UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /21 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] * awen- votes for early death of display-config
[00:00] <awen-> ScottK-uds: btw... did you have time for a quick look at the changelog i linked to?
[00:07] * awen- had a very wobbly internet connection tonight, so might have missed it
[00:08] <ScottK-uds> That was annoying. Did I miss anything?
[00:08] <awen-> ScottK-uds: http://awen.dk/packages/changelog
[00:08] <awen-> ScottK-uds: how much more than the kubuntu_32_* patch is SRU material?
[00:09] <awen-> ScottK-uds: full debdiff is here if you need it http://awen.dk/packages/kde-guidance_0.8.0svn20080103-0ubuntu18.debdiff
[00:10] <ScottK-uds> awen-: I think the new hardware might go. Why did you rename i810 to intel? Aren't those two different things?
[00:10] <ScottK-uds> Go = Go into an SRU
[00:10] <ScottK-uds> Also don't forget the target is intrepid, not hardy.
[00:11] <awen-> ScottK-uds: from the man-pages intel looks to support the same cards as i810 and some more
[00:12] <ScottK-uds> awen-: It does and it's the newer driver, but we still have i810. Also for now, i810 supports Xinerama, so you have some hope of multiple screens with it. With Intel you are doomed.
[00:13] <ScottK-uds> Also we parse the list of installed drivers anyway now, so I don't think it needs updating.
[00:13] * ScottK-uds is running on Intel right now.
[00:13] <awen-> ScottK-uds: ahh ... good point
[00:14] <awen-> ScottK-uds: so both the added pci-id and the kubuntu_32 patch should be possible for an SRU?
[00:14] * seele pokes mhb
[00:14] <ScottK-uds> I would think. I'd ask Riddell though. I'm still new enough at core stuff that I'm not comfortable with deciding.
[00:14] <seele> shouldnt you be sleeping? you have an exam tomorrow
[00:16] <awen-> ScottK-uds: okay ... i'll have a new *ubuntu18 for intrepid ready for you sometime tomorrow; and i'll give an SRU package a go, and adapt it to Riddell's wishes
[00:17] <ScottK-uds> OK.
[00:17] * ScottK-uds better get his port of all the patches to Debian done soon or it'll never be done as patches pile up.
[00:18] <awen-> ScottK-uds: did we ever get all the patches into the svn?
[00:19] <ScottK-uds> No. I've been working on it. They're rules file is substantially different than ours and they have a couple of patches that we don't that make it all a bit tricky to sort out.
[00:20] <awen-> ScottK-uds: ahh ... i see
[00:21] <awen-> ScottK-uds: got a list with description for all our patches ... and what could be dropped, if you need it some time
[00:21] <ScottK-uds> OK. If there are patches we don't need (and I shouldn't push to Debian) please let me know (mail me the list).
[00:22] <awen-> ScottK-uds: here http://awen.dk/packages/guidance/commit-notes.txt
[00:27] <awen-> ScottK-uds: you've got it as a mail, too
[00:28] <ScottK-uds> OK. Thanks.
[00:31] <awen-> ScottK-uds: and a new debdiff is ready http://awen.dk/packages/kde-guidance_0.8.0svn20080103-0ubuntu18.debdiff
[00:31] <ScottK-uds> awen-: It's a bit late now. I'll try and look at it tomorrow, but no promises.
[00:32] <awen-> ScottK-uds: no problem ... please concentrate on the UDS while there :)
[00:38] <daskReech> Beta 1 :)
[00:45] <awen-> goodnight people
=== _krawek_ is now known as krawek
[02:19] <jjesse> evening :)
[02:19] <Jucato> morning ;)
[02:20] <jjesse> how's it going Jucato?
[02:20] <Jucato> doing great :)
[02:20] <Jucato> how about you? :)
[02:20] <nixternal> shh, I am trying to sleep here :p
[02:21] <jjesse> help i'm being forced to watch american idol
[02:21] <Jucato> lol
[02:21] <nixternal> haha
[02:21] <Jucato> torture!!
[02:21] <nixternal> I am watching "Dancing with the stars"
[02:21] <jjesse> wife loves it
[02:21] <jjesse> gagh
[02:21] <Jucato> (well at least it wasn't [Bulgarian] Music Idol"
[02:21] <jjesse> would raher watch idol
[02:22] <Jucato> I saw this dancing competition for kids..
[02:22] <nixternal> I can't stand the judges on idol
[02:22] <Jucato> that's disturbing :)
[02:22] <nixternal> heh
[02:23] <Jucato> so you're using Dancing with the stars to help you sleep? fascinating
[02:23] <nixternal> hehe, I am building KDE 4 trunk/
[02:23] <Jucato> oh even more fascinating!
[02:23] <nixternal> changing my laptop from Kubuntu to openSUSE
[02:24] <Jucato> Headlines: Building KDE 4 trunk induces sleep
[02:24] <Jucato> hahahaha!
[02:24] <Jucato> now *that* is disturbing :D
[02:24] <nixternal> what is
[02:24] <Jucato> <nixternal> changing my laptop from Kubuntu to openSUSE
[02:24] <nixternal> why is that?
[02:24] <Jucato> :P
[02:24] <Jucato> j/k of course :)
[02:25] <nixternal> after talking to zonker from Novell, I am going to start working on openSUSE
[02:25] <Jucato> I was running Fedora 9 on my laptop actually
[02:25] <Jucato> so that makes 3?
[02:25] <nixternal> I would like a job in open source and that seems the most likely route
[02:25] <Jucato> (Kubby, Foreeye and openSUE?)
[02:25] <nixternal> nope, just going to be working on openSUSE now
[02:26] <Jucato> oh...
[02:26] <nixternal> if you believe that, I own the entire outback in Australia if you would like to purchase it
[02:26] <nixternal> booyah! I had you going didn't I
[02:26] <Jucato> not really :)
[02:26] <nixternal> liar!
[02:26] <Jucato> (but I wouldn't be surprised if you started working on openSUSE too)
[02:26] <nixternal> I might have a job in open source already :)
[02:27] <Jucato> but the "just going to be working on openSUSE " gave you away
[02:27] <nixternal> actually, I will start playing with it more as I am going to have to build some .spec files
[02:27] * Jucato thinks openSUSE is really our stiffest KDE competition...
[02:28] <nixternal> either will be: a) Linux Packaging and Development Engineer, b) Open Source Manager, or c) both A and B
[02:28] <Jucato> Fedora has a looooong way to go, and imho their decision to have KDE 4 only did more damage than good
[02:28] <nixternal> and when I interviewed yesterday, I met all of the developers, and all but a few are using Ubuntu
[02:29] <Jucato> oh...
[02:29] <Jucato> I choose option c)
[02:29] <nixternal> hehe
[02:29] <Jucato> (for you)
[02:29] <Jucato> you're obviously great at both.. at the same time
[02:29] <Jucato> :D
[02:29] <nixternal> well it is a startup, so if they do offer a job, it will probably be c)
[02:29] <jjesse> yay for you
[02:30] <nixternal> I hope...had my fingers crossed now since yesterday :)
[02:30] <jjesse> congrats if it works out nixternal
[02:30] <nixternal> thank you sir
[02:30] <jjesse> might get cramped?
[02:30] <nixternal> already cramping up
[02:30] <nixternal> hehe
[02:30] <Jucato> I bet you'll get it :)
[02:31] <nixternal> well, I have 2 friends that work there that got the ball rolling...so I feel somewhat positive :)
[02:31] <nixternal> the one thing they would want me to do though is get Mark to sync Ubuntu releases with our products :p
[02:31] <nixternal> s/our/their - talking like I work there already :)
[02:32] <Jucato> lol
[02:34] <yuriy> nixternal: hah! i knew all you chicagoans were SUSE people when i saw this! http://people.brandeis.edu/~ykozlov//temp/imgp2708a.jpeg
[02:34] <nixternal> hahahaha
[02:34] <nixternal> did you go to Lincoln Park Zoo?
[02:34] <yuriy> nixternal: no, aquarium
[02:34] <nixternal> oh ya, forgot they have lizards and stuff now
[02:37] * jjesse is downloading opensuse right now
[02:37] <yuriy> it must be contageous
[02:37] <Jucato> I'm waiting for openSUSE 11
[02:37] <nixternal> hehe
[02:37] <Jucato> speaking of suse.. anyone has a 6.9 lying around? :)
[02:37] <nixternal> you guys want to know the best KDE distro out there right now hands down?
[02:37] <jjesse> lol no
[02:38] <jjesse> i'm having problems with SLED rigth now and my wireless card
[02:38] <jjesse> what is the best kdE distro?
[02:38] <nixternal> Kubuntu silly!
[02:38] <Jucato> hm.. openSUSE
[02:38] <Jucato> :D
[02:38] <nixternal> haha
[02:38] <nixternal> gotcha!
[02:38] <jjesse> debian?
[02:38] <jjesse> slackware?
[02:39] <Jucato> Debian's not a KDE distro!!!
[02:39] <jjesse> mandrake?
[02:39] <Jucato> :D
[02:39] <nixternal> is slackware?
[02:39] <nixternal> mandrake? ok mr. oldypants
[02:39] <jjesse> grin
[02:39] <nixternal> hehe
[02:39] <jjesse> i have my slackware 9 cds someplace
[02:39] <Jucato> gentoo!!!
[02:39] <nixternal> lol
[02:39] <nixternal> I have Slackware 6 CDs still
[02:39] <nixternal> I actually used them to make a CD lamp
[02:40] <nixternal> man, I wish this guy would reply to my email about a bike he is selling
[02:40] <Jucato> mountain bike or motor bike?
[02:40] <nixternal> road bike
[02:40] <nixternal> bicycle
[02:41] <Jucato> :D
[02:41] <Jucato> with training wheels? :D
[02:41] <nixternal> I am looking to see if I would be interested in riding a bicycle and if I would..so I have been scouring craigslist for a super cheap road bike
[02:41] <jjesse> nope a tricyle
[02:42] <nixternal> heh, my fat arse would get stuck in a tricycle
[02:42] <jjesse> paula abdul is such a train wreck
[02:42] <jjesse> "you are standing in your truth"
[02:42] <jjesse> what the heck does that mean
[02:42] <nixternal> everyone on idol is a train wreck
[02:43] <jjesse> i just got a mental of picture of nixternal on a hot wheel
[02:44] <jjesse> kde4 is only what fedora provides?
[02:46] <Jucato> jjesse: yes
[02:46] <jjesse> that's interesting
[02:46] <Jucato> but setup so that some kde3 apps can be installed
[02:46] <Jucato> but still... it's 4 point oh for crying out loud!
[02:46] <jjesse> tell me how you really feel
[02:47] <Jucato> hm?
[02:48] <jjesse> that was sarcasm in regards to how you really feel in regards to what fedora is doing
[02:48] <Jucato> ha hehehe
[02:48] <Jucato> sorry multitasking in #kde :P
[02:51] <jjesse> not allowed to multitask :)
[02:52] <Jucato> heheh
[02:53] <jjesse> wow there are a lof bugs in "ubuntu" that reference Kubuntu which are way way old
[02:56] <jjesse> hrm some packages i don't ever know
[02:58] <jjesse> hrm bug related question: there is a bug that talks about a translation problem, that should be closed as not a vaild bug correct?
[02:58] <jjesse> point them to the team that does translation?
[03:00] <nixternal> me on a hotwheel? now that is just wrong!
[03:01] <nixternal> jjesse: I will actually subscribe the translation people and change the bug to one of the translation packages
[03:01] <nixternal> if it is a valid bug of course
[03:01] <jjesse> its a translation item since pre-dapper
[03:02] <nixternal> I love those
[03:02] <jjesse> pre dapper bugs?
[03:02] <jjesse> they are the best
[03:03] <nixternal> ...a guy in the UK arrested for having more than 16,000 child porn photos is using the unique defense that it's all Google's fault for making it so easy to access the photos.
[03:03] <nixternal> that's it! I am blaming google for everything from now on
[03:03] <jjesse> lol
[03:03] <jjesse> thats disgusting btw
[03:03] <nixternal> oh, a bug in translations? that is Google's fault
[03:04] <nixternal> jjesse: you need to subscribe to Techdirts RSS feeds..they have the best news articles of any tech site I have seen to date
[03:04] <nixternal> and their editors are very good at journalism and writing
[03:04] <jjesse> intersting will have to check them out
[03:05] <jjesse> techdirt.com?
[03:05] <nixternal> yes
[03:05] <nixternal> Senator Joe Lieberman, who heads the Senate Committee on Homeland Security is upset with Google for letting terrorists post videos on YouTube.
[03:05] <nixternal> isn't he the guy that said he would fight for people's freedoms?
[03:05] <jjesse> don't remember
[03:06] <JontheEchidna> oh lawd, "if anyone can use youtube, then the terrorists win!"
[03:06] <JontheEchidna> series of tubes! series of tubes! series of tubes!
[03:07] <nixternal> lol
[03:08] <JontheEchidna> breaking news: new youtube captcha implemented! Upon every page load, a captcha which involves responding to a voice shouting "ARE YOU A TERRORIST!?" via your microphone. If you have a terrorist-ish accent (hint, arabic) then you fail the captcha
[03:09] <JontheEchidna> Seriously, what do they think they can do about it? Tell youtube to add a clause to their tos forbiding terrorists to use youtube?
[03:09] <JontheEchidna> Because bloodthirsty killers have a real nice track record of following the rules
[03:10] <nixternal> lol, so true..and nothing like members of the US government promoting sensorship once again
[03:10] <jjesse> JontheEchidna: its the same thing about making people register handguns and other weeapons
[03:10] <nixternal> yup yup yup
[03:10] <jjesse> like the people who commit murder register all their guns
[03:10] <jjesse> or who commit other crimes
[03:11] <JontheEchidna> Heh, it's not like a serial killer worries about registering their guns or following the law in general
[03:11] <jjesse> exactly
[03:11] <jjesse> i felt a little silly taking my handguns to the sherrifs office to register them
[03:13] <nixternal> they will have to rip my guns from my cold dead hands to register them anymore than they already are
[03:13] <nixternal> Illinois said I have to register my legally purchases firearms again...I told them to pack sand
[03:14] <yuriy> i think having to register guns is useful
[03:14] <yuriy> if nothing else, as a deterrent to buying a gun at all
[03:14] <jjesse> hrmm maybe we need to move to kubuntu-devel-offtopic to continue
[03:15] <yuriy> we have that?
[03:15] <yuriy> nope
[03:15] <yuriy> think you mean #kubuntu-offtopic
[03:15] <nixternal> we need to purchase more guns!
[03:15] <nixternal> if we don't, the gangbangers do, leaving us defenseless
[03:16] <yuriy> or they just take yours, which most people don't know how to wield anyway
[03:16] <nixternal> if they take mine, then they can have it...but taking it would be a bit difficult
[03:17] <nixternal> I have some locked in a safe that I cannot open for the life of me
[03:17] <jjesse> that sucks
[03:20] <jjesse> hrm there is a lot of ubiquity related bugs that reference kubuntu that need someone to look at
[03:20] <jjesse> they are all old
[03:21] <nixternal> I should take a look at those
[03:21] <yuriy> there are a lot of * related bugs that reference kubuntu that need someone to look at :(
[03:21] <jjesse> grin i'm looking at some of them tonight
[03:23] <nixternal> look at all of them tonight while you are at it :)
[03:23] <jjesse> nixternal: nice try buddy its time for bed
[03:23] <nixternal> bed is for the weak :p
[03:23] <nixternal> not even 22:30 there
[03:23] <jjesse> guess i'm weak then
[03:23] <nixternal> haha
[03:25] <jjesse> night talk to you all later
[03:25] <nixternal> g'nite
[03:27] <Jucato> night night jjesse
=== kewark is now known as krawek
[05:15] <DaskreecH> Anyone recall when they redid the LPI Syllabus?
[05:15] <nixternal> probably a long time agao
[05:15] <nixternal> ago
[05:16] <nixternal> if you are planning on taking it, brush up on RPMs
[05:17] <DaskreecH> They have a Debian section :)
[05:19] <nixternal> ya, but they also have a RPM section
[05:19] <DaskreecH> Mandatory?
[05:19] <nixternal> yup
[05:19] <DaskreecH> It has changed since I last took it
[05:20] <nixternal> if so, not much has changed
[05:20] <nixternal> o'reilly hasn't updated their LPIC in a Nutshell in a few years
[05:20] <nixternal> when that gets updated, then you know there have been some changes
[05:21] <DaskreecH> ...
[05:21] <DaskreecH> Well there was a point when the president left and they went under new management
[05:22] <nixternal> everything has pretty stayed the same..when the ubuntu certification stuff was being created, they had the staff syllabus which was like 4 years old
[05:22] <nixternal> staff? wth did that come from
[05:22] <DaskreecH> who relooked at the syllabus cause it had some silly stuff like the newest kernel was 2.4 and XFree86 3
[05:23] <nixternal> hrmm, dunno
[05:23] <DaskreecH> Well not really the newest was Xfree86 3. I remember they had Xfree86 4 stuff on the exam but even Redhat was shipping with Xorg by then
[05:23] <nixternal> they still have xfree86 stuff on there
[05:24] <nixternal> I need to finish LPIC 2
[05:24] <DaskreecH> They redid they syllabus to be more pertinent (This was LPI 1 & 2) then they went on to define LPI 3 which was always on the papers but had never been actually defined
[05:24] <DaskreecH> Which is where Ubuntu certs came in
[05:27] <nixternal> 2006 was the last edition according to their website
[05:27] <DaskreecH> LPI ?
[05:27] <DaskreecH> Yeah that's about right
[05:27] <DaskreecH> the Ubuntu certs were first handed out like feb 2007
[05:27] <DaskreecH> so like Nov 2006 is about right
[05:28] <DaskreecH> 'm not seeing updated books after that
[05:29] <DaskreecH> Hmm
[05:29] <DaskreecH> http://www.youtube.com/ubuntudevelopers
[05:29] <DaskreecH> ^_^
[05:33] <DaskreecH> nixternal: which page did you see that?
[05:36] <flaccid> there are ubuntu certifications
[05:36] <flaccid> ?
[05:36] <DaskreecH> :-)
[05:36] <DaskreecH> First one was "won" in south africa
[05:37] <flaccid> is there ubuntu certifcation as engineers etc. ?
[05:37] <flaccid> like a ccna
[05:38] <DaskreecH> Like I can engineer an Ubuntu for you?
[05:38] <flaccid> a certification for ubuntu like redhat
[05:39] <DaskreecH> Yeah essentially
[05:39] <DaskreecH> except not made by Ubuntu
[05:39] <flaccid> no official ones basically?
[05:39] <DaskreecH> No no It's official
[05:39] <DaskreecH> just not run by canonical
[05:42] <flaccid> ah ok so what is it called, have you got a URI?
[05:43] <DaskreecH> go to LPI.org
[05:43] <DaskreecH> they pimp it all over the site
[05:43] <DaskreecH> for some reason
[05:43] <flaccid> ah its with lpi
[05:43] <flaccid> thanks DaskreecH
[05:44] <flaccid> right so http://lpi.org/eng/certification/ubuntu_certified_professional . except doesn't say if its in australia
[05:47] <DaskreecH> Well if you can do LPI in australia then it's in australia
[05:48] <flaccid> DaskreecH: http://lpi.org/eng/global_partners/local_lpi_organizations closest appears to be china!
[05:49] <flaccid> australia is ripped off heh :)
[05:49] <DaskreecH> ;-)
[05:50] <flaccid> i aint getting redhat..maybe there is something debian here in oz
[05:55] <flaccid> linux.conf.au did em in 2005 but i can't seen anything on their current site
[06:01] <DaskreecH> Exams?
[06:02] <DaskreecH> Bah most of the LPI books suck
[06:02] <flaccid> hmm it linked me through to linux.org.au before hmm
[06:03] <flaccid> can you see exams section on those sites at all?
[06:05] * DaskreecH shrugs
[06:05] <DaskreecH> No idea what you are talking about
[06:05] <nixternal> kde4 trunk is umf umf umf beautiful and fun
[06:07] <flaccid> lpi exams in australia with linux.conf.au or linux.org.au ..
[06:07] <DaskreecH> Beat 1 is next week rigth ?
[06:08] <DaskreecH> If you want to you can make contact with LPI directly
[06:08] <flaccid> sorry i don't know what beat1 is
[06:08] <DaskreecH> If you have 6 or 7 guys sitting with you they will work out exam stuff
[06:08] <DaskreecH> Beta 1
[06:08] <flaccid> sitting?
[06:09] <flaccid> ok
[06:09] <DaskreecH> flaccid: It's the newplugin for Amarok - traKmasta
[06:09] <flaccid> ah ok, im way behind...
[06:10] <flaccid> i just installed amarok-nightly from repos and can't start it: /opt/amarok-nightly/bin/amarok: error while loading shared libraries: libQtWebKit.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[06:11] <DaskreecH> Hmm starts for me
[06:12] <DaskreecH> Still can't get sound FROM KDE though I can get Sound IN it
[06:12] <flaccid> hmm need libqtwebkit-dev and libqt4-dev it seems
[06:13] <DaskreecH> For sound?
[06:13] <DaskreecH> oh to get amarok working
[06:14] <flaccid> ok it loaded with installing libqt4-dev
[06:20] <DaskreecH> ~What packages do I need for Phonon?
[06:20] <DaskreecH> or a better question Do i need to install Phonon to see my sound hardware?
[06:23] <flaccid> brb
[06:31] <DaskreecH> rb
[06:36] <flaccid> ta i think
=== uga_ is now known as uga
[07:36] <DaskreecH> nixternal: There is AsterisKnow
[08:20] <yao_ziyua1> does anyone notice that kdesu <command> will use a default kde style that differs from yours? how do i change this system default kde style?
[08:22] <larsivi> hi - after "downgrading" from kde4 yesterday, it wasn't detected that the default login thingy was removed, and now kdm refuse to start - which file do I need to edit for that?
[08:23] <yao_ziyua1> i see how now. kdesu systemsettings
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
[09:27] <Riddell> nixternal: is your nixternal@ShakaDoobie key on ktown still ok?
[10:25] <seele> brr.. 10 and raining today
[10:25] <seele> lovely
[10:26] <Riddell> morning seele
[10:27] <Nightrose> heya
[10:28] <seele> hallo
[10:29] <seele> these grey days dont make it easy to get out of bed
[10:29] <seele> but at least i'm keeping a few hours to my own time zone
[10:39] <ScottK-uds> Welcome wolfger
[10:39] <wolfger> good morning!
[10:39] * Riddell high fives wolfger
[10:39] <wolfger> lol. OK, why am I suddenly popular?
[10:40] <Riddell> your name just happened to come up at this UDS session when we were discussing motu who are into kde but not on #kubuntu-devel
[10:40] <Riddell> wolfger: you do bug work?
[10:40] <wolfger> mostly I triage bugs, yes.
[10:41] <Riddell> do you know of yuriy and his kubuntu bug days?
[10:41] <wolfger> I've heard the name, but was not aware that there were regularly scheduled Kubuntu bug days
[10:42] <ScottK-uds> yuriy meet wolfger. wolfger meet yuriy. You're both interested in Kubuntu bug triage.
[10:42] <wolfger> Hi, yuriy
[10:44] <ScottK-uds> wolfger: It's not yet 0600 where yuriy is, so don't expect a quick response.
[10:45] <wolfger> it's 0545 here. If he's in my time zone, that would be awesome.
[10:45] <ScottK-uds> Ah.
[10:45] <ScottK-uds> You're up early then. Where are you located?
[10:45] <wolfger> speaking of which, I need to leave for work soon...
[10:45] <wolfger> I'm in Michigan, USA
[10:45] <seele> yay another american!
[10:45] <ScottK-uds> Ah. I live outside Baltimore, MD.
[10:45] <\sh> we are all americans in some ways ,-)
[10:45] <wolfger> home of Penguicon, where Jono meets The Tron Guy XD
[10:46] <ScottK-uds> wolfger: You should definitely hang out here so we can coordinate better.
[10:46] <wolfger> I'll make a habit of it
[10:46] <ScottK-uds> Great.
[10:47] <wolfger> I'll drop back in this afternoon/evening to ping yuriy again
[10:47] <\sh> Riddell, will you visit LT this year? or is it too stressfull after UDS?
[10:47] <wolfger> thanks for dragging me in, guys
[11:14] <Riddell> \sh: no, I'll be back off the continent
[11:38] <\sh> Riddell, sad...hopefully we see you back in bad old germany during FrOScon? :)
[11:40] <Riddell> too many conferences..
[11:40] <Riddell> I hear Akademy is next door to Germany
[11:49] <\sh> Riddell, where exactly? belgium, austria, swiss area, france, netherlands?
[11:49] <Riddell> belgium
[11:51] <\sh> Riddell, great...I just see the timeschedule for akademy...you can extend your stay and join froscon on 23+24th of august ;)
[11:51] <sebas> \sh: Will you be at Akademy?
[11:51] <seele> omg sebas is alive in kubuntu-devel?
[11:51] * seele faints.
[11:51] <\sh> sebas, mostly, not
[11:52] <\sh> sebas, I'm not really involved in kde things ;)
[11:52] <sebas> seele: yeah, sure I am.
[11:52] <sebas> I'm actually often following what's going on here
[11:52] <sebas> \sh: Not *yet* you mean
[11:52] <seele> oh, i'll keep that in mind next time i talk about you :)
[11:52] <sebas> It's like a party where you ask your sister to bring all her friends
[11:52] <seele> only if your sister has hot friends
[11:53] <sebas> seele: Ow, nevermind ;-)
[11:53] <sebas> Right.
[11:53] <\sh> sebas, argh...I'm starting again to look into kde python stuff...so I'll put it on my holiday list...eventually :)
[11:53] <sebas> \sh: See, belgium has good beer and is close
[11:53] <sebas> seele: If you come to akademy don't forget to bring your hot friends eh
[11:54] <seele> sebas: i only have hot boy friends. i dont know any girls
[11:54] <sebas> (/me tries and will see if that works)
[11:54] <\sh> sebas, i have future-relatives in belgium (wife's sister ;)) somewhere near eiffel area :)
[11:54] <sebas> seele: Well, we're certainly open for anything experimental
[11:54] <seele> lol
[11:54] <\sh> bah...sebas went too often to cologne ;)
[11:54] <sebas> \sh: Good, bring your hot family! :)
[11:54] <\sh> sebas, hmmm...they're black...but hot? dunno ;)
[11:55] <seele> \sh: i think we've extablished that hotness is the only thing that matters
[11:55] * sebas nods
[11:56] <\sh> ok..I'll make them hot, and explain: they are soooo hot, that's why their skin is totally burned...yeah that goes
[11:56] <\sh> sebas, familiy is hot...trying to come :)
[11:56] <sebas> Good good
[11:56] <\sh> I'm still waiting for my new motu shirt for LT:..."MOTU since 2005" as front print, and as back "Sexiest MOTU alive" ;9
[11:57] <sebas> Way ... there'll be like 3 people that understand it, and one finds it funny
[11:57] <sebas> (that one is you yourself then :P)
[11:57] <sebas> Enough offending for now, I'll send boring emails now.
[11:58] <\sh> ohyes...boring todos...installing hardy on dual quad cores...:( bbl
[12:01] <Riddell> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidCouncil
[12:02] <Riddell> more a collection of notes than a spec
[12:02] <sebas> Wow, the fonts are .... funny
[12:03] <seele> sebas: on the webpage?
[12:03] <sebas> Yes, I'm seeing archaic non-AA here
[12:03] <sebas> Looks like the 80s
[12:03] <sebas> (or the 90s on Linux :P)
[12:04] <Riddell> doesn't windows still use non-AA?
[12:06] <seele> yay lunchtime
[12:07] <seele> Riddell: ScottK: lunch?
[12:10] <Riddell> seele: lets
[12:11] <sebas> Riddell: That doesn't mean we can do better :)
[12:11] <seele> Riddell: ok.. i have to get my badge, i forgot it this morning
[12:12] <seele> brt
[12:12] <sebas> seele: You're in Europe?
[12:12] <seele> sebas: yup, prague with Riddell and ScottK
[12:13] <sebas> Are you going to be in Berlin next week?
[12:13] <seele> sebas: no, i can't take that much time off of work at once unfortunately :(
[12:13] <sebas> Bummer :/
[12:13] <seele> it's going to be hard enough with the 3-4 weeks i'm trying to take this summer
[12:14] <sebas> I would have loved to meet your hot boy friends ;)
[12:14] <seele> lol, i'd only bring one with me :P
[12:14] <seele> ok.. off to lunch
[12:14] <sebas> Same as last time? :-)
[12:14] <sebas> hf
[13:04] <seele> sebas: yes, same as last time
[13:14] <sebas> seele: Good girl
[13:14] <__sourcemaker> how can I install a Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)... is there a kernel problem?
[13:14] * sebas leaves the CodeYard office now
[13:15] <__sourcemaker> problem solved.... I will install windows XP for this system...
[13:16] <Hobbsee> __sourcemaker: firstly, #kubuntu is the source channel
[13:17] <Hobbsee> er, support channel
[13:18] <Hobbsee> __sourcemaker: and i'd say, offhand, that you'd have to use ndiswrapper for it, because it doesn't have open drivers.
[13:29] <Hobbsee> so, who's the new council?
[13:29] <seele> i dont think it was decided yet
[13:31] <Hobbsee> aww
[13:32] <\sh> I thought we agreed to approve only dictator positions for every team? ;)
[13:34] <Hobbsee> dictator positions?
[13:34] <Hobbsee> that might be fun
[13:34] <Hobbsee> "YOU WILL FIX ALL BUGS. BY FRIDAY!"
[13:35] <\sh> hehe
[13:36] <Hobbsee> else, you will get a Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!™
[13:36] <Hobbsee> used on you.
[13:37] <\sh> na that's too extreme...what about "if you don't make it, you have to write 1000 times: Kubuntu will not rule da world if I don't fix all bugs now"
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
[13:43] <ScottK-uds> Do it or else Hobbsee will yell at you does seem to have a history of being effective (also don't do it or else ... seems to work).
[13:43] <Hobbsee> ScottK-uds: yes, the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!™ really does seem to work.
[13:44] * \sh is not afraid...but I was always some kind of pain lover =:*>
[13:45] <Hobbsee> \sh: depends where it goes.
[13:45] <Hobbsee> it has a pointy end, and a *very* pointy end.
[13:47] <\sh> Hobbsee, you should talk to my GF
[13:48] <\sh> Hobbsee, but you are allowed to go to vmware labs and hit the people who were invtenting vmware infrastructure client to not be linux compatible
[13:48] <Hobbsee> hehe
[13:48] <Hobbsee> got a ticket? :)
[13:48] <Hobbsee> and a map?
[13:49] <\sh> Hobbsee, follow the smell of burned brain fragments ;-)
[13:50] <Hobbsee> \sh: but i've always been terrible at directions!
[13:50] * Nightrose hands Hobbsee marble with open streetmap support
[13:50] <Nightrose> ;-)
[13:51] <\sh> Nightrose, sweetheart, I just looked at some pictures of UDS, and you were sitting there without a laptop?
[13:51] <Hobbsee> Nightrose: ahhh, now tha tmight be interesting
[13:52] <nosrednaekim> the ICecast thing isn't working with amarok
[13:52] <\sh> nosrednaekim, it works
[13:52] <Nightrose> \sh: ;-) yea I really couldn't take my laptop down with me to the conference
[13:52] <Nightrose> it is the horror
[13:52] <Nightrose> but I was one of 2 without a laptop there
[13:52] <Nightrose> the other one was Mark :P
[13:52] <\sh> nosrednaekim, just copy the url of the m3u playlist and File -> "Play media" and enter the url
[13:52] <\sh> nosrednaekim, -> works
[13:53] <\sh> Nightrose, yes...I saw the picture as well...
[13:53] <Nightrose> Hobbsee: it is - very
[13:53] <Nightrose> ;-)
[13:53] <\sh> Nightrose, but you were participating, while mark was sitting not directly at the table ;)
[13:53] <nosrednaekim> \sh: no suitable input plugin OR network problems
[13:53] <Nightrose> hehe yea and he was leaving the room every now and then
[13:54] <Nightrose> only attending about 20 mins of every session
[13:54] <nosrednaekim> radio streams work well BTW...
[13:54] <Nightrose> I hope the EEEPC thing works out
[13:54] <Nightrose> that would be soooo cool
[13:54] <Nightrose> but right now it looks like asus is taking its time
[13:55] <\sh> nosrednaekim, then the icecast stream is not working :)
[13:56] <nosrednaekim> fun........
[13:56] <\sh> nosrednaekim, #canonical-sysadmin and ask for fixing
[14:00] <nosrednaekim> ah... sessions haven't started yet so they aren't up yet :)
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
[14:34] <mhb> hi hi hi!
[14:34] <mhb> how did the council talk go? or is it yet to come?
[14:35] <Hobbsee> it's gone
[14:35] <seele> it happened.. but there werent any decisions afaik
[14:36] <seele> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidCouncil
[14:36] <mhb> hi seele
[14:36] <mhb> I got disconnect, you were saying?
[14:36] <mhb> disconnected
[14:36] <jeroen-> should I use https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFutureIdeas to add new ideas or is there a special page for Intrepid wishes?
[14:36] <seele> 09:35 < seele> it happened.. but there werent any decisions afaik
[14:36] <seele> 09:36 < seele> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidCouncil
[14:36] <seele> mhb: that's all i said
[14:37] <seele> mhb: did you have your last exam? did it go well?
[14:37] <mhb> what?
[14:37] <mhb> all those guys, but not me?
[14:37] <mhb> what did I do?
[14:37] <mhb> :-)
[14:37] <seele> lol
[14:37] <seele> yell at riddell
[14:37] <mhb> (just kidding, just in case you do not get it)
[14:37] <seele> there wasn't a vote.. if you want to run maybe he will put your name on there
[14:38] * \sh votes for ScottK ...
[14:38] <seele> \sh: there are three slots i think
[14:38] <mhb> no, because I am totally angry now
[14:38] <seele> lol
[14:38] <seele> i dont even know how people gt on the council. do the team members vote at a meeting?
[14:38] <mhb> usually
[14:39] <\sh> seele, hopefully we have a vote via LP
[14:39] <mhb> Riddell: soo... why wasn't I named again?
[14:40] <seele> no love
[14:40] <mhb> Riddell: I knew you didn't like me :o)
[14:40] <seele> mhb: i'll vote for you!
[14:40] * Hobbsee edits the page.
[14:40] <mhb> Riddell: what was it? was it the hair? I hope not the hair
[14:40] <\sh> mhb, council seats are overrated ;)
[14:41] <seele> mhb: you could sabotage him in the hotel pool and take his council spot and canonical job!
[14:41] <mhb> right, but when all it takes to go to an exam and suddenly, everyone forgets about you :o)
[14:41] <Hobbsee> there we are, fixed.
[14:41] <mhb> nah, I'm a nice guy
[14:41] <Hobbsee> council is overrated, yes :P
[14:41] <mhb> at least I see myself that way
[14:41] <mhb> or am I too boring?
[14:41] <mhb> :o)
[14:41] <Hobbsee> but still, it's interesting when it's not just memberships
[14:43] <jdavies> hmm
[14:43] <jjesse> mhb don't you have to attend meetigns to be considered for a council position?
[14:43] * jdavies feeds Hobbsee http://luiscosio.com/ubuntu-lettuce instead of the wikipage
[14:43] <\sh> well, I'm really not the right person to go and apply of a council seat.../me does use kde and gnome and whatever works for a special task
[14:44] <Hobbsee> jdavies: hah. nice.
[14:44] <mhb> \sh: also, your opinions are a bit extreme once in a while :o)
[14:44] <jdavies> Hobbsee: arg, I read s/edits/eats/ instead...
[14:45] <mhb> still, I wonder why you don't like me
[14:46] <mhb> Riddell: I'm not going to forget that for a long, long time :o)
[14:46] <\sh> mhb, regarding development decisions or memberships stuff? I don't think so :)
[14:46] <mhb> \sh: nah, just offtopic stuff
[14:46] <\sh> mhb, everbody needs a hobby..:)
[14:47] <seele> mhb: are you coming back for tonight?
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
[14:48] <mhb> seele: tonight being?
[14:48] <mhb> seele: nobody told me
[14:48] * Hobbsee added mhb on there, anyway.
[14:49] <mhb> seele: what's going on?
[14:49] <mhb> seele: I mean, I can come
[14:49] <seele> mhb: i dunno.. drinking and debauchery i assume
[14:50] <mhb> Hobbsee: yes, but only because I'm a whiny type
[14:50] <Hobbsee> mhb: no. i added you because i expected you to be on there, and you weren't there.
[14:50] <mhb> Hobbsee: not because I actually come to mind
[14:50] <mhb> seele: hmm, hmm
[14:50] * Hobbsee already told ScottK-uds this, prior to the discussions in here
[14:50] <seele> mhb: another KDEer is coming in tonight as well.. scott wheeler
[14:50] <seele> mhb: it will be a big kde party!
[14:50] <mhb> seele: okay...
[14:50] <seele> plus there will be people to crash with if you dont go back
[14:51] <mhb> seele: but when? where?
[14:51] <ScottK-uds> seele: I'm going out with Ondrej Certik, so I won't be seeing you tonight I don't think.
[14:51] <seele> ScottK-uds: that's ok. i wont vote for you now though ;P
[14:51] <mhb> seele: I'll be at UDS around 17:30, if I go right now
[14:51] <seele> mhb: don't let that deterr you. ScottK isn't nearly as nice in person as people say
[14:51] <mhb> heh :o)
[14:52] <seele> mhb: ok.. there is a KDE session from 17-18 you can participate in
[14:52] <mhb> is there?
[14:52] <mhb> okay...
[14:52] <seele> Kubuntu File Sharing
[14:52] <mhb> hmm, should I change clothes or keep the formal ones?
[14:52] <seele> mhb: mmm.. i dunno if anyone dresses up so whatever you are comfortable with
[14:53] <mhb> seele: okay
[14:53] <mhb> seele: I'm on my way
[14:53] <mhb> see you
[14:53] <seele> yay
[14:55] <\sh> nobody is voting anybody because of being nice ,-)
[15:00] <nosrednaekim> that audio is hard to hear... from the Icecast
[15:01] <Nightrose> yea :(
[15:03] <nosrednaekim> anyone know if the VOIP is any better? I might go though the trouble of doing that is so
[15:07] <\sh> nosrednaekim, just tell them to speak louder...or open up the mic...last time it was possible
[15:08] <nosrednaekim> how do I tell them to do that? the IRC channel?
[15:12] <yuriy> morning wolfger
[15:12] <yuriy> yep, you're in my timezone
[15:12] <yuriy> glad someone dragged the latest top 5-a-dayer in here
[15:20] <awen_> hi yuriy ... yeah, you must be somewhat alone over there in your time-zone ;)
[15:24] <ScottK-uds> mhb: Are you around?
[15:28] <awen_> ScottK-uds: he left to join you at UDS half an hour ago ... per the irc log
[15:29] <ScottK-uds> OK. Thanks.
[15:29] <ScottK-uds> Is there anyone here who knows how to find the Czech loco team on Launchpad?
[15:33] <Nightrose> ScottK-uds: there doesn't seem to be one besides https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-cs
[15:33] <ScottK-uds> Nightrose: Thanks.
[15:36] <yuriy> awen_: only alone among KDE people
[15:37] <yuriy> seems only the germans can get their libraries right
[15:39] <awen_> that sentence looks to be pulled somewhat out of context, he
[15:39] <yuriy> heh
[15:40] <awen_> but finally things happen in a sensible time-zone (CET) :)
[15:41] <yuriy> you mean EDT isn't sensible? it's only arbitrarily shifted one hour!
[15:43] <awen_> nah ... but end up following it somewhat then doing kubuntu-stuff ;) ... and ends up getting to bed much to late!
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[15:50] <Riddell> mhb: I can tell you exactly why, your name is written down in my notes but it's included in the list of people already on the council, for some reason I keep making that mistake :)
[16:08] <mhb_uds> seele: I made it
[16:08] <Nightrose> ScottK-uds: ^
[16:09] <seele> mhb_uds: yay!
[16:12] <ScottK-uds> mhb_uds: Great. Can you come over to the server room for a minute?
[16:12] <ScottK-uds> Nightrose: Thanks
[16:12] <Nightrose> :) no prob
=== mhb is now known as bhm
=== mhb_uds is now known as mhb
[16:20] <nixternal> Riddell: no, I sent you an email with the updated key for shakadoobie
[16:21] <nixternal> you can scrape it from https://launchpad.net/~nixternal if you need to
[16:30] <nixternal> hrmm
[16:30] <jjesse> yas?
[16:30] <nixternal> 10:25:53 < nixternal!n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.nixternal []
[16:31] <nixternal> I don't even know which channel I quit
[16:31] <jjesse> grin
[16:37] <jjesse> nixternal: did you see due date for kde 4.1 documentation ?
[16:37] <mhb> ScottK-uds: server room? Sorry, must have missed that... what was it about?
[16:38] <jjesse> wow i love having a sustained transfer rate off a download of 1mb/s
[17:12] <bhm> seele: are we meeting in the lobby? nowish? or am I mistaken?
[18:23] * vorian waves
[18:25] * Nightrose waves back
[18:28] <jdavies> vorian: you "contributing developer" yet?
[18:29] <vorian> nope
[18:29] <vorian> i guess I sux0rz
[18:29] <vorian> :P
[18:30] * jdavies pokes nixternal *psst*
[18:30] * nixternal runs
[18:30] <vorian> or its nixternal's fault
[18:30] <nixternal> hehe
[18:30] <vorian> :D
[18:30] <nixternal> we need 1 more vote on ya vorian and I just emailed the MC members to give you that vote
[18:30] <jdavies> oh goodie
[18:30] <nixternal> vorian: just so you know, you already got it, just need that 1 official vote
[18:30] <vorian> excellent
[18:31] <vorian> I'm all ready to start messing stuff up next week!
[18:31] <nixternal> my eyes are crossed from looking through the membership queue
[18:31] <vorian> just think of the number of motu's you'll have at the end of this cycle
[18:32] <jdavies> 42?
[18:33] <vorian> nixternal: I suppose I need to planetize our membership meeting
[18:33] <vorian> jdavies: yup! :D
[18:33] <nixternal> ooh yes please do...I forgot to do that
[18:33] <vorian> I'm on it now
[18:33] <jdavies> vorian: it's the answer to everything! :D
[18:33] <nixternal> I am swamped right now putting together a doc marathon for KDE
[18:33] <vorian> eeek
[18:39] <nixternal> wow, now the Ubuntu Live website says it has been cancelled
[18:39] <jjesse> i saw that a post asking for more detail on planet.ubuntu.com i think
[18:40] <nixternal> people started getting the emails yesterday
[18:40] * nixternal thinks it may be due to the fact people don't want to pay all of that money for it
[18:40] <jjesse> you mean not all confrences should be sponsored for you?
[18:41] <nixternal> well no, but they shouldn't cost $600
[18:41] <nixternal> PyCon didn't even cost that much
[18:41] <jjesse> thats cheap for some confrences
[18:41] <nixternal> hell, CES and NAB, the 2 largest conferences in the world don't even cost that much :)
[18:42] <jjesse> do the techbase instructions for compiling kde still work the saem for 8.04?
[18:42] <jjesse> any changes i need to make?
[18:43] <nixternal> another problem I noticed with high priced conferences is that people will reply to a call for papers, get selected for their talk to get in free, only to give the worst presentation I have ever seen
[18:43] <nixternal> jjesse: yes, they work
[18:43] <nixternal> I have it down now...so I don't even have to look at techbase, except to grab the deps
[19:08] <nixternal> anyone else here with a kde4 trunk build?
[19:20] <jjesse> argh this is frustrating in suse 10.1 / open suse 10.1 i can't get my intell wireless card to work
[19:22] <nixternal> I couldn't get any card to work with openSUSE
[19:23] <jjesse> i'm actually using the paid version of suse
[19:23] <jjesse> sled 10.1
[19:24] <nixternal> hey, for Ohio Linux Fest, I am gonna give a talk, and I think I know what I will give it on
[19:24] <nixternal> my KDE 4 talk is wearing thin, so I am going to do my Kubuntu talks now
[19:24] <jjesse> when and where is ohio linux fest?
[19:24] <jjesse> next week i'm in columbus
[19:24] <nixternal> Kommunity: Standing on the shoulders of Jono BaKon
[19:24] <nixternal> hahahahahahahahahaha
[19:25] <nixternal> jjesse: in October
[19:25] <jjesse> ah
[19:25] <nixternal> or OKtober
[19:25] <jjesse> wow Kubuntu 8.04 detects my video better, lets see if it detects my wireless card
[19:28] * jussi01 sighs... does koffice not open msoffice files (ie. .ppt .doc etc?)
[19:50] <jdavies> nixternal: oKtober fest?
[19:51] <jjesse> gumble 8.04 doesn't detect my wireless card
[19:51] <jjesse> that sucks
[19:52] <nixternal> jjesse: what card do you have again?
[19:52] <jjesse> intel 3945ABG wireless
[19:52] <nixternal> hrmm
[19:52] <nixternal> I know it works, probably have to do something funky with it..not sure
[19:53] <jjesse> probablly
[19:53] <jjesse> i can't get it to work at all under SUSE
[19:54] <jjesse> maybe cause I haven't "activated" the computer
[19:57] <jjesse> i just wanted it to work out of the box
[19:57] <jjesse> time to google
[20:29] <Tm_T> FYI: I'm now engaged with my lady <3
[20:29] <nixternal> congrats!
[20:29] <Tm_T> danke sehr
[20:30] <jdavies> Tm_T: hertzlichen gluckwunsh!
[20:31] <Nightrose> wohoooooo Tm_T
[20:31] <Nightrose> congrats
[20:31] <Tm_T> indeed :))
[20:36] <nixternal> Jucato: I know you know some docbook....time to get working on kde 4.1 docs man! hurry! :) /j #kde-docs
[20:36] <nixternal> I almost said /j #kubuntu-docs
[20:36] <nixternal> or typed rather
[21:41] <wolfger> yuriy: hey. Same time zone, but evidently not same schedule... ;-)
[21:44] <yuriy> heh, yeah. 5:45.. geez
[21:52] <wolfger> I typically am at my desk 5-6 AM, then I go to work. Home around 4:30-5:30
[21:54] <yuriy> wolfger: anyways, so there were kubuntu hug days coinciding with ubuntu desktop hug days leading up to the Hardy release, but nothing recently
[21:54] <yuriy> what sort of bugs have you been working on?
[21:58] <wolfger> my favorite pass-time is cleaning up old bugs. Unassigned, incomplete for several months. Either mark invalid, or push them along.
[21:59] <wolfger> Something quick and easy to do in small spans of time. (well, usually they're quick and easy)
[21:59] <wolfger> Of course, I want to get more involved.
[22:00] <nixternal> how about making your favorite pass-time writing KDE 4.1 documentation? :)
[22:01] <wolfger> ugh. I really dislike writing docs. :-p
[22:01] <wolfger> which is probably why it needs doing... nobody likes it.
[22:01] <Nightrose> except for nixternal
[22:01] <nixternal> my recent blog post brought in 5 people working simultaneously on KDE 4.1 docs
[22:02] <nixternal> hehe
[22:02] <Nightrose> but he also likes vista...
[22:02] <Nightrose> :P
[22:02] <nixternal> ahhh, so Nightrose is in on the jokes now...OK, I will remember that one :)
[22:02] <yuriy> nixternal: wow, nice!
[22:02] <Nightrose> ;-)
[22:02] <nixternal> Nightrose: so, did you make the e.V. or what?
[22:02] <nixternal> when are you going to recommend me? :)
[22:02] <Nightrose> nixternal: of course I did ;-)
[22:02] <Nightrose> as soon as you apply
[22:02] <nixternal> congrats chica!
[22:02] <Nightrose> thx :)
[22:03] <nixternal> you have to be recommended first I thought
[22:03] <Nightrose> well you have to write your application
[22:03] <nixternal> plus you are cooler than I :)
[22:03] <Nightrose> and someone has to recommend you with this application
[22:03] <Nightrose> hehe
[22:03] <Nightrose> am I?
[22:03] <nixternal> most definitely!
[22:03] <nixternal> you get to travel all over and hang out with the kool hacKers
[22:03] <Nightrose> ;-)
[22:03] <Nightrose> let me get you a link about the eV stuff
[22:04] <Nightrose> hehe true - but you could do that as well
[22:05] <nixternal> ya, gotta get all of this money I owe the state taken care of first
[22:05] <Nightrose> nixternal: http://ev.kde.org/getinvolved/members.php
[22:05] <nixternal> groovy, I will look into it
[22:05] <Nightrose> :) great
[22:06] <Nightrose> nixternal: do we have a deal? I recommend you for KDE eV and you me for Kubuntu menbership? :P
[22:06] <Nightrose> *membership
[22:08] <Nightrose> hmmm just tried suse with gnome in virtual box for the install party in 2 days
[22:08] <Nightrose> I cannot with a good concious let people install this I think
[22:08] * Nightrose burns more kubuntu cds
[22:09] <nixternal> Nightrose: you aren't a Kubuntu member yet?
[22:09] <nixternal> consider it done :)
[22:09] <Nightrose> nope
[22:09] <Nightrose> haha
=== jonathan_ is now known as JontheEchidna
[22:22] <apachelogger> uh
[22:22] <apachelogger> Nightrose: Oo
[22:22] <apachelogger> I actaully think suse gnome is a perfect desktop
[22:22] <nixternal> I think you are high on catnip again
[22:22] <apachelogger> Oo
[22:22] * apachelogger checks the webcam
[22:22] <nixternal> haha
[22:23] <apachelogger> someone is spying on me
[22:23] <apachelogger> stupid windows
[22:24] <nixternal> haha
[22:24] <Nightrose> nixternal: i think you are right about the catnip thing
[22:24] <nixternal> woo, finally I am right about something
[22:25] <Nightrose> ;-)
[22:27] <apachelogger> I think nixternal is totally underrated
[22:27] <apachelogger> he could lead kde into new ages if he wanted to
[22:28] <apachelogger> with pink oxygen themes and stuff
[22:28] <nosrednaekim> HEY! that was ME!
[22:28] <nosrednaekim> I'd be his artist..... for the teeny-boppers
[22:28] <apachelogger> yeah
[22:28] <nixternal> ya, that was Mikey! all his fault!
[22:28] <apachelogger> I didn't say he would do it
[22:28] <apachelogger> but defenitely lead
[22:29] <nixternal> man, I had done a apt-get upgrade, finished the upgrade, got to the place I was to give my KDE 4 presentation, booted up, and everyone saw that pink crap
[22:29] <nosrednaekim> he'd have to perform a coop on aaron
[22:29] <nixternal> talk about embarrassed
[22:29] <nosrednaekim> haha... you serious?
[22:29] <nosrednaekim> lawl
[22:29] <nixternal> dead serious....I blogged right there on the spot about it as a matter of fact
[22:30] <nosrednaekim> I'll have to add that to my file of funny results from that one...
[22:30] <Nightrose> rofl nixternal
[22:30] <Nightrose> priceless
[22:30] <apachelogger> hm
[22:31] <apachelogger> I want such a thing as well for our talk
[22:31] <apachelogger> something special
[22:31] <Nightrose> oh no!
[22:31] <apachelogger> uh
[22:31] <apachelogger> Nightrose: can we do the presentation in windows?
[22:31] <Nightrose> no way are we going fluffy bunny on stage
[22:31] <Nightrose> no no windows either
[22:31] <apachelogger> solaris?
[22:31] <apachelogger> KDE on solaris that is
[22:31] <Nightrose> maybe
[22:31] <apachelogger> and KDE on windows
[22:32] <nosrednaekim> nixternal: one guy was doing a presentation in front of his college class.... same result :P
[22:32] * Nightrose still has no clue what audience she is going to get tomorrow
[22:32] <Nightrose> will be interesting...
[22:32] <nixternal> as long as they aren't all naked, then who cares :)
[22:33] <apachelogger> right
[22:33] <Nightrose> hehe
[22:33] <apachelogger> usually I wouldn't want that
[22:33] <Nightrose> probably going to girls age 15 to 25
[22:33] <nosrednaekim> nixternal: he was freakin mad until someone told him what day it was.
[22:33] <Nightrose> +be
[22:33] <nosrednaekim> Nightrose: oh... want my kubuntu-default-settings?
[22:33] <Nightrose> *g*
[22:33] <nosrednaekim> pink... and fluffy bunny...
[22:34] <nosrednaekim> probably will still work...
[22:34] * apachelogger notes that the problem with heterosexuals is that they can't deal with pink
[22:34] <Nightrose> i will aks them and send them your way if they are interested ;-)
[22:34] <nosrednaekim> Nightrose: heha.... thanx :P
[22:34] <Nightrose> ;-)
[22:34] <apachelogger> hm
[22:34] <Nightrose> apachelogger: /me can deal with pink ;-)
[22:34] <apachelogger> that sounds like Nightrose is providing possible girl firnds Oo
[22:34] <nosrednaekim> tell them to send a picture of themselves and their name and address when they do request.
[22:34] <apachelogger> Nightrose: men that is
[22:35] <apachelogger> well
[22:35] <apachelogger> there nosrednaekim goes
[22:35] <Nightrose> apachelogger: girl friends? for whom?
[22:35] <apachelogger> Nightrose: me?
[22:35] <apachelogger> nosrednaekim?
[22:35] <Nightrose> hmmmmm
[22:36] <Nightrose> we will see who shows up
[22:36] <nosrednaekim> [17:33] <Nightrose> probably going to girls age 15 to 25
[22:36] <Nightrose> maybe you don't even want them ;-)
[22:36] <Nightrose> nosrednaekim: yea might as wel be 40 or older
[22:36] <Nightrose> I will know about 20 mins before my workshop
[22:36] <Nightrose> and 3 hours before the installfest
[22:36] <nosrednaekim> ok
[22:37] * Nightrose will prepare different workshops and see which one she does when they show up