UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /19 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:07] <n-iCe> thanks
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
[01:04] <Apsalar> Hi, I'm in the middle of installing Xubuntu (Heron) from a LiveCD, and I have some questions:
[01:06] <Apsalar> My hard disk was corrupted, by physical damage (air travel) I believe, so I'd like multiple partitions, in case the disk is partially unusable
[01:07] <Apsalar> I have 6.4 GB to divide; Q1: what is the minimum size for the primary partition?
[01:08] <Apsalar> Q2: the primary partition should go at the beginning, right?
[01:29] <Apsalar> I'm logging off, but if someone could answer, I'll be checking the logs.
[01:30] <Apsalar> Thanks!
[03:59] <mib_5hjkbn> Hello
[03:59] <mib_5hjkbn> I keep getting SQUASHFS errors when trying to install using the live CD
[03:59] <mib_5hjkbn> "SQUASHFS error: Unable to read fragment cache block"
[04:00] <mib_5hjkbn> "loop0: read i/o error"
[04:00] <mib_5hjkbn> Cannot open /dev/tty0
[04:00] <mib_5hjkbn> and Input/Output error
[04:00] <mib_5hjkbn> Could this be a problem with the memory
[04:00] <mib_5hjkbn> ?
[04:16] <Furkle> was wondering if someone could help me, was trying to set up an eggdrop and I'm getting a "TCL cannot be found on this system" error
[08:30] <chowder> watashi wa reonarudo desu. dozou yoroshiku
[08:31] <chowder> feck, wrong channel
[08:31] <chowder> anyways, I was wondering if any1 could answer my question: what's the difference between installing xfce on ubuntu and just installing Xubuntu?
[08:36] <chowder> bump
[08:36] <chowder> anyways, I was wondering if any1 could answer my question: what's the difference between installing xfce on ubuntu and just installing Xubuntu?
[08:49] <chowder> any1?
[08:49] <chowder> anyways, I was wondering if any1 could answer my question: what's the difference between installing xfce on ubuntu and just installing Xubuntu?
[08:49] <chowder> bump bump bump
[09:05] <sambo_the_ninja> has anyone experienced any problems with awn and the shiny switcher? I only want two workspaces but forces me to have 4 :-(
[09:50] * MatBoy is away: MatBoy Hides ;)
[09:52] * MatBoy is back (gone 00:01:52)
[11:06] <rainleong> hi, all.
[11:07] <rainleong> has anyone after upgraded xubuntu 8.04 from 7.10 got randomly crash?
[11:08] <rainleong> I am suffer on this problem.
[11:10] <KillerOrca> rainleong: fraid not
[11:10] <KillerOrca> rainleong: any other details you can give?
[11:11] <rainleong> I got three problems after upgrade hardy.
[11:11] <rainleong> first, when I use vlc play .divx file.
[11:11] <rainleong> os will crash after few seconds.
[11:12] <KillerOrca> rainleong: and it is only .divx and only vlc?
[11:12] <rainleong> yes, seems gstreamer bug.
[11:13] <rainleong> .divx work fine on mplayer
[11:13] <KillerOrca> rainleong:did you install vlc from packages?
[11:13] <rainleong> yes, i did
[11:13] <rainleong> I install vlc by apt-get
[11:14] <rainleong> second problem, I can't create desktop launcher.
[11:15] <KillerOrca> did you install before or after the update?
[11:16] <rainleong> no
[11:17] <KillerOrca> rainleong: not really a yes no question...
[11:18] <rainleong> I don't try reinstall after I upgrade 8.04
[11:18] <KillerOrca> rainleong: well I would suggest doing an 'apt-get --purge remove vlc'
[11:19] <KillerOrca> then reinstall it
[11:19] <rainleong> ok, I try this.
[11:19] <rainleong> then,
[11:19] <rainleong> second problem is I can't create desktop launcher.
[11:19] <rainleong> every time I key in something in the textfile call "Name"
[11:19] <KillerOrca> rainleong: I use the command line almost exclusively
[11:20] <KillerOrca> rainleong: I don't even know what a launcher is
[11:20] <rainleong> the frame will close automatically.
[11:21] <rainleong> now I have to edit a .desktop file manually
[11:21] <rainleong> to create desktop launcher.
[11:22] <rainleong> this problem seem happened in xubunu 6.10.
[11:22] <KillerOrca> rainleong: sorry I really don't know about this
[11:22] <rainleong> I was expirence on this case when I use xubuntu 6.10
[11:23] <rainleong> after I upgrade 7.04, then until 7.10. the problem not happen again.
[11:23] <rainleong> but I upgraded 8.04 from 7.10.
[11:24] <rainleong> the problem return.
[11:24] <KillerOrca> rainleong: I use practically only the command line, so I can't help
[11:25] <rainleong> oh, then the last problem is
[11:25] <rainleong> I got random crash after upgrade 8.04.
[11:25] <rainleong> my os crash
[11:26] <KillerOrca> rainleong: and this happens how often?
[11:26] <rainleong> maybe one day. maybe one day twice.
[11:27] <KillerOrca> rainleong: I haven't had any random crashes, so I would google it
[11:27] <rainleong> the crash seem depend on the cpu loading is higher.
[11:27] <homebrewcider> can someone please tell me how to make it so that when I open my file manager, thunar, it starts in a fully maximised way
[11:28] <KillerOrca> homebrewcider: don't really use the GUI, sorry
[11:28] <rainleong> I did.
[11:56] <stothepizzle> if i'm creating a swap partition on an xubuntu install should it be primary or logical
[12:15] <godlygeek> stothepizzle: either one is fine.
[13:04] <voodoo> i need some help with ssh keys: i get this error; http://paste.ubuntu.com/13287/
[13:11] <godlygeek> voodoo: change the 'ssh-agent' line to 'eval `ssh-agent`' and it will work.
[13:12] <godlygeek> the ssh-agent command starts an agent, and prints out the variables you need to access that agent out in shell-script form...
[13:12] <godlygeek> you can either set them by hand, then, or use 'eval' on the output to set them for you.
[13:13] <voodoo> oh... till know i was using only ssh-agent (without eval)
[13:29] <Agnostic> Does the download of xubuntu have a live cd ... try before you decide to install option?
[13:39] <homebrewcider> can someone help me get thunar to start maximised every time please.
[13:40] <gabkdlly> homebrewcider: hi
[13:40] <gabkdlly> you could just stretch it big and then it should start to those dimensions every time you start it
[13:40] <homebrewcider> hi
[13:42] <homebrewcider> but it doesn't
[13:42] <homebrewcider> it starts smaller every time
[13:42] <homebrewcider> small every time
[13:43] <gnnarin> hi how can i install the new qt version?
[14:08] <gabkdlly> homebrewcider: don't maximize with the button inthe upper right-hand corner, rather stretch the window by clicking on the edge and dragging
[14:09] <homebrewcider> ah, that worked
[14:09] <homebrewcider> cheers
[14:09] <gabkdlly> :)
[14:09] <homebrewcider> i was double-clicking the title bar as i always do
[14:09] <gabkdlly> ah
[14:11] <homebrewcider> the maximise icon did the same as double clicking, that is, the setting wasn't "sticking"
[14:11] <homebrewcider> but the stretch thing "sticks"
[14:11] <homebrewcider> thanx
[14:11] <homebrewcider> ok, I'm outta here, have a good one
[14:46] <gestahlt> Hi!
[14:59] <gestahlt> I have interest in Linux cluster solutions. I want to talk to ppl with similar interest or experience in that matter.
[14:59] <gestahlt> anyone here?
[15:03] <cody-somerville> Hi
[15:04] <voodoo> i have a small problem with ssh-keys... since i've updated openssh i cannot log in usign keys... i tried regenerating the keys
[15:04] <voodoo> no luck
[15:06] <gestahlt> vodoo, im redoing my pxeroot for that reason right now
[15:07] <gestahlt> got frustrated
[15:07] <voodoo> do you know what's the problem?
[15:07] <gestahlt> Hm. Mine was that i couldnt launch the ssh server anymore
[15:07] <gestahlt> how did yours happen?
[15:07] <voodoo> for me ssh-server works... it asks for password instead of launching bash
[15:08] <voodoo> (on remote machine)
[15:08] <gestahlt> got a password?
[15:08] <voodoo> yes
[15:08] <gestahlt> or just want to use your keys instead of logging in manually?
[15:08] <voodoo> but and it works with password... i need the keys... i'm running some commands on remote machine
[15:09] <voodoo> and i want them done automatically without logging on the machine
[15:09] <gestahlt> how about replacing them instead of regenerating?
[15:09] <gestahlt> if you know the password it should be easy to make new ones and send them over
[15:09] <voodoo> i deleted all my keys first
[15:10] <voodoo> and then created new ones
[15:10] <voodoo> (both on remote and local machine)
[15:11] <gestahlt> and whats the issue then?
[15:11] <voodoo> i don't know.... that's i'm trying to find out... why I cannot loggin on the remote machine using the RSA keys
[15:12] <gestahlt> path / users are correct?
[15:12] <gestahlt> checked the config?
[15:13] <voodoo> everything used to work before updating open-ssh... i didn't check the config... le' me see
[15:16] <gestahlt> lemme know if u find something. I have to do that stuff later too
[15:17] <voodoo> gestahlt, everything seems to be fine
[15:18] <gestahlt> the keys are in the proper directories referenced to the config?
[15:19] <gestahlt> uh in the config
[15:19] <voodoo> yes
[15:20] <gestahlt> restarted the ssh server?
[15:20] <voodoo> i connected to remote machine, checked the config, restarted the server, tried logging on that machine using keys and ssh localhost (worked),
[15:21] <gestahlt> hmmm
[15:21] <voodoo> but establishing a remote ssh connection using keys doesn't work
[15:21] <gestahlt> hosts.allow hosts.deny in order?
[15:21] <gestahlt> nah
[15:21] <gestahlt> doesnt make sense
[15:21] <gestahlt> since u can connect
[15:21] <gestahlt> hrm
[15:22] <gestahlt> ah
[15:22] <gestahlt> in the config
[15:22] <gestahlt> disable password
[15:22] <gestahlt> lemme check the line
[15:24] <gestahlt> comment out passwordAuthentication
[15:24] <gestahlt> in sshd.conf
[15:24] <voodoo> its commented already
[15:24] <voodoo> *it's
[15:24] <gestahlt> how can you access with password then?
[15:25] <voodoo> i don't know... maybe it should be no
[15:25] <voodoo> (it's the default option)
[15:25] <gestahlt> I hope you have physical acess to your remote
[15:26] <gestahlt> so that you will have acess
[15:26] <voodoo> yes... i have...
[15:26] <gestahlt> So you givin it a try?
[15:27] <voodoo> permission denied
[15:27] <voodoo> :)
[15:27] <voodoo> i tried to connect
[15:27] <voodoo> got permission denied (public key)
[15:29] <gestahlt> okay
[15:29] <gestahlt> now we a bit closer
[15:39] <gestahlt> what you doing right now vodoo?
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[17:44] <suriro> anyone having random freezes with Thunderbird? while browsing newsgroups
[17:59] <suriro> I installed xscreensaver, and it's started at login instead of gnome-screensaver. But screen saver plugin in settings manager still invokes gnome-screensaver
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[19:47] <stothepizzle> can i write a script to take a screenshot once every minute?
[19:48] <TheSheep> stothepizzle: yes
[19:48] <TheSheep> stothepizzle: look at ImageMagick's 'import' command
[19:48] <stothepizzle> ok thanks
[20:20] <kRiMe8> hi all any eee pc users in here?
[20:25] <kRiMe8> ay one here got 8.04 heron on a eee Pc?
[20:27] <Turbo> can anyonehelp me with a network problem?
[20:28] <Turbo> I just can´t connect to internet pls help
[20:29] <godlygeek> Turbo: try #ubuntu
[20:29] <godlygeek> Turbo: this channel is more for xubuntu-specific issues; the networking framework of ubuntu and xubuntu are the same.
[20:29] <Turbo> ok thanks
[20:30] <godlygeek> no problem.
[21:30] <home_> hi
[21:31] <home_> !xubuntu
[21:31] <ubottu> Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels
[21:39] <cody-somerville> Hi
[21:41] <TheSheep> hi cody-somerville
[21:41] <TheSheep> cody-somerville: packing for Prague?
[21:41] <cody-somerville> TheSheep, I'm already in Prague :)
[21:42] <TheSheep> cody-somerville: oh wow
[21:42] <TheSheep> cody-somerville: I didn't make it
[21:42] <cody-somerville> No?! :(
[21:42] <cody-somerville> There is still till the end of the week!
[21:42] <TheSheep> cody-somerville: sorry, I had two other conferences recently and my budget got tight
[21:42] <cody-somerville> You won't be able to make it?
[21:42] * cody-somerville nods.
[21:42] <cody-somerville> No problem.
[21:42] <cody-somerville> You can still participate remotely via voip and IRC. :)
[21:55] <violinappren> hi all, i'm running hardy, i did an apt-get install xfce and in Settings Manager i selected the Human theme yet Thunar shows most files with blank icons, any idea?
[21:56] <TheSheep> there was something like that in the thunar faq...
[21:57] <violinappren> i read the one at http://thunar.xfce.org/pwiki/documentation/faq but echo $XSETTINGS returns empty
[21:57] <violinappren> even though xfce-mcs-manager is running
[21:58] <TheSheep> is xfce4-session running too?
[21:58] <kpel> hi all
[21:59] <violinappren> TheSheep: yeap
[21:59] <TheSheep> violinappren: the icons look like those on that screenshot in faq?
[22:00] <kpel> is there a way to have an unmount option in the desktop icons in Hardy for storage devices? For some reason this release has only an eject option.
[22:00] <violinappren> TheSheep: yes except for a djvu file and an audacity project file
[22:00] <violinappren> pdfs, mp3s, archives all blank
[22:01] <wickers> hey, I
[22:01] <wickers> I'm using cheese with my build in webcam
[22:01] <TheSheep> violinappren: do you have the gnome-icon-theme installed?
[22:02] <wickers> it usually works fine, but as of today when cheese tries to access the cam (cam's light goes on, so I know it has hardware access), cheese then hard locks the system (not just X11, but system wide lock)
[22:02] <wickers> any idea?
[22:02] <violinappren> if i switch to the rodent theme, the icons show up
[22:02] <wickers> running xubuntu on an eeepc
[22:02] <violinappren> let me check
[22:03] <TheSheep> violinappren: I think the human theme only has a few icons and falls back to gnome for the rest
[22:03] <violinappren> TheSheep: well i'm installing it
[22:03] <TheSheep> wickers: no idea, but you could ask on #ubuntu or look at the forums, as this is a more general issue, common to all ubuntus
[22:04] <TheSheep> wickers: at least so it seems
[22:04] <wickers> fair
[22:04] <wickers> figured I'd start here, in case this was a recent update or something that affects people using xfce
[22:04] <TheSheep> I think there was a channel for eee users spicifically too, someone might know something there
[22:16] <violinappren_> works now, thanks guys
[22:40] <Vaxz> Salut
[23:24] <hazard1nc> sup all :)
[23:25] <hazard1nc> i was wondering about custom icon themes and howto install them, is there a tutorial in the wiki i am missing?
[23:28] <TheSheep> just unpack them to ~/.icons
[23:28] <hazard1nc> cool, thanks :)