UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /24 /#bzr.txt
Initial commit
[00:11] <latexer> anybody have any suggestions for good "stastics tools" for bzr branches?
[00:14] <beuno> latexer, there is a stats plugin written by jam, but I'm not sure what kind of statistics you're looking for
[00:15] <beuno> latexer, bzr branch lp:bzr-stats ~/.bazaar/plugins/stats
[00:15] <beuno> that should get it installed :)
[00:15] <latexer> yeah, i checked that out, it's pretty slim on stats though.
[00:15] <latexer> i'm thinking something web based, show commit timelines, LoC added/removed maybe, etc.
[00:16] <beuno> latexer, well, not currently, no
[00:16] <beuno> I don't see it very far away, or too complicated even
[00:16] <beuno> but it hasn't been done
[00:16] <latexer> fair enough.
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[04:00] <ischnura__> Hi
[04:00] <ischnura__> I have been playing with the gtk front end of bzr
[04:01] <ischnura__> and I could not get the nautilus integration working
[04:03] <ischnura__> does someone know how to get the plugin to work?
[04:12] <beuno> ischnura__, what version of bzr-gtk?
[04:13] <beuno> it was enabled in 0.93
[04:13] <beuno> er, disabled
[04:13] <beuno> so you should try 0.94
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[04:22] <Kamping_Kaiser> i find bzr a little strange at times :/ rename a file and it lists it as 'removed' name it back and re add it and its both removed and added ;|
[04:23] <ischnura__> I am back sorry for the delay
[04:24] <ischnura__> I am using Hardy with the version from the repositories
[04:24] <ischnura__> 0.93
[04:26] <ischnura__> beuno, Is there some configuration that I need to do in nautilus?
[04:27] <bob2> Kamping_Kaiser: that's what bzr mv is for
[04:27] <Kamping_Kaiser> bob2, yeah. i'm still getting used to having an rcs (and as such not using coreutils)
[04:28] <bob2> (not using bzr mv does fracture the files history by storing a delete and an add)
[04:28] <Kamping_Kaiser> drat.
[04:28] <beuno> ischnura__, well, I'd use 0.94, where it's enabled by default, and many performance issues fixed
[04:29] <ischnura__> beuno, thanks
[04:29] <ischnura__> I will get the latest version then
[04:29] <bob2> 'bzr mv --after oldname newname' will fix it if you haven't commited
[04:32] <Kamping_Kaiser> i had commited, but i've reverted that change. bzr seems happy with it now for some reason.
[04:33] <bob2> for reference, if you haven't commited anything else, 'bzr uncommit' might be simpler
[04:33] <Kamping_Kaiser> neat
[04:39] <Odd_Bloke> Kamping_Kaiser: See also 'bzr mv --after'.
[04:40] <Kamping_Kaiser> thanks.
[04:40] <bob2> another idea might be to alias commit to 'commit --strict'
[04:40] <Kamping_Kaiser> looks like bzr has everything covered, if only i stopped to think and look in doco *heh*
[04:41] <bob2> every vcs except for rcs and cvs have mv commands, fwiw
[04:43] <Odd_Bloke> And most other VCSs don't track moves at all.
[04:49] <ischnura__> beuno, I have read the README file in the 0.94 version
[04:50] <ischnura__> they talk about installing a the python-nautilus package
[04:51] <ischnura__> and to paste the installation files in .bazaar/plugins/gtk and the nautilus python script in ./nautilus/python-extensions ...
[04:52] <ischnura__> the problem is that it is still not working did you do any other extra configuration?
[04:52] <ischnura__> beuno, did you do any extra configuration?
[04:54] <beuno> ischnura__, try restarting nautilus
[04:54] <ischnura__> sudo killall nautilus
[04:54] <ischnura__> but still not work...
[04:55] <ischnura__> I will try to restart the system...
[04:55] <ischnura__> beuno, I will let you know if it works
[05:39] <ischnura_> beuno, no luck
[05:39] <ischnura_> I still can not get the nautilus integration to work...
[05:40] <ischnura_> beuno, did you have to do any other configuration to get it to work?
[07:20] <gour> morning
[07:20] <gour> what do you think about 1st item in http://bramcohen.livejournal.com/52148.html ?
[07:24] <spiv> gour: well, having two sets of half-done work is generally worse than having one finished thing
[07:25] <spiv> So from that perspective, it's good to minimise the number of things you are doing at once.
[07:26] <spiv> But I think he's too extreme. Sometimes it's unavoidable. Sometimes you do have a long-lived experiment, or need to collaborate with someone in a different timezone (e.g. "does this change fix the bug for you?").
[07:27] <spiv> In fact, one of the great things about one-branch-per-feature is that if work on one feature isn't mature yet, that doesn't interfere with landing a different feature.
[07:28] <spiv> He says in the comments "I just plan out what I'm going to do and then start typing, with very little experimentation and patch management."
[07:28] <gour> right. branches are also not so expensive when we have shared repos
[07:29] <gour> and can be easily discarded when feature is merged back
[07:29] <spiv> That's fine if you're the only person working on the code, and you don't have process where all code is reviewed by someone else before it lands.
[07:29] * gour is accustomed to darcs where branching is quite normal operation
[07:30] <gour> yes, that's what i was doing with darcs, not pushing stuff 'out' which is not stable
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[09:59] <Odd_Bloke> abentley: Is the BundleBuggy "This change has been merged." message a new feature? I like it. :)
[10:06] <gour> will new bzr-gtk still have dependency on seahorse?
[10:39] <sabdfl> if it does, i hope seahorse learns to pop up in front of the window it's being used in, instead of hiding away
[10:42] <RAOF> I think that's focus stealing prevention. In my experience it happens under compiz but not metacity.
[10:45] <gour> why seahorse and some extra gnome-stuff? gpa is not enough?
[15:48] <antoranz> What's up, guys!
[15:48] <antoranz> anybody awake?
[15:49] <antoranz> I wanted to ask how to "efficiently" handle "new lines" between diferent architectures?
[15:49] <bob2> hello
[15:49] <bob2> ideally, use an editor that will not mess them up
[15:50] <antoranz> but is there a way to make bazaar "figure out" how to handle the noe lines by itself?
[15:51] <bob2> it handles them fine
[15:51] <antoranz> perhaps with an option when run?
[15:51] <antoranz> Yesterday I made a brnach of my project on a M$ mox
[15:51] <bob2> if you're asking for it to translate between platform native line endings, that's under development
[15:52] <antoranz> and when a line was edited (on wordpad) when you sae the diff of the file, it was replaced from top to bottom (because of the new lines)
[15:52] <bob2> right, notepad messed it up by not using the existing line ending format
[15:52] <bob2> afaik auto translation is under development but close
[15:53] <antoranz> notepad is not even an editor. :-)
[15:53] <bob2> well, wordpad
[15:53] <antoranz> and wordpad is close to noet being one either. :-D
[15:53] <antoranz> so it's under development.
[15:54] <antoranz> Is there a timeframe to have it on the stable or trial versions?
[15:54] <antoranz> now... a question not directly involved with bazaar but close.....
[15:55] <antoranz> let's say I will stick with the other guy working on windows.
[15:55] <antoranz> and have his file replaced everytime.
[15:55] <antoranz> i could "merge" his changes (which will make bazaar think the file has been rewritten from top to bottom)
[15:56] <bob2> it's reallyt not a platform issue per se, it's an editor one
[15:57] <antoranz> (yes... that's hat I told the guy.... that he needed to set up his editor to use Unix new lines.... and you know what he replyed? Hold on to your chair: He was very happy using windows and won't install GNU/Linux... HUH?!?)
[15:57] <bob2> (I don't know when it will be released, but there's been increased chatter about it on the list)
[15:58] <antoranz> so... as I was saying.... I get his files replacing mine completely.... is there a command (or series of commands) that I could run on GNU/Linux to replace all the M$ new lines for unix ones?
[15:59] <antoranz> Just curious
[15:59] <bob2> sure, dos2unix
[15:59] <antoranz> or even better: series of command on windows he can run so he doesn't mess up the files? say just before committing
[15:59] <Pilky> antoranz: is your friend using notepad for editing?
[16:00] <bob2> on the flip side, most unix editors are competent enough to just not damage files with windows line endings
[16:00] <bob2> so if you conceded defeat and use them, you should be ok
[16:00] <antoranz> I just don't know what he will be using... it was just a "trial baloon"
[16:00] <Pilky> if so, I strongly recommend something like notepad 2.0 which I believe can work with unix line endings
[16:01] <antoranz> ok... you make it an editor problem and that's it. I don't know how I will be coping with that... I guess I can work dos2unix to "correct" HIS problem on my side.
[16:01] <bob2> no, you misunderstand
[16:02] <bob2> your editor will probably be happy with the line endings
[16:02] <antoranz> Oh.. I know... kate has no problem with that at all.
[16:03] <antoranz> but when he save (not saves... save) a file, if he's not careful, he will mess up bazaar and it won't be able to see line changes but file replacement instead
[16:03] <bob2> how so?
[16:04] <antoranz> say... I make a file... 100 lines long and put it in my repository
[16:04] <bob2> unless you convert back on your end, it'll be fine
[16:04] <antoranz> he "merges" it into his repo
[16:04] <antoranz> opens it.... say.. in wordpad
[16:04] <antoranz> he adds two lines
[16:04] <antoranz> saves it
[16:05] <antoranz> if he does a diff, bazaar won't see the two-line change
[16:05] <bob2> ah, yes, that will suck, if you want this scheme to work, you'd need to add files with windows line endings, too
[16:05] <antoranz> he will think the file as it was was completely removed and added 102 lines of code to replace it
[16:07] <antoranz> I know.... that's exactly what we're taling about. The problem is that he won't install GNU/Linux so he can have the lines the way I want (man... I'm still wondering at his lack of understanding of the problem :-S)
[16:07] <antoranz> :-)
[16:07] <bob2> hehe
[16:07] <fullermd> Take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
[16:08] <bob2> well, at the moment you can either: use windows line endings yourself, or insist he uses a competent editor or use dos2unix a lot
[16:08] <antoranz> ok... bottomline: bazaar agnostic new lines recognition is on the way
[16:08] <bob2> at some point :)
[16:09] <antoranz> I can use dos2unix to "correct other people's carelessness"
[16:10] <antoranz> is there a tool that does the opposite for the windows side?
[16:10] <bob2> well, if you run it after every merge from him and before he sees your tree, yeah
[16:10] <bob2> unix2dos
[16:11] <antoranz> for windows? OK..... that's will do it... at the worst, I could add a batch file to the project that he could run before he commits.
[16:11] <antoranz> man.... do I hate people at Microsoft
[16:11] <fullermd> Could be worse; you could have Mac newlines mixed in too :p
[16:12] <antoranz> yeah! ;.)
[16:14] <antoranz> I have never programmed for the CMD.
[16:14] <antoranz> how can I build a while read line; do ; ; ; ; done < filelist.txt
[16:15] <antoranz> if anybody knows, I mean
[16:16] <name> antoranz: if he's got python i could help you :D
[16:19] <antoranz> well.... If he didin't have it, bazaar installed it for him, cause bazaar is working
[16:20] <antoranz> and that's obvious..... use python to do the job
[16:21] <antoranz> as a matter of fact, I've been trying to get my head in python for a while... perhaps it could be a nice exercise to begin with
[16:21] <antoranz> :-)
[16:21] <name> antoranz: should i write a file ending replacer for multiple files for you?
[16:22] <antoranz> nope... don't worry... I'll do it myself. ;-)
[16:22] <name> antoranz: okay..
[16:22] <antoranz> that's anyway, name
[16:22] <name> it's not really hard anyway :)
[16:22] <name> look at os.listdir
[16:23] <name> and just replace ;) "\r\n" with "\n" or counterwise
[16:23] <name> if you got any questions, just ask me, query if you want
[16:23] <antoranz> ok. :-)
[16:23] <antoranz> let me give it a try. ;-)
[16:23] <name> ofcourse ;)
[16:24] <bob2> os.walk would be simpler
[16:25] <name> bob2: ah right, forgot that it could be multiple dirs :)
[16:27] <antoranz> I won't start that high... I'll setup a file where the files that have to be checked will be.
[16:27] <antoranz> I will think of simpler ways later
[16:27] <antoranz> (once I get a grip on python)
[16:27] <name> http://diveintopython.org is good
[16:29] <name> (if you have some programming knowledge)
[16:29] <bob2> if tou can't get this person to understand the issue, you might be better off just doing the work on your side
[16:30] <antoranz> bob2: Well... after his response that "he won't install GNU/Linux", I'm starting to wonder if I'm better of by myself. :-D
[16:30] <name> lol
[16:31] <antoranz> but well.... I'll just create this script just in case I'm stuck with him. :-)
[16:31] <name> and learning python is always good ;)
[16:32] <antoranz> I know.. I know... I was just waiting for one excuse to come by... and it's here... so.... let's not waste anymore time, right? ;-)
[16:32] <antoranz> let's see how I go,.
[16:32] <name> antoranz: nopaste it so i can check how you did it :)
[16:33] <antoranz> ok... I'll call dos2unix (to begin with).
[16:33] <antoranz> (i mean... for my python script)
[16:33] <antoranz> I'll do the whole job from the script later
[16:33] <name> lol
[16:34] <antoranz> don't laugh! :-)
[16:34] <antoranz> I mean.. I'll create a script that will call dos2unix
[16:34] <antoranz> a python script.... I'll change it later to do the converion by itself.
[16:34] <name> what's the point of the script them o.O
[16:35] <antoranz> give me a break, guys! :-D
[16:35] <antoranz> that I can't make a while read line < file_with_filenames on cmd... can I?
[16:35] <antoranz> :-P
[16:35] <name> antoranz: think the python way, query? :D
[16:36] <antoranz> what?
[16:36] <antoranz> :-)
[16:37] <antoranz> I'm sorry: say what?
[16:37] <name> antoranz: if i can query you for that is offtopic here
[16:37] <antoranz> if you can query me for what? :-S Man... I'm dizzy already
[16:38] <name> antoranz: about your script
[16:38] <antoranz> yea, my script
[16:38] <antoranz> wan't to see how it's going?
[16:38] <antoranz> I've made huge leaps forward
[16:39] <antoranz> http://www.pastebin.ca/1027994
[16:40] <name> antoranz: WOW!
[16:40] <antoranz> Told you! :-D
[16:40] <name> i can't speak spanish tho
[16:41] <antoranz> well.... the first line is not important... but the rest of the script speaks for itself.... doesn't it?
[16:42] <antoranz> do you recomend to use tabs or spaces for indentation?
[16:42] <name> antoranz: that file contains the files to be converted, eh?
[16:43] <antoranz> yes... (to begin with)
[16:43] <name> i think i just wrote your script ;)
[16:43] <antoranz> I already know that python uses indentation to figure out "blocks"
[16:43] <antoranz> so which do you recommend to use?
[16:44] <name> i use spaces, but with the tab key
[16:44] <name> my ide does it well :)
[16:44] <antoranz> ok
[16:44] <bob2> pep8 (the python style guidelines) say 4 spaces
[16:44] <bob2> but like name says, it is your ide's problem to sort that out when you hit tab
[16:45] <name> WingIDE for the rule!
[16:46] <antoranz> what do I have to import to use fopen?
[16:46] <name> nothing
[16:46] <name> use open
[16:46] <name> or file, it's the same
[16:48] <antoranz> it worked with open
[16:48] <name> antoranz: loops are not the same as in C, for is not the same as C for...
[16:49] <antoranz> give me a minute,... I think I almost got V1.0
[16:50] <name> lol i sent u a paste o.O
[16:50] <antoranz> what do you "pass" dos2unix? the name of the file and it will reconvert it?
[16:50] <antoranz> no new file is created?
[16:50] <name> u don't need dos2unix, just use replace of python
[16:51] <antoranz> come on, guys... that's V2.0
[16:52] <name> it's easier to do anyway ^^
[16:52] <name> messing with subprocesses is not easy for windows
[16:52] <bob2> it should be pretty easy with the subprocess module
[16:54] <antoranz> V1.0: http://www.pastebin.ca/1028003
[16:54] <antoranz> let me commit it in the repository ;-)
[16:55] <name> why in gods name so complicated o.O
[16:55] <antoranz> man... I'm a rookie! Give me a break
[16:56] <antoranz> in a few minutes i'll have it working _your_ way
[16:56] <name> using external tools is just as hard or easy as using python internals
[16:56] <name> i tell you i've had loads of problems with subprocesses, namely wesnoth.exe for windows
[16:57] <antoranz> let it go, man.... com eon... breath... count to ten. :-)
[16:57] <name> i just warn you.
[16:57] <antoranz> I'll do the change in a few minutes... hold on
[16:59] <name> i had hundres of running processes with windows and loops and subprocess, tho it worked fine with linux
[17:01] <name> *hundreds
[17:02] <name> basically what u want is open(file, "w").write(open(file).read().replace("\r\n", "\n"))
[17:03] <name> no guarantee for that tho :)
[17:03] <antoranz> as I'm reading the filename from another file, I have a \n at the end of the filename
[17:03] <antoranz> how can I remove it?
[17:03] <name> antoranz: using readlines
[17:04] <name> file.readlines()
[17:07] <antoranz> same thing: No such file or directory: 'interfaz_standalone.php\n'
[17:07] <name> then use .strip on the string, tho it should not happen
[17:07] <antoranz> I hate python already. :-D
[17:08] <name> antoranz: it just hates you ;)
[17:08] <name> show me your code
[17:08] <name> and i'm sure it'll be PEBKAC
[17:08] <name> ;-)
[17:09] <antoranz> archivo = archivo.replace("\n", "")
[17:09] <antoranz> I'm not stupid, man... I know how to program, man... I just don't know my "resources" nor sytax with python... take it easy
[17:10] <name> yes, that's what i mean
[17:10] <name> but that replace will make it hard to tell between the lines
[17:12] <antoranz> no no.. that's just for the name of the file I have to process
[17:12] <antoranz> see ho it's going
[17:12] <name> sure but aren't there multiple files in that file?
[17:12] <antoranz> yes, there are
[17:12] <antoranz> see how it's going
[17:12] <antoranz> let me put it in the pastebin
[17:14] <antoranz> http://www.pastebin.ca/1028011
[17:15] <lifeless> gour: the gtk dependency will be removed
[17:15] <lifeless> gour: it should really be 'optional usage' but its buggy right now
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[17:17] <antoranz> guys.... I have to go for a while... I'll come back later to continue working on it
[17:17] <antoranz> thanks for your kind help
[17:17] <antoranz> name: thank you, man
[17:17] <name> np, look at the code i sent you in query
[17:18] <antoranz> I saw it... but I have to go to by some groceries
[17:18] <name> okay hf
[17:18] <antoranz> I'll come back to work on it later... I promise
[17:18] <name> lol
[17:18] <antoranz> take care.
[17:27] <gour> lifeless: you mean seahorse dependency? what is bzr-gtk without gtk?
[17:29] <Pieter> gtk doesn't depend on seahorse
[17:29] <gour> Pieter: bzr-gtk was crashing without seahorse
[17:30] <gour> my question is seahorse is really required for bzr-gtk 'cause it brings some gnome-stuff deps, instead of e.g. gpa
[17:33] <gour> s/is seahorse/is if seahorse/
[17:38] <jelmer> gour: The explicit dependency on seahorse is a bug
[17:38] <jelmer> it's going to be fixed in the next release
[17:40] <gour> jelmer: thanks. that's i wanted to hear ;)
[17:41] <abentley> Odd_Bloke: Indeed. Just implemented yesterday.
[17:44] <lifeless> gour: I thought that was what I said ? :P
[17:47] <gour> lifeless: "the gtk dependency will be removed" is not quite the same
[17:47] <gour> lifeless: how can bzr-gtk be without gtk?
[17:48] <lifeless> meh :)
[17:48] <lifeless> I mean the erroneous dependency *of* bzr-gtk
[17:49] <gour> np ;)
[19:04] <antoranz> OK... I'm back! Hell... I'm very sleepy
[19:04] <antoranz> |-)
[19:25] <antoranz> OK... got it... perhaps it's a little rough... but it does the trick (just tried it)
[19:27] <antoranz> http://www.pastebin.ca/1028099
[19:30] <antoranz> thanks for your help, guys!
[19:31] <antoranz> I'll be coming once in a while to see what I can help with.
[19:31] <antoranz> C ya!
[20:24] <Pilky> If I've just pushed to a launchpad and my friend hasn't changed anything since he last pushed, should he do bzr merge or bzr pull?
[20:24] <Pilky> or are they both equivalent in this case?
[20:26] <radix> Pilky: he should just pull
[20:26] <Pilky> ok, cool
[20:31] <Solarion> hmm
[20:31] <Solarion> my repo seems horked
[20:31] <Solarion> I think I unknowingly shut down during a very long operation
[20:32] <Solarion> any recommendations?
[20:38] <Solarion> bug #234647
[20:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 234647 in bzr "bzr dies with parse error on corrupted history" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/234647
[20:38] <Solarion> ubottu: thanks
[20:38] <ubottu> You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)
[20:40] <gour> ubottu: it's nice that you help people here ;)
[20:40] <ubottu> gour: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[20:41] <gour> ahh, i expected some more intelligence
[22:07] <Pieter> how can I pull all branches at once?
[22:07] <Verterok> Pieter: if you have bzrtools installed, bzr multi-pull
[22:08] <Pieter> right, thanks
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[22:57] <lamalex> bzr won't add my directory! I do bzr add dirname and nothing happens
[22:57] <lamalex> it's listed as unknown in bzr status