UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /21 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <fry_> hi
[00:04] <fry_> i need some help with a raid 1 /boot partition. sorry if i'm rude.
[00:18] <mok0> fry_: afaik you can't have /boot on raid
[00:20] <fry_> well, it worked perfectly until a kernel reinstall
[00:20] <fry_> (a bad one)
[00:21] <mok0> fry_: hm, ok
[00:23] <fry_> i managed to start the system, by touching the grub.lst in one of the hds
[00:24] <mok0> fry_: great
[00:24] <fry_> but i didnt touch the other
[00:24] <fry_> and now something very odd is hapenning with the touched file
[00:25] <mok0> spooky
[00:25] <fry_> and i cant restart the system until i make the same process again
[00:26] <fry_> (sorry 'bout my speech)
[00:26] <mok0> fry_: but why did you put /boot on a raid1?
[00:26] <fry_> something to do with a boss
[00:26] <mok0> fry_: it doesn't need to be fast
[00:27] <fry_> nope, but they wanted it to be redundant
[00:28] * Nafallo will not say anything about hardware raid at this point.
[00:29] <fry_> well, we tolk a lot
[00:29] <fry_> and tolk again
[00:29] <Nafallo> tolk?
[00:29] <mok0> fry_: if you meddle with the files on one of the volumes you are asking for trouble
[00:29] <fry_> and we never get to anything
[00:30] <mok0> talk
[00:30] <fry_> well, now i know
[00:30] <Nafallo> ah. that's what I thought
[00:33] <fry_> and -of course- it is a high availability server whith no downtime. ever.
[00:36] <ScottK-uds> What does accessibility of /boot to do with reliability? You don't need /boot to run, just to boot.
[00:36] <fry_> i'm learning by the hard way
[00:37] <fry_> well, ang got to that point, maybe just the valuable data must be mirrored
[00:37] <ScottK-uds> It's no problem to mirror everything else. Just not /boot.
[00:37] <fry_> perhaps gettig / in a standard partition
[00:40] <fry_> i'd appreciate ideas to get this rebooting alone
[00:40] <ScottK-uds> It depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
[00:41] <ScottK-uds> lamont: From the build failure mail I'm getting it may be everything in hppa failing for that reason now.
[00:42] <Konam> I can't access to ebox, in a default installation in hardy
[00:42] <Nafallo> you need to install it.
[00:43] <fry_> hppa ?
[00:43] <Konam> Nafallo Is installed
[00:43] <Konam> ¬¬
[00:43] <Konam> on the server, AFAIK the only place where you have it installed
[00:44] <Konam> the browser can't find the directory
[00:44] <fry_> sorry
[00:48] <Konam> it may well be the port, but I haven't configured or installed a firewall on my server
[00:54] <ScottK-uds> fry_: hppa is the HP PA-RISC architecture. It's not doing so well in the development release at the moment. These things happen.
[00:55] <fry_> thnx, i did'n want to get in middle
[00:55] <ScottK-uds> AFAIK, the ubuntu-server channel is unique in that there's development work and user support on the same channel.
[00:55] <fry_> my politeness needs some rusteeze
[00:55] <ScottK-uds> fry_: No problem to ask.
[01:03] <fry_> i'm thinking about removing the buggy sda1 md partition and making an ext3, but i think i can get into more troubles with mdadm
[01:18] <mr_collins> can anyone help with a compiling question?
[01:21] <ScottK-uds> He wasn't very patient.
[01:22] <fry_> no
[01:33] <fry_> it sound's that bad?
[01:37] <ScottK-uds> I've never done it, so I've got no opinion.
[01:38] <fry_> thanx
[02:53] <dsr2000> hello all
[04:00] <compaqr4000> I am running open office calc via a ssh session and it keeps "greying out" every about 15 seconds. It does so for about 10 seconds. Why would that be?
[04:10] <uvirtbot> New bug: #232391 in openssh (main) "DSA keys are not immediately rejected by ssh in workstation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/232391
[04:21] <compaqr4000> uvirbot, this is not the problem where you just have to delete the known hosts entry in the .ssh directory?
[06:20] <Kalamansi> hello i installed ubuntu 8.04. i dont know what key to press in installing all the packages of the server like lamp,openssh printer etc...so i hit the key X - no luck.. i did cntrl+x - same thing no response from the computer.so what i did is i press "enter" and after that done installing..how to install all the list of packages?is it okay i will reinstall the ubuntu server and press the spacebar so i could install all the packages?thanks
[06:49] <sten_> Hi. I'm wondering what the easiest to setup mailing list implementation is. I already have a working postfix + dovecot + squirrelmail
[06:50] <sten_> (and I don't need virtual users, or domains)
[06:55] <sten_> can it be done with just postfix and procmail?
[06:56] <Kalamansi> sten_ all americans here.they must be sleeping now
[06:56] <Kalamansi> hows canada this time sten_?
[06:59] <sten_> well, it's just about midnight. I'm just trying to throw together and quick and dirty mailing list (for a club). I don't mind if it's completely manual... Something like adding a user to both an aliases map, and maybe a procmail rule to drop all mail which doesn't come from the manually added list
[06:59] <sten_> Kalamansi: it's actually going to be using a real user, and fetchmail to get the mail ;-) (very "not enterprise", but I know it's possible for it to be reliable enough)
[07:00] <sten_> Kalamansi: what country do you live in?
[07:01] <Kalamansi> im from philippines and its 2pm here.sunny day damn hot
[07:03] <sten_> mm, I can imagine. Humid too. I'm living in a very dry and windy part of Canada, so -- so long as one drinks enough water -- the heat isn't bad. (40C is about as hot as it gets)
[07:03] <specialKevin> sten_: I would look at mailman
[07:04] <specialKevin> sten_: I have always just used mailman when setting up mailing list
[07:04] <Kalamansi> hi specialKevin
[07:04] <Kalamansi> i thought yo were in the club
[07:04] <specialKevin> Kalamansi: what club
[07:05] <specialKevin> the should be a sleep club ;)
[07:05] <sten_> specialKevin: I thought that it might be overkill for my small list, but I'll take another look. Do you know of a good howto?
[07:06] <specialKevin> sten_: how many people are on this list
[07:06] <specialKevin> you could just use the alias file
[07:06] <specialKevin> list: addy1, addy2, ...
[07:06] <sten_> specialKevin: currently less than a dozen, and certainly never more than 24.
[07:06] <Kalamansi> specialKevin like going out with friends going to the club, bar hopping, time to relax in the real life and back in internet
[07:07] <Kalamansi> hehe
[07:07] <specialKevin> but then you have to manage them all your self
[07:07] <specialKevin> Kalamansi: well that usually doesn't happen on a Tuesday evening
[07:07] <specialKevin> and I have been busy working on stuff tonight
[07:07] <Kalamansi> specialKevin it happens alot here
[07:08] <Kalamansi> specialKevin stuff like what
[07:08] <specialKevin> Kalamansi: glad to hear that you think I have a life though thanks ;)
[07:08] <Kalamansi> cabling?
[07:08] <Kalamansi> specialKevin server configuration?
[07:08] <specialKevin> Kalamansi: working of my task for Foresight linux and research radius and splunk
[07:09] <specialKevin> sten_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mailman
[07:09] <sten_> specialKevin: hmm. I guess the big thing for me, is that I don't want list members to recieve spam from non-list members through the list...do you think that mailman is easier than maintaining an ever-growing procmail rule?
[07:09] <sten_> specialKevin: thanks for the link :-)
[07:09] <specialKevin> sten_: most likely yes
[07:10] <specialKevin> sten_: I would setup mailman then it will be easier to maintain
[07:14] <specialKevin> Kalamansi: your questions above about installation were you able to figure it out
[07:14] <sten_> specialKevin: I'm going to take your advice. Here's one caveat though: I'm running this server on a residential cable modem, and the list address is going to be on my ISP's pop3 server. Can the "list" user have its own /home/list/maildir?
[07:14] <sten_> (so that fetchmail has somewhere to deliver to...or do I need to worry about this at all?)
[07:15] <specialKevin> sten_: that I am not sure, that would require a little bit of research
[07:15] <sten_> specialKevin: ahh. Maybe this project will take more time than I have tonight...
[07:16] <specialKevin> my philosphy is I would rather spend more time setting up then maintaining
[07:18] <sten_> that's a good good philosophy. I guess, if nothing else, it's work-experience. ;-)
[07:20] <sten_> (in my case... I would say that if one has a formal responsibility to maintain something, than it's more than just a good philosophy. It's wisdom and saving yourself from future headaches and stress)
[07:22] <sten_> well, I should probably put this off until tomorrow, and get some sleep.
[07:22] <sten_> specialKevin: thanks for the info!
[07:26] <specialKevin> sten_: np
[07:26] <specialKevin> sten_: glad to help
=== Kalamanso is now known as Kalamansi
[08:01] * rgl waves
[08:01] <_ruben> crap .. my ubuntu bulkmail server seems to hang (ssh session doesnt respond, nor does snmp) when sending tons of mail to it .. which is strange since when the machine was still under my desk i could stress test it without probs
[08:03] <_ruben> i *think* the disks are being trashed by the load :/
[08:03] <_ruben> Activating remote console now.
[08:03] <_ruben> Remote console is now active and ready for user input.
[08:03] <_ruben> Remote platform does not accept keyboard input in the current state.
[08:03] <_ruben> bah
[08:15] <mathiaz> kees: bug 232391
[08:15] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 232391 in openssh "DSA keys are not immediately rejected by ssh in workstation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/232391
[08:15] <mathiaz> kees: plan to check ssh-vulnkey in ssh ?
[08:16] <_ruben> hmm .. might need to enable a tty on com2 in order for console redirection to work
[08:19] <sten_> /quit sleep takes what is conscious, but gives back more on the 'morrow
[08:19] <sten_> err
[08:19] <sten_> /quit sleep takes what is conscious, but gives back more on the morrow
[08:21] <danshearer> 'morning all
[08:25] <soren> Yes, it is.
[08:27] <_ruben> grr .. stupid serial console
[08:31] <_ruben> anyone played with serial consoles (on dell machines) ? grub shows up fine, but after that im getting garbage .. and afaik im not using framebuffers or anything
[08:31] <danshearer> hello uds server track - I'm in three other tracks this morning, I'm not in fact asleep. I'll be back for Identity Management after the break
[08:32] <sommer> cool
[08:32] <ScottK-uds> danshearer: Nice bot so you can sleep in.
[08:35] <danshearer> ScottK-uds: Absolutely. While he's asleep I'm also testing the installer.
=== Kalamanso is now known as Kalamansi
[09:25] <kraut> moin
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=== buddha is now known as e-buddha
=== Kalamanso is now known as Kalamansi
[12:28] <Alblasco1702> \sh: i had read this week that you have mod perl installed with the tarbal.
[12:29] <Alblasco1702> \sh: i had trying to do that bud i had no succes.
=== Terrasqu1 is now known as Terrasque
[12:38] <\sh> Alblasco1702, hmm??? I don't use mod_perl ... what you've read was about "cpan module installation, and cpan not working"
[12:39] <Alblasco1702> \sh: don work for me ether
[12:40] <Alblasco1702> *cpan don't
[12:41] <\sh> Alblasco1702, that's why I said: use the modules tarball, install all pre-requisites for this module (build tools, needed build deps for this module etc.) and try to compile it.. or file a "[Needs packaging]" wishlist bug for this module..and I'll deal with it
[12:41] <Alblasco1702> \sh: bud mod_perl is one module of cpan richt?
[12:41] <\sh> Alblasco1702, nope
[12:41] <\sh> mod-perl is an apache module
[12:41] <Alblasco1702> oh sorry
[12:42] <\sh> and that's working out of the box with apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2
[12:46] <Alblasco1702> \sh: thnx for your help and advice.
[12:47] <\sh> Alblasco1702, you're welcome
[12:48] <Alblasco1702> \sh: do you now how to install apache asp?
[12:49] <\sh> Alblasco1702, apt-get install libapache-asp-perl
[12:50] <\sh> I think you meant this asp? :)
[12:50] <Alblasco1702> yes i mean that
[12:50] <Alblasco1702> thnx
[12:52] <Alblasco1702> Kon pakket libapache(2)-asp-perl niet vinden
[12:54] <\sh> Alblasco1702, it's in universe...you need to enable the universe repository
[12:55] <\sh> and it's only "libapache-asp-perl"
[12:55] <Alblasco1702> how must i do that via the command line
[12:55] <Alblasco1702> ?
[12:59] <\sh> Alblasco1702, if you can access the internet directly...just make sure you have something like this in your /etc/apt/sources.list
[12:59] <\sh> http://paste.ubuntu.com/13643/
[13:00] <\sh> Alblasco1702, check the url...and this content you need inside your /etc/apt/sources.list
[13:00] <\sh> replace archive.ubuntu.com hostname with your local mirror
[13:02] <\sh> after that you do "apt-get update"
[13:02] <\sh> but all this is somewhere documented on help.ubuntu.com e.g. here: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/add-applications/C/index.html
[13:12] <LeChacal> i have quandary i would like peoples input on (i wont be here all day but just leave input and ill read it later). I have/setting up a mail/web sever that was on two different machines before, so i own two public ips one for each server. But since i have started rebuilding with both on the same box it kind of looks i could get away with and maybe have less confusion at times if i just use one public ip. What do you all think is b
=== e-buddha is now known as z-buddha
[13:49] <ScottK-uds> LeChacal: Personally, I try to avoid running mail servers on boxes that are also web servers.
[13:49] <ScottK-uds> You might do it with two VMs on the one physical box.
[13:53] <Alblasco1702> \sh: heb libapache-asp-perl geinstalleerd maar asp werkt nog niet moet ik nog iets configureeren?
=== z-buddha is now known as zobbo
[13:55] <Alblasco1702> \sh: *sorry i have libapache-asp-perl installed have i some configurations to make?
[13:56] <\sh> Alblasco1702, sorry...but I don't use those tools...so I can't give you any good advise
=== dantaliz1ng is now known as dantalizing
[14:29] <cjsstables> Morning all. Is this the proper room to ask questions about setting up an Ubuntu LTSP server and client? If it isn't can someone direct me to the proper channel?
[14:31] <anabolix> ok noob question: what can i do with a server that i cant do with the desktop version of ubuntu?
[14:33] <\sh> anabolix, on a server you don't need any -desktop stuff...and ubuntu-server only means: a well choosen kernel for real server hardware..which differs from desktop machines...and you don't have any -desktop blow up
[14:34] <phil^> anabolix: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/features
[14:34] <\sh> regarding server....did anybody try to run adobe flashmediaserver on ubuntu these days?
[14:34] <anabolix> but could i fiddle around with the ubuntu server on a desktop computer with no problems?
[14:35] <\sh> anabolix, yes..if you do know how to administer a linux system from the cli...
[14:35] <cjsstables> can anyone helpme set up Ubuntu 8.04 ltsp server
[14:37] <anabolix> well im learning how to use linux... im prgressing through bash and picking up things here and there about the file system... but im just asking what are the simplest things accomplished with a server cli?
[14:37] <phil^> like it says in the topic: "Don't ask to ask, just ask." :)
[14:46] <zul> mathiaz: for the samba bugs if it works with smbclient but it doesnt work with nautilus then forward the bug to nautilus right?
[14:52] <cjsstables> does anyone know the chat channel for Ubutu ltsp server
[14:53] <adam_> All of a sudden I can't scp to/from my server. It says: "/usr/bin/scp: No such file or directory" (on the server). Same goes for /usr/bin/ssh and /usr/bin/sshd, though permissions are correct. Can't even do it as root.
[14:53] <adam_> In dmesg, I see "[1722872.168983] ssh-scan[31460]: segfault at 0 rip 8048e33 rsp ff962a80 error 4
[14:53] <adam_> lots
[14:53] <adam_> chkrootkit finds nothing. Any ideas?
[14:56] <mindframe-> try rkhunter?
[14:56] <mindframe-> hehe
[15:00] <adam_> No luck
[15:04] <cyris|> morning everyone
[15:06] <adam_> Okay, the rootkit scanners found nothing, but there is a directory called "/etc/rpm" which has executables in it ("scp", "sftp", "ssh", "sshd") which are timestamped to 2008-04-06, yet the directory itself has a timestamp of 2008-05-18
[15:07] <ScottK-uds> Have you ever used any RPM based install tools?
[15:07] <adam_> Google finds nothing.
[15:07] <adam_> ScottK-uds: Certainly not this Sunday.
[15:08] <ScottK-uds> I'd tend to be quite suspicious then.
[15:08] <ScottK-uds> adam_: Do you have physical access to the server?
[15:09] <adam_> ScottK-uds: No, but I do have someone on the inside....
[15:09] <ScottK-uds> adam_: At this point I'd suggest booting it to a live CD and running your tools from the live CD.
[15:10] <adam_> ScottK-uds: Gotcha. Thanks....
[15:11] <ScottK-uds> If you are running a compromised system (I don't know if you are) I'd not be inclined to believe any good news from that system.
[15:14] <adam_> !
[15:14] <adam_> EEP, another machine has /etc/rpm/ssh also
[15:19] <ivoks> problems :)
[15:20] <ivoks> check /var/log/dpkg.log
[15:20] <ivoks> maybe someone installed rpm tools
[15:21] <adam_> Nope
[15:21] <adam_> And I cannot move /usr/bin/ssh away
[15:22] <ivoks> does anyone else has an access to those machines?
[15:22] <adam_> Yes, but they are in use and it would be *hell* to reboot them.
[15:23] <ivoks> let me rephrase it
[15:23] <adam_> (This, despite /bin/mv and /bin/rm acting rootkit-ed)
[15:23] <ivoks> does anybody else has root access to those machines
[15:23] <adam_> yup, one other. He's talking with me.
[15:25] <ivoks> what's the md5sum of /bin/mv?
[15:26] <Deeps> ...and can you be sure your md5sum binary hasn't been compromised?
[15:26] <adam_> Deeps: Hehe, I'm paranoid now :)
[15:26] <ivoks> you can't, but let's check...
[15:26] <adam_> On the compromised server: 82eb04fee93c4c08407592891f22341d
[15:26] <ivoks> that's i386? hardy?
[15:26] <adam_> yup
[15:27] <adam_> On *my* desktop, it's 33830461a75c9cf32f4631b6d6cbbd16
[15:27] <ivoks> that's not md5 of hardy's /bin/mv
[15:27] <ivoks> that one's right
[15:27] <Deeps> heh, shutdown time then
[15:27] <adam_> There's another server which also has an /etc/rpm/ssh, but it's got the proper md5sum
[15:27] <ivoks> you've been owned
[15:28] <ivoks> you use ssh keys?
[15:28] <adam_> yes, but passwords are also enabled
[15:28] <ivoks> ssh keys with passwords?
[15:29] <ivoks> or ssh and passwords
[15:29] <adam_> publickey,keyboard-interactive
[15:31] <ivoks> ps ax | grep ssh
[15:32] <ivoks> ps is probably compromised, but, well...
[15:35] <ivoks> anyway, your only option is to reinstall
[15:35] <ivoks> but you'll have to find a backdoor, otherwise, attacker could get in again
[15:35] <adam_> yup
[15:35] <adam_> Whee, fun
[15:54] <cyris|> http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-613-1
[15:54] <cyris|> apparently you have to reboot after installing this update *sigh*
[16:10] <specialKevin> cyris|: yea I read that, it sucks I didn't have to reboot all my machines today
[16:12] <cyris|> specialKevin, oh well, I was able to reboot 2 of our servers this morning, have to wait till noon for our samba DC
[16:12] <ivoks> is that a ssl thing?
[16:14] <specialKevin> cyris|: yea I am able to hit some of our machines now, luckily most of the students are gone so there isn't much load on our servers
[16:17] <cyris|> specialKevin, yeah :/
[16:33] <daffy> hi all
[16:33] <daffy> can you help me for routing isp ?
=== bamed is now known as bamed|lunch
[17:07] <lamont> ScottK: any thoughts on #482173
[17:07] <lamont> ?
[17:08] <soren> bug 482173
[17:08] * soren kicks uvirtbot
[17:11] <phil^> hm - "No results for search 482173".
[17:11] * phil^ comforts uvirtbot
[17:24] <mm_202> ugh, I know this is off-topic, but how the hell do you negate a group in regex?
[17:26] <soren> No need to fucking swear.
[17:27] * mm_202 meekly mutters 'sorry'
[17:29] <soren> What exactly do you mean by negating a group?
[17:31] <mm_202> soren: (\(paused\))([\s\w:\(]*(Disposition)) I need the second group, to NOT be found. "(\(paused\))([\s\w:\(]*(Disposition)){0}" should work, but doesnt.
[17:32] <soren> Why should that work?
[17:33] <mm_202> well, because {n} specifies now many times it should be matched. I want it matched zero times.
[17:33] <soren> And it does.
[17:33] <soren> "" matches "(stuff){0}"
[17:33] <soren> Why wouldn't it?
[17:33] <soren> Er..
[17:33] <soren> "stuff" matches "(stuff){0}"
[17:34] <mm_202> ah. Hrm, damn lack of sleep.
[17:34] <soren> For instance, you'll notice that between 'u' and 'f', it doesn't say "stuff". Hence, it matches.
[17:35] <mm_202> okay, well how would I get it to make "cat" in "cat and mouse", but not in
[17:35] <mm_202> in* "cat and dog" ?
[17:35] <mm_202> basically, I just need a way to say that if a certain word is found, to fail the regex.
[17:36] <soren> ...
[17:36] <soren> Er..
[17:36] <mm_202> Yeah, tell me about it.
[17:36] <soren> Seriously?
[17:36] <soren> grep cat | grep -v dog
[17:36] <mm_202> LOL
[17:36] <mm_202> well this is for mysql / php :)
[17:36] <soren> Then you are *soooo* in the wrong channel.
[17:37] <mm_202> awww, come on....
[17:37] <mm_202> Its running on a ubuntu server :D
[17:37] <soren> if (preg_match("/cat and/", $str) and !preg_match("/dog/", $str))
[17:37] <soren> or whatever.
[17:37] <soren> It's been a while since I did php.
[17:38] <mm_202> Know I know that Im being an asshole, but the regex is in a db field, so I have to do it all in one regex 'call'
[17:38] <soren> If you want php expertise, ask in a php channel. I don't mean to be (very) rude, but surely you're likely to get better responses there.
[17:38] <mm_202> Now* I know
[17:38] <SuperLag> soren: haha
[17:38] <SuperLag> soren: you're funny
[17:38] <SuperLag> 09:26 < soren> No need to fucking swear.
[17:38] <soren> I'm actually very boring.
[17:38] <SuperLag> that part was funny
[17:38] <soren> It's well-documented.
[17:39] <mm_202> soren: k, just thought that you guys would know, or that I would get a faster reply.
[17:39] <soren> Than in a php channel? Why, oh why?
[17:39] <soren> And we probably do know.
[17:40] <soren> It's just not very easy when we have to go through (so far) 3 iterations, before you actually tell us your problem.
[17:41] <mm_202> Because its not for php. Its for mysql. But whats its for doesnt even, since I need to do it in on regex string.
[17:41] <mm_202> Anyways, fuck it.
[17:41] <soren> 1. Figure out what you mean by negating a group, 2. figure out that it's php, 3. figure out that it's not actually php,but mysql.
[17:42] <soren> Great, another satisfied customer.
[17:50] <cyris|> http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-8
[17:50] <cyris|> a couple updates this morning already, busy day
[18:25] * delcoyote hi
=== bamed|lunch is now known as bamed
[18:56] <psufan> yo
[18:56] <psufan> is there some guide somewhere on all the scripting you can do to the install
[18:56] <psufan> like this one
[18:56] <psufan> url --url=
[18:57] <psufan> works great for the pxeboot network install first part since the blades are headless
[18:57] <psufan> problem is when it's done installing it sets that to the default location for apt in all the lines
[18:57] <psufan> so if you don't still have the local pxe server running you are dead in the water
[18:57] <psufan> espically if you can't handle vi like me and no way to apt-get install nano
[18:57] <psufan> :p
[18:58] <psufan> also is there a way to make it auto append a line to the boot options after the install
[19:07] <psufan> dead day
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[19:59] <adamh> My server (which was rooted this weekend) is listening on port 58009 TCP for connections. When I telnet to it, I connect but after typing anything other than a newline, it closes the connection. netstat does not show what process is listening on that port. How can I find out?
[20:01] <psufan> mabye it's got a rootkit on it
[20:01] <psufan> might need to boot the machine from a clean os livecd and do a scan
[20:02] <adamh> It's possible. I'm trying to avoid taking the server down if possible. The sk who logged in managed to forget to clean the logs (even after downloading a log-cleaning program), so my expectations aren't high.
[20:03] <psufan> I dunno what else
[20:04] <adamh> Could it be nfs?
[20:05] <adamh> Port 2049 shows the same behaviour.
[20:05] <InsomniaCity> adamh: your expectations may not be high, but the box has still been compromised.... you should take it down and wipre it
[20:05] <InsomniaCity> *wipe
[20:06] <adamh> I'm on contract for 1 afternoon of disaster recovery. I have 2 hours left. I can give my suggestions, but I can't wipe it.
[20:06] <adamh> Gotta do the best I can with the time I have.
[20:06] <InsomniaCity> fair enough
[20:08] <InsomniaCity> a livecd reboot would seem to the best option then
[20:30] <nealmcb> adamh: sudo netstat -tlp doesn't tell you the process?
[20:35] <adamh> nealmcb: Correct.
[20:35] <adamh> It doesn't show the process for nfs, either, though.
[20:36] <nealmcb> adamh: hmm - without sudo I get just "-", but with sudo I get the right processes for all of them
[20:37] * adamh shrugs
[20:37] <adamh> I've tried sudo lsof, also.
[20:38] <adamh> The server at port 58009 behaves identically to nfs (port 2049)
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[22:30] * faulkes- yawns
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[22:51] <anabolix> how do i connect to a remote computer on LAN or via internet? and what is a pub/priv authentication key, or what is it used for? and how do i set those keys up?
[22:52] <mm_202> Hello boys and girls.
[22:53] <mm_202> Question: has anyone else had problems with sox? I keep getting this error (regardless of the wav file): "sox soxio: Failed reading `./sounds/en_US/MelanieTaylor/inithelp.wav': unknown file type `auto'"
[22:57] <osmosis> im trying to get PDO working as a pecl module, but phpinfo shows, PDO drivers no value
[23:15] <uvirtbot> New bug: #233853 in samba (main) "[intrepid]: nmbd fails to start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/233853
[23:24] <soren> osmosis: I saw your libvirt munin plugin. I like it.
[23:26] <soren> osmosis: I've made a few changes, and I'll probably include it in an upcoming virt-goodies package or something.
[23:31] <sten_> Hi. I've been using Postfix's sender_canonical to re-write my user-initiated email addresses, but how can I configure mailman to display long.email.blah.blah@myISP.net instead of list@myFQDN.dynalias.net
[23:33] <sten_> specifically, I want the listinfo page to display the myISP.net address (which I pull from myISP.net's pop3 server and send to list@localhost)
[23:33] <ScottK-uds> I expect you'd have to do the rewrites before you shoved the message into Mailman
[23:33] <ScottK-uds> It's been ages since I've done anything with Mailman, so I don't really know though.
[23:34] <osmosis> soren: cool
[23:34] <osmosis> soren: i also made an if_all plugin that graphs all the network interfaces on a single graph, works well in conjunction with libvirt.
[23:35] <sten_> ScottK-uds: ahh. I know emails originating from me will be re-written before mailman recieves them, and that I can re-write Mailman's From: adresss...it
[23:35] <sten_> it's just that webpage which bugs me..
[23:35] <sten_> (and will probably confuse my non-technical group of users...it's just a hack of a list for a university club)
[23:35] <sten_> (run from a residential line ;-)
[23:37] <sten_> maybe I should just make a note in the "About list" section...
[23:41] <specialKevin> sten_: you could just update the actual webpage, but you would have to change it every time you upgrade mailman
[23:43] <sten_> specialKevin: Hmm... Too much of a hassle. I think I'll just post a warning like "Any emails sent to foojin@bar.dynalias.net WILL DISAPPEAR INTO THE ETHER OF THE INTERNET. FOREVER. NEVER TO BE SEEN OR HEARD FROM AGAIN. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. "
[23:49] <anabolix> would it be unwise to run a server version of 8.04? do i lose any functionality doing so? and considering im running 8.04 desktop edition on my machine... should i expect the same from the server??????
[23:50] <ScottK-uds> I'm not sure what you mean? Unwise compared to what?
[23:50] <sten_> anabolix: 8.04 is the first release since Dapper (what was that 6.04?) to support many tape drives
[23:50] <ScottK-uds> Dapper was 6.06
[23:51] <sten_> oh yeah, it was delayed!
[23:52] <anabolix> sten_: i currently have desktop edition installed on my laptop, im happy with the way things are running... but i recently DLed the server edition and have burned it to a disc... and ive been given the option to upgrade once i put the disc in... so the question is... will i loose anything? or will it just add itself onto my system while preserving current environment?
[23:56] <sten_> anabolix: I'm not sure. As far as I know, the difference is mainly the kernel, and a few security things.
[23:58] <ScottK-uds> anabolix: If you want to upgrade, you don't need a disk. Just open a console window and run do-release-upgrade. There's a gui way to do it too, but I don't know it.
[23:59] <ScottK-uds> Server edition doesn't have a desktop environment, but I suspect if you used a server CD to upgrade a desktop system, it would grab the desktop updates online.