UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /21 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[07:46] <primary> hiya all, we have a weird problem we upgraded and now all users are not able to login
[14:54] <cjsstables> Hey all. I have install 8.04 server with ltsp but my client cannot boot from lan. It gets the IP address ok but cannot get files. Can anyone help
[15:28] <LL01> hello
[15:28] <LL01> edubuntu 8.04 it's only add on now?
[15:33] <ogra_> yes, https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HardyClassroomServer
[15:35] <LL01> I got error about dhcpd after building ltsp client
[15:36] <LL01> then now no dhcp tfpd an lstp running
[15:36] <LL01> install form alternative 8.04
[15:36] <LL01> because it was dhclient when installing 8.04?
[15:37] <LL01> how to fix ip during 8.04 installation
[16:04] <novica> hi, is there any list of applications that I can add to ubuntu to get edubuntu?
=== |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo
[18:17] <shawnp0wers> Sorry for the crosspost: I do a shoutout to edubuntu in my recent Linux Journal video: http://www.linuxjournal.com/video/buntu-family-theater
[20:19] <cberl1> Hi folks. Can anyone help with a i810 video problem in Dapper?
[20:19] <johnny> too old..
[20:19] <cberl1> johnny: Yes, but stable and (up until now) working very well in our environment... :)
[20:20] <johnny> the i810 driver has been updated dramatically
[20:20] <johnny> very few people are going to be able to truly help what is really an x problem most likely
[20:20] <cberl1> johnny: Ah, I see. And that didn't get backported to dapper?
[20:20] <johnny> no
[20:20] <johnny> they are features
[20:20] <johnny> and really disruptive
[20:20] <johnny> since it only works with newer xorg
[20:20] <johnny> start doing that.. and you're up to hardy already
[20:21] <cberl1> Right. I wanted to avoid something quite that disruptive. This server is probably on it's way out anyway.
[20:21] <johnny> backporting is nearly impossible this far out imo
=== cberl1 is now known as cberlo
[20:23] <cberlo> Then any ideas? Got a whack of Dell GX100s being used at thin clients that suddenly only work intermittently at doing so. Half the time, they come up with "i810_wait_ring" errors, half the time they work perfectly fine...
[20:24] <johnny> sorry no
[20:24] <johnny> it's too old
[20:24] <cberlo> As you've mentioned. :(
[20:24] <johnny> perhaps somebody else does
[20:24] <cberlo> Where's that Oli fella?
[20:24] <johnny> i bite the bullet and upgrade ever time.. as the world is changing too fast
[20:24] <johnny> me personally.. (not being a member of ubuntu team or canonical)
[20:25] <johnny> i think it's nearly impossible to stabilize stuff atm
[20:25] <johnny> stable just means old to me
[20:25] <johnny> and unfixable, since no upstream devs will support you
[20:25] <cberlo> Maybe I can get auth to upgrade this beast... The i810 driver's been worked on a lot, has it?
[20:25] <johnny> yes
[20:25] <johnny> still bein updated
[20:25] <cberlo> acceleration enabled?
[20:26] <johnny> haven't tried it
[20:26] <johnny> on thin clients that is
[20:26] <cberlo> Okay, guess I'll have to report my findings....
[20:26] <johnny> but it had accel on my laptop
[20:26] <johnny> the only finding you should report
[20:26] <johnny> is that you shouldn't stick with old stuff, unless you have a support contract
[20:26] <johnny> because nobody upstream will support you
[20:27] <johnny> uggh
[20:27] <johnny> i wasn't done
[20:27] <cberlo> sorry - you were saying...?
[20:27] <johnny> if you don't have a support contract, it's really hard to find anybody to help you
[20:27] <cberlo> Ah, yeah, that too.
[20:28] <johnny> since the majority of the most helpful folks are running newer stuff
[20:28] <johnny> and the upstream developers won't support stuff that has releases that fix the bugs
[20:28] <cberlo> Other than vesa, is there another generic driver that would support my situation?
[20:29] <johnny> there are only 2 options . i810 or vesa
[20:29] <cberlo> Hmmm... how about acceleration in vesa? Only doing 2D stuff...
[20:29] <johnny> either specific.. or generic
[20:29] <johnny> don't think so
[20:29] <johnny> that's why it's vesa
[20:29] <cberlo> k
[20:29] <johnny> the bare minimum
[20:29] <cberlo> I try. :)
[20:29] <cberlo> Vesa works, just not very well.
[20:30] <johnny> you can always just drop a new machine in there for testing
[20:30] <johnny> or setup a vm for it
[20:30] <johnny> installing hardy + ltsp packages + generating chroot.. will only take an hour or two
[20:31] <johnny> on a decent machine
[20:31] <cberlo> No, I can't. I don't get that luxury. Tight budget, and they want to can this setup as is. Basically, they wanted Windows Terminal Server; that cost too much so they went LTSP w/WINE. NOT a good substitute, but for most uses it worked pretty well.
[20:31] <johnny> they are dumb
[20:31] <cberlo> Yep, that was my assessment.
[20:31] <johnny> can't get good support for free on old stuff
[20:31] <johnny> tell them to get a support contract
[20:31] <johnny> otherwise it wont' be solved
[20:32] <johnny> unless you have somebody who really wants to spend alot of time helping you figure it out
[20:32] <cberlo> Originally, the GX100s ran Win98 -- enough to do what they were asking to do, but then there's the individual clients they'd need to keep on top of, and when you add in all the software that secures Win98 (relatively) it slows down too much to be of any real use...
[20:32] <cberlo> Well, suppose I'll beg and plead to upgrade the server OS and see what happens. Thanks.
[20:33] <johnny> how are they gonna can this setup.. if they ..
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