[05:42] <nixternal> ey?
[05:43] <DASKreech> I got this pic from Stumbleupon
[05:43] <DASKreech> WE need something with an uber plugin system :-)
[05:44] <nixternal> ya, I would like to be able to use some of the greasemonkey scripts in Konqueror
[05:44] <nixternal> I totally dislike Firefox, and especially dislike Firefox 3
[05:44] <nixternal> beta 5 and the new RC both suck hardcore
[05:45] <nixternal> to me, Konqi in KDE 4 seems a bit bloated, and definitely broken
[05:55] <DASKreech> w3m! w3m! w3m!
[05:59] <Hobbsee> strange person.
[06:00] <nixternal> most definitely
[06:00] <nixternal> howdy Hobbsee
[06:00] * seele yawns
[06:00] <nixternal> howdy seele
[06:00] <seele> later everyone.. off to the airport
[06:00] <nixternal> just wakin' up?
[06:00] <seele> yup
[06:01] <nixternal> haha, figured you were on your way back to this cold ass country
[06:03] <Jucato> have a safe and nice trip seele
[06:04] <Hobbsee> heya
[06:06] <nixternal> I would hate that flight...way to long for me not to be on solid ground
[06:06] * Jucato notes that nixternal has turned #kde-devel to #kde-cafe...
[06:06] <Jucato> hallow Hobbsee
[06:06] <nixternal> that wasn't me
[06:06] <Jucato> I saw you first :)
[06:07] <nixternal> also, don't be givin' out info on the cafe man...it is a top secret geek breeding ground
[06:07] <Jucato> nixternal: I still have one week for kde-docs right?
[06:07] <nixternal> god that is scary
[06:07] <Jucato> on right
[06:07] <Jucato> oh right
[06:07] <nixternal> 2 weeks
[06:07] <nixternal> June 3rd
[06:07] <nixternal> err, ya, one week...not even 2
[06:07] <Jucato> that's practically 1 week.. I don't count weekends
[06:07] <Jucato> :D
[06:07] <nixternal> 10 days
[06:07] <Jucato> weekends are when I work... weekdays are when I lounge
[06:08] <nixternal> hah
[06:08] <nixternal> I am always lounging
[06:08] <Jucato> I'm eyeing the session mangler and autostart control module docs...
[06:08] <nixternal> jeesh
[06:08] <nixternal> fire away homeskillet
[06:08] <Jucato> if you always lounge, I wonder what you do when you're active :)
[06:09] <nixternal> I am trying to get a working trunk build...but my desktop keeps locking up and I can't figure out the reason
[06:09] <Jucato> somehow I always get the wrong image of a fish fillet when you say "homeskillet"...
[06:09] <nixternal> I am starting to lean towards faulty hardware somewhere
[06:09] <Jucato> one word: "Plasma"
[06:09] <Jucato> :D
[06:09] * Jucato likes to blame the poor critter
[06:09] <nixternal> nah, cuz I can make KDE 3 lock up while building stuff
[06:09] <Jucato> oh
[06:09] <Jucato> now that's bad
[06:10] <nixternal> but kde 4 locks up a heck of a lot more than kde 3 does
[06:10] <nixternal> kde 3 has only locked up a couple of times...kde 4 has locked up every time
[06:10] <nixternal> with and without the fglrx driver
[06:13] <Jucato> fglrx..
[06:13] * Jucato once again sulks at the current state of his hardware...
[06:31] * DASKreech blames X
[06:31] <DASKreech> X sucks
[06:31] <nixternal> that it does
[06:31] <nixternal> unless of course you have intel, then it rocks :)
[06:32] <Jucato> indeed.
[06:32] <Jucato> but Intel doesn't make AGP's (discreet graphis cards?)
[06:32] <Jucato> or PCI-E's...
[06:34] <DASKreech> pr PCI
[06:35] <nixternal> or anything detachable for that matter
[06:35] <Jucato> yeah...
[06:35] <DASKreech> I hate the new X though
[06:35] <DASKreech> hate hate
[06:35] * Jucato is stuck with low-end NVIDIA cards... because his mobo doesn't have PCI-E slots...
[06:35] <DASKreech> Mine either
[06:35] <DASKreech> why do you need a high end one?
[06:36] <DASKreech> the day you need a high end video card for the desktop is the day you need Vista +1
[06:36] <Jucato> DASKreech: well not really high-end, but at least non-legacy
[06:36] <Jucato> not true
[06:36] <Jucato> if you were a graphics artist or animator, you'd still need a high-end one
[06:36] <Jucato> (which was something I hope I'd become)
[06:37] <DASKreech> Hmm what kinda graphics?
[06:37] <Jucato> anyway, the real issue is that my card is legacy. and almost all of the fixes that relate to Qt4-NVIDIA bugs are not backported
[06:37] <Jucato> computer graphics, animation (3D)
[06:38] <DASKreech> Blender?
[06:39] <Jucato> kinda
[06:39] <Jucato> I'm also looking into gaming... the heavy kind...
[06:39] <Jucato> (NWN for one)
[06:51] <DASKreech> .. professional ?
[06:52] <Jucato> hm?
[06:52] <DASKreech> As in like FOSS heavy gaming? or professional dev?
[06:54] <Jucato> just playing for now... I was dreaming of dev years ago..
[06:54] <Jucato> not sure if I'll take that up again anytime soon
[06:56] <DASKreech> :-(
[06:56] <Jucato> well, no time really
[06:56] <DASKreech> Lots of FOSS games need devs
[06:56] <Jucato> but my area of interest mainly revolves around graphics. from graphical user interface to computer graphics to 3D graphics :)
[06:57] <DASKreech> The TUX RPG could use new models
[06:57] <Jucato> who knows... maybe one day...
[06:57] <Jucato> any how... nappy wappy time
[07:48] <DASKreech> Jucato: awake?
[09:14] <mhb> Artemis_Fowl, around?
[09:14] <Artemis_Fowl> mhb: yes
[09:14] <mhb> splendid
[09:15] <mhb> Artemis_Fowl: hm, yes, are you able to /msg ?
[09:16] <Artemis_Fowl> one min to verify my nickname
[09:16] <mhb> OK.
[09:16] <Artemis_Fowl> ok
=== masjan_ is now known as masjan
[10:40] <mhb> any KDE4 expert around?
[10:45] <Nightrose> mhb: many probably ;-)
[10:45] <Nightrose> what do you need?
[10:47] <mhb> Nightrose: nothing anymore
[10:47] <mhb> Nightrose: well, I wonder how you change panel size in KDE 4.devel
[10:47] <Nightrose> there was a video on that on the planet ;-)
[10:48] <mhb> Nightrose: also, do you happen to know how to enable the WebKit kpart in konqueror?
[10:49] <Nightrose> nope sorry
[10:50] <apachelogger> mhb: co playground/libs/webkitkde
[10:50] <apachelogger> build it
[10:50] <apachelogger> then best thing to do is switching it in the file association kcm
[10:50] <apachelogger> for the mimetype html
[10:50] <apachelogger> or
[10:50] <mhb> apachelogger: I've built that
[10:50] <apachelogger> per session in konqueror -> view -> something -> webkitkde
[10:51] <mhb> thanks
[10:51] <mhb> got to go, be back in a few
[11:15] <mhb> apachelogger: you seem to be a skilled chap
[11:15] <mhb> apachelogger: how do you rebuild a part of kdebase without actually having to rebuild the whole kdebase over again?
[11:16] <mhb> apachelogger: forget the question
[11:16] <mhb> apachelogger: I guess using the old cmake/make should work
[11:23] <apachelogger> yup
[11:23] <mhb> turned out it didn't
[11:23] <apachelogger> so you broke something
[11:23] <mhb> no. but with those cs/cb scripts you can switch to a build dir and build a particular part.
[11:24] <apachelogger> just svn up in cs, switch to cb and run cmakekde
[11:24] <mhb> if you run cmake . and make afterwards, it won't compile anything - /bin/sh: KDE4_AUTOMOC_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND: not found
[11:24] <apachelogger> sounds like a env var issue though
[11:25] <apachelogger> mhb: btw, you shouldn't run cmake in the source tree
[11:25] <mhb> right
[11:25] <mhb> I said it wasn't a good way to build it
[11:25] <apachelogger> hm
[11:26] <apachelogger> mhb: so you want to rebuild a specific application within kdebase?
[11:26] <mhb> exacylu
[11:26] <mhb> exactly
[11:26] <mhb> but I know how to do it right now
[11:26] <mhb> so there's nothing to worry about
[11:27] * apachelogger goes in standby again :P
[11:32] <mhb> grr
[11:33] <mhb> apachelogger: I need your help
[11:34] <apachelogger> sure
[11:34] <mhb> apachelogger: I've built kdebase once
[11:34] <mhb> apachelogger: and it worked
[11:34] <mhb> now I've changed some systemsettings code, and I'm trying to rebuild it
[11:34] <mhb> so I do "cs kdebase/workspace/systemsettings/" and then cmakekde
[11:35] <apachelogger> well
[11:35] <mhb> for some freaking reason, it keeps the code cached somewhere!
[11:35] <apachelogger> yeah
[11:35] <apachelogger> cmake does
[11:35] <mhb> argh
[11:35] <apachelogger> you will have to run cmakekde in the kdebase dir
[11:35] <mhb> and wait half an hour for it to build, after every change?
[11:35] <mhb> no way
[11:35] <apachelogger> mhb: does not
[11:36] <apachelogger> as you said it's caching
[11:36] <apachelogger> ultimately you just need to run cmake PATH in kdebase
[11:36] <apachelogger> and make/make install in workspace/systemsettings
[11:37] <mhb> you can't just build systemsettings on your own, without having cmake to check all the other apps?
[11:38] <mhb> on every build run
[11:43] <apachelogger> mhb: well, you can modify systemsettings' cmake file
[11:43] <mhb> what?
[11:43] <apachelogger> cmakelists.txt
[11:43] <mhb> is KDE that developer-unfriendly?
[11:43] <apachelogger> by default it inherts
[11:44] <apachelogger> mhb: it's not like you were able to do that with autohell :P
[11:44] <mhb> either that or you don't know the correct way
[11:44] <apachelogger> you can also run cmake just in workspace
[11:44] <apachelogger> mhb: thing is I never had a cache issue
[11:44] <apachelogger> and I mostly do partial builds
[11:44] <mhb> can't you just run some make clean in the build directory so it has to recheck the source files?
[11:44] <mhb> because I've edited them, and it doesn't care
[11:45] <apachelogger> oh
[11:45] <apachelogger> as a matter of fact you might
[11:45] <mhb> even if I write in a random string of characters, it doesn't care and builds from some cache
[11:46] <apachelogger> mhb: cd to the build dir of workspace/systemsettings
[11:46] <apachelogger> then run rm -rf ./* :P
[11:46] <apachelogger> mhb: I suggest googling
[11:46] * apachelogger has to leave for a administrator meeting
[11:46] <mhb> ok
[11:47] <apachelogger> windows server 2003 patching :D
[11:47] <apachelogger> hrrhr
[11:47] <mhb> ah, lovely
[11:47] <mhb> how come you have time for that and not UDS ? :o)
[11:47] <mhb> shame on you! :o)
[11:48] <apachelogger> because it's part of the preparation for the IT exam on monday :P
[11:48] <Tm_T> hahah
[11:48] <mhb> hmm, is it
[11:48] <mhb> have fun then
[11:48] <apachelogger> laters
[12:05] <etretyak> aa
[13:08] <smarter> http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=qdevelop << package waiting for review/ack :)
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
[15:35] <nosrednaekim> nice interview Riddell :)
[15:35] <nosrednaekim> the "four point naught" threw me off for a while though :P
[15:39] <Jucato> the youtube video?
[15:39] <Jucato> he was "dell from Kubuntu" :)
[15:40] <nosrednaekim> :)
[15:41] <nixternal> mornin'
[15:43] <Jucato> moin nixternal
[15:43] <\sh> hey nixternal-core ;)
[15:43] <jjesse> afternoon Jucato
[15:44] <nixternal> mmm, mcgriddles ftw!
[15:44] <Jucato> almost noon jjesse :)
[15:44] <jjesse> is he a core dev know
[15:44] <Jucato> (for you I guess?)
[15:44] <jjesse> Jucato: yes almost 11am
[15:46] <nixternal> indy 500 tomorrow!
[15:51] <jjesse> yay?
[15:51] <nixternal> of course yay :)
[15:51] <nixternal> go danika patrick!
[15:53] <jjesse> you just like her cause she's smokin hot
[15:53] <jjesse> not based on her driving skillz
[15:53] <nixternal> and she is from Illinois
[15:53] <jjesse> off to hardware store be back in a bit
[15:53] <nixternal> she isn't the best driver, but ya, she's smokin' hot :p
[16:09] <\sh> cheer people :)
[16:09] <\sh> a good german beer in the afternoon is good ;)
[16:55] <txwikinger> nixternal: The race is tomorrow, right?
[16:59] <nixternal> yup
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
[17:24] <jjesse> stupid one time question: how do i set kate up so i can have multiple windows of kate open at a time?
[17:25] <nixternal> ey?
[17:25] <nixternal> you can't just keep opening up kate?
[17:25] <nosrednaekim> yeah....
[17:25] <nixternal> just hit cancel when that window pops up
[17:26] <jjesse> from the application launcher when i click on kate it doesn't open up a new window
[17:26] <nixternal> it does here
[17:26] <nixternal> it popped up something about a session, but I accidentally hit esc before I could read what it said
[17:27] <nosrednaekim> works here.... what command is the menu item executing?
[17:28] <jjesse> don't know what command the launcher in kubuntu is executing
[17:28] <nixternal> interesting...it doesn't work here
[17:28] <nixternal> when you open up kate from the menu, it only allows one instance
[17:28] <nosrednaekim> jjesse: try, right click, edit menu
[17:28] <nixternal> nice boog find there jjesse :)
[17:28] <nosrednaekim> nixternal: not for me...
[17:29] <jjesse> nosrednaekim: hrmm running kde4
[17:29] <nosrednaekim> oh! ok
[17:29] <nixternal> same here
[17:29] <nixternal> haha
[17:29] <nosrednaekim> ^_^
[17:29] <jjesse> i thought at one time kubuntu shipped with something like kate & or something like that you had to edit?
[17:29] <nosrednaekim> i'm running a rather odd system.... kde3 with kdesktop replaced by plasma :P
[17:30] <jjesse> i can open up another session of kate through the terminal
[17:30] <nosrednaekim> ah.... confirmed :)
[17:30] <nixternal> Exec=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/kate --use %U
[17:31] <jjesse> if i rememve the --use then i can open muliptle session if i recall corectly
[17:31] <claydoh> the command to run kate 'kate --use %u' keeps everything in the same window, get rid of the '--use' bit in the menu entry
[17:31] <jjesse> where do i change that?
[17:31] <nosrednaekim> jjesse: "/usr/lib/kde4/bin/kmenuedit"
[17:31] <nixternal> the --use should be removed honestly
[17:31] <nosrednaekim> does the --use work for konqueror?
[17:32] <nixternal> jjesse: if you launch kate via krunner, then you are fine
[17:34] <jjesse> cool thanks for the help
[17:53] <nosrednaekim> ooh couple months ago remember I was wondering what the @ symbol did in python?
[17:53] <nosrednaekim> its called a "function decorator"
[17:54] <nosrednaekim> and its used for passing a function, complete with its arguments, through another function
[18:00] <nosrednaekim> which is how @pyqtSignature("") stops it from being run twice on each event
[18:01] <nosrednaekim> thats from the last chapter in my python book :P
[18:08] <nixternal> wth package provides $QTDIR/lib/pkgconfig?
[18:08] <nixternal> there is a prepend in my ~/.bashrc but I can't apt-file search for it with results
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
[21:07] <Serega> hi folks
=== kewark is now known as krawek
[23:38] <ryanakca> Has https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidWebsite been "finalized" ?