UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /21 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
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[02:24] <kees> slangasek: can you (if you're the right person) do the gnutls13 merge? (security issues are pending in it)
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[06:15] <Mithrandir> sigh, remote code execution in gnutls
[06:15] <Mithrandir> we should just go back to using telnet and clear-text protocols.
[06:20] <pwnguin> perhaps security programs should come with proofs
[06:47] <slangasek> kees: blink; when are we switching to gnutls26?
[06:47] <slangasek> because gnutls13 should optimally go away
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[08:07] <pitti> Good morning
[08:07] <pitti> slangasek: we should already have it in intrepid
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[08:11] <slangasek> pitti: sure; question is, is it what we're linking against, or do we have a migration to finish?
[08:12] <pitti> slangasek: oh, you mean because libgnuts-dev still points to 13? yeah, that's bad; I wonder why Debian did it that way
[08:13] <pitti> hm, gnutls26 also builds libgnutls-dev
[08:15] <slangasek> yes, but gnutls26 appears to be ftbfs in intrepid, right
[08:15] <slangasek> I guess I saw that yesterday and have already forgotten :)
[08:15] <pitti> aah
[08:16] <pitti> slangasek: right, that's something we should fix with priority, to avoid having too many rebuilds later
[08:16] <pitti> oh, depwait
[08:16] <slangasek> yep, starting on it now
[08:16] <pitti> guile-1.8-dev
[08:17] <slangasek> mmm
[08:17] <slangasek> pitti: question of main promotion vs. neutering the build-dep. Your preference?
[08:17] <pitti> guile 1.6 is in main
[08:18] <pitti> so if we can obsolete this in favor of 1.8, that would be best IMHO
[08:18] <slangasek> have you seen which packages use 1.6 currently?
[08:18] <pitti> checking
[08:19] <pitti> argh slow ssh
[08:20] <pitti> slangasek: so, I'd be fine with promoting 1.8 now and filing a milestoned bug to transition away from 1.6
[08:21] <pitti> it's just autogen, gnome-games, graphviz, and swig1.3
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[08:22] <pitti> slangasek: gnome-games is fine with 1.8, seb changed it to 1.6 in hardy because only that was in main
[08:23] <slangasek> ok - shall I promote it now, or do you want any kind of paperwork first?
[08:23] <pitti> nah, just a new version
[08:23] <pitti> I'm fine with promoting it now
[08:24] <pitti> slangasek: I'll file that milestone bug
[08:24] <slangasek> great, thanks
[08:25] <slangasek> guile-1.8 promoted
[08:31] <pitti> slangasek: bug 232428
[08:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 232428 in guile-1.6 "guile 1.6 -> 1.8 transition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/232428
[08:32] <infinity> Are you guys going to want a mass-give-back after gnutls builds?
[08:33] <pitti> infinity: I guess so far packages just built against gnutls13, so I don't think they actually FTBFSed? or did you notice that?
[08:34] <infinity> pitti: Haven't really been watching like a hawk, to be honest, but I did notice that all my buildd queues are empty, which is usually a sign that something has gone horribly wrong. :)
[08:34] <infinity> Failures build a lot faster than successes.
[08:35] <infinity> (With the exception of mozart...)
[08:35] <slangasek> infinity: libgnutls-dev already exists in intrepid but is the wrong version; feel free to mass-giveback, but I expect most are going to require fresh uploads for the transition
[08:35] <infinity> slangasek: Kay, fair enough.
[08:36] <Mithrandir> speaking of gnutls, are we going to see a security update for it soon?
[08:36] <slangasek> Mithrandir: that's why we're speaking of gnutls ;)
[08:36] <Mithrandir> ah, ok.
[08:36] <liw> Mithrandir, hi
[08:36] * Mithrandir crawls back under his pebble.
[08:36] <Mithrandir> hiya, Lars
[08:36] <Mithrandir> how's Prague?
[08:36] <liw> Mithrandir, looks very much like the inside of a hotel
[08:37] <Mithrandir> you haven't seen much more of it?
[08:37] <liw> nope
[08:37] <slangasek> liw: should we drag you downtown tonight? :)
[08:38] <liw> slangasek, I would not mind that, and tonight is probably the last chance of that
[08:38] * Hobbsee removes the pebble
[08:39] <kees> Mithrandir: if you want to help, we've still got to do a backport of the upstream fix to dapper's gnutls12. (i'm presently testing the feisty/gutsy/hardy fixes)
[08:58] <fabbione> Keybuk: ping?
[08:59] <Keybuk> fabbione: hi
[08:59] <fabbione> Keybuk: hi
[08:59] <Keybuk> how's it going, dude?
[08:59] <fabbione> Keybuk: sorry to bother but i found a bug in libvolume-id-dev that's rather annoying :)
[08:59] <fabbione> Keybuk: pretty good and you?
[09:00] <fabbione> | |-- libvolume_id.so -> /lib/libvolume_id.so
[09:00] <fabbione> ^^ broken symlink
[09:00] <fabbione> in my specific case turns linking from shared to static
[09:00] * ogra heard the rumours ... congrats fabbione :)
[09:00] <fabbione> not sure if it affects all other packages
[09:00] * ogra hugs fabio
[09:00] <fabbione> ogra: rumors? my wife is not pregnant
[09:00] <ogra> haha
[09:01] <ogra> fabbione, i spent a few evenings with davidz the last days
[09:01] <fabbione> Keybuk: afaict the bug is also in hardy
[09:03] <fabbione> ogra: thanks tho.. we will see how this ride goes
[09:03] <fabbione> Keybuk: do you prefer a bug in LP.. or are you already on top of it?
[09:03] <ogra> heh, yeah, sounds like an intresting change
[09:03] <Keybuk> fabbione: ?
[09:03] <fabbione> well it's a totally different job
[09:03] <Keybuk> oh, I see
[09:03] <Keybuk> bug please
[09:03] <fabbione> Keybuk: for the broken symlink
[09:04] <fabbione> ok
[09:04] <Keybuk> err
[09:04] <Keybuk> wait
[09:04] <Keybuk> that's fine isn't it?
[09:04] <fabbione> err no
[09:04] <Keybuk> /usr/lib/libbolume_id.so -> /lib/libvolume_id.so
[09:04] <fabbione> there is no /lib/libvolume_id.so
[09:04] <Keybuk> ah, d'oh
[09:04] <Keybuk> ok, got it
[09:05] <fabbione> Keybuk: can i just copy paste this from IRC?
[09:05] <fabbione> i am lazy this morning :)
[09:05] <Keybuk> sure
[09:05] <fabbione> thanks
[09:05] <fabbione> there is already one..
[09:06] <fabbione> let see if it's the same
[09:06] <atul_> Hi am using Laptop where sound is not working ?I check all sound related functionality and alsamixer all are fine ?
[09:07] <fabbione> Keybuk: you win #232434
[09:08] <Keybuk> thank you ;)
[09:08] <fabbione> welcome :)
[09:15] <emgent> heya
[09:18] * mneptok shoves fabbione playfully
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[09:26] <fabbione> mneptok: hey dude :)
[09:26] <mneptok> \o/
[09:27] <mneptok> fabbione: been to Westford yet?
[09:27] <cody-somerville> Heya fabbione
[09:27] <cody-somerville> Keybuk, who did you say I should speak with regarding the memory leak in notification-daemon?
[09:28] <fabbione> mneptok: nope.. unlikely to go for a while
[09:28] * mneptok nods
[09:28] <fabbione> cody-somerville: hi
[09:29] <cody-somerville> \o_
[09:29] * cody-somerville slaps mneptok around the room a bit.
[09:30] * Hobbsee attacks you all with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!™
[09:30] <emgent> hey
[09:31] <mneptok> cody-somerville: you tease ;)
[09:31] <Hobbsee> mneptok: don't get excited...
[09:32] <Keybuk> cody-somerville: mvo
[09:32] <Keybuk> or seb128
[09:32] <seb128> is there a patch for the issue or that something to debug§?
[09:33] <Keybuk> something to debug
[09:35] <cody-somerville> I had setup valgrind and let it run for several hours
[09:35] <cody-somerville> but... then I shut off my laptop.
[09:36] <seb128> I think there is a bug with a valgrind log already
[09:36] <seb128> the issue is in the ubuntu theme
[09:37] <seb128> just too many bugs, it's on my list already, but patches are welcome if somebody wants to speed things
[09:38] <cody-somerville> seb128, I'll try working through it
[09:38] <seb128> cool
[09:39] <seb128> bug #67129 has several valgrind logs that can be useful
[09:39] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 67129 in notification-daemon "notification-daemon using 237MB of memory" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67129
[09:49] <cody-somerville> mneptok, I know :P
[09:49] <cody-somerville> Keybuk, wasn't there something else you said I should speak to mvo about?
[09:50] <cody-somerville> seb128, can you take a look at this bug and clarify for the individuals who have recently commented what you feel is the most appropriate procedure?
[09:51] <cody-somerville> IMHO, I would think that commenting on that bug would be the correct action since it doesn't make sense to file a new bug on a package for a version that isn't even uploaded to Ubuntu yet.
[09:52] <seb128> cody-somerville: I don't know what your issue is exactly
[09:53] <seb128> but if that's similar to this bug there is no need to add new comments
[09:53] <cody-somerville> Oh, I forgot to post the bug number.
[09:54] <cody-somerville> seb128, it is something completely different :)
[09:54] <cody-somerville> seb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/202174
[09:54] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 202174 in abiword "Please update to version 2.6" [Medium,In progress]
[09:55] <seb128> I think I'm lost in this discussion now
[09:55] <seb128> weren't we speaking about memory leak in notification-daemon?
[09:55] <cody-somerville> seb128, Yes. :) Sorry if I wasn't clear in my transition to a different subject.
[09:56] <cody-somerville> seb128, Where are you at? I can quickly come explain in person. I don't think I've actually met you yet so that would be nice to do anyhow.
[09:57] <seb128> I'm sitting with the GNOME guys at the coffee tables
[09:57] <ct529> the new update seem to be broken, they have been broken since yesterday.
[09:57] <ct529> the missing packages are apport apport-qt python-apport python-problem-report
[09:57] <seb128> what new update?
[09:57] <ct529> the automatic update does not find them, and if you check manually they are actually *not* there
[09:58] <ct529> still, "apt-get update" outputs them as in need of upgrade
[09:58] <ct529> what is going on?
[09:58] <cody-somerville> seb128, raise your hands in the air and wave them all about?
[09:58] <cody-somerville> : P
[10:00] <cody-somerville> seb128, I'll catch you later. I have to go to Live CD memory requirements.
[10:02] <fabbione> who is archive_admin of the day?
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[10:10] <seb128> cody-somerville: yeah, I didn't see you there and had to move to the next session now
[10:11] <cody-somerville> I'm in the kernel session at the moment.
[10:11] <seb128> fabbione: theorically me but we are at uds
[10:11] <seb128> fabbione: so I'm slightly busy, is there anything you need?
[10:17] <fabbione> seb128: hey.. nothing urgent.. i uploaded redhat-cluster to intrepid that spits out a bunch of new binaries that needs NEW love. all of them except redhat-cluster-source_2.20080521-0ubuntu1_all.deb needs to go in main. source and old binaries are already there
[10:17] <fabbione> seb128: let me know if you prefer it in an email or a bug..
[10:18] <fabbione> seb128: and it can wait when you have time
[10:19] <seb128> fabbione: if it's in the NEW queue it'll be processed, no need to open a bug or send an email, I'll have a look later when I've a free slot
[10:19] <fabbione> seb128: yeps.. cool. just wanted to make sure they were landing in the right place
[10:19] <seb128> is there anything depending on those?
[10:20] <fabbione> some of them yes, others no
[10:20] <fabbione> but they will soon
[10:20] <fabbione> there will be stuff depending on them soon (sorry)
[10:21] <seb128> fabbione: ok, will accept those later, there is nothing in the queue yet, I guess you just uploaded and they need to build
[10:21] <fabbione> seb128: indeed.. you are absolutely right :) as i said it's not urgent.
[10:22] <seb128> ok, noted, will do that later
[10:22] <fabbione> thanks a lot
[10:23] <seb128> you're welcome
[10:32] <Keybuk> sweet, new glibc in intrepid!
[10:34] <\sh> oh no...new bugfox release...I really shouldn't take painkillers
[10:47] * Keybuk wants waitfd()
[10:48] <desrt> Keybuk; what would waitfd() do?
[10:48] <Keybuk> int waitfd (int fd, idtype_t idtype, id_t id, int flags)
[10:48] <Keybuk> or something
[10:48] <Keybuk> it would return a file descriptor
[10:49] <Keybuk> read() on that file descriptor would return siginfo_t structures
[10:49] <Keybuk> equivalent to those that waitid() would have returned, also clearing them from the queue
[10:49] <desrt> oh
[10:49] <desrt> that would be really nice!
[10:49] <Keybuk> wait_fd = waitfd (...)
[10:49] <Keybuk> signal_fd = signalfd (...)
[10:49] <desrt> basically, so you can poll it....
[10:49] <Keybuk> timer_fd = timerfd_create (...)
[10:49] <Keybuk> select ()
[10:49] <Keybuk> yup
[10:49] <Keybuk> it's the only thing you can't do with poll/select/etc. now
[10:50] <desrt> wouldn't work so good for all signals....
[10:50] <Keybuk> it may even exist
[10:50] <Keybuk> signalfd() exists already
[10:50] <desrt> having to wait until you return to the mainloop to deal with SIGBUS wouldn't work so well :)
[10:50] <Keybuk> right
[10:50] <desrt> there's some timerfd stuff in the kernel these days too
[10:50] <Keybuk> indeed
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[12:23] <soc> hi
[12:23] <dbmoodb> you ah hi i'm wanting to know when you guys will patch the intel driver which is causing me and others using laptops a really bad experience (aka go to vt then back once or twice and the comp freezes... close the screen ditto... on reopen ... i'm asking here because i can't give out hardy cd's until a cd with this fixed in it is put out -- when is the next revision of hardy coming out ?....
[12:24] <soc> gcc-4.2-base and libtotem-plparser10 cannot be updated since a few days ... is that correct or did i miss something?
[12:25] <soc> removing gcc-4.2-base is not possible because many programs still depend on it ...
[12:25] <soc> and the libtotem one needs an unavailable package, 'perlapi' or something like that
[12:25] <dbmoodb> why is totem being given preference over gcc ?
[12:26] <jdong> dbmoodb: is a bug filed already? (the devs are mostly at the UDS conference currently...)
[12:26] <dbmoodb> it is filled
[12:26] <jdong> soc: I've not observed that on either of my Hardy systems
[12:26] <dbmoodb> oh i see jdong
[12:27] <jdong> dbmoodb: what kind of hardware does this Intel bug affect (I run GMA950 with seemingly no problems doing VT switch)
[12:27] <soc> jdong: oops, sorry, wanted #ubuntu+1 ...
[12:27] <soc> sorry
[12:28] <jdong> soc: haha that explains it
[12:28] <dbmoodb> .... 855
[12:28] <soc> :-)
[12:28] <dbmoodb> one second let me find it
[12:28] <jdong> dbmoodb: ah
[12:31] <dbmoodb> apparently https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/211285 .... says i can fix it by adding a few options
[12:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 211285 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "i855GM: blank screen after resume from suspend to ram, on Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[12:32] <dbmoodb> they updated the bot ?
[12:33] <dbmoodb> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/221316 if you want the page i was reading before
[12:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 221316 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[hardy] blank screen on 855GM when playing video using intel driver" [High,Triaged]
[12:33] <dbmoodb> triaged means what -- being dealt with ?
[12:35] <liw> dbmoodb, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status
[12:38] <jdong> dbmoodb: triaged means cause is understood, and possible the fix has been identified
[12:38] <dbmoodb> in the bug report or in within the ubuntu maintainer group ?
[12:39] <jdong> dbmoodb: it can only be set by the bug team or by developers
[12:40] <jdong> dbmoodb: at this point I don't see why it's triaged, I think it was at one of the false-hope stages
[12:40] <dbmoodb> apparently the ForceEnablePipeA instruction works
[12:41] <dbmoodb> i will try it now
[12:42] <jdong> dbmoodb: the "fix" in Debian doesn't really help us out all that much....
[12:42] <dbmoodb> ah in debian experimental
[12:42] <jdong> dbmoodb: it's just updating from 2.2.1 to prerelease drivers... doesn't really identify any changeset as the problem
[12:42] <dbmoodb> not in debian anything so far as i can tell
[12:42] <jdong> dbmoodb: this is strictly out of the question for Hardy
[12:42] <dbmoodb> oh really
[12:43] <dbmoodb> so why is firefox beta 3 in
[12:43] <dbmoodb> where did you guys get that from ?
[12:43] <jdong> dbmoodb: but if someone can bisect between those two releases and figure out exactly which change is the fix...
[12:43] <jdong> dbmoodb: ff3 is in because that was a design decision made at the beginnning of the hardy development cycle.
[12:43] <dbmoodb> oh
[12:43] <jdong> dbmoodb: i.e. around this time 6 months ago
[12:43] <jdong> dbmoodb: we do accept beta software, but not upgraded after a release is done!
[12:44] <dbmoodb> that is fine the fix you say is in debian
[12:44] <jdong> dbmoodb: you can imagine, a lot of bugfixing work went into the 2.2.1 driver in Ubuntu; upgrading blindly to a new version might fix your problem but break something else
[12:44] <dbmoodb> dude.. i don't think it has ever worked except in debian etch for my laptop ... lenny was ok
[12:45] <jdong> dbmoodb: if you have some knowledge about compiling source debian packages, I'd suggest trying the experimental driver on Hardy
[12:45] <dbmoodb> and even then --- etch wouldn't bring the screen back on all the time... - blank (black ) computer was still on and if i was in kde it worked .. i.e i could and did close the screen
[12:45] <jdong> report back if it works or not
[12:45] <dbmoodb> well i'm testing that one option
[12:45] <jdong> dbmoodb: identifying a "working" version is definitely a first step towards finding the fix :D
[12:45] <dbmoodb> i'm not compiling it for ubuntu i would remove it
[12:46] <dbmoodb> jdong: the working version is many ago
[12:46] <dbmoodb> i tend to think this is a bug in gnome power manager
[12:46] <dbmoodb> -- will get kde now for a test
[12:47] <dbmoodb> wait wtf i never told hardy to remember my password why did it just store my wpa one ?
[12:47] <dbmoodb> i said no
[12:47] <dbmoodb> i didn't put a gnome password vault up...
[12:52] <dbmoodb> fix is a go
[12:52] <dbmoodb> i can switch consoles
[12:52] <emgent> heya
[12:52] <dbmoodb> --- with that option
[12:53] <dbmoodb> oh wow even better than a go it is a total fix i just closed the lid nice
[12:53] <jdong> dbmoodb: that's good to hear :) Did you add that info to the bug report?
[12:55] <Hobbsee> dbmoodb: not an ubuntu issue, but why am i getting multiple copies of mails? please fix it.
[12:55] <dbmoodb> Hobbsee: it so is
[12:55] <dbmoodb> i'm on ubuntu right now
[12:55] <Hobbsee> good.
[12:56] <dbmoodb> and Hobbsee i want fixed to go upsteam these days not stay within ubuntu / debian
[12:56] <dbmoodb> i don't want another openssl problem
[12:56] <Hobbsee> then send them.
[12:58] <dbmoodb> Hobbsee: multiple emails ?
[12:59] * Hobbsee wonders just how many people have that particular chipset, too
[13:00] <dbmoodb> a lot .... it is an intel graphics chip on a dell laptop want to look at pop-con ?
[13:00] <jdong> it's one of Intel's like 20 different graphics chipsets out there today....
[13:01] <dbmoodb> it seems to be an error in bullet proof x configs jdong yes i am aware of that i think it affects a large number of them (laptops ) where acpi is used a lot more than the desktop
[13:01] <Hobbsee> dbmoodb: mucs stuff. nina should have spoken to you, that multiple people are getting mass mails.
[13:01] <dbmoodb> oh
[13:01] <dbmoodb> that stopped you might be getting one to kubuntu and ubutu
[13:01] <dbmoodb> i can fix it
[13:02] <dbmoodb> i thought i removed the old one we were a bit trigger happy on the last few emails ...
[13:02] <Hobbsee> cool
[13:02] * Hobbsee got 6, iirc.
[13:03] <dbmoodb> 6... for which event ?
[13:03] <Hobbsee> the monday night grad thing.
[13:04] <dbmoodb> shouldn't have
[13:04] <dbmoodb> that is weird
[13:06] <dbmoodb> wait you got a few from the comp mailing list that we passed on to them ?
[13:06] <Hobbsee> i think i did, but i didn't count them.
[13:07] <yosch> ArneGoetje: link to the BachoTex presentation about new XeTeX features: http://www.river-valley.tv/conferences/bachotex2008/
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[13:38] <siretart> StevenK: do you use backuppc on prodcution systems? - or other way round: are you familiar with the package?
[13:39] <StevenK> I used to
[13:39] <StevenK> Somewhat familiar
[13:39] <siretart> StevenK: would you like to take over the merge from debian?
[13:40] <StevenK> I did the 3.0.0 merge
[13:40] <siretart> StevenK: I started on it, but I don't really understand all te ubunut changes in detail
[13:40] <siretart> StevenK: if you want, I can tar up what I currently have, so you don't need to start from scratch.
[13:40] <\sh> oh ... backup.../me still needs to fix some bacula bugs
[13:41] <\sh> well...it's a good task during linuxtag
[13:41] <StevenK> I played with bacula, it's fun
[13:42] <\sh> StevenK, it's not when you use the mysql backend + the qt4 frontend...
[13:42] <StevenK> siretart: I'll deal. :-)
[13:42] <siretart> StevenK: thanks. do you want my merge directory?
[13:42] <StevenK> siretart: I think I can cope without it
[13:43] <siretart> ok
[13:43] <\sh> StevenK, and the other thing: bacula without ssl sucks a lot
[13:43] <StevenK> I've moved on from the company I was looking at bacula for, so shrug
[13:44] <Auzy> hey.. I'm wondering if there is a way to get xdg-open to accept program arguments
[13:44] <Auzy> so I can do xdg-open sh program.sh
[13:45] <guysoft42> um, hello m does anyone here know who Michel Vogt is?
[13:45] <Mithrandir> guysoft42: his nick is mvo, why?
[13:45] <\sh> guysoft42, mvo
[13:45] <guysoft42> Martinp23, because i want to ask him about DistUpgradeViewNoninteractive.py .. i need to run it somehow
[13:46] <Auzy> or if there are any alternatives to xdg-open? I need to be able to open up any file, or command in a generic way
[13:46] <Martinp23> Mithrandir: ^
[13:46] <Mithrandir> Auzy: look at see?
[13:47] <Auzy> hmm.. that does look better mithrandir
[13:48] <Auzy> I'll give it a try now (its the only thing stopping my program being released)
[13:49] <guysoft42> is there anyone here that knows maybe why DistUpgradeViewNoninteractive.py exists, but its not really accessed by anything? and is it possible to use it somehow?
[13:50] <Auzy> sweeet, you are a genius Mithrandir
[13:50] <\sh> guysoft42, what software?
[13:50] * Auzy hugs system()
[13:52] <Auzy> ahh, no.. crap, wont work Mithrandir, its just a viewer
[13:52] <guysoft42> \sh, its a part of the update manager. i basically want to run the update manager, and make it act non-interactive (like placing DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ) . but no option exists in the code, apart from this file. i also tried fooling it and replacing it with the DistUpgradeViewGTK.py file, but that didnt help
[13:55] <\sh> guysoft42, oh update-manager...the secret software desire of "please let me understands mvos logic here and there" ... yeah...you need mvo
[13:58] <guysoft42> \sh, where can i find him? does he come here? for all i care i can give him a phone call, this is kinda important to me
[13:59] <\sh> guysoft42, I think mvo is somewhere attending a session during UDS prague...
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[14:01] * guysoft42 googles up UDS
[14:01] <\sh> guysoft42, ubuntu developer summit
[14:02] <\sh> guysoft42, most ubuntu devs and community devs are planning the intrepid release..so most of them are busy talking and writing
[14:04] <guysoft42> \sh, well , for a start i can go looking at #ubuntu-devel-summit
[14:05] <guysoft42> \sh, do you think it would be alittle out of order going there and asking "has anyone seen mvo?"
[14:06] <cody-somerville> guysoft42, no
[14:06] <Pici> guysoft42: try /whois mvo and /msg nickserv info mvo looks like he was last on irc (or at least last identified) about a day ago
[14:07] <guysoft42> he was here a day ago, but come to think if, it.. if there is someone on irc neaby him here, maybe he can call him to have a look
[14:08] <joaopinto> He is at the UDS judging from a blog :P
[14:09] <guysoft42> joaopinto, i know i was just told.. so i was aking now on #ubuntu-devel-summit if anyone knows where he is
[14:09] <stgraber> guysoft42: if he's not on IRC that's probably because he's attending a session
[14:09] <guysoft42> stgraber, he was here a day or so.. i am sure he is busy
[14:10] <stgraber> UDS finishes at 18, maybe you can get it then before he goes out for dinner
[14:26] <Daenyth> Hi, I know this isn't really the right place, but I thought that since ubuntu uses notification-daemon a lot, I might ask here... Does anyone know of a place to find help using notify-send in scripts?
[14:26] <Daenyth> or just in general, tutorials, guides, or documentation?
[14:27] * Hobbsee wonders who she can bribe to do some work for her.
[14:29] <Auzy> thanks all, got a workaround
[14:29] <Nonel> /server globalirc.zapto.org
[14:30] <Auzy> but I should send a patch in to xdg-open
[14:34] <Keybuk> wing-commander scott% xargs
[14:34] <Keybuk> xargs: xargs.c:443: main: Assertion `bc_ctl.arg_max <= (131072-2048)' failed.
[14:34] <Keybuk> zsh: abort (core dumped) xargs
[14:34] <Keybuk> --
[14:34] <Keybuk> that's bad, right? :)
[14:34] <thom> possibly less than ideal
[14:35] <ion_> setopt no_crash
[14:36] <Keybuk> I assume that xargs is asserting that the maximum argv length isn't too large there?
[14:37] <Hobbsee> !sru
[14:37] <ubottu> Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates
[14:37] <Keybuk> intrepid libc => hold
[14:37] <wd4lko> video is jerky on old dell gx260, should i buy a new videocard? what kind?
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[14:50] <guysoft42> \sh, why is the update manger pulling code it already has on in its package... thats what DistUpgradeFetcherCore.py is for..
[14:50] * guysoft42 is confused
[14:52] <\sh> guysoft42, I already had two tries to understand the code...I failed badly...so I'll leave it to mvo to explain the secrets ;)
[14:53] <guysoft42> \sh, and he is in Pruge.. and i need to solve this one as quick as possible
[14:53] <ion_> guysoft: Just a guess: the version of update-manager in Ubuntu 15.04 might not have all the required stuff to properly upgrade to Ubuntu 15.10, so better fetch the most recent dist-upgrade code.
[14:53] <guysoft42> \sh, i understand the code.. but its kinda strange
[14:54] <guysoft42> ion_, yes, but then why keep in on the drive in the first place - so ill try and hack it and then see its not at all used
[15:08] <PsySine> could someone give me a link to information on how the localized folder names in ~ are implemented?
[15:09] <liw> PsySine, I don't have a ready link, but I think it's on freedesktop.org
[15:10] <PsySine> thanks, i'll take a look
[15:11] <ion_> The xdg-user-dirs{,-gtk} packages handle that AFAIU.
[15:18] <siretart> soren: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/+bug/144368
[15:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 144368 in qemu "qemu fails to boot a disk image in gutsy" [High,Incomplete]
[15:21] <guysoft42> ok, this is strange, this didn't work : ( while true; do export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"; done ) & sudo do-release-upgrade
[15:22] <\sh> guysoft42, yuk...you won't get DEBIAN_FRONTEND inside your sudo shell imho
[15:23] <guysoft42> \sh, hmm, let me try that
[15:25] <\sh> guysoft42, I even wonder if export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" ; sudo -E do-release-upgrade works ...( -E is preserve env)
[15:25] <guysoft42> \sh, doesnt seem to work :( , let me try your command
[15:27] <guysoft42> \sh, sudo illedal option -e ??
[15:28] <\sh> -E
[15:29] <\sh> -E The -E (preserve environment) option will override the env_reset
[15:29] <\sh> option in sudoers(5)).
[15:30] <Auzy> guys, is there something better then sourceforge out there?
[15:30] <Auzy> I think sourceforge hates me :(
[15:30] <guysoft42> Auzy, i know some developers that have trouble with SF go to berlios. i still personally use SF
[15:31] <Auzy> I mean, I like the features, but sourceforge seems so danged slow
[15:31] <guysoft42> \sh, maybe there is an internal sudo call within do-release-upgrade then
[15:31] <guysoft42> \sh, that will mess it up for me
[15:31] <Auzy> each commit for even 1 file takes forever for me
[15:32] <Auzy> might check berlios though
[15:32] <\sh> Auzy, launchpad.net? :)
[15:32] <Auzy> can u put code on launchpad?
[15:32] <\sh> sure
[15:32] <Auzy> meh, i'll check that out too I guess :D
[15:32] <Auzy> thanks
[15:33] <\sh> in bzr mode...and not SVN...
[15:33] <Auzy> ahh ok, never used bazaar before, is there an eclipse plugin?
[15:33] <Auzy> I know my plugin supports SVN and CVS
[15:33] <\sh> Auzy, yes...but I don't know if it works...
[15:33] <Auzy> anyway, I'll look into it
[15:33] <Auzy> thanks
[15:33] <beuno> Auzy, yes there is, and works quite well :)
[15:34] <Auzy> cool
[15:34] <beuno> Auzy, http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrEclipse
[15:34] <Auzy> I'll look at options if I even know if this program will take off
[15:34] <Auzy> if it wont, no point
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[16:17] <mjr> is preseeding broken on hoary, I don't seem to get joy from preseed/url=http://...
[16:17] <mjr> s/hoary/hardy/
[16:34] <hwilde> do-release-upgrade++ :)
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[19:05] <highvoltage> http://blog.rominet.net/2008/05/debianopenssl-debacle.html
[19:12] <hwilde> pas de francais
[20:08] <nikin> hy
[20:08] <nikin> i realy need some some help in undersanding policykit and cnsole kit.. i am searching someone ith deep understanding in how theese got inside ubuntu for a longer convrsation
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[20:57] <emgent> heya
[21:59] <kirkland> can anyone point me to a correctly localized shell script in ubuntu as an example that I can work from?
[23:03] <smallfoot-> why does Ubuntu use 'usplash' instead of 'splashy' ?
[23:22] <mgunes> smallfoot-, basically because splashy breaks suspend in certain cases
[23:25] <smallfoot-> oh
[23:25] <smallfoot-> then they should fix that bug
[23:25] <smallfoot-> hey plz make so that i can press "esc" in usplash to see boot messages
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