UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /20 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
[08:22] <kwwii> morning all
[08:23] <andreasn> good morning kwwii
[08:23] <andreasn> how is uds going
[08:23] <andreasn> ?
[08:24] <kwwii> andreasn: good, somewhat tired, but good :-)
[08:24] <kwwii> sitting in on the desktop track all day
[08:25] <andreasn> say hello to all from me
[08:27] <kwwii> I'll do that...I have been really wishing that you were on our team :-(
[08:27] <kwwii> missing you :p
[08:28] <andreasn> yeah, it would have been cool to be there
[08:29] <andreasn> perhaps next time
[08:33] <kwwii> that would be nice
[08:34] <kwwii> next time I should look into asking more people
[08:34] <kwwii> as I can only invite one or two
[08:52] <andreasn> what other artists except you are at UDS this time around?
=== zniavr3 is now known as zniavre
[09:27] <kwwii> nothlit and MMA are here, so no pure artists this time around
[09:58] <nothlit`core> kwwii: font selector is in platform in a few minutes
[10:04] <kwwii> nothlit`core: I am in a kde4 meeting atm
[10:05] <kwwii> but I might come around in a bit
[10:05] <nothlit`core> ah ok
[10:33] <nothlit|UDS> well i think andrew hunter from uS does blender stuff, but besides that mostly ui programmers
[10:59] <nothlit`core> shoot, i sent my UDS draft by accident somehow
[10:59] <nothlit`core> you guys can read through it on the mailing list though
[11:47] <Cimi> kwwii, I need a dev if you want transparency in time for intrepid
[11:47] <ubuntuwestbengal> guys
[11:48] <ubuntuwestbengal> check out the latest desktop submissions in the artwork wiki
[11:48] <ubuntuwestbengal> for the intrepid cycle
[11:48] <ubuntuwestbengal> anyone here?
[11:57] <zniavr1> wich one is the last ?
[12:42] <nothlit`core> lol
[12:42] <nothlit`core> if you subscribe to a regex of Incoming/Intrepid you will get updates in your mail about that