UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /22 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:16] <yuriy> Riddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion doesn't specify what will happen to KDE3 packages. will they be removed from the archive as long as there's a replacement?
[00:22] <ScottK-uds> yuriy: The goal is to kill KDE3 as dead as possible. I think yes, although it's not 100 percent clear he meant remove and not drop to Universe, I think he meant remove.
[00:25] <daskReech> 0_o
[00:26] * wolfger worries
[00:26] <daskReech> I understand the want to have KDE3 that dead
[00:26] <daskReech> I don't undersand how it can be seen as wise
[00:26] <stdin> I believe the plan is to move kde3 packages to universe
[00:26] <wolfger> KDE4 needs to be much better than it is now before we go killing KDE3
[00:36] <ScottK-uds> daskReech: The only responses that would be useful would be from someone agreeing to port Guidance Display Config to Xrandr.
[00:36] * daskReech would ask the ubuntu devs too :-P
[00:36] <daskReech> ScottK-uds: ask for that then
[00:36] <ScottK-uds> We should run it by Riddell first. We'd also need enough MOTU to commit to maintaining it with no upstream support.
[00:37] <ScottK-uds> My personal plan is to just stay with Hardy if KDE4 doesn't seem sufficiently mature.
[00:38] <daskReech> put that as one of the choices on the post
[00:40] <wolfger> ScottK-uds: can you explain to me the massive importance of Guidance Display Config?
[00:40] <ScottK-uds> wolfger: Without a display you don't have much of a desktop.
[00:41] <ScottK-uds> X has changed to work in ways the guidance can't support.
[00:41] <wolfger> ah, OK.
[00:41] <ScottK-uds> We barely got it sort of working for Hardy, but it's really got to die.
[00:42] <ScottK-uds> Ubuntu was able to grab source from Red Hat for a Gnome Xrandr tool. No such luck for us.
[00:49] <yuriy> but this is a problem common to all KDE distros
[00:49] <yuriy> daskReech: what is the problem with killing KDE3 in intrepid?
[00:49] <daskReech> except fedora :)
[00:50] <yuriy> we have Hardy with the latest and greatest of the KDE3 series
[00:56] <yuriy> wow amarok2 has a random albums feature. never would have thought of that one yet it seems so awesome now
[01:00] <yuriy> apachelogger: are amarok2 bug reports useful right now? and if so, what kind of reports are useful?
[01:01] <apachelogger> yuriy: crash reports with proper bracktrace only
[01:02] <yuriy> oh, ok. mine is running fine right now :D just some nitpicks about services
[01:25] <yuriy> oh, i think it crashed now
[02:25] <seele> ain't no one as fresh as me
[02:25] <seele> so fresh and so clean clean
[02:25] * seele goes to bed
[02:26] <Jucato> heh!
[02:26] <Jucato> don't people usually say that on waking up? :)
[02:26] <Jucato> good night seele
[02:36] <yuriy> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidCouncil heh my name is in riddellish again and mhb is there twice. and i think that should say step down not stand down
[02:39] <Jucato> I think that just means he's special
[02:40] * yuriy feels special for being listed once
=== stdin_ is now known as stdin
[03:37] <nixternal> wow, the openSUSE KDE 4 Alpha Live CD is pretty hot
[03:37] <Jucato> how many degrees?
[03:37] <Jucato> nixternal: I'll join you in #kde-doc in a few days. I still don't know docbook btw :P
[03:38] <nixternal> I don't care...write it in odf, txt, html, wiki...I will convert
[03:38] <yuriy> how about a mix of all 4?
[03:38] <nixternal> go for it :)
[03:39] <Jucato> if I can go through my crash course of asciidoc this weekend, I might be able to generate it in docbook for yah
[03:39] <nixternal> that would be cool
[03:39] <yuriy> == Parse this! </h2>
[03:39] <Jucato> where's the odf? :D
[03:39] <yuriy> Jucato: don't know any :P
[03:39] <Jucato> hahaha
[03:39] <Jucato> yuriy: you're using konversation
[03:40] <yuriy> hmm? no
[03:40] <Jucato> ah too bad. so you might not see this:
[03:40] <Jucato> == %UParse this!%U </h2>
[03:40] <Jucato> hm.. can't see it either lol
[03:40] <yuriy> I see percent Us
[03:41] <Jucato> parse
[03:41] * Jucato curses IRC protocols for not providing a standard way to have bold, italics, underline...
[03:41] <yuriy> time to svn up from trunk for the first time in 5 months
[03:41] <nixternal> oh man, that will take forever :)
[03:42] <Jucato> hm.. I'm due for svn up for 3 days now..
[03:45] * nixternal waits forever on openSUSE online update to initialize, refresh sources, and check for available updates
[03:46] <yuriy> nixternal: does suse also refresh sources everytime you search or do anything?
[03:46] <Jucato> same forever I waited in Fedora 9
[03:46] <nixternal> dunno
[03:46] <nixternal> it installed very quickly though in vbox
[03:48] <nixternal> Jucato: quit stealing
[03:48] <nixternal> err, wrong channel
[03:48] <Jucato> :D
[03:56] <yuriy> bleh
[03:56] <yuriy> do not do:
[03:57] <yuriy> chown -R .*
[03:59] <nixternal> lol
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
[08:02] <Riddell> yuriy: "KubuntuIntrepidVersion doesn't specify what will happen to KDE3 packages." "For Intrepid this will be dropped for KDE desktop packages so the KDE 3 packages will become KDE 4."
[08:03] <Riddell> no need to remove from the archive, kdetoys 3.5.9 becomes kdetoys 4.0.73
[08:05] <Riddell> anyone dare watch this and tell me if it's any good? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXBQRpg11bg
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/uds-intrepid/ | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSPragueSpecs | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXBQRpg11bg
[08:08] <ScottK-uds> Do we install acl in kubuntu-desktop?
[08:08] <Riddell> libacl sure, it tops popcon
[08:09] <Riddell> acl itself too apparantly
[08:11] <ScottK-uds> OK
[08:17] <mhb> good morning!
[08:18] <Riddell> morning mhb
[08:18] <Riddell> didn't I tell you to go back to sleep? :)
[08:18] <mhb> Riddell: you did
[08:19] <mhb> Riddell: but I felt uneasy about it - you have to be enduring a GNOMEy session somewhere, and I'm not with you to share the pain :o)
[08:20] <Riddell> common print dialogue in half an hour, more KDE than gnome that one
[08:20] <mhb> yep, so I'll get dressed and get there
[08:21] <mhb> Riddell: by the way, totally offtopic, I packed your sleeping bag, but I wasn't able to zip it up... I guess there's a secret mechanism I'm not aware of or something (nah, I'm just sometimes too impractical)
=== bhm is now known as bohm
[08:28] <mhb> Riddell: is the lock on the door automatic?
[08:28] <Riddell> mhb: it'll lock behind you
[08:28] <mhb> that's what I meant
[08:35] <Riddell> ryanakca: where can we (pre)view the new website?
[08:37] <Riddell> got it
=== mhb_ is now known as mhb
[08:48] <seele> yikes.. it's 9:48
[08:48] * seele heads downstairs
[09:00] <mhb> Riddell: could you please share the website link with me, please?
[09:01] <Riddell> mhb: which?
[09:01] <mhb> Riddell: Kubuntu website, ryanakca's
[09:07] <mhb> ryanakca: ping
[09:22] <mhb> Riddell: ah, so you are mentoring again this year, that's great
[09:23] <Tm_T> :)
[09:24] <mhb> Riddell: I've read the dbus printing dialog & API spec, but it seems to avoid the obvious technical questions like "what toolkit will be used" "what language will be used" and the like... are you hosting any more information about that?
[09:25] <mhb> on a wiki page or such
[09:27] <Riddell> mhb: there's a dbus printing dialog & API spec?
[09:27] <mhb> well I meant just the initial abstract stuff on the code.google.com
[09:27] <Riddell> mhb: url?
[09:28] <Riddell> it's cross desktop, so there will be both gtk and kde implementations (maybe also pure qt)
[09:28] <Riddell> kde one would be c++, gtk one presumably C
[09:28] <mhb> Riddell: hmm
[09:28] <mhb> Riddell: any code sharing between the two?
[09:28] <mhb> (you know I'm fond of that)
[09:29] <Riddell> that's the hope
[09:29] <Riddell> don't know if it'll work if one is c++ and other is C
[09:30] <paracetamolo> hi, I'm trying to build amarok2 from trunk with the qt4.4 from kubuntu and I got the variable QT_QTOPENGL_LIBRARY (ADVANCED) not set
[09:30] <mhb> because maintaining two separate printing dialogs has the possibility of one eventually diverging, like say if GNOME guys kept upgrading their own and forgetting about the other one, which they're not interested in
[09:30] <paracetamolo> anybody had more luck?
[09:30] <Riddell> paracetamolo: got libqt4-opengl-dev installed?
[09:30] <mhb> also twice as much work to fix one thing
[09:30] <Nightrose> paracetamolo: why not use neon? - see amarok.kde.org
[09:31] <Nightrose> morning btw :)
[09:31] <mhb> morning Nightrose
[09:31] <Nightrose> Riddell: nice interview
[09:31] <Nightrose> heya mhb
[09:31] <mhb> Nightrose: link?
[09:31] <Nightrose> topic
[09:31] <mhb> ah, sorry
[09:31] <Nightrose> ;-)
[09:32] <paracetamolo> Riddell: yes I do
[09:32] <Riddell> mhb: it'll be maintained in openprinting and in the first instance my soc student will be working on both, I guess in future we just have a policy on the code to say changes need to appear in both
[09:32] <mhb> Nightrose: you can't click on every youtube link or you'll get rickrolled too many times
=== mhb changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/uds-intrepid/ | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSPragueSpecs | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXBQRpg11bg
[09:32] <Nightrose> mhb: haha already happened way too many times
[09:32] <paracetamolo> Riddell: I also recompiled the base module after having installed the package
[09:32] <stdin> Riddell: that reminds me, libqt4-opengl-dev has an overwrite problem, /usr/lib/pkgconfig/QtOpenGL.pc is in libqt4-dev and libqt4-opengl-dev
=== mhb changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/uds-intrepid/ | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSPragueSpecs | Jonathan Riddell interview - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXBQRpg11bg
[09:33] <Riddell> stdin: hmm, that's fixed in 4.4.0-1ubuntu5 but my backport doesn't seem to have appeared
[09:33] <paracetamolo> Nightrose: don't know :P is just that I compiled the whole kde4 and I can't understand why not amarok
[09:34] <Nightrose> paracetamolo: ah ok
[09:34] <mhb> Nightrose: it happened to a friend once, he saw a URL on a blackboard at uni and we both wanted to know where it leads to...
[09:34] <Nightrose> ;-)
[09:34] <Riddell> stdin: flushed the backport, should appear at some point soon
[09:35] <Riddell> Nightrose: I'm audible? I don't make a fool of myself?
[09:35] <Nightrose> Riddell: ;-) not at all - very good
[09:44] <paracetamolo> leaving amarok, is there a way to use kde3 apps in a kde4 session with their old configuration? e.g. kopete with is contacts
[09:45] <stdin> start the kde3 app and it should use the kde3 settings
[09:46] <paracetamolo> stdin: no, it start like the first time
[09:47] <stdin> you sure you're starting the kde3 version not the kde4 one?
[09:47] <stdin> all my KDE 3 apps retain their settings
[09:47] <paracetamolo> stdin: absolutely
[09:47] <stdin> and you don't have a separate user for kde3/4 or anything like that?
[09:48] <paracetamolo> I tryed to copy some settings from .kde3 to .kde4, but nothing appened...
[09:48] <paracetamolo> stdin: nono, same user
[09:49] <stdin> the kde3 apps look in ~/.kde
[09:49] <mhb> Riddell: found the patch that patches kdm to tell kwallet the password
[09:49] <Riddell> mhb: oh?
[09:49] <paracetamolo> stdin: yeah sorry, from .kde to .kde4
[09:49] <mhb> Riddell: yeah, opensuse's Dirk Muller did that during one of their hack weeks, it could be used to implement a single sign on in Kubuntu
[09:50] <mhb> Riddell: I mean a tiny part of it, but still.
[09:50] <Riddell> the topic came up on kde-utils-devel today, I wonder if they know of the patch
[09:51] <mhb> hmm, yet another patch that SUSE "forgot" to propagate upstream? Man, you have to love them.
=== mhb_ is now known as mhb
[09:56] <mhb> I've talked to a few suse packagers a few months back, and their usual response is "what are you complaining about? we released the source..."
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[10:17] <mhb> Riddell: it's for KDE3, checking if they made a KDE4 port
[11:28] <mhb> Riddell: it seems they're planning to patch all the applications that will support single sign on
[11:29] <mhb> Riddell: because instead of transporting user credential, they're planning to transport "tokens" over the neetwork... so the apps need to be all patched to support it
[11:29] <mhb> that's pretty disappointing, I must say
[11:37] <Riddell> I guess that's the only way to make a smooth user experience
[11:37] <mhb> why so?
[11:37] <Riddell> well how else?
[11:37] <mhb> I mean what made you change your "script's not that bad" opinion from tuesday?
[11:38] <mhb> now we're patching everything
[11:38] <mhb> and we both know not a single person in this room (except me and seele, of course) cares about what happens to KDE apps
[11:39] <mhb> patching all apps => only Ubuntu can manage that => Kubuntu won't have that => another cool feature we're not bringing
[11:39] <mhb> I don't call that a smooth user experience
[11:39] <Tm_T> mhb: true
[11:46] <ryanakca> mhb: pong?
[11:46] <mhb> Riddell: any opinion on my rant? I'd settle with patching all apps if it were feasible or if I knew somebody would really get to that
[11:48] <ryanakca> Riddell: at the moment, there are changes spread out accross my server and the Canonical testsite(s). New download page is on my server. Release stuff is on the Canonical servers... etc.
[11:49] <mhb> Riddell: but are you sure we've got the manpower for that? I don't think so... and not shipping it because Ubuntu can and we don't have enough paid developers... that would make me quite an angry man (therefore the ranting)
[11:50] <Riddell> mhb: it's something to be concerned about indeed
[11:51] <\sh> mhb: what needs to be done?
[11:55] <mhb> it seems that they've shifted plans
[11:56] <Nightrose> to?
[11:56] <mhb> instead of having this cool synchronizing tool, they want only to use public APIs for aunthentication with 3rd party services
[11:56] <mhb> which, naturally, are not there
[11:57] <mhb> which puts the idea into development hell, if I can jump to conclusions
[11:57] <mhb> we're done, off to lunch
[11:57] <mhb> see you round
[12:35] <seele> Riddell: fyi the group photo was moved to today at 14:20 during the after-lunch lightening sessions
[12:35] <Riddell> yep
[12:36] <seele> oh, were you in the Desktop room when ken told us?
[12:36] <Riddell> yes
[12:37] <seele> h
[12:37] <seele> *ah
=== mhb_ is now known as mhb
[13:07] <Nightrose> damn I have to leave to get to Ladyfest for a workshop and installparty and it looks like it is going to rain any minute :(
[13:07] <Nightrose> mother nature doesn't seem to want me to promote free software ;-)
[13:08] <Riddell> proofreaders: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFilesharing
[13:10] <jdavies> 'lo
[13:11] <mhb> jdavies: hi
[13:11] <jdavies> hey mhb, how's going?
[13:11] <mhb> jdavies: very well, thank you
[13:12] <mhb> I passed my exam yesterday (I've got a lot more coming, but not this week) so I'm just enjoying UDS
[13:12] <mhb> we went out with the KDE folks here, it was really great
[13:13] <jdavies> great. :)
[13:13] <mhb> Riddell: I'm not so convinced on the "Implementation" part
[13:13] <Riddell> mhb: please expand
[13:13] <mhb> ok
[13:17] <mhb> jdavies: how about you?
[13:17] <mhb> ryanakca: oh, I totally forgot about you :o)
[13:17] <jdavies> mhb: overall, fine
[13:18] <mhb> ryanakca: Jonathan sent me a link to www admin website, not sure which is that, but there were some issues with that style, like missing images and borders
[13:18] <mhb> jdavies: great
[13:59] <yuriy> morning
[14:06] <yuriy> still haven't gotten voip working, but at whoever's talking: why not work on the upstream xrandr tool?
[14:19] <yuriy> looks like they've started a port of their package manager, but I don't see one for network manager: http://svn.pardus.org.tr/uludag/branches/
[14:20] <ScottK-uds> yuriy: I take it you are listening.
[14:20] <yuriy> yup
[14:21] <yuriy> and actually managing to understand the person who's sitting near the phone/mic
[14:24] <yuriy> what does mandriva have for configuration tools and why don't they work for us?
[14:24] <Riddell> gtk-perl!
[14:24] <yuriy> ew
[14:24] <mhb> yuriy: well, mandriva has got a Yast-like configuration system
[14:24] <mhb> in perl, right
[14:24] <mhb> so it's a) hard to port b) not our preferred language
[14:28] <yuriy> the service manager is pretty broken and probably needs porting to upstart
[14:29] <mhb> yuriy: the pardus one?
[14:29] <yuriy> the guidance one
[14:29] <mhb> yuriy: we're thinking of importing some pardus tools (if that's audible from the icecast)
[14:29] <yuriy> i wasn't sure if that was a list of guidance tools or pardus tools a minute ago
[14:31] <yuriy> Bug 232509
[14:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 232509 in kubuntu-default-settings "Integrate some applications in kde-systemsettings of Kubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/232509
[14:35] <yuriy> for network management, i think the important thing to get right is integration with knetworkmanager and sensible switching between static and dynamic configuration
[14:36] <yuriy> like at least an option to configure everything automatically using knetwork manager, which clears the entries from /etc/network/interfaces
[14:37] <yuriy> perhaps seele could look into what would be a good workflow for that?
[14:39] <seele> yuriy: maybe if we build our own tool
[14:42] <yuriy> why does everything have to be done from scratch?
[14:42] <ScottK-uds> yuriy: We're hoping not. It's very quiet, so I don't know if you can tell, but they are looking at Pardus now.
[14:46] <yuriy> ScottK-uds: oh, i just hear mumbling :P
[14:52] <yuriy> hmm... xine is required to build kdebase O_o
[15:00] <mhb> yuriy: for phonon only, phonon is moving to kdesupport
[15:02] <yuriy> but phonon shouldn't build depend on xine, should it?
[15:06] <mhb> not really
[15:22] <mhb> yuriy: still here?
[15:22] <mhb> the sessions's ended... what do you think about the issue?
[15:22] <mhb> it turns out that each person has a different viewpoint
[15:23] <Riddell> yuriy: the xine backend should..
[15:23] <Riddell> we do not have clarity on configuration tools
[15:25] <mhb> Riddell: hmm, there also is a #pardus-devel channel for us impatient types, asking there now.
[15:26] <Riddell> oh, I looked there but it was empty
[15:26] <Riddell> maybe I was on the wrong network or something
[15:26] * Riddell tempted just to install kuser and be done
[15:27] <mhb> Riddell: why did we abandon it in the first place?
[15:28] <Riddell> mhb: it's unmaintained and guidance was better
[15:28] <mhb> right... but it's not anymore
[15:28] <mhb> (better)
[15:28] <Riddell> it's not, because there's no kde 4 guidance
[15:28] <Riddell> if there was, it would still be an open question
[15:29] <Riddell> although I suspect guidance would win
[15:29] * mhb compares
[15:37] <mhb> Riddell: it doesn't look well (for Tonio_ 's solution, that is)
[15:38] <mhb> Riddell: Pardus devs do not think that KDE4 is ready (who would have guessed) and it seems they release only once a year
[15:38] <mhb> only their installer is qt4 at the moment, otherwise it's kde3
[15:39] <mhb> so pardus 2008 won't be KDE4 and pardus 2009 is not what bothers us ATM.
=== ScottK-uds is now known as ScottK2
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
=== gribelu_ is now known as gribelu
[17:13] <Riddell> Tonio_: food?
[17:16] <nixternal> Riddell: working on qgtkstyle
[17:16] <Riddell> nixternal: groovy (although really it's up to the gnome team to integrate it properly
[17:17] <nixternal> hrmm, maybe you could pass that along then to them
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[18:00] <smarter> http://smarter.free.fr/pkg/bespin-ftbfs.log << anyone has an idea on why this fail?
[18:00] * smarter hates cryptic linker errors
[18:21] * nixternal tries building KDE 4.devel with Kubuntu Hardy Qt4.4.0
[18:24] <nixternal> smarter: do you have kdebase-workspace-dev has a dep for bespin?
[18:24] <smarter> nixternal: I've kdelibs5-dev, but I'm currently trying to build it on my computer which has workspace-dev installed
[18:24] <nixternal> hrmm
[18:24] <nixternal> is there a new bespin out?
[18:25] <smarter> there has never been a release
[18:25] <smarter> I'm packaging from svn
[18:25] <nixternal> I see it on kde-look.org
[18:25] <nixternal> svn might be developed against the 4.1 branch
[18:26] <smarter> so I'll let it sit on my bzr branch until we switch to 4.1
[18:27] <smarter> there's no release(or it's really well hidden) the download link redirect to the official website with no download link
[18:27] <nixternal> ahh
[18:28] <yuriy> mornfall: ping
[19:17] <yuriy> hmm gdm isn't sitting still http://www.ogmaciel.com/?p=478 need some of that stuff in kdm
[19:18] <smarter> the main feature seems to be "Allow session agents to run in the greeter session (gnome-power-manager etc)"
[19:19] <smarter> which could be done by kdm + plasma maybe?
[19:19] <smarter> similar to the plasma screensaver thing
[19:19] <mornfall> yuriy: Pong. Received and OK.
[19:19] <mornfall> yuriy: Even pushed to public : - ).
[19:20] <mornfall> But, excuse me for a while, I have a recorder practice sesssion.
[19:22] <yuriy> mornfall: i was actually pinging about something else, lmk when you have a minute
[19:46] <mornfall> yuriy: I'm yours.
[19:47] <jussi01> Hrm, does anyone know how to get kde3 apps to take the kde4 theme?
[19:47] <yuriy> mornfall: i'm trying to streamline the showing of commit progress, but the code is just about as jumpy as the interface
[19:48] <yuriy> ideally i'd like to see just one overall progress bar, with the option to view more details
[19:48] <mornfall> yuriy: You mean download or commit, really?
[19:48] <yuriy> but right now it seems like there's a separae widget for every stage, so i'm just not sure where to start
[19:48] <jussi01> hrm... oops wrong place... /me sighs...
[19:48] <mornfall> Since commit only has one progress bar (+ the label showing what's going on).
[19:48] <yuriy> mornfall: i mean the whole commit process
[19:48] <mornfall> That's not really going to fly.
[19:49] <yuriy> which part?
[19:49] <mornfall> You have no way to guess the download/commit time ratio.
[19:49] <mornfall> Even now the commit is a lot of guessing.
[19:50] <yuriy> well, i guess it could reset the progress bar, but as long as it's not moving around the screen so much
[19:50] <mornfall> It would help to move the commit one to the bottom of the screen by default.
[19:50] <mornfall> That would actually fix most of the problem, no?
[19:50] <yuriy> but would just splitting them 50/50 for an overall progress bar be so bad?
[19:51] <yuriy> mornfall: then you just have a big blank screen, which is already a problem i think in the download screen
[19:51] <mornfall> Dunno, I quite dislike when programs try that on me. Like the windows installer.
[19:51] <yuriy> heh, true
[19:51] <mornfall> Downloading, commiting are fine as they are, with resetting the bar.
[19:52] <mornfall> Yes, big blank screen is a problem.
[19:52] <mornfall> However, hiding things behind a button don't help much either, I'm afraid.
[19:53] <mornfall> The download UI is rather jumpy indeed, but I didn't have time to fix that yet.
[19:53] <yuriy> well, what i was actually imagining is hiding things behind a translucent overlay with an overall progress bar, and a button to move the overlay out of the way which would send the progress bar to the bottom
[19:54] <mornfall> Ick.
[19:54] <mornfall> Translucent is hard on eyes.
[19:54] <mornfall> What could potentially help the download screen is having a list of things to download right from the start and just add OK when they are home.
[19:55] <yuriy> that would help, isn't that what adept 2 does?
[19:55] <mornfall> No, works just like current one.
[19:55] <yuriy> also, doesn't aptitude and adept 2 usually do more than 1 download at a time?
[19:56] <mornfall> You will get more progressbars when they do.
[19:56] * yuriy doesn't use the GUI for installing packages much
[19:56] <mornfall> Only happens when you download from more than one site.
[19:58] <mornfall> Actually, the progressbar for commit is in the same place as it is for download. Mostly.
[19:58] <mornfall> Probably just needs fine-tuning.
[19:59] <mornfall> The OpProgress one needs to be moved down though.
[20:00] <yuriy> well, that's what i was referring to, there are at least 3 different ones and the layout looks different each time
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[20:04] <mornfall> yuriy: I have fixed OpProgress to have same layout as commitprogress.
[20:05] <yuriy> mornfall: also i just ran into a case where I had the preview listing packages that are not set to be changed. I think I chose to install something, then revert, then install something else, and the deps of the first one reappeared in the preview, though with no action
[20:06] <mornfall> yuriy: Interesting.
[20:07] <mornfall> You are right.
[20:08] <mornfall> And regenerating the list won't change that. Gotta be somewhere deeper.
[20:09] <mornfall> Hm, it's because of how we check for modified packages. Apparently wrong way.
[20:12] <mornfall> That's actually a bug in ept.
[20:12] <mornfall> (Fixed, hopefully.)
[20:12] <mornfall> Maybe even without breaking something else.
[20:12] <yuriy> heh
[20:13] <mornfall> I have also removed the "Download total: " label from the download progress.
[20:13] <mornfall> Maybe adding a (always disabled for now) cancel button to opprogress and commitprogress would help, too.
[20:14] <yuriy> let's see other concerns I had.. libadeptlib.a, is that right?
[20:14] <mornfall> Yes, cmake goes crazy if you have both lib and app called "adept".
[20:15] <yuriy> you have to scroll in the categories list in the installer for most window/screen sizes. kinda bothers me, but don't know what we could do about that
[20:15] <mornfall> Basically nothing.
[20:15] <mornfall> Make people use search.
[20:15] <mornfall> The categories are already overcrowded inside.
[20:16] <yuriy> and the sidebar with the category list looks pretty weird. i was thinking the maybe sidebar would be better if it looked more like the tabs in kickoff
[20:18] <mornfall> You mean sidebar and category list next to each other?
[20:18] <mornfall> I just took the okular one, that fit the purpose. There's no sidebar in kdelibs AFAIK.
[20:18] <mornfall> And I haven't really seen kickoff...
[20:18] <yuriy> there isn't
[20:19] <yuriy> http://polishlinux.org/kde/kde-41-visual-changelog-rev-783000/
[20:19] <yuriy> mornfall: how it has the active tab blended into the rest of the interface instead of looking like a completely separate list
[20:21] <mornfall> Yeah, well, could be. I won't have time to play with that though, I'm afraid.
[20:21] <mornfall> If you can implement that without disrupting the other code too much, you could definitely try.
[20:24] <yuriy> yep, i will
[20:26] <yuriy> seele: ping -- any thoughts on the progress showing discussion a half hour back?
[21:01] <yuriy> mornfall: you haven't published the changes you just made
[21:03] <mornfall> No, sorry, not yet.
[21:25] <mornfall> yuriy: K, I have recorded, testsuite is running now.
[21:25] <mornfall> (On ept.)
[21:25] <mornfall> I have pushed adept changes in the meantime.
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[22:54] <seele> yuriy: i see the conversation but i dont know what application you are talking about
[22:55] * seele wonders if there are any movies on
[22:57] <yuriy> seele: adept-3
[22:58] <seele> yuriy: can you get me screenshots of what you are talking about?
[23:00] <yuriy> k, h/o have to either build or turn on my laptop
[23:23] <yuriy> seele: http://www.yktech.us/temp/adept1.png http://www.yktech.us/temp/adept2.png http://www.yktech.us/temp/adept4.png
[23:23] <yuriy> it's a bit improved from that (the 2nd one is centered now i think, i haven't tried the latest patch yet)
[23:23] <yuriy> the first screen, lines get printed in the white area when downloads are done
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK-uds
[23:33] <mhb> hi!
[23:33] <jjesse_> hello mhb
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[23:35] <mhb> jjesse: we went out again... I had to leave early, because I had to catch the last bus home... I am so tired :o)
[23:35] <jjesse> ah
[23:38] <mhb> how are you?
[23:40] <jjesse> doing goog
[23:40] <jjesse> good
[23:40] <jjesse> busy getting ready for the baby in a couple of weeks
[23:41] <jjesse> do you ever just mark messages for follow up because you don't want to read or deal with it any more
[23:46] <seele> hmm
[23:46] <seele> Riddell: how busy are you tomorrow? if you have time, do you want to go see the gardens the guide from tuesday told us about?
=== J-Unit is now known as j-dizzle
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