UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /20 /#ubuntu-motu.txt
Initial commit
[02:29] <artfwo> Hi! May I ask how to fix lintian warning about "debian-changelog-file-is-a-symlink" in multi-binary CDBS package?
[02:50] <bddebian> Heya gang
[02:53] <RAOF> Howdie bddebian
[02:54] <bddebian> Heya RAOF
[03:56] <cheatr> Could someone review this perl module that I packaged? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=liblocale-hebrew-perl
[04:35] <LaserJock> anybody about that happens to use Jabber?
[04:35] <artfwo> LaserJock: i do
[04:36] <LaserJock> artfwo: are you running Hardy?
[04:36] <RAOF> As do I.
[04:36] <artfwo> yes
[04:36] <LaserJock> well, I'm having the weirdest situation right now
[04:36] <LaserJock> I've tried 3 gnome clients and all of them seem to connect but no people show up. I can't seen any contacts
[04:36] <artfwo> are these people currently offline?
[04:36] <LaserJock> but I tried 2 KDE/Qt clients and they both work fine
[04:37] <LaserJock> I have about 5 online people
[04:37] <LaserJock> but with the gnome clients I can't even see offline people
[04:37] <LaserJock> it's just blank
[04:37] <artfwo> what gnome clients did you try?
[04:37] <LaserJock> gajm, pidgin, and gossip
[04:38] <LaserJock> *gajim
[04:38] <RAOF> LaserJock: Tried empathy? That works for me; you'll need the telepathy-gabble package to have a jabber handler.
[04:38] * jdong is considering committing a cardinal sin over the summer...
[04:38] <jdong> that is, running opensuse 11 for the summer on my macbook
[04:38] <RAOF> jdong: Playing starcraft unto 3 in teh morning?
[04:38] <LaserJock> jdong: don't do it!
[04:38] <jdong> RAOF: that's just ditching exam studying ;-)
[04:38] <LaserJock> jdong: maybe try Fedora?
[04:38] <jdong> LaserJock: well... I gave fedora 9 a shot yesterday actually... my initial reactions are not positive
[04:39] <RAOF> Fedora looks fairly nice; I've got me a VM image that occasionally gets a run.
[04:39] <artfwo> LaserJock: very strange indeed, but did you try "show offline buddies" option?
[04:39] <jdong> LaserJock: I think I will hold off before saying much more in case my judgement changes
[04:39] <LaserJock> artfwo: yep
[04:39] <LaserJock> jdong: oh really? I really like Fedora 9
[04:39] <jdong> but getting an error dialog that says "The relationship trust hierarchy is invalid" on the first set of updates....
[04:39] <LaserJock> for me much better than openSUSE
[04:39] <jdong> the re-what?
[04:40] <jdong> it ended with "This dialog is a known bug. Do not report this. This will be fixed in the next UI rollout"
[04:40] <jdong> granted, I found it amusing
[04:40] <RAOF> Oooooh, owch.
[04:40] <jdong> and proceeded to use yum from the CLI
[04:40] <jdong> the overall polish and appearance is quite attractive
[04:40] <RAOF> Yay stable upgrades?
[04:40] <jdong> RAOF: oh don't GET ME STARTED
[04:41] <jdong> RAOF: it installs a policy kit update. Guess what it does when installing said update?
[04:41] <jdong> RAOF: it forcibly restarts dbus+hal, which actually cascaded into my whole X session crashing.
[04:41] <RAOF> Undoes all your configuration?
[04:41] <RAOF> Even better!
[04:41] <jdong> whee!
[04:41] <LaserJock> jdong: serious?
[04:41] <jdong> LaserJock: no joke....
[04:41] <LaserJock> I've not had any problems with updates
[04:41] <RAOF> At least you get to test how well it recovers from half-configured packages.
[04:42] <jdong> RAOF: that, it seems to do remarkably well
[04:42] <pwnguin> packagekit?
[04:42] <LaserJock> RAOF: grrr, empathy does the same thing
[04:42] <jdong> pwnguin: well.. yeah. yum/rpm.
[04:42] <LaserJock> RAOF: it connects, but there's no contacts
[04:43] <RAOF> LaserJock: That's really, really wierd.
[04:43] <LaserJock> yumex is what I use mostly
[04:43] <RAOF> Because it *totally* works here.
[04:43] <LaserJock> packagekit can only install one package at a time
[04:43] <pwnguin> i donno. packagekit doesn't seem to offer anything significant versus update-manager
[04:43] <jdong> yeah ultimately I want to diversify my distro collection
[04:43] <artfwo> LaserJock: perhaps there's some global gnome option (like proxy), that all gnome client try to use?
[04:43] <jdong> particularly after *unmentioned Debian vulnerability.....*
[04:43] <LaserJock> RAOF: I have -proposed enabled. I wondered if something there killed it. But it'd be weird that all gnome clients would do it
[04:44] <jdong> FWIW, I'm using finch (libpurple) on hardy-proposed
[04:44] <jdong> and it seems to be fine
[04:44] <RAOF> LaserJock: I've got -proposed enabled, too.
[04:44] <LaserJock> bah
[04:44] <RAOF> Proxy craziness?
[04:44] <LaserJock> I don't have a proxy
[04:44] <LaserJock> and in the gnome proxy setting it says "Direct Internet Connection"
[04:45] <LaserJock> it's gotta be something like that though
[04:45] <LaserJock> I don't think all the gnome clients use the same libraries
[04:46] <RAOF> That's an obvious piece of desktop-specific shared config.
[04:48] <LaserJock> dang it, this is a brand new install, don't tell me I've screwed it up already :-)
[04:49] <artfwo> pidgin and gajim have an XMPP console, you can try to trace the problem with it
[04:49] <pwnguin> does jabber store contacts?
[04:50] <artfwo> pwnguin: of course
[04:51] <LaserJock> artfwo: ok, got the console, but there's nothing going on
[04:51] <LaserJock> you know how to use the console in pidgin?
[04:52] <artfwo> blah, it works only when you're logged in
[04:53] <artfwo> but pidgin --debug should do it
[04:54] <LaserJock> ah, after a while pidgin says it timed out
[04:55] <LaserJock> ok
[04:55] <LaserJock> using --debug I see all my contacts getting spit out to the terminal
[04:55] <LaserJock> but nothing shows up in the UI
[04:56] <artfwo> not that's even weirder
[04:56] <artfwo> *now
[04:57] <LaserJock> but now I get : <error code='503' type='cancel'><service-unavailable xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error>
[04:57] <LaserJock> and then a bit later it disconnects
[04:58] <artfwo> I've got the same problem with jabber.org server in pidgin in the past
[04:58] <artfwo> sometimes it just kicked me off
[04:58] <artfwo> hence no contacts visible
[04:59] <LaserJock> ok
[04:59] <LaserJock> I know jabber.org just switched servers and they had some downtime
[04:59] <LaserJock> but I'm not sure how that would explain why the kopete and psi connected no problem
[04:59] <artfwo> are they connected now?
[05:00] <LaserJock> I only do one at a time
[05:00] <LaserJock> but yes, I just ran psi and it took just a second for all my contacts to come up
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
[05:01] <artfwo> i give up then :)
[05:03] <LaserJock> artfwo: I'm able to talk with Hobbsee via psi right now
[05:03] <LaserJock> it actually works
[05:05] <LaserJock> ok, well screw it. I'll just use kopete and try again tomorrow
[05:07] <artfwo> i've just logged to my old jabber.org account with pidgin, everything seems to be okay
[05:08] <LaserJock> I'll try a reboot and see if that possibly does anything, but other than that I'm stuck
[05:08] <LaserJock> perhaps I should sign up for a different account and try that too
[05:30] <LaserJock> ok, last ditch try I booted into Fedora and at least the buddy list shows up
[05:30] <LaserJock> but it says nobody is online which is a bit weird
[05:31] <LaserJock> oh wait, it just disconnected like on Ubuntu
[05:31] <RoAkSoAx> lol xD
[05:31] <LaserJock> well, I'm going to say it's some weird jabber.org problem for now
[06:36] <emgent> heya
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[09:33] <siretart> superm1: TheMuso: could you please tell me your plans about vlc?
[09:34] <siretart> I noticed that the package has seriously diverged from debian (7.5M diff)
[09:34] <siretart> and it needs to be rebuilt against the new ffmpeg
=== Amaranth is now known as NotAmaranth
[09:42] <wgrant> siretart: VLC in Ubuntu has a couple of embedded source packages (real Ubuntu source packages, not bits of upstream source) that shouldn't be embedded.
[09:43] <siretart> wgrant: I didn't look at the package for quite some time, but that's my impression, yes