UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /19 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
Initial commit
=== hiphophippotamus is now known as reiser
=== reiser is now known as bender
=== MythbuntuGuest03 is now known as HaDAk
[03:13] * HaDAk waves
[03:13] <Seeker`> hi
[03:13] <HaDAk> I just downloaded the new build (well, new since the last time I downloaded it)
[03:13] <HaDAk> but i'm having troubles booting it.
[03:14] <HaDAk> it'll load to the last little bit of the progress bar and just hard lock my computer.
[03:14] <HaDAk> i've tried safe video, noapic, and noacpi
[03:14] <HaDAk> nothing works. is there a verbose startup option?
=== HaDAk` is now known as HaDAk
[03:19] <HaDAk> any thoughts?
[03:21] <trollboy> In mythbuntu, how do I direct Games to my directory that contains the games?
[03:28] <Lud7773> I'm trying to install the new mythbuntu 8.04 on my pc. The live cd boots up normal and I go through the entire installation, but when prompted to reboot after the installation mythtv does not boot, instead I get a command prompt. any suggestions?
[03:37] * HaDAk coughs
[03:37] <Seeker`> HaDAk: I'm not very good with that sort of stuff, so wont be much hlep
[03:37] <HaDAk> :(
[03:37] <HaDAk> it's just...sitting there. not booting. it makes me sad.
[03:38] <Lud7773> HaDAk: what is your issue?
[03:38] <MythbuntuGuest85> can someone please give me some system specific specs for using 2 dvb-s cards? am looking at building a box single backend/multi front
[03:39] <HaDAk> having issues booting the live cd to install. gets to the last little bit of the bar, and locks up. i've tried noapic, noacpi, safe video, and a combination thereof.
[03:39] <Seeker`> MythbuntuGuest85: what sort of specs do you mean?
[03:40] <Lud7773> HaDAk: have you tested the cd to make sure that it's not the cd?
[03:40] <HaDAk> i ran the integrity check on it. it came out ok.
[03:41] <MythbuntuGuest85> hardware..whats in your box..
[03:41] <Lud7773> HaDAk: have you installed any other OS on the pc and all went well?
[03:41] * HaDAk nods
[03:41] <HaDAk> i've got linuxmce on it right now.
[03:41] <MythbuntuGuest85> also I am on the java version here what irc server are we using?
[03:41] <HaDAk> freenode
[03:41] <HaDAk> irc.freenode.net
[03:41] <MythbuntuGuest85> tnx
[03:41] <HaDAk> np
[03:42] <HaDAk> Lud7773: i'd be happy with a verbose boot mode to see what it's hanging on..but i haven't been able to find an option for that.
[03:42] <Lud7773> HaDAk: hmm... I haven't tried but isn't the alternative boot supposed to be verbose?
[03:43] <HaDAk> we'll find out. i'm downloading it now.
[03:43] <HaDAk> was hoping to be able to avoid that though
[03:43] <hllywood14> ok now i can get off guest
[03:43] <HaDAk> wb
[03:44] <hllywood14> ok..can anyone send me some infor on a box they are running 2 dvb-s cards and catching 82HD?
[03:44] <Lud7773> HaDAk: let me know how it goes for you. I've got mine installed but when I reboot the dang thing won't boot to ubuntu it takes me to a command line prompt instead.
[03:44] <HaDAk> what does the prompt say?
[03:45] <Lud7773> HaDAk: it's like a watered down ubuntu... just says type 'help' for a list of commands...
[03:45] <HaDAk> have you tried startx?
[03:46] <Lud7773> HaDAk: no I didn't but I didn't see as one of the command options... I'll try it though.
[03:46] <HaDAk> if it's a bash prompt, it should let you run that
[03:46] <Lud7773> HaDAk: what I did notice is that I'm using eide drives, but when I type search my /dev I only find a single sda drive.
[03:47] <HaDAk> well, it's booting off something.
[03:47] <HaDAk> i'm going to try starting this cd in vmware.
[03:49] <Lud7773> HaDAk: good old vmware...
[03:49] <hllywood14> anyone using dvb-s?
[03:49] * HaDAk shakes his head
[03:49] <HaDAk> pvr-150
[03:50] <Lud7773> hllywood14: pvr-150, as soon as I get it going, I do have a twinhann I'd like to try that is dvb-s
[03:50] <hllywood14> know where I can find some info?
[03:50] * HaDAk would like to take this time to offer some advice on tv output
[03:50] <hllywood14> yeah..thats what I'm looking into
[03:50] <HaDAk> http://hadak.org/site/Blog/Entries/2008/5/14_S-Video_as_your_primary_video_device_in_linux.html
[03:51] <hllywood14> hoping to run 2 dvb-s (1 record/ 1 live)backend..multi frontend
[03:51] <hllywood14> need info on some system specs as I have a few parts around but have 2 buy a few
[03:52] <hllywood14> would like to chat with someone running something like this
[03:52] <Lud7773> hllywood14: i had saved 2 twinhann's for that purpose... but if I can't even get it going with a pvr-150... I think I'm going to be in trouble with the twinhann's!
[03:52] * HaDAk suggests perhaps linuxmce?
[03:53] <hllywood14> what model twins?
[03:53] <hllywood14> haven't heard of linuxmce...whats that
[03:53] <Lud7773> twinhann 102g
[03:54] <HaDAk> www.linuxmce.org
[03:54] <hllywood14> have heard a few good things about in win environ..but i don't think you can run dual...win that is..I think in linux you have to blacklist 1 of em
[03:54] <hllywood14> ok hadak i will check it out
[03:55] <hllywood14> well maybe i will just purchase a few pieces of hardware and we can do a joint project lud7773..
[03:55] <Lud7773> hllywood14: lol... sure I'm up for a summer project!
[03:55] <hllywood14> i have a duron with ecs k7s5a around here..was thinking that would be a good backend
[03:56] <Lud7773> HaDAk: the command prompt thing I get is initramfs
[03:56] <HaDAk> oh.
[03:56] <HaDAk> that's not even to a bash prompt
[03:56] <Lud7773> HaDAk: looks like busybox 1.1.3
[03:56] <hllywood14> duron is a 900 i think but i always ran at 1.2
[03:56] <HaDAk> it's not detecting your hard drive
[03:56] <Lud7773> HaDAk: I've checked the bios and I know it's there...
[03:57] <Lud7773> does this version of the software support eide drives or just sata?
[03:57] <hllywood14> i'm kinda new to linux put it off for a long time..I know what the heck was i thinking...but now I am trying at least so sorry i can't really help on many problems here
[03:57] <HaDAk> anything supports eide
[03:57] <hllywood14> lud7773 i have found that a bios reading is not always enough to verify working HD
[03:57] <HaDAk> Lud7773: check your master/slave/cable select settings. often times, bios will see the drives, but if the jumpers are set wrong, linux will not
[03:58] <Lud7773> HaDAk: that's what I figured... but I'm stumped on this.
[03:58] <Lud7773> hmmm... good suggestion... I'll take a peek!
[03:58] <hllywood14> do you have a dos sys disk?
[03:58] <hllywood14> i would try that before teardown
[03:58] <HaDAk> dos != linux
[03:58] <hllywood14> if dos can see it cables should be fine
[03:58] <HaDAk> doesn't handle drives the same
[03:59] <hllywood14> i know but from a diag point of view I have ran both
[03:59] <hllywood14> with good results to find simple problems such as this
[03:59] * HaDAk nods
[03:59] <hllywood14> prevent more work...and dusty hands
[04:00] * hllywood14 wink
[04:00] <Lud7773> I had to put new drive in... pulled it from a different box... so box is already torn down.
[04:00] <HaDAk> 's why i keep the screw off the side of my case...or, in the case of my mce box, it has quick remove panels, and a swivel/flip hard drive tray
[04:00] <Lud7773> I did pull the jumper will see if it helps... might have to reinstall.
[04:01] <hllywood14> also if you folks dont mind can I suggest a good free radio site that I enjoy and think you may...
[04:01] <Lud7773> suggest away!
[04:01] <hllywood14> i run an antec box remove side panel and drive bays= easy
[04:01] <hllywood14> ok 1 sec
[04:01] <HaDAk> mine is an antec box too
[04:01] <HaDAk> antec mini case
[04:02] <Lud7773> mine is a generic shoebox case... with about 6 fans cause the little things gets extremely hot!
[04:02] <hllywood14> http://future-radio.llpool.com:9200
[04:02] <hllywood14> enter that in favorite media app and listen away..
[04:03] <HaDAk> my case: http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=15130
[04:03] <hllywood14> comes from gigacrew server..and if on irc on that server #future-radio you can request songs that will play
[04:03] <Lud7773> nice... that interfaces with myth then?
[04:04] <hllywood14> case = old antec clone..chieftech or whatever they wanted to call it..I think ant800
[04:04] <HaDAk> Lud7773: clarify.
[04:04] <Lud7773> radio station that hllywood14 was suggesting... just wondering if that ties into myth?
[04:04] <HaDAk> i know you can drop a .pls file into myth, and it'll load it up
[04:05] <hllywood14> you can play it in myth media I think..not sure of that but give it a try
[04:05] <hllywood14> then yes cause that is how I load it from win desktop
[04:05] <Lud7773> nice... It would be cool if you could interface hulu with myth...
[04:05] <HaDAk> it's being worked on
[04:06] <HaDAk> they figured out how it pulls adverts.
[04:06] <HaDAk> that's a huge step
[04:06] <hllywood14> lots of older music and newer..mainly a request show...I am a member there so thats why i always ask folks before just suggesting..I love it listen day and night
[04:08] <hllywood14> either of you know where I might be able to find the info I am looking for? or someone that has that kinda setup....and ludd I will or a couple dvb-s cards...thinking a twinhaun and a skystar-2 and we can start on that
[04:08] * HaDAk shrugs
[04:08] <hllywood14> sorry will order
[04:08] <hllywood14> thanks anyway hadak
[04:09] <HaDAk> mmhmmm
[04:09] <Lud7773> hllywood14: I've been looking at the mythbuntu manual and they have some suggestions... of course it differs.
[04:09] <HaDAk> alt cd seems to be working fine
[04:09] <Lud7773> HaDAk: did it boot up alright for you this time then?
[04:09] * HaDAk nods
[04:10] <hllywood14> i saw a few when i looked at it but nothing real specific..I know in linux sometimes things can be a little more tricky but work much better
[04:10] <Lud7773> HaDAk: that's always a good start!
[04:10] <hllywood14> but would like to have a known working example to start things out with as I said I am very new to linux..sorry I put learning off for so long..
[04:11] <Lud7773> I know that last summer I had the twinhanns working using vdr software and it ran well... but most of the processing power had to come from cpu cause the 102g cards don't decode
[04:11] <HaDAk> you should start with something simple, and work your way up.
[04:12] <hllywood14> how about this...would either of you now a good simple place to start? maybe a dummies guide or something..yes on software decode on twinhauns..also run a little hot
[04:12] <Lud7773> hllywood14: before investing $$ try something basic... then elaborate on it after you get done... I've done so many of these little pet projects and unless you see some progress... it can get discouraging real quick!
[04:12] * HaDAk agrees with lud
[04:12] <Lud7773> I think the most basic setup is on pvr-150 if you have cable in your area.
[04:12] <hllywood14> well I know I can make it work in a win evironment so it won't be all for nothing..
[04:12] * hllywood14 smiles
[04:12] <hllywood14> no on cable
[04:13] <hllywood14> sorry typing sucks tonight..environment
[04:13] <Lud7773> doing these projects are great to learn linux... I leaned most of my linux doing this sort of stuff... modding xboxes, to running vdr and now trying my hand at myth.
[04:13] <hllywood14> thats what I was thinking
[04:13] <hllywood14> thats why I thought i could start with something I really wanted ...aka media server
[04:14] <Lud7773> dvb-s a little more complicated cause it's satellite and you have to get keys and all sorts of stuff to try to decode.
[04:14] <hllywood14> networked home...not rg-6ed so moving tv is hard now but not if I have a backend frontend setup.....see the rewards
[04:14] <hllywood14> no prob on that..looking at mainly free to air stuff
[04:15] <Lud7773> hllywood14: gotcha... well give it a whirl... try with one twinhann... once you get the first one going... adding a second one shouldn
[04:15] <Lud7773> 't be to complciated.
[04:16] <hllywood14> yep...I know in linux the decode is virtual card dump..so the cards feed from memory or a virtual card..just worried about conflicts... :<
[04:16] <rhpot1991_laptop> tgm4883 tgm4883_laptop ping
[04:16] <hllywood14> but hey I get married in 2 weeks and will be gone for another 2 so maybe when I get back I dig in..
[04:17] <Lud7773> yeah... I wouldn't be doing this sort of project on the honeymoon... cause you'll be divorced before you know it!!
[04:17] <tgm4883_laptop> rhpot1991_laptop, pong
[04:18] <hllywood14> also I found a link somewhere that using myth as backend you can stream to internet..aka work and anywhere I can get network....
[04:18] <rhpot1991_laptop> tgm4883_laptop: re video multi discs
[04:18] <hllywood14> yeah..she already says i love computers more than her.... :>
[04:18] <rhpot1991_laptop> tossing them into folders junks up the sort order
[04:18] <Lud7773> hllywood14: yeah... but you have to have a pretty good upload bandwidth
[04:18] <nwidger> hey, anyone around?
[04:18] <rhpot1991_laptop> folders first, files next :(
[04:18] <HaDAk> hi nwidger
[04:18] <tgm4883_laptop> rhpot1991_laptop, ah yes it does
[04:19] <nwidger> anyone know how to set the default sound card in mythbuntu?
[04:19] <tgm4883_laptop> is there a setting for that in mythvideo?
[04:19] <Lud7773> brb
[04:19] <rhpot1991_laptop> looking for one now, though there doesn't seem to be
[04:19] <hllywood14> yeah but if i drop qual on decode..upload small video to smart phone..unlimited internet..main focus..
[04:19] <rhpot1991_laptop> nope none that I can see
[04:20] <nwidger> i have an onboard sound chip and an audigy, but all the applications default to using the on board. anyone know how to change this?
[04:20] <HaDAk> O_o http://img391.imageshack.us/img391/8858/mariogg7.jpg
[04:20] <HaDAk> disable the onboard?
[04:21] <nwidger> HaDAk: how do i do that?
[04:21] <nwidger> BIOS?
[04:21] <HaDAk> depends on your board.
[04:21] <nwidger> this is a desktop machine
[04:21] <HaDAk> generally bios, but in some older motherboards, there's a jumper
[04:21] <nwidger> hmm
[04:21] <nwidger> ill have to look into that, thanks
[04:21] <HaDAk> np
[04:25] <hllywood14> bios assigning irg to onboard first A hadak
[04:25] <hllywood14> i would say bios disable on sound
[04:26] <ddgoose> bah I just went through 8 10/100 adapters trying to find just 1 that would pxe boot proper
[04:26] <ddgoose> no luck
[04:26] <HaDAk> you want my intel card?
[04:26] <HaDAk> ^^
[04:26] <hllywood14> i have 1 i will share 2
[04:26] <hllywood14> :>
[04:27] <ddgoose> I have 2 sitting here couldn't get either to boot proper
[04:27] <tgm4883_laptop> rhpot1991_laptop, the only other option I can think of is to manually put the stuff in there, don't grab it from imdb
[04:27] <Lud7773> bk
[04:27] <ddgoose> 1 has the buggy 2.0 pxe
[04:27] <ddgoose> the other stuck in bootp
[04:27] <tgm4883_laptop> thats what I did with my RvB
[04:27] <Lud7773> HaDAk: you got it installed yet?
[04:28] <HaDAk> it's installed...but locking up in the same place
[04:28] <Lud7773> HaDAk: dang... no way to check your log files either?
[04:29] <rhpot1991_laptop> tgm4883_laptop: what do you mean?
[04:29] <HaDAk> booting recovery mode
[04:29] <rhpot1991_laptop> I've done where I pulled the same info for 2 discs then went and added a disc 2 on the end of one
[04:29] <HaDAk> looks like an x issue
[04:29] <rhpot1991_laptop> I don't see any way around sorting if I used folders though
[04:29] <tgm4883_laptop> rhpot1991_laptop, you can manally put the info in there
[04:29] <tgm4883_laptop> rhpot1991_laptop, that would work too
[04:30] <rhpot1991_laptop> tgm4883_laptop: still leaves me with doubles of some things
[04:30] * tgm4883_laptop is off to watch IJ: The Last Crusade
[04:30] <tgm4883_laptop> rhpot1991_laptop, yea I don't think that mythvideo was really meant for this sort of thing
[04:30] <tgm4883_laptop> you could always ask what people do in #mythtv-users though
[04:31] <rhpot1991_laptop> ya just looking at some sets that are 6-8 discs, gonna get messy
[04:31] <rhpot1991_laptop> there was an unanswered thread on the mailing list that got me thinking abot it
[04:31] <tgm4883_laptop> maybe it will be fixed with storage groups
[04:32] <HaDAk> looks like it's locking up on hald
[04:32] <Lud7773> HaDAk: hald?
[04:32] <ddgoose> I had to do that rhpot1991, added some multi discs, pulled from imdb, hand edited the titles, then set the play after order
[04:32] <HaDAk> hardware abstraction layer
[04:33] <Lud7773> HaDAk: hmm... doesn't like a piece of hardware you got there...
[04:33] <tgm4883_laptop> ok, i'm really out now
[04:33] * HaDAk is guessing his pvr-150
[04:33] <HaDAk> blasted thing.
[04:33] <HaDAk> linuxmce didn't like it either. works great in another box.
[04:33] <HaDAk> maybe it just needs to be re-seated
[04:34] <Lud7773> HaDAk: that or even try a different pci slot as well.
[04:34] <rhpot1991_laptop> cya tgm4883_laptop
[04:38] <HaDAk> yeah, i just swapped it
[04:39] <HaDAk> problem solved.
[04:39] <HaDAk> i pulled the wifi card and swapped the pci slot for the pvr-150
[04:39] <Lud7773> nice...
[04:45] <Lud7773> #join ubuntu-es
[04:46] <hllywood14> why?
[04:46] <Lud7773> sry... I was trying to type in an irc command...
[04:46] <hllywood14> all
[04:46] <hllywood14> ok
[04:46] <hllywood14> ---/join #ubuntu-es.....LOL
[04:47] <Lud7773> yeah... it's been a while on irc!
[04:49] <hllywood14> same here
[04:49] <hllywood14> i was away for years...
[04:49] <Lud7773> hllywood14: have you got your myth installed?
[04:50] <hllywood14> I did a live version of ubuntu on this laptop I am using..haven't put mythbuntu on my big box yet
[04:50] <hllywood14> but I will in the near future
[04:51] <Lud7773> gotcha
[04:51] <ddgoose-boxen> wootah! finally got it to boot with a rom-o-matic.com usb key image
[04:52] <hllywood14> plan on the front ends to maybe be diskless...any experience with that?
[04:53] <Lud7773> can't figure this out... when I boot with mythbuntu 8.04, it tells me that I have no /dev/hda but It does show a /dev/sda... when I put in a regular ubuntu live cd, it does show that I have a /dev/hda but no /dev/sda....
[04:53] <Lud7773> hllywood14: no experience there...
[04:54] <leprechau> Lud7773, that's just the differences between linux kernel versions
[04:54] <hllywood14> sata ?
[04:54] <Lud7773> I have eide, no sata...
[04:54] <leprechau> newer kernels have no /dev/hd* ... all the pata/sata drivers got merged into the scsi subsystem
[04:54] <leprechau> they are all /dev/sd* now
[04:54] <leprechau> unless you stricktly enable legacy ata during kernel load
[04:54] <Lud7773> leprechau: so just cause it shows sda doesn't mean that it's not detecting my hdd?
[04:54] <leprechau> correct
[04:55] <leprechau> /dev/sda is same as /dev/hda
[04:55] <leprechau> sda == first scsi disk
[04:55] <leprechau> even though it's technically not
[04:55] <leprechau> they are all part of the scsi subsystem now
[04:55] <Lud7773> leprechau: thx for the clarification... cause I was getting really confused... just used to the other way.
[04:56] <hllywood14> well..now I learned something
[04:56] <leprechau> yeah it makes sense when you think about it
[04:57] <Lud7773> I'm stumped then... cause I've installed the mythbuntu 8.04 about 5 times now... but when I reboot after installation it just takes me to a command prompt with a initramfs. I guess that's something like a recovery mode.
[04:57] <leprechau> the differences between ata and scsi are getting smaller and smaller
[04:57] <leprechau> sata is basically the same as sas... serial attached scsi
[04:57] <hllywood14> lud7773 or leprechau..can you suggest some good book on learning linux while I am vacation? to know a few things when I get back kinda like linux for dummies
[04:58] <hllywood14> i have noticed that as-well leprechau even in win
[04:58] <leprechau> dunno about any particular book...but all the o'riely series are pretty good
[04:59] <hllywood14> i hate to say if but microsnot has had me by the short and curlies for a few years
[04:59] <Lud7773> hllywood14: I second leprechau suggestion
[04:59] <hllywood14> ok...thanks
[04:59] <hllywood14> will be buying tomr
[05:00] <leprechau> Lud7773, check a couple things in your recovery console...
[05:00] <leprechau> 1) check for any grub errors
[05:00] <leprechau> ie, grub trying to find root on /dev/hd* instead of /dev/sd* or vice versa
[05:00] <leprechau> also do an: echo /dev/hd* and echo /dev/sd*
[05:00] <leprechau> see which one your hdd is actually showin up under
[05:01] <Lud7773> trying to read dmesg log but scrolls to fast and nano doesn't work either.
[05:01] <hllywood14> when you get a few seconds leprechau I have a couple questions you may can help me with...
[05:01] <leprechau> this is where it gets kinda tricky...certain chipsets don't play well with the new scsi subsystem
[05:01] <hllywood14> nothing big
[05:01] <Lud7773> leprechau: I do show a /dev/sda
[05:01] <leprechau> so they run under legacy mode as /dev/hd*
[05:01] <leprechau> Lud7773, can you echo /dev/sd*
[05:02] <leprechau> in your console you get after boot?
[05:02] <leprechau> it should show your partitions
[05:02] <Lud7773> leprechau: doesn't show me the partitions just /dev/sda
[05:02] <leprechau> Lud7773, check echo /dev/hd*
[05:03] <Lud7773> leprechau: nothing... just returns /dev/hd*
[05:03] <leprechau> cool
[05:03] <leprechau> so now...next step
[05:03] <leprechau> reboot...and catch the screen when it first starts to load
[05:03] <leprechau> that says... press blah blah for menu or grub or something like that
[05:03] <leprechau> and we'll check your grub config
[05:03] <Lud7773> get into the grub menu
[05:04] <leprechau> yessir
[05:04] <leprechau> hllywood14, go ahead and ask
[05:04] <Lud7773> so get into the command line?
[05:04] <leprechau> well it should take you to the grub menu
[05:04] <leprechau> and then you should have an option at the bottom
[05:04] <leprechau> to edit it
[05:04] <leprechau> line editor
[05:05] <hllywood14> you know anything about dvb-s cards?
[05:05] <Lud7773> k I did 'c' for command line.
[05:05] <leprechau> can you cat /boot/grub/menu.lst
[05:06] <leprechau> your partitions might not be mounted yet
[05:06] <Lud7773> yup looking at the menu.lst
[05:06] <leprechau> what's root say...and your kernel line
[05:07] <Lud7773> leprechau: ahh... you're right... it's got hd0,0 instead of sd0,0
[05:07] <leprechau> well hd0,0 is okay in grub
[05:07] <Lud7773> kernet is vmlinuz- generic
[05:09] <Lud7773> root (hd0,0) kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=uuid=1f86c08.... ro quiet splash
[05:10] <hllywood14> leprechau: you know anything about dvb-s cards?
[05:11] <leprechau> Lud7773, check... /lib/udev/vol_id /dev/sda1|grep UUID
[05:11] <leprechau> first line should match what you have in your grub root=uuid=.....
[05:12] <leprechau> hllywood14, naw sorry...i haven't ever had satellite :/
[05:12] <hllywood14> tnx
[05:15] <Lud7773> leprechau: trying to find the sda1 in that directory structure you gave me but not having much luck.
[05:16] <Lud7773> stops at vol_id
[05:16] <leprechau> you should be able to type exactly: /lib/udev/vol_id /dev/sda1|grep UUID
[05:16] <Lud7773> I get unrecognized command.
[05:17] <leprechau> hrm
[05:17] <leprechau> ls -la /dev/sd*
[05:17] <Lud7773> ls is another unrecognized command.
[05:17] <leprechau> echo /dev/sd*
[05:18] <Lud7773> unrecognized...
[05:18] <Lud7773> my prompt says grub>
[05:18] <leprechau> OHH
[05:18] <leprechau> hehe
[05:18] <leprechau> you're still in grub
[05:18] <Lud7773> yup.
[05:18] <leprechau> loader
[05:18] <leprechau> ;}
[05:18] <leprechau> hehe
[05:18] <leprechau> sorry
[05:18] <leprechau> just exit out of that
[05:19] <Lud7773> k so I'll just reboot.
[05:19] <Lud7773> get into the initramfs
[05:19] <leprechau> hehe aight ;p
[05:21] <Lud7773> just reading stuff online, I guess I should check my fstab while I'm at it.
[05:22] <leprechau> that too
[05:22] <leprechau> also...something that kinda caught my eye...
[05:22] <fedya> hey, I am thinking on installing mythbuntu on an HTPC that will be in my living room with a combined frontend/backend. It will also function as my NAS. I was wondering if someone can help me with a few questions, 1. Will I be able to run remote batch jobs through telnet and other services to utilize the processor power of this server without interrupting the person watching TV at the time. Wife wouldn't be too pleased :). Also, does anyone know if
[05:22] <fedya> Thanks for any help
[05:22] <leprechau> <leprechau> it should show your partitions
[05:22] <leprechau> <Lud7773> leprechau: doesn't show me the partitions just /dev/sda
[05:23] <leprechau> you should see something like....
[05:23] <leprechau> root@mediabox:~# echo /dev/sd*
[05:23] <leprechau> /dev/sda /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 /dev/sda5
[05:23] <Lud7773> yup... there is no /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2 none of that.
[05:23] <leprechau> that's a problem
[05:23] <leprechau> one of 2 things.... either the kernel..for whatever reason... isn't reading your disks partition map correctly
[05:24] <leprechau> or... your disk didn't get partitioned correctly during install
[05:24] <Lud7773> hmm... I'm thinking that I should perhaps consider installing an older version of this mythbuntu...
[05:25] <leprechau> 8.04 worked fine for me
[05:25] <leprechau> that's where that paste is from
[05:25] <Lud7773> I tried /lib/udev/vol_id/dev/sda1 and got "not found"
[05:25] <Lud7773> that would make sense cause I don't show a /dev/sda1
[05:25] <leprechau> well that's prolly cause /lib doesn't exist
[05:25] <leprechau> exactly
[05:25] <leprechau> that's it
[05:26] <leprechau> does the installer come up okay for you?
[05:26] <leprechau> try doing the 'auto prepare'
[05:26] <Lud7773> when I run the live cd?
[05:26] <leprechau> yessir
[05:27] <Lud7773> yeah... it brings up the partition option and detect the drive... I've been selecting guided use entire drive... and the installation seems to go over just fine.
[05:27] <Lud7773> perhaps I should try to it manually this time
[05:29] <leprechau> I would... simplest setup... /boot 100MB max ... swap of 1G or so.... and then just all the rest in /
[05:29] <leprechau> of course...it's usually a good idea to split up / a bit more if you are gonna use the local disk alot
[05:29] <Lud7773> yeah... that's basically what I normally do... I was just a it lazy and thought I'd let it do it for me.
[05:30] <Lud7773> I would normally have a second drive with about 360gb for the recordings.
[05:31] <leprechau> yeah I have all my recordings/etc... all nfs mounted
[05:31] <leprechau> recordings/videos/music/whatnot
[05:32] <Lud7773> yeah... I have a server that I have with a terra byte of storage just for my tunes and videos... I'll probably see if I can map to that drive.
[05:32] <Lud7773> can myth read iso?
[05:34] <leprechau> yep
[05:34] <leprechau> i don't have any physical dvds anymore that I use
[05:34] <leprechau> even ones I buy i just h264/ac3 em...or make an iso if they are really good
[05:35] <leprechau> handbrake is your friend :}
[05:35] <Lud7773> nice... my kids like to slide on our dvd's on our wood floors... that was the last time they ever saw a dvd in our living room... now I just pushed them to the server... much nicer that way.
[05:36] <leprechau> yep same here
[05:36] <leprechau> lol
[05:36] <leprechau> kids would use em as frisbies or play dishes or something else really terrible
[05:37] <leprechau> http://handbrake.fr/ <-- awesome linux dvd ripper if you haven't used it yet
[05:37] <Lud7773> gonna hafta check it out... I still use windoze for my dvd ripping...
[05:38] <Lud7773> good old dvdshrink combo with anydvd.
[05:38] <leprechau> ohhh no
[05:38] <leprechau> ;p
[05:38] <leprechau> handbrake is awesome
[05:38] <leprechau> h264/mkv/ac3
[05:38] <Lud7773> does it take care of the encoding issues?
[05:38] <leprechau> 1.4GB and looks just as good and sounds just as good as a dvd
[05:39] <Lud7773> 1.4gb... that cuts tons... most dvd's are about 4gb each!
[05:39] <leprechau> handbrake -v --cpu 2 --input /dev/sr0 --title 1 --output /store/RippingTemp/new.mkv --format mkv --crop --encoder x264 --size 1400 --two-pass --turbo --deinterlace --aencoder ac3 --audio 1
[05:39] <leprechau> wait about 20 mins or so on a p4 3Ghz and you're done
[05:39] <leprechau> there is a gui for it on the linux side now too
[05:40] <leprechau> if you don't like command line
[05:40] <Lud7773> I don't mind command line... gets things done faster...
[05:40] <leprechau> yep that's my feeling most of the time too
[05:40] <Lud7773> so you don't have issues with the copyright protection that they put on the dvd's with handbrake?
[05:41] <leprechau> haven't had any yet
[05:41] <leprechau> and i've done tons
[05:41] <Lud7773> wow... that would be nice...
[05:41] <leprechau> http://rippedwire.sourceforge.net/ ... if you feel the need for a gui ever
[05:42] <Lud7773> so you compiled your own or did you check ubuntu repositories?
[05:43] <leprechau> well I don't run ubuntu on my main desktop...it's archlinux but I just downloaded the linux binary from the handbrake site
[05:43] <leprechau> the cli
[05:44] <rhpot1991> mythvideo rips most dvd's fine, problem ones are easily ripped with ddrescue
[05:44] <rhpot1991> though I do iso's cause I don't care about hard drive space
[05:44] <Lud7773> doesn't myth rip to avi or something like that?
[05:45] <rhpot1991> it can
[05:45] <rhpot1991> iso/vob/avi I believe are your choices
[05:45] <rhpot1991> depending on quality
[05:49] <Lud7773> I'll be happy as long as it's able to read all of my iso and avi files... right now I use my xbox for all this... the wife has to call me at work so she can watch tv...
[05:50] <leprechau> haha
[05:50] <leprechau> that's why i put mythbuntu on my mediabox
[05:50] <leprechau> I had archlinux/mythtv that I had all compiled and setup
[05:51] <leprechau> but wife had a hard time with it
[05:51] <leprechau> mythbuntu made it easier for her
[05:51] <Lud7773> that's what I'm trying to do... I don't mind my xbox... but not very user friendly to get it going.
[05:51] <Lud7773> not meant to be a true media center.
[05:52] <hllywood14> lud7772 i found a little info on the dvb stuff...guy using twinhaun 102g and 1020A pent D 940 2 gig ram asus mobo...linux found default driver everything loaded fine he said..I should have no prob with that setup..also did hd
[05:52] <leprechau> she puts on vids for the kids and all now
[05:52] <hllywood14> sorry lud7773
[05:52] <leprechau> nice hllywood
[05:53] <hllywood14> so looks like i have a project..and things are looking up
[05:54] <Lud7773> hllywood14: you have a project alright... I've done it with two 102g twinhann... but since they don't decode... you have to have a lot of ram and cpu power in order for the pc to do the work. the twinhann use a bttv driver.
[05:55] <Lud7773> leprechau: My 5 year old daughter can work the xbox pretty good... has to show mom how she can pull up all her disney princess shows... it's pretty funny watching a 5 year old showing mom how to work the xbox.
[05:55] <leprechau> BTTV :)
[05:55] <leprechau> i make alot of money off bttv chipsets
[05:55] <hllywood14> i think i will go 1 twin and a nexus-s or skystar2 one of those 2 combos in 1 form or another
[05:55] <leprechau> http://www.cctvhw.com/english/viewproducts.php?id=69
[05:55] <leprechau> 8 bttv chipsets on a pci card
[05:56] <leprechau> means a badass linux based security camera dvr system with zoneminder
[05:56] <Lud7773> hllywood14: just know that it's not as easy as it looks! especially with dvb-s
[05:56] <leprechau> costs about 1/4 of what a zoneminder/windows system would
[05:56] <Lud7773> leprechau: nice!
[05:56] <leprechau> err... geovision/windows system
[05:57] <leprechau> and you can sell it for the same price ;}
[05:57] <Lud7773> well... as long as it runs stable...
[05:57] <Lud7773> sucks to have a security system that you have to reboot every night!
[05:58] <hllywood14> nice system
[05:58] <Lud7773> dang... this mythbuntu is kickin my butt.... reinstalled it manually... saw that the installer detected drive as /dev/sda and I partitioned it as /dev/sda1 = boot /dev/sda2 = swap /dev/sda3 = /
[05:58] <Lud7773> and when I ls /dev/sd* I only get /dev/sda
[05:59] <Lud7773> like if it never partitioned the drives.
[05:59] <leprechau> something's not right
[05:59] <leprechau> what mobo do you have?
[05:59] <Lud7773> asus a7n8x
[06:00] <hllywood14> well..I'm off..lud I will be back to let ya know how things go..maybe i can get the girlfriend to cone off some money when she becomes wife.. :>
[06:00] <Lud7773> hllywood14: LOL.... good luck with that one!!!
[06:00] <hllywood14> yeah but it may work since its a new title..LOL
[06:00] <Lud7773> You're gonna hafta get a side job that she doesn't know about to feed your dvb-s addiction!!
[06:01] <hllywood14> i know...i like to tinker
[06:01] <hllywood14> i may put her to work 4 it
[06:01] <hllywood14> LOL
[06:01] <Lud7773> hllywood14: well.. I'll give you all the pointers I can come up with...
[06:02] <hllywood14> ok...
[06:02] <hllywood14> that will be great
[06:02] <Lud7773> hllywood14: check out hoochvdr.net
[06:02] <Lud7773> I think that's what it's still called.
[06:03] <Lud7773> hllywood14: sry... http://www.hoochvdr.info/
[06:03] <Lud7773> hllywood14: sign up and do tons of reading before posting... or you'll get flammed...
[06:04] <Lud7773> leprechau: hmm... so what exactly is the initramfs?
[06:04] <Lud7773> I can't find my /dev/fstab in there..
[06:04] <leprechau> initramfs is the initial filesystem...it's what's in your initrd image that goes along with your kernel
[06:05] <leprechau> it's what the kernel loads into memory with basic tools before your disks are mounted
[06:05] <leprechau> in your case....your disks aren't mounting
[06:05] <leprechau> so you crash back into it
[06:05] <Lud7773> gotcha.... dang... wonder if it's the hdd?
[06:06] <leprechau> doubt it...could be...but most likely it's an issue with your motherboard or bios config...or your ide chipset
[06:06] <leprechau> what board are you using?
[06:06] <Lud7773> asus a7n8x
[06:06] <Lud7773> older board.
[06:07] <ddgoose-boxen> doesn't 8.04 use uuid for mounting now?
[06:08] <hllywood14> tnx ludd hope you get it fixed im off...L8R room
[06:08] <Lud7773> hllywood14: take care night
[06:08] <leprechau> ddgoose-boxen, yes it does us UUID
[06:10] <leprechau> Lud7773, during the myth bootup with the live cd
[06:10] <leprechau> hit the advanced options
[06:11] <leprechau> or whatever it's called
[06:11] <leprechau> and pick legacy ide
[06:11] <Lud7773> k will do
[06:12] <Lud7773> got modes: normal, safe graphics, user driver update cd, or OEM.
[06:12] <Lud7773> other options gives me acpi=off, noapic, nolapic
[06:13] <leprechau> is there a spot to add kernel options?
[06:13] <Lud7773> I can type in my boot options!
[06:14] <Lud7773> boot options boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz quiet splash --
[06:15] <leprechau> try adding on the end
[06:15] <leprechau> ide-generic ide-legacy
[06:16] * Lud7773 crosses fingers!
[06:19] <Lud7773> well... it booted into the live cd... what should I look for now?
[06:19] <leprechau> see if you have /dev/hd*
[06:19] <Lud7773> nope
[06:19] <leprechau> try: sudo modprobe ide-generic
[06:20] <Lud7773> kay... seemed to load it...
[06:20] <Lud7773> try ls /dev/hd*
[06:20] <leprechau> check now
[06:20] <leprechau> and check your dmesg
[06:21] <Lud7773> no /dev/hd* and the dmesg says ide0: I/O resource 0x3f6... not free
[06:21] <Lud7773> ide0: ports already in use skipping probe
[06:21] <leprechau> hrm...lemme look how ubuntu does that
[06:22] <leprechau> with arch you just use ide-legacy loader option
[06:22] <leprechau> basically we need to tell it to use the OLD style
[06:22] <leprechau> not UUID or scsi subsystem
[06:22] <leprechau> but give you /dev/hda
[06:25] <Lud7773> hmm... what if I install an older version of mythbuntu.... can I upgrade to the newer version... perhaps it will keep the old config and not give me so much problems
[06:41] <leprechau> heh
[06:41] <leprechau> this is insane
[06:41] <leprechau> ubuntu apparently has no way to tell the loader to NOT use libata
[06:41] <leprechau> and to fall back to the pata drivers
[06:42] <Lud7773> well... I found an old... image of mythbuntu.... I loaded it and it's working on my little box... the video quality look poor on my monitor.... some static... I think that's why I opted not to have it.
[06:43] <Lud7773> wonder if the new version will improve video quality.
[06:43] <leprechau> well what vid card do you have?
[06:44] <Lud7773> nvidia 5400
[06:44] <leprechau> install the proprietary nvidia drivers
[06:44] <leprechau> and nvidia-settings
[06:45] <leprechau> I can't beleive that ubuntu doesn't have a loader option to use pata
[06:45] <leprechau> that just is one more reason I never have liked ubuntu
[06:45] <leprechau> they try so hard to make it easy to use
[06:45] <leprechau> they eliminate all advanced functionality and flexibility
[06:46] <Lud7773> I should have remembered that the proprietary drivers aren't loaded on default.
[06:49] <leprechau> well hey... I may have found it
[06:49] <leprechau> it looks like you can do it maybe
[06:49] <leprechau> from something I just found
[06:49] <Lud7773> sweet... whachu find?
[06:49] <leprechau> you can remove all the splash quiet, etc.. junk
[06:50] <leprechau> adn replace with: all_generic_ide
[06:50] <leprechau> boot options boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz all_generic_ide
[06:50] <leprechau> is what it would be
[06:50] <leprechau> at least according to this thing i read
[06:50] <Lud7773> do you have url?
[06:53] <leprechau> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/129817
[06:53] <leprechau> Boot to the LiveCD press F6 at the menu, then at end of the kernel line
[06:53] <leprechau> add all_generic_ide press enter the install should continue
[06:53] <Lud7773> will try... have to swap hdd now...
[07:00] <Lud7773> well... that didn't bring /dev/hd*, but it did bring up the partitions for /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3
[07:18] <Thorney> I can
[07:22] <Thorney> I can't get my tv tuner to work. I am using ubuntu 8.04, have downloaded something like mythbuntu-desktop but it can't seem to tune in channels. I have also downloaded a few other dvbs tools like scan and dvbtune, dvbstream and dvbsnoop. Can anyone help me find why my huapage nova-s-plus wasn't supported by default like it was in 7.10?
[07:32] <Lud7773> leprechau: thx for your help... gnight!
=== Penfold__ is now known as Penfold
[08:38] <Thorney> is anyone able to help diagnose myth tv on ubuntu?
[11:23] <Thorney> when I run the command dvbtune -f 1183000 -s 22500 -p h -m
[11:23] <Thorney> FE READ UNCORRECTED BLOCKS: : Operation not supported
[11:23] <Thorney> Signal=63232, Verror=0, SNR=61434dB, BlockErrors=0, (S|L|C|V|SY|)
[11:23] <Thorney> Does anyone know why? Cheers!
[11:27] <laga> the driver doesn't support FE READ UNCORRECTED BLOCKS ?
[11:34] <Thorney> dmesg | grep dvb gives :[ 87.782839] cx88/2: cx2388x dvb driver version 0.0.6 loaded
[11:34] <Thorney> [ 87.782844] cx88/2: registering cx8802 driver, type: dvb access: shared
[11:38] <Thorney> according to http://stevepugh.co.uk/mythtv/ for ubuntu 6 i have the right driver - also it worked on my other pc with ubuntu 7 last year
[11:45] <Thorney> The closest problem I can find with google is http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-656920.html but unlike this person my scan doesnt work instead it produces the output=: WARNING: filter timeout pid 0x0011 WARNING: filter timeout pid 0x0000
[13:26] <propagandhi> guys when i adjust the volume in tv it does nothing, but when watching movies it is fine
[15:08] <sardiskan> need a little help here
[15:09] <sabhain> 'sup?
[15:09] <sardiskan> If I play a DVD from a regular DVD player, the volume is fine....but if I play a DVD from my mythbox, the volume is VERY low. I can turn the volume of the TV and the Mythbox all the way up and you can hear it...but if anything else is making noise...it drowns it out. It's like I need more power to the audio or something
[15:10] <sardiskan> same thing during playback and the LiveTV is kind of soft too
[15:10] <sardiskan> playback of avi's and DVD's are at 100%
[15:10] <sardiskan> LiveTV is at about 90% and gives me the same volume as the 100% on DVD and avi playback
[15:10] <sardiskan> 100% on TV and Mythbox should be blairing.
[15:11] <sabhain> Sounds like the PCM channel on your sound settings might be low or muted?
[15:11] <sardiskan> I"ve turned the PCM volume to 100% within the mythtv config
[15:11] <sabhain> what does "alsamixer" tell you it's at? command line
[15:12] <sardiskan> I have the "Master" volume and the "PCM" volume...also, I wasn't able to control the volume on the TV OR DVD until I changed some stuff in the audio setup...don't remember exactly which it was..but it was something to do with the PCM/Master mixer.
[15:12] <sardiskan> just type "alsamixer" at the CLI?
[15:13] <sabhain> right
[15:42] <sabhain> anyone here use mvpmc?
[15:52] <sardiskan> sabhain...I'll have to try your approach when I get back home...but once I run this command...what should I do if the volume is set low?
[16:03] <sabhain> sardiskan, alsamixer is a command line mixer app .. you'll see channels similar to the gnome alsa mixer or oss mixer .. do a google on it and you'll find lots on commands. My thought would be that you might have a muted or low PCM volume there .. and you just tab or arrow over to that bar, and use the up and down arrows to increase volume, and the M i think to mute or unmute
[16:03] <sabhain> that's where I would start. Good luck.
[16:04] <sardiskan> I already did that in the gnome panel
[16:04] <sardiskan> moved the slider bar to 100
[16:07] <sabhain> hmm .. are you running the front end in a standalone session at boot?
[16:07] <sardiskan> no
[16:07] <sardiskan> it's running on the same machine as the backend
[16:18] <sabhain> hmm .. how's the volume when you just play the DVD in mplayer?
[16:42] <sardiskan> I thought the DVD menu actually starts mplayer to play the DVD?
[16:42] <sardiskan> If that's not the case, I'll have to try that when I get home too
[16:45] <BLACKthroat> could someone help me get my remote working with mythtv?
[16:46] <sardiskan> what remote do you have?
[16:46] <BLACKthroat> mceusb
[16:47] <BLACKthroat> i have installed lirc
[16:47] <BLACKthroat> and tested it with irw
[16:47] <BLACKthroat> but i can't get it to work with mythtv
[16:49] <sardiskan> so none of the buttons do anything
[16:51] <BLACKthroat> well in irw it recognizes all of the buttons, but when i try it in mythtv, no such luck
[16:51] <sabhain> sounds like your lircd file is ok, but you need to update the .lircrc
[16:51] <BLACKthroat> i believe that I have them in the right locations
[16:51] <BLACKthroat> what needs to be updated on the .lircrc?
[16:54] <sabhain> .lircrc is what ties your remote codes to actions in mythtv
[16:55] <sabhain> if irw is showing codes for each button, then you *should* be able to configure .lircrc to do things based on those codes
[16:56] <BLACKthroat> wait, should it be named .lircrc and not lircrc?
[17:00] <sabhain> there's a cool site that helps with this .. at least it will give you some example files to follow .. try http://lircconfig.commandir.com/ .. this site has TONS of examples
[17:01] <sabhain> yes it should be .lircrc
[17:01] <BLACKthroat> yeah i used that
[17:01] <BLACKthroat> what are the paths that .lircrc should be located
[17:01] <BLACKthroat> along with the .conf file
[17:02] <sabhain> put .lircrc into the /home/{username}/ directory for whatever username is running the frontend
[17:02] <jphillip> BLACKthroat use MCC to set it up and check the box to create the dynamic button mapping
[17:02] <sabhain> the lircd.conf file I think goes in /etc somewhere .. search for the existing one
[17:02] <BLACKthroat> MCC?
[17:05] <sabhain> mythbuntu-control-centre
[17:05] * sabhain hasn't had much luck with that approach .. but others have
[17:05] <BLACKthroat> i'm not using mythbuntu
[17:07] <BLACKthroat> eh, nevermind
[17:07] <sabhain> if you've installed mythtv on ubuntu .. you probably have the applet in System / Administration or Settings
[17:07] <BLACKthroat> yeah i just found it in the spm
[17:08] <jphillip> it works well for MCE remotes
[17:10] <BLACKthroat> i bought the hauppauge dual tunder
[17:11] <BLACKthroat> tuner
[17:11] <BLACKthroat> and it comes with mce remote
[17:11] <BLACKthroat> just select the mce option?
[17:11] <BLACKthroat> or Hauppauge TV card?
[17:16] <ron> how do i turn off power managment
[17:29] <puma1> I can't seem to get ndiswrapper to start on boot, so I must manually modprobe it everytime the computer is restarted
[17:30] <puma1> I have read the how-to and searched the various forums, but i'm out of ideas
[17:30] <puma1> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper#head-6a606ccd9c2c4db72ac726891bd5d7cbaf8097de
[17:31] <puma1> I'm using nm-applet only, but if I add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules, then x will not start correctly and will hang
[17:32] <puma1> and if I try and use an alias and use network admin, it just doesn't work, and i need to modprobe manually
[17:32] <puma1> does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
[17:56] <BLACKthroat> i'm still having trouble with my remote
[18:00] <BLACKthroat> anyone help?
[18:01] <sardiskan> have you run the command line tool that shows if your computer receives the information
[18:02] <sardiskan> ircw
[18:02] <sardiskan> or something like that
[18:02] <BLACKthroat> connect: Connection refused
[18:02] <BLACKthroat> it worked before I installed MCC
[18:02] <BLACKthroat> irw
[18:04] <sardiskan> the device should work at the OS level regardless as long as lirc is running
[18:06] <tgm4883_laptop> what remote?
[18:06] <BLACKthroat> mce
[18:06] <BLACKthroat> version2 i believe
[18:07] <tgm4883_laptop> is the remote type selected in MCC?
[18:09] <BLACKthroat> yes
[18:10] <BLACKthroat> do i need to click on 'Generate dynamic button mappings'?
[18:11] <tgm4883_laptop> I have to run. Try restarting lirc and then irw again. If that doesn't work, make sure you have a V2 remote at http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MCE_Remote
[18:21] <sardiskan> I have that checked BLACKthroat...
[18:24] <balachmar> Hi, me again. I am still investigating why mythwelcome won't shutdown the computer. Well one thing I am checking now is what is returned by mythshutdown --check
[18:25] <balachmar> and it is actually nothing! shouldn't this be either 0 or 1?
[18:26] <balachmar> also at my screen in mythwelcome -s (the setup) I have a wakeup time format field, which is not depicted on the mythtv wiki, what value should I put there when using nvram-wakeup?
[18:27] <balachmar> by the way, mythshutdown -c (is what I typed in the terminal and returned nothing)
[18:42] <ron> any one here setup a x10 mouse remote
[18:52] <balachmar> kinda quiet in here...
[18:52] * laga hands free cookies.
[19:00] <balachmar> did you know that no one wants to help you with problems in #mythtv-users if you say you use mythbuntu?
[19:00] <laga> no
[19:00] <laga> i don't go there anymore that often.
[19:00] <laga> they probably don't want to help you there because there is a mythbuntu channel :)
[19:01] <laga> and i'm sure many people dont care what distro you use
[19:01] <balachmar> they say: for the same reason you can't go to #debian and ask about ubuntu
[19:01] <balachmar> but hey they are helping me now anyway...
[19:10] <balachmar> @laga, would you have any idea why I still need to use a password for sudo /usr/sbin/grub-set-default 3 when this is a line in my sudoers:
[19:10] <balachmar> willem ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/mythshutdown, /usr/sbin/nvram-wakeup, /sbin/reboot, /sbin/poweroff, /usr/sbin/grub-set-default
[19:12] <laga> does it work for mythshutdown?
[19:13] <balachmar> what should I type?
[19:13] <laga> or for reboot?
[19:14] <balachmar> also needs the password still
[19:14] <laga> then it's not correct ;)
[19:15] <laga> i dunno, it's been a while since i modified sudoers
[19:15] <laga> and i can't look at it right now
[19:23] <balachmar> well I think I have found it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/131399
=== ddgoosey is now known as ddgoose
[21:38] <balachmar_> Hi, mythwelcome still doesn't work. Although the user has root privileges without password
[22:21] <auradog> I can't get storage directories to work. When I exit the mythbackend it tells me that it can't find the directories I created. Also, I don't get what it means when trying to create a storage directory it says to; 'enter a directory name or enter "S 'one''elle'or 'pipe'" What is that symbol and what is it trying to tell me.
[22:21] <auradog> I created the directories via 'mkdir dirname' so I know they are there.
[22:21] <auradog> Basically, I don't get it.
[22:21] <auradog> System: Dell 4600 with a nVidia Geforce 5200
[22:21] <auradog> and an ATI TV Wonder VE.
[22:21] <auradog> Any help is greatly appreciated.